all right welcome thank you all for joining us we’d like you guys to go ahead and help us welcome a very special guest this man in my opinion he needs no introduction to me I’m very I know exactly who this guy is and a lot of other people do too but soon enough the whole world’s going to know him so without further Ado The Man known as softmax plus Otherwise Known Michael Swan hey how you doing how are you sir thanks for joining us good absolutely happy to be here yeah man so we we were just talking a bit behind you know we’re
going to get into kind of some of the stuff we were talking about and you you’ve got it seems like you’ve just kind of you just showed up on my Instagram feed now you’re just there and you’re you’re you’re in my life and I’m like where the [ __ ] was you’re in my life too now I don’t see it’s wild to me because I was like it’s just crazy so what I’m trying to say is what where the reason I’m seeing you now is is a lot of [ __ ] hard work that went into where
you are now I imagine you didn’t just like stumble on this I you know you didn’t just find lightning in a bottle it seems like I went back and watched some of your older stuff so we want to kind of figure out how did you get here sure sure yeah and and one funny comment uh one I forget who the user was but she said that I’m her most stable relationship right now dude the comments have been great you have a very you have a really great following man yeah yeah it’s really super fun but um great yeah so yeah got
started um so this is the third summer that I’ve tried these internet videos uh two summers ago um I was just I was thinking more of like a long form kind of well gosh even before that um I was really into um oh [ __ ] what’s he called he’s an Australian YouTuber his desk is just like a green iPad and he like does iPod videos he used to do a bunch of iPod videos I don’t know I really loved him I’m [ __ ] drawing a blank on his name but um he was great so I tried doing something like that that didn’t
work that was like four or five years ago so then three years ago I tried uh to do like a like a all gas no breaks style like go out in public and like just talk to people see what’s going on a little stiff um I think the nice thing about those old all gas no break go ahead oh no I’m sorry no I think those are some of the older ones that we saw where I guess almost wanted to think of it as like real small talk we’d go up you’d offer him something and break the ice and then you’d hit him with like
serious questions which I thought was awesome but they were like meaningful so I just thought that was really cool like I found that lightening because it was like big small talk I thought of it as cuz like we break the ice okay I got their attention so like what’s you know have you lo I thought it was cool it’s powerful stuff but yeah thank you yeah yeah well yeah and I was looking a lot at like the so thinking of all gas no breaks they did they went to that Furry Convention they went yeah went to the Flat Earth
convention and it was just there were they were interviewing characters already like there were already super interesting weirdos so when I would go out in Cincinnati to like Italian Fest or wherever like it was the energy wasn’t the same and I wasn’t confident yet I so um this whole past three years I’ve been doing a lot of improv which has been very helpful um and yeah went out last summer realized you know long videos are too timec consuming I’m just going to try and do short videos I had bought the suit I
loved the suit but I hadn’t figured out the clown thing yet so it was a little better like we were getting better material and it was a little more fun but still there was that awkwardness of like hey uh we’re filming you might have asked you some questions oh what’s it about I don’t know we’re just screwing around what’s it for I there’s the little bit of yeah that the weird little middle ground and that was almost like not to get you off track but that was like I like when I was watching your
early stuff of you in Italian Fest and stuff I was like man this [ __ ] sucks for the like he’s putting it all out there and some of these people it’s like man you were doing so much and they just weren’t giving you I’m like he’s got [ __ ] weirdo you bring the weirdo to them like he had pizza rolls and [ __ ] and I’m like and these people I’m like what [ __ ] what does this guy got to do give him something yeah it turns out what I had to do was wear clown paint uh you bring the weirdo don’t look for them but you
bring the quote unquote weirdo right yeah yeah well and so what the clown paint has done like I noticed this immediately uh people started coming up to me like I didn’t have to approach anybody like the fun exciting people are just like the other day or a couple weeks ago now the video of the guy in the fluorescent shirt who was talking about how he used to be an addict and how like you know he had gotten his life right and his kids and his motorcycle and like we were literally just walking through the parking lot me and my
friends he was leaving the parking lot in his truck he stopped his truck got out and approached us because he was just like what’s going on guys I gotta show you this magic trick let me show you this magic trick and then Aaron my the guy who uh films he just started recording and that that was it I no effort on my part that guy just came out of the woodwork yeah it was awesome so it’s magnetic this this Persona you’ve created which is awesome I’m telling you it is dude because it was like I and
that’s one of the things it’s like I was going to I wanted to kind of get to later but it’s almost like in a sense like you know like Bane in the in the Dark Knight movie where he was like nobody cared who I was till I put on the mask like but he puts on the clown paint and then everybody and I love it I mean cuz to me I mean it’s super original in a sense I mean everybody could say you know yeah there’s been the guy yucko the clown but he would go out on the street he was super vulgar and the dude would just
roast everybody I mean yeah but I mean your stuff is totally different you have a way more approachable style and to me it seems more I I don’t know it’s just genuine and out of all the just the Sea of just kind of CopyCat [ __ ] on Instagram and social media super cool to see what you’re doing um so yeah I mean it’s it’s funny that you say that though about how like kind of now once you put that on you’re not having to go through that stage of you don’t really have to do the work it’s all kind of there yeah
people are very open they’re very willing to just jump right in it’s it’s uh it’s great okay so what at what point did the when did you start like writing books like when did all that start I mean have you always been in a book since you were a kid yeah so like um I’ve always just enjoyed writing it’s just something I’ve done just since middle or high school just in like you know when I was supposed to be doing something else always fun to write um like in in college I was uh uh uh one of
my focuses was music composition so I was writing like a lot of like sheet music and stuff and my senior project was to write a um uh like the introductory movement of like an opera of a big like large orchestral scale piece of music and so I had to do that and then for fun I wrote what’s called a labretto like the script to the uh Opera like that was just for fun that wasn’t for grading I just thought that would be yeah so I’ve always enjoyed writing um and then in 2016 but I never really like I was I was always scared of taking it
seriously like in probably 201 15 2014 I kind of had like a quarter life crisis where it was like I was just playing a lot of music and like part-time minimum wage jobs and it was like ah [ __ ] I need to like get back to school I need to you know get an actual like skills and job and that led to office work and then office work is boring and you have a downtime yeah I know I know I know so in this downtime I was like you know what I’m actually gonna like try I’m gonna take writing seriously and I’m gonna actually try and
and like go for it so yeah 2016 it uh to any aspiring writers you will suck at first that’s normal uh you you just got to write you just got to write and write and write and then edit edit edit and read read read and before you know it you’ll have a sense of taste and what you like and before you know it your your drafts won’t be so bad and uh yeah it’s it just it kind of snowballed 2016 voice too over all of that too right you find your voice I suppose which yeah that’s always very cool so does it ever
get like to be sorry does it ever get to be the little I mean I still like in my opinion you’re kind of you’re like on this Arc right now and I mean you’re [ __ ] like rocketing up pretty quick in my opinion and so you know you’re still you still I’m sure have a lot long way to go in your mind of stuff you want to do but is it is it kind of weird or crazy or like surreal to look back and be like from where you started on your early YouTube videos and with your writing and like you said your your
quarter life crisis with all those things is that kind of surreal to look back on to where you are now 100% it’s this all blew up within the last like month and a half that’s awesome dude this is like right when he found you dude I’m telling you this is this is [ __ ] cool man so yeah that’s awesome no very strange very the whole thing has been super weird I’ve never got gotten more female attention in my life uh there we go that’s my guy there we go you’re in a relationship that you didn’t
even know about until they commented about it right yeah right yeah right um it’s no the whole thing’s weird um a lot of people have started messaging me like for advice like Lyle the advice gecko you know therapy gecko dude uh like like people are taking me very seriously yeah uh it’s it’s it’s unreal yeah I’ve been seeing all the the love you’ve been getting fans them doing all the murals and [ __ ] they painted something I’m like dude that’s cool and I mean that’s got
to be so cool for you thinking that like oh man I got to get my [ __ ] straight I’m just working some [ __ ] jobs I need to go you know I need to get my life in order and then you start you know doing that what everybody expects that to be and then all of a sudden you’re like [ __ ] that and you do your own thing and now it’s like you’re just getting all this love you know right now I’m still doing all of it like I still have my full-time job I’m gonna keep doing it for the foreseeable future um yeah I
I think the next thing I’m waiting on is like Po a literary agent that’d be cool if some literary agent wants to make money off me c come on over I’m sure I’m sure you won’t have any problem man and not to skip around too much but you bringing that up me and him oh so I was reading your book and I flipped to the very back um the first one the win and doubt which good Lord I’m G to have to talk to you about that book buddy um in the back of this book it says Cel Texas is like where you’re
where they’re made or printed in the very back it says made in USA cell Texas 22nd of June 2024 and Cel is like 15 minutes from my house right wow so that speaks to Amazon did you order off Amazon yeah okay because I know I don’t know how their network works so if you you paid I think $15 for that is that right y so they keep $10 and or the $10 and change I get like 475 but they’re doing all of the work like the words are mine but the actual physical book that that mechanism they have in place of the
printing is literally like what’ you say 15 minutes away or whatever yeah it’s 15 minutes crazy how close it happened to be to where we live or at so yeah that was fascinating so ideally I would use like a local publisher or something I don’t something you know ethically in a perfect world right yeah yeah yeah but boy God they’re doing a good [ __ ] job dude the efficiency is like oh he can’t you can’t argue with it you know yeah yeah and so pumpk in pumpkin public in is that your that’s something you came
up with yeah that’s you had I had to put something on it so I just made that up that’s [ __ ] cool though honestly yeah I think pumpkin publishing is cool because then you do it on all your little replies you put the little pumpkin face on my dude yes it’s part of the brand yeah you know so it’s it’s it’s funny that this is all just kind of you said it’s blown up within just the past few months yeah holy [ __ ] yeah yeah that’s wild and I one thing that I just love hearing is just PE you dress up
like a clown and somebody that you know obviously people would see and not think of as serious or someone to seek advice but it’s it’s the contrast it’s like if I was out there looking like a professional psychologist no one would come up but now you dress up like a clown and people come to do for Life advice but it’s Grace because of the message you’re delivering and the questions and the statements you’re making so that that’s what’s kind of grabbed my attention is cool is that I
don’t know just the the the message in just through different points commentary and little insights that you have in the short Snippets you know it’s it’s it’s like it’s exposes a lot about you know just your mind and thinking at least or what’s your persona but I take it it a lot of that is reflecting internally thoughts and opinions right it might just be magnified to an extent or if that you know if that’s just an assumption but I just that Dynamic I I love I find fascinating just the
psychology of people and that that I’m dress up like a clown and now you’re can take serious okay that makes also I feel he’s more approachable no yeah it’s just fascinating it’s it’s just like a just watching it it’s just fascinating yeah yeah well you know the whole clown thing like so I I wasn’t familiar with clown stuff like three months ago three or six months ago like I I thought of clowns as like you know there’s it and then there’s there’s Ronald McDonald right
like birthday clowns John Wayne gasy and like that’s all I knew about clowns but then through improv uh our improv coach there Colin Thorton he he runs improv Cincinnati he came up one day and was like hey you guys want to learn about clown and I was like [ __ ] no like I think I know where he’s going too I do too yeah right but then um you know he explained it a little bit he uh you know the this concept of a theater clown that goes back to like silent movies um and then the idea that clown is still
