Season 05

Season 05 of the Mikey and Me podcast delves into a range of intriguing topics, including movies, TV shows, sci-fi, paranormal phenomena, AI, and philosophical discussions. Join us as we explore these themes in depth, offering unique insights and engaging conversations.

Season 05 of the Mikey and Me podcast d [Music] he’s not
looking greetings traveler youve just crashed landed on the Mike and Me podcast but fear not for this is no
mistake no fault in the stars no glitch in The Matrix no I’m afraid this is all been planned predetermined by Powers
known not to us so pull up a chair and join us as we find our way together for
you are among friends and I’m not at Matt’s house um
excuse me sir I feel like I’m missing some information about the weather somewhere oh
yes yes you are at Matt’s you’re in his living room which by the way mat I don’t know why you don’t film in your living
room because that’s opulent look at look at Jeff’s background I’ve got a friend that yeah I
want to come visit you Jeff I want to stay there yeah I would like to stay there as well
it’s pretty nice it’s expensive that’s cool no it’s cool Jeff was here for birthday my daughter’s party but yeah
weather I need that weather I’m sorry well I think it’s important that we go ahead and we talk about the weather in
New York because tomorrow night we’re gonna be having game three of the World Series in the Bronx and the temperature
in New York is 49 degrees tonight let’s go it’s got a low of 44 so we’re almost
there with with the low tonight uh Mikey what’s Monday’s game Monday’s game it’s
you got a low of 40 and a high of 60 all right um chances of pre-ip zero so we’re
looking at a we’re looking at a nice night in the Bronx we want to zip that sip yo and so yeah right now the series
stands Dodgers to Yankees none and they’ve done it quite
dramatic how they get the they’ve done it in dramatic fashion will first one was uh man it just I think that I don’t
I think that came down to a what just a bad managerial call and I don’t know what led to it I need descriptions I’m
sorry I have no idea so I’m just hearing they ended up they end yeah break it down for Matt Yankees Yankees had I
can’t exactly remember the lead but I know break it down to how we were discussing about how like the old guard
looks at it versus yeah yeah yeah yeah so we’re getting there but uh I I don’t remember
to to to kind of start with the I don’t remember how many guys are on base um or
no those two guys on base I don’t remember the score but they ended up
walking they intentionally walked uh they brought in Nester Cortez he pitched
to shi shi popped up Mookie Betts came up they had two on Mookie Betts ended up
uh being intentionally walked to load the bases and bring up Freddy Freeman I don’t know how many outs like or not how
many outs I don’t know how many what’s they were were trying to force the double play because they thought Freddy was slow and they could just roll a
double play and get out of it because he’s got a bad ankle but um that failed
it just backfired and they walked they walked mookie bets which I thought was a bad decision as soon as they did it me
and one of our buddies uh that I was in Austin with started immediately saying you know this is a terrible call why
would you do this you know it’s game over and sure enough first pitch swinging fast ball you know more or less
little off the inside the or a little off the middle of the plate more towards the inside of Freddy and he just barreled it up and pounded it man gone
and the one thing that I thought was really interesting about the Home Run and I really loved is Freddy Freeman
just like kind of held the bat up and did what they call Pimping it he kind of pimp the Home Run bro that’s the thing
he he never does that style kind of points it no yeah no
he actually did no no no what that’s funny Matt did that because after he hit the Home Run he held his Bat straight up
in the air and slow walked and then flipped his Bat and like walked down the first Baseline and then he like when he
was rounding third or no rounding second headed to third he looked out at the Bullpen and like flexed his arms down
and like like he was hiding oh sorry go no go ahead you’re
gonna say what needs to be said I was gonna say the thing about Freddy is he like he he’s a great ball player No
One’s Gonna deny that it’s just he’s never really he’s not really like an LA
Dodger kind of guy like he hasn’t really been there was a lot of things coming out whenever he signed with them saying
he would have signed with the Braves like if they would have known the number that they they would have actually gave
him and stuff when it came to money so like this was like his moment for like LA to be like yeah like the
whole right behind him exactly like lifting the bat up but like dude he was so pumped and like you’re right Mikey
like he doesn’t really show his emotion like that at all that’s the co guys are
reserved and stoic whenever you see them show emotion that the amount of emotion they must be feeling like at the World
Series that Mak sense but that’s cool I have to check out the that and it was also the first in history a Grand Slam
walkoff in the World Series in the World Series no but still that’s and that that’s my favorite player by the way
like I have his jersey hanging out from when he played for the brain so that was you had a boner whenever this happened
like you had to yeah but I mean it was for the I was cheering the Dodgers which is a team that I hate so is this because
you hate the Yankees more no I just love Freddy Freeman that’s cool SL okay yeah
I’m trying to find a stat this is like going to his Hall of Fame thing you
know I’m not familiar to know like his career like is he he’s great I mean is
he towards is he in the middle of his career is he kind of an aging guy towards the he’s wanting to towards the
end like he I think his contract is till he’s like 38 39 with the
Dodgers yeah so let’s see I I’m trying to find this stat um I’m looking at a map okay here
we go um so you ready to hear and and I can double check this at some point if
you’d like but this is uh Freddy Freeman Lefty versus Lefty with Bases
Loaded uh nine for 14 with four with four home runs 25 RBI
he’s batting 643 uh and then yeah 667 and then a yeah
I don’t know how these all these other numbers break down one of those is probably his war and then his Ops is
2.23 eight so his batting average in that situation Lefty Lefty is
643 he’s batting above B yeah above six
is oh dude yeah and so that’s his stats Lefty Lefty with is loaded his overall
stats Lefty Lefty I think were like two 200 something terrible manager call that
they even put that that situation yeah so so me yeah so me and
Jeff had kind of talked a little about it and I think for me at first it was just almost like it just seemed like a
like a like watching a comic book or something a movie I don’t know it wasn’t even I’m like why would you do that why
would you I saw no point I know that’s what I’m saying I know but
hang on so this is what I’m saying is I I kind of did think that I’m like this just to me seems so rigged because it’s
like as soon as the guy strikes out um and I was able to go find this data
online like that and so as soon as a guy strikes out in the MLB by the time he gets a Dugout before he takes his helmet
off um somebody’s handing him an iPad and he can sit there and and look at his
look at where he went wrong and where the ball was pitched So Co so there’s all these anal itics there’s all these analytics that go into baseball and so
there’s this whole other side of it where they they they had to have known these numbers they had to have known that Freddy and not only that aside from
the numbers Freddy Freeman is probably one of if not the best hitter
in baseball just pure I mean that was taken was they were
betting that he was he was G to get struck out and and another Factor another or ground out no ground out a
double play yeah and so here’s the other thing too
is that it’s like they were wanting for that ground out to any base um and then
Oh shoot what was it oh gosh Ace of Base was a band in the 90s
Ace of Base No Okay so yeah so it’s like Freddy Freeman here’s my other thing too you have they again with all the data
and stuff they have mookie bets’s postseason stuff hasn’t been NE
necessarily amazing since Boston right it’s like ever since the you know it’s
like he’s not I’m not saying he’s not a good player in the postseason but Freddy Freeman has proven in the postseason he
shows up you’re saying you’re one of the the people that believe that just pitch the guy who’s in the mound worry about
the next guy after we’ve dealt with this guy don’t give him anything don’t give him a base nothing well the way I if you
were okay well if you were okay with intentionally walking m then why not throw him balls inside off the plate or
down and away why not try and get him chasing if you’re okay with walking him why not try and get him chasing and and
get that double play ball somewhere else rather than because he was first and second when he came up the bat and so
why why would you at least I believe he was they could have been second and third but either way why the hell would you still pitch him like that why
wouldn’t you that’s the thing you narrow it down for what you what you can pitch one of the greatest contact hitters of
the past and either way either way so with that decision even with that
decision what blows my mind is the pitch selection the first pitch of fast ball
no you had to have gone down and Away something away sweeping cutting off the pl during the whole the other thing no
time out they brought this pitcher in he hadn’t pitched in this is what I meant about it being quote feeling
fix best pitchers though and he hasn’t pitched in 37 days whoa that’s about 37
days and that’s a long time for somebody in the MLB to come in in a situation like that to pitch to the one of the why
he’s not been utilized for that long probably I don’t I could have performance he probably wasn’t doing so
good well it could probably wasn’t doing so great and so sometimes they don’t necessarily pitch guys or whatever they pull them out of the roster rotation or
whatever yeah um so but yeah either way and so I had kind of been saying that I thought that it felt it just felt like
dude this this is like rigged like why would you do that that’s just such a stupid thing to do but Jeff made a good
point he did you wanna well yeah well his well earlier he made a good point which was you want to say your point
Jeff about why I thought it was rigged and you were saying that like oh I think it’s just old baseball people being
arrogant saying this is what you do in this situation you walk the guy you make you load the bases to where it’s any
ball and an old manager is he an old manager known for kind of
mie bets is just as good as Freddy Freeman is just
as be able to get the job done it doesn’t matter types you they’re not looking at the analytics of it at all
like if Mikey said like if if these old bastards just would have looked at the [ __ ] data they would be like all right maybe I don’t maybe we just and
try to get it done right now but they’re looking yeah like technically if that ball goes into play you can go anywhere
with it and that’s the best situation if you just need one out yeah yeah but I think you just like I
said too it’s like for me it’s like I don’t see how you don’t weigh the weigh the you know I just don’t personally
that’s and that’s what’s crazy to me I’m an outsider and I would have rather P I’m not even a professional manager and
I would have rather made the decision you manag no I’m with Mike though I would
have why would do do to the guy coming behind you like
you know you can’t walk this guy Freddy coming up you know like if there’s a guy on you if you get to 3-2 you know it’s
coming down the pipe like and also and yeah and the other thing is too is that
it’s like the the mindset of a batter when he comes up and two dudes are on base ahead of him and they both did
their job both got on base and they both get on base and that
guy at the plate then feels like okay I got to bring him home I have to do my job now so he’s putting he has his own
pressure he’s putting on himself self but when you walk a guy in front of somebody that’s been in the league for
how long 16 years or how long has he been in the league dude 13 14 years 13
14 years and you walk a dude in front of him and to load the bases his mindset is
now oh you think this is like I’m an easy out you’re gonna ground me into a double play and so he’s going into it
with this mindset of just like all right confident this happened earlier in the season where he got walked for somebody
