Season 04

Explore the intriguing discussions of Season 04, featuring captivating topics on sci-fi, paranormal phenomena, AI advancements, and philosophical debates. Dive into the world of ‘Mikey and Me’ as they unravel the mysteries of the universe.

all right welcome thank you all for joining us we’d like you guys to go ahead and help us welcome a very special guest this man in my opinion he needs no introduction to me I’m very I know exactly who this guy is and a lot of other people do too but soon enough the whole world’s going to know him so without further Ado The Man known as softmax plus Otherwise Known Michael Swan hey how you doing how are you sir thanks for joining us good absolutely happy to be here yeah man so we we were just talking a bit behind you know we’re
going to get into kind of some of the stuff we were talking about and you you’ve got it seems like you’ve just kind of you just showed up on my Instagram feed now you’re just there and you’re you’re you’re in my life and I’m like where the [ __ ] was you’re in my life too now I don’t see it’s wild to me because I was like it’s just crazy so what I’m trying to say is what where the reason I’m seeing you now is is a lot of [ __ ] hard work that went into where
you are now I imagine you didn’t just like stumble on this I you know you didn’t just find lightning in a bottle it seems like I went back and watched some of your older stuff so we want to kind of figure out how did you get here sure sure yeah and and one funny comment uh one I forget who the user was but she said that I’m her most stable relationship right now dude the comments have been great you have a very you have a really great following man yeah yeah it’s really super fun but um great yeah so yeah got
started um so this is the third summer that I’ve tried these internet videos uh two summers ago um I was just I was thinking more of like a long form kind of well gosh even before that um I was really into um oh [ __ ] what’s he called he’s an Australian YouTuber his desk is just like a green iPad and he like does iPod videos he used to do a bunch of iPod videos I don’t know I really loved him I’m [ __ ] drawing a blank on his name but um he was great so I tried doing something like that that didn’t
work that was like four or five years ago so then three years ago I tried uh to do like a like a all gas no breaks style like go out in public and like just talk to people see what’s going on a little stiff um I think the nice thing about those old all gas no break go ahead oh no I’m sorry no I think those are some of the older ones that we saw where I guess almost wanted to think of it as like real small talk we’d go up you’d offer him something and break the ice and then you’d hit him with like
serious questions which I thought was awesome but they were like meaningful so I just thought that was really cool like I found that lightening because it was like big small talk I thought of it as cuz like we break the ice okay I got their attention so like what’s you know have you lo I thought it was cool it’s powerful stuff but yeah thank you yeah yeah well yeah and I was looking a lot at like the so thinking of all gas no breaks they did they went to that Furry Convention they went yeah went to the Flat Earth
convention and it was just there were they were interviewing characters already like there were already super interesting weirdos so when I would go out in Cincinnati to like Italian Fest or wherever like it was the energy wasn’t the same and I wasn’t confident yet I so um this whole past three years I’ve been doing a lot of improv which has been very helpful um and yeah went out last summer realized you know long videos are too timec consuming I’m just going to try and do short videos I had bought the suit I
loved the suit but I hadn’t figured out the clown thing yet so it was a little better like we were getting better material and it was a little more fun but still there was that awkwardness of like hey uh we’re filming you might have asked you some questions oh what’s it about I don’t know we’re just screwing around what’s it for I there’s the little bit of yeah that the weird little middle ground and that was almost like not to get you off track but that was like I like when I was watching your
early stuff of you in Italian Fest and stuff I was like man this [ __ ] sucks for the like he’s putting it all out there and some of these people it’s like man you were doing so much and they just weren’t giving you I’m like he’s got [ __ ] weirdo you bring the weirdo to them like he had pizza rolls and [ __ ] and I’m like and these people I’m like what [ __ ] what does this guy got to do give him something yeah it turns out what I had to do was wear clown paint uh you bring the weirdo don’t look for them but you
bring the quote unquote weirdo right yeah yeah well and so what the clown paint has done like I noticed this immediately uh people started coming up to me like I didn’t have to approach anybody like the fun exciting people are just like the other day or a couple weeks ago now the video of the guy in the fluorescent shirt who was talking about how he used to be an addict and how like you know he had gotten his life right and his kids and his motorcycle and like we were literally just walking through the parking lot me and my
friends he was leaving the parking lot in his truck he stopped his truck got out and approached us because he was just like what’s going on guys I gotta show you this magic trick let me show you this magic trick and then Aaron my the guy who uh films he just started recording and that that was it I no effort on my part that guy just came out of the woodwork yeah it was awesome so it’s magnetic this this Persona you’ve created which is awesome I’m telling you it is dude because it was like I and
that’s one of the things it’s like I was going to I wanted to kind of get to later but it’s almost like in a sense like you know like Bane in the in the Dark Knight movie where he was like nobody cared who I was till I put on the mask like but he puts on the clown paint and then everybody and I love it I mean cuz to me I mean it’s super original in a sense I mean everybody could say you know yeah there’s been the guy yucko the clown but he would go out on the street he was super vulgar and the dude would just
roast everybody I mean yeah but I mean your stuff is totally different you have a way more approachable style and to me it seems more I I don’t know it’s just genuine and out of all the just the Sea of just kind of CopyCat [ __ ] on Instagram and social media super cool to see what you’re doing um so yeah I mean it’s it’s funny that you say that though about how like kind of now once you put that on you’re not having to go through that stage of you don’t really have to do the work it’s all kind of there yeah
people are very open they’re very willing to just jump right in it’s it’s uh it’s great okay so what at what point did the when did you start like writing books like when did all that start I mean have you always been in a book since you were a kid yeah so like um I’ve always just enjoyed writing it’s just something I’ve done just since middle or high school just in like you know when I was supposed to be doing something else always fun to write um like in in college I was uh uh uh one of
my focuses was music composition so I was writing like a lot of like sheet music and stuff and my senior project was to write a um uh like the introductory movement of like an opera of a big like large orchestral scale piece of music and so I had to do that and then for fun I wrote what’s called a labretto like the script to the uh Opera like that was just for fun that wasn’t for grading I just thought that would be yeah so I’ve always enjoyed writing um and then in 2016 but I never really like I was I was always scared of taking it
seriously like in probably 201 15 2014 I kind of had like a quarter life crisis where it was like I was just playing a lot of music and like part-time minimum wage jobs and it was like ah [ __ ] I need to like get back to school I need to you know get an actual like skills and job and that led to office work and then office work is boring and you have a downtime yeah I know I know I know so in this downtime I was like you know what I’m actually gonna like try I’m gonna take writing seriously and I’m gonna actually try and
and like go for it so yeah 2016 it uh to any aspiring writers you will suck at first that’s normal uh you you just got to write you just got to write and write and write and then edit edit edit and read read read and before you know it you’ll have a sense of taste and what you like and before you know it your your drafts won’t be so bad and uh yeah it’s it just it kind of snowballed 2016 voice too over all of that too right you find your voice I suppose which yeah that’s always very cool so does it ever
get like to be sorry does it ever get to be the little I mean I still like in my opinion you’re kind of you’re like on this Arc right now and I mean you’re [ __ ] like rocketing up pretty quick in my opinion and so you know you’re still you still I’m sure have a lot long way to go in your mind of stuff you want to do but is it is it kind of weird or crazy or like surreal to look back and be like from where you started on your early YouTube videos and with your writing and like you said your your
quarter life crisis with all those things is that kind of surreal to look back on to where you are now 100% it’s this all blew up within the last like month and a half that’s awesome dude this is like right when he found you dude I’m telling you this is this is [ __ ] cool man so yeah that’s awesome no very strange very the whole thing has been super weird I’ve never got gotten more female attention in my life uh there we go that’s my guy there we go you’re in a relationship that you didn’t
even know about until they commented about it right yeah right yeah right um it’s no the whole thing’s weird um a lot of people have started messaging me like for advice like Lyle the advice gecko you know therapy gecko dude uh like like people are taking me very seriously yeah uh it’s it’s it’s unreal yeah I’ve been seeing all the the love you’ve been getting fans them doing all the murals and [ __ ] they painted something I’m like dude that’s cool and I mean that’s got
to be so cool for you thinking that like oh man I got to get my [ __ ] straight I’m just working some [ __ ] jobs I need to go you know I need to get my life in order and then you start you know doing that what everybody expects that to be and then all of a sudden you’re like [ __ ] that and you do your own thing and now it’s like you’re just getting all this love you know right now I’m still doing all of it like I still have my full-time job I’m gonna keep doing it for the foreseeable future um yeah I
I think the next thing I’m waiting on is like Po a literary agent that’d be cool if some literary agent wants to make money off me c come on over I’m sure I’m sure you won’t have any problem man and not to skip around too much but you bringing that up me and him oh so I was reading your book and I flipped to the very back um the first one the win and doubt which good Lord I’m G to have to talk to you about that book buddy um in the back of this book it says Cel Texas is like where you’re
where they’re made or printed in the very back it says made in USA cell Texas 22nd of June 2024 and Cel is like 15 minutes from my house right wow so that speaks to Amazon did you order off Amazon yeah okay because I know I don’t know how their network works so if you you paid I think $15 for that is that right y so they keep $10 and or the $10 and change I get like 475 but they’re doing all of the work like the words are mine but the actual physical book that that mechanism they have in place of the
printing is literally like what’ you say 15 minutes away or whatever yeah it’s 15 minutes crazy how close it happened to be to where we live or at so yeah that was fascinating so ideally I would use like a local publisher or something I don’t something you know ethically in a perfect world right yeah yeah yeah but boy God they’re doing a good [ __ ] job dude the efficiency is like oh he can’t you can’t argue with it you know yeah yeah and so pumpk in pumpkin public in is that your that’s something you came
up with yeah that’s you had I had to put something on it so I just made that up that’s [ __ ] cool though honestly yeah I think pumpkin publishing is cool because then you do it on all your little replies you put the little pumpkin face on my dude yes it’s part of the brand yeah you know so it’s it’s it’s funny that this is all just kind of you said it’s blown up within just the past few months yeah holy [ __ ] yeah yeah that’s wild and I one thing that I just love hearing is just PE you dress up
like a clown and somebody that you know obviously people would see and not think of as serious or someone to seek advice but it’s it’s the contrast it’s like if I was out there looking like a professional psychologist no one would come up but now you dress up like a clown and people come to do for Life advice but it’s Grace because of the message you’re delivering and the questions and the statements you’re making so that that’s what’s kind of grabbed my attention is cool is that I
don’t know just the the the message in just through different points commentary and little insights that you have in the short Snippets you know it’s it’s it’s like it’s exposes a lot about you know just your mind and thinking at least or what’s your persona but I take it it a lot of that is reflecting internally thoughts and opinions right it might just be magnified to an extent or if that you know if that’s just an assumption but I just that Dynamic I I love I find fascinating just the
psychology of people and that that I’m dress up like a clown and now you’re can take serious okay that makes also I feel he’s more approachable no yeah it’s just fascinating it’s it’s just like a just watching it it’s just fascinating yeah yeah well you know the whole clown thing like so I I wasn’t familiar with clown stuff like three months ago three or six months ago like I I thought of clowns as like you know there’s it and then there’s there’s Ronald McDonald right
like birthday clowns John Wayne gasy and like that’s all I knew about clowns but then through improv uh our improv coach there Colin Thorton he he runs improv Cincinnati he came up one day and was like hey you guys want to learn about clown and I was like [ __ ] no like I think I know where he’s going too I do too yeah right but then um you know he explained it a little bit he uh you know the this concept of a theater clown that goes back to like silent movies um and then the idea that clown is still
like especially in Europe like a legitimate like interesting fun art uh we had a guy we have a guy in town Jerome York who teaches at University of Dayton uh in Ohio and so he came in he with he worked with this uh this improv team I’m on for about a month and he was just teaching us about yeah this theater clown concept it’s about being completely honest it’s about accepting failure and turning failure into success it’s about yeah it’s about just being totally open as if you were like a child you
know whatever pops into your head that’s not like you know offensive racist whatever um you know just just letting it out just being authentically yourself and very uh open to whatever happens uh so in that respect it was great you know no that’s badass I never even yeah that’s [ __ ] crazy because I’m like you as well I mean I knew about like the was it the clown the EMT Kelly was EMT Kelly wasn’t he a clown or was he some was he a painter some [ __ ] he was the sad clown oh okay em Kelly was the sad
clown I think I know you’re talking about he’s the one in that picture put the little doll on the [ __ ] of reading the book on your Instagram or whatever that was the that’s the EMT Kelly doll so I know of EMT Kelly but I didn’t it’s a whole style of performance art yeah but I’m like that’s deeper than I ever knew yeah that’s cool like I’m this this is educational for me which is cool you know cool stuff so uh also too we’re going to get back to the clown thing because there was something we wanted to
bring up about that but so you had mentioned it about how you still have your job I mean does your job do they I mean did they se you did you show how did that go did they show up to work and your boss is like they know yeah they know uh the way you said that all right yeah yeah luckily I work for an Arts organization in Cincinnati it’s uh it’s like a regional Broadway Theater so like we have like Regional Broadway musicals coming through like Book of Mormon if you’ve seen Book of Mormon it’s raw very
yeah yeah so like the the tolerance level at my job is is High um as long as I’m not you know out there like spouting hate speech or something they’re they’re cool with it they’re for it yeah yeah so but them discover like some of the videos that blew up especially on Instagram like the UDF one um that after that happened my co-workers started like messaging me on slack like oh my God my friend just showed me this video that you’re in this is you right you want to get lunch sometime like like
messages it’s that’s [ __ ] hilarious right just just the people this is like you know like Fame this just like it’s a taste of whatever it’s it’s F asking if you wanted to get lunch now look at it right it’s like I’ve been the whole time and I’m worried too well I was worried because like especially Paras sociopath like I set out to write the grossest book I could and so it’s it’s it’s raw like I mean if you sit down and read Paras sociopath it’s like who the [ __ ]
wrote this like what is that was that was my perspective I thought it was like so heinous but then L and so I was worried about like my cooworker seeing that and being like what’s he [ __ ] doing back there like right well that’s like in in win and doubt I mean yeah I didn’t see that coming I’m going to say that I didn’t see that whole [ __ ] thing happening there that little triangle but that was [ __ ] hilarious I I get what you mean about you’re sitting there worried about man they’re
what are they [ __ ] thinking so what books did first like I’m curious like what did you write first like what was the order of your releases oh sure yeah so Bui Messiah was first and uh I you know I love all my books Bui Messiah is is probably the weakest just because it was the first out the gate um I think a lot of first books suffer from like this the there’s just the last third it just kind of ends um I I definitely fell into that trap like it’s almost like the writer is tired like they spend so much
time on the first couple parts that by the time they get to the end they’re just like that just yeah yeah yeah so I think it’s a good book it’s definitely the most like moralistic and it’s I think still fun it was fun that’s the one that I read yeah yeah he really enjoyed it good good good so but that that was the first one um then it gets kind of muddled uh Paras sociopath was the next one I started working on um but it was uh too gross it was it was really like just sort of depressing to
write and I and I just was like I didn’t I wasn’t feeling it so I got like I finished it um but the whole second half I eventually ended up trashing because it was just like I finished it but it was you know trash so I I abandoned that one uh around that point my brother and I had been joking a lot about the pizza boys like our fake gang because you know all that sort of stuff we had been joking about it but you know the joke of like you should write a book about that go ahead and write a book about the
pizza boys so that was the next one that also was around the time the pandemic started so there’s a lot of uh so during lockdown and stuff that’s when I started working on that which is also uh once on lockdown um some one of my college friends reached out and they were starting a writing group so um uh that was great uh to be with uh my writing friends my old College writing friends and so then we were like sending work back and forth that was really propulsive finished uh pepperoni Powerhouse started went in doubt um