like especially in Europe like a legitimate like interesting fun art uh we had a guy we have a guy in town Jerome York who teaches at University of Dayton uh in Ohio and so he came in he with he worked with this uh this improv team I’m on for about a month and he was just teaching us about yeah this theater clown concept it’s about being completely honest it’s about accepting failure and turning failure into success it’s about yeah it’s about just being totally open as if you were like a child you
know whatever pops into your head that’s not like you know offensive racist whatever um you know just just letting it out just being authentically yourself and very uh open to whatever happens uh so in that respect it was great you know no that’s badass I never even yeah that’s [ __ ] crazy because I’m like you as well I mean I knew about like the was it the clown the EMT Kelly was EMT Kelly wasn’t he a clown or was he some was he a painter some [ __ ] he was the sad clown oh okay em Kelly was the sad
clown I think I know you’re talking about he’s the one in that picture put the little doll on the [ __ ] of reading the book on your Instagram or whatever that was the that’s the EMT Kelly doll so I know of EMT Kelly but I didn’t it’s a whole style of performance art yeah but I’m like that’s deeper than I ever knew yeah that’s cool like I’m this this is educational for me which is cool you know cool stuff so uh also too we’re going to get back to the clown thing because there was something we wanted to
bring up about that but so you had mentioned it about how you still have your job I mean does your job do they I mean did they se you did you show how did that go did they show up to work and your boss is like they know yeah they know uh the way you said that all right yeah yeah luckily I work for an Arts organization in Cincinnati it’s uh it’s like a regional Broadway Theater so like we have like Regional Broadway musicals coming through like Book of Mormon if you’ve seen Book of Mormon it’s raw very
yeah yeah so like the the tolerance level at my job is is High um as long as I’m not you know out there like spouting hate speech or something they’re they’re cool with it they’re for it yeah yeah so but them discover like some of the videos that blew up especially on Instagram like the UDF one um that after that happened my co-workers started like messaging me on slack like oh my God my friend just showed me this video that you’re in this is you right you want to get lunch sometime like like
messages it’s that’s [ __ ] hilarious right just just the people this is like you know like Fame this just like it’s a taste of whatever it’s it’s F asking if you wanted to get lunch now look at it right it’s like I’ve been the whole time and I’m worried too well I was worried because like especially Paras sociopath like I set out to write the grossest book I could and so it’s it’s it’s raw like I mean if you sit down and read Paras sociopath it’s like who the [ __ ]
wrote this like what is that was that was my perspective I thought it was like so heinous but then L and so I was worried about like my cooworker seeing that and being like what’s he [ __ ] doing back there like right well that’s like in in win and doubt I mean yeah I didn’t see that coming I’m going to say that I didn’t see that whole [ __ ] thing happening there that little triangle but that was [ __ ] hilarious I I get what you mean about you’re sitting there worried about man they’re
what are they [ __ ] thinking so what books did first like I’m curious like what did you write first like what was the order of your releases oh sure yeah so Bui Messiah was first and uh I you know I love all my books Bui Messiah is is probably the weakest just because it was the first out the gate um I think a lot of first books suffer from like this the there’s just the last third it just kind of ends um I I definitely fell into that trap like it’s almost like the writer is tired like they spend so much
time on the first couple parts that by the time they get to the end they’re just like that just yeah yeah yeah so I think it’s a good book it’s definitely the most like moralistic and it’s I think still fun it was fun that’s the one that I read yeah yeah he really enjoyed it good good good so but that that was the first one um then it gets kind of muddled uh Paras sociopath was the next one I started working on um but it was uh too gross it was it was really like just sort of depressing to
write and I and I just was like I didn’t I wasn’t feeling it so I got like I finished it um but the whole second half I eventually ended up trashing because it was just like I finished it but it was you know trash so I I abandoned that one uh around that point my brother and I had been joking a lot about the pizza boys like our fake gang because you know all that sort of stuff we had been joking about it but you know the joke of like you should write a book about that go ahead and write a book about the
pizza boys so that was the next one that also was around the time the pandemic started so there’s a lot of uh so during lockdown and stuff that’s when I started working on that which is also uh once on lockdown um some one of my college friends reached out and they were starting a writing group so um uh that was great uh to be with uh my writing friends my old College writing friends and so then we were like sending work back and forth that was really propulsive finished uh pepperoni Powerhouse started went in doubt um
finished that one and then eventually came back around to Paras sociopath and finished it well I can’t read the one that you don’t like I’m [ __ ] pumped if you say that’s a [ __ ] show sign me up dude cuz I was like that [ __ ] win and doubt had me man I mean there was I I legitimately was cracking the [ __ ] up during this book yeah good thank you so there’s like a director’s cut of PA sociopath that we’ll never know oh you gotta release it man no it’s it’s sincerely bad like the the first draft
the first draft the whole second half is just it’s just not good so I was happy to trash it and luckily people have finished it and given me feedback and it said oh it’s not that bad like it’s it’s it’s rough but you know if you’re into truly dark and twisted books yeah like the bar is so high right now my idea of the darkest thing possible is like not that bad so that’s hilarious well now your video of you and the garbage can makes sense you like don’t buy this book it’s [ __ ] garbage no
I’m being I’m I’m being like sincere like I mean it’s funny and it’s sort of a reverse psychology thing to somebody who doesn’t know but yeah no I would I was sin sincerely that was before I got the feedback of like oh it’s not that bad I was in when Paras sociopath is the bestseller right now and when that happened I was like God damn it you’re like it [ __ ] would be this one dude oh you’re like what about my other [ __ ] it’s good he’s like I really [ __ ] did it in this one and you’re
reading this [ __ ] oh that’s awesome oh man that’s hilarious yeah so about we’re g to go back to clowns there’s something in one of your more recent videos you mentioned somebody somebody your Senpai that you’d like to notice you Chad demani yeah yeah and which recently I had mentioned it to him he started doing a rabbit whole and it’s like he already kind of his wheel started spinning I’ll let him kind of take it from here but he kind of he kind of had an idea about this character you’re telling me about
and about Chad demani just kind of yeah wasn’t it Second City isn’t it oh so I yeah I saw a connection so I kind of went down a little rabbit hole on Chad damiani and he does a lot of clown courses and like I don’t know if he was in California if he was working out of UCB or or underneath I’m not exactly sure I know there’s all these different improv groups right Sobe thinking of the groundings UCB Second City and and so I guess where you’re at has has an improv group and is it it is improv I’m always
assuming comedy is that is that the case or is improv the way you talk about it a blanket for just any like any kind of acting uh so when I talk about improv I’m definitely talking about like Second City Second City Style like or like iio is another big Chicago one okay so CH yeah Chad operates I think Chad operates mostly out of a theater called the I you know honestly I don’t know okay that’s cool so but we did a little notice on him but most of his shows I think are at a theater called the elisian uh I the videos I’ve seen of
him are usually from like festivals that he does um or otherwise just stuff that he’s been posting around online but yeah improv in the United States is pretty well centered around like the three or four like big theaters and we’re all like in Cincinnati we’re we’re a hub we’re just we’re we’re we’re reg we’re watching what everybody else is doing and then doing our own version of it but okay yeah it’s definitely improv comedy uh long form or short form or whatever Cincinnati seemed to have uh they’ve
been giving you it looks like Cincinnati been giving you some love man you’ve been getting some pretty good love from all Cincinnati yes so I am so there’s a part of town called Northside which is the most Progressive part of town like uh and I’m definitely like North Side famous right now like uh it’s cool like we went and filmed the parade stuff all the Fourth of July stuff that was the north side and like just walking down the street it was there were points where it was like a line of people wanting to take pictures
and stuff dude which was Unreal like really cool yeah that’s so cool so now I just thought I just thought of a question now so you you might kind of be in a good spot then since you’re normally out in your clown makeup can you [ __ ] around in society without your makeup and nobody knows you uh it is a Sweet Spot yeah I I noticed I noticed in North I was in north side like a couple weekends ago without the makeup at a coffee shop and I think somebody did sneak a picture but they’re like I’m pretty sure
that’s yeah yeah but without yeah without makeup nobody’s that’s another benefit though that’s a huge benefit I would think cuz everybody thinks like getting famous and notice would be [ __ ] cool but then it’s like imagine when you you’re mad you’re hung over you just want to go get some BC powder and a [ __ ] tall boy the the reality of Freedom the that you lose yeah yeah no so I am lucky right now I can go to like any of the other parts of town and just be a guy still which is nice very damn
that is pretty that is pretty cool yeah so what uh where do you like do you see any of this uh any like where do you see yourself going with this [ __ ] you do you even know yet or you’re just riding it and seeing where it goes or do you have anything planned yeah well I’m definitely going to keep doing what I’m doing uh and then so a short videos I mean every three a day every day for the next for the rest of the summer into the fall and ideally the one YouTube hasn’t so Instagram’s been doing really well
Tik tok’s doing all right and um uh YouTube is is slow to pick up and I think it’s because YouTube prefers long format videos so the next thing I’d like to do is uh a talk show in my basement so like a a surprisingly good talk show in my basement so like you Conan O’Brien in like the 90s and 2000s definitely if you watch that and then yeah I liked yeah yeah and then uh Eric Andre Eric Andre show so it’s like some not as crazy as Eric Andre because like that’s he set that bar I’m not I’m not the type
of person to go for sure but just like if Eric Andre set out to do the uh worst talk show ever I want to do a surprisingly good talk show in my basement that that honestly sounds cool that does and you’d be great with that it seems like just because again it’s like you’re I feel like sometimes like with your earlier [ __ ] you were asking really great questions but just running into it’s like more or less people that kind of weren’t ready for it or whatever you know the question the questions were
there so I think you on a talk show would be pretty awesome I mean and too with your with your growing popularity and whatnot you could actually probably get some pretty [ __ ] cool people to join you which would be awesome Joe bur Joe bur he said his face is like oh [ __ ] I hope Joe burrow never sees that video Joe burrow just walks in the room and you’re just sitting there smiling he’s like [ __ ] if he didn’t find the humor in it then no he’s great I mean the whole money thing about yall care about
football I love we’re Dallas I mean come on we’re Cowboys fans so we’re born we’re born into just [ __ ] Jerry the Jerry Jones yeah so yeah we we feel your pain in our own way I mean the Joe bur thing like I don’t begrudge any athlete who takes as much money as possible because you need to we’re all trying to make literally selling your body like to to this Sport and for our entertainment so like that he took as much as he could get great somebody pointed out in the comments that um it’s structured in a
way that towards the end of I don’t [ __ ] know right somebody said something that made sense and I was like okay so maybe it’s maybe it’s not so bad but uh realistically yes I’m glad he took as much as he could I think the um Bengals uh front office is smart enough to make our situation work with you know we drafted pretty well we’ll see how it plan pans out but yeah it sounds like you got a little bit more faith in your Bengals than I’ve gotten my Cowboys oh no and I’m a big I’m a Bengals fan I had
the uh when I was a kid I got a Chad Johnson Jersey I had to have it man so I still got Boomer right when he Boomer yeah that’s that’s that’s the one I remember the most in my younger years yeah the old Bangals man I’m [ __ ] pulling for them goddamn they need it yeah we’re close we’re awfully close the windows the windows open yeah absolutely so you’ve got this thing you’ve got you say you’re you’re looking to do your uh your talk show and that’s great but then I saw you had Shar you
shared something you’re talking about that improv class do you teach improv or were you like trying to promote the part like the school or whatever you’re a part of in Cincinnati yeah yeah yeah so yeah improv Cincinnati I do teach uh a 101 class there just the intro class um I’ve been doing that for uh not quite a year maybe like six months um and it was funny uh so again Colin the guy runs the theater a couple weeks ago he asked like hey uh you want to teach us one1 class on Saturdays it might not be happening we only have like