else they loaded up the bases and Freddy Freeman hit a grand slam thing same
thing yeah they so and that’s what I’m saying about why boy that’s manager stubborn got the
same situation and thought it didn’t work that time it’s going to work this time and no in game two in game two hit
another home run and he’s not a power guy that’s the thing he’s a contact guy his contact’s so good it turns into
Power he’s hitting well he’s like the Japanese hitters right well that’s that’s pretty cool so
that means they’re up 20 in the first games were played where in in New York
or how’s how’s it alternate with first two were in La the next two will be
in New York okay so already just because I’m imagine the stats are similar to NBA
another best of seven series you know going going down 20 and obviously not splitting that the two games you know
splitting the away games to having a loss yeah now back
home it’ll be three games it’ll be three games in New York it’ll be four games total in I I think I think it’s La 2 New
York 3 and then La 232 okay does that I think I don’t know they mix things up
remember NBA they changed it at some point but so as far as the pitchers that are going to be starting these next two
games how what what does that how do y’all feel about the games based on the
two pitch that are going to be starting their their current performing like the current performance
level I know Mikey [ __ ] walked away this because I mean obviously
whenever the Rangers were doing the thing I was you know obviously riding that way really into it so I just the
next pitchers M pitching matchup in the next game who does that favor um I
mean Walker ber starts the next game for the Dodgers and Clark Schmidt is gonna
start for the Yankees if you go off of like I don’t know I mean Clark Schmid’s not doing terrible I don’t think but you
know Walker berer has had really good success in the past just depends on how
what guy show it’s the postseason though so strong sometimes one yeah and then
sometimes in the postseason some dudes that are really good sometimes were suck and some guys that typically haven’t
been that great all of a sudden they show up and they do stuff that they’ll never do again in their career they’ll
put up numbers that are just insane like Eddie Rosario in the postseason handful of years ago put up like he put up
insane numbers and it was just like every time every time he came up he was just like seeing a beach ball and he was
hitting doubles and in home runs in regular season a different guy but we
get high pressure situation and it literally brings out the best of him yeah exactly and so but I personally
think I don’t know if y’all already kind of said anything about it or but I think that the Yankees will probably take two
in in Brooklyn the first two games I think they’ll take so I think it’ll tie up after these next two I think so
because it’s hard to go into the Bronx I think it’s hard to go into into the Bronx I think it’s going to give the
Yankees a lot more like huta so to say I think they’re they’re
gonna come out there a little bit more is it I think they’re gonna come out does it go 2 two or 221
one1 it might go one I don’t know one two three four five I
think it’s gonna be either way they’re gonna play two in New York right so I say that I think that they’re going to
take those two games they play in New York when’s that time LA’s
won 2020 okay so they recently New York it’s been since but it was a CO year so
people some people dispute it and they some people dispute it because it wasn’t like a full baseball season they didn’t
wasn’t it Jeff it was like half season or something who the co year the co year whenever whenever the Dodgers won here
in D here in yeah Justin Turner yeah where the had Co and didn’t wear his
mask for the pictures and stuff and it was this whole thing yeah you’re right it was the Dodgers yeah and they they
only W they won like uh again they uh it was only like a half season they didn’t
play their full season so some people don’t like credit that year technically yeah Freddy Freeman actually was the MVP
of that season a lot of people don’t credit him exactly um but yeah no so again I
just think it’s hard for it’s going to be hard for the especially the factor of the crowd the not just the cheering
factor of the crowd but the heckling factor coming in there as a dog coming in Yanke pretty nasty dude everybody
behind oh dude those people in those I mean especially the Outfield like I don’t know if they’ll because I know the
tickets are going to be stupid expensive so I don’t know how many people behind The Dugout and Home Plate are going to
be chirping them that hard I know regular season games they get chir pretty hard by the fans but I don’t know
those fans can afford the tickets to go chirp them like that but do you think these are like the most expensive
tickets that have ever been think about it it’s the year 2024 and it’s the high two highest
markets in bball once right like the LA dodg New
York two Marquee names that so right here Boston Celtic snowa type thing you
know except listing of uh of SE a listing of New York Yankees versus Los
Angeles Dodgers game one parking prices for lot L uh $
5,943 to park right sh mother mother light lot D
3002 Park L parking there just to be close like you’re New York right
everything’s Subway and right I mean no this is this is La this is La this is
the game wait Mikey can balls fly out to these fots oh no
okay I’m trying to see how you can’t and the last dude I think to even Crush one
that like I think the last dude the person that hit the furthest one at at Dodger Stadium I think was Stanton and he hit it like 470 something and the uh
it was in like the the All-Star Game or something maybe not but he he pounded one like 472 or something that’s one of
the longest I think they’re well which park is more of a hitter’s park as they say
uh it’s hard to say like okay so Yankee Stadium technically oh man it’s kind of
funny so Yankee Stadium can kind of favor a righty even though it has a short right field porch um so technically you would think
that it would favor a lefty because his swing is going that way that’s his pull side he’s gonna he’s swinging towards
the right field pole but the thing is is that if you’re pitching you know you’re pitching a righty a fast ball away or
something he can be or if it’s up or in the middle it doesn’t matter if if if
he’s a little late on it he can still put the ball out opposite field he doesn’t he has a little bit more room
for you know almost a little bit more room for error um and yeah it kind of
ironically can favor the because look at judge if you look at how many home runs judge has put out to right field it’s a
lot like he’s he’s he’s had a lot of balls he’s hit to right that have gone out arguably possi possibly more balls
he’s hit that way than any anywhere else in Yankee Stadium um that have gone out
so well you know but some pars it just depends it just depends on the park like
Colorado favors the right hand for you know it the ball just flies out guess
kind one of the unique qualities of baseball that I’m not obviously some Avid fan but I kind of like the whole
you know every park has its own character and uniqueness to where it it
it’s a dynamic that changes it’s that’s like that you know it’s a every city has
their unique Park that affects the just the way the game goes yeah and so for
instance in Baltimore they actually like changed they changed the Outfield um
wall pretty much because they were getting the Yankees were hitting so many home runs off of them I’m pretty sure
that was why I know they were losing so many getting so many their Park so well
they just move the left field wall back a little so there’s like used to
be yeah didn’t that who I said the Orioles yeah so the Orioles moved their wall back and left field because they
wereing up too yeah because the Yankees were pounding too many homers on them that way and two it’s like you can also
like for instance Fenway fenway’s got the big the green monster and left field but right field they’ve got pesky pole
which is a short right field porch like almost probably shorter it’s the short shortest one I think shorter in New York
it’s like three Center is pretty short yeah and so at that point you can technically you
know guys right-handers can still mash it over the green monster no problem but technically if you got guys that you
know GRE good left-handed hitters that’s Fenway Fenway okay that’s the left field
wall it’s just massive wall and then right field is they call it pesky’s pole
and that’s where they you can hit a ball out like a lot of guys that don’t necessarily have a lot of power you can
hit balls out that way so the strategy was Matt that they would they would draft left-handed pitchers and
left-handed hitters that could hit the ball to right field where it was really shallow and then all these righties who
were really good and very popular because like lefties weren’t that common like righties were so the righties would
come and have to go up against this huge wall like you know like billboard style like wall that they can’t like they they
just smack against it you know didn’t could Nevers against them and back in the day there was in Baltimore another
again Baltimore they have a hitting a hit now that it’ll happen in baseball and they still call it an announcer
might say it and you know some people might be like what does that mean but they call it a Baltimore chop and it’s
where they you know they slap they slap down on the ball pretty much it’s like they swing and just end up coming down
on it hitting the top of the ball and it bouncing off the ground in front of them and you know like bouncing up in the
infield or not being able to play it because it bounces so high and he has to take all this time to run in and get to it and so they call it the Baltimore
chop because back in the day in Baltimore they pretty much like had like a concrete pad under the dirt in front
of home plate so it allowed them to when they Cho they at that point when they
knew that’s how the field was made that it was a hard surface like that so the players would
intentionally just hit the ball into the ground like that rather than trying to hit it into a gap they would just try
and chop down on any pitch to where they would hit it in the ground in front of the plate and the ball would bounce up
and they would get they’ get an infeld that’s cool because the uniqueness of each park it it changes the strategies
that they try and employ so that’s yeah there was a cheating tactic and also just for the cheating side of it there
was I can’t remember if it was Chicago I think it was one of the Chic maybe the white uh maybe the Cubs or I can’t
remember I I’ll have to figure out I can figure out the team but they they what they did is they ran like a wire to like
a box from the center field wall where they had somebody with binoculars and they had this wire that ran under the
ground all the way to like the third base uh where the third base coach stood and he would signal the batter of what
what pitch was coming because they had this box under the ground that would once the if it was like a breaking ball
or whatever or something like I can’t remember which how they would do it how they decided when to do it but either
way they would flip that switch on and the and the third base like coach would kind of vibrate he feel it and he would
signal he’d signal the batter like the that recent uh cheating signal scandals
at Houston within the last 10 years uhuh yeah that was yeah that was not too long ago like what five six years ago yeah I
remember that but yes that’s good baseball talk guys I think uh that’s it I I think that’s a good little catch up
in the World Series so there it is I did take up a good time on BB yeah I know
Freddy Freeman a man he’s a man so so moving on
moving on moving on so unless either of you had something I just uh do something random what was go ahead yeah okay well
I guess I should say uh be I’ve been a bad F not a bad father but you know we
did the for a while there I was doing the monthly uh catch-ups uh on you know first time Dad stuff and so I figure it
be I I need to honor my my my precious baby and just do one the one year recap
since my daughter just had her one year she had her first birthday yeah so she’s she’s a solid solid one year one years
old and we had her a little party this weekend and it yeah I I mean it went it went I
didn’t think it Go poorly but you know it went better than I expected had a bigger turnout you know ran out of ran
out of pizza so that’s I’d rather run out of food than have so much you know a bunch left over to I’m like oh man I I
