Home » M&Me S06
greetings traveler and welcome you’ve just crash landed on the Mikey and Me podcast but fear not for this is no
mistake no fault in the stars no glitch in The Matrix no I’m afraid this has all been
planned predetermined by Powers known not to us so pull up a chair and join us
as we find our way together for you are among friends hello Matthew welcome
hello Michael it’s great to have you where you are it happens not to be here
but that’s sometimes here isn’t where you’re meant to be at at all times you know you know you know but the I I think
what’s important is you know how you you make the best of those moments wherever you happen to wherever you happen to be
you know yeah but where you are looks pretty cool from from my angle so it’s uh you like it do you yeah I do it’s
pretty pretty inviting it looks like a natural extension of of where I’m at now yeah I want I’m
trying are you actually it’s like I can feel presence here feel presence I know
no it well it doesn’t hurt because I know you love I know you look stop ah
okay okay that’s that’s too much uh no but yeah no I wanted to you know I’m I’m channeling my inner fan of the Phantom
of the Opera with my candles and uh you know yeah man so but yeah yeah no uh
happy to be here thank you for having me I’m looking forward to this interview yeah been it’s been a pain in the butt
to get you guys but I had to talk to Joe again actually had to comment on a favor
I had to back Joe I know we talk we joke around but I’m I actually do need I need
that favor well Joe had a busy weekend you know Joe was uh he was he had the UFC fights last night um where he was he
was calling the Jon Jones fight but before you know what before we get to that J Jones fight what happened on
Friday night Matthew I’ll tell you what something happened in our own neighborhood cuz we happen to be in the
DFW metroplex that and I was after my wife I watched a movie that with her she
wented to watch was a whole another conversation because it she had no idea about the movie and it was quite shocking and interesting and graphic
but I knew this fight was going on I had the ards on on like my computer uh
nearby I was just just the sear spectacle of this this event which is it
was a 27-year-old by the name of Jake Paul and a 58y old by the name of Mike
Tyson and depending on who you are how old you are hopefully you know who both of those people are um but either way
there is a fight that it took from a a prior you know arguably one of the
greatest boxers and I’m I’m not a Mike you’ll be able to talk more about actual
you know from a perspective of understanding the sport and the mechanics and martial arts and all that
I’m more just a spectator to her I know about him I know how important he is in the history of boxing and I I also know
that he’s still 58 years old and and he’s in this this whole the fact that
this event even existed in hindsight is just it’s I don’t know what to think
it’s like it’s ABD I know it’s like shame on us but not really that’s just what we want it’s more it’s just I don’t
even know it’s just it’s fascinating just to think as a society that we get to a point where
that’s uh something that the market and consumers want to see I mean if it’s if
that’s actually existing I can’t not look who doesn’t have Netflix and I imagine we’ll never know the true
numbers but it has to I would think it might have to be one of the largest event that has the most concurrent
streamers like watching a live event globally at the same time I don’t if I’m sure Netflix will release
something because I’m to think I know Super Bowl’s a big thing but this was a
whole another thing and at the end of the day Mike I I’ll just say my quick thoughts on it if it I probably think
elements of it were quote unquote fixed not not that uh people weren’t hitting each other or they weren’t hurting each
other but yeah imagine it’s everyone best interest that it went the distance and at the end of the day even if it
didn’t I leaned to think a 27-year-old who’s regardless of how long he’s done it he’s I feel like he’s done boxing
long enough to if I can just stay alive for a couple rounds this old guy is is
conditioning it’s just not there’s no way he’s going to be able to keep up so either way I just know that for me I
boxing has been an afterthought since UFC came out I feel like mma’s really
taken away at least from my perspective any interest in boxing or having these
boxing Mega you know characters that there used to be like hollyfield and Tyson and George Foreman to where love
love or hate Jake Paul and I don’t I don’t really I’m indifferent towards him at this point I mean he’s an annoying
Punk to me but I feel like I have I have a yeah exactly he’s a polarizing he’s
healing he’s he’s playing the heel I don’t yeah not to interrupt you and I don’t know if up you know yeah he’s
playing the heel yeah and he is yeah he’s paying the heel and I and I just think regardless I’m next time he fights
hopefully he gets a legitimate opponent like actual somebody but either way I’m
I want to check it out so he’s got my attention and I like to have a big villain to hate in and I like that
boxing is getting attention even though it’s in an absurd way at the end of the day I feel like my takeway is this was
good for boxing it was insanity but at the end of the day that’s my take on it
but Mikey what do you thoughts and no yeah I mean you got you know legitimate
legitim uh you know reasons right there and good good good opinion and way to look at it
in a sense uh you know like you said obviously somebody wanted it people they
showed up they they promoted it people showed up to watch it there was a lot of hype around it like you said I mean from
from the beginning it you know hindsight being 2020 it’s like as soon as the fight starts like from Mike walking out
to the ring it was like oh man like you just realized the absurdity of the whole thing started to set in just because
like as soon as number one Jake Paul’s entrance was pretty ridiculous which you had no doubt it was gonna be of course
they had to talk about everything surrounding it they every like how much his haircut cost how much like product
he probably uses he probably uses $1,500 worth of product a day to just his hair
and his body I don’t know just it was absurd all the stuff they kept talking about saying like how how much every and
Jake Paul did this and he did and I’m like I don’t you know crazy marketing so
yeah well yeah so to keep to stay on track like so kind of um you know the thing about it is that like again right
when he walked out Tyson starts walking out and he kind of trips and he you know he kind of
stumbles walking out and it was like already like [ __ ] man as soon as he stumbled as soon as he stumbled because
I think at that point it’s like people realize the reality of what was about to happen the fact that again like said
exactly aside from him being as phenomenal as he is and and he was and he and to me there I mean last night I
I’ll start well before I go any further last night was absolutely nothing I
don’t that didn’t even happen in my opinion or the night of the F like or not yeah the night of the fight the
fight night didn’t even really happen to me in my opinion it was just like it’s nothing in Mike Tyson’s career it’s you
know it’s not a win or exhibition that’s the word yeah it’s an exhibition the
difference between that for the so some people might have tuned in thinking that that fight meant something but in the
world of box yeah well two yeah and again it’s like I don’t it is an MVP I think is is the production I think it’s
technically I’m not positive but I think that’s a Jake Paul we can look that up I think that’s his own production it’s
like there was a belt or title was literally just an exhibition no well and here’s the thing it’s not it wasn’t
under I don’t believe it was sanctioned through any of the because it wasn’t
sanctioned through like ibf IB IBA
WBC um WBA all those are boxing associations okay like there’s a whole
bunch NFL exists for football those are the similar thing the different yeah like I said you have World boxing
championship World Boxing Association internation international boxing Federation none of these were so
international boxing championship no none of that there was none of those it were yeah it was a again and yeah with
it being two-minute rounds as well normal sanction fights are three minute yeah you know there was a level of they
had judges and stuff like but again it wasn’t you know and they had other things in place to make it like a real
fight but you know either way um the thing with the whole deal of it all is
that like it’s just uh I don’t necessarily think it was great you made good points
about how you know boxing and MMA boxing’s been kind of in this like almost irrelevancy
for the past 10 or 15 years like the state of just you know active
irrelevancy there things have still been happening and things are going on but nobody’s really been paying attention
because it’s just kind of been you know yeah it’s like yeah and you know everybody’s all over UFC and stuff but
um I don’t necessarily think it was a good night for boxing because it wasn’t really boxing it it was an exhibition
match it those other fights that had happened or whatever um were those other
pre those under early card fights those were just also exhibitions no see that’s
the thing because one of them was a title fight that’s what I’m saying it was one was a title fight yeah let’s see
let’s let’s see this real quick just since we’re talking about it that’s interesting right so that’s to be a
rarity that something yeah that’s interesting so
earlier fights actually did matter in the world of boxing and actually you know people’s careers those are F like
this is a fight that’s not going to really be relevant in the it’ll be like an asterisk like oh this fight happened
for Tyson but it’s not like oh he had that loss against Jake Paul like this isn’t part of his career I think this is
part his life story not his career story yeah absolutely
um let me see uh yeah and just the
uh the spectacle of all the of all the celebrities that Netflix got out there
of course and their Karate Kid people is uh I mean I that that was an insane
production at the Jerry world and they had the cheer see them Cowboy Cheerleaders uh oh yeah yeah it’s like
good job J I mean that’s there you go Jerry push you know the brand but hard I’m not I’m having trouble finding this
right now on my phone if you want to look any of it up to see if it was a sanction fight technically um again the
two-minute rounds thing as far as the Jake Paul fight goes and Mike Tyson I don’t know it show because it’s showing
that his professional career his record moves to 11 and one but I I I have no
idea man I either way um things about it like so on the whole thing of it being
rigged it it look it like you said it’s not it it doesn’t even didn’t even necessarily have to fully be rigged if
if he could just avoid Tyson for three rounds yeah or four rounds until he gases and then tap him and move and tap
him and move he could win a fight against him but the thing is is that um it’s like the one thing about it
that made it look weird is there was a couple of times when Tyson early in the fight he weaved he weaved a punch from
Jake Paul and had him set up for you know just a a nasty right hand a right
hook and he never took it he in fact he kind of like it’s like he went to take it and then just tried to move towards
him to clinch him almost um and to not make it look like he wasn’t trying to hit him he also hit him with a really
stiff jab at one point as he was moving forward and he could have just kept going but then he like kind of stopped
so it did seem like there was a lot of points where Tyson was kind of holding back and not really yeah you know and in
I think in the grand scheme of things Paul was doing it to number one to make money because that’s that’s the thing
with with with this whole thing you have to keep Jak PA numb Jake was made at least 40
million from it and Tyson at least 20 million so those are the minimum guaranteed amounts I’m reading right
here Jake Paul is we have to keep in mind is he is a he started off as just a
YouTube influencer yeah making funny videos you know debatable you know
that’s questionable but he was making videos and stuff and he got really popular doing that and then now he’s
doing the you know he’s he’s a boxer right so it’s like I think I me he decided to get into boxing
so five years ago yeah so I think keeping in mind that it’s like this guy
is he is a by trade typically normally he is more or less a an
Entertainer um and a content creator in this cont exactly yeah and and too so
that’s why I think that it’s like he’s I think there it’s like a high part
playing where I think he’s good he has some boxing skill but I mean it’s not
it’s just uh it’s almost like it’s just a charade at this point or because he’s just he’s not fighting anybody real and
it’s like okay cool yeah you’re you’re a boxer right like but I don’t you know to
me again he’s not he’s not really fighting super hard tough opponents that are up and coming that are his you know
his own age and stuff like that I think he fought do you see this right here that I’m reading it’s actually my this
just talking about it so while it’s I guess the technical techn technically
even though it was not wasn’t sanctioned by any of those boxing federations that
you know there’s judges and the the result will still actually count on
their records on his records and I think ties into gambling in Vegas and there’s a whole lot of Texas Department of
Licensing regulation and so there’s all these you know games that play to okay
to even make it something that can be gambled on that fact that factored into it which was interesting making it yeah
that’s probably why they had to make it quote sanction so either way so so it is a sanction F so yeah but to answer the
thing I was looking up real quick so these guys Mario bario um baros and Abel
Ramos was a WC WBC WBC Welterweight Title yep that was one of the that’s the
yes yeah that’s the title they fought for um but yeah no I mean I don’t think
it was a good thing really for boxing just because you know I don’t know
there’s there’s actually legitimate dudes out there that fight and that are fighting and that are really good that
people could check out and you know not this you know kind of circus League of
boxing that he’s putting on like I don’t know it’s it’s cool I’m not trying to hate on the guy there’s plenty of people
just hating on him yeah I I I think that it was just one of those things where you know he he you know he just you go
Tyson brings money you put the name Tyson out there Mike’s people are gonna show up and watch Mike Tyson yeah and
you know you I it also was kind of sad just in the sense that like I feel like Tyson too you know he wants to he wants
to be that guy he’s always been for everybody you know what I mean like he wants to he’s always been that that that
bad dude and now he’s character well I feel like now he’s at a part life where people he’s more liked than he was I
agree you know he used to not be liked and I think yeah there’s reason like him
you know yeah oh no I know yeah there was plenty of reasons that he was polarizing and not somebody that was
liked by the general public but my point was was what I was trying to say is that like he’s at a place in his life now
where you know he’s well-liked and everything and I think that he was one of the reasons he probably took the
fight because people were probably thinking you know okay you know dude you’re old why you taking this fight and it’s like you know I think that some of
it number one yes the money but number two it’s like I think he saw it’s like everybody want to be like oh come on
Mike knock this guy out you know go beat his ass Mike you know it’s like he be wanting to be that pretty much put that
cape on again and be Superman again or whatnot a sense of purpose that for is a
crazy you know this think you’re 58 he he had his troubles in the past but I’d like to think that everything he’s the
public that’s been presented that he’s grown and learned a lot from his mistakes and there yeah like you’re
saying I think there’s you know opportunity to to do something that you know try and just you know something he
loves and it was just an insane opportunity and I’m glad you know it takes a special person actually take it
which I think speaks to Tyson even being willing to do it you know which no and I mean yeah absolutely and too he you know
I mean the main thing that I think we need to keep in mind here is that you know to to to say our tagline which I
don’t know if you realized you said it like three times but at the end of the day at the end of the day I think that
we need to keep in mind that uh you know Mike made Mike made a lot of money
and that’s good for that’s good everybody likes Mike right we don’t like that Mike lost we don’t like that he you
know but also too while we might not be a fan of Jake Jake at least put him in that spot
to share that plate with him the necessary to
yeah yeah so while on one end we look at him in the front end like he looks like the heel but really he’s a good guy he
put 20 million in Tyson’s pocket yeah and you know he gave people something to enter be entertained by whether we knew
I mean hey at the end of I felt like you know like the PT Barnum thing a suck a sucker’s born every minute and we were a
bunch of suckers and we all watched it because but because again like you said it’s like who’s not going to watch it
almost everybody has Netflix it’s free fully engaged my wife gives no about
this stuff she your you know your subscription pays for it so you you might as well watch it it’s something
everybody was doing so yeah hell yeah you tune in yeah um but yeah I mean that’s just to say just so it so that
we’re not just you know like everybody else just [ __ ] on the fight and Paul and Tyson it’s like again as soon as he
walked out he tripped I was already like man this a sign of things to come like he’s just not he’s not I still think I
do think he was kind of holding back and not really taking taking the opportun all of the opportunities he had um and
also again it’s like you’re not as quick on your feet when you’re 60 you don’t
have your this your equilibrium and your all of that is different it’s affected
biology it’s the way it is people that’s why people fall and you get you’re not you know you don’t need to get on ladders after a certain age stuff like
that your site all these things your vision changes and that [ __ ] with your equilibrium and it’s like you know it’s
just kind of and then plus you add getting punched in the head on top of it yeah um you know I don’t think he really
ever hurt Tyson and uh you know so yeah it it was uh it was good for a lot of
the people involved so I would say and again it got me and I was hanging out
with you last night your brother Chris talking and so we can kind of pivot not
pivot but kind of in the same in the same vein of thinking you know everyone I know I went in just you kind
of hoping that okay Tyson’s going to all it takes is one perfect hit you know he’s going to get maybe he’ll get that
one hit and we’ll see Jake get laid out I feel like that was the the dream of everyone I know in my demographic
maybe younger people like seeing was hoping Tyson would get knocked out I just know that my my wet dream was you
know Jake’s G to get his butt knocked out and laid out you know just be that one hit he didn’t anticipate and you
know he’s Tyson having the Jackhammer hardest hitting man on the planet we’re gonna see that moment and you know I
think that’s that was I feel like in my mind the fuel behind all of it so I was kind of talking yeah to Chris and about
kind of the magic of Sports at all and fighting and in just actual moments in in boxing and our MMA just where and
it’s not the same thing but where some someone’s been basically beat or the
whole time and they’re barely surviving to to the end and they they land that perfect punch they are they come or they
land that perfect execution and they win and it didn’t seem likely at all so
there’s cuz Chris was showing me once I was figured I could just uh show a few that I looked up to seeing some of the
of the last 50 years and my my search presented some
so uh the first one that mentioned well I’ll start with the one Chris was showing me last night so this guy Leon
Edwards versus kamaru Usman it was UFC 278 I don’t know know if which I didn’t
see it but we will share this bad
boy and let’s see what we got here so yeah here’s okay so Edwards was losing
Leon Edwards was losing most rounds but managed an improbable knockout in the final minute of the fifth round with the
head kick so let’s give her
go copy and paste is