six people signed up and we try to get 14 for a class just because if it’s too low it’s too many reps and people get overwhelmed and all that um so he said do you want to teach this class it might not happen and I said sure let me see if I can leverage my following so yeah I posted that story about it I don’t know if it worked uh some of the people some of the people were aware that I was doing clown stuff but I think they were aware of it separately from having uh I don’t think I actually sold any uh right but we did
end up at like 10 or 11 people just luckily so I anticipate there’s just a lag between people connecting the dots maybe you know because I know if it’s almost like wait that guy’s teaching something I could like they were thinking that that could bring a draw so I would think so but you guys you never know also it’s like $250 to take this class I mean it’s it’s in like seven classes though seven classes and each class is two and a half hours and it’s good content like I mean if you want to
try improv then it’s worth it but yeah also like for somebody who’s just watching internet videos to be asked for $250 that’s oh I could see why that would be yeah a big unless they think they’re really funny and they got it yeah um no so I was gonna do do you mind if we talk it all about your books do you want us to not talk about them in in fear that people you know were going to spoiler alert go for it awesome so this one turns out to be your mom’s favorite correct is that that was true
yeah yeah so uh I have um a different I have a smaller book that’s just the first like three or four chapters of each of the books like a sampler that I was given out to people and so I gave that to my parents and just based on the first three chapters that one was her favorite yeah she likes left ketas she likes she just thinks he’s a silly little man and how can you not and the whole time I’m reading this thing I’m just sitting here thinking like I can’t help but think of picturing this as
being a movie or something and it was making me crack up even [ __ ] more cuz when you got to the description of leus I believe you said something about uh what he’s he’s he’s uh I don’t know if I have a dog ear he’s paper paper white with colorless hair yeah what I’m sitting here losing I’m just picturing some poor bastard that looks like a bottle of white out or something and then you then you start getting into the details about him and his hog and then it and then it becomes then I understand whenn and doubt was
win and doubt whip it out yep okay all right so I started getting to it and probably one of the funniest [ __ ] Parts is when he finds himself in that sticky situation between three people in that room and he says to himself he’s like I can’t dick my way out of this one so yeah that’s a great and uh I’m Gonna Keep kind of bouncing around here your description of people in what am I saying it right automaton Colorado oh adamton adamton Jesus Christ okay I can I can barely [ __ ] read I can smell
colors I’m like a tomaton I was thinking Philip K dick books and [ __ ] it’s made up I mean so you want yeah but your description of the people that live there yeah in color it seems almost like you’re just describing people in Colorado as well like I know the place is fictional but I’m like the dude’s talking about like Colorado like the the hot dog colored skin and uh these people dragging hundreds of dollars worth of [ __ ] to go camping dirt like hot dog colored dude that [ __ ] was like hot dog flavored water well like I
I honest I had to put the book down for a second CU I just thought about him like he’s [ __ ] right the people like they have hot dog colored skin I’d never thought about that the skin of a hot dog so does any does any of like uh how much of this stuff in your books is just [ __ ] that’s out of your head and how much of it is like something that’s familiar either a friend or something that’s happened yeah so it’s I with any uh writing I think that’s any good it’s from like real experience so
like actual observations and like real points of view I think you can tell if a book isn’t authentic it it’s I think like a pot boiler book where it’s just like all right let’s just walk through a plot let’s just get this thing over with and and it’s done and it doesn’t really it doesn’t really stick with you because it’s not really coming from a real place it’s based more on like just a plot and maybe a interesting character and it’s done but I love putting like
observations in and things that maybe don’t necessarily believe but that I’ve thought so I love Colorado’s great I went on vacation to Colorado whenever few years ago and you know it was very nice people uh you could take your dog everywhere um it was just a cool place weather was cool nature was cool it just so happened that the people had hot dog colored skin and they wore breathable Fabrics over hot dog colored skin yeah so thinking from Le ket’s Point of View Le ketas is a hater Le ketas hates
everybody so he’s going to latch on to that sort of detail and use it as a weapon for me it was just a funny to notice yeah you know I’m not going to judge somebody based on that but I’m no absolutely not I just thought it was hilarious like I’m like dude L lfus is a [ __ ] dog there’s no two ways about it man he is just a straight dog um so another thing oh God what else was it um no there was something so you had had a it was the hot dog colored skin part oh [ __ ] what is oh Cosman yeah yeah
yeah it is that do you got a buddy like him or something huh no no no no so um boy where’d that come from Uh I that was just an idol thought so for for people haven’t read the book there’s a supporting character named Cosman who’s like Le Kus his only friend and he’s pretty much a mad scientist and his main goal in life is to facilitate human animal communication so that he can have consensual sex with an animal any animal he doesn’t even care he just wants to have consensual sex with an animal that
idea yeah that makes sense well I was just thinking like I was just because people have been trying to communicate with animals for a while and we haven’t really figured it out they’re the dogs who have the buttons like feed me feed me feed me right out out out like you know they’re not having an actual conversation with any kind of depth or consent you know I was just thinking like like yeah the the when somebody finally cracks that nut when somebody actually figures out how to talk to an animal it’s because they want to [ __ ]
that and the way society’s going that that’s going to be the green light that’s going to be the green light you know that that’s uh yeah dude so yeah when I when I got into Cosman I mean I was just like that dud was cracking me up k m an right Cosman okay yeah I don’t know why it just it reminded me of the one question I was going to have about book mesiah just the Jerry Seinfeld references and this made me think of Cosmo Kramer and so I don’t I don’t know if there probably wasn’t an intentional
connection to that in any way I don’t know but it do you like Seinfeld like you just kind of picked like that and because he did a couple Jabs but figured it was out of like respect because I love Seinfield as well yeah yeah yeah I I don’t know I I I think I just thought it would be funny call him Jerry buyu in justifying why is he called Jerry like well Jerry Seinfeld like he’s named after Jerry Seinfeld it that’s that that just made sense to me yeah uh and I I I forced it in I guess yeah it
was a lot of fun though just and the from my experience reading the book just there’s seemed a lot of subtext and commentary and society and and just different things and just the how a person can have seemingly good morality and still end up completely evil whil trying to think that they’re doing it so it was pretty I thought it was I enjoyed the book so know it was your first one but um it sounds like the most tame by far based on what I’m yeah so I liked it I definitely did there’s only one little sex scene in
that book yeah let me tell you nothing like what you’re probably going to find in wiell let me tell you that um the uh also too the way you described that poor bastard that German fell Mueller yeah what what did he said his face look like a like a slash of beef or something a side of beef with a slash in it I was just like God yeah no I had a I had a girlfriend who’s dad looked a little like that I was curious to see where the end of that sentence was going oh no no oh man and though the dad was also handsome it’s just I don’t know if you
observed this but like somebody can look German like there’s a German look like the kind of the catcher mitt kind of face definitely definitely just taking that to an extreme and that again man that’s like that was one of the things I really liked was just all the different I mean I can’t there’s a whole there’s so many different ones but all of your you know I was just a big fan of your descriptions and stuff like that like you said it was just like a face like a catcher made I was like what the [ __ ] I
was like he’s right though like olding face yeah I would have never thought to describe somebody’s face like a catcher mitt but as soon as I heard him say it I was like I see what I know what he means I know what he I know someone that looks like that big just so much skin and just you know what I mean yeah um oh that’s awes so do you would you ever would you be down like say if uh Netflix or somebody hit you up and they wanted to make some of this [ __ ] into a movie or a show or something do I
do love to get paid I mean I mean yeah it’s money’s a part of uh getting around and living around sadly yeah I’m I’m GNA so I think a lot of aspiring writers are unfortunate because they need money so they they might agree to hastily to deals that they maybe shouldn’t I’m in a good spot where like I’m I’m doing fine I got my job I got savings and all that so I I don’t need to take uh any money but yeah if if if a deal comes along that’s you know awesome like I’m not I’m
definitely not going to turn it down on principal like uh you know uh it’d be fun it’d be fun to have that sort of thing happen yeah and I mean I haven’t finished pepperoni Powerhouse but I have like I said just reading through some of this I could definitely see like with pony Island and all that and you know Sasha and Misty and B I was like it’s kind of pictur in my head I was like I could kind of see this being something but you know I don’t know how you who you who you would get to play leus I
don’t know you know I was thinking of Danny DeVito type but he’s a little old he is old Danny DeVito’s a little old man you know but no that’s the right track though for sure okay if you had to pick which one would you want to see into like out of your books [ __ ] as a movie Pro honestly probably Paras sociopath dude okay weirdly enough yeah that would that would probably be a cool movie with with the right director yeah no I’m definitely with the right B I don’t know I you know I’ve completely fallen off
with like watching anything like shows and movies and all that like I’m completely in the dark but if it was like a experimental uh not afraid to make bold choices type director because if you’ve ever seen in the void this French Argentinian director I would say he would he would probably do it yeah sorry yeah so you say you’ve been you’ve been uh you’ve been getting a lot of love out there on the internet and stuff you say you’ve been the ladies hitting you up or what yeah yeah it’s it’s uh
weird it probably has to be a little bit weird do you respond to each each one like how I mean how do you manage that you want to be a nice guy right I mean you seem like a nice guy so but it’s like wait how would what did you do yeah so I haven’t T so some messages I get some message requests are like the one was literally just a woman saying I’d let you do me I’d let you raw dog me is what she said raw I I was like that’s that’s awesome but like I can’t reply to this there’s there’s no way this
conversation’s going to go other than okay like when so yeah for real so so I appreciate that attention and I’m making a bunch of thirst traps so I’m kind of asking for it but um that’s hilarious well then you also yeah then you’ve also got some weird is there some weird fellow reaching out to you on your comments dud there’s some weird people in there man yeah there some weirdos I mean it’s I appreciate it it’s awwesome I’ve I’ve never been a [ __ ] boy so it’s like I I’m
don’t yeah no need to start now yeah you know I they tell you they say Fame will make you crazy so I’m not about to start like okay yeah let’s start punching some tickets yeah let’s I was gonna say I just saw something the other day they were talking about how many like people have gone to get tested for STD in Houston and they were talking about like the Horizon STDs in Houston and they were saying that there was like a percentage of them with people that come in and they’re just like we don’t know
what the [ __ ] you got oh my God they have no idea so yeah man don’t don’t be out there in the streets like that but that’s [ __ ] funny though man that you know like I said dude it it’s just so cool seeing like it was a little weird like going back and find because I found you on YouTube I was like surely this guy’s got to have a YouTube and then I I ended up finally finding your YouTube and I was able to go back and look at your old videos and yeah it is interesting to see like the amount of followers and whatnot
and attraction you have on on Instagram and Tik Tok and all that versus YouTube yeah yeah I you know each algorithm’s different like you’re saying the format I think the long form is definitely because YouTube implemented shorts yeah way after there had already been reals and stuff so I think that could take off but like you’re saying I think long form seems to really be their thing and yeah that makes sense so what about uh you also I was reading a little bit saying you well you did you you played music
and also like you made effects pedals like the guitar like that’s why I’m fascinated cuz I’m I I play guitar and I see the guitars there that’s awesome oh cool yeah I think yeah yeah he’s a big nerd want to yeah want to be rockar my whole life you know type thing like an orange head back orange head yeah on a little cab and then yeah and I got like a loop station and just different things but but yeah Gib got a what a Gibson Studio Fender Strat and and that’s just a an old like ianz series was like from
