Season 06

greetings traveler you just crashed Lantern on the Mike Me podcast but fear not this is no mistake no fall in Stars

no glitch in The Matrix no play this has all been planned predetermined by Powers known not to us

but fear not for you among friends I said fear not twice so pull up a chair and join us as we find our way

together Matthew if any if you’re going to AC repeat yourself tell telling people not to be afraid is would be the

thing to do so if if it’s not to be was unintentional yeah no fear is like one

of the most control it is probably the most controlling psychological tool I start most of my conversations

telling people not to be scared don’t don’t be these conversations happen at Jee

well no the thing is you know that’s going to have the reverse psychological effect the moment he says look guys I

don’t want to freak you out okay everybody Ally queuing their brains to be in freak out mode oh they’re about to

do something weird okay just stay calm probably why I’m not getting a lot of second

dates all right so hey how’s everybody doing we’re we’re now back in in house

so to say or back in our normal spot versus last episode whenever you know I went to

Austin we talked about that yeah was nice came back did all that and uh now

now we’re back to our normal to our nor normal thing um and before before I get

where the [ __ ] this pug the Pug I think is sitting on yeah she is well that’s

pug over here is cuddled up on me but I was going to say we’re looking at a cool night in De Moine Iowa tonight it’s 62

degrees um yeah and tomorrow we’re looking at some there’s going to be some

prip about a 55 55% chance of pre-ip tomorrow uh with a low of 50 5 in the

evening so that’s kind of interesting 55% chance of pre-ip in De Mo Iowa

what’s the percentage of someone from De Moine Iowa watching this well a lot

higher now because I just gave them the weather update so when they search what the weather is they’re going to find us

Jolly Good Fellows in this sweet little pug with what’s around the Pug what’s dude look at the Pug’s

face it’s like dude dude I like we need to just be quiet and see

what she has to say for real zoom in please yeah singing dude she’s the perfect

she’s proving why she’s the perfect pug like a pug she’s showing like how

freaking hot it gets in here so quickly oh no so this is this is this is great we’re back and yeah so in De Mo Iowa so

take an umbrella if you’re out and about tomorrow in De Mo um but otherwise here in Dallas it’s a nice cool night night

and it doesn’t matter what’s going on outside because we’re inside hanging out that’s true that’s true my brother so so

yeah it’s uh it’s been it’s been another just interesting week nothing too too

fascinating to get into I can think of I know that you

guys yeah these fellows next to me I went to a show what they good good friend a yeah so explain give us little

into that what the music what the band was and all that it it was whiskey Meyers um they they banged on things and

strummed instruments and it was nice they that’s they were more less like a

hopefully that wasn’t the only banging right afterwards you know your ladies all liquored up so no if they’re

compared to if they’re compared to anybody you could like kind of put them it’s like they’re southern rock country

style but it’s almost southern rock they have some great songs though they did a

great I mean did they do a cover of Sweet Home Alabama they did not but I will say the one thing I need to I’m

going to get straight to business let’s get down to Brass tax okay guys this this this whole event took place at

doeki Pavilion and need to get mortgage you had to take out a mortgage to buy beers yeah so we need to we need to get

down because the devil is in the details as Bernie Sanders says and so who’s

Bernie Sanders he’s a skateboarder oh yeah I paid his game

going so he uh we go we go to this place and for three drinks uh it was

$70 for a white claw and two dois 24 no

it wasn’t yes it was $70 $70 how big were they a tall boy two tall boys dude

I can’t how did you what were the price for cuz I’m yard the Frozen Mar yards a

tall boy normally how tall was the boy about as tall as me Bab they were like

they sounds like it must have had to ban brother no one of these right here Bubba one of these tall boys from much $3 that

normally is what it costs you yeah it’s ab and at the concert they were charging like

$18 almost $20 it’s like 18 bucks for a beer and they they’re literally just

letting the demand like we’re going to do this until people stop buying them so hopefully I mean the line you still saw

people hopefully the hopefully the returns I went nobody

linecker line no yeah it yeah so that experiment is they’re going to have a

quarter and be like okay the whole price gouging thing we might want to rethink how we do that because yeah the last I

mean last night was the first time I’ve been to a concert in probably 10 [ __ ] years and I think the last room we went

to was the Ted nent one and it was the same [ __ ] [ __ ] that was out there at

Verizon cuz like we got in the door and I like went to go use the restroom and I was like Mikey grabbing a tall boy 22