wasted money but uh no yeah was great had had you know obviously a lot of framing friends
there had uh a couple of the Smiths who they you know they would have been there if they didn’t care more about partying
in Austin I mean if they didn’t have plans that they made a while ago which yeah no it’s uh so no it was great their
lady friends they they were there in strong support and and of course the the
Elder Smith was there Jones was another male friend of mine that that made it
through that you know beyond that there’s a bunch of them women’s and uh you know men that were relatives but no
it was great and it’s been it’s been a magical first year you know Jeff he’s
he’s got a couple of these little angels in his life so cool I was gonna yeah I was gonna say you got any you got any
tips uh just you know showing up to have the battle yeah now I remember you’re saying that and that’s yeah it’s uh just
being being present and you know it was cool cuz I got to my little hobby of
making little music custom you know whatever videos put together because
I’ve been taking a picture of her every day like next to this little kind of
stuffed bear that she got as a gift when she was born and so I was able to put
together like a third three basic I do a song that a song a moment apart I’ve
done another video too on her Instagram but I it’s just a powerful emotional
song to me so I was able to take you know the three four years of pictures
and have it you know just kind of rapidly go through them with this song playing and I put that up on a projector
and so yeah that was kind of I was I was just I was I I just that was for me more
than anyone I guess just to trying to share and how much I love I love this
little angel and this yeah it’s crazy oh yeah I’ve got so many pictures I’ll just I’ll just go through
yeah if you’re just laying in bed just be like man yeah it’s like that I don’t know how God God bless the only advice I
do have is you gota like just remember man like it’s like everything is so new
to them that everything means so much to them like our normal day we’re so stuck in the grind that like like it’s just
like a normal day we’re going through our our same things like I gotta do this by this time and like you know have the
kids ready and stuff like everything is so like fresh to them that like it means much more to them to just stop and like
make something like like you said like you’re just playing music or something like they’re going to remember stuff
like that like me I try to make stuff Goofy and silly and fun like a game yeah I think we’re similar in a lot of ways
with that way to where just those little engagements or I just see her picking up
something or she was like had a toy whenever she got and she was a month old to where she could pick it up and she
had you know no grasp or concept of even how to use her hands let alone what this
toy supposed to do but now it’s like I’m going back to some of these toys and I’m like just I’m playing with them in front
of her just so she you know more in a form of like showing how to do it but more like I you know I’m having fun
doing it and then I kind of set it down there and you know she’s at the point where she’s observed that and absorbed
it and it’s just cool seeing her kind of like do the same thing to where she’s at that point of learning and developing
which it’s I I just I just yeah I really love it and I’m fully fully embraced it and engaging in it so
it’s uh yeah so it’s one one year in and yeah it’s it’s been you know it’s always
always a ride just got the dramas and just the managing of of the baby with
the F just FY Dynamics but and in Mikey this this guy’s basically been one
of the most consistent humans in his life outside of Mommy and Daddy so I mean he’s basically the Daddy I guess if
it came down came down to it you know it’s he took my pug so I hopefully he doesn’t try and take my baby girl but I
don’t I don’t see but yeah not won’t be doing that you’re not getting the Pug
though dude not getting pug back yeah know so it was it was great it’s been a great amazing magical first year and so
this is for you baby girl whenever you’re older and you want to see like what was Daddy like whenever was born
it’s like oh that’s what he was like okay it’s like they’re they’re not on levitating yet they’re not using weird
you know neural implants yet not yet honey you know not yet well I did have a kick house though dude yeah look at his
spot dude yeah yeah so that yeah that is this is a quick little baby catchup but
had to do that yeah I mean how do you I mean how does it uh you know feel
like I don’t know it’s just it’s crazy it’s like you know
you’ve had you you you’ve never had a kid before how many years you gone no kid been kidless yeah about got years
yep and then all a sudden you got a kid and you’re staring down the barrel of the rest of your life with this little
child and you know the I know you’re incredibly excited yeah no I guess the Bigg it’s one of those things that it’s
I just I imagine it’s probably hard to just imagine what I’m trying to say is it’s probably crazy because you’ve gone so
long without her but now you you can’t imagine life without her yeah yeah it’s
even not only that remotely I I don’t want to make myself cry like I don’t want to like imagine the like the role
of Father like dude I I honestly don’t feel like I was like myself until I was a
father like that’s the weird part dude that’s interesting you say that it’s really yeah it’s weird it’s brought it
brought parts of who you are forc them to rise to the surface to where at least for me that it’s it’s I don’t
necessarily feel like I’m not who I was before but it’s almost like
just things and hobbies and just like perfect example just how much gaming and
being a part of this like very active gaming clan and community and and just knowing that okay I’m I’m not g to be
able to give this game enough time to play it casually or be a part of this
Gaming Community and it’s and I I don’t I don’t like miss it and be like oh like
I I I look back on all the times playing it with all my clanmates and it’s some of the best times you know of my life in
that regard but I it’s you know having the baby just kick automatically just
kicks over my brain some switch to where it’s like okay I just don’t even care
about gaming and I still like it and and casually enjoy it but it’s been that was
like the one of the biggest part consistent parts of my life up until having a kid that it’s just how easy it
was to just not fill the pool or addiction for it just because I guess
you know just have having having her it just makes it a no-brainer to just oh I
just if I get time to play cool if not that’s not it’s not a big deal you know it’s uh so yeah I just it’s it’s cool
just to see because everyone affects different you know differently but I’m I’m just glad I’m glad that it wasn’t as
too difficult cuz that even before before having her it’s like I’m thinking oh man you know how am I
going to fit in doing this or even playing this or keeping up with this but it’s like man I don’t I don’t I don’t
care that I’m not able to keep up with it because it’s from you know in my life now it’s just so it it doesn’t P it’s
like a tiny minuscule it’s it’s not only that but like dude there there’s just
like once you have a kid there’s a lot more of like [ __ ] it like in your life you know and that that’s just one of it
like man I’d like to do it but like [ __ ] it like you know the time I spent was much more worth it at the end of the day
like like especially recently like there’s plenty of times where I just want to just like you know not do
anything at all but like you got two little ones that like like I said earlier like you mean the world to them
so like taking them and doing something like dude I took the girls to the Cajun Dome like to see monster trucks to see
Bigfoot yeah dude tell me about that and I never saw that like as a kid like like
you know I wanted to like the funny thing is like so you shared this experience for the first time you know
they’re monster trucks but like it’s just like you know like a Ford truck put in a Bigfoot on it but like we took him
to like the light show with the Hot Wheels like so they were glowing doing stuff dude it was awesome they had a
they had a blast at it I mean he probably had as much fun as them if not more oh for real like it was definitely
like the kid and me was pretty happy man sorry yeah Mikey so whenever you pop out
pop one out here a couple years you I got one look at got one get my baby girl
there’s the Lis yeah I got to see liily a bunch yesterday she was she was at the party she was in attendance she I know
she made a presence known but not not in any bad way she she did kind of start barking it a baby Chris told me she
almost attacked a child she almost attack but she she barked her in the way but the baby didn’t get scared it was it was just funny it was a it was a fun
funny moment I mean look at her do baby look at this look at this she’s an
absolute unit that’s a beast I mean that’s a speci unit look if you want dog
soldiers look you’re you’re liking Thro look at that tail look Matt tell them about the tail in the Pug world look at
that tail the tail the tail is a trait and equality that is much desired among you know true pug enthusiasts to where
true pug they’ll I know some people even go about you know training their tail with I don’t know certain devices or
just kind of curling it as they’re growing up like man you know with their hands are having some kind of you know
attachment but like some some pugs can naturally start to get a double curl and
I’ll be damned she she’s like a curl and a half or to where like she’s almost got
a double curl like it curls so hard it almost comes back around to start again
so she’s she’s a coil it turns into a seriously it and it’s little spring
because potatoes that’s where we potatoes she she’s lacking in the curl
area which her her tail curl is a little lacked because you know she’s so perfect
every other way though that it’s that she could she had to have well she’s still perfect for me but I’m just saying if she could be judged by some pug
[ __ ] I’m going be like you know what she don’t she to be all the
time absolutely not and that’s good no but I was gonna say it’s uh y’all were talking about the whole uh you know the
dad stuff or whatever when you having to give up certain things or whatnot and you know how you’re you don’t even miss
them and you know for me it’s like I I can I can under I can understand how it’s like I
can understand sort of what you mean just because it’s like you know how just some things you eventually just outgrow
some things regardless and yeah I see it’s like you know I don’t even for instance we were in Austin I get the
description it’s no because it’s it’s just not your thing it’s not outgrow is
the common word it’s the common thing for it but it’s more or less that it just is no longer your priorities sh
touches you the that it’s yeah yeah because like for instance when we were
in Austin over the weekend it was great I loved it the best part of it for me was you know getting to see my friends
and uh you know getting getting to hang out with them and you know I got to I got to you know actually meet in person
two dudes who I’ve known for a long time Jeff would be the circle some of these guys then right or is it different
connected yeah yeah he’s in the he’s in the circle with these guys for sure and he’s actually I’m going to be seeing him
pretty soon here in Dallas and so will you yeah I think I too yeah yeah yeah um
but yeah know that was the highlight for me but yeah other than that like you know going out and you know Austin
number one is downtown Austin at least it’s it’s packed and you know although we went to six six
Street was a mess the first night it was even a bigger mess the second night we didn’t even go because uh our one buddy
went past it and he said it was yeah it was worse than it was the first night and every bar on rainy Street was just
you know blaring loud music and you couldn’t hear they all mixed together in
such a way to where it was just a a shorish borg of you know and you know I mean it was
it was cool I really enjoyed it I didn’t enjoy $10 a beer with 20% GR it on a on
a c’s light I you know I don’t get that I you know that’s just not you know and
it just seems like to me it’s almost similar to the World Series we’re witnessing right now it’s it’s all the
pricing me out of it it’s not meant for me almost I don’t know like I feel like with the World Series right now the this
this series is is not for the fans like I know I’m going back to baseball um