from high school but I keep them you know but yeah so FS you you’d make them so I used to yeah so in college I focused on music and writing I wrote still just cuz I enjoyed it but like so and I was a English and music double major and then I had a minor journal and then uh so I got out of college and just started I just I really enjoyed playing music that was my main thing in college was music I was in a bunch of ensembles and it was really awesome what kind of music because I was I was always the rock and roll what were you yeah yeah so
it was I went to like a liberal art like a small liberal art school so the music department wasn’t big but it was very open so like I came in with not a ton of experience like I played trumpet in high school and hated it and quit in like 10th grade but me and some friends one friend in particular used to play a lot of like garage rock type stuff just our a little bit we made fun of scof but that’s but I loved it as an eighth grader yeah we were we were very judgmental teenagers I’m actually rediscovering a bunch of stuff from when
I would have been in high school but didn’t listen to cuz I thought it was was it’s Li I know exactly I’m guilty I’m guilty there there was so there’s so much good stuff out there that I was just too cool for school but anyway uh yeah so I just had a bunch like I could kind of bang around on drums and I had taken some guitar lessons so I got to college and since it was a small music program I could just join any Ensemble I wanted there were no restrictions I was like I played like tany in the orchestra
I played guitar and sometimes drums in our Jazz Ensemble we had a Latin jazz band where I played like conas and um just all sorts of like Au sounds like like a just a musician’s dream world yeah it was really cool like that was definitely the best part of college for me um and then doing music composition as the focus so I got to learn about all the different instruments and listen to lots of different types of music um and then got out of college came back to Cincinnati and that’s all I wanted to keep doing so I joined a bunch of like
rock bands um and there’s like YouTube a lot of this stuff there’s like a YouTube uh playlist I made that’s linked on the website all the bands I was in okay you can watch some of that stuff but it was a lot of like kind of noisy rock type stuff paventi is and all that pavement denn J style or youth yeah yeah definitely so yeah like we were and speaking of north side again like a lot of north side bars a lot of like that sort of thing okay and um yeah so a part of being a again I had all these part-time minimum wage jobs so I didn’t
have a ton of money but I loved year so uh I would just buy cheap broken stuff and teach myself how to fix it and then uh eventually I would you know you want to buy a pedal like you want like the Clon centur or whatever but they’re like a million dollars yeah you can just make your own the components aren’t expensive the schematics are out there so then I started you know learning to solder and learning to you know fix broken pedals or build pedals from scratch that’s [ __ ] badass that is yeah it’s it’s
not impossible there’s some safety things especially when you work on guitar amplifiers they can kill you but um no [ __ ] yeah I’m not even joking they they what they got enough like amps and [ __ ] or what what yeah so and you unplug it and you think it’s safe but there’s a component called a capacitor they’re usually filter capacitors that the flux capacitor but but if you touch it and it’s still hot like still has a charge it’ll just that’s exactly it behaves like a battery so it just stores that
charge and it will slowly deplete over time but if you unplug it and then stick your hand in you essentially get shocked so is there like a waiting time or is there something you’re supposed to do before you touch it like how do you figure that out yeah you can discharge the Char you can you can use like a it’s like a it’s just a little tool you hook up your tool to uh the ground bus on the amplifier and then you just sort of poke one of the uh the the one of the ends of the capacitor to discharge what’s in the
capacitor to ground making it safe that makes and then you can you have a multimeter so you can test the voltage and make sure that I was going to say what poor B you teach a lot of classes on a lot of stuff he could just open up his own softmax uh School of you know [ __ ] jack of all trades pedal con construction [ __ ] teach you how to write a fug on top of it yeah making me feel really untalented here no I’ve always like dabbling like I I’ve been alive long enough to have dabbled a lot so you know it just sort
of adds up as you keep going speak speaking of which if you don’t mind how old are you we’ve been we’ve been trying to guess I don’t know I am 35 years old 35 damn you me $200 no I’m kidding I’m the old I’m the oldest one here then yeah yeah honestly dude I thought you were I thought you were [ __ ] younger like yeah when I was like looking at you with clown paint and everything I’m like a this guy’s not that [ __ ] old I 20 something I don’t know 27 29 30 something like that and then you know
your older videos like it’s crazy like your older stuff with the goatee I’m like no this guy’s a little older than I thought that goatee and [ __ ] dude that was tough facial oh thank you that facial hair makes a difference but no I’m totally lost some of the comments I get are from like gen Z like Zoomers and like I think I know what they’re saying yeah but then you’re like I don’t want to I don’t want to comment back and agree to something here dictionary let me look this up real quick yeah no [ __ ]
man definitely getting some of those yeah I’m also lost in that whole in that whole regard of things do you ever think you would uh you’d start like a [ __ ] band again or start a clown band well uh I’m so one of my so my high school friend his name is Trent uh We’ve we played music a ton in high school we kept in touch he’s married now and he and his wife have a band and I play drums in their band every so often we’re all busy so we haven’t met in like a month or two but I do we do still do
that we’re gonna meet actually I think a week from Wednesday so that’ll be good um and we’ll just play in like bars and we might record and yeah I would um if and when I uh either get fired or quit my job I would like to start making music again like recording in my basement and maybe bands and all but I think as far as clown stuff it would be awesome there there other actual like improvisers I I’ve I’m around um who have like clown actual like circus Arts clown training oh [ __ ] on top of being like actors and
improvisers so it would be cool to do like a some sort of performance with them I don’t know what that would look like like something legit yeah y’all could cook some [ __ ] up I’m sure it would be it would be fun like elevate it to whole another plane almost right so I had a I had a question too this is an idea like and I I know you’ve you know you’ve got your own [ __ ] you’re doing your own thing you ever thought about so there was that one video of you just waking up on the side of the road yeah
and you [ __ ] you made a brosa with a Miller High Life and a [ __ ] emergency yeah and immediately I thought of I was like this dude sitting in the stands at a Cincinnati Reds game just in his full makeup and just all of a sudden just like pull out a [ __ ] dude you should do that that’d be hilarious just go to a Reds game and just be sitting by yourself and just like dump some emergency in a beer y oh my God that’ be fun see that’d be a cool I mean the Reds games like you know they a lot of times
don’t sell great no so like I’m just get the get the eight doll seat and then just wander around talking to people that somebody else brought up that same idea you’re on the right track I think I’m eventually going to do that dude a Red’s game would be legit because they’ve got to like I mean they they’ve got a good little following everything you know they’ve got their hardcore fans and I mean baseball games like you said it’s a great spot for that so I just pictured in my mind I was like I could
totally see him like on some [ __ ] video and nobody has any idea who he is and just like this guy’s drinking emergency in a beer how did that taste did you act you drank it right so it was very good at first because it it was mostly the emergency on the top so it was very sweet and like frothy and cool but yeah about around the time we got to that dumpster that I jumped in it was just it was warm and it was it was it was not good by the ends now it was chalky yeah right I was glad to be finished with it yeah dude no [ __ ] and
so you say so who’s your this dude that’s filming you like he just a buddy of yours or what cuz I I mean there’s behind every successful person on the internet getting recorded there’s there’s a cameraman there yeah Aaron’s awesome yeah so he’s somebody I know through improv Cincinnati he’s an improviser um he’s great he uh so when I’d gone out before what I would tell people who were helping me was you know what just keep it wide just you can never bad to keep it wide just keep
everything in frame and then I’ll like do like smash edits to like you know make sense Shi focus and I told that to Aaron and he was like okay the other thing about Aaron is um he’s uh a a marijuana Enthusiast so yeah and but like also he’s the most responsible person I know like in in terms of like here’s the time here’s when we’re meeting he’s there like he’s always down he’s always on time he it’s it’s a it’s an amazing combination I didn’t know could exist I’ve got with one a friend
like that too went to law school and everything one of the biggest enthusiasts so yeah right right right right so something about his perspective like he knows that he can keep it wide if he wants but sometimes he just gets really I I don’t know your experience with marijuana but my experience is it gives like this intense roving Focus where like you can just you’ll F hone in on something and then it’ll just as easily Drift Off to something else and then you’re focused on that and it might turn inward it like so I don’t know if
that’s what’s happening there but he just really grabs on to interesting details that I wouldn’t think to focus on so like this it’s going to be funny these Fourth of July videos he said he’s mostly just focusing on my tummy dude he was yeah no the one where you were going to talk to a squirrel or some [ __ ] and you turn around he just I’m like oh you didn’t do him like that he’s right yeah he’s right on the cinnamon rolls yeah but uh uh and and or like the boxer video the UDF video like he knew I
didn’t even know that guy was boxing back there he KN he just knew to like keep him as in frame as he could the guy eventually wandered off but um you know he’s he’s great yeah dude Aaron’s Aaron’s a legend I’ve been wondering like what are yall are Y is he shooting on like an actual legit camera is it a phone yeah so I think a couple years ago I bought it’s a Canon xa40 so it’s like a camcorder uh it’s it looks it looks like one of those old like DVI cameras but it records the SD card it can do 4K
but we do 1080p like 30 frames per second and um it it yeah I mean it’s it’s a quirky camera because it its autofocus is it’s set to autofocus as quickly as possible but still sometimes he’ll zoom in and it’ll just kind of linger out of focus and then snap which again happy yeah yeah happy accent I think that ends up just looking cool yeah for sure most definitely yeah so he’s really figured out I don’t if you want to make internet videos you don’t have to spend a lot of money cell phone cameras are
great I would say focus more on audio like get some good Wireless transmitters get clean clear audio people will tolerate weird video they will not tolerate bad audio no you’re not wrong about that D the amount of people I see that just get roasted for like like the smallest audio [ __ ] I mean you’re absolutely right that and smudgy cameras they like clean your [ __ ] lens which I get I do get that but there are sometimes people get real mad it’s like you could see it but um yeah cuz and I was also I was going to say on one of
your videos I had me I thought about messaging you and being like yo what or commenting like what what microphone do you use and then literally the next video I see you’re in the dumpster talking [ __ ] about the microphone and I’m like yeah [ __ ] that microphone dude yeah I I should have known better it’s that was a Mac uh Mackie uh whatever I said it was and it it’s was fine like if we were in the middle of the woods or something it would be okay but like I think any little interference especially if
there’s a lot of cell phones it gets it freaks out it also just didn’t it was so the wireless transmitter plugs into the it’s just like sm58 pretty much um it plugs in and it’s just like kind of janky and like shakes around a little bit so I don’t even know if it’s making a firm connection uh I just got a different one that’s what we used for the Fourth of July parade it’s better uh it’s just like some Chinese brand I don’t even remember what it XV or something it got good reviews I just
thought that was funny I was like literally thinking I was like this guy’s mic sounds pretty good because I bought some like because we’re were G to do some like outdoor recording or remote stuff filming here and there and I had bought these little [ __ ] mics but they’re not really that and I was like what is that one and then literally the next video you’re like don’t buy this [ __ ] microphone like okay so avoid that one I was like [ __ ] that not going to buy that one and I should have
listened the the reviews like said as much and I this was year or two ago and I was like it’s probably fine I’ll give it a shot user error yeah you get out there you’re like they’re all using it wrong yeah no that’s what’s up yeah shout out Aaron because I mean dude he’s yeah that’s some good camera work and whatnot and um as far as the UDF video this this is your this was the UDF one here and as far as far as that video goes so that is I do find it interesting that that’s a convenience store that
just they sell ice cream they have like is it like a little like a bronze like do they have a thing where they’ll scoop it up put in a thing for you sh it’s an ice cream counter it’s the whole thing uh I didn’t think it was weird until recently like I just it’s UDF yeah it’s convenient store they have ice cream that’s normal and then only after maybe five or 10 years ago when we were like just at a 7-Eleven you know in Oklahoma or something like that I was like oh yeah there’s ice cream like what yeah I can’t