came out yeah and he’s like here he was like it was 22 bucks I’m like what the F

for two beer yeah at that point so it doubled Mikey it was $ clear that no I

went and found the beer man at that point we were paying 11 bucks of beer whenever that concert was and then now

it went up and now it’s like 18 so hopefully y’all didn’t nobody was reckless in this a and like this one to

blow no nobody Aaron made a joke as soon as we all turned around after we got gouged

that first time and Aaron was like we’re all talking about the price and Aaron goes wow man what a

steal such a deal man it’s just crazy he was like what a

steel man am I right not oh that’s so funny oh yeah so it was not a steal but the concert was a great time I I I like

the venue I think the venue is cool getting in and out of there isn’t really bad as long as you’re not going to hop

that’s a video I’ve been going show that’s through my life the first Chili Pepper show that my sister when I was in

high school like seriously i’ probably been there most of the seminal Contra experiences with that venue and it’s

cool you it’s a cool spot right up on the lawn has been what you’re been where you sit normally yeah no there’s always

been lawn there’s a couple times but generally yeah it’s just you get in the lawn it’s kind of the amphitheater setup

what you hearing fireworks or there a been people shoot off what are you listening for okay yeah I guess it is

fireworks well it’s close F fireworks yeah those are

fireworks I live in an area where uh they’ll celebrate things they’re doing that last night they just there’s things

happen we’re just making sure that the Pug started we weren’t about to all it’s

okay baby okay like be anyway back

right yeah so I was going to say other things that have happened between then and now and all La last episode

now the Dodgers have won the World Series so that happened that happened

and normally not so excited not excited but there was one exciting fact about

this a couple things the Yankees losing in such incredible f is that a sweep no

it wasn’t a sweep they did lose in five games Spirit miky goodness they they yeah it

was it was not a good performance by the Yankees the top of the fifth inning that to that inning is going to haunt that

organization and those PE those players unfortunately for a long time good as it should um and yeah Freddy Freeman became

the MVP of the World Series which and the MVP of my heart the MVP of

Jeff Jeff I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a tattoo of them or something

on ing them and that’s a serious thing I’m not even joking I’m saying that in seriousness would it be safe to say that

it was a total eclipse of the heart of the heart yeah heart if he was still a brave there definitely would be tattoo

consideration but I can’t get a tattoo of a doctor no he’s a doctor yeah still

my uh FF F this for fatti Freeman it’s like it’s like getting it’s like getting a divorce with the love of your life you

know what I mean yeah it’s like yeah I’m not going to go down hole what’s the

rabbit the rabbit hole isn’t worth going down okay all right all right yeah

whatever would conversation would spark from that comment yeah who knows Crazy

Ones insane ones so that was cool you had a good time hanging out yep conc I

uh yeah I’m pretty sure the music was it was good I would enjoy it if I

with people I would never pay to go see like there’s a few bands i’ go pay to see I mean what

one of the few that I would to go see

obviously what were you gonna ask no go on about yeah I I don’t know yeah I

agree it’s like going to concerts it’s like not a concert guy well here’s neither yeah neither am I but here yeah

and here’s my thing is that it’s like I’m a concert guy in this aspect like if

either a the person has like for instance Charlie Robinson I’ll start there Charlie

good he’s R he’s been he was around for a long time by the time I saw him like I

you know he was around from the 90s he was playing music and I saw him in like now though no let’s hear Mr Dylan no I’m

sorry I thought here Mr Dylan so I went to one

of his concerts like he would already you know hit his Peak notoriety and all

that and he was still doing shows and touring around and I saw him at like this bar in Fort Worth pretty much had

to drive through a tornado warning like we’re on the outside of one to get to this and it started pissing rain while

we’re at the show but he put on a great show we paid 20 bucks to get in it was in the back of this bar like I mean it

was a great show was very small I love it was awesome the next time I got to see him was again super small show felt

you know it was like 20 bucks I saw him at the Granada I saw him for free saw him for

free the bomb Factory or something Matthew won the tickets to go

see Social Distortion at the liid hey I love that band oh dude seen them more

than anybody my point is is what I’ve learned is that like I I would I don’t want to go see bands or it’s like I

think it’s kind of crappy to go see I think it’s kind of crappy to go see

um uh bands that have blown up and everything or whatever it’s it kind of

like sucks going to see him because like even last night last night was awesome but at one point they you know it’s like

they didn’t they did there was no Encore it was just like they played a song and then poof gone and it was like oh [ __ ] I