fun and there’s a cool thing about thisal so Chris was making a point here
that the commentator he’s literally talking about how this guy he he’s just
not cut from the same cloth as this other fighter and there just that he’s
you know he just doesn’t have the step to do it so the this video is second so
it gets right to it so here we go a moral Victory from Theon but that is not
the cloth from which he has cut I that is a so he’s saying that’s not the cloth
from which he’s cut he knocks the other guy out it’s like oh well so that that was
a imoral victory for me on but that is not the cloth from which he is cut that
is a he lands that bad boy which is like that
was pretty cool so was that one let’s see the F the one that it gave me is that first strength one was this uh y
Rodriguez versus tan Jung in the Korean zombie yeah Korean zombie yeah so do you know about this one so Z fight night 139
I watch this yeah Rodriguez knocked out J with a no look elbow strike just one second left in the fight so this is just
like the end of like the very last possible opportunity to for so that that’s what makes this one really
cool dude and it being knocked out by you don’t even I had to watch it a few
times because it’s not a punch being and it’s like wait what no it it was so crazy so let’s see this one’s a
[Applause] [Music]
minute yeah like what wait what just happened right
uh like it that was his shoulder yeah it’s like it was his it’s
like the the angle of the punch you saw like you’re seeing the weird angle of the punch it’s like he caught him was
like an El like that I think yeah either the elbow or it was the hand and you
just can’t we can’t see it like so if you could slow it down anymore yeah I’m pretty sure it’s about to
show our replay yeah see the elbow yeah it’s the elbow it’s like the the he was
throwing the hand but the elbow landed you know see yeah right there that’s had he been further out had he been further
out it would probably that’s so crazy yeah it’s it’s a oh right there
dude okay standing up dude that’s that’s insane bolded him yeah man Korean zombie
dude shout out Korean zombie he was he pulled P off a pretty nasty uh he pulled off I think one of like the most
nasty uh submissions ever done in the UFC I’m pretty sure
okay let’s see here’s George for this is the only boxing one that’s popped up in here George foran versus Michael moer
1994 do you know about this one yeah yeah Michael this was again this was kind of like a Jake this was also why
the Jake Paul for the Jake Paul and Tyson thing seemed kind of you know like whatever is cuz former was old right
here yeah he was 45 for was 45 right here and Moore was a
hell of a lot younger like 20s or 30s and so but yeah he was tagging for
him in the whole fight like hitting him with some good shots yeah that’s it’s about to happen man Foreman
just dumped dude god dude he just stumped man like look at go back rewind real quick just so people can like
appreciate the is that notice how like watch these punches he’s not really even turning
over that much he’s just throwing those out there like watch how he’s barely throw like watch right here when he
drops him it’s just I know it’s here it goes it’s not it looked like just one of
his other punches that he was blocking it just that one dude those things are those are so heavy man that’s what’s
crazy about Foreman is that he just like when he hits you man like his effortless
power same amount of power that that that one he was the one that got him clean and he
and that’s the other thing is cool about Foreman is he had that old school style of like that cross the cross guard the
way he block he block like this like you’d see him block with both his arms like this a lot yeah because it was a
real old school tactic of blocking with both arms like that and he did that a whole bunch he was a master at that
whole style of Defense dude and he went on to make one of the greatest Grill that’s been a part of my life since I
an iteration that I used within last week dude Chuck liell is on this thing
twice oh that’s unfortunate Shogun Rua versus Chuck
liell uh yeah let’s see hang on I’ll show youell that’s that one was a bad one
yeah I like this also we could show it but I definitely want to show the silver one just because it’s one of the I think
only ones that’s not knockout where he pulls he pulls off a triangle CH oh yeah which is my
person like that’s whatever it’s worth that’s my favorite submiss that’s my favorite submission or if I was in MMA
you know that trying to get someone in Triangle for whatever reason I just think that’s so cool something about
that choke so to skip because so basically
he’s getting his he’s losing yeah t ta just had to like he just had to close it out man like that’s all he had to do and
he just kind of got he was trying to beat him rather than like rather than just ride it out and win he wanted to
you know submit him or t you know ground and pound him or whatever but yeah he should have just kind of played it safe
and he’d have won but instead he just got aggressive and he got caught in a choke so this gets to the final
[Music] round yeah and he’s just yeah hat off
the dominated hats off to chil you know
he he fought the fight perfectly this slowly starting to work into get in
the control
oh do the triangle and it’s a blood choke I just remember when I didj that it’s it can get people passed
out so quick because it’s not a loss of air it just you squeezing their neck so much that you literally cut off the
blood flow and they can get some of the pass out in a matter of just like a couple like it’s it’s crazy yeah and
that’s the thing too is that it was controversial because he like tapped out oh yeah but then
hey yeah we did but the ref didn’t like it’s like the ref stopped it but then cha was slipping so it’s like yeah it’s
it was a whole weird ending too man he had him like it’s it was a weird ending
really shouldn’t have tapped he ke if he’ kept moving like yeah he could have possibly gotten out of it yeah so I
thought that was cool I mean I could want me look at it any of these other ones one no go keep go to go down to
what’s the number 10 like go the number 10 was uh keep going maybe it’s it’s
Ronda Rousey and what’s her name no okay no you need to type in uh you need to go look up Pete Sprat versus the like what
was his name just type in Pete
Sprat Sprat versus Robbie Lawler hang on no no
no no who was it yeah K just type in Pete Sprat KO yeah and
this I let’s see keep going down see GSP
uh George St so do you knock out GSP no keep going Smith versus Cell that’s not
even them yeah Smith cell that’s it versus yes yeah because this is this is the
fight yeah hang on now yeah you have to yeah this is crazy so
go widde screen if you can or whatever it doesn’t matter but I mean just uh yeah that’s that’s so so pretty much
what’s happening here is that Pete Sprat like I think Pete Sprat gets is about to
I can’t remember ifat he’s on the right no Pete sprat’s on the right white short and Smith’s on the left and I think I
can’t remember I think Sprat knocks him out or Sprat gets knocked out but one of them like one of them
oh okay then maybe it is cell it’s not I’m not maybe it isn’t peace I don’t know I guess we’ll see what happens here
the way because crazy prob this is an insane this is probably one of the best comeback Knockouts I think I want to
think I see this yeah this is probably one of the best comeback
I mean same Pete Here Comes so yeah one of these guys is Pete I don’t know why the video is titled
that yeah Pete Sprat loses oh like he hit him with a liver shot so
go back Pete Sprat hit him with that liver shot and that was about to end it but cuz you see him grab himself and
move back but then he threw it just out of Defense cuz when you get hit in your liver it just pretty much like shuts you
down like your whole just want to crawl up yeah he just didn’t see that coming no
and he’s still hurt look P what’s the cell is still hurt cell’s still on the ground like he’s not even
celebrating so that is one of the craziest that one and then for the last one for the
last one type in um cck Congo vers Pat
Barry c h t chat k n Go o oh it’s the
first thing Congo yeah Pat Barry sorry I spelled his name wrong let’s into so go
to the bottom one live version okay 27 uh that one’s 41 let’s
see it doesn’t matter I guess but yeah look at this this this is incredible I I watch this live how long ago was this oh
shoot years ago look wobbled him it’s not over yet right no
no he’s like out on his feet poof another time watch and look dude hang on
that’s a chin dude
dink that’s so crazy and then he knocked him out like that was one of the wildest
fights ever that’s a dude who just won’t get knocked out that was one of the most wild fight it looks like he’s it looks
like yeah he gets him right here with like overhand right it looks like almost like he got knocked out multiple times
almost like that could another person they probably would have been knocked out so there like he that looks like
dude yeah normally this is when a fight’s ending but he’s not he’s not he’s dude that’s crazy I haven’t seen
and then right here bam again dude yeah he’s like nope he’s like this guy won’t go
down at this point the guy’s probably thinking this and now he now he presses him and now here’s where he hits him with that right hand and then boom
underneath this is where he was like dang the the the camera I wonder if it goes shows an angle from the other side
it was I think it does like but he hits him with like kind of like a it was like a right or like a left hand from
underneath you threw the right and hit him on the ear because if you get hit on the ear the back of the ear it like
throws off all your equilibrium and then you hit him with the left underneath I think after that yeah I
like look at this one more time
so right hand right hand two right hands yeah so he hit him with the right hand over top of the ear and then he threw
the other right hand from up so the first hand came in over top like that behind the ear and then the second one
came in up this way like underneath the jaw hit him like that and just that’s
cool stuff that’s and in the back of my mind some feel like everyone was hoping to see something like that I feel like
anytime you watch Boxing if everyone’s hoping to see I mean something like that right person
personally when I watch Boxing or something like that I’m I’m hoping to get lucky to see the next Gotti Ward I
want to see the next Ward fight okay uro Gotti and Mickey Ward Arturo Gotti and
Mickey Ward think God War like a person but okay like I want to see that war like that those guys had the war that
they had for that was like three fights I mean was insane that would be epic um
so it’s like those are the type of fights or Diego right yeah like look at type in this one
Diego corales versus uh because this is a great comeback Fight Win um just type
in Diego corales comeback Jose Batio I’m guessing it’s this one
it yeah 10th round yeah this is it because his corner like tells him I can’t hear any of the audio started yet
in the corner in the corner between rounds I still can’t hear it but in the corner between rounds he uh his his like
he tells him like you got to [ __ ] knock him out or something like that can you hear that it doesn’t matter oh yeah that I
forgot yeah the Google meet thing’s not going to hear
it let’s see so wh which gu’s which Diego corales just got dropped
he’s in the white
and this is old component boxing which is cool that this you know you get the count to
get back up you know and youf obviously by UFC that didn’t exist to where you
get knocked out it’s over which is f but again this is a cool thing about boxing that yeah you can get knocked down but
you get 10 seconds yeah so his his his Corner told him right there when he put that mouthpiece in I think he said you
got to knock him out
this Mak me makes me think of Mike Tyson punch out you get knocked
down oh yeah man Diego Carell how long ago oh man the two mid early mid 2000s
okay rest in peace to Diego Chico corales man he passed away on a motorcycle act look see right here you
got to [ __ ] knock this guy out that’s what he just told him his Corner man told him that you got to [ __ ] knock this guy out looking Corner man yeah
yeah and now he literally just told him
that that’s basically like you’re G this fight goes to De you’re done you’re losing so he just looked at it yeah
exactly you know if you don’t knock him out it’s you’ve
lost and now you just see the tide turning he landed a few good shots and he gets his guy on the ropes
oh this round these are three minute rounds and this is right yeah 10 10
three minutes 59 let’s see
oh look at that out couldn’t even hold his
mouthpiece in anymore man he’s just done dude just laid it all there yeah he just
laid it all out there man I just love that that’s one of the hardest fights I’ve ever witnessed in my life see the
ref is holding him up yeah that’s a that ref is a freaking legend by the way that ref is he just it was cool he got
knocked out against the ropes so he didn’t fall down and then he’s holding him up yeah that’s yeah no those a lot
of those a lot of those boxing refs man those dudes are super yeah a lot of those boxing reps are great guys man
they’re true consant professionals and they actually you know they really care about the fighters and respect the sport
of boxing and take their job serious and again like I said they care about the fighters they don’t want to see them you
know they always tell them whenever they’re like stopping the fight and the guys are getting mad it’s like you know they don’t want to see you get hurt you know yeah like that’s epic stuff but
yeah that was probably one of the coolest like comes backs but yeah man so that’s it for our our our Sports boxing
talk take a quick little break yeah why don’t we why don’t we take a quick little break plug break
here and we’re back we’re back we are we
know we know you guys we know you guys missed us for that brief interval I mean
know there we’re talking about a lot of violence violent sport yes and it’s some
that can wear you out you know but yeah so coming back no more let us let us be
done with this violence let us be done let’s move on from violence and and move on to the unknown or the known or I
would say well unknown unknown was unidentified is the key word here yeah
you know how I like that you know how I like that one y yep so yes sir getting back into the realm of UFO UAP so I’m
I’m saying UFO but I mean Mike and I have had conversations about you know
UFO and identified fing object versus UAP and identified aial phenomena when
what I’m about to read here there’s a a new a new one that’s that we both agree on that that’s
actually what’s going to you’re going to be hearing if you uh listen for any of this sort of thing in your life but so
with within the last couple days uh United States Congress was holding a hearing on an identified anomalous
phenomena so UAP now it’s anomalous phenomena and it makes it makes sense
once to get further down as far as not specifying it being in the air of flying but so the pentagon’s latest
report on uaps has revealed hundreds of new reports on these unidentified and and unexplained aerial phenomena with
but no indication suggesting that they’re of extraterrestrial origin the review includes hundreds of cases of
misidentified balloons Birds satellites as well as some that defy easy explanations such as near Miss between a
commercial airline in a mysterious object off the coast of New York while it isn’t likely to settle any debates
over the existence of alien life the report reflects heightened public interest let’s
see inter in the topic of government’s efforts to provide some answers uh the publication comes a day after the house
lawmakers called for greater government transparency during a hearing on an identified anomalous
phenomena see so journalist Michael shellenberger tells members of the House Representatives that there was an orb
that was joined by another orb comes briefly into the frame let’s see so yeah so
basically that getting into detail so summary is that that the United States Congress was and I just stumbled I was
getting on YouTube Just and this was I saw this live stream
of something going on like Congressional I was like Oh and it it’s dealing with UFO UAP stuff I’m like what of course
I’m interested and so it might still be live streaming it it was just on a loop so I think this happened within the last
3 or 4 days but the Congress was holding a hearing on these unidentified
anomalous phenomena uh this is the second such hearing follow um because I
remember there was one last year uh following increased public interest and a recent Pentagon report on uaps this
hearing aims to provide more transparency and discuss potential explanations for these unidentified
phenomena the report highlights hundreds of cases involving misidentified objects so they’re still trying to say
that they’re just misidentified objects like balloons Birds satellites but some remained unexplained see like one sence
incident is that near Miss between some commercial airliner and some mysterious object off the co coast of New York and
but so yeah this hearing this is literally I I think it’s still streaming the loop of it on on YouTube and so I
was checking it out and I was like I remember last year whenever con there was a hearing and I feel like that was
one of the first moments that really legitimized for I mean people that are
believers are believers but I feel like as far as the records as far as going looking back in history a moment in time
where the government something occurred where you know the government actually
yeah so people have always I feel like believed what they’re going to believe and and there’s I’m sure there some
people on the fence maybe this makes them Believers but the government legitim it’s instead of just a person
being out there saying I saw UFO it’s like oh the government is having to knowledge like okay the a lot of people
saw these in whatever if it’s a UAP UFO they’re still acting like you know they
don’t know but and I know the details of of that hearing that you could watch they talk about a lot of interesting
things like uh foreign biologics and some asking questions about you know I
mean you just really need to check it out uh because it really gets in that video you’re talking about Cong I mean
let’s see I’ll just see if it’s still streaming it cuz why not cuz it was
literally kept going but there was uh one question is asked about this uh this
program called Immaculate constellation which we’ll get right back to that which apparently if you’re thinking of like
project greenbook or thinking of secret government programs that this is the
name of one then but let’s see because this thing was just showing
up here we go yeah so because it’s on my main feed so it’s still still streaming so you’re not
going be able to hear it but yeah so so you can get on YouTube now and it’s
still looping it that’s pretty cool yeah and I say if you’re go to bed you should
you should listen to it because they do a great job like I guess I don’t even really know the structure if these are
different state representatives of Congress people but there’s four there’s four Witnesses basically and these these four
guys and I guess this there this this guy here I’m pointing to is
uh he was one who like said that he can only whenever he’s answering questions I guess he used to be part of government
agency that he’s like I you know I’m not I literally signed a document that I can’t say I can’t say anything more than
what I’ve said there was talking about Crash retrieval there’s some specific questions about downed object and crash
retrieval programs and it get really in depth and yeah Elis this guy Mr alzando
and it’s cool cuz one of the I guess Congress people whoever it is asked him
so he literally just says so what’s what was the setting in room like whenever you signed this document and who was who
was even there like what government what part of the government even asked you to sign this document yeah which I thought
it was just cool he’s Lally asking like what’s the setting like is there a bunch of people in the room where you by yourself and the guy and he’s like what
part of the government and he’s like I can was you know just me and one other person and it was some you know
Department of Defense and some kind of ambiguous because that’s all you could say but it was they were it was cool
that just to hear that question asked and this one one woman’s asking just
please actually give your definitions of what UAP are what they could like
there’s some really broad questions that are asked that were great for general just even us people to be like okay they
see these terms and these are the these are people that are testifying about what they’ve seen or witnessed and just