think of any convenience store nothing like that here man like you’re going to a specialty place for that I was honestly jealous I was like it’s is [ __ ] [ __ ] Cincinnati’s got a convenient store that’s got ice cream in it it’s it’s good ice cream too like that’s that’s the other weird thing we we’re kind of blessed in Cincinnati we have like two other really good ice cream places only ice cream like graters and Agames okay and either of them are like really good it’s just they’re
different both are really good um and then UDF like the one that people don’t even think of but is also good dude that’s like the uh I thought it was really cool whenever they ended up like duetting your audio over their video they put the cow out there boxing in the back I’m like you know hats off to whoever yeah [ __ ] thought of that that was pretty pretty smart situational awareness of knowing who they got out there yeah I was I was I was uh I was donating blood at lunchtime and just playing on my phone looking at Instagram
and I they messaged me and I looked at it and it was that they had tagged me in that post and and I my real laugh is like ha like I have like a mou laugh so I did that and the woman drawing my blood was like are you okay like is there you’re like I’m fine it’s fine it’s just weird [ __ ] going on yeah yeah it’s like you’re like I’m going to get some ice cream after this now it’s funny though yeah that’s so cool so I gotta ask like do you got any uh any recommendations for people that you know
maybe maybe young aspiring artists in any kind of in any kind of Realm whether it’s music improv you know writing acting you you got any advice for them is for somebody who’s you know kind of started to kind of find their groove um do you have any maybe they’re kind of struggling whatever you got any advice for people like that that are running into a brick wall of creativity yeah I you know I think it’s two things like one is patience these things take time like I’m lucky now like over the last
month month or two like things have been going well but yeah I mean there’s many years there where I just a guy just making weird [ __ ] and you know it it wasn’t quite right and it wasn’t quite catching people’s attention and it wasn’t it wasn’t as good as it could be or whatever was missing from it but I was still having fun so I would say while you’re being patient focus on the fun of it focus on just the creativity of it when you’re creating you got to turn off your editor like just just
create don’t worry about if it’s good or not you just you just have to get in the groove of creating and then worry about you know editing later whatever it is you’re making um and eventually you know if you stick with it and you you figure out all the other stuff in your life like money and relationships and everything else then uh it’s just a numbers numbers game you know how many days can you keep trying at the thing you’re working on before you get lucky like Harrison Ford you know Harrison
Ford’s story yeah he he was like what 40 41 years old or some [ __ ] or something like that well yeah he he tells this story where he uh got to Los Angeles on a you know a Bus full of actors and they were all so eager to make it like I’m gonna make it tomorrow I’m gonna make it the next day I’m just I’m G to go hard and I’m GNA make it and they all get burned out because you can’t realistically you’re you’re not that to show up in Los Angeles and get work you know within a month so his attitude
was you know what no I’ll be a carpenter I’ll be a carpenter to the stars and I’ll be safe I’ll have you know what I need and I’ll also work on George Lucas’s kitchen while I’m at it and what don’t you know George Lucas finally you know noticed uh he asked uh Harrison Ford to do like table reads and Harrison Ford was doing table reads for like two weeks just not even knowing that was even being considered for Harrison for or uh Han Solo that’s so cool and it just I didn’t even know that I didn’t either no
I knew that he I knew that it like took him forever till he got his first Big Break he was like older until he got a big break but I had no idea that that was the story behind it that’s that was intentional yeah yeah he just he knew he you can’t you realistically it’s Marathon not a Sprint kind of mentality if if you’re creating and you’re waiting for people’s attention you’re what you’re doing is waiting to get lucky yeah and um how long can you sustain that and not yeah yeah no what you’re what you’re
doing is cool because I think I think the reason it’s enjoyable and and I connected with it personally is because it to me it felt like I felt like what I was seeing was somebody who regardless of if they were getting likes on their videos or feedback you would have still been doing it and so I wanted like hats off to you for doing that and like that’s the vibe I got from it I got a very genuine thing where it’s just like you’re out there doing your own thing betting on yourself and you’re just
you’re having fun I and that’s that’s the one thing I connect with this is that I could tell that like you’re you’re actually enjoying yourself and it’s like you know I don’t know what you got going on in your life man but you definitely been inspirational to me like just because you know I I see like what you said that’s something that’s kind of funny you told us about the clowns and The Improv stuff and I think that it’s it’s something that kind of subliminally
came off to me in a sense of like I I kind of picked up on that like what you said about it’s okay to fail like you’re going to fail you’re not going to do good and it’s accepting those failures it’s accepting those little those blemishes or black eyes you might have but still going and it’s more or less like your messages shine through in a sense and you know I think it’s super awesome where you are and uh and the fact that you I’m glad you didn’t give up after Italian Fest thank yeah that’s
all great thank you very much yeah man for sure dude um this is you know thank again dude thanks so much for being here um this is this has been so cool uh I can’t wait to see like what else you’re going to be getting into I’m definitely going to be I I wish I wish when I bought your books you got more money for them but I’m I’m going to buy the rest of them that’s all right oh thank you that money and right now money is not a big deal like some of the videos I [ __ ] about money but that’s just because I’m
no it’s yeah you’re making a video Being Human connecting to the audience right yeah yeah the money I’m I’m I I don’t there my brother and his girlfriend uh are are really into um like equity and like uh you know give everything away for free essentially like you know it’s it’s bring everybody in like you know make everything uh as accessible as possible and I was thinking about it I was like maybe I should just give all these books away for free like why not but then also I like to get paid so like right I don’t
need the money I appreciate and sometimes I get messages from people like hey man yeah I’m gonna get paid and then I’m gonna buy your books it’s like God [ __ ] you’re like go go on Anna’s archive I fully endorse Anna’s archive like if somebody wants to put my books Anna’s archive is like a pirating site okay if somebody wants to put my [ __ ] up there and if you need if you just want to read it for free I’m not going to be mad like I’m doing fine yeah that’s like a moral technique the rapper I don’t
know if you know who he is but he had said like in one of his songs he’s like download this [ __ ] illegally and play it outside right exposure man yeah just like yeah that’s awesome yeah so uh I was gonna say I think there was something else I was going to ask you um I feel like I’m gonna walk away from here and be like [ __ ] I didn’t ask him that um why why does le ke whip his dick out that’s a good question that you know that is a good question but I I I kind of figured I thought I might have known
why left ketas whips his dick out and I thought it was because of the general size of the [ __ ] I mean that sounds like homie tote and a hammer situation diffuser right I mean it’s kind of what’s the you whip it out in the confrontation like yeah I’m I’m not trying to fight somebody who’s who’s whipping out a gremlin yeah well um it just comes from um again this writing group I was in my one friend was writing a story like a detective story about how like uh his detective was been a scrap his detective
was about to be he was hiding in the woods and some security guards were going to find him and but this is a straight lace detective this is like you know the more traditional like you know solving crimes nice guy and but he’s about to be discovered yeah yeah yeah he’s about to be discovered the security guards right around the corner what do I do and this very straight lace detective solution was to whip it out and start masturbating and be like oh whoa whoa how’ you you found me whoa I’m just a
guy masturbating in the wood and the feedback I gave to my friend was like this doesn’t make any sense like this guy wouldn’t do that like he he’s he’s too cleancut he’s too nice he’s he’s like a straightforward detective yeah more or less um but then it got me thinking like well hey what kind of what kind of person would whip their dick out like scrapes you know dude and I and I thought it was funny how you added in there about how it was like when he finally gets caught and he was like but
I wasn’t stroking it he’s like it’s only it’s only a it’s only a sex crime if you stroke it it’s like I don’t know about that but I don’t know you might want to check with your local code and your local municipality before you just go whiffing that [ __ ] out yeah the logic’s there at least yeah no dud that’d be hilarious for some book club to adopt Le Gus’s a Le Kus mystery are you going to write another one with him in it uh I would like to yeah so yeah my attitude
right now is like the writing has slowed down for sure uh yeah I I only have so much free time for any of this yeah so like the past three years my main thing has mostly been improv like been a lot of improv that’s been fun and every summer I would start doing videos and now that the videos are doing well it’s like well [ __ ] now this is my main thing my hour before work I’m like editing videos and like you know all that so ideally eventually I’ll I’ll find time to continue writing because I I do love
it it’s just yeah yeah I was just about that was another question I was going to ask and glad you said that is like how do you balance all that you’re you know obviously books is what got you you know that’s kind of your interest and what got you out there doing this whole thing and promoting in the first place but then again too it’s like your social media and softmax plus is taken off to such a way that it’s like I’m curious like how are you balancing all that like yeah well you know I am single and I
don’t have kids so you know that that’s a big chunk of time um I would like to fix that my my plan is to like get married and have kids that would be awesome but you know it’s I’m right there I’m 32 you’re 35 I’m 32 man and you know I’m running I’m 39 I just had my first kid oh congratulations oh thank you thank you but yeah so definitely no rush kids kids are awesome but um yeah so other than that no I I have a couple housemates and one of them was saying the other day that she thinks I’m probably a little
OCD uh not like clinically or anything but she’s probably right like it it comes naturally me naturally to me to like this is the time for this this is the time for this this is when I do this and it’s that structure is really useful yeah well that’s that’s a good problem to have CU me like your buddy um like your cameraman I’m also an Enthusiast of marijuana and uh that can be a problem you know that can be a problem the whole oh [ __ ] I’m supposed to get at Matt’s house at 6 oh yeah you know it can be an
issue you know I keep it on I noticed that if I just continuously stay high I’ll be okay yeah yeah I think what Aaron does Aaron is just bouncing between um he’s either hitting the Vape or drinking coffee and he says he’s just he just gets in the groove and then it all balances out it’s funny you say that too cuz also the one thing I there’s one thing I have in common with Le Kus and that is his his coffee habit yeah right but I’m trying to picture when you said jug are you talking to like a [ __ ] giant big
gulp jug thing like you buy at the truck stop that’s what he’s drinking coffee out of that’s what he ended up buying yeah Jesus that’s a good gallon of coffee yeah and homie was walking up he had him walking up to the counter with like six styrofoam cups dumping him in this [ __ ] thing dude and then he pissing all the nonstop is that dude I think I remember actually doing the math too like how many how many styrofoam cups do you need to fill like a i cuz I was thinking about it too and I’m like
surely he’s got to be talking about those giant ridiculous plastic [ __ ] mugs you buy God that talk about a jug of coffee Jesus do you a big coffee guy or no I I was when I was writing that book I was but I I I’ve been avoiding caffeine for a few years now just cuz like I can’t figure out the you know it’s up and down and eventually you just kind of become normal again you’re drinking coffee so I I just find it’s easier to just sometimes I drink something with caffeine in it but then
just one and done yeah I should probably I should probably look at tapering it off getting out of hand with it a good uh you can buy caffeine pills and the caffeine pills you can cut into like quarters so it’s very easy to taper off caffeine uh that way that’s actually a good idea because I I I tried drinking uh taper I tried drinking matcha the matcha green tea yeah that shit’s actually pretty good it did give me in the morning I did have like a good alertness it’s pretty good stuff but it didn’t have the Jitters I get from
coffee and you know what I mean and I want that I want thaty yeah you know what I mean makes you feel like you’re alive yeah nice he said yeah nice he’s like I’m glad you enjoy that coffee yeah but no man I mean I don’t uh I mean I could keep going in a sense but I don’t know what you got going on I don’t know if you uh if Matt you got anything else for I mean no it’s you covered everything basically I was GNA I was curious about you know kind of Mikey discovered you here and uh yeah