thought they were I I I mean no but no I let you finish your thought because the reason I do is not a good reason yeah I

mean it’s like I do and I don’t because it’s like I don’t enjoy it because it just makes you feel like they just came

in here punched the clock did what they we fulfilled their obligation of the time slot I disagree that there’s

another way to look at that in my mind okay well we that’s cool we can talk yeah I I’m just I think someone who’s so

good at that what they do they make it feel like they’re just punching in like they’re they in since they are just

going to work and if they perfected it to that point where they just like walk in put on a hell of a show like 99% of

they like you know they’re just giving it their all and it’s succeeding and everyone loves it everyone goes home happy like that’s what they’re selling

in the when you go to a show anyway you know what I mean so like the person I would think of like when I like I’m not

a big concert guy but I saw Jack White live in New Orleans and it kind of felt like that where he was just like you

know he he was just doing his normal thing that he has done everywhere all over but it just felt you know like

awesome at the same time like I love Jack White was a great experience respect him like was a music position

and guitarist I really have deep admiration for him you have people like the people you’re talking about are like

Bob Dylan who when you go to see them they’re not going to play this [ __ ] like they’re not gonna play for you I know

I’m just saying I’m just saying they’re not it’s a good example though they’re not gonna play for the crowd like you’re buying a ticket for the names to say you

went to that concert but like he doesn’t give a [ __ ] he’s just going to play what he wants to play well and isn’t Jack White doing like didn’t he just release

a new album or something and hasn’t he been doing like stuff albums like yeah was he earlier

this year he had one out he has had a lot of albums out heard stff about where they were talking about like where he’s

basically like like touring but he’s not like it’s it’s like popups where he’s

just going somewhere and [ __ ] like playing sounds sounds on brand but yeah I’m not

not like tickets he’s going to you know where it’s likees or something up there you know

true guitar thing Andes or some [ __ ] where it was like he’s just popping up and doing shows I have to look that up

because pretty cool like that I feel like I heard that on the radio like a week or two he was amazing though like

that show was amazing he like Voodoo Fest is a two night festival yeah yeah I know about Voodoo Fest so what happened

was Green Day was supposed to um be the second night and like no one was that

like thrilled about it no green day was the first night and Metallica was the second night

hey a big so Billy Joe from Green Day went to rehab what year is this just so

we have an idea like oh I don’t remember man this was I can tell you which girlfriend it was um that’s fine Green

Day is probably it’s probably American Idiot so yeah it was definitely after that um but uh he went to rehab they sub

they subbed in Jack White who was just around the area at the time who could like do it and then they moved Metallica

up to the first night and then and uh [ __ ] Jack White to end the whole like

festival and he like brought the house down it was amazing but also like cooh and Cambry was there and also like uh

cool like NS was there in like the middle of the day and like not a lot of people were like there to see NS but it

was like really [ __ ] cool yeah um and like all the [ __ ] uh dub step was very popular at the time so like all

those guys were there like Flex Pavilion and that’s like y like AC like I’ve been to ACL it’s like a 3D thing it’s it’s

like as big as but louisi and then you have like all the Louisiana music and all the New Orleans

music and all those bands going on at the same time but the smaller like venues and stuff it’s really cool that’s really cool that’s probably the best

concert I’ve ever been to talking about concert and Stu that’s what I always think about is Jack White bringing the

house down I saw Ted n at the horse races and he and he lit an arrow on fire

and shot a guitar I was I had eaten I had eaten a cookie I ate a cookie um

that was laed with thingsin and it was amazing by the time by the time he was playing strangle hole

dude we see had mean Str I mean dude oh there was this guy

that walked up next to us it was a real I mean he he looked like he’s been following with Ted nja since the early days a lifer but

yeah yeah and so it’s like and but also too like a rough lifer rough I feel like

most Ted n fans probably look this guy was and also like he smelled but he came up

next to me he like truckers they look like truckers who have survived he yeah he he faking had he had something and he

was smoking it and he like and it just didn’t I could hear that [ __ ] like crackling and like I could smell like

crack mixed with dude was like and he looks at me and he was like he looks at

me and he’s like noding his head and he’s like yeah man and I’m like yeah dude I’m like nod my head at him and

then he’s like holds this thing out to me I’m like and I just like I’m good dud that smoke doesn’t

crackle like that I look at I look at my buddy and I lean over to him and I was

like hey man I was like don’t smoke whatever this guy got dude and he was like did you and I was like no I’m just