hearing their answers and so and I’ll and I’ll stop there and kind of let you go for a second no I just I had the
realization and I had sent this to you I think on our Instagram or whatever but that guy go back to that guy talking
yeah alzando was his name Lou alzando yeah so he’s the Alando yeah yes okay he
uh he’s actually going to be in Dallas um November
20th um you can buy tickets to go see him apparently and uh talking about
former head of the Pentagon UFO investigation uh for a disc uh for a
discussion Humanity’s greatest existential questions uh get tickets let’s see how much tickets cost for this
thing I’m curious no because he’s believe he legit $5 and one of these guys that’s testifying actually I know
Sean Ryan interviewed him because I I recognize his voice and then I forget
his I think it’s that Dr G something that he used to be like the I guess in
charge of Naval oceanography or something like whenever some things were going on and so he’s like private sector
or he’s out of the military now but i’ heard him on Shan Ryan before and so that that was cool so people testifying
witnessing are I I’m famili I’ve I’d heard the names and been familiar with some of them and so but I know that so
the one guy this is the first time I heard of this Immaculate constellation which I don’t know if I’m pretty sure
this is brand new to the whole world within since this hearing took place
yeah it sounds interesting yeah I’ve never heard of it yeah so Maia constellation so that was I guess the
name I don’t know if it’s an ongoing program of the you know internal
government program that documents UAP I guess is a general sense that seems to
be all that I would I know about it um and so some of the things are
documented and I’m just trusting this site here news Nation now because I know the conversations that they have on the
video they get into some things I know they talk about an event that happened off Kuwait uh off yeah you were talking
about that like some white orb yeah so quit orb
yeah white white orff and you it’s coming back to this
this video so all this stuff L just came out with the white orbu Kuwait which I think I don’t want to pull that one
video up because I haven’t had a chance to see if it’s real but that’s supposed to be I guess the the a big talking
point here but so this one talks so in the immaculate constellation I guess
some items are metallic orbs spotted over the ocean uh so one and and I know
that there’s tons of foot like it’s not released but they talk about how much stuff in footage like high definition
that has been gathered and collected that the go obviously the government’s holding on to but this they literally
talking about you know having the evidence of these things yeah like this is talking about 12 metallic orbs and
they’re talking about them being spotted around uh sens of facilities like nuclear facilities throughout the world
yeah and so here’s here’s what uh to kind of to go into the like here’s just
to kind of spitball for a minute right what I think is interesting about you know I think what’s the most interesting
about the UFO UAP um and then what was the other one that you were saying is the new one it’s
still UAP or whatever te so it’s the same but instead of aerial phenomena it’s anomalous because okay anomalous
get into talking about the ocean and objects that have been observed in the
ocean and and then that gets into whole some of this stuff is actually coming from the
ocean but yeah so anomalous U but for anomalous phenomenal yeah and so uh I think what’s
kind of interesting about all this is that it’s either is it’s like I know I’ve seen a bunch of I know I’ve seen
more things in the sky recently than I have in the past I’ve I’ve been looking
because I ever since I saw my first what I knew to be a confirmed UFO which had
to have been at least least about like close to 10 years ago about at least 10
years ago yeah um and maybe more and it’s like ever since then I’ve always
saw a reason to just kind of look up at the sky if I’m outside not doing anything and so it’s like I’m wondering
you know how much of it is just uh is it that it’s there’s a an increase in sightings and so they’re having to
address it or is it that it’s like you know we’ve had the same number of sightings and the same number of tracks
TR but why it’s like why is it that there yeah and it’s like why is it that
now we’re starting it just seems I don’t know it’s always question it’s a question with an antenna for me an
antenna for me always goes up when it comes to this because it’s like especially if it’s the government that’s
ignored things for years it’s like okay so if they come out and acknowledge something that there’s a reason they’re
doing it so like I think there’s a reason there’s some type of catalyst that it’s like well why is it that
they’re doing now is the question why what is it that they you know number one it’s something compelling to talk about
yeah well I think it’s also that so the the first thing you brought up is a good point and it’s something that they talk
about in the hearing that that video is just showing about you know whether yeah would these
events and these phenomena are actually happening at a greater frequency or if
it’s just public awareness and we you know interconnected by technology and
internet to where we can actually share to where we know on the other side of the world oh they can they can post to
the internet and say they saw it and in the past you know oh that happened in their they you know they could tell
their mom they in the past when that happened you when you went in the cave and you and you mix some chalks and you
drew on the wall exactly go far back as you want so that’s the question is I don’t know just kind of left a note
behind for the for the Next Generation so no I get it yeah so we don’t and that’s that’s the question I don’t know
that and for me there’s no definitive answer I you know I don’t know if there’s enough data to say it’s happen
more or we just have more awareness you know I think it’s I think it’s that it’s
it’s probably I don’t know it’s I think it has to be yeah I think it has to be a
mixture of both I think there has been slightly more there has been slightly more sightings I believe but also with
the advancement like you said in technology and everybody seeing it having the ability to like you know for
instance me in Texas post something because one night I sent a video to a friend of mine and I was like what is
this I just saw this in the sky and then he found a better version that somebody else in the in like Illinois or
something recorded and so it was crazy but I saw the same thing in Texas and so yeah you know it’s really cool it’s so
to you know just to double down on what you’re saying is that yeah it’s like I think that more than likely the reason
it’s happening is because they it’s you know like they said public interest in that article you read it’s like the
Public’s interest in it and now they’re like you know well if everybody’s posting these videos left and right people are wondering what’s going on
it’s like you know okay yeah let’s let’s start looking into it more more up toate
reports you know globally the government can’t they can’t deny they can’t just
shutter down the global media you know so if that’s like well shite we can’t we
can’t just brush underneath because like it’s it’s you can’t deny it if there’s
if it like where is talking about the exposure and this social media internet all that to where I I think they’re in a
position where they can’t I think ideally they would they would still just keep it Hush Hush but I just don’t think
that they can anymore no I don’t I don’t think they can either I I I I definitely
agree with that it’s it’s at the point where it’s like it’s a you know you can’t ignore the elephant in the room
and it’s also something that they probably feel like yeah well they also probably asid coming down no it’s not
yeah and they feel like it’s one of those things where that exact that exact sentiment um that you’re saying that
they that eventually it’s like if they don’t start trying to figure it out or get on top of it now or open up the
conversation and just be you know because I think that that’s the thing I think obviously I don’t think I know
that they know more of the reality of the situation a lot of these things might not be they might not be
um a alien they could be other countries that have technology they could have
technologies that have so here’s the thing is that it’s like they have there could be these other technologies that
other countries have that they’re using and implementing that we don’t really know about and the thing is with stuff like this is this is more or less I feel
like this is them dipping our toe into the ocean like soon enough we’re going to be you know eventually people will
kind of be more aware than obviously this generation and past ones were on the whole UFO
and Space Race phen aerial phenomena thing because they’ll understand I’m sure at that point that yeah countries
have these crazy drone like things that are able to move in such patterns
because like on Joe Rogan and them said like a lot of these like the little Tic Tac thing that the that was one of the
first big ones that was confirmed by the pilots the Tic Tac yeah they were saying it’s like that would like turn like a
normal human beings like body to Jello like being inside one of those things and fighting those g-forces like unless
there’s some type of technology that can you know that would be the thing unless there’s some type of technology that can
totally negate G4 drone doesn’t need a human pilot and that’s what I was gonna say so that’s I think more or less
probably some of the you know but who knows I mean you know it’s like that’s the thing though you can say drone but
this stuff’s been happening for a long time personally I don’t I my just for my
own just the way I lean is and it’s cool again that that hearing the can watch
the video they talk about okay well the number one you know fears being okay is it a foreign actor is it a foreign
entity in China is always the first thought not Russia anymore it’s it’s China it’s always China is that because
there was the Chinese weather balloon so honestly I feel like the government is cooler with that narrative because I
don’t believe the a lot of these objects I I personally don’t believe for a second that it’s a foreign act foreign
government that has some technology Beyond Beyond ours or that it could and
then we’re we’re doing the same thing elsewhere or it’s ours or it’s honestly it’s us testing the stuff out like so
yeah then that that’s if it is but I think just just personally I man it gets
nuts because the one chick as they starts asking because they talk about bi like biologics the term biologics about
you know crash retrieval and what they’ve actually you know recovered and
about there being biologics and she this one they asked like what tell tell
Define what biologic even is and and Bas
one of the guys his definition was talking about something that like alive
and it can respond to to stimulus and like another guy like so they’re even
just kind of talking about that which was interesting just okay what what’s what some of these are and one of the
guys he he he he paused Ed this this whole Theory which about the the
vastness of the universe in that that they could they might not be biological
that you know and I agree to think of the vast of the universe that could be
they and they they could even be machines from a different planet right they could they could be or at least
what we call a machine at the end of the day we’re biological machines at the end of the day dang it at the beginning of
the day we are we’re biological machines so it comes down to your definition of we’re
carbon based I think what it comes down to people say biologics it’s more we’re
naturally going to relate it to biolog biology and Physiology in on planet
Earth when if we’re talking about this vastness of the universe it’s almost
okay being open to I know what I don’t know and that that’s a lot of stuff and
you know what yeah yeah no and and to go to talk on I know what I don’t know and to kind of get like way off subject in a
way and kind of like if you want to get off subject I feel like well hang on no no it’s is it cool or what oh yeah
because I was g at least I had a theory but it could come back to this EI I no it it will yeah yeah it’s G to stay
within the realm but I’m gonna have to like kind of go on a dog Trail because you were saying that about different you were saying that about biologics and
different dimension right you said Dimension I didn’t but or like you said something about I was just talking about
bics in the universe and just the universe yeah okay yeah the vastness
that we don’t yeah like you can you can yeah well no so just uh thinking like um
it’s just uh so for instance I know this is again I think I’ve brought it up before but like with the whole Advanced
theory of you know the real deep Rabbit Hole of like Sasquatch
for instance because people talk about well how do you see Sasquatch people have seen him so many people seen him
they’re Footprints some have been confirmed fake some have been you know unproven we don’t know yeah and it’s
like you you never know like about when it comes to that but then there’s some people there’s this whole theory that
popped up which makes sense because it’s like well you know where are they how come you know surely somebody more PR
like if they were as prevalent as you know people have seen them to be then eventually some Hunter somebody would
walk up on one or something like you would have very much confirmed sighting of it or something something yeah
smarton footage there’d be something at this point but people were saying that like you know about how there’s this
whole theory of a portal right that maybe they’re these interdimensional beings and they’re passing through these
they have the ability to pass through these portals or potentially when people are seeing them it’s going between one place and another um so just in you know
like you were saying just on the I’m not saying I believe in Sasquatches passing through portals no
but open your mind up to this to this idea that like you said about the things that we don’t know and potentially um
you know because even in religious stuff like the like the like Hindu the bhava Gita they talk about that type of stuff
they talk about many different universes and worlds and things like that I mean it’s it’s crazy like how another you
know to again open up your mind to reconsider some stuff maybe that we don’t understand about our own existence
in the place we live or whatnot um and what it makes me think of with to wrap
it up what I with that whole portal thing and is it I really enjoy the whole
theory of time travel right yeah and I one of the things I think is interesting
about time travel or another like it put me off on a rabbit hole about how you know there was something somebody said
or a theory where it’s like everything everything everywhere happening like all at once almost some something like that
well in eternity if you in the in the scope of Eternity then yeah I mean I
that’s I I I believe in that I ascribe to that to an extent if yeah it’s like
there’s like to an to like what I what I mean by that is that it’s like we perceive that obviously it’s like we’re
linear time we’re linear exactly we’re we’re linear in time and we’re at this point we’re going forward whatever but
like we we never stop to consider that maybe the way potentially what we’re seeing is these UF
like who knows like the remnant from a different point in time’s perspective
exactly they could be in the future somehow it could be something that’s like our and and maybe you call it a
glitch in the matrix it’s something a ripple in time or something or I I don’t know like how they say light and you
know time like I don’t know mean I know that I don’t know and I just had that theory like at one point in time um and
it was just like okay that’s that’s crazy it’s an interesting theory that it could explain so many of these other
different things yeah um if you know because understanding that time might
not just be linear it’s not just this you know that’s it’s not as we normally typically perceive it to be
possibly yeah and it’s I’m I’m cool I’m glad you said
everything you did because I’m I gu call this my theory but it was just more me just my as I’m
listening I was running and I was listen listening to that hearing and you know my bra you know your brain wonders
and has ideas and whether it could you know it’s a hypothesis or just a story
it’s just like it could be a cool sci-fi story um but also at the same time it if
I’m going to come up with a th you know a thousand you know potential theories for
life and existence and and different things well there’s there’s no evidence saying this couldn’t be one of them but
but like you’re talking about like Dimension like uh portals and stuff so yeah they could be portals but also at
the same time as humans we have to realize that we can only see and
perceive C certain spectrums you know to where you could say portal to a
different it might not even be a different dimension it’s just they’re able to cloak or do things that they cut
off our abilities to sense or perceive them at all you know just like the dirt
can doesn’t have eyes or any it hardly has senses but like orange with deers
like orange with like animals it’s like that’s why you can wear orange because animals I believe it’s like they can’t see it so but other humans can so to
think you know to think that we are the end all of it all to where it could just literally be no they’re able to just
cloak or turn on off to where they’re they’re literally still right there it’s just there in the realm of existence
that totally beyond what we could perceive but so vibr to a different you know yeah or just even again we could do
our best to stay vibrating but who who knows but so I had this thought and it
gave be a story but so because they’re talking about these ocean sightings and and and so there’s a lot of in then one
one lady in the hearing even asked if there’s any evidence or any speculation on if there’s a sort of gathering or a
base of sorts that they think might exist deep in the ocean just because you know less than 10% of our Waters have
have we explored so we really don’t we don’t what’s what’s down there and again
if we even consider things could be down there and putting into play the whole idea of us not even being able to sense
or perceive or observe them but so this because one of the guys
said about these could even be machine or artificial intelligence and I was I
was thinking okay I’m going to jump around a little bit because I’m remembering so go ahead if if in fact
the frequency of thing of these sightings and of these phenomena being
cited is increasing it’s not just awareness but it is in fact increasing
and you wonder what could be the Catalyst I’m led to think it’s has to do
with AI and how close we are to AGI and potentially ASI to where and like if you
ever watch start track uh there’s a whole uh protocol where they don’t interfere with alien life that haven’t
reached the level of having warp technology to where if they come across a planet and a civilization they’re not
going to interfere with it if it’s hasn’t gained got to the level of developing warp technology which is
basically their the ability to go out there and travel to where there that’s a huge component of Star Trek that’s cuz
then they become a competitor at that point start is ideal as where they don’t want
to interfere with a a natural ecosystem occurring how it’s supposed to they
don’t want to have any influence on it whatsoever they just want to let it happen and even and that’s it’s what
great about star there’ll be episodes where they witness something terrible is about to happen a planet’s about to be hit by meteor but you know by their own
rules they can’t go tell that planet that’s going to happen it so it’s cool that’s just the whole slight side thing
about about it but um see I was just talking about so I
I could easily see that if they are increasing in frequency that it’s because they’re aware that we’re on the
cusp of reaching AGI artificial general and artificial then Super intelligence
which once we hit once that is hit it’s basically the rate of our technological
advancements is going to be so exponential that it’s it’s in it’s
beyond I won’t talk about but that’s and I could I can I’m just looking for correlation if they are inreasing in
frequency and occurring these phenomena and it’s cor and I’m just thinking about
all the events in the world in artificial intelligence is increasing now I could in my mind that’s just a