finished that one and then eventually came back around to Paras sociopath and finished it well I can’t read the one that you don’t like I’m [ __ ] pumped if you say that’s a [ __ ] show sign me up dude cuz I was like that [ __ ] win and doubt had me man I mean there was I I legitimately was cracking the [ __ ] up during this book yeah good thank you so there’s like a director’s cut of PA sociopath that we’ll never know oh you gotta release it man no it’s it’s sincerely bad like the the first draft
the first draft the whole second half is just it’s just not good so I was happy to trash it and luckily people have finished it and given me feedback and it said oh it’s not that bad like it’s it’s it’s rough but you know if you’re into truly dark and twisted books yeah like the bar is so high right now my idea of the darkest thing possible is like not that bad so that’s hilarious well now your video of you and the garbage can makes sense you like don’t buy this book it’s [ __ ] garbage no
I’m being I’m I’m being like sincere like I mean it’s funny and it’s sort of a reverse psychology thing to somebody who doesn’t know but yeah no I would I was sin sincerely that was before I got the feedback of like oh it’s not that bad I was in when Paras sociopath is the bestseller right now and when that happened I was like God damn it you’re like it [ __ ] would be this one dude oh you’re like what about my other [ __ ] it’s good he’s like I really [ __ ] did it in this one and you’re
reading this [ __ ] oh that’s awesome oh man that’s hilarious yeah so about we’re g to go back to clowns there’s something in one of your more recent videos you mentioned somebody somebody your Senpai that you’d like to notice you Chad demani yeah yeah and which recently I had mentioned it to him he started doing a rabbit whole and it’s like he already kind of his wheel started spinning I’ll let him kind of take it from here but he kind of he kind of had an idea about this character you’re telling me about
and about Chad demani just kind of yeah wasn’t it Second City isn’t it oh so I yeah I saw a connection so I kind of went down a little rabbit hole on Chad damiani and he does a lot of clown courses and like I don’t know if he was in California if he was working out of UCB or or underneath I’m not exactly sure I know there’s all these different improv groups right Sobe thinking of the groundings UCB Second City and and so I guess where you’re at has has an improv group and is it it is improv I’m always
assuming comedy is that is that the case or is improv the way you talk about it a blanket for just any like any kind of acting uh so when I talk about improv I’m definitely talking about like Second City Second City Style like or like iio is another big Chicago one okay so CH yeah Chad operates I think Chad operates mostly out of a theater called the I you know honestly I don’t know okay that’s cool so but we did a little notice on him but most of his shows I think are at a theater called the elisian uh I the videos I’ve seen of
him are usually from like festivals that he does um or otherwise just stuff that he’s been posting around online but yeah improv in the United States is pretty well centered around like the three or four like big theaters and we’re all like in Cincinnati we’re we’re a hub we’re just we’re we’re we’re reg we’re watching what everybody else is doing and then doing our own version of it but okay yeah it’s definitely improv comedy uh long form or short form or whatever Cincinnati seemed to have uh they’ve
been giving you it looks like Cincinnati been giving you some love man you’ve been getting some pretty good love from all Cincinnati yes so I am so there’s a part of town called Northside which is the most Progressive part of town like uh and I’m definitely like North Side famous right now like uh it’s cool like we went and filmed the parade stuff all the Fourth of July stuff that was the north side and like just walking down the street it was there were points where it was like a line of people wanting to take pictures
and stuff dude which was Unreal like really cool yeah that’s so cool so now I just thought I just thought of a question now so you you might kind of be in a good spot then since you’re normally out in your clown makeup can you [ __ ] around in society without your makeup and nobody knows you uh it is a Sweet Spot yeah I I noticed I noticed in North I was in north side like a couple weekends ago without the makeup at a coffee shop and I think somebody did sneak a picture but they’re like I’m pretty sure
that’s yeah yeah but without yeah without makeup nobody’s that’s another benefit though that’s a huge benefit I would think cuz everybody thinks like getting famous and notice would be [ __ ] cool but then it’s like imagine when you you’re mad you’re hung over you just want to go get some BC powder and a [ __ ] tall boy the the reality of Freedom the that you lose yeah yeah no so I am lucky right now I can go to like any of the other parts of town and just be a guy still which is nice very damn
that is pretty that is pretty cool yeah so what uh where do you like do you see any of this uh any like where do you see yourself going with this [ __ ] you do you even know yet or you’re just riding it and seeing where it goes or do you have anything planned yeah well I’m definitely going to keep doing what I’m doing uh and then so a short videos I mean every three a day every day for the next for the rest of the summer into the fall and ideally the one YouTube hasn’t so Instagram’s been doing really well
Tik tok’s doing all right and um uh YouTube is is slow to pick up and I think it’s because YouTube prefers long format videos so the next thing I’d like to do is uh a talk show in my basement so like a a surprisingly good talk show in my basement so like you Conan O’Brien in like the 90s and 2000s definitely if you watch that and then yeah I liked yeah yeah and then uh Eric Andre Eric Andre show so it’s like some not as crazy as Eric Andre because like that’s he set that bar I’m not I’m not the type
of person to go for sure but just like if Eric Andre set out to do the uh worst talk show ever I want to do a surprisingly good talk show in my basement that that honestly sounds cool that does and you’d be great with that it seems like just because again it’s like you’re I feel like sometimes like with your earlier [ __ ] you were asking really great questions but just running into it’s like more or less people that kind of weren’t ready for it or whatever you know the question the questions were
there so I think you on a talk show would be pretty awesome I mean and too with your with your growing popularity and whatnot you could actually probably get some pretty [ __ ] cool people to join you which would be awesome Joe bur Joe bur he said his face is like oh [ __ ] I hope Joe burrow never sees that video Joe burrow just walks in the room and you’re just sitting there smiling he’s like [ __ ] if he didn’t find the humor in it then no he’s great I mean the whole money thing about yall care about
football I love we’re Dallas I mean come on we’re Cowboys fans so we’re born we’re born into just [ __ ] Jerry the Jerry Jones yeah so yeah we we feel your pain in our own way I mean the Joe bur thing like I don’t begrudge any athlete who takes as much money as possible because you need to we’re all trying to make literally selling your body like to to this Sport and for our entertainment so like that he took as much as he could get great somebody pointed out in the comments that um it’s structured in a
way that towards the end of I don’t [ __ ] know right somebody said something that made sense and I was like okay so maybe it’s maybe it’s not so bad but uh realistically yes I’m glad he took as much as he could I think the um Bengals uh front office is smart enough to make our situation work with you know we drafted pretty well we’ll see how it plan pans out but yeah it sounds like you got a little bit more faith in your Bengals than I’ve gotten my Cowboys oh no and I’m a big I’m a Bengals fan I had
the uh when I was a kid I got a Chad Johnson Jersey I had to have it man so I still got Boomer right when he Boomer yeah that’s that’s that’s the one I remember the most in my younger years yeah the old Bangals man I’m [ __ ] pulling for them goddamn they need it yeah we’re close we’re awfully close the windows the windows open yeah absolutely so you’ve got this thing you’ve got you say you’re you’re looking to do your uh your talk show and that’s great but then I saw you had Shar you
shared something you’re talking about that improv class do you teach improv or were you like trying to promote the part like the school or whatever you’re a part of in Cincinnati yeah yeah yeah so yeah improv Cincinnati I do teach uh a 101 class there just the intro class um I’ve been doing that for uh not quite a year maybe like six months um and it was funny uh so again Colin the guy runs the theater a couple weeks ago he asked like hey uh you want to teach us one1 class on Saturdays it might not be happening we only have like
six people signed up and we try to get 14 for a class just because if it’s too low it’s too many reps and people get overwhelmed and all that um so he said do you want to teach this class it might not happen and I said sure let me see if I can leverage my following so yeah I posted that story about it I don’t know if it worked uh some of the people some of the people were aware that I was doing clown stuff but I think they were aware of it separately from having uh I don’t think I actually sold any uh right but we did
end up at like 10 or 11 people just luckily so I anticipate there’s just a lag between people connecting the dots maybe you know because I know if it’s almost like wait that guy’s teaching something I could like they were thinking that that could bring a draw so I would think so but you guys you never know also it’s like $250 to take this class I mean it’s it’s in like seven classes though seven classes and each class is two and a half hours and it’s good content like I mean if you want to
try improv then it’s worth it but yeah also like for somebody who’s just watching internet videos to be asked for $250 that’s oh I could see why that would be yeah a big unless they think they’re really funny and they got it yeah um no so I was gonna do do you mind if we talk it all about your books do you want us to not talk about them in in fear that people you know were going to spoiler alert go for it awesome so this one turns out to be your mom’s favorite correct is that that was true
yeah yeah so uh I have um a different I have a smaller book that’s just the first like three or four chapters of each of the books like a sampler that I was given out to people and so I gave that to my parents and just based on the first three chapters that one was her favorite yeah she likes left ketas she likes she just thinks he’s a silly little man and how can you not and the whole time I’m reading this thing I’m just sitting here thinking like I can’t help but think of picturing this as
being a movie or something and it was making me crack up even [ __ ] more cuz when you got to the description of leus I believe you said something about uh what he’s he’s he’s uh I don’t know if I have a dog ear he’s paper paper white with colorless hair yeah what I’m sitting here losing I’m just picturing some poor bastard that looks like a bottle of white out or something and then you then you start getting into the details about him and his hog and then it and then it becomes then I understand whenn and doubt was
win and doubt whip it out yep okay all right so I started getting to it and probably one of the funniest [ __ ] Parts is when he finds himself in that sticky situation between three people in that room and he says to himself he’s like I can’t dick my way out of this one so yeah that’s a great and uh I’m Gonna Keep kind of bouncing around here your description of people in what am I saying it right automaton Colorado oh adamton adamton Jesus Christ okay I can I can barely [ __ ] read I can smell
colors I’m like a tomaton I was thinking Philip K dick books and [ __ ] it’s made up I mean so you want yeah but your description of the people that live there yeah in color it seems almost like you’re just describing people in Colorado as well like I know the place is fictional but I’m like the dude’s talking about like Colorado like the the hot dog colored skin and uh these people dragging hundreds of dollars worth of [ __ ] to go camping dirt like hot dog colored dude that [ __ ] was like hot dog flavored water well like I
I honest I had to put the book down for a second CU I just thought about him like he’s [ __ ] right the people like they have hot dog colored skin I’d never thought about that the skin of a hot dog so does any does any of like uh how much of this stuff in your books is just [ __ ] that’s out of your head and how much of it is like something that’s familiar either a friend or something that’s happened yeah so it’s I with any uh writing I think that’s any good it’s from like real experience so
like actual observations and like real points of view I think you can tell if a book isn’t authentic it it’s I think like a pot boiler book where it’s just like all right let’s just walk through a plot let’s just get this thing over with and and it’s done and it doesn’t really it doesn’t really stick with you because it’s not really coming from a real place it’s based more on like just a plot and maybe a interesting character and it’s done but I love putting like
observations in and things that maybe don’t necessarily believe but that I’ve thought so I love Colorado’s great I went on vacation to Colorado whenever few years ago and you know it was very nice people uh you could take your dog everywhere um it was just a cool place weather was cool nature was cool it just so happened that the people had hot dog colored skin and they wore breathable Fabrics over hot dog colored skin yeah so thinking from Le ket’s Point of View Le ketas is a hater Le ketas hates
everybody so he’s going to latch on to that sort of detail and use it as a weapon for me it was just a funny to notice yeah you know I’m not going to judge somebody based on that but I’m no absolutely not I just thought it was hilarious like I’m like dude L lfus is a [ __ ] dog there’s no two ways about it man he is just a straight dog um so another thing oh God what else was it um no there was something so you had had a it was the hot dog colored skin part oh [ __ ] what is oh Cosman yeah yeah
yeah it is that do you got a buddy like him or something huh no no no no so um boy where’d that come from Uh I that was just an idol thought so for for people haven’t read the book there’s a supporting character named Cosman who’s like Le Kus his only friend and he’s pretty much a mad scientist and his main goal in life is to facilitate human animal communication so that he can have consensual sex with an animal any animal he doesn’t even care he just wants to have consensual sex with an animal that
idea yeah that makes sense well I was just thinking like I was just because people have been trying to communicate with animals for a while and we haven’t really figured it out they’re the dogs who have the buttons like feed me feed me feed me right out out out like you know they’re not having an actual conversation with any kind of depth or consent you know I was just thinking like like yeah the the when somebody finally cracks that nut when somebody actually figures out how to talk to an animal it’s because they want to [ __ ]
that and the way society’s going that that’s going to be the green light that’s going to be the green light you know that that’s uh yeah dude so yeah when I when I got into Cosman I mean I was just like that dud was cracking me up k m an right Cosman okay yeah I don’t know why it just it reminded me of the one question I was going to have about book mesiah just the Jerry Seinfeld references and this made me think of Cosmo Kramer and so I don’t I don’t know if there probably wasn’t an intentional
connection to that in any way I don’t know but it do you like Seinfeld like you just kind of picked like that and because he did a couple Jabs but figured it was out of like respect because I love Seinfield as well yeah yeah yeah I I don’t know I I I think I just thought it would be funny call him Jerry buyu in justifying why is he called Jerry like well Jerry Seinfeld like he’s named after Jerry Seinfeld it that’s that that just made sense to me yeah uh and I I I forced it in I guess yeah it
was a lot of fun though just and the from my experience reading the book just there’s seemed a lot of subtext and commentary and society and and just different things and just the how a person can have seemingly good morality and still end up completely evil whil trying to think that they’re doing it so it was pretty I thought it was I enjoyed the book so know it was your first one but um it sounds like the most tame by far based on what I’m yeah so I liked it I definitely did there’s only one little sex scene in
that book yeah let me tell you nothing like what you’re probably going to find in wiell let me tell you that um the uh also too the way you described that poor bastard that German fell Mueller yeah what what did he said his face look like a like a slash of beef or something a side of beef with a slash in it I was just like God yeah no I had a I had a girlfriend who’s dad looked a little like that I was curious to see where the end of that sentence was going oh no no oh man and though the dad was also handsome it’s just I don’t know if you
observed this but like somebody can look German like there’s a German look like the kind of the catcher mitt kind of face definitely definitely just taking that to an extreme and that again man that’s like that was one of the things I really liked was just all the different I mean I can’t there’s a whole there’s so many different ones but all of your you know I was just a big fan of your descriptions and stuff like that like you said it was just like a face like a catcher made I was like what the [ __ ] I
was like he’s right though like olding face yeah I would have never thought to describe somebody’s face like a catcher mitt but as soon as I heard him say it I was like I see what I know what he means I know what he I know someone that looks like that big just so much skin and just you know what I mean yeah um oh that’s awes so do you would you ever would you be down like say if uh Netflix or somebody hit you up and they wanted to make some of this [ __ ] into a movie or a show or something do I
do love to get paid I mean I mean yeah it’s money’s a part of uh getting around and living around sadly yeah I’m I’m GNA so I think a lot of aspiring writers are unfortunate because they need money so they they might agree to hastily to deals that they maybe shouldn’t I’m in a good spot where like I’m I’m doing fine I got my job I got savings and all that so I I don’t need to take uh any money but yeah if if if a deal comes along that’s you know awesome like I’m not I’m
definitely not going to turn it down on principal like uh you know uh it’d be fun it’d be fun to have that sort of thing happen yeah and I mean I haven’t finished pepperoni Powerhouse but I have like I said just reading through some of this I could definitely see like with pony Island and all that and you know Sasha and Misty and B I was like it’s kind of pictur in my head I was like I could kind of see this being something but you know I don’t know how you who you who you would get to play leus I
don’t know you know I was thinking of Danny DeVito type but he’s a little old he is old Danny DeVito’s a little old man you know but no that’s the right track though for sure okay if you had to pick which one would you want to see into like out of your books [ __ ] as a movie Pro honestly probably Paras sociopath dude okay weirdly enough yeah that would that would probably be a cool movie with with the right director yeah no I’m definitely with the right B I don’t know I you know I’ve completely fallen off
with like watching anything like shows and movies and all that like I’m completely in the dark but if it was like a experimental uh not afraid to make bold choices type director because if you’ve ever seen in the void this French Argentinian director I would say he would he would probably do it yeah sorry yeah so you say you’ve been you’ve been uh you’ve been getting a lot of love out there on the internet and stuff you say you’ve been the ladies hitting you up or what yeah yeah it’s it’s uh