saying if he offers you I I think I’d pass on whatever he got that’s smart

advice that is smart in any social situation even if there’s smoke it’s like

yeah there’s been yeah there’s been times where it’s like so for instance the one time I have shared is or with

other I’ve shared in certain situations but it’s been like in Colorado whenever

we went for the first year that weed was legalized and out back they had a tent where you could smoke and these people

were like sharing like well that was you read the environment

that you went in so you kind of yeah yeah you’re intelligent but otherwise yeah I’m not like you got read yeah yeah

just read just be smart read the room read the environment and you know listen for the sound it might be making when

there’s some yeah exactly and look at it if it looks like a sparkler I don’t think I hit it you know it’s probably

you probably going to be running like Smokey through the hood that’s great um so either way I guess we could get into

some topics I kind of I think Jeff uh no no Jeff has something I believe

right maybe well Jeff’s in a spaceship yeah you do Jeff are you in a good spot right now are you fueled up I can land

it I can no well don’t land no you don’t have to land it okay I’m just making sure you’re fueled up and you got it on

autopilot yeah once you’re like you’re you’re taking charge of this next uh what’s your oxygen meter at right now

you good on your O2 we’re at 92 man we’re good we’re not going to have to we’re not going to have to get

travel you’re talking to at the beginning of the pure octane all right so take we need we can hit Elon up I

hear he’s saving astronauts now take take us away astronaut saving he couldn’t save

what how would you guys like me to set this up well yeah just just yeah you’re in charge just tell us what uh just

there you go casually well uh I guess the easiest way

but I I always like having debates on like you know favorite this and I’m always making lists of like top five

This and like you know we talk about movies and shows and stuff like that a lot I just kind of like to have the

argument of like out of the stuff you saw versus the stuff I saw what did you like the most and who who’s the best set

of stuff I don’t know yeah no I’m um so the idea came to me of like who’s the

best TV dad like of all time and I thought maybe we could just grab like a

couple of them and just like you know put them like up against each other and just you know see

uh See who we could come up with as like and then brand like the Mikey and Me podcast official like TV dad and then go

on with other categories and stuff like that just it’s an idea we can this this

is why I put this guy on the payroll yeah I’m just guess how to make this dark mode but yeah keep going so I found

a I made my own list I have a couple personal ones off of shows um okay

and then I put a couple ones together that I just thought would be funny and interesting to put up against see how

far they go I love I love that you did put him in there Jeff the one the two I said Tim Taylor when you asked me

earlier I said Tim Taylor and Fred Sanford and I

lovef puts Fred Sanford’s gonna beat everybody you big dummy yeah

lont plus he’s made like his career we talking [ __ ] to the Church’s Chicken be

bright I don’t think it but it should be dark but that that would be a a bright

light no who illuminates us all right so you can

see what I’m sharing there right Jeff this is kind of yes uh it put these so

we put it we put it to the randomizer yeah so we didn’t pick the mixup or the matches right right but everyone is here

that we wanted correct yeah

and then there they went okay there they are yeah so it’s a matter so

conversationally we talking through each one and then picking winner right

so I say Fred Sanford that’s my vote he’s gonna no it’s not how we’re doing

itff so Jeff yeah you tell us how to do it can I nominate Ray shith no I I domate Ray

shith who’s Ray shith you [ __ ] Mr he’s already I think we

used him in one before yeah that was in the yeah cuz yeah we’ve used him him and hansy went to

war yeah I just making sure that the people who might be watching can see

what we’re talking about yeah absolutely yeah so the idea would be that contestant one versus contestant two

would lead to a matchup between line two contestant one contestant two

so we just Walter White so we just talk down each of these and pick a winner yeah and and the idea is we’re not

basing this off of like who could beat someone up or who could you know be a better be a better dad to a child it’s

who’s your favorite TV dad and as soon as I’m about to start this we forgot one

damn I just replace one of these tell me you to R sh Dan or Mike Brady F Mike Brady I just

what’s what’s the What’s um we we put Walter White but he the best dad he would played a much better dad in Mal in

the middle yeah oh yeah uh is it Hal maybe Hal yes there it is I think it’s

[ __ ] though that if you’re going to have it like who’s the best dad and it’s not

my dad maybe from yeah that one was just kind of a token Canon might one might

say yeah he was just a swinger all right whoa what about John

Ritter oh yeah Brandon Jones that be on no we’re good keep going all right who is this is this we’re working with um so