it’s in your blood I just wanted to com I just wanted to comment on that that this series in my opinion is not for the fans in most worlds series almost at
this point aren’t even for their fans it’s you know they’re just price gouging
on people really it’s it’s kind of ridiculous because they know too at the end of the day well they know at the end
of the day that like you know yeah the aftermarket does affect it and they know at the end of the day that
um there’s going to be so many celebrities and stuff like that to show up to this thing and so you know they’
be damn if they let some celebrity pay normal normal price for a game I feel like
um but yeah that’s but yeah either way a you know I just I I kind of felt that it’s not going out to Austin doing all
that stuff and being around that environment with all the crowds and you know just bar after bar of nothing but
loud you’re in your 30s now man it’s just it’s not it’s not fun like it was
then you look back on it I do feel like there is a time in place for the the the bar crawl [ __ ] crazy stuff like 20 to
23 maybe I don’t know I honestly I think I I think the second night we probably
would have had more fun if we just went back to uh Nikki 6’s place and uh and
and hung out there and watched the game and had some beer and got a pizza like
to me just because then within within yeah and within like 10 minutes of being
back at the hotel me and my brother were we walk in and like no time we’re sitting there cracking up because we
were able to talk like out of hear each it was like yeah I mean that was the kind of thing it’s like we’re
all having fun being in each other’s presence and of course like we make each other laugh here and there but it just wasn’t as you know as easy to enjoy each
other’s company um and it’s like I’m kind of you know but it’s perspective gain it’s like just tells you that
whenever you go visit a friend somewhere that it’s like at least for me personally I don’t really want to I’d
rather spend my time just hanging around going to lowkey yeah and going to lowkey places I don’t need to go I don’t need
to go yeah I don’t need to go the I don’t need to go to the most happening spot in the city and see that and get
gouged on a on a Kors light and pay a 12pack price for a single
beer yeah it sounds like a bit much bit much and that’s Soap Box Mikey yeah so
soap box it up so I know I pulled up the I don’t know if y’all can see this ROM site you ever heard about the Colorado
River going dry yeah you heard about it yes so did you want to look into that some more
then because I did I want to see what you were talking about first no I just let’s go into what you got and then
we’ll go to the Colorado River no no I don’t I don’t really have anything other than a site that we actually have like
one of the sites they created for us to create some lone but the site itself is just sometimes if I’m just you want to
kill time people can submit and they make a lists
for like anything almost you can think of so I I don’t know there’s weird history graveyard shifts like okay
Supernatural like I’m just clicking I haven’t been so what’s it 15 movies were
and Supernatural then let’s see unscripted I don’t know this if there’s anything on here that y’all want me to
navigate to I don’t know well you can see it like what we don’t care about them hottest male celebrity yeah
Britain’s Got tal Big Brother total nerd what’s total nerd superheroes Comics
gaming sci-fi space let’s see what’s the superheroes got uh
all the people who play Joker rank best to worst I don’t know if that’s fasc I mean
it’s gonna have to be Wen and hether at the top too right and then maybe behind that yeah Walken and Heath it be because
probably give to Heath since he’s dead maybe then what I’d have to go with animated probably what’s his name uh
more Hamel right oh h yeah he’s pretty popular for sure I don’t know let’s I
guess I’ll just click on that let’s just see number one he Ledger yeah okay Mar
Mark Hamill number two Jack Nicholson number three okay Walken
Phoenix number four there you go P that um I’m out let’s see who Gesa
Romero Al Allan tck I never know he did that actually lik that actor I love that actor yeah he’s a great character actor
uh was this on Gotham Cameron Monahan I love that actor didn’t love that portrayal of the Joker yeah Z AL is
pretty great oh yeah in the Lego okay now Troy bigy I pass this is a
bunch of the cartoons I’m thinking yeah these are great ones though oh so you you’re familiar with
all these then a lot of them for sure well you’re you’re you’re a list
you’re a rank guy Jeff so I’m it was just could be to I was I was going to
kind of pick your brain on some of the lists that you’ve come up with the list this list no even you or like if it’s
you know I could go if there’s something on here or actually I mean the the cartoon
Batman animated series I was just saying to our buddy Paul that that’s one of the best Jokers it get slept
on animated series The Mar H one yeah the one up in that picture to the left I
think that’s Mark Hill yeah believe so let’s see he number
one yeah Mark hell number two for sure I would I would go for that so so that’s
good then but you never think Luke Skywalker you know it’s he wasn’t he wasn’t meant for
the physical world of acting as much as he was the animated I mean that’s Joker to me as a kid for sure oh let’s see
best breakup songs of 2024 let’s go man I’m not gonna know any of these but let’s see if you want to
no why can’t we be friend yeah Lifestyle on see
so Supernatural but I want it to be Supernatural like stuff like you
know metaphysical or the let’s see unspeakable crimes ghost stories true
crime which one which one I go here uh ghost stories ghost stories both
creepy stories about haunted
lighthouses like I guess I mean it’d be [Music] cool feel free to direct me elsewhere go
back no I’m I’m kind of just into this scroll through it shows that you could scroll through the you scroll over it’s
showing yeah so yeah me scroll through talk creepy stories about haunted light lious oh no so they’re like different
stories so m one was mysterious piano music plays at Sean Island
Lighthouse Furniture moves by itself in St Augustine Lighthouse there’s a bunch
of old documents that’s just a cool looking lighthouses are just kind of cool one child and two adult specters
wander Battery Point Lighthouse I just can’t speak enough to
the lighthouse I can’t speak enough yeah we’re not we’re not really uh we’re not really from a part of the uh part of the
country that you know something bigot related here hey I live close to one of the most haunted places in America okay
the Myrtles Plantation okay oh tell us about it okay look it up I might did
they do documentary on this recently huh huh well I I swear you could tell me
because I might have watched something about this recently it’s like in it’s some it’s somewhere outside of Baton
Rouge it’s just an old slave PL ation they rent out like rooms and stuff
you can hear ghosts and stuff like that dude no I think I totally watched
some Series history CH stuff yeah have you
been there uh as a kid we tored it like as
part of like a field trip thing during the day during the day it’s not really that scary or anything ghosts don’t
really like to come out much during the day do they mm- or maybe they are we just can’t see
him but yeah and then like all everything in New Orleans is HED yeah I
can see that all the the voodoo and all the all the death and whatever weird
weird energy man weird youg in uh in New Orleans they would bring two uh
carriages to a body whenever they would take it away why is that one to like throw off
the the ghost or the Soul they would try they would throw off the scent you know
they would so the soul would have to choose which Carriage to follow and they so it would give your your body a chance
to like Escape like the the ghost or whatever interesting oh
yeah weird d think about that practically a city used to do that when
they bring they brought a body they would literally like have two carriages like one with the body wild one with
just an empty carriage so the soul could like find its way home where crazy so
it’s like it’s like you got the two you got two limos pull up they don’t know it’s when you’re getting in because you’re trying to literally it’s like
intelligently to that placed into law you know what I mean like a feeling
story yeah the common like that was the yeah that everybody pretty much was
like that was an accepted thing that they did it that’s wild everybody pulled up to one acent took guy away and the
other one just drove off like why do they do that Mom oh so like you know the guy soul Who’s somewhere around here
can’t follow him home and haunt him you know what I mean it’s like no we need to keep that that ambulance driver employed
so he just kind of tags along then he goes home afterwards yeah all right but
oh man okay well I can get back to whatever you know Jeff had some thoughts about something’s going on with Colorado
River when we were talking about something in the pre-tape about
yeah so here it says the yes the Colorado River is drying up due to a
number of fact about the weather and I was saying it’s probably a drought the Colorado River’s drying up we should
look and that’s so here we are so it’s drawing up du a number of factors
including climate change population growth and unsustainable water consumption y’all can’t see that we
can’t no okay that’s right I always have to change this sorry what a joke that
is golly yeah water I see water they got water we got big old oceans of
it you can see that now right climate change yeah climate change
come on population growth with with people drinking it all up unsustainable water consumption agricultural system in
the region wouldn’t you know it people
like too many people that’s that’s the reason it’s all the people are the problem you’re the problem guys
understand that so for since you’re the problem that means we have to you overpopulation is probably a pretty big
problem this thing says it’s been experiencing a drought since 2000 so we’re saying been going on for 24 years
yeah when I moved to Colorado around 2001 they they were in a drought and
like it never stopped huh I just know that we get in and we start meddling with things we
think that we know we’re like oh yeah there’s going to be too many people I get it like I understand the whole idea of overpopulation it’s we we do have a
lot of [ __ ] people [ __ ] I was in Austin I’m like there’s too many people here I get it but also too I know that I
know that we don’t know you know I know that I know that we we think we you know
road to hell is paved with good intentions and I think we get sometimes get to medaling with stuff and then we
go messing it up worse than there ever was and worse than there ever was so what happened happens if it dries up 50
years from now we might be walking to the Grand Canyon’s valley floor instead of running Rapids down a healthy
River look well looks like people won’t be able to go rafting anymore uh let’s see yeah well people are the problem so
that means you’re not going to be able to you know well again that’s where you know if things go well AI could take
care of you know get rid of us so there we go there you
go I’ve been to the Grand candy whenever I was a kid on a vacation that that you
didn’t get lost you didn’t get left by your family no it was it was don’t what
I remember about that vacation was we rented a minivan and it being a
miserable drive and I think I was like 12 and I even called it the vacation from
hell like you can ask my parents it was just was that age of my sister didn’t
get along and it was just uh yeah I know but we took a little plan
I know we didn’t go straight I know we stopped at least a couple places uh I
was young but like the road turned a lot it wasn’t straight I’ve I’ve seen tit
you know at some point in my life and it’s a big old C the Grand
Canyon all right so yeah give give me something else guys give me give me some
send me in a direction oh you want to get sent a Direction dire or yeah take us take us
in a direction I think I think what oh Blade
movies why is it getting delayed is that what you said uh well I just know what it was
supposed to be released next fall and they basically what Marvel took it off the schedule and I guess it’s
speculation now I know they haven’t begun production and I do think it’s funny with Wesley Snipes the comment
like the joke he made in the movie about ain’t no one or if maybe maybe it’s actually being
scrapped all together exactly you know because it’s supposed to be what marala Ali playing them but it’s you know
things are evolving and and shifting so much to where yeah you remove something from the schedule you know it’s not even