theory that that those two are connected um that but that’s just kind of side
thing but so my my crazy theory is that and it’s is Theory from sci-fi
that all the zap all this stuff in this Theory are actually artificial
intelligence that are actually coming or basically they’re
they’re they’re hiding or they’re in in the ocean you know then they could potentially you know coming in and out
of our scope of what we can sense but that so and I’m just G to read what WR
because okay that the UAP are actually ad Advanced and left over from a prior
human civilization on Earth so saying so saying that we’ve that mankind has
already advanced and gotten to a part that we developed Ai and something happened whether it was Media or
something wiped out everything on the earth on the planet except for this AI
was able to save itself and that it’s down there in the ocean and that it’s
down there in potentially just waiting for us to get back to the point of
making that technology again and and then I as a Christian I think okay how
could I make this Theory exist with the Bible so and so was thinking okay so
would it would be like the end times actually already all all this happened
so and it’s if you think about people wondering when like certain biblical events are going to happen and
if they feel like what if they actually already did happen and Mankind was
restarted whether it was by AI having some remnant of genetic I don’t know but
either way a AI or who knows it could be AI or God but that all the stuff in the
Bible even the Revelation stuff potentially what if that already
did happen and he and I’m that a and this is crazy this I mean this is crazy
so I’m think think so that that AI would then in the ocean recognize this historical significant events that
mattered and be able to and it gets I don’t even know how but okay the Jesus
happened that these religions happened in ensuring that those are some kind of
inserted into our this other you know run this other run of human
civilization and yeah to where it’s what what if it’s all everything is AI left
over from Humanity from a prior civilization that existed on this very
Planet yeah potentially this is crazy I don’t think that my my brain was just running with the
idea of like sci-fi that yeah what if you’re like what no what okay but what if here’s on another level what if it’s
uh it’s so to make for me to make I think that’s actually really
interesting like uh you know again sci-fi you know
hypothetical but like because here’s the thing how would you bridge that gap of you
know I think what it would uh what it could be is that same thing it’s
Advanced AI but like not the AI that we think it to be it’s it’s it’s still
compatible it’s an older it’s because that’s like have you ever seen what I’m trying to say is like have you ever seen
how uh there’s you know certain Technologies in some of these temples
and stuff and these Mayan temples or things like that where these pillars can actually Spin and rotate like they don’t
know how they can do it I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that but there’s just like pillars inside these temp that like
if you grabb them and spin them they’re these they’re holding this thing up but they’ll spin um and so what I’m trying
to say is that they might have had an older style of AI that potentially was
you know maybe the same thing made it tick or it’s almost like a Wi-Fi signal where it’s like it’s still compatible
like your phone wouldn’t charge that one night but you were like hey if you even have an iPhone charger that has this
type of thing you know it it’ll still charge so maybe it’s something where it’s like waking up an old version of
Ultron seriously talking about that old stuff in my crazy Theory I I could even
connected to they talk about aliens in the pyramids how that happened to where yeah replace aliens with AI that we
created thousands of years ago that you know existed in peacefully and either
and I guess in this Theory it’s not it it’s peaceful and it’s trying to preserve us where ideally because they
talk about the UAP uh being cited around sensitive like areas like nuclear weapon
type facilities and stuff to where the what if it’s actually down there looking
out for us and it’s with the intent of keeping us from destroying ourselves
this time around if I don’t know yeah I mean dude yeah there’s no I mean that’s it I will say that I mean you know with
the knowledge we have really it’s like the lack of knowledge we have of the ocean pretty
much it’s like there’s not a lot um hang on let me give me a second to think how
I want to say this you’re good I got it don’t mess this up Mikey if you say the song G don’t don’t you [ __ ] this up me
stman don’t you [ __ ] this up for me yeah uh no
um huh did just say your thoughts like it
there’s no wrong with because again like I was just a loose idea or concept is what I was sharing that I could poke
holes in and it’s more just the possibility of anything within that realm right so what you’re kind of what
realm are you thinking I um the ocean just keep yeah
so it it’s the realm the realm what I’m thinking with the ocean is just that it’s like our lack
of knowledge of the ocean is also
our biggest proof of potential like yeah the fact that’s
that’s mysterious yes that’s what I was trying to say that’s what I was trying to say is that our our lack of
understanding of this so say you’re a detective in a [ __ ] you know you’re trying to solve a case and you know
everything about all these other people and where they were but you don’t really know a lot about this character like
what’s that big down forever oh we don’t know oh I
don’t know I don’t know so it’s like that that almost is like kind of you
know it’s like it’s your it’s your it’s a qu while it’s a question on one hand it’s also somewhat of an answer on
another or more or less of a reason for another and I think that it the ocean thing is interesting because it’s like
as chief head you know conspiracy theorist of you know all most chief head
conspiracy theorists of my group I would say like my brother Caleb probably might beat me
yeah yeah he’s a pretty big one but okay so Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper
was a pretty crazy book it’s a fan I think I you’re gonna pill me on something here I think I think it’s a
book that everybody should get um number one the cover art is amazing I have it I could go grab it show it to you but the
cover art is beautiful um but it just talks about all kinds of different stuff but in the very beginning he’s pretty
much laying out he was like a naval he worked in the Navy and I think he might have been a naval intelligence
officer at one point but uh while he was in the Navy he saw out on the deck he
was pretty much scanning left to right he was on watch him and another guy and they were scanning The Horizon from left
to right and all of a sudden him and the guy that he was watching the ocean with
observe a UAP fly into the ocean straight into the water and he
said that they both were like shocked and stunned I guess he said they kept
scanning the ocean kept scanning the area that the UAP flew in at and then he said a little while later he said that
something ended up also coming back out of the ocean so something fell into it and then came out of it yeah and he he
in that book talked a lot about how he believes that our our uh you know our government has been in Conta with these
beings like there’s this one where this like leaked quote unquote leaked document of our government talking to
this uh being that they referred to as like worshipful Majesty or something it was some weird document what year what
year this book come out roughly like uh had to have been like 90s 90s okay 90s I
would say the ocean stuff even on Sean Ryan he interviewed a guy where they talk about like being in someone being
in a submarine like in the military and they’re being CRA basically crazy you
know objects moving around in a way that in the same way in the sky we see things moving around that we we don’t have
technology that we know of that could do that that in the ocean they’ve witnessed you know that’s that’s like a
documented talk or known thing to where that yeah to where it it aligns with
what you’re saying in yeah yeah yeah the book released in 91 um originally published in 91 and uh
you know he he in the book talks a lot about aliens and a lot about like you know shows a lot of documentation on
stuff and our government knows things but then later on he was like seeing he was in an interview and this is one of
the crazy craziest things that I’ve ever like somewhat experienced in my life and that was when I kind of after doing my
own dive deep diving on you know the whole subject of UFOs and considering everything and watching you know it’s
not like I went and sat down and I was like I’m going to figure out it was just after you know a while of seeing different stuff and I had watched a
movie where they pretty much had like uh you know it was like I think it was God I can’t even remember what movie it was
but it gave me the idea that like maybe you know what if this stuff that
we think is aliens isn’t even aliens they don’t exist and it’s our own government duping us and it’s our own
it’s our own you know they’ve duped us into believing that aliens exist and that we can really fly into outer space
and that all these exist yeah exactly the bigger obiously there be an agenda
to I don’t know and I’m not saying what the agenda is but yeah yeah but I’m with you I’m with you I had had that theory
where it was like What if everything we’re seeing it’s like it’s alien to us we don’t know it we’ve never seen it
we’ve only seen Planes Trains and Automobiles you know shout out Dick Van djk but Dick Van Dy you know it’s like
we’ve always SE is that who in D Van Dyk D van
Martin was it my three sons like well dig Van Dyk was a know he’s funny but he
wasn’t so if he’s in that movie okay yeah either way automobiles um that’d be awesome if he
had a cameo I know it was just some actually he happened to have a tiny rooll like a that that so but no so um
yeah so it’s like di had had that Theory and then I ended up watching an interview of
William Cooper where he pretty much said that exact same thing and that at that point it kind of made me think like okay
that’s a little weird like he had that because he said that he had for years he believed that out of everything he’d
seen in the sky and you know the [ __ ] he’s witnessed and read that he believed that aliens existed and all that but
then later on he was inter like somebody was interviewing him like in a hotel somewhere I guess they convinced him to
sit down but he was saying he doesn’t believe he believe he didn’t believe
that aliens and like he doesn’t believe that they exist he believes that it’s all like our government pretty much
[ __ ] duping us so here look that up real quick actually I don’t know if I’ll be able to hear it and I can in that I
could I can easy believe I I’ve and what am I looking
up just go to YouTube and type in let’s see William Cooper yeah umu before get I
wanted to say so yeah and I’m thinking with the whole ocean stuff honestly the more I think
about I feel like it’s the obvious it’s like you’re talking about
detective is like well what we can’t explain all this stuff well there’s there’s a big pool in the house that goes down forever we don’t even know
what what’s in there or comes out of there to where that’s that’s the ocean I feel like that the more I think about it
is the the more plausible explanation for the origin of these things is not
not another not out in space not you know in another universe or just you
know out external to Earth that the ocean I feel like is arguably as likely
or more likely of an explanation for the origin of of this stuff and whether you know how much I’m sure
there’s people in the know like you’re saying with the government and I I think that’s where yeah it doesn’t mean it’s alien and I think I I think their
government has knowledge but like I think they control the narrative only so much
but uh to where yeah and because it’s like the fmy Paradox or where they talk
about okay if the universe is so vast and you know if there
was extraterrestrial life that theoretically the it that that firy
Paradox posits that it would be discovered right or it would be made somehow being made known to another but
then that’s actually where the whole dark force Theory actually gets more relevant about H superintelligent life
knowing not to make itself known because the universe could is easily you could think
it’s predatory to where if you would say hey I’m over here you you could be putting a Target on your planet so
that’s a whole interesting realm of it all to where I I’m think yeah I’m just
yeah I’m thinking the ocean but so so I’m looking up Cooper now here yeah give me yeah give me one second I think I may
have found it but hold on cool yeah I was just yeah for me personally I’m I I
believe that the ocean is the most likely origin for a lot for for UAP and for what whatever that is and and
however much our government knows or doesn’t I mean they know they know more than us I don’t know I I don’t I don’t
believe that they control it what a lot of yeah control it but I do believe they
know yeah I mean they definitely know and the thing is though here imaculate
conell it’s like yeah I know I’ve said it before it’s like you can’t you
know I think again that the reason that they’re bringing some of this conversation up is it’s it’s dipping the
people’s toe it’s fear inoculation in a sense because it’s like people need to start getting used to the idea that like
okay there’s something out there whether again whether it’s other countries or whatever because it’s like look what
happened whenever they said hey look CO’s happening people went and up all the toilet paper so you imagine what
they say hey there’s aliens that aliens exist they from the plan slow from the
planet yeah they’re from the planet I and they’re here to you know take they
need oil and they you know people would be [ __ ] losing their [ __ ] and they’d be shooting guns at airplanes they’d be
like what is that and they us for yeah whatever there’s for
what they know is probably been existing it’s they and they can’t deny it and instead of like again you slowly like
you said the Frog thing and for people that don’t know the Frog analogy they the way that you boil a frog um is that
you put it in a pot of cold water and you slowly increase the temperature of the heat on the pot you don’t just put
it in a pot of hot ass water that’s already boiling because the Frog will jump out but if you set a frog in a pot
of cold water and you slowly increase heat on the pot eventually the Frog will just boil and die and he’ll never jump
out because he doesn’t understand that he’s boiling yeah it’s body it’s just adjusts to the temperature and so the
normal gets raised up and body just doesn’t even notice that it’s killing it so we’re not it’s not that you know
we’re boiling or anything like that but they’re slowly conditioning the mind to
where the mind doesn’t make that quick you know polar 180 like aliens don’t exist bam aliens exist they’re here
they’re on way oh my God it’s slowly slow tur their brain and our chaos
potentially happening versus because people will just lose their [ __ ] nobody people will lose their [ __ ] and they
won’t realize it like wait a minute so how long collapse who knows what kind of you know well yeah because really
consider if it is ex if if they have been around for all this time and been doing so it’s like we’ve been fine the
whole time haven’t we it’s like but people would go out and they’d freak out and do crazy [ __ ] and it’s like there’s
no reason to just because they have the knowledge of this existing so let me try and let me try and see if I can get this
uh like you just said there and that that aligns with you know my my story theory that they’ve we’ve been fine so
if they wanted something to destroy us why would they not have done it by now so if
anything yeah it’s like okay we’re we are fine and they could like yeah okay yeah we actually have an alien that’s
been living at the White House be what but it’s like but it’s not affecting at least not in any way that’s
clear and if anything that could be actually helping who know who knows no yeah like like who knows and again
that like if it was AI from from a prior human civilization you know it it’s not
trying to hurt us if anything it was it could be have potentially helped Humanity along this is crazy I swear
YouTube scrubbed these videos dude they I can’t find like they do they actually
they YouTube does scrub stuff because I dude there’s I’ve seen there was used to be all these William Cooper interviews
on here and I like well dude like whenever Joe The Joe Rogan Trump interview happened it wasn’t easy to
initially find it like it was there but it wasn’t like it was the they so they
definitely play with what you know what’s available and honestly yeah I
wouldn’t be S surprised if things have been scrubbed so in the
meantime find another video in the meantime here’s a video for you to look
up because I think this is just a cool because I love something yeah give the
people something cool for sure so Coast to Coast AM I love it so type in Coast
to Coast AM Jerry Garcia story it’s super short but you can play it for people to listen to because I think it’s
a cool ass story and Coast to Coast AM comes on at 12
12:00 12:00 in the morning and plays till like 5 AM um but it’s a YouTube go
look at go look up the YouTube video just of J Garcia that’s it yes so get the volume rolling but this is old video
the from a caller and this is why the show is amazing cool I’m just making sure the audio hopefully I hopefully
I’ll hear it but we’ll see sure I had a really bizarre experience I can’t
hear all right okay and this occurred now several years ago a friend and I
were in a um Pub in Seattle having a couple of beers and we were carrying on
conversation and um I I was distracted by looking around and I see this one
person sitting about a table away and I totally last track what I was saying my friend saying that I was
distracted look over and see what I was looking at his mouth drops open his eyes
are are big as saucers and then this character rep
and you thought I was dead well this character happened to be uh Jerry
Garcia and this was a month after he died
oh that’s a great story yeah well it gets better we were dumbfounded and we
just you know kind of laughed it off thinking okay here’s somebody knows he looks like Jerry Garcia so we we go back
to our conversation and and um we both did a double take a couple minutes
later and this character was gone and he was nowhere at all in the pub at
all and uh we asked the bartender if they had seen this guy sitting there
that looked like Jerry Garcia now you can’t mistake somebody who looks like Jerry Garcia and he said
no never saw anybody sitting at that table at all it was the real deal wasn’t
it well that’s that’s what I think but you know of all places in Seattle a small
Irish Pub away from nowhere and later we thought you know what if what if he was
just trying to get out of the business and bed this whole death thing and then
show up in in the middle of some little Pub in Seattle to get away from everybody and pull it off because who
would believe after all the press release that Jerry Garcia showed up at
some little uh after the fact well you know it’s it’s like the old Elvis sightings that popped up for years after
he died as well I’ll be back in a moment more open I turned on the captions there I don’t know hopefully I if you yeah
I’ve seen it before so yeah so what do you what what what do you like so much about that story I I don’t know just the
just the uh the nature of the whole I think I think it’s just uh because that was whenever I believe was Art Bell I
think that was doing the show and uh just the element of the caller and that
the caller seemed to you know he really seemed to believe what he was saying wasn’t necessarily that I believed the
story all that much as well you know what I mean it’s just that uh yeah it’s just the whole the the whole setup and
the co I just wanted to give people the vibe of what Coast to Coast AM was and I thought I think it’s a neat story I
agree um just because obviously the guy felt convicted he didn’t it didn’t seem like something he was trying to sell
something that you know it seemed real to him and his presented a scenario that
okay yeah it did especially that was before you know the inter things was
tracked as Internet you know is what it is now with being able you know
theoretically he could I could you could see that that that is you know going to
his digging up his body and getting DNA evidence or something crazy that and it was at a time where and it was at a time