it’s it’s been a blast just to kind of get inside your mind and you know and just kind of you know the The Man Behind the Mask so do we refer is that is this Persona care soft Max like is that their name do we call him soft do we call him Max or what you know yeah I I I don’t have I haven’t settled on a name okay um when people ask me my name and I’m out there I just tell Michael but on the internet people have been calling me uh soft Max they’ve been call me Max uh the Cincinnati crypted that’s a name that
started popping up pretty funny that’s that actually that’s pretty cool but yeah I I you know I’m like a dog I’ll respond to whatever no and that’s awesome man cool well I’m thinking softmax Le so that’s that’s what I’ll probably always think hey man you call them what you want right but hey man we uh I’m definitely going to try I’m going to keep I’m going to keep tabs on you in the most normal way not like not like leus and and you know and Misty not what he was like that
person about raw dogging either yeah yeah no no it’s it’ll be it’ll be it’ll be normal and I’ll leave you alone on Instagram man you’ve been great for responding to me and uh and putting up and entertaining all my [ __ ] I’m definitely going to keep an eye on what you’re doing and uh you know do the best I can to share keep promoting tell everybody I know about you I had a group of people come over to my house on the 4th of July and uh when I got them all in the house and had them sit down in a
circle and I just like [ __ ] showed them your book they thought it was like a Avon thing you know what I mean where I just bring them over pulled out gun instead hold on you’re going to hold on a second [ __ ] check this guy out for a minute so yeah I’m going to keep that up dude um you know but as you don’t have to worry about it I’ll pretty much leave you alone now though now that I got you on here reach out whenever we’ll do we’ll do like six month check-ins that’d be cool man I’d love to do
something like that and also too if you’re ever you know I know you get involved with bands and you want to broaden that net Matt here is in he’s got he also has a you’ve got some buddies of yours that have been in bands like many bands throughout my life yeah yeah but yeah um he has actually one friend of his that we interviewed on here Billy yeah who who’s played in a really popular he’s yeah he was playing for the dresser Ray Walker guy I think he’s yeah he was playing base for them
now but yeah they’re about to start are they they’re torn again nice but yeah but yeah man so we’ll keep it tabs on your music stuff and anything you got going on mainly your books talk show if you start a basement talk show man that’s I I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll you’ll know when that’s ton of short videos about that just to you know drive up because I’m just going to try and like Drive the Instagram Tik Tok audience like hey check out check out YouTube you know probably I’m probably gonna release it
on Halloween hopefully that’d be [ __ ] sick a big deal out of it yeah yeah that’d be [ __ ] sick man anything I see you drop I’m gonna I’m gonna promote it uh indiscriminately put out flyers and everything I can man but dude seriously thanks so much again just for for taking the time to respond and all that [ __ ] man I’m I can never say thanks enough and I look forward to uh I look forward to the day where you know no longer respond to my messages cuz you got too much [ __ ] going on never never never never no man so
hats off to you man good luck to them Bangals yeah cowbo good luck well we’re just waiting on Jerry Jones to kick the bucket we’ll be good man once Jerry kicks that bucket we’re in for deal the Devil he’s got to go yeah yeah yeah definitely all right man but thanks a lot brother we appreciate you if I’m ever out in Cincinnati I’ll come stalk you dude andf best for I’m going I’m not not even joking perfect perfect all right thank you very much thanks Michael yeah bye that was [ __ ] cool yeah that was
pretty cool yeah so look at that you did it Mikey you did it man you did it wow I don’t even know I don’t even think I don’t even know if any of that went the way I wanted it to you know what I mean I don’t know if I asked any of the questions I thought I would I think you did I think I did I mean as far as everything I was aware I hope I did enough I hope I did I think he did more than enough I hope that I don’t look back at this and think man I really [ __ ] the bet on that one no with there’s
nothing though you didn’t do anything wrong no I know that’s great no mean but hey you know I mean he talked for an hour and 10 minutes I’m like I’m kind of I know I was running I was like the whole time I’m sitting there like think of something else to ask you and [ __ ] don’t clam up here now don’t clam up on I know you’re good you did good man you did perfect it was uh yeah no but I hope I hope all of you guys who joined us and were who stuck around and checked him out I’m sure there’s a bunch of you guys
who checked out uh Michael saan better known as softmax plus the man the mystery the legend author musician that dude really does do a lot he can do quite a bit and you know this guy’s kind of all trades create your own luck I almost wanted to mention some of that he’s talking about just you just keep doing things on the six month checkup when you get them in six months from now so yeah no I mean you create you don’t you just keep trying just at the end of the day I hope that never stop never stopping that that Jeff
would get that yeah and I was just gonna say I hope that at the end of the day you know any of his fans I hope his fans tuned in and I hope we could have my whole aim here was to just give the best I could at trying to kind of give an idea of who the guy is because we all see his videos we all know what he’s doing but yeah I don’t I didn’t know who the [ __ ] guy was I didn’t know what his plans were that’s the normal human you know there pretty creative dude yeah no he was awesome dude very yeah very
personable man that was uh that was great really was I think it’s a good time yeah take a little break grab a beer I need a beer but yeah we’re right back we’re back are we back you know what I just realized we didn’t I didn’t even do any kind of intro now it’s fine really I just said like you know we’re here but that’s but n no we could do the intro right now and and be like and coming back next next segment oh yeah then they could yeah they would they don’t know the order of events yeah well I know and
so I want to let them know that they’re being lied to Matthew’s editing things it’s not lying presentation of the art and Matthew is lying he’s not giving us a full unadulterated project a gross misrepresentation of what is occurring okay you you might be right but um so that that just happened we F to that guy we just talked to Michael saan that happened that that happened he spoke into existence about three weeks ago God yeah watching that segment earlier yeah yeah it was uh yeah no he spoke he spoke into existence
and I I was hoping he was going to show up in the outfit in the game but talking about his process it makes sense now that he’ll go out and shoot four or five hours yeah and that’ll be a week or two worth of cont and he goes and chops that up so it’s not like he’s out there every day making a two-minute video you know he’s out there once twice a week I guess did they did they did he did he say that on air are we breaking the fourth wall people don’t know that I think that was before the podcast
before we recorded I don’t know I think it was I don’t think I don’t think it was I guess we’ll find out that’ll be funny that would ruin him he’s like we had a great podcast things were going great so people knew how little I work he’s like now they know how this [ __ ] Works they don’t they don’t think they they’re supposed to think I’m really a clown all the time that’s what I’m saying cuz Okay it’s like for him to get off the Improv and get home and then
put up on all the on the makeup so it makes sense that he’s just another human another artist just doing [ __ ] yeah abely and that just showed how really is that like all these people doing who do crap is just a guy and this yeah the Internet isn’t the reality I was you know it’s it’s like you want to meet the movie version of of a character then you meet the actor and then it’s cool yeah yeah it’s just no I thought I me I thought it was I mean I was ready for whatever I didn’t I didn’t
think he was I didn’t think we were going to see him in his normal attire that the internet sees him in just because I knew he you know like he had said he was getting done with rehearsal and stuff so I figured like you know he he was going and you know turning and burning and he was trying to knock something out and help us you know get on be timely so you know way professional you know it didn’t matter his appearance didn’t matter because what the one thing that was obvious he was here the entire
time like he he had no his attention was totally here and I again sounds pretty straightedge oh yeah you think for for the stuff that he writes obviously he’s not a pothead the way he talk about it it’s not for him no yeah but I say straight edge I wouldn’t say straight edge but I I just think he’s a little more reserved I just think he probably drinks alcohol okay St but I think it’s one of those things too you can’t do anything to be stra one is is our first time hanging out with the guy
so you know that’s just you that’s what you you saw yeah exactly I was I had no idea what to expect but he was look like he seemed like a cool dude to hang out with he was the coolest dude I’d say like I mean again man just coming from it all seems a little surreal and and I and also too after being done with it I realized too how much I guess I was nervous or anxious about it it’s funny say that because I remember yesterday even s day before send you Tex was the anticipation building getting excited
you’re like oh not really which I was like that thinking that’s good cuz at the end of the day it’s it’s going to be you’re ready you know it’s just you’re going to start talking to him and letting fold yeah it’s all a matter of just trying to then it’s like I’m not I’m a guy who again I was asking him a question about balance and things and at the end of the day I’m a guy who I cut grass for a living I’m that’s that’s my occupation I run a long care business
and I cut grass and you know I I just had to try and do the best I could to remember all the interesting questions that I had for him and also to I felt like I just wanted to do the best I could to be able to give because I’m I’m a fan of the guy and and that’s what’s funny is that I didn’t you know it’s cool for me because it’s like yes I got somebody on here who is popular in a sense and people you know are probably wanting to know about him but also too I got somebody I’m a fan of and so as a
fan I curiosity about and I really just wanted to make sure that I did the best I could to to ask the right questions and to be able to let his other fans know because that’s it at the end of the day yeah we’re running a little podcast and you know people are expecting that we’re trying to get views and whatnot and that’s what’s funny too is that we never even the fact that I that we just interviewed him and the where we were mindset wise in our first episode of being like we’ll probably never
interview people we’ll just sit on here and talk about whatever we want to talk about we hadn’t even this was nothing that was ever even on our radar I just figured you know what I’ll take a shot yeah I mean just like i’ emailed some different people and he he was responsive you just identify the interesting person that seemed like he had some momentum coming out of nowhere and you connected and he re responded and literally it was just like oh this guy’s again he he talked about how many
different things he’s done just never you never give up just keep trying no well two it’s not only that you don’t give up it’s that when one thing doesn’t when one thing fails or doesn’t work out the way you thought AF to Pivot you’re just still go exactly pivot and go to something else and it’s like well that ain’t you know it’s also something pushing you it’s the universe or whatever pushing you in a way and you want to do the best comes back to a question of ambition or drive or
like which was that season one or two remember I was talking about just you know people talk about doing things and then actually doing them yeah is mundane or stupid like he whatever or people might think and and also like you know in the moment I wanted to be like kind it’s like Mike yeah you know when he said didn’t don’t don’t overthink it whatever kind of saying this get out there and just film it like we can no just get in the gutter just get in the gutter and then I you know what I mean
just get out there and just start doing it don’t overthink it he said turn off like the editor pris B analysis turn off the yeah turn off the editor to where you’re not sitting there thinking oh we need to do it like this it’s like the creative process is something different and in order to like that’s at least what I took away is that like the creative process in order for it to be what it’s going to be in something to actually be born and come naturally you have to turn that part of your brain off
that is that that is analytical or thinking well no but I should initiate because you don’t know what’s going to be funny because you could do something that you didn’t even notice like he said he was like about his cameraman how he was saying about him noticing things and zooming in on things that like I like to ask camera might be like oh I don’t even know I was doing that and it it might just be natural no because I don’t think so I mean it might have been natural but I don’t I think he knew because like he
said he was like he was like I didn’t even know that guy was boxing behind me and he was like but he just moved over and like got him in the shot you know so I thought that was cool but I think my main probably my main takeaway from it all like was what he said about uh when he went to do those impro or when he during that improv class that guy came in there they were talking about like doing clown work and stuff I thought that was really cool I had never like when he started pretty much at that point selling to us what was sold to him