weird it probably has to be a little bit weird do you respond to each each one like how I mean how do you manage that you want to be a nice guy right I mean you seem like a nice guy so but it’s like wait how would what did you do yeah so I haven’t T so some messages I get some message requests are like the one was literally just a woman saying I’d let you do me I’d let you raw dog me is what she said raw I I was like that’s that’s awesome but like I can’t reply to this there’s there’s no way this
conversation’s going to go other than okay like when so yeah for real so so I appreciate that attention and I’m making a bunch of thirst traps so I’m kind of asking for it but um that’s hilarious well then you also yeah then you’ve also got some weird is there some weird fellow reaching out to you on your comments dud there’s some weird people in there man yeah there some weirdos I mean it’s I appreciate it it’s awwesome I’ve I’ve never been a [ __ ] boy so it’s like I I’m
don’t yeah no need to start now yeah you know I they tell you they say Fame will make you crazy so I’m not about to start like okay yeah let’s start punching some tickets yeah let’s I was gonna say I just saw something the other day they were talking about how many like people have gone to get tested for STD in Houston and they were talking about like the Horizon STDs in Houston and they were saying that there was like a percentage of them with people that come in and they’re just like we don’t know
what the [ __ ] you got oh my God they have no idea so yeah man don’t don’t be out there in the streets like that but that’s [ __ ] funny though man that you know like I said dude it it’s just so cool seeing like it was a little weird like going back and find because I found you on YouTube I was like surely this guy’s got to have a YouTube and then I I ended up finally finding your YouTube and I was able to go back and look at your old videos and yeah it is interesting to see like the amount of followers and whatnot
and attraction you have on on Instagram and Tik Tok and all that versus YouTube yeah yeah I you know each algorithm’s different like you’re saying the format I think the long form is definitely because YouTube implemented shorts yeah way after there had already been reals and stuff so I think that could take off but like you’re saying I think long form seems to really be their thing and yeah that makes sense so what about uh you also I was reading a little bit saying you well you did you you played music
and also like you made effects pedals like the guitar like that’s why I’m fascinated cuz I’m I I play guitar and I see the guitars there that’s awesome oh cool yeah I think yeah yeah he’s a big nerd want to yeah want to be rockar my whole life you know type thing like an orange head back orange head yeah on a little cab and then yeah and I got like a loop station and just different things but but yeah Gib got a what a Gibson Studio Fender Strat and and that’s just a an old like ianz series was like from
from high school but I keep them you know but yeah so FS you you’d make them so I used to yeah so in college I focused on music and writing I wrote still just cuz I enjoyed it but like so and I was a English and music double major and then I had a minor journal and then uh so I got out of college and just started I just I really enjoyed playing music that was my main thing in college was music I was in a bunch of ensembles and it was really awesome what kind of music because I was I was always the rock and roll what were you yeah yeah so
it was I went to like a liberal art like a small liberal art school so the music department wasn’t big but it was very open so like I came in with not a ton of experience like I played trumpet in high school and hated it and quit in like 10th grade but me and some friends one friend in particular used to play a lot of like garage rock type stuff just our a little bit we made fun of scof but that’s but I loved it as an eighth grader yeah we were we were very judgmental teenagers I’m actually rediscovering a bunch of stuff from when
I would have been in high school but didn’t listen to cuz I thought it was was it’s Li I know exactly I’m guilty I’m guilty there there was so there’s so much good stuff out there that I was just too cool for school but anyway uh yeah so I just had a bunch like I could kind of bang around on drums and I had taken some guitar lessons so I got to college and since it was a small music program I could just join any Ensemble I wanted there were no restrictions I was like I played like tany in the orchestra
I played guitar and sometimes drums in our Jazz Ensemble we had a Latin jazz band where I played like conas and um just all sorts of like Au sounds like like a just a musician’s dream world yeah it was really cool like that was definitely the best part of college for me um and then doing music composition as the focus so I got to learn about all the different instruments and listen to lots of different types of music um and then got out of college came back to Cincinnati and that’s all I wanted to keep doing so I joined a bunch of like
rock bands um and there’s like YouTube a lot of this stuff there’s like a YouTube uh playlist I made that’s linked on the website all the bands I was in okay you can watch some of that stuff but it was a lot of like kind of noisy rock type stuff paventi is and all that pavement denn J style or youth yeah yeah definitely so yeah like we were and speaking of north side again like a lot of north side bars a lot of like that sort of thing okay and um yeah so a part of being a again I had all these part-time minimum wage jobs so I didn’t
have a ton of money but I loved year so uh I would just buy cheap broken stuff and teach myself how to fix it and then uh eventually I would you know you want to buy a pedal like you want like the Clon centur or whatever but they’re like a million dollars yeah you can just make your own the components aren’t expensive the schematics are out there so then I started you know learning to solder and learning to you know fix broken pedals or build pedals from scratch that’s [ __ ] badass that is yeah it’s it’s
not impossible there’s some safety things especially when you work on guitar amplifiers they can kill you but um no [ __ ] yeah I’m not even joking they they what they got enough like amps and [ __ ] or what what yeah so and you unplug it and you think it’s safe but there’s a component called a capacitor they’re usually filter capacitors that the flux capacitor but but if you touch it and it’s still hot like still has a charge it’ll just that’s exactly it behaves like a battery so it just stores that
charge and it will slowly deplete over time but if you unplug it and then stick your hand in you essentially get shocked so is there like a waiting time or is there something you’re supposed to do before you touch it like how do you figure that out yeah you can discharge the Char you can you can use like a it’s like a it’s just a little tool you hook up your tool to uh the ground bus on the amplifier and then you just sort of poke one of the uh the the one of the ends of the capacitor to discharge what’s in the
capacitor to ground making it safe that makes and then you can you have a multimeter so you can test the voltage and make sure that I was going to say what poor B you teach a lot of classes on a lot of stuff he could just open up his own softmax uh School of you know [ __ ] jack of all trades pedal con construction [ __ ] teach you how to write a fug on top of it yeah making me feel really untalented here no I’ve always like dabbling like I I’ve been alive long enough to have dabbled a lot so you know it just sort
of adds up as you keep going speak speaking of which if you don’t mind how old are you we’ve been we’ve been trying to guess I don’t know I am 35 years old 35 damn you me $200 no I’m kidding I’m the old I’m the oldest one here then yeah yeah honestly dude I thought you were I thought you were [ __ ] younger like yeah when I was like looking at you with clown paint and everything I’m like a this guy’s not that [ __ ] old I 20 something I don’t know 27 29 30 something like that and then you know
your older videos like it’s crazy like your older stuff with the goatee I’m like no this guy’s a little older than I thought that goatee and [ __ ] dude that was tough facial oh thank you that facial hair makes a difference but no I’m totally lost some of the comments I get are from like gen Z like Zoomers and like I think I know what they’re saying yeah but then you’re like I don’t want to I don’t want to comment back and agree to something here dictionary let me look this up real quick yeah no [ __ ]
man definitely getting some of those yeah I’m also lost in that whole in that whole regard of things do you ever think you would uh you’d start like a [ __ ] band again or start a clown band well uh I’m so one of my so my high school friend his name is Trent uh We’ve we played music a ton in high school we kept in touch he’s married now and he and his wife have a band and I play drums in their band every so often we’re all busy so we haven’t met in like a month or two but I do we do still do
that we’re gonna meet actually I think a week from Wednesday so that’ll be good um and we’ll just play in like bars and we might record and yeah I would um if and when I uh either get fired or quit my job I would like to start making music again like recording in my basement and maybe bands and all but I think as far as clown stuff it would be awesome there there other actual like improvisers I I’ve I’m around um who have like clown actual like circus Arts clown training oh [ __ ] on top of being like actors and
improvisers so it would be cool to do like a some sort of performance with them I don’t know what that would look like like something legit yeah y’all could cook some [ __ ] up I’m sure it would be it would be fun like elevate it to whole another plane almost right so I had a I had a question too this is an idea like and I I know you’ve you know you’ve got your own [ __ ] you’re doing your own thing you ever thought about so there was that one video of you just waking up on the side of the road yeah
and you [ __ ] you made a brosa with a Miller High Life and a [ __ ] emergency yeah and immediately I thought of I was like this dude sitting in the stands at a Cincinnati Reds game just in his full makeup and just all of a sudden just like pull out a [ __ ] dude you should do that that’d be hilarious just go to a Reds game and just be sitting by yourself and just like dump some emergency in a beer y oh my God that’ be fun see that’d be a cool I mean the Reds games like you know they a lot of times
don’t sell great no so like I’m just get the get the eight doll seat and then just wander around talking to people that somebody else brought up that same idea you’re on the right track I think I’m eventually going to do that dude a Red’s game would be legit because they’ve got to like I mean they they’ve got a good little following everything you know they’ve got their hardcore fans and I mean baseball games like you said it’s a great spot for that so I just pictured in my mind I was like I could
totally see him like on some [ __ ] video and nobody has any idea who he is and just like this guy’s drinking emergency in a beer how did that taste did you act you drank it right so it was very good at first because it it was mostly the emergency on the top so it was very sweet and like frothy and cool but yeah about around the time we got to that dumpster that I jumped in it was just it was warm and it was it was it was not good by the ends now it was chalky yeah right I was glad to be finished with it yeah dude no [ __ ] and
so you say so who’s your this dude that’s filming you like he just a buddy of yours or what cuz I I mean there’s behind every successful person on the internet getting recorded there’s there’s a cameraman there yeah Aaron’s awesome yeah so he’s somebody I know through improv Cincinnati he’s an improviser um he’s great he uh so when I’d gone out before what I would tell people who were helping me was you know what just keep it wide just you can never bad to keep it wide just keep
everything in frame and then I’ll like do like smash edits to like you know make sense Shi focus and I told that to Aaron and he was like okay the other thing about Aaron is um he’s uh a a marijuana Enthusiast so yeah and but like also he’s the most responsible person I know like in in terms of like here’s the time here’s when we’re meeting he’s there like he’s always down he’s always on time he it’s it’s a it’s an amazing combination I didn’t know could exist I’ve got with one a friend
like that too went to law school and everything one of the biggest enthusiasts so yeah right right right right so something about his perspective like he knows that he can keep it wide if he wants but sometimes he just gets really I I don’t know your experience with marijuana but my experience is it gives like this intense roving Focus where like you can just you’ll F hone in on something and then it’ll just as easily Drift Off to something else and then you’re focused on that and it might turn inward it like so I don’t know if
that’s what’s happening there but he just really grabs on to interesting details that I wouldn’t think to focus on so like this it’s going to be funny these Fourth of July videos he said he’s mostly just focusing on my tummy dude he was yeah no the one where you were going to talk to a squirrel or some [ __ ] and you turn around he just I’m like oh you didn’t do him like that he’s right yeah he’s right on the cinnamon rolls yeah but uh uh and and or like the boxer video the UDF video like he knew I
didn’t even know that guy was boxing back there he KN he just knew to like keep him as in frame as he could the guy eventually wandered off but um you know he’s he’s great yeah dude Aaron’s Aaron’s a legend I’ve been wondering like what are yall are Y is he shooting on like an actual legit camera is it a phone yeah so I think a couple years ago I bought it’s a Canon xa40 so it’s like a camcorder uh it’s it looks it looks like one of those old like DVI cameras but it records the SD card it can do 4K
but we do 1080p like 30 frames per second and um it it yeah I mean it’s it’s a quirky camera because it its autofocus is it’s set to autofocus as quickly as possible but still sometimes he’ll zoom in and it’ll just kind of linger out of focus and then snap which again happy yeah yeah happy accent I think that ends up just looking cool yeah for sure most definitely yeah so he’s really figured out I don’t if you want to make internet videos you don’t have to spend a lot of money cell phone cameras are
great I would say focus more on audio like get some good Wireless transmitters get clean clear audio people will tolerate weird video they will not tolerate bad audio no you’re not wrong about that D the amount of people I see that just get roasted for like like the smallest audio [ __ ] I mean you’re absolutely right that and smudgy cameras they like clean your [ __ ] lens which I get I do get that but there are sometimes people get real mad it’s like you could see it but um yeah cuz and I was also I was going to say on one of
your videos I had me I thought about messaging you and being like yo what or commenting like what what microphone do you use and then literally the next video I see you’re in the dumpster talking [ __ ] about the microphone and I’m like yeah [ __ ] that microphone dude yeah I I should have known better it’s that was a Mac uh Mackie uh whatever I said it was and it it’s was fine like if we were in the middle of the woods or something it would be okay but like I think any little interference especially if
there’s a lot of cell phones it gets it freaks out it also just didn’t it was so the wireless transmitter plugs into the it’s just like sm58 pretty much um it plugs in and it’s just like kind of janky and like shakes around a little bit so I don’t even know if it’s making a firm connection uh I just got a different one that’s what we used for the Fourth of July parade it’s better uh it’s just like some Chinese brand I don’t even remember what it XV or something it got good reviews I just
thought that was funny I was like literally thinking I was like this guy’s mic sounds pretty good because I bought some like because we’re were G to do some like outdoor recording or remote stuff filming here and there and I had bought these little [ __ ] mics but they’re not really that and I was like what is that one and then literally the next video you’re like don’t buy this [ __ ] microphone like okay so avoid that one I was like [ __ ] that not going to buy that one and I should have
listened the the reviews like said as much and I this was year or two ago and I was like it’s probably fine I’ll give it a shot user error yeah you get out there you’re like they’re all using it wrong yeah no that’s what’s up yeah shout out Aaron because I mean dude he’s yeah that’s some good camera work and whatnot and um as far as the UDF video this this is your this was the UDF one here and as far as far as that video goes so that is I do find it interesting that that’s a convenience store that
just they sell ice cream they have like is it like a little like a bronze like do they have a thing where they’ll scoop it up put in a thing for you sh it’s an ice cream counter it’s the whole thing uh I didn’t think it was weird until recently like I just it’s UDF yeah it’s convenient store they have ice cream that’s normal and then only after maybe five or 10 years ago when we were like just at a 7-Eleven you know in Oklahoma or something like that I was like oh yeah there’s ice cream like what yeah I can’t
think of any convenience store nothing like that here man like you’re going to a specialty place for that I was honestly jealous I was like it’s is [ __ ] [ __ ] Cincinnati’s got a convenient store that’s got ice cream in it it’s it’s good ice cream too like that’s that’s the other weird thing we we’re kind of blessed in Cincinnati we have like two other really good ice cream places only ice cream like graters and Agames okay and either of them are like really good it’s just they’re
different both are really good um and then UDF like the one that people don’t even think of but is also good dude that’s like the uh I thought it was really cool whenever they ended up like duetting your audio over their video they put the cow out there boxing in the back I’m like you know hats off to whoever yeah [ __ ] thought of that that was pretty pretty smart situational awareness of knowing who they got out there yeah I was I was I was uh I was donating blood at lunchtime and just playing on my phone looking at Instagram
and I they messaged me and I looked at it and it was that they had tagged me in that post and and I my real laugh is like ha like I have like a mou laugh so I did that and the woman drawing my blood was like are you okay like is there you’re like I’m fine it’s fine it’s just weird [ __ ] going on yeah yeah it’s like you’re like I’m going to get some ice cream after this now it’s funny though yeah that’s so cool so I gotta ask like do you got any uh any recommendations for people that you know
maybe maybe young aspiring artists in any kind of in any kind of Realm whether it’s music improv you know writing acting you you got any advice for them is for somebody who’s you know kind of started to kind of find their groove um do you have any maybe they’re kind of struggling whatever you got any advice for people like that that are running into a brick wall of creativity yeah I you know I think it’s two things like one is patience these things take time like I’m lucky now like over the last
month month or two like things have been going well but yeah I mean there’s many years there where I just a guy just making weird [ __ ] and you know it it wasn’t quite right and it wasn’t quite catching people’s attention and it wasn’t it wasn’t as good as it could be or whatever was missing from it but I was still having fun so I would say while you’re being patient focus on the fun of it focus on just the creativity of it when you’re creating you got to turn off your editor like just just