so just I mean there’s four of us so this could get a little tricky but I just say we start off at you know line

two and just all right fuing match them up see what

happens so so do we Walter White Walter White versus Archie ER yeah so that prob

smart like you you can give your pick Walter White yeah Walt I mean Walter White I think that’s Walter White I just

because you know Breaking Bad you know Archie Bunker was was was holding

it down though no as far as like impact on television character yeah it was like

he was separate he was the Old Guard he was not going away without a fight he’s

in this fight for a reason guys that so that you know he he make Walter White

yeah all right o yeah next one Stark n Stark versus Tony Soprano man I don’t

even know who Ned Stark I’m picking Ned that’s that’s Game of Thrones oh Tony

Soprano all day again but remember all day yeah how you yeah two HBO D just

shows of like the century uh I mean just because Ned Stark only made it through

one season you’d have to go with Tony and my wife oh so so so okay forget

can’t be dad you’re not around all right all right I mean they’re the same style

of person so like it would be mat feels like you were influenced by us oh no I

no yeah you talked about the D of seasons like that you know comparing I would say overall over all the

overall I I like Game of Thrones more than I like Sopranos o hot no yeah I

mean yeah well won’t spin so Dan Conor and Peter Griffin the next two Tony’s

more more iconic that’s what I’m getting at yes ‘s Dan who’s Dan Conor that’s who I

was wondering um that’s uh Roseanne that’s um John Goodman yeah John Goodman

is good so yeah Dan Conor classic and the next one Homer Simpson we got to say

out loud for anyone who’s listening okay Chris Rock is Terry Cruz on Everybody

Hates Chris I don’t know if you guys have ever seen that show but he’s like he’s a classic like TV

dad um but I mean Homer wins I would I would I would put Bernie Mack ahead of

well he wasn’t the dad I thought that didn’t make he was an uncle he was the

uncle same it wasn’t D take care of these

crackhead so we best lead in The Comedy though sitc oh

know yeah I would go I would go Homer in this one y this is setting up for nice round two

as well all right oh yeah just why why why I don’t even know damn

Jeff Goomer Adams from Adam know who the [ __ ] is Goomer Adams the second one I

have no idea who they are Gomez brother

Gomez if you see the picture of him it’s like he’s icon pull up what Phil dun what he looks like you guys have seen

this guy say down let’s see for for now I I hate who you put up Fred Sanford

against that’s tough it was randomized oh yeah no we it was randomized

okay a Modern Family Modern Family yeah yeah but look at this look at who it is

actually like it say what’s his name from Married with Children isn’t it

no you can’t bring up images you have to ask AI everything no just honestly it was like

said right it was right there so well said Jeff well said Jeff no it’s literally like said right there so I

want to know more about like AI show me this image could just go to describe his

face I know I just Lally have to disable an extension because if I just do it it’s going toil D’s face to me as as I’m

a blind man he’s never seen before in the form in the form of a 16th century

novelist I’m not going to sit here while yall just talk about my damn co-host like this in the in the form of a

question from Jeopardy I I just turned it off and I

just don’t know what disable the extend I every day we get further from God

and it makes me Phil duny Bo oh yeah him

he was the [ __ ] from telling you the

dead he plays that he plays that character well but he plays the the the wholesome TV dad honestly he’s my vote

he’s my vote so so I say Gomez so you’re just we

there stalemate cuz there’s four of us so I don’t know he is he it’s like yeah

coin flip is a decider if we get to a stalite so if you if you side with him then okay we know I don’t but if you

don’t know here’s your coin heads wait we haven’t even established Who’s Who heads is

contestant one tails is contestant two always another one because I’m not digging that [ __ ] so heads is Gomez

tails is the other guy and it looks

like Tails Tails tails the other guy Dy let’s go yeah that’s our

sweet no man that’s this isn’t even close in my

mind oh dude it kind of is though I know what you’re gonna I know you’re gonna say Fred

Sanford yeah Fred Fred to me but Uncle Phil dude no I know that’s

why I say it’s hard do oh no he’s not we should each an uncle each get a chance

to say cast their vote you know what I mean out of the four children on the show he’s the father of three of them

he’s not the dad to Hillary and Carlton count is characters Carlton counts okay

so no y’all can talk but then I’m gonna do a tally so I’ll be like okay so cast your vote I I want him to acknowledge that