in production yet and it was supposed to come out like a year from now I’m I’m
well I’m kind of thinking there ain’t going to be no new blade for a while if there will be but I don’t know they
don’t even have a director tied to it dude yeah it’s I man the after the
infinity Saga I it just I haven’t really I I can’t I haven’t been drawn to much
of the Marvel Universe Deadpool and wolver ring was kind of a a good sign
yeah I mean that’s a that’s just a masterpiece of so I’m sure he’ll get sucked into something like that the new
Venom came out and I want to see I heard that was pretty bad yeah that I started
watching the bootleg whenever I was Sweeping in my backyard because of my because I didn’t have
a I did I swept my whole backyard the other night because I guess my you know my
wife wanted me to blow it over again uh Mikey you know about blow no one even
went back there but I was like she’s worried about it Friday I’m like there’s not that much I would just do it by hand
then it was like 10 30 night and she asked us I’m and I didn’t even tell her I just went outside and swept the
backyard for like an hour and a half just working a pattern and going all the way across I was just it was just like
therapy I’m like you know what I sweep this sweep this but um so I I have
something that we you could maybe look up um that I I I kind of heard about the other day and I’m I’m kind of
interested I should have as interested as I am I it’s funny I have why I
haven’t looked it up I don’t know but if you want to look up anything about uh like the phenomena or whatever about
people like truckers having seen the black dog okay I’m glad you mentioned that because I forgotten I did I’d never
heard of this before yeah I had NE and then apparently all of a sudden I’m like I heard this
one story and you know the guy was asked in such a way where he was like Hey some
people want to know you know have you ever seen the black dog and he’s like oh yeah like saw him one time and so I’m
like like what is this and so then people in the comments were you know a couple of people were saying oh yeah I
saw him once and it’s like what all right so to start off with so
trucker sing Black Dog the black dog is a well-known urban legend among truckers that tells of a menacing black dog that
appears to warn truck drivers who are sleep deprived to pull over the black dog can be seen as a sign
of danger or a warning to rest and avoid sleep deprivation the legend goes that the black dog is
the spirit of a truck her diet after falling asleep at the wheel and is now warning others of danger the dog will
run in front of the truck causing the driver to become more alert and ster away from danger the or the origins of
the black dog Legend are unclear but it may be based on Ancient European tales that associate dogs with death the
Scavenging habits of dogs may also contribute to these beliefs however the hallucinations that truck drivers
experien including the black dog can be explained by psychological environmental factors
such as fatigue long periods without rest and sensy distortions not to mention perhaps you know crystal meth
they might be smoking to stay awake I don’t know yeah I was gonna say the road aspirin yeah I so what where did you
even hear about this again Mikey I actually I sent it uh I had sent it to uh well there was also a movie back in
the day with uh who was it Patrick sey called Black Dog wasn’t it sey yeah
Kurt Russell or something yeah it’s one of no well it was a trucking movie it was a trucking movie and it was called Black Dog um so I mean either way it’s
it’s kind of well thing in way but um yeah maybe I think so um you I sent you
a video though to our Instagram you can go look at it right now it’s the video I saw where the guy if you want to pull it
up and show it where a a truck driver telling his personal experience of after being asked has he seen it before so you
could go check that out right let’s see I think I have to change this every time
I change to a new tab all right so you sent it
via where would this be from from Joe Strom uh
yeah this this one right here yeah it’s my ass you know what I
say just ask you have you seen the black dog while driving
yes yes back in early
2000s I seen the black dog one night yes and trust me I pulled over went
sleep it was scary what happened I was doing a run from
Northfork Nebraska down to El Paso Texas had to be
there and I’d been up well over 13 hours
almost going into 14 hours straight driving which on paper log books back then you can do
that and I was just I was wore out I’d been
drinking Mountain Dew taking no do and my body said no it’s time for you shut
down I was the only one on the road that night and just great big dogs right out
in front of me and I locked him up and went to the shoulder of the road
got out there wasn’t nothing there I went up next exit pulled off on the get off ramp and I went to bed a lot of the
comments wanted us to ask you have you seen yeah there’s just one I’m sure you can go find more you could scroll
through the comments if you wanted um people I’m sure there might be people in there saying yeah one guy said he’s
probably 35 years old dude truck driving is not a joke
dude and you say 14 hours like yeah it’s not bad but hell dude there’s no telling how long he yeah that’s true that could
have been before he was driving that yeah that dude could have been driving yeah he that’s what yeah he could have
piic he could have dropped a load and then they’ve been like you know picked a load up immediately and taken it yeah so
telling how up that dude how long that dude had been awake
um you get old black dog so yeah I just thought that was an
interesting uh an interesting little fact and yeah that’s kind of I’ve got some
more go ahead oh no if you had more I I just
know like Creepy Pasta territory but I mean I just know there things we talked about I don’t know if we talked about on
here much but you’re talking about the Colorado and just cloud seeding and all that stuff
did we talk about that with harp did we talk about yeah yeah what about it okay
I just can’t remember if we talked about the all you know just and just weather manipulation but
we kind of did with the harp stuff didn’t we yeah I think so unless like did you
ever did you edit that or take any did you have to with that episode uh no I
mean no it’s in there the harp stuff is in there okay okay yeah yeah no so I mean yeah we pretty much covered most of
that with uh you know which you know hopefully maybe if anyone heard that um
would uh you know be interesting I hope they I hope they would have looked into
it if they heard if they I was they would have felt compelled maybe is what I’m trying to say what I think is
interesting is again having listened to the Joe Rogan and Donald Trump interview briefly today uh when Trump and that
when they were talking about and I’m sure like if you can look this up I think that’d be cool but they were talking about the the wind like turbines
or whatever oh killing all the birds like no the well not just no not that the whales talking about the frequencies
the frequencies they put off or something the sound vibrations in the air because whales hearing is so sensitive and it’s like they were saying
something about how you know back in the day it was only like a whale would wash up on shore like once every x amount of
years and now it’s been like 15 have washed up or something so Google or chat GPT is is uh are wind
turbines potentially affecting whales yeah I mean just here’s one impacts of noise from wind con Farm
construction yeah I’ll go I’ll go I’ll go to I’ll go to our dark
friend have to reshare every time I do this let
see present something else now we don’t want to go with perplexity actually let’s go to claw
we’ll switch it up because I’ve been I’ve been digging Cloud
lately cloud from
anthropic yeah Cloud Cloud’s AI is uh their models stepped up it’s really top
not programming coding yeah man it’s uh well I’ve been making some stuff on I
mean I use some GPT okay so let’s ask
Claude so it is do wi I just ask do wi turbines affect
whales and I just start with
that let’s see so yeah well wind I said wind did it say wind the
wind effect will whoops I missed a word there do wind affect whales no does do
wind turbines wine turbines
as I got something cool you could look up aside from this okay or after this
let’s see let’s let me help explore the relationship between wind turbines and
Wells particularly focusing on offshore when Farms which are most relevant to marine life current research suggests
there are several potential ways off to wind turbines can affect Wheels construction phase impacts okay noise
from the pile driving installing uh so yeah they have very sensitive hearing this noise can temporarily displace
whales from their usual feeding migration routes so that alone could cause death imagine some studies show
whales May avoid construction areas by several kilometers uh operational phase
impacts operating turbines produce much less noise in construction low frequency sounds from turbines can travel long
distance is underwater the noise levels are generally not considered harmful but may affect well
communication so that they might not be able to have their chitchat and say what’s going on potential benefits no we
don’t want to look at that and the full long-term impacts are still being studied as I’m I imagine H yeah so I
mean it’s clearly saying there’s an impact so I guess currently they’re seeing you know what more whales wash up
to shore than seems Mak isn’t it like you know more beneficial to us than a couple
whales like in the grand scheme of things would you s more power no well
they’re inefficient is the thing you spend a lot of money you spend
a lot of money on them you know and there’s just yeah they’re not they’re not very something we need
to I think on an individual level perhaps I think better of a good win
turbine I agre I agree with that I think I think you should give I think that don’t we have to make some bad ones
before we make a good one well no it’s just I don’t think there’s the wind turbine just isn’t it’s like I feel like
it looks in packaged and sold as a very green friendly you know smart way to try
and generate oil to run those things right I think I think Japan is kind of
nailed it right now nuclear is really the way to do it right for now but
the biggest threat yeah well I think I think Japan has kind of nailed it recently in a way with how they’ve taken
um people walking and turn that in energy they’ve built walking paths that are like these
plates that shift and move and each time they walk on them the the plate goes down and every time it goes down creates
it’s creating it’s creating mirror for me dude that’s straight up black mirr it’s funny that was that was the season
one where it had the dude that was in get out he was like the main that episode where I don’t even you know I’m
saying that and it’s like I don’t even know if that when today I’m so worried that in today’s world that that’s not
even true like that I’m sitting here like oh yeah I’m pretty sure it’s like I’ve heard it multiple places but let’s see
in social media probably right it’s scary also the the social thing Black
Mirror got right too the social ranking oh yeah oh yeah dude now they’ve been is
that Charlie Booker no it’s I like me I liked all of it but I did not care for the most recent season of
it where they kind of stepped away somewhat from a lot of the just whole technologically
themed aspect of it it seemed like to her some was okay but it yeah I think the their their best
days are behind them with bander snatch it was an interesting experiment but I feel like for me that was the last thing
that I really enjoyed of the Black Mirror Universe one of their the the uh yeah
you’re right um but one of the newer ones wasn’t too bad like the Josh Harnet
one with the guy from freaking bad the astronauts that one was yeah but was
that was that the newest season yeah the one before that was three episodes and
they had Miley cens the game Mortal Kombat yes yeah
with the Anthony Mackey and yeah and then the other one was the the guy text
was texting his wife and she got into a car accident yeah yeah man no yeah that the Miley
Cyrus I remember these NS had the one where the guy was making a documentary about then end up being
about the the the killings and the mystery and end up being like his mom at
the end that one was pretty good okay so sorry to interrupt oh I gotta get my charger my things it turned into a black
so right here it says in Japan it says in Japan a walking path
that generates energy is found at sh shabuya shabuya probably not saying that right
uh shabuya station in Tokyo were special tiles embedded uh were special tiles