create don’t worry about if it’s good or not you just you just have to get in the groove of creating and then worry about you know editing later whatever it is you’re making um and eventually you know if you stick with it and you you figure out all the other stuff in your life like money and relationships and everything else then uh it’s just a numbers numbers game you know how many days can you keep trying at the thing you’re working on before you get lucky like Harrison Ford you know Harrison
Ford’s story yeah he he was like what 40 41 years old or some [ __ ] or something like that well yeah he he tells this story where he uh got to Los Angeles on a you know a Bus full of actors and they were all so eager to make it like I’m gonna make it tomorrow I’m gonna make it the next day I’m just I’m G to go hard and I’m GNA make it and they all get burned out because you can’t realistically you’re you’re not that to show up in Los Angeles and get work you know within a month so his attitude
was you know what no I’ll be a carpenter I’ll be a carpenter to the stars and I’ll be safe I’ll have you know what I need and I’ll also work on George Lucas’s kitchen while I’m at it and what don’t you know George Lucas finally you know noticed uh he asked uh Harrison Ford to do like table reads and Harrison Ford was doing table reads for like two weeks just not even knowing that was even being considered for Harrison for or uh Han Solo that’s so cool and it just I didn’t even know that I didn’t either no
I knew that he I knew that it like took him forever till he got his first Big Break he was like older until he got a big break but I had no idea that that was the story behind it that’s that was intentional yeah yeah he just he knew he you can’t you realistically it’s Marathon not a Sprint kind of mentality if if you’re creating and you’re waiting for people’s attention you’re what you’re doing is waiting to get lucky yeah and um how long can you sustain that and not yeah yeah no what you’re what you’re
doing is cool because I think I think the reason it’s enjoyable and and I connected with it personally is because it to me it felt like I felt like what I was seeing was somebody who regardless of if they were getting likes on their videos or feedback you would have still been doing it and so I wanted like hats off to you for doing that and like that’s the vibe I got from it I got a very genuine thing where it’s just like you’re out there doing your own thing betting on yourself and you’re just
you’re having fun I and that’s that’s the one thing I connect with this is that I could tell that like you’re you’re actually enjoying yourself and it’s like you know I don’t know what you got going on in your life man but you definitely been inspirational to me like just because you know I I see like what you said that’s something that’s kind of funny you told us about the clowns and The Improv stuff and I think that it’s it’s something that kind of subliminally
came off to me in a sense of like I I kind of picked up on that like what you said about it’s okay to fail like you’re going to fail you’re not going to do good and it’s accepting those failures it’s accepting those little those blemishes or black eyes you might have but still going and it’s more or less like your messages shine through in a sense and you know I think it’s super awesome where you are and uh and the fact that you I’m glad you didn’t give up after Italian Fest thank yeah that’s
all great thank you very much yeah man for sure dude um this is you know thank again dude thanks so much for being here um this is this has been so cool uh I can’t wait to see like what else you’re going to be getting into I’m definitely going to be I I wish I wish when I bought your books you got more money for them but I’m I’m going to buy the rest of them that’s all right oh thank you that money and right now money is not a big deal like some of the videos I [ __ ] about money but that’s just because I’m
no it’s yeah you’re making a video Being Human connecting to the audience right yeah yeah the money I’m I’m I I don’t there my brother and his girlfriend uh are are really into um like equity and like uh you know give everything away for free essentially like you know it’s it’s bring everybody in like you know make everything uh as accessible as possible and I was thinking about it I was like maybe I should just give all these books away for free like why not but then also I like to get paid so like right I don’t
need the money I appreciate and sometimes I get messages from people like hey man yeah I’m gonna get paid and then I’m gonna buy your books it’s like God [ __ ] you’re like go go on Anna’s archive I fully endorse Anna’s archive like if somebody wants to put my books Anna’s archive is like a pirating site okay if somebody wants to put my [ __ ] up there and if you need if you just want to read it for free I’m not going to be mad like I’m doing fine yeah that’s like a moral technique the rapper I don’t
know if you know who he is but he had said like in one of his songs he’s like download this [ __ ] illegally and play it outside right exposure man yeah just like yeah that’s awesome yeah so uh I was gonna say I think there was something else I was going to ask you um I feel like I’m gonna walk away from here and be like [ __ ] I didn’t ask him that um why why does le ke whip his dick out that’s a good question that you know that is a good question but I I I kind of figured I thought I might have known
why left ketas whips his dick out and I thought it was because of the general size of the [ __ ] I mean that sounds like homie tote and a hammer situation diffuser right I mean it’s kind of what’s the you whip it out in the confrontation like yeah I’m I’m not trying to fight somebody who’s who’s whipping out a gremlin yeah well um it just comes from um again this writing group I was in my one friend was writing a story like a detective story about how like uh his detective was been a scrap his detective
was about to be he was hiding in the woods and some security guards were going to find him and but this is a straight lace detective this is like you know the more traditional like you know solving crimes nice guy and but he’s about to be discovered yeah yeah yeah he’s about to be discovered the security guards right around the corner what do I do and this very straight lace detective solution was to whip it out and start masturbating and be like oh whoa whoa how’ you you found me whoa I’m just a
guy masturbating in the wood and the feedback I gave to my friend was like this doesn’t make any sense like this guy wouldn’t do that like he he’s he’s too cleancut he’s too nice he’s he’s like a straightforward detective yeah more or less um but then it got me thinking like well hey what kind of what kind of person would whip their dick out like scrapes you know dude and I and I thought it was funny how you added in there about how it was like when he finally gets caught and he was like but
I wasn’t stroking it he’s like it’s only it’s only a it’s only a sex crime if you stroke it it’s like I don’t know about that but I don’t know you might want to check with your local code and your local municipality before you just go whiffing that [ __ ] out yeah the logic’s there at least yeah no dud that’d be hilarious for some book club to adopt Le Gus’s a Le Kus mystery are you going to write another one with him in it uh I would like to yeah so yeah my attitude
right now is like the writing has slowed down for sure uh yeah I I only have so much free time for any of this yeah so like the past three years my main thing has mostly been improv like been a lot of improv that’s been fun and every summer I would start doing videos and now that the videos are doing well it’s like well [ __ ] now this is my main thing my hour before work I’m like editing videos and like you know all that so ideally eventually I’ll I’ll find time to continue writing because I I do love
it it’s just yeah yeah I was just about that was another question I was going to ask and glad you said that is like how do you balance all that you’re you know obviously books is what got you you know that’s kind of your interest and what got you out there doing this whole thing and promoting in the first place but then again too it’s like your social media and softmax plus is taken off to such a way that it’s like I’m curious like how are you balancing all that like yeah well you know I am single and I
don’t have kids so you know that that’s a big chunk of time um I would like to fix that my my plan is to like get married and have kids that would be awesome but you know it’s I’m right there I’m 32 you’re 35 I’m 32 man and you know I’m running I’m 39 I just had my first kid oh congratulations oh thank you thank you but yeah so definitely no rush kids kids are awesome but um yeah so other than that no I I have a couple housemates and one of them was saying the other day that she thinks I’m probably a little
OCD uh not like clinically or anything but she’s probably right like it it comes naturally me naturally to me to like this is the time for this this is the time for this this is when I do this and it’s that structure is really useful yeah well that’s that’s a good problem to have CU me like your buddy um like your cameraman I’m also an Enthusiast of marijuana and uh that can be a problem you know that can be a problem the whole oh [ __ ] I’m supposed to get at Matt’s house at 6 oh yeah you know it can be an
issue you know I keep it on I noticed that if I just continuously stay high I’ll be okay yeah yeah I think what Aaron does Aaron is just bouncing between um he’s either hitting the Vape or drinking coffee and he says he’s just he just gets in the groove and then it all balances out it’s funny you say that too cuz also the one thing I there’s one thing I have in common with Le Kus and that is his his coffee habit yeah right but I’m trying to picture when you said jug are you talking to like a [ __ ] giant big
gulp jug thing like you buy at the truck stop that’s what he’s drinking coffee out of that’s what he ended up buying yeah Jesus that’s a good gallon of coffee yeah and homie was walking up he had him walking up to the counter with like six styrofoam cups dumping him in this [ __ ] thing dude and then he pissing all the nonstop is that dude I think I remember actually doing the math too like how many how many styrofoam cups do you need to fill like a i cuz I was thinking about it too and I’m like
surely he’s got to be talking about those giant ridiculous plastic [ __ ] mugs you buy God that talk about a jug of coffee Jesus do you a big coffee guy or no I I was when I was writing that book I was but I I I’ve been avoiding caffeine for a few years now just cuz like I can’t figure out the you know it’s up and down and eventually you just kind of become normal again you’re drinking coffee so I I just find it’s easier to just sometimes I drink something with caffeine in it but then
just one and done yeah I should probably I should probably look at tapering it off getting out of hand with it a good uh you can buy caffeine pills and the caffeine pills you can cut into like quarters so it’s very easy to taper off caffeine uh that way that’s actually a good idea because I I I tried drinking uh taper I tried drinking matcha the matcha green tea yeah that shit’s actually pretty good it did give me in the morning I did have like a good alertness it’s pretty good stuff but it didn’t have the Jitters I get from
coffee and you know what I mean and I want that I want thaty yeah you know what I mean makes you feel like you’re alive yeah nice he said yeah nice he’s like I’m glad you enjoy that coffee yeah but no man I mean I don’t uh I mean I could keep going in a sense but I don’t know what you got going on I don’t know if you uh if Matt you got anything else for I mean no it’s you covered everything basically I was GNA I was curious about you know kind of Mikey discovered you here and uh yeah
it’s it’s been a blast just to kind of get inside your mind and you know and just kind of you know the The Man Behind the Mask so do we refer is that is this Persona care soft Max like is that their name do we call him soft do we call him Max or what you know yeah I I I don’t have I haven’t settled on a name okay um when people ask me my name and I’m out there I just tell Michael but on the internet people have been calling me uh soft Max they’ve been call me Max uh the Cincinnati crypted that’s a name that
started popping up pretty funny that’s that actually that’s pretty cool but yeah I I you know I’m like a dog I’ll respond to whatever no and that’s awesome man cool well I’m thinking softmax Le so that’s that’s what I’ll probably always think hey man you call them what you want right but hey man we uh I’m definitely going to try I’m going to keep I’m going to keep tabs on you in the most normal way not like not like leus and and you know and Misty not what he was like that
person about raw dogging either yeah yeah no no it’s it’ll be it’ll be it’ll be normal and I’ll leave you alone on Instagram man you’ve been great for responding to me and uh and putting up and entertaining all my [ __ ] I’m definitely going to keep an eye on what you’re doing and uh you know do the best I can to share keep promoting tell everybody I know about you I had a group of people come over to my house on the 4th of July and uh when I got them all in the house and had them sit down in a
circle and I just like [ __ ] showed them your book they thought it was like a Avon thing you know what I mean where I just bring them over pulled out gun instead hold on you’re going to hold on a second [ __ ] check this guy out for a minute so yeah I’m going to keep that up dude um you know but as you don’t have to worry about it I’ll pretty much leave you alone now though now that I got you on here reach out whenever we’ll do we’ll do like six month check-ins that’d be cool man I’d love to do
something like that and also too if you’re ever you know I know you get involved with bands and you want to broaden that net Matt here is in he’s got he also has a you’ve got some buddies of yours that have been in bands like many bands throughout my life yeah yeah but yeah um he has actually one friend of his that we interviewed on here Billy yeah who who’s played in a really popular he’s yeah he was playing for the dresser Ray Walker guy I think he’s yeah he was playing base for them
now but yeah they’re about to start are they they’re torn again nice but yeah but yeah man so we’ll keep it tabs on your music stuff and anything you got going on mainly your books talk show if you start a basement talk show man that’s I I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll you’ll know when that’s ton of short videos about that just to you know drive up because I’m just going to try and like Drive the Instagram Tik Tok audience like hey check out check out YouTube you know probably I’m probably gonna release it
on Halloween hopefully that’d be [ __ ] sick a big deal out of it yeah yeah that’d be [ __ ] sick man anything I see you drop I’m gonna I’m gonna promote it uh indiscriminately put out flyers and everything I can man but dude seriously thanks so much again just for for taking the time to respond and all that [ __ ] man I’m I can never say thanks enough and I look forward to uh I look forward to the day where you know no longer respond to my messages cuz you got too much [ __ ] going on never never never never no man so
hats off to you man good luck to them Bangals yeah cowbo good luck well we’re just waiting on Jerry Jones to kick the bucket we’ll be good man once Jerry kicks that bucket we’re in for deal the Devil he’s got to go yeah yeah yeah definitely all right man but thanks a lot brother we appreciate you if I’m ever out in Cincinnati I’ll come stalk you dude andf best for I’m going I’m not not even joking perfect perfect all right thank you very much thanks Michael yeah bye that was [ __ ] cool yeah that was
pretty cool yeah so look at that you did it Mikey you did it man you did it wow I don’t even know I don’t even think I don’t even know if any of that went the way I wanted it to you know what I mean I don’t know if I asked any of the questions I thought I would I think you did I think I did I mean as far as everything I was aware I hope I did enough I hope I did I think he did more than enough I hope that I don’t look back at this and think man I really [ __ ] the bet on that one no with there’s
nothing though you didn’t do anything wrong no I know that’s great no mean but hey you know I mean he talked for an hour and 10 minutes I’m like I’m kind of I know I was running I was like the whole time I’m sitting there like think of something else to ask you and [ __ ] don’t clam up here now don’t clam up on I know you’re good you did good man you did perfect it was uh yeah no but I hope I hope all of you guys who joined us and were who stuck around and checked him out I’m sure there’s a bunch of you guys
who checked out uh Michael saan better known as softmax plus the man the mystery the legend author musician that dude really does do a lot he can do quite a bit and you know this guy’s kind of all trades create your own luck I almost wanted to mention some of that he’s talking about just you just keep doing things on the six month checkup when you get them in six months from now so yeah no I mean you create you don’t you just keep trying just at the end of the day I hope that never stop never stopping that that Jeff
would get that yeah and I was just gonna say I hope that at the end of the day you know any of his fans I hope his fans tuned in and I hope we could have my whole aim here was to just give the best I could at trying to kind of give an idea of who the guy is because we all see his videos we all know what he’s doing but yeah I don’t I didn’t know who the [ __ ] guy was I didn’t know what his plans were that’s the normal human you know there pretty creative dude yeah no he was awesome dude very yeah very
personable man that was uh that was great really was I think it’s a good time yeah take a little break grab a beer I need a beer but yeah we’re right back we’re back are we back you know what I just realized we didn’t I didn’t even do any kind of intro now it’s fine really I just said like you know we’re here but that’s but n no we could do the intro right now and and be like and coming back next next segment oh yeah then they could yeah they would they don’t know the order of events yeah well I know and
so I want to let them know that they’re being lied to Matthew’s editing things it’s not lying presentation of the art and Matthew is lying he’s not giving us a full unadulterated project a gross misrepresentation of what is occurring okay you you might be right but um so that that just happened we F to that guy we just talked to Michael saan that happened that that happened he spoke into existence about three weeks ago God yeah watching that segment earlier yeah yeah it was uh yeah no he spoke he spoke into existence
and I I was hoping he was going to show up in the outfit in the game but talking about his process it makes sense now that he’ll go out and shoot four or five hours yeah and that’ll be a week or two worth of cont and he goes and chops that up so it’s not like he’s out there every day making a two-minute video you know he’s out there once twice a week I guess did they did they did he did he say that on air are we breaking the fourth wall people don’t know that I think that was before the podcast
before we recorded I don’t know I think it was I don’t think I don’t think it was I guess we’ll find out that’ll be funny that would ruin him he’s like we had a great podcast things were going great so people knew how little I work he’s like now they know how this [ __ ] Works they don’t they don’t think they they’re supposed to think I’m really a clown all the time that’s what I’m saying cuz Okay it’s like for him to get off the Improv and get home and then
put up on all the on the makeup so it makes sense that he’s just another human another artist just doing [ __ ] yeah abely and that just showed how really is that like all these people doing who do crap is just a guy and this yeah the Internet isn’t the reality I was you know it’s it’s like you want to meet the movie version of of a character then you meet the actor and then it’s cool yeah yeah it’s just no I thought I me I thought it was I mean I was ready for whatever I didn’t I didn’t