where I don’t believe like you you know you didn’t have cell phones and stuff like that and you can’t you know you would have had to you would have had to
have ran across somebody that had a [ __ ] camera that’ be yeah so you really could have gotten away with just
like I’m in a bar yeah and I’m wearing a hat and nobody knows who I am or what thought I think of that like a thought
experiment it’s like yeah neither of us are saying that we believe that Jay Garcia is alive but no that everyone has
experiences that they can’t explain and whenever like that guy he s j has that
experience he’s trying to figure it out and he’s just sharing an insane experience and sharing listen and he’s
just trying to share it and he’s not trying to push some something to where whenever you see something in the sky or
anybody sees something that it doesn’t mean that there’s an explanation it and
we just will you know naturally just try and fil make one like he his natural one is I could see okay he faked his death
to just get away from it all and I could that’s a believable Theory right and
he’s just trying to make sense of what he saw because a guy appearing and disappearing that literally says
basically Jerry Garcia you know what else are you going to do right so I feel like it’s a
thought experiment to where it just show it just shows you just to be open to
people having experiences that are unexplainable and a lot of times they don’t even share them
with people because they know that they’re unexplainable and they know that they’re going to be ostracized or be
like you’re crazy whatever to where it’s almost they feel like what’s the point of telling people the story because it’s
going to just be a joke and it’s you know to where it’s you need no yeah I
mean I think I think that uh I think um what’s important is that and what I like about a lot of that stuff I love I love
mystery I love the unknown I love uh you know room for you know uh
interpretation yeah it’s like rather than just you know well I’m not it’s not to say that I’m you know I deny obvious
things but I’m also very open to there being other you know I again I know that
I don’t know that’s like what Socrates said like I know that I don’t know know I know there’s a lot of [ __ ] yeah it’s
you know there’s a lot of [ __ ] that you know that if I woke up tomorrow and they say hey actually we’re floating on the
back of [ __ ] turtles or something yeah okay cool I guess that he actually
knows it all is the dumbest guy in the room right is kind of yeah yeah it’s like I just think that people need to
you know continue to just keep a keep a wondrous you know curious curious
curious exactly like children yeah absolutely like keep keeping keeping the mind keeping it’s yeah it’s like
something there’s so many there’s so many quotes about like about that about like keeping that like you know almost
like a mind of a child or whatever that Spirit of a child It’s like because that is you know it’s it’s what and that kind
of brings me back you know almost to what we were saying in our other episode about what my question was with AI and
stuff for the advancements of it it was like what what’s a human supposed to be you know and I think that that’s one of
the things that’s always like uh been so great about and has pushed human
civilization and everything so far has been the unknown and the Mysterious it’s but that’s what’s pushed us and I think
that uh when you that’s what’s made you know kind of the climate is I think
that’s what somewhat made society as dumb as it’s been is because we feel like we have everything figured out
already and so it’s like H we have gravity and space and you know science
and all of this figured out we don’t even have it figur we don’t even have figure which is funny Society is yeah
Society is so what I’m saying is that they’ve pushed it in such a way that where people we think that all these
things are figured out and it’s like oh just go just go get a job that pays you a lot of money so you can have a nice
place and have a nice life yeah and and we don’t plac you think other people
want to go to PO post and it just sucks it just it just sucks all the essence out of your sucking all it’s like I
think that pind and people have been pickpocketed and they’re being they’re
selling well they’ve been pickpocketed and they’re and they’re being sold their [ __ ] back to them in like in a lesser
form it’s like they’re being sold they you know happy it’s back in like a cheaper you know knockoff form in the
form of you know uh [ __ ] [ __ ] from HomeGoods yeah it’s the Pioneer
Spirit the Trailblazer the the adventurer you know the people that
sailed around the world the first time you know actually charted the Seas it felt like yeah I think what you’re
saying is spot on to where that that drive people are still born with it but
I think like what you’re saying is society and whatever however you to say culture Capital
whatever consumerism has found a way to take that energy and direct it towards meaningless things to where you know
those people it’s like oh they they probably could have gone on to do great
amazing things advancing and just Cur being curious about things but they chase they’re on the paper chase they’re
on the status Chase because Society has conditioned them to direct that energy
that way to where they didn’t haven’t even considered you know being passionate about something else which is
which is the sad thing which is I’m just yeah agreeing with what you’re saying no I’m glad you I’m glad you see exactly
that’s like that’s what I’ve seen for so long has just been like one of the biggest detriments or the big like the
saddest thing that’s happened to humans is that we’ve lost all like Spirit of just uh you know they we’ just lost all
of that wonder and curiosity and you know and again like I said it’s all been figured out and you know there’s nothing
to explore we know Spa we know everything there’s nothing to do just you know like you said you’re on the paper chase and so go chase these things
and you know don’t think about this other stuff but you know but that is not our listeners our listeners are exactly
Travelers [ __ ] Travelers is our is is who listens to us and they travel to
galaxies and also you know who listens to us softmax plus softmax plus
Michael he’s been doing some cool stuff he’s been doing fantastic stuff I just
uh so I read I read the left keus mystery as we all know um I’ve read I’ve
I’ve already read that but now I’ve started to break into this now that I’ve I’ve recently gotten some time away from
other books that I was already had prior obligation to read but now now I’m on to this one to pepperoni Powerhouse which I
I wanted to read this one uh before we interviewed what’s the backage page
summary on that that one uh the back page summary a pizza themed gang corrupts the lives of three teenagers
part one and it’s pretty cool man like he’s got like it’s it’s got a very Warriors vibe to it where there’s these
different gangs and they wear like different gear and stuff like that but yeah he’s doing some cool stuff yeah
dude launched show Chanel it I love it
no I did check it out it’s a great show yeah I enjoy it it’s funny what he’s I
like I like where he’s at man and I’m interested this just gives us more stuff to talk to him about whenever he joins
us again because you know we can ask him just about yeah we can ask him about the whole process of how that’s been you
know figuring out okay you had an idea you wanted to do this but now you know you’re refining it because he’s you know
he’s what’s kind of cool about it is that he’s in the same spot we’ve kind of been in too where he’s you know he
started doing this and now he’s trying to figure out I’m sure you know you just start something then eventually you’re
like oh [ __ ] we need to kind of change this or do something a little different or brush guy and he trying man originally
just sell his books and that’s evolved into yeah he’s still author and still wants to sell his books but he’s he has
a lot to offer and he has has a lot to offer that gets PE you know it gets to
get I don’t know for me I get an escape from reality and I’m in a good way in a curious way outside of whatever the rest
of the world is generally doing to where yeah I really love yeah he’s got he’s
got heat he’s got heat man I’ve said it before I’ll say it again Michael Michael swan has heat soft Max Plus heck yeah
man I think that’s uh I think that’s I think that’s uh it’s it’s been a good time buddy I don’t know uh has it yeah
and that’s I mean yeah I mean I could beginning of the day if there’s anything else you wanted to get to get on on no I
mean you know I I think uh I think we’ve gotten some we got some cool stuff of course there’s more things I could kind
of you know bring up and talk about and chitchat on um which I’m how long have
we been have we been going for now an hour so we did the one break and
I’m guessing the first video not sure it’s probably at least 45
minutes just want to make sure we’ve given people enough yeah I mean over an hour and a
half okay want to make sure too we haven’t missed any because I feel like sometimes too I walk away from an
episode and I’m like we could have we could have brought attention to that because we need to we need to do a a better job of of
forecasting what’s uh you know what what’s what’s looking at the week ahead for lining up our our content or talking
points you don’t have to he preached in the choir buddy oh I know but that’s
what I’m saying I’m taking the time now to think yeah I mean yeah there’s I know
from my notes there’s I get and interesting I was just
wondering if we could set up a guest I don’t think Joe Rogan’s gonna have enough time before the new year to hop on yeah he might be New Year yeah I
would text him but I think he’s in the middle of an IA trip right now yeah there’s a good good chance old Joe is
Old Joe is you know he’s figuring his life out right now at the moment I think yeah I think he’s I think he’s living
his best life at the same time man what a guy what a guy he’s living his best life at the same time is we all are
figuring out life aren’t we all have it totally figured out I did I do I do have
an uh coming briefly just the general of of
AI just it’s interesting that uh you can see a lot more stuff about AI agents or
agentic uh basically AI basic aeic and it’s like do like run programs or just you
know actually not just a chat bot but like an AI they can do things whether it’s you know execute
programs or if you put it in a robot an AI that could you know be some kind of
Labor it’s anything just you know it’s actually do functions a limit and so I
know the company like Microsoft and co-pilot they’re putting uh a releasing AI agents to where PE companies are
going to be able to use them and set them up and basically you know the the end the end result is that a lot of
employees aren’t going to be needed anymore uh but that and that’s just part of it but that’s I was just having an
interesting thought it’s and it’s just fascinating cuz kind of like we’re talking about last
week uh to to where you can’t really get away get away from Ai and I like end it
to just like the internet to where it’s it’s it’s you can’t imagine going somewhere and not being internet and
just over time in AI is great it and you think about because I remember I was going to college and then graduate
school uh in Information Systems the terminology big data and uh iot intern
Internet of Things where like okay they’re kind of there this was you know seven eight nine 10 however many years
ago those were like talking points as far as in uh you know computer science
you know Big Data was that and the Internet of Things Internet of Things is just the uh concept or just
really internet smart it’s basically you think about the C smart things smart I
got a smart light or I’ve got smart this smart that basically devices being able
to connect to the internet literally the internet being wired in to every you know to things and it’s just you know
almost so many things you get now they have Wi-Fi they connect to the internet and that’s but I just that was whenever
that was actually become like becoming a thing to where more and more things are going to be you know smart that that for
whatever reason that there was The iot Internet of Things was the terminology for it it’s all interesting because all
the in the inevitable the inevitability that I’m seeing is and it’s just it’s progression
I’m just speaking as what I’m seeing how it play out is we create an
infrastructure that the natural next step or it’s being the next step is okay
we’ve come up with AI and we’ve have this infrastructure where the internet is connected into everything so AI is
immediately going to be able to be connect conned into everything along with the internet and just be it’s like
we built the infrastructure and all this stuff and we didn’t know that I was going to happen but naturally it’s going
to perfectly make and that’s and I just feel like a way to be like man it’s going to really change things even
crazier than than people realize and it’s already interconnected to everything but the whole Black Box uh
element of AI that we really don’t actually know how the M like how the
networks and large language models like we don’t exactly know why and they’re doing what they’re doing like why they
work the way they do and the actual mechanics behind it and we have we’re deploying all these agents and it’s just
it’s funny to even think we’re calling them agents and I just have you know cons not conspiracy theory but I could
just have write a story where and they’re not even thinking of them
they’re not sleeper cells but imagining okay down the road we’ve basically given all our power and
control away not to other people but we’ve literally given power and control away to these AI agents that yeah we set
up these guard RS and parameters on what they’re able to do but who’s to say 10
however many years from now a person or an AI system couldn’t eily bypass those
and then literally just just think of like a hacker being the you know you see movies like where a hacker gets into the
public transportation system or is this able to easily disrupt everything because we’ve got everything connected
and that’s like a human bad actor and it could still you could theorize that a human works with AI but AI is get be all
these agents and agenic nature of it being connected to everything if AI does
go bad we’re we’re just we’re handing it the keys to
everything and and not not even considering the fact that we don’t totally understand how it works and that
it’s just interesting to me like we’re literally we’re going to start replacing our employ like as far as like desk workers a lot of analysts customer
service just you know people sit at a computer and do their job a lot most of those jobs are get be easily replaced by
AI in the current state in the current state AI because I’ve I only said because I’ve messed with AI enough to
know that oh I can get to run this analysis I can upload all this stuff and it can literally spit out we like a
president take can do all this stuff that I was spending hours or other people spend all this time doing so yeah
and so got AI agents easily repl and that’s just in this job but agents are going to be everywhere and it just it’s
just funny that could just Dem mad to the worst case scenario is we’re we’re
just like oh we’re it’s like in the Sci-Fi movies just got all these friendly robots then all out of nowhere they something happens and they decide
to turn whether it’s some other AI that you know opens their eyes who knows it’s
just interesting CU we’re setting it we’re setting it up to however place I
don’t think anything bad’s going to happen it’s just interesting because we’re giving the power we’re so quickly
giving the power away to something that we still really don’t fully understand
it’s just really it’s interesting yeah no we’re driven it away so quick because
it saves money because they can cut costs get get AI to do it and
you know there it’s not going to go wrong and it probably won’t it’s just you gota you gotta be for me it’s like
you got to be P Doom is the whole thing for a reason and I’ve talked about that
the probability of Doom the probability of AI going bad in the most general of sense is you know an actual you know
probability term that’s used you know by the bright Minds behind
Ai and most of I mean I’ve shown you like that before right yeah we’ve talked
about I w’t go anymore so I just had the thought about AI agents we being steep we’re creating setting them up to easily
be steeper cells that if things do go bad they already have control of everything to where it’s just it’s it’s
it’s funny to where it’s like oh man how do we even like they have control of everything it’s and we’re just setting
that up just like to set up the infrastructure for them to exist we’re setting up the infrastructure for you
know if things do go another way then it’s just it’s just funny it’s like what
can you do yeah and I mean you know personally for me the Chinese proverb comes to mind maybe whenever the guy
when the farmer’s horse ran away and the you know the the neighbor came over and he was like this is so terrible and the
farmer said maybe and then the horse came back the next day and brought seven wild Mustangs with it and the neighbor
said this is amazing he did farmer said maybe and next day the kid was out
riding a horse got bucked off one of the new horses CU he was trying to break a mustang mustang breaks his breaks his
leg Neighbor comes over he said God this is so terrible what a tragic event you know farmer says maybe maybe it is and
then the next day the con you know the it’s like a little while later the uh conscription officers and stuff come by
because they’re getting every able-body man to fight in the war and they don’t draft his son for the war because he has
broken leg and his neighbor comes over again and he says maybe you know he’s like oh this is amazing and the guy just
says maybe so we don’t really know I don’t know because I I do know that on the front end like with what you’re
saying with what you’re saying that it’s like you’re saying yeah it’s going to work out and it’s all going to be well and good right but then again too
there’s G to be there’s going to be certain steps that without a shadow of a doubt will take
AI years to close oh yeah for them being able to do physical for them being able
to do certain physical skilled labor jobs to to a certain level it’s going to be to where it’s affordable oh yeah I
don’t give a [ __ ] if Boston Institute of engineering or whoever hang on I don’t give a [ __ ] if Boston Institute of
engineering can make a [ __ ] robot that you can’t push over that’s like a [ __ ] Weeble wobble and can jump 12
feet in the air and can [ __ ] pour me a cup of coffee and [ __ ] drive to the store and get me some [ __ ] groceries
at the end of the day that [ __ ] that [ __ ] robot is gonna cost an average human being 2
[ __ ] 30,000 $400,000 to own something like that that’s not a realistic something a
proposition the cost estimate isn’t isn’t accurate but that it doesn’t change I think that cost because test
selling next year be 30,00 and I’m just I’m just saying and that’s what I’m saying and you’re going to see people that go out there and buy this $30,000
hunk of [ __ ] that can just pick a bag up that’s what I mean that’s what I’m saying is it you’re is is it there’s
these there’s these incredible advancements made on certain and I’m not and I’m not just talking on on just the
level of of physical labor because I know we’ve had that conversation but it’s like in terms of just that what you
said right there you think the cost estimate is off I don’t I think the cost estimate is right on for something that
has the ability again like whatever it is it’s like whoever it is B Dynamic something they’re out of
[ __ ] they make all that crazy [ __ ] and that’s what I’m saying [ __ ] that can do like what you’re seeing there and people
think they’re going to [ __ ] get with a Tesla robot is not it it’s not it’s not it
about it’s it’s funny cuz the safest job in like being a [ __ ] like you’re talking
about yeah manual labor and stuff is going to be last thing a plumber an electrician a ro a contractor PL yeah
this I was about to say plumber plumber is one of the safest jobs and I was getting my haircut and I was just talking to stylist I ha like stuff
massage like stuff like that yeah there’s stuff that they’re not going to touch at all like or this could be the
last thing because it’s not going to be the intricacies of like actually the data of that to crawl into a sink and do
all that [ __ ] yeah we’re not about to make a Rob they there’s no incentive for them to do that so there’s like
futureproof jobs being a like a plumber M like basically some of those manual labors like that are some of the jobs I