embedded in the walkway capture kinetic energy from people’s footsteps converting it into electrical or
converting it into electricity that can power lights and displays within the station this technology is
often referred to as a power generating floor or kinetic pavement I wonder how much energy
producing well they said I think like one footstep can power like a light bulb for half a second you can look up hang
on so type in type in how go to chat GPT
and ask it how long can one step on a kinetic tile what date
is just so I know that based on the training this is a this is an AI overview that it brought up that I’m
reading okay I’m reading oh I’ll see this is so what how long how much uh so
so how how much energy can one step on a kinetic tile
create produce
produce connect tows designed to Har energy from footsteps typically generate around 2 to 8 watts per step depending
on factors like the tile’s design pressure applied and the weight of the person’s steppings so overweight
people potentially oh we’d be creating some energy yeah the pressure applied in
the weight of the person stepping for example a company called pave gen estimates their tiles generate about
five watts per step under optimal conditions however this energy is usually released for a brief period
fractions of the second so the extra power generated over time can be relatively low uh I figured this would
just be kind of a cool science experiment more than uh something well look uh check and see like how because
it said I saw something where they were saying it can like one step could power like a single light bulb or something
for x amount of time so obviously it’s enough for them to could you know it’s doing enough for them to to power
displays and stuff so maybe not large scale but it’s sustained large scale use connect are more efficient when
installed in high foot traffic areas so I can see yeah one step but if you got
imagine New York City you know if they have that with power tiles you know I
could see okay yeah one person turn anything but when you got you know the
is crossing the Red Sea you know going around and uh yeah yeah and again too it
could also just be that’s the thing too is that I think that people get caught up with some of these other Alternatives um that we we try and look
at them as Replacements and it’s like I think we need to look at some things as just supplements yes supplements it’s
like we don’t need to look at just oh what’s going to replace it’s like we don’t need to replace um white you know
gas vehicles gas vehicles with all electric it’s like if you can afford an electric car and it makes sense for you
and you want to do it go ahead um but I don’t think that we everybody needs to
convert because then you get everybody on one thing well then there’s a problem with batteries and and well charging and
can’t all charge our cars at the same time and yeah there just going to be all kind you don’t you know we should look at some of these other things as as
supplementing rather than replacing you know what we have everyone’s so binary and they’re
thinking with in almost everything it’s like one of the other wait no let’s have both but um but yeah I think probably
good for a quick little breaker um if you guys don’t mind got to take break
thing yes we’ll take we’ll take a little break and put that
and we’re back we are back yes um so uh Jeffrey Jeffrey has left us for the
night um but I enjoyed talking baseball with him we need to do that more I can
talk I can talk baseball with Jeff all day yeah we were talking wrestling
briefly I think before he got here for the most part and it’s yeah no there’s
there’s some definite avenues that I think yeah I’d like to explore more so yeah good hope he gets some yeah he
can oh yeah he needs it for sure um but so one thing I was going to say is I
thought was interesting if you want to pull up and any you know if you want to find video on it or whatever um but it’s
called the the Monker m u n k r white illusion okay let’s see I’m going to
experiment with a couple so I would go to this
guy it’s perplexity is a frontier mod you might want to look up but it does like I was going to say is visual visual
is better looking for visual aids versus just AI description okay so yeah that’s I’ll let you know per perplexity is a
Frontier Model that it’s linked into basically the closest thing to being like a Google search outside of their AI
assistant to it it’ll have like sites and links and stuff but um so I mean if you want I can just start with the
simple YouTube you know if you want and then we can go from there yeah well yeah I was just going to say just because
this this will give you it’s more or less it’s it’s an visual illusion mu
yeah Monker m u n k r illusion okay there we go or Monker
yeah Mona so if like I said if you can find any videos videos are usually best yeah
so I if not I can describe it first and then look at it or do you want us to jump into it yeah whatever you think is
best I had recommended a video but okay so let’s jump into a video see so right there there’s the first one just watch
that one it looks so with this one crayon I can make two completely different looking
Blues col in oh yeah you can hear it oh yeah can you not hear it I can’t hear it
but if it doesn’t matter as long as you can hear it and the recording picks it
up yeah it’s weird you should go I heard the video earlier the Instagram
video yeah we just give me one sec because I don’t know why you
so steam streaming
Instagram consolidation get that
steam why do things change
make it in no sense let me make sure one more time you can’t hear this so with this one crayon
I can make two completely different looking Blues first I’m going
to stut that makes no sense
come on things why you got to be difficult so yeah like I said as long as
you feel like it’s coming through don’t the record hear it I mean um so yeah I don’t need to hear it on my end are so
all right I’ll just play it color in between the black stripes and I get like
a deep blue and then I’m going to color along the black stripes connecting them
and the color that you’re going to proce hopefully is like a brighter blue in
case you don’t believe me because you think I’m just like maybe coloring more lightly to get that brighter blue let me
show you uh a different setup that’s going to create the same perceptual effect as this with some colored paper
so here is deeper here is brighter but it’s actually just the same sheet of paper you can do it digitally as well
like in this interactive demonstration on Michael Box’s website where he explains that actually like the
neurological theory about how why we see contrasts doesn’t actually explain this
effect and the mechanism isn’t really known so here’s my take I don’t think the blue is getting assimilated with the
white cuz then it would get pale and desaturated no I think that the black and the blue are pushing against each
other and so the blue is actually maintaining its saturation and therefore appearing brighter like it’s following
this line in Sven hessen’s color Atlas so that’s why this appears brighter and
not just lighter
interesting yeah so if you want to go look at uh I I don’t was the internet
scrolling somewhere mon um so if you wanna you can look up from there because
it’s not much as understood about it so um if you can you can go into AI now and
that’s what I was saying I feel like the visual aid for people who are watching is better than you know and then going into the the
unknowns about it from science or whatever um’s see is is interesting from
there once you’ve seen what it is you know now you’re like okay well so let’s ask why is
it I’ll just see if explain the Monker white effect and see what it says or
what do we know about it yeah let just see if we can so I’m doing
the ow preview which is like the the reasoning The Talk one that does
reasoning so let’s see so the monk white effect is an optical losion the demonstrates how our perception of color
and brightness is influenced by surrounding visual context in this illusion identical colors or Shades of
Gray appear different due to the colors or Shades adjacent to them how the illusion Works uh setup of Illusion
imagine series of horizontal stripes or bars like we saw that are all the same shade of gray these stripes overlaid on the background consisting of Alterna
mean black and white vertical bars of different colors uh so let’s see why does this
happen Okay lateral inhibition neurons in the visual system inhibit the
activity of neighboring neurons this enhances the contrasted edges but can
lead to misperceptions in uniform areas contextual influence our visual
system interprets colors and shades relative to adjacent colors the brain
adjusts the perceived brightness or color to maintain consistency in varying light conditions simultaneous contrast
the Monker white effect is related to simultaneous contrast Illusions where
the same color appears different when placed next to contrasting
colors I mean so it says it there like that I mean I guess it’s saying it in a
way that sounds definitive whatever that’s worth I for that for yeah I mean
for that yeah neurons yeah it sounds like from that with the prompt you gave it it feels
like it’s it’s already figured out yeah conclusion the monka white is a powerful
demonstration of how our brains construct reality based on contextual information okay that’s
our yeah so yes so a brain so like the human brain how I know but AI said our
brain yeah yeah no yeah it’s I’ve just rather than I’ve got us to I’ve got yeah
that one Rabbit Hole I went down whenever was like asking like wait who’s I who’s you and so it’s uh yeah yeah
that’s it’s yeah it’s funny but so it’s like I’ve just it’s no I
know I’ve had the same hit the same it’s just funny for how precise it is with
everything else that you know and how you know it when you ask it stuff about
feeling it’s like I can’t feel anything I’m not this or that but then it’s like hour I just think that’s funny you know yeah
I get I get it it serves as a reminder that what what we see is not always an objective truth but a subjective
experience shaped by the environment in our neural processing that right there is I feel like ties
into a bunch of what we talk about like oh yeah it’s honestly that’s actually
pretty cool because this is just an example that you can demonstrate for people that what you’re seeing isn’t
what is necessarily in front of you or you know you’re not what’s in front of you is not even
necessar yeah yeah yeah that’s pretty cool no exactly yeah so I figured I’d share that but uh I don’t know if you’ve
got anything else or I’m ask you what are other similar
Illusions let’s see what it comes up with mapping optical illusions highlighting the Monker white effect
Shadow and perception this is what it’s
thinking unveiling okay certainly see simultaneous contrast illusion
description a color shade appear so that’s the one we just talked about Checker Shadow
illusion uh created by this Adon guy illusion shows a checkerboard with a shadow cast over it two squares that
appear to be different shades or the same color match mock or ma bands mock
bands uh a visual phenomenon where the contrast between edges of slightly differing Shades is exaggerated IR grid
illusion beinging a grid of black squares a bunch of grid ebbing house illusion two identical Central circles
appear different in size because of the size of surrounding circles let me look up with that should
be an examp good example of that one SE Google for eding all illusion
let’s see [Music] so okay now this one’s
cool so this is like where like the again the context around
something so like this circle and this circle are the same size right but since this one’s round seem
it’s the biggest you know it’s it’s the surrounding ones are so much smaller and
this are so much bigger our brains it just automatically that one just seems a
little bigger doesn’t it like at first glance that I mean that’s the illusion
like that’s what you
do do you see it that mean does that oh I can’t hear you
now bad my bad my mic was muted for a second sorry about that that was on my end no yeah I can absolutely see it you
know that’s really it’s it’s funny it’s like I remember back in the day they had a it was like at church they handed out
this like a green piece of paper and a pink piece of paper and on both of them I think was I don’t know if it uh I
think they tied it in somehow to like you know like a Bible verse or something but on it it was like it pretty much an
illusion where both pieces of paper were the same exact size but if you held them you know you held them up next to each