about clowns when he was like what do you know about clowns the clown work behind it as opposed to just oh thinking of a clown but yeah and just saying about like the meaning of it the fact that you know it’s it’s about you know yeah you accepting your failures accepting your you know your shortcomings and things like that and it’s like yeah I never really thought about it but then later on it’s like going through the episode I realized like that’s something that was so I guess that’s kind of it’s effective and
it’s working whatever they because like I said I feel like subliminally almost I don’t know it’s just cool like watching his videos it comes across like here’s a guy who most people if you were to tell him hey man go put on clown makeup and go ask people questions they’d be like they’d look at it like a punishment but you know what I mean yeah it’s like well I thought it was interesting because the way he talked about looking for interesting people it’s like you you put on the costume of being interesting and
then the people are drawn to you yeah like he’s talking about he didn’t even have to walk up to people they see a dude dress in a clown and just people were talking you do like engaging with are naturally going to come up and likely talk to you is what he’s saying but also I think thinking more on what he said about the creative process and that being your editor I think and in my mind really strongly especially because writing is obviously like as a writer just cuz I know like I’ve dabbled in
just like writing something and just almost just like just start writing like don’t overthink it just write and it might be like I don’t have write but just just make yourself start writing and don’t overthink it cuz he was just I think a lot of in my mind a lot of the experience he was speaking to I think he was drawing from his experience writing more but still applying to everything else but because he even talked about scrapping the half of that book and coming back to it years later which is
pretty cool so that book started before he even like wrote when in doubt and then he went back and finished it par sociopath was it that he said he went back and finished it or did he I think he said no I think well I think he said that he wrote I think he was saying he scrapped the rest of it is what he was saying he said he wrote I think he said he wrote like the majority of it and then he scrapped the back half to be like to pretty much like I’m not putting that out that he he it took it as no it could we could both be wrong I took
interpred that he basic like he’s saying he wrote the whole book and then he’s talking about ear in reviewing that and he got through and he just thought the second half was trash and got rid of it and then I think did wi and doubt or the maybe the other two and then went back and finished it I so we’ll see yeah we’ll see yeah I think it it might have been other way but either way um the uh the creative process like you know is interesting getting to uh no it it was all just really cool like uh seeing
seeing how uh how quick all this is taken off for him like I said if you’re watching this hopefully this is your hopefully this is y’s first time joining us when you’re watching this episode hopefully this is your first time and if you haven’t already picked it up a subsequent time to your first time if you haven’t if you haven’t been watching I’m Mikey and that’s me like if you haven’t already picked that up um but no I mean you know just going through everything with him
and talking about like his process and how like this is all just you know kind of happened over what like he said like two months like yeah it’s like that’s a month and a half or something yeah and so if you’re watching this like you should go back and check out his earlier stuff cuz it’s cool just seeing like where you know he was out there trying to find his way in a sense too and now you know had he just stopped had he gone to Italian Fest and it took some clown experience whatever this clown like
improv class thing that he saw it’s like he did that and then it I guess inspired him to create this create this Persona which also I’m going to call him softmax if he he hasn’t he he should definitely have a name or have an established name I guess maybe culture could pick it pop culture pick it yeah let the culture dictate that that’s why I’m saying softmax is what and also too I mean he you know I mean he’s he’s already that’s his little thing he just put that out there so naturally people
are going to call him by that name or something yeah I mean soft I always call him softmax yeah well his name is Michael Swan you could always call that depends you’re talking about that’d be a good default you could just say that oh oh so did you see Michael today yeah I could be talking about you no I know you’re talking about nobody calls me Michael I’m Mikey I don’t know if potato agrees no she agrees I don’t know um but yeah I mean you know again just like kind of reflecting on the whole deal trying to
do the best we can to do that and wrap up uh wrap up the episode in a sense but you know again it’s it’ll be cool like he sounded like he was down to come back and another definitely sounded six months which would be that would be really cool man see and like I said you know I made that comment about next year he’s talking made it s he sounded like the whole talk show thing was something that he’s gonna have done for Halloween that’d be pretty sick I’m which I’m curious to see so he he must be having
something in the works with the normal talk show so I’m wonder if he’s be dressed up as softmax for it oh yeah absolutely he Yeah well yeah come on that’s why wouldn’t you that’s why you assume we wouldn’t you know what I mean no it be yeah be foolish they be foolish that’s um but no at the end of the day too I will I’ll say this um I guess you know because I’m I I feel like with having accomplished this which is kind of still crazy having gotten him to agree to be on and everything I will just say um positive
things can come from your usage of Instagram and the internet shut up Jeff yep so Jeff if if you’re not on there get on there and if you’re on there get on there more yeah so what I was going to say yeah yeah so there’s positive things that can come out of being on the internet and I think that would lead me to my next thing that is saying that mostly people are using the internet and for the the dumbest [ __ ] you could be doing stuff like this you know dressing up like a clown talking to people no you
could be using it to your benefit whatever that field might be if you’re somebody in network you know if you’re somebody in law whatever trying to reach out to other people in your field or that are that can assist you help you that you’re interested in intrigued by rather than just scroll there’s a portal to money there’s somehow money not even that I’m just saying at the end of the day yeah there yeah whether it’s art artistic expression that you’re you know C like like he was saying
he’s he’s just flexing his creative muscle like he’s going to be doing something it sound like he’s doing well enough to where even if he never had to work a day in his life he’d want he’d be creating yeah because he’s a Creator he’s his own type of artist yeah and so my point is what I was trying to say is that um you know I I took a shot and I just messaged him for you know and yeah you did I instead of sitting there just saying hey you know n he probably wouldn’t be interested whatever I said
hey what’s worst the guy’s going to say blocked me and he didn’t he messaged me back and from from the from the very start he was like hey sorry man here’s how you buy my books and to those of y’all who don’t know I had just found him like the rest of you on the internet and I was like hey man how do I buy your books he’s you know I found a link in his bio but before um by the time I found the link he had messaged me and was like hey man you know I got a link in my bio buy them there and I bought the books and then
during they hadn’t even gotten to my house I hadn’t even read him yet but then I had the thought I was like you know what why don’t I ask the guy to be on the podcast and I just said screw it and so with all that being said my reason for bringing that up is that it’s like you know don’t be afraid to to to just take a shot out there yeah put yourself out there and you know put yourself on the line and I’m sure that you’ll number one you’ll rise to the occasion and number two it’s it’s not as
daunting as you thought yeah just you have to just you just have to take that step you know yeah and like he said too you got almost like how you were saying about you got to cut off the uh editing part of your brain yeah don’t hold your Stu back just just do it just get out just like us our very first episode it looks so crappy but he like let start we just got to start doing it absolutely and then as you do it you refine naturally you know and then you’ll just look continuous Improvement if you truly
care about it yeah you know if you actually care and have a somewhat of a passion or intent to do something of value you’ll continually refine it but you know don’t refine it so much that you don’t do anything yeah so what what about what what about you would you any any Main takeway you got from talking I mean how is it from your point of view of me just coming to you being like Hey cuz that how did that start for I don’t even remember how it started that you know I’m just like come to you and I’m
like hey I got this guy yeah basically if I if I were having to testify about the how how we came to interact with and know Michael saan if I like I one time M was came over and showed me some guy dressed up like a clown saying interesting stuff and was going on about it how he thinks that he might have found some dude who’s at the beginning of maybe becoming something big or and from there then you just talked about oh he’s got books and he bought them and then I feel like it’ll a couple days later you’re like oh I’m talking to
him oh he’s he said he do an interview I just feel like all of this just happened in the last two days yeah I know so my mom was like ohuh interesting yeah I’m for me I’m I’m I was just along for the ride more than absolutely so I mean well I hope it was a good ride I hope I did a good job um if y’all are I’m hoping again that you guys what brought you to our YouTube page this evening um or this afternoon this morning however you wherever you may find it that I hope that the reason that you were brought here was because
of Michael salon and I hope that you feel like um you I hope you feel like it was a fruitful interview and you got to know a little bit about the man and that it entices you to uh kind of follow his career by his stuff and and as you heard it’s like he’s not just trying to Hawk his stuff you know it’s like it is what it is but he’s you know either way definitely check him out he’s worth he’s he’s worth checking out and and uh kind of seeing who he is before all of a sudden you just see him on a TV show or
something or see him somewhere else it’s like you know yeah like I said man I feel like he I really do feel like this guy’s this guy’s headed headed in a really positive Place yeah no he’s get momentum and upward trajectory that’s undeniable and I hope he gets to meet Joe burrow man I hope Joe bur dude that’s what I’m saying watch him at some point on his show get seriously yeah tag Joe burrow if you watch this he that’s what he said I thought five years the Joe back hold on we’re going G to pull this video up he
was like man he’s like God I hope Joe never sees that video that was hilarious man that was great oh man Joe Burrow’s going to see that video yeah everybody should tag Joe bur yeah he is going to see oh yeah Joe burrow has to see it man that’d be H yeah it’d be funny that’s hilarious he’s sitting here like oh [ __ ] yeah know he’s got his first guest he should shoot to have Joe burrow as his first guest it’s it would it would be perfect no yeah man oh this is so uh also too normally here on this uh on our
podcast weekly what we do is uh we we review few different movies throughout the years we started off in 2000 and we’ve been moving forward we’re supposed to be in like 2015 or 16 this year I think six 16 I think 16 yeah 2016 I think is the Year we’re supposed to be on however we’re not going to do it this week um we’ll pick back up special episode yeah so we had an interview and we just wanted to kind of spend this uh this episode you know talking to talking to Michael Salan make this all about him
again and uh but yeah next one we’ll pick up on uh the movies from check out our prior episodes you know yeah if you’re if you like what we did here go check out our earlier stuff uh we’ll go ahead and make you aware that while there are a few good ones back there we’re just getting better uh we got some good episodes back tell ourselves you um so regardless of if it’s true yeah but there there’s some fun stuff there’s some funny things I say some stupid stuff in some of those episodes so that’s always good to go
hear what dumb [ __ ] I had to say um but again man if any of y’all just joined us and if you’re a regular listener and you’re coming back again which I know you are Caleb and Jeff and uh Caleb and Jeff and k k and Brandon yeah Brandon Chris Chris thank you guys you know a lot of different people and anybody else if it’s your first time if you if you if Michael saan brought you here tonight please drop it in the comments I hope I didn’t say this too late and everybody already checked out
when he got off of here but leave in the comments if if Michael Swan brought you here let us know yeah and go buy his [ __ ] yeah bu come on dude look at this shirt I like seriously I it was so hard for me just to go into the gas station and buy beer and do my thing I he he was like how does look it’s like he didn’t even have one almost he’s like wait is it pretty how’s the pixel dude like has he not even seen one of these why would he dude he’s just making [ __ ] happen he doesn’t have time to sit here and do
that he just like put it out BL yeah this is oh and dude I got it and that’s what I got to say if y’all want this sick [ __ ] I didn’t even tell y’all that maybe we should I hit them up be like hey get us a discount code uh but y’all should I think this this is on his website uh it’s nothing really hard to find or his his Instagram you go to his Instagram page and then just down there in his bio he’s got softmax plus.