think he was I didn’t think we were going to see him in his normal attire that the internet sees him in just because I knew he you know like he had said he was getting done with rehearsal and stuff so I figured like you know he he was going and you know turning and burning and he was trying to knock something out and help us you know get on be timely so you know way professional you know it didn’t matter his appearance didn’t matter because what the one thing that was obvious he was here the entire
time like he he had no his attention was totally here and I again sounds pretty straightedge oh yeah you think for for the stuff that he writes obviously he’s not a pothead the way he talk about it it’s not for him no yeah but I say straight edge I wouldn’t say straight edge but I I just think he’s a little more reserved I just think he probably drinks alcohol okay St but I think it’s one of those things too you can’t do anything to be stra one is is our first time hanging out with the guy
so you know that’s just you that’s what you you saw yeah exactly I was I had no idea what to expect but he was look like he seemed like a cool dude to hang out with he was the coolest dude I’d say like I mean again man just coming from it all seems a little surreal and and I and also too after being done with it I realized too how much I guess I was nervous or anxious about it it’s funny say that because I remember yesterday even s day before send you Tex was the anticipation building getting excited
you’re like oh not really which I was like that thinking that’s good cuz at the end of the day it’s it’s going to be you’re ready you know it’s just you’re going to start talking to him and letting fold yeah it’s all a matter of just trying to then it’s like I’m not I’m a guy who again I was asking him a question about balance and things and at the end of the day I’m a guy who I cut grass for a living I’m that’s that’s my occupation I run a long care business
and I cut grass and you know I I just had to try and do the best I could to remember all the interesting questions that I had for him and also to I felt like I just wanted to do the best I could to be able to give because I’m I’m a fan of the guy and and that’s what’s funny is that I didn’t you know it’s cool for me because it’s like yes I got somebody on here who is popular in a sense and people you know are probably wanting to know about him but also too I got somebody I’m a fan of and so as a
fan I curiosity about and I really just wanted to make sure that I did the best I could to to ask the right questions and to be able to let his other fans know because that’s it at the end of the day yeah we’re running a little podcast and you know people are expecting that we’re trying to get views and whatnot and that’s what’s funny too is that we never even the fact that I that we just interviewed him and the where we were mindset wise in our first episode of being like we’ll probably never
interview people we’ll just sit on here and talk about whatever we want to talk about we hadn’t even this was nothing that was ever even on our radar I just figured you know what I’ll take a shot yeah I mean just like i’ emailed some different people and he he was responsive you just identify the interesting person that seemed like he had some momentum coming out of nowhere and you connected and he re responded and literally it was just like oh this guy’s again he he talked about how many
different things he’s done just never you never give up just keep trying no well two it’s not only that you don’t give up it’s that when one thing doesn’t when one thing fails or doesn’t work out the way you thought AF to Pivot you’re just still go exactly pivot and go to something else and it’s like well that ain’t you know it’s also something pushing you it’s the universe or whatever pushing you in a way and you want to do the best comes back to a question of ambition or drive or
like which was that season one or two remember I was talking about just you know people talk about doing things and then actually doing them yeah is mundane or stupid like he whatever or people might think and and also like you know in the moment I wanted to be like kind it’s like Mike yeah you know when he said didn’t don’t don’t overthink it whatever kind of saying this get out there and just film it like we can no just get in the gutter just get in the gutter and then I you know what I mean
just get out there and just start doing it don’t overthink it he said turn off like the editor pris B analysis turn off the yeah turn off the editor to where you’re not sitting there thinking oh we need to do it like this it’s like the creative process is something different and in order to like that’s at least what I took away is that like the creative process in order for it to be what it’s going to be in something to actually be born and come naturally you have to turn that part of your brain off
that is that that is analytical or thinking well no but I should initiate because you don’t know what’s going to be funny because you could do something that you didn’t even notice like he said he was like about his cameraman how he was saying about him noticing things and zooming in on things that like I like to ask camera might be like oh I don’t even know I was doing that and it it might just be natural no because I don’t think so I mean it might have been natural but I don’t I think he knew because like he
said he was like he was like I didn’t even know that guy was boxing behind me and he was like but he just moved over and like got him in the shot you know so I thought that was cool but I think my main probably my main takeaway from it all like was what he said about uh when he went to do those impro or when he during that improv class that guy came in there they were talking about like doing clown work and stuff I thought that was really cool I had never like when he started pretty much at that point selling to us what was sold to him
about clowns when he was like what do you know about clowns the clown work behind it as opposed to just oh thinking of a clown but yeah and just saying about like the meaning of it the fact that you know it’s it’s about you know yeah you accepting your failures accepting your you know your shortcomings and things like that and it’s like yeah I never really thought about it but then later on it’s like going through the episode I realized like that’s something that was so I guess that’s kind of it’s effective and
it’s working whatever they because like I said I feel like subliminally almost I don’t know it’s just cool like watching his videos it comes across like here’s a guy who most people if you were to tell him hey man go put on clown makeup and go ask people questions they’d be like they’d look at it like a punishment but you know what I mean yeah it’s like well I thought it was interesting because the way he talked about looking for interesting people it’s like you you put on the costume of being interesting and
then the people are drawn to you yeah like he’s talking about he didn’t even have to walk up to people they see a dude dress in a clown and just people were talking you do like engaging with are naturally going to come up and likely talk to you is what he’s saying but also I think thinking more on what he said about the creative process and that being your editor I think and in my mind really strongly especially because writing is obviously like as a writer just cuz I know like I’ve dabbled in
just like writing something and just almost just like just start writing like don’t overthink it just write and it might be like I don’t have write but just just make yourself start writing and don’t overthink it cuz he was just I think a lot of in my mind a lot of the experience he was speaking to I think he was drawing from his experience writing more but still applying to everything else but because he even talked about scrapping the half of that book and coming back to it years later which is
pretty cool so that book started before he even like wrote when in doubt and then he went back and finished it par sociopath was it that he said he went back and finished it or did he I think he said no I think well I think he said that he wrote I think he was saying he scrapped the rest of it is what he was saying he said he wrote I think he said he wrote like the majority of it and then he scrapped the back half to be like to pretty much like I’m not putting that out that he he it took it as no it could we could both be wrong I took
interpred that he basic like he’s saying he wrote the whole book and then he’s talking about ear in reviewing that and he got through and he just thought the second half was trash and got rid of it and then I think did wi and doubt or the maybe the other two and then went back and finished it I so we’ll see yeah we’ll see yeah I think it it might have been other way but either way um the uh the creative process like you know is interesting getting to uh no it it was all just really cool like uh seeing
seeing how uh how quick all this is taken off for him like I said if you’re watching this hopefully this is your hopefully this is y’s first time joining us when you’re watching this episode hopefully this is your first time and if you haven’t already picked it up a subsequent time to your first time if you haven’t if you haven’t been watching I’m Mikey and that’s me like if you haven’t already picked that up um but no I mean you know just going through everything with him
and talking about like his process and how like this is all just you know kind of happened over what like he said like two months like yeah it’s like that’s a month and a half or something yeah and so if you’re watching this like you should go back and check out his earlier stuff cuz it’s cool just seeing like where you know he was out there trying to find his way in a sense too and now you know had he just stopped had he gone to Italian Fest and it took some clown experience whatever this clown like
improv class thing that he saw it’s like he did that and then it I guess inspired him to create this create this Persona which also I’m going to call him softmax if he he hasn’t he he should definitely have a name or have an established name I guess maybe culture could pick it pop culture pick it yeah let the culture dictate that that’s why I’m saying softmax is what and also too I mean he you know I mean he’s he’s already that’s his little thing he just put that out there so naturally people
are going to call him by that name or something yeah I mean soft I always call him softmax yeah well his name is Michael Swan you could always call that depends you’re talking about that’d be a good default you could just say that oh oh so did you see Michael today yeah I could be talking about you no I know you’re talking about nobody calls me Michael I’m Mikey I don’t know if potato agrees no she agrees I don’t know um but yeah I mean you know again just like kind of reflecting on the whole deal trying to
do the best we can to do that and wrap up uh wrap up the episode in a sense but you know again it’s it’ll be cool like he sounded like he was down to come back and another definitely sounded six months which would be that would be really cool man see and like I said you know I made that comment about next year he’s talking made it s he sounded like the whole talk show thing was something that he’s gonna have done for Halloween that’d be pretty sick I’m which I’m curious to see so he he must be having
something in the works with the normal talk show so I’m wonder if he’s be dressed up as softmax for it oh yeah absolutely he Yeah well yeah come on that’s why wouldn’t you that’s why you assume we wouldn’t you know what I mean no it be yeah be foolish they be foolish that’s um but no at the end of the day too I will I’ll say this um I guess you know because I’m I I feel like with having accomplished this which is kind of still crazy having gotten him to agree to be on and everything I will just say um positive
things can come from your usage of Instagram and the internet shut up Jeff yep so Jeff if if you’re not on there get on there and if you’re on there get on there more yeah so what I was going to say yeah yeah so there’s positive things that can come out of being on the internet and I think that would lead me to my next thing that is saying that mostly people are using the internet and for the the dumbest [ __ ] you could be doing stuff like this you know dressing up like a clown talking to people no you
could be using it to your benefit whatever that field might be if you’re somebody in network you know if you’re somebody in law whatever trying to reach out to other people in your field or that are that can assist you help you that you’re interested in intrigued by rather than just scroll there’s a portal to money there’s somehow money not even that I’m just saying at the end of the day yeah there yeah whether it’s art artistic expression that you’re you know C like like he was saying
he’s he’s just flexing his creative muscle like he’s going to be doing something it sound like he’s doing well enough to where even if he never had to work a day in his life he’d want he’d be creating yeah because he’s a Creator he’s his own type of artist yeah and so my point is what I was trying to say is that um you know I I took a shot and I just messaged him for you know and yeah you did I instead of sitting there just saying hey you know n he probably wouldn’t be interested whatever I said
hey what’s worst the guy’s going to say blocked me and he didn’t he messaged me back and from from the from the very start he was like hey sorry man here’s how you buy my books and to those of y’all who don’t know I had just found him like the rest of you on the internet and I was like hey man how do I buy your books he’s you know I found a link in his bio but before um by the time I found the link he had messaged me and was like hey man you know I got a link in my bio buy them there and I bought the books and then
during they hadn’t even gotten to my house I hadn’t even read him yet but then I had the thought I was like you know what why don’t I ask the guy to be on the podcast and I just said screw it and so with all that being said my reason for bringing that up is that it’s like you know don’t be afraid to to to just take a shot out there yeah put yourself out there and you know put yourself on the line and I’m sure that you’ll number one you’ll rise to the occasion and number two it’s it’s not as
daunting as you thought yeah just you have to just you just have to take that step you know yeah and like he said too you got almost like how you were saying about you got to cut off the uh editing part of your brain yeah don’t hold your Stu back just just do it just get out just like us our very first episode it looks so crappy but he like let start we just got to start doing it absolutely and then as you do it you refine naturally you know and then you’ll just look continuous Improvement if you truly
care about it yeah you know if you actually care and have a somewhat of a passion or intent to do something of value you’ll continually refine it but you know don’t refine it so much that you don’t do anything yeah so what what about what what about you would you any any Main takeway you got from talking I mean how is it from your point of view of me just coming to you being like Hey cuz that how did that start for I don’t even remember how it started that you know I’m just like come to you and I’m
like hey I got this guy yeah basically if I if I were having to testify about the how how we came to interact with and know Michael saan if I like I one time M was came over and showed me some guy dressed up like a clown saying interesting stuff and was going on about it how he thinks that he might have found some dude who’s at the beginning of maybe becoming something big or and from there then you just talked about oh he’s got books and he bought them and then I feel like it’ll a couple days later you’re like oh I’m talking to
him oh he’s he said he do an interview I just feel like all of this just happened in the last two days yeah I know so my mom was like ohuh interesting yeah I’m for me I’m I’m I was just along for the ride more than absolutely so I mean well I hope it was a good ride I hope I did a good job um if y’all are I’m hoping again that you guys what brought you to our YouTube page this evening um or this afternoon this morning however you wherever you may find it that I hope that the reason that you were brought here was because
of Michael salon and I hope that you feel like um you I hope you feel like it was a fruitful interview and you got to know a little bit about the man and that it entices you to uh kind of follow his career by his stuff and and as you heard it’s like he’s not just trying to Hawk his stuff you know it’s like it is what it is but he’s you know either way definitely check him out he’s worth he’s he’s worth checking out and and uh kind of seeing who he is before all of a sudden you just see him on a TV show or
something or see him somewhere else it’s like you know yeah like I said man I feel like he I really do feel like this guy’s this guy’s headed headed in a really positive Place yeah no he’s get momentum and upward trajectory that’s undeniable and I hope he gets to meet Joe burrow man I hope Joe bur dude that’s what I’m saying watch him at some point on his show get seriously yeah tag Joe burrow if you watch this he that’s what he said I thought five years the Joe back hold on we’re going G to pull this video up he
was like man he’s like God I hope Joe never sees that video that was hilarious man that was great oh man Joe Burrow’s going to see that video yeah everybody should tag Joe bur yeah he is going to see oh yeah Joe burrow has to see it man that’d be H yeah it’d be funny that’s hilarious he’s sitting here like oh [ __ ] yeah know he’s got his first guest he should shoot to have Joe burrow as his first guest it’s it would it would be perfect no yeah man oh this is so uh also too normally here on this uh on our
podcast weekly what we do is uh we we review few different movies throughout the years we started off in 2000 and we’ve been moving forward we’re supposed to be in like 2015 or 16 this year I think six 16 I think 16 yeah 2016 I think is the Year we’re supposed to be on however we’re not going to do it this week um we’ll pick back up special episode yeah so we had an interview and we just wanted to kind of spend this uh this episode you know talking to talking to Michael Salan make this all about him
again and uh but yeah next one we’ll pick up on uh the movies from check out our prior episodes you know yeah if you’re if you like what we did here go check out our earlier stuff uh we’ll go ahead and make you aware that while there are a few good ones back there we’re just getting better uh we got some good episodes back tell ourselves you um so regardless of if it’s true yeah but there there’s some fun stuff there’s some funny things I say some stupid stuff in some of those episodes so that’s always good to go
hear what dumb [ __ ] I had to say um but again man if any of y’all just joined us and if you’re a regular listener and you’re coming back again which I know you are Caleb and Jeff and uh Caleb and Jeff and k k and Brandon yeah Brandon Chris Chris thank you guys you know a lot of different people and anybody else if it’s your first time if you if you if Michael saan brought you here tonight please drop it in the comments I hope I didn’t say this too late and everybody already checked out
when he got off of here but leave in the comments if if Michael Swan brought you here let us know yeah and go buy his [ __ ] yeah bu come on dude look at this shirt I like seriously I it was so hard for me just to go into the gas station and buy beer and do my thing I he he was like how does look it’s like he didn’t even have one almost he’s like wait is it pretty how’s the pixel dude like has he not even seen one of these why would he dude he’s just making [ __ ] happen he doesn’t have time to sit here and do
that he just like put it out BL yeah this is oh and dude I got it and that’s what I got to say if y’all want this sick [ __ ] I didn’t even tell y’all that maybe we should I hit them up be like hey get us a discount code uh but y’all should I think this this is on his website uh it’s nothing really hard to find or his his Instagram you go to his Instagram page and then just down there in his bio he’s got softmax plus.