other one would look bigger than the other or small you know and then so you swap it and you think okay well put it
on this side and you swap it and still one looks bigger one look smaller because of the way your eyes like
perceive the color um like next to each other contrasting colors or something like that and so it’s like you know no
that’s pretty cool so yeah I I kind of I can understand that effect right there just
by how that you know the one being surrounded yeah man now so unless there
was something you me search I was to go down a little hole on this for a minute andless see when to there’s almost want to be like
okay uh con [Music]
construct 10 optical [Music]
that they not been discovered or described before I see if it Gams
see so I’m telling it to do something that hasn’t been done based on what it
knows okay okay so creating entirely new optical illusions that have never been
documented as a challenging task as many Illusions or variations or combinations of existing principles visual perception
however I can propose 10 original ideas for optical illusions based on known perceptual mechanisms please note that
without visual illustrations these descriptions are conceptual and require experimentation to bring to life let’s
see I I can go through them but I want something I could show so one the chromatic Ripple illusion a static image
consists of content in circles let’s see now I’m going to say
create ones that you can produce images
for let say create ones so you can produce images for as
examples certainly here are some original optical illusions along with detailed descriptions and sepal representations that you can visualize
or recreate okay I want you to do it okay I think I need to
take uh can you produce images I know 4.0
can sorry but they don’t have uh this one can tell us how to do it
let’s see let me switch this to this one because I know four can create
images reference
the so switch to 40 because I know 40 is connected to Dolly which
is here’s an image of the converging lines motion illusion is described let
me know if you’d like to proceed with more examples who so what the hold on so create each yeah if you
stare at it if you kind of just stare at it it’s almost like it looks like it’s in motion or something
yeah create each of the
10 examples above and provide
description I guess that’s what it’s trying to do almost
effect it just looks like a really tightly woven ball of yarn so I told it to create 10 examples for the IM things
listed above and provide a description of each of the intended effects here’s an image of the gradient graded illusion
the intended effect is that the straight grid lines will appear to wave or bend
due to the alternating gradients creating visual Distortion even though all lines are perfectly straight what
what the [ __ ] make that
bigger I really want to see how all those lines are
straight oh I get it I think yeah it’s like the yeah I get it I
get it I get it yeah so cross your eyes look at it and cross your eyes and you can kind of understand it a little more
it’s like they’re all I can see how they’re all straight now that’s a
even though they look like they I see how they look like you see what I mean when you cross your eyes looking at it yeah like I feel like crossing your eyes
helps you kind of dude know it’s it’s interesting about this one I’ve noticed
something I was scanning down my old chats I don’t know if you notice the subtlety but like just on on the left
here you see it almost looks like the words are curving around like they’re
kind of curving ring into the distance I don’t know if he barely you kind of see yeah
yeah yeah yeah which I I know it was just not even necessarily an illusion but I just noticed the subtlety of that
the other day I was like wait hold on that that was cool it made me think of that but even though it’s not
different what’s another next one is oh come on I said create of the 10 oh so I need to create
the rest create the nine create the remaining
nine I don’t even know what they going to be so it’s an advantage this will be a great this will be a great uh podcast
podcast clip for artists yeah so here’s the overlapping circles illusion effect is that the
intersections between the transparent circles appear to form darker or lighter spots creating a secondary pattern of
floating dots moving forward or create them let’s see so
what intersections between the transparent circles appear to form
darker or lighter spots okay that makes sense creating a secondary pattern of
floating dots I don’t know yeah I’m just trying
to process what they even means that there I can tell there’s
something cool going on though oh I’ve seen this one I’ve seen I’ve seen this sort of
thing s do read damage illusion intended effect for viewers to see one interpretation up close and a different
one reviewing from a distance with relaxed Focus kind of like makes me of
the the those 3di image things almost what what those called but it’s not like
has an image but that was interesting okay Wella here we go Dynamic dots illusion where the gradient of dots
sizes creates a sense of depth or motion appearing to flow or form a wave like 3D
shape see that’s this cool art like that’s like an art trick I feel like which is cool
yeah that’s really cool like just like that’s exactly how it’s done just yeah
okay here’s the color flip Illusion featuring a checkerboard of complimentary colors staring at this
pattern then looking at a white surface should produce an after image with the colors swapped moving forward with the
color swapped I so need to stare at that and then look at a wide
surface Dr whoa I’m under a black light so no yeah
I mean I’m not in up lighting but I’m just looking like at a white door after looking at it I mean I can I’m not
saying I see some flip but I can definitely see the after
image I’m looking at it on think my light is affecting me yeah and I’m look well yeah like I said I think my light
is affecting yeah even the image that I’m staring at is like huge because it’s on my
TV uhhuh okay that’s okay let’s see is this one here’s the impossible spiral
illusion or concentric circles appear as if they’re forming a continue spiral even though they are
separate yeah that one is trippy I mean it’s like you clearly see the separate circles
but you can’t help but think of them
spiring I can I I can just see the way it messes with my almost like with my focus on it just because I know that but
then it’s it’s like yeah I don’t know it’s interesting cuz it’s simple but it’s
like I get what it’s trying to make do to my vision trying to put you in AI trying to
put you in a trance yeah here’s the hidden letter illusion the intricate pattern conceals a letter or number that
becomes more apparent when viewed from a distance or with blurred vision so what is
the well this is like the Magic Eye stuff I think let’s
see well I don’t know I can’t can you see what it’s supposed to
be um oh yeah it looks like it’s making it
look as though there’s like a rectangle like a box like a threedimensional box on top like it’s creating a
three-dimensional box pattern yeah because this thing is a letter and number but maybe this example there were
doing a box because I see that interesting there oh wait it’s saying there’s a hidden wait let me see
a this a hidden letter illusion conceals a letter or number
that becomes more apparent view from distance I see 23 at the bottom left bottom left like
in the middle of the rectangle like so go take your mouse and
go go to the B like yeah right there 23 over to your
right uh left just go slightly left keep going
keep going keep going keep going keep going oh stop go to your
right right there too there’s a three next to
it okay so so you think that’s the kind of thing it’s looking for I see a two and a three hang on I see a two and a
three right there and now go straight north of that to the top top left almost
right there that’s an a right there no down
oh there right there that’s an a to me that’s an a no yeah I see that that’s
other than that other than that I’m not really yeah I’m not seeing anything I
see 20 I just see because those to me stand out like if you sit back and look at the whole thing and just like go
around looking at it all the other patterns are just simply like Paisley swirls but those are the only two that
like make anything out to be close to a number or a letter yeah to me
no no I see that agree vibrating colors with a sharp contrast between adjacent
bright colors creates a vibrating effect making the edges appear to Glow or Shimmer you I feel like that’s just a
cool artistic like it is technique and this one the CES illusion yeah
overlapping yeah that’s cool this looks like the
last one I didn’t even make get to
mystery that’s pretty cool man I never thought to get it to make optical illusions but that okay I’m just look
one the Monker white illusion that’s what it did for us man yeah so you can see it this last one that didn’t show up
but then yeah for one we can just uh make her an easy night yeah why
not I’m just curious to see what the heck this is going to load
here probably nothing oh it heard
me that’s the illusion it’s the illusion you think it’s gonna load
something it’s like gotcha yeah I think I think that’s cool man that’s cool yeah
man that just open up a whole new uh you know path to kind of test it but yeah
man play with right there say what we wreck it up what what you got yeah um I
would say uh yeah recommendation would be
uh okay I’m trying not to you know you make so many of them we’ve done this what 55 times now and so we do so many
of them that it’s it’s it’s it’s getting to a point now where I’m having to like
yeah okay so I was gonna say to a point now where I’m almost like keep trying to keep somewhat track of not recycling
[ __ ] you know because it’s kind get hard to I mean I guess we have to start loging that if we’re gonna worry about
that that would be a good thing um but I would say well I uh I feel like in my I
can go for I just feel like in my mind it’s something that recently any taken recent event that happened it could lead
to repetitive circumstances but if anything I’m going to steal what I would
what you made me think of is um you know appreciating home appre
appreciating you know you just went somewhere and you had a great time and you got to connect with friends that you don’t see and and you got to experience
real cool way that part of the world is and operates but it made you appreciate
home that much more so yeah it’s almost you know it’s of course it’s like unless
you’re actually leave your home and are forc not forced to but you know put into
this situation actually feel that level of appreciation it it it’s easy just to say but it’s you know it’s one of those
things like yeah be be happy and where you are regardless because honestly
it’s the grass ain’t Greener and all that you know and and even that just you know home is Magic yeah no for sure yeah
absolutely man you know you you you kind of you know eventually you lose you lose perspective every now and then but you
know once you get away and you you know you kind of change up your your environment for a little bit
you you kind of start to it’s it’s really just comes down to the old saying of distance makes the heart grow fer you
know you you’re away from certain things and you start to miss things that you wouldn’t normally have missed or thought
you would have missed you know as much I didn’t think you know it’s like I wasn’t thinking or expecting to miss that
little pug as much as I did but I miss that little pug so much man I miss that little pug so much
bed like dude I’m like I’m like dude I need my little pug man I’m like I need I
was like I feel like I need to just take her with me is that the first time You’ been gone for that long without her
since you’ve gotten her yeah cuz yeah because I’ve even when I was watching my brother and sister-in-law’s dogs like I
was only going over there you know I’d stay the night but you know I’d be back the next day and I would see her so it
was like I would you know I’ve been away from her at night but not like for like 4 but either way yeah I wasn’t expecting
yeah I wasn’t expecting like to miss miss that little plug so much but then not only that you know just enjoying the
kind of the Cadence of my life really and realizing that you know I don’t I don’t necessarily need a lot more you
know I like I I really do enjoy what I have right now and you know I’m happy um
Amen brother you know I’m just happy with life in general and the place I’m in you know could you be in a quote
better spot but it’s like what’s what’s better you know how is how is you know they say that like technically it’s you
know it’s like if life is a big circle and technically any point in that circle