com and then you scroll down you’ll see three little tabs one will be for Amazon The Middle’s merch and then the other one’s Barnes & Noble you can get this shirt on there um telling people how to navigate a website so you know go on there and check that out and buy it yeah any any other websites would you like to teach people how to navigate no huh I think I mean I can te whatever you DMV the DMVs how but how to click on things and get to you know different sections that is not to accidentally double click don’t accidentally double
click if and if you’re old don’t don’t accept those suitors don’t think that that old man loves you because it’s a scam mhm yeah there’s a lot of scams old people getting scammed man oh yeah old people get scammed all the time it happens uh had somebody try and scam my grandmother by saying it was my sister in jail or something and they needed a Home Depot gift card they needed a Home Depot gift card yeah no saying it’s could get even worse Ai and deep fakes and yeah you why don’t you tell people
about the internet and Ai No I why don’t you tell people about deep fakes you want to tell them how to navigate the internet and look up AI I’m but I am not going to tell them how his deep oh there you go because that’s not that the world ain’t ready for that deep reels yeah you should check that out beware Matt’s got a lot of good I’ve scraped it I’ve removed all Trace from the internet you think I could do that of deep reels yeah yeah dude the old ways yeah man you don’t even know I made half
the internet uh I didn’t mean to though yeah well I think Al Gore would have something to say something about that yeah me and Al Gore used to hang out that’s all I got to say I think he has something to say about that yeah that’s an inconvenient lie is what it is uh that’s awesome you know love story was about him and yeah come on of course I I I knew that I would have guessed that if they said who do you think this is about been like based on all the couples I know that’s probably good that’s probably Allan tip that’s
Allen tip right there yep that’s what we call him yeah I know dude tips he makes a killer casseroll I don’t even like Cass rolls oh my I’m a big casserole fan I love green bean casserole uh I go hard on that I go uh let’s see uh what else uh what is it the the broccoli rice casserole R broccoli rice casserole I go hard on y’all shut up and let me cook that sounds bad no it what are you talking about you know what’s funny I I wanted I don’t know if you read we got a comment on I a split out I cut out did a
our segment on the blue dot effect and someone left a comment they said I I got on here expecting to hear about the blue doll effect but end up just hearing about racism is that really oh my God that’s awesome well yeah because Matt like started bringing up like talking about black and white and I’m like you got to be a little more descript so I like kind of was like yeah I think this is what he means if we we I feel like by the end of that do a very good job of explaining it yeah but he didn’t no that’s funny that’s funny that that’s
what he last that’s funny no absolutely that’s hilarious this is really just a racist justifies racism way around the to racist that’s like the uh the video I put up about cleaning stuff out and that guy commented he’s like s word counter and then he just flipped the he like put the infinity symbol up it’s funny because I I remember feeling like you kept trying to get away from racism when we were talking about it well I was trying to be more more I was trying to be more specific it’s not
that let me be let me let me be let me be frank I think you should always get away from racist oh well I mean from being racist yeah but uh but talking about it it can’t avoid the elephant in the room no matter what color it is I mean you know to an extent yeah I I’ll let you say whatever you think is funny I think how the thing is is that a racist joke just joking about racism no no no no it’s not not at all or is that if if you’re offended by that’s that’s the blue dot effect no not offended At
All by it not you but I was going to say I’m aware I’m aware I’m not I’m yeah I’m aware of the world that I live in yes I’m very much self-aware of the world that I’m existing in and that’s why it’s like let’s take everything taboo and just joke about it without actually targeting anybody yeah well you know you good luck I’m down with it I’m down with it but you know you’re like I might have to push jokes that are like man what what am I who am I even offending no I
don’t know like nobody yet nobody yet I’m just trying to figure that out okay you this is your research and development I’m good I cut grass you’re be like okay okay well this could be the Mikey podcast now we had a liability we had a risk we had a risk factor and you s sitting right next to me no man not a risk it’s all right there’s a world where I can speak I understand the jokes you’re making and the sappire and the and and all of that I get it I who said anything about jokes yeah I get it ain’t no time for jokes
yeah like the world is serious ex so I’ll let you take us out well I was thinking Italian Italian would be fine with me no re we should throw a couple you’re obvious wreck I mean I guess we should we should double down on a wreck for or our special guest that only makes sense okay I think you should yeah we Double Down double down on the Rex I I read book Messiah which is his first one bookie Messiah yeah book Messiah bookie Messiah I enjoyed it and obviously it was his first one he sounds like like any artist the first thing they’re going
to not feel is they’re going to feel not as refined which makes sense I it was enjoyable so I I definitely recommend checking out I got it for like two or three bucks the digital version so any one of his four books with he’s got that Paris sociopath uh wi in doubt and then Pizza something pepperoni Powerhouse pepperoni Powerhouse pepperoni Powerhouse yes and to those of you who are watching when in doubt in pepperoni Powerhouse and I most I judge this book by the cover because it has a [ __ ] on it if he just got
Jer Gart or who he got to do the yeah I can I can always just message him too no we can’t ask ask him any more questions unless yeah that’s right I told him I’d leave him alone oh yeah I told him I’d leave him alone he thought I was he was like Jo he was like laughing like we didn’t ask him if he would ask us anything oh huh we did it didn’t matter but we didn’t ask him if there’s anything he’d like to ask us we didn’t and I also forgot to ask him about the Improv scene thing in movies because I
wanted to prove you wrong I feel like known glad did you hear him when he said he’s kind of out of it On movies and shows and things he couldn’t yeah but I mean old stuff he probably would have knew because he’s a fan of old stuff he liked Seinfeld watch I think I’m right that’s okay you think we’ll find out you think you’re right I think it’s I hope that the individual thinks they’re right in what they’re doing Pro more than likely some people do so so you’re taking us out for Italian what was your
are you going to give a recommendation like I said take us out I thought I just did oh did you we doubling down on we’re doubling down on Michael Swan both of us are recommending a special guest yes consume his Instagram check out his books if anything just check out his Instagram and you’ll be entertained or it’s it’s not like offensive really compared to a lot of what’s out there it’s maybe a little thought provoking thing yeah a thought-provoking clown yeah absolutely get down get down with
the clown to down the ground seriously he saw maybe we should have asked him about collabing with ICP damn it the ICP collab yeah no I think he’s I think he’s a uh I think he’s a bit more of the perform perance art clown and not the dude I can I can make a strong argument that they are just as performance artists as he is yeah I’m sure yeah yeah for sure part of the dark circus we don’t dude watch watch it be revealed that he’s been a part of the dark circus all along no way he’s not a part of the dark
circus dude what if he what if we find out that he actually is one of the guys on ICP there yeah we just talked to we just talked to Shaggy too dope yeah yeah no not at all Let’s uh let’s not be disrespectful no dude he was great he was a real dude and he was actually just chilling with us spending time with us let his pick time of day and that I thought was amazing so that that that’s a cool dude definitely support him yeah so I guess yeah again recommendation of the week um don’t be a cheap skate uh go
on Amazon or whatever it is you can get them on Kindle um you can get them on yeah Matt’s a Kindle fan so he bought it on Kindle it’s like five bucks on uh I I’ve explained why I like it Amazon they’re $15 I definitely want to go buy the hard like buy a print version of the book I read now because I do like to have that but as far as making notes highlighting looking things up the efficiency um yeah I feel like yeah it’s you can read hard cover book yeah have fun with your Kindle until it runs out of battery but
it’s never going to die um but no um have fun with it until somebody steals all 700 of your books uh but no yeah go check out Michael Swan buy it on however you’d like it really doesn’t matter yeah um he even said anybody listening that wants to Pirate this [ __ ] put it on book pirating he literally something he gave permission for for people to go pirate this out there just wants it to be read Artist Artist again he’s not you know he’s not he’s not just doing all this for for the money and uh you know he he
genuinely wants get his stuff out there so yeah recommendation of the week goel not just buy his stuff not just that that’s not the wreck the wreck is go just go check him out consume go see what he’s selling just uh go give him a like give him a follow on whatever platform maybe you have uh share him with a friend if you think hey this friend will find him funny share the guy around soft Max yes get down get down with soft Max yeah get some soft Max in your life um and uh the other recommendation that I would have from
there I mean how many times have to say doubling down that means both of us are giving our W to to Michael so say to not tell your friends what to do to let them do what they want I’m just trying say that would beend we can have multiple recks now would be to just to to live your life and don’t listen to the to the peanut gallery that’s telling you what to do I think the whole turn off the editor maybe leave it on a little bit live your life just leave it on a tiny bit drink plenty of coffee sometimes with emergency Miller
and that I’m trying oh my God flying p i do I do want to try that the uh I’m G to try the BR the emergency in the Miller I’ll try it with Kors because that’s my beer choice but right here but I’ll respect his uh his choice of the High Life there you go but yeah man that was cool and I can’t wait to I can’t wait to see this guy’s TV show he’s got to have a basement talk show and that’s what’s going to be cool like he said he actually wants to have a good basement talk
and to me it sounded like it’s in the works yeah but until then I would say seeing seeing you