was getting my haircut I was almost thinking man like even if getting a
human to do that is always going to be some in massage therapists I was think I’m just thinking about future proof
jobs and then having a dog prostitution y dude dude that’s is and
always will be the old profession they might sure have robots to do it for cheaper but people still go on a human
but nothing like that human nothing like that human feel yeah no I mean I I just
I also too I think that somewhat again to wrap up you know we I know we’ve talked about we always talk about Ai and
we’re so different on the Spectrum just because I I come from a standpoint
of try say different like I’m I agree with everything you’re saying I know that’s the cost estimate but it doesn’t
change the point like the end point of the argument like the cost estim can be this or that but still the yeah robot’s
not going to come in here and do these certain jobs for another who knows if they ever get to it because it’s not
going to be in their best it’s not going to be a return on the investment to make it able to do it until this technology
makes it so cheap for them to do it you know like yeah it’s where it almost makes it to where until it gets to the
point where it’s like a [ __ ] flat screen TV know people that can’t give a [ __ ] flat screen away I had a
neighbor of mine I was helping to move [ __ ] the other day he was like hey do you want this TV and I’m like no man I
know my buddy crane was trying to sell his flat screen not too long ago before he moved and he’s like man I’ve tried to
sell this thing so many [ __ ] times I can’t sell it it’s one of those things where it’s I know and they’re everywhere and so many people have them and it’s
like so at that point eventually yeah like what you’re saying eventually whenever it gets so Advanced to where
the technology is just way Advanced to where you can’t hide it then yeah shit’ll be way more affordable and stuff
like that um I just think that again like with the I do think that the current state of AI again you come from
a standpoint of constantly researching and understanding and knowing the the current upto-date advancements and stuff
I’m strictly going off of gut I’m going off of my gut feeling and I’m going off of what I predict and how I feel about
it the same way Patrice O’Neal would say I I judge on a [ __ ] being guilty or not or whether how I think he is I
don’t give a [ __ ] about what they say like I don’t know think he did it like yeah so it’s like I’m just kind of going
off on my gut here and it’s like I don’t think that I think that AI has been way
to an extent I think it’s been way overhyped I and I think that there’s people I think there’s people that are
behind it that have spent a shitload of [ __ ] money on it and they’re looking
for money back and at the at the end of the day you’re not you’re not gonna
[ __ ] you’re not going to produce something that you’re trying to sell and you’re trying to promote you want people
to put your money into you’re not going to do that and then also not on the same hand be like this is the best [ __ ]
[ __ ] ever it’s so smart we’re on the cusp of gaining this we’re so close to AGI or we’re so close to this to get
people to keep [ __ ] dumbing the bread out and keep paying and so that’s that’s where I’m at where it’s like I know like
you said they’re already it is that’s what is scary though it’s at this it’s already at the spot where it could take
so many jobs like that that’s my thing even now it’s just even current state as
far as like job like jobs my type job you know basically job I have you know
it’s where it’s it’s going to be huge disruptor you know and that in not saying it’s could take over the world
but I’m just saying like it’s gonna disrupt it already is disrupting a lot
it can it can take over the the world to an extent to as individual the
internet’s connected to things to an individual extent to in a way because also like it can already today or
tomorrow it could take over one of the lowest level jobs that you have like for instance at McDonald’s a cashier like
they don’t even I went in a handful of years ago I went into the McDonald’s by my house and they had the kiosks where
you just order oh yeah you go up and order from it and you don’t even you don’t even need somebody that you you
need two people to run a kitchen three people and that’s it you don’t even need a cash any places where they have even
kitchens fully automated in Pilot like cities like you know who’s you know who’s you know who’s working on
automated kitchens or automated uh we’ve talked about them you know who you know who’s working on already the automation
process for making their food I mean I’m sure we talked about my number one place oh you’re oh yeah of
course Chipotle oh yeah Chipotle they got the they got the they got the they call it the burrito bot they say this
burrito bot he going to make a lot of burritos yep it’s going to make a lot no
I don’t know they don’t call it that but they do they actually do have a machine they’re working on like to be able to
make burrito bowls and stuff like that so I mean I agree I’m mean you’re right
we do agree a lot and we just say different [ __ ] and but I I that is the thing that I think is startling that
people do need to understand or look at is or just recognize is that like if another covid type situation happened
again the amount of jobs that would just [ __ ] disappear overnight are insane
because they’ve already advanced this to a certain point and companies have already put in these safeguards almost
like a buffer dog when somebody knows their dog’s about to die yeah that some people will buy another dog ahead of
time just so that when the one dog passes they already have one and they don’t feel like they went out and you know what I mean so it’s like they
already have these things in place yeah they have these things in place already where it’s like hey when this happens
you know okay another big you know disaster or something happens like bam automation or if they increase the
minimum wage to a certain point okay we cut our employees in half you know cut our employment in half and it’s like
have robots do the rest like they already have automated for clips and stuff so yeah man yeah and again a lot
of what I talk about is even I I would say yeah the ex like the extent of it
just being at least in just as a foundational idea just think what is the
Internet connected to and how and again I’m just talking about just not saying just take that away I
was just talking about like if just think about people being able to hack things if people could hack into your
home people can H like Stephanie’s talked about when to get a lock that you can you just put in numbers from like no
I always want to key I don’t want to ever be in a situation where that thing malfunctions or somebody’s able to hack
into it and that’s without considering AI That’s Just again comes back to the internet of things or not not even that
just technology just like some things you want to keep for me for my myself I want to keep mechanical and of a nature
that it it can’t be tampered with or somehow infiltrated in in in means that
are nefarious right think everything that internet’s
connected to and just that is just like okay the internet is connected to that if and that just being okay you know
well that’s like even with cars like now the way they like you’re not going to see if you have an older car that’s a
standard it’s not going to get stolen but if you have a newer car if you have some newer like uh Range Rover Mercedes
or something like that or you know it doesn’t even have it could be it could be a nice like newer Toyota so the thing
is is that what these guys do is they have these like transmitters that they carry and they like get they walk up to
the house and it’s like it puts off this signal so they get close to the front door and they hold this thing up no so
they it’s like they get close to the front door and they hold this thing up while another guy’s like in the car and
it gets the car it so they’re they’re what they’re trying to do is get close enough to the house to where a person
probably puts their car keys okay and it can pick up the car key and make and trick the car into thinking the keys are
in the car and so then they can start the car and so that’s how they get it because most people walk in and set
their keys down yeah so the guy will just get out and he holds up this thing that like goes into a satchel that has a
battery pack and it’s putting off it’s putting off something like some kind of like almost like a Wi-Fi signal trying
to trying boost that key key fob signal to where the car closer yes and then the
car starts because it thinks it’s closer so same thing like that’s almost like the the same way that they can do those
locks because I follow like I enjoy lockpicking like I have a little Lockpick Set I do it like it’s a fun
little hobby you know to just do and so lockpicking like they can also there’s
different easy ways to trip those nice like El because I’m my girlfriend has one of those locks where you punching
the numbers on in her place it’s like she has one of those locks and I’m kind not to right because no yeah yeah
exactly so but either way um yeah no man I mean never gonna get one of those I’m
like you don’t need any of that everything even so even your like don’t even get a nest don’t get any anything
that control your anything that can control your AC and heat and all that leave that to what it is because like
whenever there was the when the freeze was happening here in in Texas like a couple years back when there was we had
a nasty freeze and it knocked out a bunch of power um they were ending up like people that even had power but they
had the nest or the smart home thermostats they were getting notifications that like they couldn’t
even turn their [ __ ] on because the power grid it was it was like a fail sa something in the system that was telling
their like no you can’t turn on because we’re trying to conserve energy right so they ended up they ended up making it
where you couldn’t turn your heat on yeah like something get hacked or if it’s just a Simpson system that can
malfunction because again that thing is connected to some system that they were able to say no to conserve power it’s
like no I want certain yeah there’s so many things you should just leave if it ain’t broke don’t fix it like there’s
certain things that like I think you know I think it’s cool to maybe have uh have your have Bluetooth lights to where
you can change your lights like you have in a controlled way is that but in in in ways of like when it comes to security
and safety and like your comfort and what you’re paying for at your home absolutely not no man yeah I agree and that’s
that’s one thing we all we always do agree but uh you know we have we have a Fundy way of finding that intersection
yeah yeah because I embrace technology but the same time yeah I know comes a security and safety there’s like and
yeah again if something can be hecked or malfunction that’s of a crit has critical implications it’s like uhuh you
no want nothing to do with CRA if you’ve seen like movies where like and again I don’t even know choose like people get
PA if you get a current pacemaker which is it’s oh yeah you can’t do anything they have an app and they can control
which is great I mean that it again it’s great and it’s almost like well if it’s dying or this then I’ll I’ll go with
this but it’s interesting that even in a great it’s it’s great because it’s technology and it’s doing amazing things
but then just thinking of you know the vulnerability that that might potentially have again it’s that or
dying of course I’ll take that and there’s the risk in m functions or something but again it’s just it’s just
it’s just interesting on on the on the thing of pacemakers before you wrap it up and that just made me think How
likely of the possibility do you think the future of of like a repo men like
movie you remember the movie Repo How likely How likely do you think that is of actually happening in the future
where there’s like repo of like artificial organs because you know almost like we’ve Advanced to the point
where oh yeah if you could afford organs you could maybe live forever oh totally
no I I don’t think that’s that part is farfetched
no it’s fessing them yeah where they’re like
sorry you’re a week late on your lung payment [ __ ] damn it like oh my God
man yeah oh dude or they would just like what they’d be [ __ ] about it they could just like control your air like
just like digitally be like [ __ ] like I’m I’mma decrease it like the same way you get like a wireless like notification that it’s
like you’ve used 70% of your uh of your data for the week it’s like you’ve used 70% of your oxygen so they just turn
that so they slow your [ __ ] down like you know they slow your data down it’s like it slows you just like well guys
what are you oh you guys are going to play basketball yeah it’s like I can’ta heavy till payday like this
yeah like is Chris high no that Lo that payment’s coming up he’s got to conserve
oxygen he’s got to conserve his oxygen he don’t get paid till tomorrow man he gotta that’s when he get the rest of his
oxygen boosted back to 100% dude oh man that’s funny well all
right it’s good to laugh so before we know it’s good to laugh we got to do movie uh movie to see before you die and
I this shoot from the hip Mikey and just a movie that for years Timeless go back
from birth to now what is a a time this movie that you think people need to see
for the day it’s going to be a bit of a it’s going to be a bit of a because you said shoot for the hip I came straight
with the one that I thought of first it’s GNA be a bit of a rare movie somewhat of a most people I think will
enjoy it it’s technically it’s more of a kids geared movie but it’s older so I think people of Our Generation would
enjoy it because the [ __ ] they said movies back then that were kids movies they were more approachable now um but
it’s a movie you’ll I don’t know how you’re going to find it you’re probably going to have to illegally stream it but it’s called War of the buttons War of
the buttons War of the buttons I think that’s a movie and because it has like there’s one actor who’s in it it’s it’s
an Irish like coming of age story for young boys or whatever but it’s a fantastic movie A storyline the overall
sentiment there’s an actor in it that’s been in a shitload of movies and I can’t remember his name he’s an Irish actor
kind of got like as a child kind of has like no he wasn’t a kid he was an adult
like in the movie he played an adult but he has like a receding hairline and kind of curly crazy like John C Riley curly
hair but he’s an Irish dude Star Trek maybe let me see here let me before ibri
I bet it’s O’Brien from Star Trek the Next Generation 9 I’ll look it up give me one second
yeah I’m just P some money on a the actor plays a Brian and this is yeah’s
see I can look’s right here cast it’s probably him
no call meanie c o l m m a NE Y and that
just shows that a lot of Irish people look the same probably oh no this is him yeah that’s him that’s O’Brien from
start yeah the guy my Star Trek I was thinking of yeah that’s him yeah he’s in War of the buttons oh heck yeah it’s a
fantastic movie man you’ve got to watch it I love I seriously I can’t recommend it enough man it’s such a my aunt
recorded that movie for me off of a VHS from live TV uh she recorded that movie
from like PB she recorded it off of like PBS and one time I came in town and she was like oh I got a movie for you I was
like what’s that because like she always we would do like a snuff film or something weird but this was actually
good no yeah yeah this is a good movie man you gotta definitely got to check this out um hey uh no before we go I
know I know we’re about to go or whatnot I know we’re sneak in what you trying to sneak in here no it’s it’s
something for you because you were talking about like how AI it we only know so much about networks and things
like that yeah um go check out uh check out yeah go why don’t you go check out
uh [ __ ] go to our Instagram and see the messages I sent to our page because
it’s how I thought it was cool because maybe you could maybe it’s teaching or showing you something but how neural
networks like process oh yeah information so go to like our messages
there you go Joe random bam so this is kind of cool it’s like using
a layering approach or something oh yeah I don’t know if you’ve seen this I
haven’t seen this one though but that’s really cool oh yeah just watch it goes through the whole
process that’s a cool way to show to help explain neural Nets like visually
showing you how it sees yeah cuz and I think it also
explains why they [ __ ] [ __ ] up sometimes whenever you’re trying to get videos made yeah exactly yeah so
there a’t that interesting yeah that’s cool that’s actually really really cool simple quick yeah visual iig I wanted to
show you that because you were saying that about neural Nets and how we still don’t know a lot about them and I’m like oh [ __ ] like I want to show you that
like fig yeah yeah neuronet that large language model yeah yeah oh yeah we
understand that but then yeah built those are components of large language models and then there’s mysterious things Happ but so yeah there’s like
it’s we understand the nuts and bolts so that’s like what makes the magic of it
even crazier it’s like yeah yeah but Co made me watch that because it’s I
know it was quick and I just figured it’d be something you could share we could share with the viewers and you could also have they couldn’t see it so
that’s just for us oh they couldn’t okay cool right on well yeah so yeah recommendation you go ahead and start us
off well potato I’m looking to you um all so potato what what should we
recommend for the week okay take give yourself a I know
you might everyone feels a lot of times busy but give yourself a little nap when
you least expect it you know I mean if obviously you don’t have any pressing thing and you’re just kind of it’s a
point of the day and you’re you’re you know you got a ton of stuff to do but you know there’s nothing that okay then
the world’s going to end if I don’t do it now or do it tomorrow take a little break lay down for 30 minutes just rest
your eyes go back last week here a wreck about putting on some peaceful meditative sound and and just zone out
and I was telling my wife last night and I forgot about this there’s some there’s some type of magic to the game Tetris
and oh yeah the like the blocks literally into where like you you’ll
dream like tetr do something about the the blocks falling in I in the game it
just it has a psychological subconscious effect to where you’re laying down I don’t know if if you can’t relax and you
got a cheap phone and you you know you might play that but ideally just take a little try and take a little power nap
and take it easy just like a pug potato takes naps all day I like that that’s that’s a good one
I say my recommendation of the week would be uh you know uh it’s it’s going
to be somewhat of a quick little two-fold one uh twofold number one get ahead of your spring cleaning and clean
your space up clean your spaces up now do it in the winter because well yeah because it’s gonna especially when
you’re in Texas it feels better it’s like s minut ABS I got six minute abs do
do don’t wait till spring yeah so get ahead get ahead of your spring cleaning and get on that now because the weather
and Texas is great you open up your windows especially if you got to clean out your garage or your patio Now’s the
Time to do it and and then I’ll say really the main one aside from that Vibe
your space up man Vibe your space up so many of us go around living life with overhead oppressive lighting and and and
with with with spaces that just don’t and for no reason we live our lives like
this for no reason like these little let me show y’all something real quick these little candles these these little
candles back here you gotta you got oh oh my god oh oh okay they’re not real
dude you got they’re not real they’re not real he’s gonna burn his house down these are fake candles you can buy these
things stole from a restaurant right shut you go down to your steak Na and
they got them all dude shout out staking I don’t think they’re dude that who man
steaking yeah what shout out Bennett you go down to your local talk about a relative reference holy [ __ ] yeah man
yeah I know Matt’s really been out there no man Vibe your space up man because I
it’s one of these things like we’ve had the I’ve had these for a minute and you last night I saw yeah they were
everywhere looked cool dude it really was Vibe and so that’s the thing is that it’s like little stuff like this doesn’t