com and then you scroll down you’ll see three little tabs one will be for Amazon The Middle’s merch and then the other one’s Barnes & Noble you can get this shirt on there um telling people how to navigate a website so you know go on there and check that out and buy it yeah any any other websites would you like to teach people how to navigate no huh I think I mean I can te whatever you DMV the DMVs how but how to click on things and get to you know different sections that is not to accidentally double click don’t accidentally double
click if and if you’re old don’t don’t accept those suitors don’t think that that old man loves you because it’s a scam mhm yeah there’s a lot of scams old people getting scammed man oh yeah old people get scammed all the time it happens uh had somebody try and scam my grandmother by saying it was my sister in jail or something and they needed a Home Depot gift card they needed a Home Depot gift card yeah no saying it’s could get even worse Ai and deep fakes and yeah you why don’t you tell people
about the internet and Ai No I why don’t you tell people about deep fakes you want to tell them how to navigate the internet and look up AI I’m but I am not going to tell them how his deep oh there you go because that’s not that the world ain’t ready for that deep reels yeah you should check that out beware Matt’s got a lot of good I’ve scraped it I’ve removed all Trace from the internet you think I could do that of deep reels yeah yeah dude the old ways yeah man you don’t even know I made half
the internet uh I didn’t mean to though yeah well I think Al Gore would have something to say something about that yeah me and Al Gore used to hang out that’s all I got to say I think he has something to say about that yeah that’s an inconvenient lie is what it is uh that’s awesome you know love story was about him and yeah come on of course I I I knew that I would have guessed that if they said who do you think this is about been like based on all the couples I know that’s probably good that’s probably Allan tip that’s
Allen tip right there yep that’s what we call him yeah I know dude tips he makes a killer casseroll I don’t even like Cass rolls oh my I’m a big casserole fan I love green bean casserole uh I go hard on that I go uh let’s see uh what else uh what is it the the broccoli rice casserole R broccoli rice casserole I go hard on y’all shut up and let me cook that sounds bad no it what are you talking about you know what’s funny I I wanted I don’t know if you read we got a comment on I a split out I cut out did a
our segment on the blue dot effect and someone left a comment they said I I got on here expecting to hear about the blue doll effect but end up just hearing about racism is that really oh my God that’s awesome well yeah because Matt like started bringing up like talking about black and white and I’m like you got to be a little more descript so I like kind of was like yeah I think this is what he means if we we I feel like by the end of that do a very good job of explaining it yeah but he didn’t no that’s funny that’s funny that that’s
what he last that’s funny no absolutely that’s hilarious this is really just a racist justifies racism way around the to racist that’s like the uh the video I put up about cleaning stuff out and that guy commented he’s like s word counter and then he just flipped the he like put the infinity symbol up it’s funny because I I remember feeling like you kept trying to get away from racism when we were talking about it well I was trying to be more more I was trying to be more specific it’s not
that let me be let me let me be let me be frank I think you should always get away from racist oh well I mean from being racist yeah but uh but talking about it it can’t avoid the elephant in the room no matter what color it is I mean you know to an extent yeah I I’ll let you say whatever you think is funny I think how the thing is is that a racist joke just joking about racism no no no no it’s not not at all or is that if if you’re offended by that’s that’s the blue dot effect no not offended At
All by it not you but I was going to say I’m aware I’m aware I’m not I’m yeah I’m aware of the world that I live in yes I’m very much self-aware of the world that I’m existing in and that’s why it’s like let’s take everything taboo and just joke about it without actually targeting anybody yeah well you know you good luck I’m down with it I’m down with it but you know you’re like I might have to push jokes that are like man what what am I who am I even offending no I
don’t know like nobody yet nobody yet I’m just trying to figure that out okay you this is your research and development I’m good I cut grass you’re be like okay okay well this could be the Mikey podcast now we had a liability we had a risk we had a risk factor and you s sitting right next to me no man not a risk it’s all right there’s a world where I can speak I understand the jokes you’re making and the sappire and the and and all of that I get it I who said anything about jokes yeah I get it ain’t no time for jokes
yeah like the world is serious ex so I’ll let you take us out well I was thinking Italian Italian would be fine with me no re we should throw a couple you’re obvious wreck I mean I guess we should we should double down on a wreck for or our special guest that only makes sense okay I think you should yeah we Double Down double down on the Rex I I read book Messiah which is his first one bookie Messiah yeah book Messiah bookie Messiah I enjoyed it and obviously it was his first one he sounds like like any artist the first thing they’re going
to not feel is they’re going to feel not as refined which makes sense I it was enjoyable so I I definitely recommend checking out I got it for like two or three bucks the digital version so any one of his four books with he’s got that Paris sociopath uh wi in doubt and then Pizza something pepperoni Powerhouse pepperoni Powerhouse pepperoni Powerhouse yes and to those of you who are watching when in doubt in pepperoni Powerhouse and I most I judge this book by the cover because it has a [ __ ] on it if he just got
Jer Gart or who he got to do the yeah I can I can always just message him too no we can’t ask ask him any more questions unless yeah that’s right I told him I’d leave him alone oh yeah I told him I’d leave him alone he thought I was he was like Jo he was like laughing like we didn’t ask him if he would ask us anything oh huh we did it didn’t matter but we didn’t ask him if there’s anything he’d like to ask us we didn’t and I also forgot to ask him about the Improv scene thing in movies because I
wanted to prove you wrong I feel like known glad did you hear him when he said he’s kind of out of it On movies and shows and things he couldn’t yeah but I mean old stuff he probably would have knew because he’s a fan of old stuff he liked Seinfeld watch I think I’m right that’s okay you think we’ll find out you think you’re right I think it’s I hope that the individual thinks they’re right in what they’re doing Pro more than likely some people do so so you’re taking us out for Italian what was your
are you going to give a recommendation like I said take us out I thought I just did oh did you we doubling down on we’re doubling down on Michael Swan both of us are recommending a special guest yes consume his Instagram check out his books if anything just check out his Instagram and you’ll be entertained or it’s it’s not like offensive really compared to a lot of what’s out there it’s maybe a little thought provoking thing yeah a thought-provoking clown yeah absolutely get down get down with
the clown to down the ground seriously he saw maybe we should have asked him about collabing with ICP damn it the ICP collab yeah no I think he’s I think he’s a uh I think he’s a bit more of the perform perance art clown and not the dude I can I can make a strong argument that they are just as performance artists as he is yeah I’m sure yeah yeah for sure part of the dark circus we don’t dude watch watch it be revealed that he’s been a part of the dark circus all along no way he’s not a part of the dark
circus dude what if he what if we find out that he actually is one of the guys on ICP there yeah we just talked to we just talked to Shaggy too dope yeah yeah no not at all Let’s uh let’s not be disrespectful no dude he was great he was a real dude and he was actually just chilling with us spending time with us let his pick time of day and that I thought was amazing so that that that’s a cool dude definitely support him yeah so I guess yeah again recommendation of the week um don’t be a cheap skate uh go
on Amazon or whatever it is you can get them on Kindle um you can get them on yeah Matt’s a Kindle fan so he bought it on Kindle it’s like five bucks on uh I I’ve explained why I like it Amazon they’re $15 I definitely want to go buy the hard like buy a print version of the book I read now because I do like to have that but as far as making notes highlighting looking things up the efficiency um yeah I feel like yeah it’s you can read hard cover book yeah have fun with your Kindle until it runs out of battery but
it’s never going to die um but no um have fun with it until somebody steals all 700 of your books uh but no yeah go check out Michael Swan buy it on however you’d like it really doesn’t matter yeah um he even said anybody listening that wants to Pirate this [ __ ] put it on book pirating he literally something he gave permission for for people to go pirate this out there just wants it to be read Artist Artist again he’s not you know he’s not he’s not just doing all this for for the money and uh you know he he
genuinely wants get his stuff out there so yeah recommendation of the week goel not just buy his stuff not just that that’s not the wreck the wreck is go just go check him out consume go see what he’s selling just uh go give him a like give him a follow on whatever platform maybe you have uh share him with a friend if you think hey this friend will find him funny share the guy around soft Max yes get down get down with soft Max yeah get some soft Max in your life um and uh the other recommendation that I would have from
there I mean how many times have to say doubling down that means both of us are giving our W to to Michael so say to not tell your friends what to do to let them do what they want I’m just trying say that would beend we can have multiple recks now would be to just to to live your life and don’t listen to the to the peanut gallery that’s telling you what to do I think the whole turn off the editor maybe leave it on a little bit live your life just leave it on a tiny bit drink plenty of coffee sometimes with emergency Miller
and that I’m trying oh my God flying p i do I do want to try that the uh I’m G to try the BR the emergency in the Miller I’ll try it with Kors because that’s my beer choice but right here but I’ll respect his uh his choice of the High Life there you go but yeah man that was cool and I can’t wait to I can’t wait to see this guy’s TV show he’s got to have a basement talk show and that’s what’s going to be cool like he said he actually wants to have a good basement talk
and to me it sounded like it’s in the works yeah but until then I would say seeing seeing you
welcome traveler you’ve just crash landed on the Mikey and Me podcast but fear not for this is no mistake no fault in the stars no Cosmic accident no this is no glitch in The Matrix no I’m afraid this has all been pre-planned predestined pre-ordained by higher Powers known not to us so pull up a chair and join us as we find our way together for you are among friends hello Mikey what happened I just blacked out uh you welcomed a bunch well I’m going to tell a bunch of individual I’m going tell you something I took a pill at the
gas station earlier the 7-Eleven you didn’t take it into baa no it was whatever they fell right there with the Panther on it thank you I’m like someone’s got to get the joke I got it whatever they whatever they sell at the checkout by the scratch offs it’s the Black Panther on it the since he got the joke I was referencing his song I took a pill and AA you probably recogniz oh yeah I know the song for for like a top 40 like summer whatever for me that I really like that song and it all comes
yeah that’s a so Mike pner did that and the original his original version of that is like not electronic kind of acoustick and so lame like but of course people just associate that song with Mike pner but it was like a like C is the people who remixed it and it’s the sound it’s one of the songs that that they create a sound that that that weird sound yeah that that that gets me every time you know kind of like the Midnight City like this like Sound City that’s that’s what’s up yeah like electronic
that’s that’s why electronic music is favorite genre of mine because it will make Unique Sounds that scratch some itch in your brain that no instrument has done you Jeff uh Jeff mentioned the song to me not long ago who was it Jeff it’s the what is it the when the night that shines or something what is it b r what’s the name of it though the uh the night begins to shine the night begins is pretty good pretty what genre what the Techno or like electron electronic music I think is it VOC like vocal
non-vocal it’s vocal um like singing okay it has a three-part story arc on the show Teen Titans that my daughter watches okay so it just became a song but it also goes hard and I think goes hard dude dud kind of like kind of like that what’s it called song that got really popular that ah into something rocket ship uh going on a trip in my favorite rocket ship yeah yeah yeah uh yeah like that took off I know you’re talking about yep CU I remember Shaq was even doing it we’re stopping there we’re stopping at baby shark 100%
I’m getting p over look Matt’s he has to go smoke a cigarette and he smoke cigarette time oh that got played out so fast I I it’s a bad thing it’s bad for your mental health that’s hilarious this sound it’s like nails on a chalkboard you straight up had flashbacks I’ve never seen his face look like this I’m just I’m not kidding he straight up had like flashbacks I did not know I’m just going to I’m going to play that one night like on like a tiny recorder and just like put it super low and put hide
swear the person who wrote it said hey I’m just G to prove how easy it is to sell crap to kids oh yeah which is honestly like in motivating me to start trying to write children’s songs like i’ I’ve made up a diaper changing song for her I’m probably going to record yeah I’m serious see like what you the kids songs have you read a kids book seriously kids books kid it’s like one sentence per page you just have a picture illustrator generator I think I might be an author by you just want to wrap this thing up and we’ll
just go start doing that yeah dud why are we wasting time on this I don’t know why we are either but uh but anyways we’re glad you’re here um for those of y’all who maybe haven’t seen us before uh I’m the Man known as Mikey and this is the gentleman known as me yes meew somebody in the corner we being joined again I can never figure out I couldn’t be a weather person we’re also being joined Again by my friend and your friend Jeff clap he hey everybody clap now let’s get the
party and he’s just recently he’s just recently made himself in Instagram for movies he’s the Jeff the top five movie guy I know y’all are on Instagram so go follow him and if you don’t you’re disgustingly addicted to it does me everyone is yeah disgustingly addict I’m just saying is it bet is it am I an outlayer how little I’m on there for I don’t know probably not I don’t think so because I wasn’t on anything for the years I didn’t have but you found it Instagram or any but finally you figured
out this is my this is my this is my social my life’s calling this is my social media this is my social networking no I mean it’s uh as long as it’s not Tik Tok that’s all I say can I be honest I’m yeah no I’m good on Tik Tok that’s for the birds there’s a lot of bad stuff no but if I’m being honest until I found this this you know there’s something wrong with saying that first what you shouldn’t have to say that can I be hon if that there’s a good chance you’re
lying most of the time most of the time okay it’s just a funny observation sorry to cut you off into like do um I was going to say before I I had actually been considering just like I’m like why I was like there’s no return on this [ __ ] like pointing at something what were you pointing at um if you nobody knows you I’m G to give I haven’t gotten there okay I apologize I just saw you pointing I wasn’t I wasn’t going to get to I wasn’t I was just going to say before I had found this off author on on
uh on Instagram I didn’t really find any reason there was no real there was no real return on on it other than uh than talking to friends or sending videos between friends um and so I was like oh this is actually something positive on here so okay well I mean or something that was like it’s impacting I don’t know if it’s positive I think I think it is for me it is it was positive in the sense it’s art yeah Mikey I think Instagram’s the tool your life experience is what drove you there you
know you’re the type of guy that would go out meet people like anywhere you go like you know so it doesn’t surprise me that you went onl this is yeah Mikey’s comedian in the digital format this is if you’re out of a bar but you know the bar of Instagram the Instagram bar all right speaking of the bar I need to go grab a beer do we want to take a quick break real quick can we do that is that would you mind it’s a bit I know it’s a bit of a yes because I also have a correction Mikey it’s not um it’s Jeff
the top five guy did we pause not just it’s not just top five movies it’s top five everything I Wasing sorry I’m gonna bust out like the top five uh frozen foods like dinners okay I like it that’s nice that’s nice so yeah he’s he’s all right so he’s not the top five movie he’s top he’s the top five guy the ticket which I mention all the time is great cuz one one of the hosts does absurd rankings he ranked the fingers dud that makes sense number one dude yeah like ranking your fingers like
I don’t know it’s great R ranking the seasons he’s picked the absolute worst day of the year like there’s a certain specific but yeah but we’ll take a break and then we can yeah let’s take a quick break all right welcome back sorry for that uh a little bit of a break I was I was parched yeah man was I parched it had been just a few seconds since I had some beer and I needed some yeah I’m uh you know sometimes drinking more beer this week than I probably have in years oh my goodness am I influencing you
negatively no it’s just because I I I used to drink like liquor every every day should I stopped doing that like probably two years ago there you go and and so I just kind of stopped drinking much unless I’m around people but there’s other things I try and stop doing and so I just try and replace one addiction I I is a masturbate in front of people that are you homeboy of Louis CK we just call that louan oh he just strong to whip it out and just start going to town dud speaking time out I this wasn’t planned for now but speaking
excited speaking of whipping it out I have a book of a guy who likes toook out of a guy who likes to whip it out this book is called win in doubt Michael saan okay and this we’ve talked about him I finally got his books in we’ll talk more about it later um we have some announcements but I’ve heard about this guy that guy likes to whip it out good oh you’re going to hear more about him you’re going to hear a lot more about himad seg I’m glad you said that but keep keep going now all right but yeah