is the middle it’s like so how can you say that you know you’re not where you you’re supposed to be and you know I
just feel like yeah just been nice you know kind of realizing that and embracing it and yeah you know I guess
it’s get getting a little getting getting a little older might help out with it you know but sometimes too
people get older and you know it’s all about whatever whatever your Life Path is yeah no yeah you come to it whenever
yeah part of our conversation last night and I actually recorded a lot of it just
on the down low just because I don’t know if he’s could be here just because you know he’s always a fountain of
wisdom and different things but it’s stuff we know but it’s just you know the way he’ll verbalize and give it
descriptions to apply it in ways that it’s like yeah no I get it but it’s it’s cool because he’ll it’s like he could
write a textbook but just even talking about age and I guess I don’t know if it’s musasi whoever wrote the Five Rings
or someone who like they they wrote it because like they couldn’t have written
it till they’ve been that old like you know just perception with age comes
perception experience understanding that you could you can and again trying your
best to impart it to the young who are open-minded to try and learn from it but they at the end of the day still they
will have to experience certain things to truly learn them but I do believe that open-minded young people
can can avoid or you know can try and learn lessons quicker but in yeah still
at the end of the day there’s just literally being alive and existing for
40 you know however many years is the only way to gain certain
perspectives and just realizations about life in general and just uh we we
consciously choose the positive path of thinking you know and that and that just
again manifests P positivity whether it’s just seeing the silver Ling or
actually you start to see good things gravitate towards you might not be money coming at you might not be this but you
see good people coming into your life you just see like you know posit yeah
you people can’t box positivity or good things into just you know a lot of times
people put it in financial terms almost but yeah it’s uh yeah it’s cool it’s
cool but yeah yeah no it really is and there was uh there was something in there I had a thought um and it was
really it was actually good but I didn’t want to interrupt you um and I think I can get back to it maybe but uh you know
either way experience and just have just actually having to live the years out to
gain or feel yeah that was it about the knowledge so there was something that so you were saying about the kids and so
about hopefully that you know young people that are open-minded can you know take the information something I think
that you know again I love quotes and I’ve I’ve been criticized by some people um about you know or not necessarily
criticized but I almost just like looked at like okay yeah you and your quotes
like and it’s like yeah you know it’s you know something I like but there was one something I saw something I saw
is like a that reinforced it yeah exactly and something I saw that reinforced it was uh there was another
it was again it was a quote and the quote was uh it says something you could look it up I don’t know who said it but
it was saying that everything’s already been said but nobody was listening so it has to be repeated or it has to be said
again yes and so everything even us doing this is you know there’s a level
of it where it’s like why are you doing it it’s like yeah there’s no points you know there’s nothing we’re going to talk about really that hasn’t been
necessarily talked about before maybe in a sense of AI might be maybe we could
talk randomly somehow happen on like with the optical illusions in AI maybe nobody else has done that we could have
but other than that it’s like there’s nothing that any anybody’s gonna say or whatever or that we’re going to talk
about hadn’t already been said before and again it’s you know but hey it’s just because that’s the case does that
mean that we should you know not say anything and right you know we everybody it’s our it’s everybody’s first time
being alive right so they’re trying to figure out you’re trying to figure it out and go about it curious and nailed
it even with music and it’s a realization I’ve had when it comes to even you know a song that was played out
when I was younger and it just being sets of Pop Culture song some classic song to where oh he it’s annoying every
time I hear it but then you know I just remember when my nephew was really still
in his early teens Caleb uh hearing the song Take On Me by AA which is still a
great song you know but he’s like oh yeah I really like this song and in my mind I’m thinking oh yeah yeah a that’s
a great song it’s kind of a stereotypical great 8s whatever but it’s like who know the first time he that’s
the first time he experienced it and it is magical and it’s like it’s like if we
create a billboard of like all the knowledge and you know some great breakthrough or understanding it’s like
cool everyone sees it well over time it’s going to fade and fall down and be destroyed so then unless somebody’s is
making the sign or the billboard again unless somebody’s perpetuating the knowledge you know per unless we keep
having these conversations yeah they’re just it’s just like it’s the knowledge is going to die off so it’s almost our
duty to continuously repeat the same things which people can look at however
they want but if if we don’t then it’s just like history being told through
stories through different civilizations there’d be you know the Elder Who would know the story that would be of their
people or whatnot and they would be like they would be their job to and memorize it and be able to pass it on because
again they would be repeating it and it’s through that repetition that keeps it alive you know it keeps cultures
alive it keeps knowledge and understanding alive that yeah we we aren’t recreating the will but if we
don’t keep the will spinning it’s going to fall over and no one’s going to know how it works you know yeah absolutely
and to say to kind of wrap up I guess to my recommendation of the week through all this after talking I would and you
know you know my weekend and the experience and all of that everything all together it was a blast of a time
but I would say uh you know keep keep it simple you know that can
just apply that to whatever you want life you know I just think that you know it’s like they saying keep it simple
stupid and I think that that would be my recommendation because it’s like after going out doing all the exploring around
Austin of Sixth Street which I’d already been to and rainy street it’s like at the end of the day would have had a lot
more fun just hanging out with your friends in in an apartment with with some beers and some pizza and watching a
game that you don’t need you don’t really need a lot to go have a good time you we wouldn’t even needed beer you
know it’s like we would have had a good time just hanging out you know sitting sitting in his place and and just
talking and being clowns and so it’s like you know I think that a lot of
times we just go through the motions of stuff and never really question it you’re just doing it and then it’s like why am I even why is this even the thing
to do you know what I mean you look at them it’s like are you actually having fun are you having fun you’re like um
we’re here we’re here come on we’re supposed to be doing this you know it’s an event it’s like in every place you’re
at you’re at it’s almost a perfect you know I do say that people you should go experience it but just because to prove
your to prove the old saying that the grass is never greener on the other side because Austin and Sixth Street and all
of that is a perfect prime example because you’ll be at one bar and hanging out and having a drink and then you know
you look across the street and you’re like oh man that Bar’s got a rooftop man that place looks cool let’s go to that place you go over there and you’re like
man this place is [ __ ] this place you know and then you see another spot to get be too loud can’t talk yeah and
then you see another spot and you’re like oh that place looks cool so you let go there you know there’s you know looks
like some cool activity over here so you go over there and then it’s like that place is [ __ ]
too but from your perspective and it’s funny it kind of touches everything like well what we’re talking about
unintentionally because from your perspective and where you are outside looking in it looks great you see all
the lights you see the Second Story you pictur of you there and’ be like oh these guys aren’t having a good time
it’s like go inside their mind what I found what I found is that the one of the bars I thought I was like oh man
that place looks really cool it’s really happening it’s like you know it’s a twostory I was like man it looks like a lot of people there it’s like a three-story place I go over to it and
the reason it looked popular is because everybody was standing near the edge there was nobody there like it’s like
there wasn’t anybody there man everybody was standing up top looking around looking at the other bars like yeah
they’re out there looking for somewhere else cooler yeah like and so it’s just
kind of you know it’s just kind of a funny little observation it’s like yeah
yeah man so keep keep it simple and uh like you said was enjoy home yeah again
yeah it’s it’s just but you’re saying is this rein you know grass isn’t always greener it’s you know really appreciate
home and it’s and what you’re talk and I’m I’m GNA probably the rest of my life what
just that that two or three whatever four weeks ago whenever we were supposed
to go play pool our babysitter fell through and everyone just came over to our to my house and we just hung out we
had played old some old school Xbox Fusion frenzy uh took turns play trials
but we were so in there collectively engaged in just a Carefree you know
environment talking and I mean I I still go back it’s like in my and again it’s it’s
almost going to be a problem to her I feel like that was such a I can’t try and recreate that intentionally but I
it’s just knowing the import elements are just getting people together and I
feel like trying to orchestrate PE you know and it happens through board games
and card games but a lot of times if it’s if it’s a a complex game or board
game to where everyone’s having to learn they you know there’s there’s a fine balance but like you get something a
simple intuitive thing that yeah you don’t want to really go play Risk exactly you know you might have friends
you all know to where okay we can get together with this specific activity in mind but if we just want a casual
collection of people who who we all like each other but we don’t all have the same you know really specified
fine-tuned interests we can you know there’s the simple ways to get each other together and just kind of have a
focal point of light engagement and I don’t know
it’s that I’m that that I’m just glad I recorded some that night just because
I’m always go look back on no that’s awesome no it was beautiful man it was awesome I wish I could have been there
but you that you were there for what I’m talking about I’m not talking about the birthday party and this year it’s being
sarcastic I’m talking about the night whenever we were playing uh on your projector and stuff oh yes yes yes yes I
thought you were for a second I thought you were talking about like kind of spaced out and thought you were talking
about the party I’m sorry I totally sped out into great thing turned into another
example a different scale but no it was but no it’s it I’m wish you were there
but at the same time you weren’t meant to be there oddly you know yeah it was it’s yeah right exactly it’s all meant
to have been the way it’s supposed to be yeah like just uh Alie and Ashley being
there in just purely friend support like there was
no and you know not that they but you know just if you’re there with a signifant significant other if you’re a
good significant other just they’re can just they’re going to have an impact on you and just they were literally there
just as Stephanie’s you know good friends and you know just just that simp
you know that that’s one of a few things so it’s and again you’re absolutely you got to really appreciate home in a way
in a in a way you probably have before but it was a good reminder but we can
stop and uh but yeah well no this was good yeah we know this was a good uh yes
sir now this is this is enjoyable so yeah man well everybody be seeing you be
seeing you