Carlton Banks is one of the greatest characters out of Television just I don’t know before he saids Uncle Phil

doesn’t matter as being Carlton’s D and Hillary I just feel like sford would

call Uncle Phil a big dummy and Uncle Phil wouldn’t do a damn thing about it I’m gonna give it to Fred sford but I’m

just saying show showle Empire of junk be yours yeah it’s

Fred sford all right who’s your vote Mikey he’s got legs too this could be the one I think it’s unanimous he was

like the original x-ray look the next one down this is the this is a matchup

oh it is oh but I know my I mean yeah y can

talk to it I know my vote would be but yeah my v it really depends on the person the what the grew up tayl Alba

exactly exactly Tay got to be for me was Tim Taylor Tim Taylor got be got be

number one yeah Married with Children I knew it existed but it wasn’t something I was

really allowed to it was a late night TV show for me right so it’s like I need to

go back and watch it and appreciate it Tim Taylor Tim Taylor yeah no like

that’s that’s that’s the number one seed right there like I agree and even I

think even if I did Bundy Tim Taylor just his character

he did well for a reason like he’s iconic like he really is to

man he lit was able to make noises heidy ho there neighbor heidy ho yep all

right so what we got next Stan Smith uh I gotta go with how

on this one yeah I don’t know Stan Smith ISP head American Dad okay he’s funny

but yeah no I’m how he’s not a real PR the animator a father from the mdle

white yeah yeah yeah Brian’s Cranston gu i’ have to go hell for yeah but he’s a

Great Character I watched malcol in the middle so that’s whenever Breaking Bad came out I was like oh the dad happened

to excuse you all right where we at Bob belt is

that Bob’s Burgers hold on we’re missing okay never mind you’re good all

right so yeah you take over Jeff went to school in Louisiana Bel is

Bobbers what’s the match up though just St State the match up Howard Cunningham is the uh the dad from Happy Days okay

so it’s Bob from Bob’s Burgers versus the dad from Happy Days Howard who’s just once again classic wholesome TV dad

like as far as the classics on here happy days so yeah my Bob’s my vote to

go to Bob’s Burgers Bob yeah I guess we got to go recency bias on this one no

just heart bias literally I know I it’s like I honestly don’t really remember I

honestly don’t really remember the dad from happy days I remember the [ __ ]

fawns yeah I guess Bob B let’s make all go Bob too yeah I

mean I Howard Howard was just a classic one that I that I liked no he is a classic and he was really if you

actually watched the show a wise Father Figure actually was there and provided a lot of insight and throughout different

episodes you know to uh the great uh he knows name the director now

but Ron Howard but yeah it he I mean yeah so he’s it’s good that he was on

here but we must move on so who’s next two are tough o yeah so Jeff who do we

got here we got red red okay I can red fored foran

Michael Bluth yeah Arrested Development yep that seven show and a

rest of development Matt pause pause real quick take out George Bluth and put in [ __ ] Allan Matthews because we I

picked Bluth though so he need Michael no go go down go down the dad was George

Sor honestly so who do you want to put instead Alan Matthews was supposed to be in this list can I replay because I want

George senior personally like we need to negotiate terms put put in the on the last two

okay uh where Michael Kyle is because that’s just d My Wife and Kids this one’s going to be

perfect Alan Matthews I have a tidbit about this okay so we’ll get down there so current match

up is Red Foreman from that Dad Michael Bluth who is Jason baitman from his

character from Arrested Development uh I go red form it

all BL yeah it’s like yeah I know likey I love Michael Bluth but you know it’s

it’s got to be red he definitely put up with more for his son like where did you

where did you learn your parenting skills red Korea Korea next next match

up Cliff Huxtable versus Carl Winslow Cliff hustable Carl Winslow is actually

asleep for this vote so so this character’s hustable that was Cosby that was Bill

Cosby okay so Carl Winslow the dad from matters

all the all the [ __ ] cuz like people comp did he was [ __ ] Carl

W I’m going Carl all day yeah Carl I’ve got Yeah Carl all day

116 let’s move on so Frank Lambert from um step by step that’s that’s Patrick

step versus Andy who’s Andy Taylor from I don’t know either of these people

is Andy Griffin show Andy Griffin show oh he’s actually playing Andy Taylor and

Frank Lambert is Patrick Duffy from love step by

step he was from Dallas Patrick Duffy really yeah I didn’t know that he be was

a known thing because he was a huge part of the Dallas so Opa yeah and that’s the

reason even existed on that show which hilarious yeah it’s crazy but P Duffy

the [ __ ] do you vote against Andy Griffith Andy toay that’s my vote yeah

me too I mean that’s like it’s a good I’m gonna go Frank just because 0 so

what do your vote because it’s deciding and if you [ __ ] handy bro we’re also

[Music] missing okay keep going yeah I know keep going it’s yeah we don’t need to overthink it Sandy Cohen versus Frank