now he does whip it out and it’s not a thing you want to do yeah I think it’s it’s illegal it’s a it’s a sight it’s a sound and setting thing if the settings right and so there there are situations that call for it maybe it public no we’re talking public with the under public or no with that CU he’s doing it in public or private but a group of people in a non in just non in personal sexual man oh yeah no in the book homeboy yeah no he’s doing it strategically he’s strategic dude and
he’s it’s tactical and he’s weaponized it and he he learned how to use it he weaponized the wean God this book is so I think it’s honestly going to revolutionize violence yeah no I think it’s going to revolutionize we got to God we got to stop keep going just take us take us let’s just keep going so we’re going to get into the best movies that we think came out of 2015 at least released in the united states5 two correct we all mastered the year we have all mastered the year we knew it well we were there for it we
experienced it like many Christmases might also exp we all only experienced one 2015 I’ve had many Christmases did you could run you could run on that I’ve had many Christmases I’ve experienced many guy goes if you go through our podcast um yeah I was first season one I think yeah that was great dude season one was a banger man might be our best yet and he wasn’t saying it in humor no I wasn’t I was just letting you know I’ve experienced many 32 I’ve experienced many which like you’ve
experienced 32 that’s many Christmases that’s many that’s a lot but okay we’re I’m sorry um oh yeah I forgot recording right people are listening U 2015 was a great year um it was and I’m I think that first since Jeff is our guest we’re GNA let him go and Jeff tell them what we’re doing because we’re doing a little different okay well we are doing it different so we’re not going to go that is a good point I apologize I got a bit bit ahead of myself we are not doing the typical list
of just how we monotonously going through it the last time uh would that be the right word monotonous yeah yeah monotonous we just kind of just going through sauntering our way down the list sluggishly sauntering beautiful that’s beautiful alliteration yeah thank you God I mean and to imagine that I I grew up in a house with since we’ve been doing this you feel like I’ve gotten smarter so you’ve been getting that you’re continually your intelligence is increasing give me I’m not saying it’s me well I don’t know
I mean you’ve started drinking since I’ve been around maybe you’re readingar you know may osmosis I don’t know I I know what you’re talking about but either way we had been going about this list all wrong talking about Alm by osmosis yes and the list was so the list was just we apologize if you’ve been listening we are so sorry look at Jeff Jeff is sorry we are all sorry Jeff though has been a big part I will hats off to our boy here everybody clap yeah um for for being able to he he’s helped
us refine the list and given great recommendations and we’re running with them and I think he’s been a value add beyond belief which is a great show you should check it out yeah it kind of creeps me out because i’ my like in my obsession with M movies in a unique way and you know it’s very specific to certain genres and things but I still like have a lot of useless knowledge you don’t meet many people that that you feel like share that same like yeah I’m full of usel yeah this this like
encyclopedia like just stuff that they’ve learned and just cuz they’re interested in these seeds like oh that you know not that cuz they like it it’s like a it’s like a it’s a weird it’s like a soul soul brother yeah so also too it’s like it’s weird because you’re like I’m not as unique as I thought I’m like no there’s a replicant you have a replicant his name is Jeff you so you think that my I feel less about myself because of meeting somebody that so that I’m sorry you felt that way I’m sorry it
came out that way I thought that more or less your fuse was blown you’re like wait a minute you’re so apologetic you’re like wait a minute you’re so apologetic something well because when well because I want you to know when I want it to come off that way that’s why I want you to know let’s do this way hey I’m about to insult you in with all my heart okay hey sit down cuz I’m about to lay into you yeah Jeff Jeff has helped us with the list so the list has changed we’re not going down it the same way if
you sat through it up until now thank you send us your mailing address we’re going to be sending you a medal to of accommodation for sitting through that because that was bad it was like sitting in front of a fan and somebody holding your eyelids open um so sorry about that also go back and watch our previous episodes yeah yeah but for real go back like them watch them uh but yeah so we’re going to get into it and with that being said since Jeff is our guest we will we will let Jeff will be going first okay and again our new format is
we’ve each pick top or top 10 for the year yes in Jeff and so I Know Myself and I believe Mike I have 10 in no particular nine in no particular order and one that’s going to be like my absolute oh mine are mine are in straight no yes that’s why Jeff so this man put thought into it so his his ranking is specific of you should see this one last this one first you know so yes take that Ser also also you know just like some of them are just you know they’re bangers they got to be up there yeah and there’s and there can be any
reason to have a movie like cuz those movies that get close to picking I’m like oh I kind of like this one better but but at the end like there’s certain states of mind for individual that if they want to see a comedy want to see an next movie so it’s good so that’s why I have the h a couple honorable mentions if you want to at the end but uh yeah I definitely got a couple that got just but I say yeah you can you can you can go ahead and start and if there’s a a trailer for a specific one just just be
like te it up boy and uh we can pull it up but uh got I think you have the floor sir I’m going to start off with number 10 uh for me go straight out of was a movie that I liked uh it was greatly acted I really like the casting for it like it’s just it’s a feel-good kind of movie you know you can just put it on that’s not the one based on NWA is it yeah ice kid is in it yeah yeah the guy that played Easy E man that dude was yeah he was he was great that was a really good movie you can see this one
up though uh the lobster it’s I feel like people it I would this is on my list too spoiler alert yes he ranked it pretty low a nine he ranked nine but thing what makes this relevant for people now is that the pretty things that this I’m so shocked that that did what did the Oscars same director Yos right oh yeah no poor things yeah sorry poor things poor things poor things and if if you’ve this is a Greek dude I’ve watched some of his Greek films like dog tooth and stuff Brent told me about it
but I’ve never actually go back to some of his like Greek films like before the lobster like dog D dog tooth is like all right okay it’s the lobster 824 have you ever been on your own before no never your last relationship lasted how many years 12 sexual preference you have that muted by the way just I don’t know if that’s on purpose bisexual just you can’t hear I don’t have a solution for that quite yet you just have to pull it up on brother was here a couple he didn’t make it at
the same time yeah I could turn this up a little bit put the mic by it but there RIS here straight this is by the way Mikey you might not love it it’s very dark I’ve seen it it’s on my list feel about it what of dancing did you do Dy Raleigh oh love him I got to be on the stage with them I got to be on stage with them yeah that is awesome you need to tell the people about that later yeah Benjamin’s those are benj those are Sheridan Benjamin those are legit were you talking about the table guns yeah the table thought you talking
about the the the table sheet whatever Mikey has one okay oh yeah still going oh yeah I have a Benjamin didb catching a rabbit is difficult thank you very much if you need more rabbits I’ll bring you more you promise you can be a loner as long as you like there is no time limit oh yeah to do any rantic or sexual relations [Music] are we have to be totally synchronized and Rachel wise I’ve always liked her you you’re like a brother to me oh you’re my best friend in the whole world I don’t think I’m your best friend in
the whole [Music] world it’s like a black romantic ComEd dark comedy very much socent Olivia Coleman if you encounter any problems you cannot resolve yourselves you’ll be assigned children that usually [Applause] helps all right so give us the rundown what’s this movie about I basically I mean it’s kind of a story of a bunch of losers who can’t find anyone to be with so they go to a place where they have I think like a couple months maybe a year to find someone and if they don’t they turn into an animal of their choice yeah
Colin frell picks the lobster and it’s so it’s it it speaks a lot just to relationships and how they function um and how forc they can be yeah or like it made me think of fingernails in a different way if you s ever saw that one about like them having that matching system where they cut their fingernails and they do some tests to tell them that they’re so compatible they’ll never get divorced just like in the lobster that one guy sees a girl with some like scar disabilities like if I can find a way to
connect her you know she’ll just think I’m a match even though it’s not true just like just like this through the Dynamics of relationships and what people the deception you put on yeah it’s an eye opener I I mean I love it plus it’s just funny like there’s just like once you understand the style of humor like it takes a little bit it’s it’s slow but like once you get into it like call F’s he’s he’s hilarious like it’s yeah all right so what’s number eight number eight be another one you
might want to that was his number nine that was nine was that nine that was nine this is eight okay uh Beast of no Nation with Idis Ela okay yep yeah that was based on what a Child Soldier in Africa that was on a book right it was a real story yeah I believe it’s based off a book yeah what’s it about like a Child Soldier in Africa a Child Soldier yeah he gets like separated from his and all that okay so e is he like the mentor training little kid or something I can’t remember it that well I don’t no
I saw it I don’t remember if he was the I think wasn’t he that bad or he was the father wasn’t he no I just was playing one of the bad guy like he’s yeah he’s definitely a bad guy he’s playing kind of like a chief too like a warlord in Africa then he kind of like goes out on his own yeah the book was dark I know just and a bunch of yeah like children soldiers it’s like it’s dark I mean soers it’s one of the out of all these it’s the most necessary to watch I would say it is a real story it’s history
that’s worth exactly yeah and it’s also ideas worth considering yeah I’m just saying they’re children soldiers dude no one expect that oh kid soldier kid assassins kid assassins actually actually they’ve pretty much perfected that in Chicago yeah dude children assassins dude I would expect a little kid to kill me dude just like in The Wire who got how how did homeboy get got in The Wire that’s true that’s true boom all right kids do dirt what do we got next sir uh number seven sario an
action that might be on my list there go yeah but it’s on mine yeah you can let us know if it would have been on yours Chris oh it is yeah yeah it has to be I mean out of all I think that’s the highest ranked well second highest ranked action movie of the year for me I mean yeah dennisville NOA like great face like you know it’s got a good yeah that one it’s bicio Del Toro Emily Blunt like yeah it’s I mean if you haven’t seen it by now check it out yeah uh before that I got um The Big
Short okay that might be on my list as well uh what’s his face um Adam McKay Adam McKay uh I love this style of directing what’s what’s the other movie that’s styled just like this the one they just the most recent ones don’t look up yeah but what he’s doing it’s I like it because he he was an SNL writer right so that’s where he got start and he did a bunch of comedies but now he’s like trying to find a way to educate people in comedies which is like what they’re doing which I think is pretty
damn cool yeah because it’s literally like educating people who don’t know what the hell the subprime market crash was like they don’t know what they used knowa no and I love how they use like Margot Robbie and Anthony B to like spell it out to you like I’m a hot girl listen you’ll listen to me but he definitely has his own style of directing that he’s kind of like niched into uh yeah but like also like dude like Christian Bale’s in it and he’s amazing Steve Carell is in it and
he’s amazing what’s his name strong small parts that are really good but like it’s another one of those where everyone who’s casted is casted so well yeah yeah Ryan Gosling and our boy from succession I forget his name if it’s uh strong Jeremy Strong maybe I don’t know but uh yeah yeah Jeremy Strong yeah all right that was number six so this is the top five like I really kind of sat and thought about this looks like he’s sweating a little bit he’s still not still kind of it it’s
okay we need to take a break so you can go back to we’re here for you get the sh off his forehead number five is uh the Martian with okay that might be on my list too Matt’s like and we’re going to be right back again I don’t know who I am anymore and then yeah Jeff’s like Matt’s like we’re gonna be right back we come back Jeff’s gone and we’re no we come back Jeff’s sitting here and I’m on his camera I mean it’s a good movie like it’s got comedy it’s got drama like it’s
comma it’s um it’s in the way the in the way back to the future is a perfect thing to me regardless of where I’d rank it the Martian has that same quality it grabs you from the first it has a great soundtrack yeah I might watch it tonight emotionally invested in just the right ways and it’s it I feel like it has the same magic style of Magic the back to the feature has would you say that the sound’s better than Forest gum no no Forum the goat dude yeah it’s got I mean maybe if I’ve seen it all the
way through all right either way moving along to get around for scums sadly I’m not joking soundtrack though what all right what’s your next one number five number four four four uh the hateful eight Quinton Tarantino close door favorite character is uh Kurt Russell’s hangman Walton goin’s dude oh I love John the hangman John the hangman um but also what’s the chick’s name in the movie oh yes uh from yeah the oh yeah Rachel Le cook not not Rachel cook it was the chick in like 80s films and [ __ ] damn it
yeah the one that where it’s like a three D Daisy dgu I mean and also that just goes to qu tarano like this is probably lower on my favorite Tarantino films but it’s still like top five of the year came out you know what I mean yeah oh totally there was a funny story about that movie I don’t know if like Jeff probably knows it honestly but um the scene where she’s singing the song or whatever playing the guitar you know about the story I’ve heard this go on going so that um Jennifer Jason Lee okay well either way
the scene she’s playing the guitar and yeah you can see Russell takes it and smashes the guitar reaction is leg legitimate because that guitar was apparently like an antique okay like very expensive guitar that I think they got it from a museum or something like that something like he didn’t know he improved it he took it and just [ __ ] smashed it Kurt Russ Kurt Russell it was a Martin it was a period correct Martin so it was a legitimate reaction yes and so her reaction in that I wonder if Quinton had
to tell him to do that well there’s a rumor there’s a rumor that Quinton ter told him to smash it but like Kur Russell covered it up by saying no I just improved it so who owns it who owns the yeah somebody but it was a period correct like Martin guitar yeah well it’s all it’s all about catching natural reactions like like that that movie as Tony about uh the uh I know that fantasy one where like that little girl a lot of her scenes were filmed like secretly like she didn’t know she was being
filmed so they’re catching natur reaction yeah it was like a month ago or something yeah on like a couple episodes ago but yeah similar it’s all catching natural reaction that’s not acting it’s C human reaction in in The Godfather movies I think they said the guy that played uh Luca brzi he was like a wrestler or a boxer something like that um and they cast him because he was like big and strong or whatever like he looked the part but he couldn’t act for [ __ ] and who was it Francis Ford Copa
the godf sorry the fall was the movie who was the who was the director okay so he realized couldn’t act for [ __ ] and he caught him like in a room rehearsing his lines actually filmed that and used that for his character in the movie like he’s like going before The Godfather and stuff yeah this no it’s uh yeah CH Chris Chris Chris got some you up with some with some [ __ ] every now I didn’t know that that was an interesting value out yeah he blacked out as well I use that he wasn’t here for the intro I already
used that that’s twice it’s twice ler so is there the Smith Brothers yil okay did y’ both dude if you talk a lot of [ __ ] about Smith Brothers we’ll go Dudley Boys on you I’ll tell get table pretty obscene jokes about just the fact you guys are brothers yeah it’s wrong it’s wrong I’m sorry yeah you’re I know it’s I understand that the reason for it is the fact that you don’t have a brother but I do I know but you know what I but I do I’m well stop okay guys we need to
take a break why do you think we call her Christina going to take a break no we got a show to do I got we got a show to do Show Must Go On no even though I’ve just I’ve just deeply damaged Matt’s feelings what’s your number three pick have feelings no he has no feelings I know it’s okay all right uh top three uh number three guy Richie The Man from Uncle with uh Henry C and uh what’s that dude’s name click X on I didn’t see it I I I I knew about this one I didn’t have a desire to see it I’m going to click X on
Jeff’s picture about it it looked entertaining but I guess I just I was entertained enough to where I wasn’t drawn to watch it oh it’s good it’s good mov like because it was just a decent spy plot and it it did a good job sorry to cut so go ahead you’re good I was just gonna say it was a decent spy plot and they were able to kind of capture like it was the battle between Russia and the US and they were able to tongue and cheek capture like an American spy and a Russian Soviet spy yeah being like
the best way to put it the best way to put it to you it’s basically guy Richie does the French Connection like okay yeah and there was also like there was it was a fantastic movie highly stylized almost at times comedic you know take on this definitely cool definely and in in the picture in the site sound setting Hammer is the is the second lead and I can’t think is but she’s adorable she’s hilarious all right I would like to add how how I they educated me on that guy no his over might as well be you think we’ get him
on here I don’t want to no I mean actually we we might not want to go that long I want we’re we’re about to be upgrading no he’s trying to sell magazines to me the other day dude I’m telling you one broad Army Hammer was knocked on my door trying to sell magazines number number two all right and this is tough like this is one of the like we were talking earlier about like most necessary movies this this one’s up there are just movies you can watch your judgment call that’s the thing this is