really cost you much money um and you know I did it for the occasion of having
people over but you know at the end of the day we should do it for ourselves every day like this little black light I
got a little black light in here with it’s and I I’m like this emotional health just make make your space want to
make your space feel more unique and not so Stark and just like you everywhere we
go is just stupid just make it your head flent everywhere you go is florescent
lighting yeah absolutely absolutely and and I think that I think it goes so far
to vibing your space though because it’s like Matt’s house I go to Matt’s house and when I walk in and I go back to
Matt’s room it’s viy I can I’m chilling I’m like man I could sit in here and watch a movie I could talk for hours um
I could I could do all kinds of stuff in here I could talk about the many Christmases I’ve experienced in this place many many Christmases um and yeah
and so so yeah VI Vibe space of many days and share your Vibe with us man if
you got a Vibe b space you know tag Us in it post it on your page or something on Instagram and tag the Mikey and me
podcast and say Vibes we VI this [ __ ] up I love it I love it Mikey so yeah well
it’s that time at the beginning and end of the day we
BC stop recording
greetings traveler you just crashed Lantern on the Mike Me podcast but fear not this is no mistake no fall in Stars
no glitch in The Matrix no play this has all been planned predetermined by Powers known not to us
but fear not for you among friends I said fear not twice so pull up a chair and join us as we find our way
together Matthew if any if you’re going to AC repeat yourself tell telling people not to be afraid is would be the
thing to do so if if it’s not to be was unintentional yeah no fear is like one
of the most control it is probably the most controlling psychological tool I start most of my conversations
telling people not to be scared don’t don’t be these conversations happen at Jee
well no the thing is you know that’s going to have the reverse psychological effect the moment he says look guys I
don’t want to freak you out okay everybody Ally queuing their brains to be in freak out mode oh they’re about to
do something weird okay just stay calm probably why I’m not getting a lot of second
dates all right so hey how’s everybody doing we’re we’re now back in in house
so to say or back in our normal spot versus last episode whenever you know I went to
Austin we talked about that yeah was nice came back did all that and uh now
now we’re back to our normal to our nor normal thing um and before before I get
where the [ __ ] this pug the Pug I think is sitting on yeah she is well that’s
pug over here is cuddled up on me but I was going to say we’re looking at a cool night in De Moine Iowa tonight it’s 62
degrees um yeah and tomorrow we’re looking at some there’s going to be some
prip about a 55 55% chance of pre-ip tomorrow uh with a low of 50 5 in the
evening so that’s kind of interesting 55% chance of pre-ip in De Mo Iowa
what’s the percentage of someone from De Moine Iowa watching this well a lot
higher now because I just gave them the weather update so when they search what the weather is they’re going to find us
Jolly Good Fellows in this sweet little pug with what’s around the Pug what’s dude look at the Pug’s
face it’s like dude dude I like we need to just be quiet and see
what she has to say for real zoom in please yeah singing dude she’s the perfect
she’s proving why she’s the perfect pug like a pug she’s showing like how
freaking hot it gets in here so quickly oh no so this is this is this is great we’re back and yeah so in De Mo Iowa so
take an umbrella if you’re out and about tomorrow in De Mo um but otherwise here in Dallas it’s a nice cool night night
and it doesn’t matter what’s going on outside because we’re inside hanging out that’s true that’s true my brother so so
yeah it’s uh it’s been it’s been another just interesting week nothing too too
fascinating to get into I can think of I know that you
guys yeah these fellows next to me I went to a show what they good good friend a yeah so explain give us little
into that what the music what the band was and all that it it was whiskey Meyers um they they banged on things and
strummed instruments and it was nice they that’s they were more less like a
hopefully that wasn’t the only banging right afterwards you know your ladies all liquored up so no if they’re
compared to if they’re compared to anybody you could like kind of put them it’s like they’re southern rock country
style but it’s almost southern rock they have some great songs though they did a
great I mean did they do a cover of Sweet Home Alabama they did not but I will say the one thing I need to I’m
going to get straight to business let’s get down to Brass tax okay guys this this this whole event took place at
doeki Pavilion and need to get mortgage you had to take out a mortgage to buy beers yeah so we need to we need to get
down because the devil is in the details as Bernie Sanders says and so who’s
Bernie Sanders he’s a skateboarder oh yeah I paid his game
going so he uh we go we go to this place and for three drinks uh it was
$70 for a white claw and two dois 24 no
it wasn’t yes it was $70 $70 how big were they a tall boy two tall boys dude
I can’t how did you what were the price for cuz I’m yard the Frozen Mar yards a
tall boy normally how tall was the boy about as tall as me Bab they were like
they sounds like it must have had to ban brother no one of these right here Bubba one of these tall boys from much $3 that
normally is what it costs you yeah it’s ab and at the concert they were charging like
$18 almost $20 it’s like 18 bucks for a beer and they they’re literally just
letting the demand like we’re going to do this until people stop buying them so hopefully I mean the line you still saw
people hopefully the hopefully the returns I went nobody
linecker line no yeah it yeah so that experiment is they’re going to have a
quarter and be like okay the whole price gouging thing we might want to rethink how we do that because yeah the last I
mean last night was the first time I’ve been to a concert in probably 10 [ __ ] years and I think the last room we went
to was the Ted nent one and it was the same [ __ ] [ __ ] that was out there at
Verizon cuz like we got in the door and I like went to go use the restroom and I was like Mikey grabbing a tall boy 22
came out yeah and he’s like here he was like it was 22 bucks I’m like what the F
for two beer yeah at that point so it doubled Mikey it was $ clear that no I
went and found the beer man at that point we were paying 11 bucks of beer whenever that concert was and then now
it went up and now it’s like 18 so hopefully y’all didn’t nobody was reckless in this a and like this one to
blow no nobody Aaron made a joke as soon as we all turned around after we got gouged
that first time and Aaron was like we’re all talking about the price and Aaron goes wow man what a
steal such a deal man it’s just crazy he was like what a
steel man am I right not oh that’s so funny oh yeah so it was not a steal but the concert was a great time I I I like
the venue I think the venue is cool getting in and out of there isn’t really bad as long as you’re not going to hop
that’s a video I’ve been going show that’s through my life the first Chili Pepper show that my sister when I was in
high school like seriously i’ probably been there most of the seminal Contra experiences with that venue and it’s
cool you it’s a cool spot right up on the lawn has been what you’re been where you sit normally yeah no there’s always
been lawn there’s a couple times but generally yeah it’s just you get in the lawn it’s kind of the amphitheater setup
what you hearing fireworks or there a been people shoot off what are you listening for okay yeah I guess it is
fireworks well it’s close F fireworks yeah those are
fireworks I live in an area where uh they’ll celebrate things they’re doing that last night they just there’s things
happen we’re just making sure that the Pug started we weren’t about to all it’s
okay baby okay like be anyway back
right yeah so I was going to say other things that have happened between then and now and all La last episode
now the Dodgers have won the World Series so that happened that happened
and normally not so excited not excited but there was one exciting fact about
this a couple things the Yankees losing in such incredible f is that a sweep no
it wasn’t a sweep they did lose in five games Spirit miky goodness they they yeah it
was it was not a good performance by the Yankees the top of the fifth inning that to that inning is going to haunt that
organization and those PE those players unfortunately for a long time good as it should um and yeah Freddy Freeman became
the MVP of the World Series which and the MVP of my heart the MVP of
Jeff Jeff I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a tattoo of them or something
on ing them and that’s a serious thing I’m not even joking I’m saying that in seriousness would it be safe to say that
it was a total eclipse of the heart of the heart yeah heart if he was still a brave there definitely would be tattoo
consideration but I can’t get a tattoo of a doctor no he’s a doctor yeah still
my uh FF F this for fatti Freeman it’s like it’s like getting it’s like getting a divorce with the love of your life you
know what I mean yeah it’s like yeah I’m not going to go down hole what’s the
rabbit the rabbit hole isn’t worth going down okay all right all right yeah
whatever would conversation would spark from that comment yeah who knows Crazy
Ones insane ones so that was cool you had a good time hanging out yep conc I
uh yeah I’m pretty sure the music was it was good I would enjoy it if I
with people I would never pay to go see like there’s a few bands i’ go pay to see I mean what
one of the few that I would to go see
obviously what were you gonna ask no go on about yeah I I don’t know yeah I
agree it’s like going to concerts it’s like not a concert guy well here’s neither yeah neither am I but here yeah
and here’s my thing is that it’s like I’m a concert guy in this aspect like if
either a the person has like for instance Charlie Robinson I’ll start there Charlie
good he’s R he’s been he was around for a long time by the time I saw him like I
you know he was around from the 90s he was playing music and I saw him in like now though no let’s hear Mr Dylan no I’m
sorry I thought here Mr Dylan so I went to one
of his concerts like he would already you know hit his Peak notoriety and all
that and he was still doing shows and touring around and I saw him at like this bar in Fort Worth pretty much had
to drive through a tornado warning like we’re on the outside of one to get to this and it started pissing rain while
we’re at the show but he put on a great show we paid 20 bucks to get in it was in the back of this bar like I mean it
was a great show was very small I love it was awesome the next time I got to see him was again super small show felt
you know it was like 20 bucks I saw him at the Granada I saw him for free saw him for
free the bomb Factory or something Matthew won the tickets to go
see Social Distortion at the liid hey I love that band oh dude seen them more
than anybody my point is is what I’ve learned is that like I I would I don’t want to go see bands or it’s like I
think it’s kind of crappy to go see I think it’s kind of crappy to go see
um uh bands that have blown up and everything or whatever it’s it kind of
like sucks going to see him because like even last night last night was awesome but at one point they you know it’s like
they didn’t they did there was no Encore it was just like they played a song and then poof gone and it was like oh [ __ ] I
thought they were I I I mean no but no I let you finish your thought because the reason I do is not a good reason yeah I
mean it’s like I do and I don’t because it’s like I don’t enjoy it because it just makes you feel like they just came
in here punched the clock did what they we fulfilled their obligation of the time slot I disagree that there’s
another way to look at that in my mind okay well we that’s cool we can talk yeah I I’m just I think someone who’s so
good at that what they do they make it feel like they’re just punching in like they’re they in since they are just
going to work and if they perfected it to that point where they just like walk in put on a hell of a show like 99% of
they like you know they’re just giving it their all and it’s succeeding and everyone loves it everyone goes home happy like that’s what they’re selling
in the when you go to a show anyway you know what I mean so like the person I would think of like when I like I’m not
a big concert guy but I saw Jack White live in New Orleans and it kind of felt like that where he was just like you
know he he was just doing his normal thing that he has done everywhere all over but it just felt you know like
awesome at the same time like I love Jack White was a great experience respect him like was a music position
and guitarist I really have deep admiration for him you have people like the people you’re talking about are like
Bob Dylan who when you go to see them they’re not going to play this [ __ ] like they’re not gonna play for you I know
I’m just saying I’m just saying they’re not it’s a good example though they’re not gonna play for the crowd like you’re buying a ticket for the names to say you
went to that concert but like he doesn’t give a [ __ ] he’s just going to play what he wants to play well and isn’t Jack White doing like didn’t he just release
a new album or something and hasn’t he been doing like stuff albums like yeah was he earlier
this year he had one out he has had a lot of albums out heard stff about where they were talking about like where he’s
basically like like touring but he’s not like it’s it’s like popups where he’s
just going somewhere and [ __ ] like playing sounds sounds on brand but yeah I’m not
not like tickets he’s going to you know where it’s likees or something up there you know
true guitar thing Andes or some [ __ ] where it was like he’s just popping up and doing shows I have to look that up
because pretty cool like that I feel like I heard that on the radio like a week or two he was amazing though like
that show was amazing he like Voodoo Fest is a two night festival yeah yeah I know about Voodoo Fest so what happened
was Green Day was supposed to um be the second night and like no one was that
like thrilled about it no green day was the first night and Metallica was the second night
hey a big so Billy Joe from Green Day went to rehab what year is this just so
we have an idea like oh I don’t remember man this was I can tell you which girlfriend it was um that’s fine Green
Day is probably it’s probably American Idiot so yeah it was definitely after that um but uh he went to rehab they sub
they subbed in Jack White who was just around the area at the time who could like do it and then they moved Metallica
up to the first night and then and uh [ __ ] Jack White to end the whole like
festival and he like brought the house down it was amazing but also like cooh and Cambry was there and also like uh
cool like NS was there in like the middle of the day and like not a lot of people were like there to see NS but it
was like really [ __ ] cool yeah um and like all the [ __ ] uh dub step was very popular at the time so like all
those guys were there like Flex Pavilion and that’s like y like AC like I’ve been to ACL it’s like a 3D thing it’s it’s
like as big as but louisi and then you have like all the Louisiana music and all the New Orleans
music and all those bands going on at the same time but the smaller like venues and stuff it’s really cool that’s really cool that’s probably the best
concert I’ve ever been to talking about concert and Stu that’s what I always think about is Jack White bringing the
house down I saw Ted n at the horse races and he and he lit an arrow on fire
and shot a guitar I was I had eaten I had eaten a cookie I ate a cookie um
that was laed with thingsin and it was amazing by the time by the time he was playing strangle hole
dude we see had mean Str I mean dude oh there was this guy
that walked up next to us it was a real I mean he he looked like he’s been following with Ted nja since the early days a lifer but
yeah yeah and so it’s like and but also too like a rough lifer rough I feel like
most Ted n fans probably look this guy was and also like he smelled but he came up
next to me he like truckers they look like truckers who have survived he yeah he he faking had he had something and he
was smoking it and he like and it just didn’t I could hear that [ __ ] like crackling and like I could smell like
crack mixed with dude was like and he looks at me and he was like he looks at
me and he’s like noding his head and he’s like yeah man and I’m like yeah dude I’m like nod my head at him and
then he’s like holds this thing out to me I’m like and I just like I’m good dud that smoke doesn’t
crackle like that I look at I look at my buddy and I lean over to him and I was
like hey man I was like don’t smoke whatever this guy got dude and he was like did you and I was like no I’m just
saying if he offers you I I think I’d pass on whatever he got that’s smart
advice that is smart in any social situation even if there’s smoke it’s like
yeah there’s been yeah there’s been times where it’s like so for instance the one time I have shared is or with
other I’ve shared in certain situations but it’s been like in Colorado whenever
we went for the first year that weed was legalized and out back they had a tent where you could smoke and these people
were like sharing like well that was you read the environment
that you went in so you kind of yeah yeah you’re intelligent but otherwise yeah I’m not like you got read yeah yeah
just read just be smart read the room read the environment and you know listen for the sound it might be making when
there’s some yeah exactly and look at it if it looks like a sparkler I don’t think I hit it you know it’s probably
you probably going to be running like Smokey through the hood that’s great um so either way I guess we could get into
some topics I kind of I think Jeff uh no no Jeff has something I believe
right maybe well Jeff’s in a spaceship yeah you do Jeff are you in a good spot right now are you fueled up I can land
it I can no well don’t land no you don’t have to land it okay I’m just making sure you’re fueled up and you got it on
autopilot yeah once you’re like you’re you’re taking charge of this next uh what’s your oxygen meter at right now
you good on your O2 we’re at 92 man we’re good we’re not going to have to we’re not going to have to get
travel you’re talking to at the beginning of the pure octane all right so take we need we can hit Elon up I
hear he’s saving astronauts now take take us away astronaut saving he couldn’t save
what how would you guys like me to set this up well yeah just just yeah you’re in charge just tell us what uh just
there you go casually well uh I guess the easiest way
but I I always like having debates on like you know favorite this and I’m always making lists of like top five
This and like you know we talk about movies and shows and stuff like that a lot I just kind of like to have the
argument of like out of the stuff you saw versus the stuff I saw what did you like the most and who who’s the best set
of stuff I don’t know yeah no I’m um so the idea came to me of like who’s the
best TV dad like of all time and I thought maybe we could just grab like a
couple of them and just like you know put them like up against each other and just you know see
uh See who we could come up with as like and then brand like the Mikey and Me podcast official like TV dad and then go
on with other categories and stuff like that just it’s an idea we can this this
is why I put this guy on the payroll yeah I’m just guess how to make this dark mode but yeah keep going so I found
a I made my own list I have a couple personal ones off of shows um okay
and then I put a couple ones together that I just thought would be funny and interesting to put up against see how
far they go I love I love that you did put him in there Jeff the one the two I said Tim Taylor when you asked me
earlier I said Tim Taylor and Fred Sanford and I
lovef puts Fred Sanford’s gonna beat everybody you big dummy yeah
lont plus he’s made like his career we talking [ __ ] to the Church’s Chicken be
bright I don’t think it but it should be dark but that that would be a a bright
light no who illuminates us all right so you can
see what I’m sharing there right Jeff this is kind of yes uh it put these so
we put it we put it to the randomizer yeah so we didn’t pick the mixup or the matches right right but everyone is here
that we wanted correct yeah
and then there they went okay there they are yeah so it’s a matter so