Casta Sandy conen from the OC Peter Gallagher the eyebrows okay

I mean yeah I’m Frank people like that show I

love californ frank cza yeah we don’t need to waste time everyone pick cza bro

all day all right best of us for the rest of us yes no I love him and he’s

also a great dad and freaking King of the hell could have been both characters Bob sagot yeah no

[ __ ] sagot versus Bluth yeah I’m I’m George I’m senior there was aund there

was $200,000 lining the walls of that m in the banana stand Jeff Patrice what

was it they called Firebug he’s a all right so he’s Danny Turner it’s is good

Bob sagot Rip but is everyone BL it’s got to be blue George all right yeah

even though you know it wasn’t it wasn’t fair for Danny Turner go an IC Al so

this is your fight here but Bud Jud je Allan Matthews who you told me to put

him there versus Floyd Henderson who sounds like an actual fighter but I’m not yeah the I don’t know who either of

these people are well Alan Matthews is here so who is he that’s Alan Matthews is the dad from boy meet’s World who’s

honestly one of just the best actual dads I too but I don’t remember the dad

from that show I remember him I just so yeah it’s got to be Ellen who Floy boy

Henderson is the dad from smart guy which is like the black version of boy M

so it’s funny they got matched up that’s unfortunate mention honorable mention

though that um uh [ __ ] Dr Siver from Growing Pains Alan thck rip we should

have put him against the other dead guy in that one but yeah that’s good I like where we’re going let’s I me we could

buddy we could uh you know have this the

do the tournament now or have this be the next time or we just work through it now because have to randomize the matchups I say we I like this I think

Ray shith still wi all right so yeah just uh rayth would beat them all you

want to table it I’m not even saying that or let’s just take a quick break yeah so

yeah we’ll be right back Mikey’s G and we’re back after that

break all the boys went to pee together we all we all went and took a bee together communal P everybody sat down

yep we all hung out that’s not true Jeff okay yeah je the only

one we were just why stand when you can sit Church Churchill said that right I

stand when you Kirby enthusiasm ref there you go and that’s all right okay

so Mr Jeff who do we got here we randomize the best dictator this m the

match ups from what was up so first two we got Walter favor started with an H

right we got Walter White versus Carl

Winslow Carl Winslow is a prototypical 90s TV dad he is who you want here

Walter White was just kind of a to be honest he was a shitty dad and he lost his family at the end he was a

terrible dad but now everyone’s vote you can forever reason so his we know his vote that’s mine there it is that’s how

I’m doing it for you my vote since I’m closest to Jeff because the TV is right

here I feel like he’s here I’m here then Chris and then Matthew there not like spiritual or his friends or anything

Walter White not I say Walter White he G he he did everything so that

his family wouldn’t have to bear that burden did he though did he do that

though well initially did he do that though initially did he so we got one

one so far right I don’t know got to

be [ __ ] don’t overthink it you have to overthink it I know Jeff don’t like you

did this to me God Mikey well he’s overthinking that who’s your Mike already said I said Walter White okay so

that’s Walter White [ __ ] it I’ll go Walter I’m going Carl yeah imagine that the Smith

two I’m with you buddy Carl so this is where coin TOS let me flip this coin y

I’ll show you how to flip a dam coin all right so which is

which lights heads is we’ll do heads is heads is Carl he say Friday night Friday

Night Lights in the T Texas don’t touch that corn Carl [ __ ] with their coin tosses come

down to coin toss [ __ ] you Jeff in their coin

[ __ ] that a duel right Carl wi [ __ ] it was H [ __ ] stupid all right it

again didn’t we say y keep flipping nope no no we don’t have time for two out

Texas coin killed people for his family next match up we’re moving on work

through here guys all right so next match up is Fred Sanford versus Phil duny Fred sford 100% for not even

easy next match up Red Foreman versus George

senior red foran good yeah we’re going red basically that 70 show Dad versus

George senior from rest development the Elder I think M Michael Bluth got

knocked out a little too early it happened it’s over but Michael Bluth is a funny thing is I had to put another