conversationally we talking through each one and then picking winner right
so I say Fred Sanford that’s my vote he’s gonna no it’s not how we’re doing
itff so Jeff yeah you tell us how to do it can I nominate Ray shith no I I domate Ray
shith who’s Ray shith you [ __ ] Mr he’s already I think we
used him in one before yeah that was in the yeah cuz yeah we’ve used him him and hansy went to
war yeah I just making sure that the people who might be watching can see
what we’re talking about yeah absolutely yeah so the idea would be that contestant one versus contestant two
would lead to a matchup between line two contestant one contestant two
so we just Walter White so we just talk down each of these and pick a winner yeah and and the idea is we’re not
basing this off of like who could beat someone up or who could you know be a better be a better dad to a child it’s
who’s your favorite TV dad and as soon as I’m about to start this we forgot one
damn I just replace one of these tell me you to R sh Dan or Mike Brady F Mike Brady I just
what’s what’s the What’s um we we put Walter White but he the best dad he would played a much better dad in Mal in
the middle yeah oh yeah uh is it Hal maybe Hal yes there it is I think it’s
[ __ ] though that if you’re going to have it like who’s the best dad and it’s not
my dad maybe from yeah that one was just kind of a token Canon might one might
say yeah he was just a swinger all right whoa what about John
Ritter oh yeah Brandon Jones that be on no we’re good keep going all right who is this is this we’re working with um so
so just I mean there’s four of us so this could get a little tricky but I just say we start off at you know line
two and just all right fuing match them up see what
happens so so do we Walter White Walter White versus Archie ER yeah so that prob
smart like you you can give your pick Walter White yeah Walt I mean Walter White I think that’s Walter White I just
because you know Breaking Bad you know Archie Bunker was was was holding
it down though no as far as like impact on television character yeah it was like
he was separate he was the Old Guard he was not going away without a fight he’s
in this fight for a reason guys that so that you know he he make Walter White
yeah all right o yeah next one Stark n Stark versus Tony Soprano man I don’t
even know who Ned Stark I’m picking Ned that’s that’s Game of Thrones oh Tony
Soprano all day again but remember all day yeah how you yeah two HBO D just
shows of like the century uh I mean just because Ned Stark only made it through
one season you’d have to go with Tony and my wife oh so so so okay forget
can’t be dad you’re not around all right all right I mean they’re the same style
of person so like it would be mat feels like you were influenced by us oh no I
no yeah you talked about the D of seasons like that you know comparing I would say overall over all the
overall I I like Game of Thrones more than I like Sopranos o hot no yeah I
mean yeah well won’t spin so Dan Conor and Peter Griffin the next two Tony’s
more more iconic that’s what I’m getting at yes ‘s Dan who’s Dan Conor that’s who I
was wondering um that’s uh Roseanne that’s um John Goodman yeah John Goodman
is good so yeah Dan Conor classic and the next one Homer Simpson we got to say
out loud for anyone who’s listening okay Chris Rock is Terry Cruz on Everybody
Hates Chris I don’t know if you guys have ever seen that show but he’s like he’s a classic like TV
dad um but I mean Homer wins I would I would I would put Bernie Mack ahead of
well he wasn’t the dad I thought that didn’t make he was an uncle he was the
uncle same it wasn’t D take care of these
crackhead so we best lead in The Comedy though sitc oh
know yeah I would go I would go Homer in this one y this is setting up for nice round two
as well all right oh yeah just why why why I don’t even know damn
Jeff Goomer Adams from Adam know who the [ __ ] is Goomer Adams the second one I
have no idea who they are Gomez brother
Gomez if you see the picture of him it’s like he’s icon pull up what Phil dun what he looks like you guys have seen
this guy say down let’s see for for now I I hate who you put up Fred Sanford
against that’s tough it was randomized oh yeah no we it was randomized
okay a Modern Family Modern Family yeah yeah but look at this look at who it is
actually like it say what’s his name from Married with Children isn’t it
no you can’t bring up images you have to ask AI everything no just honestly it was like
said right it was right there so well said Jeff well said Jeff no it’s literally like said right there so I
want to know more about like AI show me this image could just go to describe his
face I know I just Lally have to disable an extension because if I just do it it’s going toil D’s face to me as as I’m
a blind man he’s never seen before in the form in the form of a 16th century
novelist I’m not going to sit here while yall just talk about my damn co-host like this in the in the form of a
question from Jeopardy I I just turned it off and I
just don’t know what disable the extend I every day we get further from God
and it makes me Phil duny Bo oh yeah him
he was the [ __ ] from telling you the
dead he plays that he plays that character well but he plays the the the wholesome TV dad honestly he’s my vote
he’s my vote so so I say Gomez so you’re just we
there stalemate cuz there’s four of us so I don’t know he is he it’s like yeah
coin flip is a decider if we get to a stalite so if you if you side with him then okay we know I don’t but if you
don’t know here’s your coin heads wait we haven’t even established Who’s Who heads is
contestant one tails is contestant two always another one because I’m not digging that [ __ ] so heads is Gomez
tails is the other guy and it looks
like Tails Tails tails the other guy Dy let’s go yeah that’s our
sweet no man that’s this isn’t even close in my
mind oh dude it kind of is though I know what you’re gonna I know you’re gonna say Fred
Sanford yeah Fred Fred to me but Uncle Phil dude no I know that’s
why I say it’s hard do oh no he’s not we should each an uncle each get a chance
to say cast their vote you know what I mean out of the four children on the show he’s the father of three of them
he’s not the dad to Hillary and Carlton count is characters Carlton counts okay
so no y’all can talk but then I’m gonna do a tally so I’ll be like okay so cast your vote I I want him to acknowledge that
Carlton Banks is one of the greatest characters out of Television just I don’t know before he saids Uncle Phil
doesn’t matter as being Carlton’s D and Hillary I just feel like sford would
call Uncle Phil a big dummy and Uncle Phil wouldn’t do a damn thing about it I’m gonna give it to Fred sford but I’m
just saying show showle Empire of junk be yours yeah it’s
Fred sford all right who’s your vote Mikey he’s got legs too this could be the one I think it’s unanimous he was
like the original x-ray look the next one down this is the this is a matchup
oh it is oh but I know my I mean yeah y can
talk to it I know my vote would be but yeah my v it really depends on the person the what the grew up tayl Alba
exactly exactly Tay got to be for me was Tim Taylor Tim Taylor got be got be
number one yeah Married with Children I knew it existed but it wasn’t something I was
really allowed to it was a late night TV show for me right so it’s like I need to
go back and watch it and appreciate it Tim Taylor Tim Taylor yeah no like
that’s that’s that’s the number one seed right there like I agree and even I
think even if I did Bundy Tim Taylor just his character
he did well for a reason like he’s iconic like he really is to
man he lit was able to make noises heidy ho there neighbor heidy ho yep all
right so what we got next Stan Smith uh I gotta go with how
on this one yeah I don’t know Stan Smith ISP head American Dad okay he’s funny
but yeah no I’m how he’s not a real PR the animator a father from the mdle
white yeah yeah yeah Brian’s Cranston gu i’ have to go hell for yeah but he’s a
Great Character I watched malcol in the middle so that’s whenever Breaking Bad came out I was like oh the dad happened
to excuse you all right where we at Bob belt is
that Bob’s Burgers hold on we’re missing okay never mind you’re good all
right so yeah you take over Jeff went to school in Louisiana Bel is
Bobbers what’s the match up though just St State the match up Howard Cunningham is the uh the dad from Happy Days okay
so it’s Bob from Bob’s Burgers versus the dad from Happy Days Howard who’s just once again classic wholesome TV dad
like as far as the classics on here happy days so yeah my Bob’s my vote to
go to Bob’s Burgers Bob yeah I guess we got to go recency bias on this one no
just heart bias literally I know I it’s like I honestly don’t really remember I
honestly don’t really remember the dad from happy days I remember the [ __ ]
fawns yeah I guess Bob B let’s make all go Bob too yeah I
mean I Howard Howard was just a classic one that I that I liked no he is a classic and he was really if you
actually watched the show a wise Father Figure actually was there and provided a lot of insight and throughout different
episodes you know to uh the great uh he knows name the director now
but Ron Howard but yeah it he I mean yeah so he’s it’s good that he was on
here but we must move on so who’s next two are tough o yeah so Jeff who do we
got here we got red red okay I can red fored foran
Michael Bluth yeah Arrested Development yep that seven show and a
rest of development Matt pause pause real quick take out George Bluth and put in [ __ ] Allan Matthews because we I
picked Bluth though so he need Michael no go go down go down the dad was George
Sor honestly so who do you want to put instead Alan Matthews was supposed to be in this list can I replay because I want
George senior personally like we need to negotiate terms put put in the on the last two
okay uh where Michael Kyle is because that’s just d My Wife and Kids this one’s going to be
perfect Alan Matthews I have a tidbit about this okay so we’ll get down there so current match
up is Red Foreman from that Dad Michael Bluth who is Jason baitman from his
character from Arrested Development uh I go red form it
all BL yeah it’s like yeah I know likey I love Michael Bluth but you know it’s
it’s got to be red he definitely put up with more for his son like where did you
where did you learn your parenting skills red Korea Korea next next match
up Cliff Huxtable versus Carl Winslow Cliff hustable Carl Winslow is actually
asleep for this vote so so this character’s hustable that was Cosby that was Bill
Cosby okay so Carl Winslow the dad from matters
all the all the [ __ ] cuz like people comp did he was [ __ ] Carl
W I’m going Carl all day yeah Carl I’ve got Yeah Carl all day
116 let’s move on so Frank Lambert from um step by step that’s that’s Patrick
step versus Andy who’s Andy Taylor from I don’t know either of these people
is Andy Griffin show Andy Griffin show oh he’s actually playing Andy Taylor and
Frank Lambert is Patrick Duffy from love step by
step he was from Dallas Patrick Duffy really yeah I didn’t know that he be was
a known thing because he was a huge part of the Dallas so Opa yeah and that’s the
reason even existed on that show which hilarious yeah it’s crazy but P Duffy
the [ __ ] do you vote against Andy Griffith Andy toay that’s my vote yeah
me too I mean that’s like it’s a good I’m gonna go Frank just because 0 so
what do your vote because it’s deciding and if you [ __ ] handy bro we’re also
[Music] missing okay keep going yeah I know keep going it’s yeah we don’t need to overthink it Sandy Cohen versus Frank
Casta Sandy conen from the OC Peter Gallagher the eyebrows okay
I mean yeah I’m Frank people like that show I
love californ frank cza yeah we don’t need to waste time everyone pick cza bro
all day all right best of us for the rest of us yes no I love him and he’s
also a great dad and freaking King of the hell could have been both characters Bob sagot yeah no
[ __ ] sagot versus Bluth yeah I’m I’m George I’m senior there was aund there
was $200,000 lining the walls of that m in the banana stand Jeff Patrice what
was it they called Firebug he’s a all right so he’s Danny Turner it’s is good
Bob sagot Rip but is everyone BL it’s got to be blue George all right yeah
even though you know it wasn’t it wasn’t fair for Danny Turner go an IC Al so
this is your fight here but Bud Jud je Allan Matthews who you told me to put
him there versus Floyd Henderson who sounds like an actual fighter but I’m not yeah the I don’t know who either of
these people are well Alan Matthews is here so who is he that’s Alan Matthews is the dad from boy meet’s World who’s
honestly one of just the best actual dads I too but I don’t remember the dad
from that show I remember him I just so yeah it’s got to be Ellen who Floy boy
Henderson is the dad from smart guy which is like the black version of boy M
so it’s funny they got matched up that’s unfortunate mention honorable mention
though that um uh [ __ ] Dr Siver from Growing Pains Alan thck rip we should
have put him against the other dead guy in that one but yeah that’s good I like where we’re going let’s I me we could
buddy we could uh you know have this the
do the tournament now or have this be the next time or we just work through it now because have to randomize the matchups I say we I like this I think
Ray shith still wi all right so yeah just uh rayth would beat them all you
want to table it I’m not even saying that or let’s just take a quick break yeah so
yeah we’ll be right back Mikey’s G and we’re back after that
break all the boys went to pee together we all we all went and took a bee together communal P everybody sat down
yep we all hung out that’s not true Jeff okay yeah je the only
one we were just why stand when you can sit Church Churchill said that right I
stand when you Kirby enthusiasm ref there you go and that’s all right okay
so Mr Jeff who do we got here we randomize the best dictator this m the
match ups from what was up so first two we got Walter favor started with an H
right we got Walter White versus Carl
Winslow Carl Winslow is a prototypical 90s TV dad he is who you want here
Walter White was just kind of a to be honest he was a shitty dad and he lost his family at the end he was a
terrible dad but now everyone’s vote you can forever reason so his we know his vote that’s mine there it is that’s how
I’m doing it for you my vote since I’m closest to Jeff because the TV is right
here I feel like he’s here I’m here then Chris and then Matthew there not like spiritual or his friends or anything
Walter White not I say Walter White he G he he did everything so that
his family wouldn’t have to bear that burden did he though did he do that
though well initially did he do that though initially did he so we got one
one so far right I don’t know got to
be [ __ ] don’t overthink it you have to overthink it I know Jeff don’t like you
did this to me God Mikey well he’s overthinking that who’s your Mike already said I said Walter White okay so
that’s Walter White [ __ ] it I’ll go Walter I’m going Carl yeah imagine that the Smith
two I’m with you buddy Carl so this is where coin TOS let me flip this coin y
I’ll show you how to flip a dam coin all right so which is
which lights heads is we’ll do heads is heads is Carl he say Friday night Friday
Night Lights in the T Texas don’t touch that corn Carl [ __ ] with their coin tosses come
down to coin toss [ __ ] you Jeff in their coin
[ __ ] that a duel right Carl wi [ __ ] it was H [ __ ] stupid all right it
again didn’t we say y keep flipping nope no no we don’t have time for two out
Texas coin killed people for his family next match up we’re moving on work
through here guys all right so next match up is Fred Sanford versus Phil duny Fred sford 100% for not even
easy next match up Red Foreman versus George
senior red foran good yeah we’re going red basically that 70 show Dad versus
George senior from rest development the Elder I think M Michael Bluth got
knocked out a little too early it happened it’s over but Michael Bluth is a funny thing is I had to put another
person in here in that that card happens is we we’ll see I’m going my vote is
George Senor I say red I made all right so Po
in the attics who’s your vote Jeff red okay so who’s your
vote sayge all right you [ __ ] [ __ ] so flip Texas coin flip he just wanted
the coin flip what you’re exactly right Jeff he’s just here for the coin flip
guys that’s life though dude life is literally this random that was a [ __ ] flip no he just flipped it four
times after the flip head hell yes
George he’s so [ __ ] red foran dude way left work bro caged wisdom
it’s caged wisdom he cut the tip off shoe
life is this is life guys through defense this is life people getting CarX
terrible things happens that we can’t accept but this happened and we must move on next is Bob beler from Bob’s
Burgers versus Tony Soprano Tony Soprano Tony Tony so that’s already enough to get it
did did did you happen to have a different vote Jeff Jeff a coin flip he’s going for we’ve already got three
so like I’m going for B yeah no it’s no he need someone else on his side so
that’s Tony all right next match up o Frank
castanza versus Tim Taylor Tim Taylor gota be Tim Tim I love
frank but yeah got be next match that Peter Griffin versus
Hal Mike the father from the middle yeah we couldn’t have looked up his last name
it’s fine how how in the middle what’s m it’s Hal yeah I’m I’m going Peter Hal in
the middle yeah it’s got to be Peter so you’re Peter what you m 100% all right
so de just your voice it was it would have been H okay
what’s again your voice matters but yeah didn’t yeah mat you snuck back okay this
is where I had to pick someone random I’ll course I picked Michael
Bluth so we got Allan Matthews which is your guy they
massacred look how they massacred my boy so I’m put him back in versus Michael
Bluth who is just you know Jason baitman yeah who was Alan
Matthews again yeah who’s this guy about Dev vote against Boy Meets World no Boy Meets World dead oh yeah the dad that I
don’t remember from that show I’m going to go with Allan this is tough but I am
what no you’re not shut the [ __ ] up I’m with Michael Bluth on this one
you’re going with Michael Bluth I’m going with Michael Bluth on this one okay Mikey this another Texas coin
I’m going on I’m going Alan baby the co
I’m going on and we’re going heads this how you buy the Cowboys a picture of his
face Alan Matthews heads for Allan Matthews Tails baby we what is it GP
Alan Alan Matthew Alan Matthew Chad gbt to describe his face that’s three coin
flips in a row that have been everyone has been my guy oh my God and the thing
is I would have I literally picked Allan because eat rubber liver L yeah I won’t get into
details I would pick Michael Bluth but there’s yeah the okay the next matchup
Andy Taylor which is the great what’s his
name yeah that’s a great mat lock uh you know people know his but Andy Griffith
Andy Griffith Andy yeah lit Andy Griffith versus Homer Simpson o that’s
tough like Andy Griffin is like the the father of like
moral know he’s like the Jord tvad who isn’t immoral but he’s
just like barely he shouldn’t be a dad but he’s doing his best and he’s an average man just he’s iconic dude uh
hang man this is tough I go if if I go I go Homer this is tough well yeah it’s I
don’t know Mikey we can’t be influenced
so I’ve picked M hang on hang on time
out well for what I want people to be influenced by hearing someone else’s so I’ve picked
mine vote and they’re think write it on this card and count of yeah on count of
three we going say it you ready
yeah one one two three Andy Taylor death stegosaurus got so that’s
how was a tough that was tough it was really tough Jeff voted for a Stegosaurus let the record show I mean
how many cartoon dads can we have really none
oh yeah Peta yeah peta’s going to be tough to be yeah that gets us on so our
final eight for next episode is going to be we don’t know the matchups who’s to be fighting who yet but it’s be Carl
wins though uh Fred Sanford George senior Tony Soprano Tim Taylor Peter
Griffin Allan Matthews I don’t know how I don’t know
how this dude has managed to sneak in to this for the next week you have to watch the
first season of Boy Mees world or you kid I’ve watched a ton of boy world I remember TOA I don’t remember I I
remember the dad and I your little boy boner I remember the
actor with yourself after watching Tanga on TGI Friday it’s not him but it looks
like yeah it’s like I don’t honestly I can’t even place I can’t even like
doesn’t matter doesn’t make not true if there was a guy like just cuz song don’t mean it’s not true don’t
make got any tips so next week we’ll have a bracket and we’ll have those guys
battle out but so we’re going have pictures next to their names so yeah it’ll be more refine description the