person in here in that that card happens is we we’ll see I’m going my vote is

George Senor I say red I made all right so Po

in the attics who’s your vote Jeff red okay so who’s your

vote sayge all right you [ __ ] [ __ ] so flip Texas coin flip he just wanted

the coin flip what you’re exactly right Jeff he’s just here for the coin flip

guys that’s life though dude life is literally this random that was a [ __ ] flip no he just flipped it four

times after the flip head hell yes

George he’s so [ __ ] red foran dude way left work bro caged wisdom

it’s caged wisdom he cut the tip off shoe

life is this is life guys through defense this is life people getting CarX

terrible things happens that we can’t accept but this happened and we must move on next is Bob beler from Bob’s

Burgers versus Tony Soprano Tony Soprano Tony Tony so that’s already enough to get it

did did did you happen to have a different vote Jeff Jeff a coin flip he’s going for we’ve already got three

so like I’m going for B yeah no it’s no he need someone else on his side so

that’s Tony all right next match up o Frank

castanza versus Tim Taylor Tim Taylor gota be Tim Tim I love

frank but yeah got be next match that Peter Griffin versus

Hal Mike the father from the middle yeah we couldn’t have looked up his last name

it’s fine how how in the middle what’s m it’s Hal yeah I’m I’m going Peter Hal in

the middle yeah it’s got to be Peter so you’re Peter what you m 100% all right

so de just your voice it was it would have been H okay

what’s again your voice matters but yeah didn’t yeah mat you snuck back okay this

is where I had to pick someone random I’ll course I picked Michael

Bluth so we got Allan Matthews which is your guy they

massacred look how they massacred my boy so I’m put him back in versus Michael

Bluth who is just you know Jason baitman yeah who was Alan

Matthews again yeah who’s this guy about Dev vote against Boy Meets World no Boy Meets World dead oh yeah the dad that I

don’t remember from that show I’m going to go with Allan this is tough but I am

what no you’re not shut the [ __ ] up I’m with Michael Bluth on this one

you’re going with Michael Bluth I’m going with Michael Bluth on this one okay Mikey this another Texas coin

I’m going on I’m going Alan baby the co

I’m going on and we’re going heads this how you buy the Cowboys a picture of his

face Alan Matthews heads for Allan Matthews Tails baby we what is it GP

Alan Alan Matthew Alan Matthew Chad gbt to describe his face that’s three coin

flips in a row that have been everyone has been my guy oh my God and the thing

is I would have I literally picked Allan because eat rubber liver L yeah I won’t get into

details I would pick Michael Bluth but there’s yeah the okay the next matchup

Andy Taylor which is the great what’s his

name yeah that’s a great mat lock uh you know people know his but Andy Griffith

Andy Griffith Andy yeah lit Andy Griffith versus Homer Simpson o that’s

tough like Andy Griffin is like the the father of like

moral know he’s like the Jord tvad who isn’t immoral but he’s

just like barely he shouldn’t be a dad but he’s doing his best and he’s an average man just he’s iconic dude uh

hang man this is tough I go if if I go I go Homer this is tough well yeah it’s I

don’t know Mikey we can’t be influenced

so I’ve picked M hang on hang on time

out well for what I want people to be influenced by hearing someone else’s so I’ve picked

mine vote and they’re think write it on this card and count of yeah on count of

three we going say it you ready

yeah one one two three Andy Taylor death stegosaurus got so that’s

how was a tough that was tough it was really tough Jeff voted for a Stegosaurus let the record show I mean

how many cartoon dads can we have really none

oh yeah Peta yeah peta’s going to be tough to be yeah that gets us on so our

final eight for next episode is going to be we don’t know the matchups who’s to be fighting who yet but it’s be Carl

wins though uh Fred Sanford George senior Tony Soprano Tim Taylor Peter

Griffin Allan Matthews I don’t know how I don’t know

how this dude has managed to sneak in to this for the next week you have to watch the

first season of Boy Mees world or you kid I’ve watched a ton of boy world I remember TOA I don’t remember I I

remember the dad and I your little boy boner I remember the

actor with yourself after watching Tanga on TGI Friday it’s not him but it looks

like yeah it’s like I don’t honestly I can’t even place I can’t even like

doesn’t matter doesn’t make not true if there was a guy like just cuz song don’t mean it’s not true don’t

make got any tips so next week we’ll have a bracket and we’ll have those guys

battle out but so we’re going have pictures next to their names so yeah it’ll be more refine description the