like your subjective judgment call on this exactly but uh the top two were tough but number two I and I watched recently um it was one of those I watched it I loved it and then didn’t really go back to it I swear if one my this if this if either of these are one of my movies I’m going to [ __ ] myself get him the [ __ ] out of here boot him all right um either way uh the Revenant with Leonard DiCaprio it’s good but not the one I’m thinking of okay very good he phenomenal and again Alandra and aatu
who did I think was gra before Birdman Birdman he this Birdman like Alandra and aatu that so this was similar to Birdman and how it has like a lot of single takes a lot of single camera shots and getting raped by bear it’s hard it was based off a real like person it makes sense that it took that that much work for Leo to finally get an Oscar because it looked like he he earned it he earned he earned that one yeah for sure it’s also like the most perfect Revenge film like of all time oh yeah oh he got his
lick on that bear he came back and got his lick back on that bear like the scene where like Tom Hardy’s like running for his life at the end like he knew he knew he was dead he came all the way from that like there was nothing stopping him from getting to him Tom Hardy and the bike riders the yeah was that he he crawled something like 90 miles or something back to the camp like after he got mauled 90 it was something that’s pretty far was something crazy can we keep going fact check 90 miles bro it yeah it I’m not
saying it’s not very very likely to be true I just like to see when people throw out numbers sometimes I just like to check wow i’ I just typed in how far did hug and it popped up glass crawl is that what it’s called 200 to 300 glass oh I’m sorry an underestimation Sor vastly underestimated our man Q how much it says what did hug glass or what did hug glass accomplish glass glass was left for dead after a bear attack in August 1823 although he reportedly had a broken leg uh a rib scalp um a punctured
a punctured throat and numerous gashes he traveled some 200 to 300 miles 322 to 483 kmet over the next two days under the next or yeah under the next two months to safety sorry I said two days what’s his name Fort K and pres glass glass h u g h g l a SS hu G I believe you I believe you but yeah there it is it’s a phone but yeah believe it’s a phone I believe you I sold I sold old Hugh there short man and you guys you didis how short did you guys sell him I didn’t I didn’t question it I just noted along I I
didn’t have enough knowledge 0 like 90 miles I didn’t I nodded that does sound a long way to crawl yeah the fact that he did two to 300 RI we’re we’re trusting whoever kept these historical records onp mat is the most biggest skeptic be that as it Matthew is the I love it but I would just like to say he’s the biggest skeptic of he he’s over dude this this is the perfect kind of thing that would ellish industory though it is it is not no that’s not wrong it started off as 10 miles then got to 50 then got to
100 no the fact two to 300 that is like a 5050 like a 50% variance a plusus 50% give me a plusus 5% error rate I think I think the reason you embellish the the the mileage mat is to like give off how much this dude wanted to kill this other [ __ ] like like how much the Revenge mattered yeah either way all right so that’s number two number one and this one might be like okay here we go here we go like all time top uh top 10 like movies for me uh Mad Max Fury Road like it’s just it’s a perfect [ __ ] movie like I love it
agree Matthew Matthew I feel like I knew that was going to be his movie no I knew because I thought he hadn’t said it yet I said what did I tell you earlier Jess number one would be yeah no it’s that would [ __ ] like they just created this world and they pulled it off like all the all the car stunts and stuff all the stuff they did without CGI like it’s it’s all yeah it’s all practical effects yeah and it’s funny and that’s what that was one of the early discussions we had when was here about practical effects
versus first real which is always practical the funny thing and the funny thing about that the budget oh yeah and I just came to this realization not long ago like the blind base player that they have is part of the whole thing like you know some of the shots are like him on a bungee thing like playing base for and that’s what it’s doing it’s almost like where the hell is that but Civil War had Maring in the army with who like hits the uh the drums no that’s what I’m saying that’s that’s what I’m saying
like the Civil War they had a band was part of the army so it’s literally taking history which is awesome because they literally have a band and didn’t have weapons out there with the soldiers playing music it would be some metal it’s it’s form up that’s how they would send orders throughout the ranks but there also a motivational thing too well it was but but it was a way like and the same with like flags and standards where like you can’t yell over the you know so we can’t fight so they’re BS done
playing so no if they were like flank left that’s a different [ __ ] Dr form up flank left so it was literally a communication method it was a way for them to communicate that’s what stuff were that’s interesting way to look at mad scream of B yeah so maybe he was playing certain bcks that were telling him to do certain things that’s like that was the purpose of drummer boys I mean it is a bunch of cars you can’t hear each other D like it would make sense vehicular action combat I don’t see how they’re going to
ever do anything better than all for it twisted metal than video dude the show they made Twisted Metal Show which is tongue and cheek it was entertaining like it was better than I thought I’m surprised it was made I was like really twisted metal over the gameis we got oh my God I played did twist metal too I played a ton P I had a buddy Chris CT in like seventh grade actually remember you go to the Paris level and you could knock down the Eiffel Tower and do all [ __ ] but but then you go under the map when you did that yeah but no but of
course black on PS2 came out you had to unlock everybody’s story that was great everybody’s story fantastic they need to bring that back on console that was the fact that the TV show came out before a game came back the [ __ ] well they just they just looked for the audience that they thought would be most receptive and they could off of I’m looking at you that’s me for your top 10 what’s your top me go next yeah go next buddy all right man age before Beauty again I took away my list so there we definitely have some
crossover which like I said to The Listener should only highlight those is definitely mat was saying as Matt was saying if there’s a crossover and we all recommend the same movie if three of us say say the same thing then that’s three times the amount you need to watch that movie three times is what we mean that’s a Mikey and Me podcast official movie yeah it’s like a that’s like a three star or yeah so just read between the lines and watch the right movie and and just preface there’s
like one of these movies is I I could again like this is subjective for me like I just think these are that really good there might be a couple that’s like it might be some there’s really only one that I could easily replace but it hit a Nostalgia for me that I thought I didn’t expect them to so my but like I said though mine’s mine’s not ranked but I’ll save except for number one I’ll save for Less so but I’ll would say this is number 10 and everything else in between whatever
but I was surprised by Jurassic world okay dude yes Jurassic Jurassic Park came out Jurassic Park is such a milestone movie in my life I was in third grade when it came out and that was like something that was like wow like movies and and just me and my friends it was so it changed it seriously and a lot of my memories I have like I can think about was before after jassic Park came out okay which was 93 which is weird but like and how old were you in 93 uh I was uh nine nine years old nine years old so it was like
one of the first PG13 movies I’d seen as that young of a kid but you know my parents felt it was cool yeah I remember there’s like could just go on about memories that are relevant but for me it was the VHS I don’t remember if I saw it in theaters but we had the VHS and had the toys the Sega Genesis game the Super Nintendo game Sega gen game he let you pick between the Velociraptor or playing Sam Neils character oh really two different yeah dude and the SNS version was firsters shooter totally different
yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s one of the few games where it was released on two consoles completely different I think there was a Robocop game that was like that too there’s weird s Sega they had a a movie game or a game that was completely different but either way jessic World it scratch the itch it I feel like it did a for like a big budget Hollywood popcorn movie it’s is I think it’s you couldn’t ask for more okay so from there uh well we’ll go to The Big Short which he mentioned we talked about
the reasons why we think that’s great great movie uh let’s see Fant go ahe and throw Fury Road out there that was one M you know well that’s an amazing just an amazing action movie can’t can’t say anything bad about it at all of course uh I had the Martian on there and which was like you said for me it’s just that it was just such an enjoyable treat that really like embra and based on the book as far as like a scientific approach to it making it as accurate as as they could estimate it
would be you know it did a good job of that you know and just you know there’s in just this whenever David Bowie spacem Man song hits on like that one Montage scene whereever like turning around you can’t help but want a smile it’s just like one of those scenes was like damn dude star star waiting on yeah dude star man uh the Revenant makes me think a guitar the Revenant you know yep it’s re really good you got it I mean it’s that’s two times that guy crawled like 300 [ __ ] miles no way dude no way you know what I
sounds ridiculous you know I believe it I believe it sounds ridiculous let’s see okay so here’s fin the one that that Jeff didn’t steal from matth yeah that uh I wasis Feelings by and I watched not too long ago I’m G to show the trailer for this because I don’t think a lot of people know that the gift the gift yeah which which stars Jason B in Joel Edon and it actually directed by Joel Edon it actually directed by him I don’t know if it was his a directorial debut or not but s minute this is a 14 minute
trailer je yeah so I’m gonna show and it’s a just mute your mic it’s it’s a psychological Thriller I would I would say is the best category for it and it’s Jason baitman and this is like 2015 you know obviously before he done a much departure from Comedy this is an earlier departure from Comedy but uh here we go Jeff can just uh try and read the lips here he said he can’t even see it got this is fantastic the lighting is great you like it yeah you see it this is good I’m very happy excuse me is your name Simon yes
it is you we went to school together this my wife Rob this isting Gordon mosy uh Gordo oh my God I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you it’s been a very very long [Music] time Joel ederson he’s like an Warrior and yeah he’s great we love him SMY face SC I think he got our address that’s an expensive bottle of wine we should thank him I believe that the bad things in life they can be a gift that guy’s odd he’s a little socially awkward but I can be like that Gordo hi all right after high school and
some people will stay exactly the same thank you that was an old fromo think we’re friends love to dinner fish food you don’t find that a little troubling I said that I wanted fish and all the visits when you’re alone they used to call him Gordo the weirdo I think he’s nice and he’s been very generous what you’re talking about is a one-sided friendship you’re essentially being forced into a breakup there’s no easy way to say this don’t visit us anymore it’s not over Simon after all these years I was
willing to let bygones be bygones what does that mean I do not know but it must mean something put the I put after all these what the hell was thato what does byon beig bygones mean it’s over a full on him you think he’s been lying to you just tell me 25 years I have no idea who you really are Simon Says new house Simon Says beautiful wife so he went to high school with this guy and he just learned more about Jason bit’s character what kind of person he actually is and that guy and it’s just uh I it was it
was surpris it was it was a nice surprising unsettling film yeah DED by Joel Joel yeah he’s super creepy in that movie for sure could couldn’t agree more with that statement yeah so that was uh yeah that was was quite enjoyable for me all right so that means have I done that one we done big sure so the gift um hateful eight that that’s online obvious uh say the okay so here are the two here are my last two and my number one has to be I’ll say this number one you got I’m against actually I’m
going say not my number one last because I don’t expect anyone else to say it but my number one is sakario that’s your number one yeah NOA just I love the characters we got the the biggest man Hollywood in there you know just brolan doing his thing biggest man in Hollywood I love it walk in here I like the uh what is I just I always forget it uh he can walk in your Barefoot and make you feel like a [ __ ] yeah cuz he’s got a big presence this whole conversation about Mikey’s making fun of his height I’m like he’s
just got a bit he’s he’s like a guy who would intimidate you even if he’s like 55 I just made an observation about how you never see him next to like a water cooler in an office yes I just said you never see him next to something like that hey jery Allen White Fire Hy Cario and just the way I like seeing represent some of the the Border stuff I like seeing the way they have these I don’t even know what a cross agencies if it’s CIA whatever they are that execute some of these operations what’s it
called um would be like the ones that took down the Uvalde scholo it’s like I know that they they brought what’s name in just to legitimize some of what they’re doing border patrol and then there’s the border patrol Tactical Unit that’s called bortex the ones that took down the but just broland and his team I think they’re like CIA or something like they’re something bigger than the boorder could be but that’s because like just the scene whenever they’re in the cars is one of the St out scenes
whenever they’re stuck in the cars like at the border and and they’re like eyeing and they’d say hey we think we have a threatening vehicle there they see the gangsters and just the way they systematically out like they definitely former Special Operations based on their movements you can tell guys like Sean Ryan CIA contractors that’s that type of [ __ ] I think it’s CIA former tier one type former tier one guys get are contractors that’s from it’s okay it’s not important yeah and I can uh I think
that fixes it there okay so just let me know if he but yeah no there are like and and like I said the well like the bortac agents like that’s like the border patrols like Special Forces like I said those are the ones that went in and took out the Uvalde school shooter and stuff those guys are like just like the FBI HRT they’re the HRT is is trained in the exact same tactics that the Delta Force is trained in but Delta Force because their army cannot operate within the US the FBI has to either way all that to say is just the subtle
representations of these these types of people and how badass they are or just like and whenever they go the night vision the night vision shots and just it h its own form of Revenge movie too yeah there’s a Revenge story that AB really is and it get is a Revenge no it is but it starts off as totally you just think it’s about X and it’s like oh there’s something so much deeper to this yeah so and yeah so great so that’s my number one but my not number one which this isn’t even a type of movie i’
normally like because technically it might be horror I don’t know um but it is the witch which is Robert Edgar’s directorial debut who’s done like the Northman which was amazing he’s doing the nas Fatu remake which is in the work Viking one right North Man the north man scard dude it’s good he did the lighthouse which was that movie William defo and Robert patson which was done black and white movie which was I’m just saying so this guy he’s got a vision and this is his first movie and it like and so I’m going
to show a trailer for this because like I said I don’t like horror movies but this is like for me it fall falls under elevated horror you know kind of like arter stuff with redit ter where there it’s it’s not trying to scare you as much as is the movie where nothing happens right much as like unsteadily deeply and likely like it has a lot more commentary about more societal or like psychological or not just trying to scare you dude it’s no I know it’s a per I don’t like tried to watch it with
crane one night room a masterpiece I saw part I’m show the trailer for The Witch because it’s uh I don’t know how many people saw it and it’s just uh yeah and it’s got Anella joy in it is the dog scratched at the door there huh yeah it’s potato potato you can let her in well no she’s trying to get out but I don’t know if it Blue’s not up there I think she I don’t know if they are you haven’t seen the Mikey uh the witch I think I have no no I haven’t no yeah it’s one with the goat
horns though on the cover I didn’t see it leaving our country I don’t think so our father other’s houses for what for the kingdom of God and available because like he did he studied this Pur puritanical like like the way their society and culture was for 5 years before he made this oh wow so he did research on their language and their speaking and so it’s it’s super accurate as far as like it being a period pie no it’s the it’s the elders though they dress up in suits it’s just
them they’re just scaring people boo there you are no no no I’m sorry I wish it was Sam Jeff [Music] Jeff’s oh I couldn’t hear Jeff he he was talking but I couldn’t hear him [Music] you’ve cursed this formula [ __ ] you there that good all right we can who’s that oh God my Lord I now begin I’ll help me
and I’ll leave my sin I repentant thou shall be from Evil I will turn to thee destroy my Lord yeah it’s a it’s a good movie I like that you put it on here I I feel like it’s an important like it’s the first movie from this guy who I I think is going to continue to like create some very for me like high quality important movies like everything he’s done so far very very very impressed with yeah defin so Robert Eggers so anything he does but no cuz I always see it it’s on tub and I always
see it like uh advertised and I just hav CLI on it there’s blatant like or may blatant or not blatant depending on the The Watcher but like commentary about just just so hardcore puritanical religious fanaticism just to to where how like the of the Puritans the way that they were which just so AB such an absurd and I’m a person who believes in the Bible but like they they took things so far it’s like they would even I feel like they were just even things that wouldn’t even be like biblical based on
the Bible verse avoid even the very appearance of evil taking that yeah taking that and just being like most extreme yeah like oh if I if I have something if I see something evil I might have sin Rama the spoken word of God yeah and that that along with the destructive nature that can have within a family unit I think that for me would be like the underlying interpretation of of what that is and then the way it ends it’s you know there’s one of it’s one of those Z I think he’s clearcut but it’s a
little ambiguous and that’s uh that’s when people should check out if if they’re again I don’t like Horrors I don’t like that sort of thing so for me this is this is psychological and there’s a lot of subtext and commentary with within it and uh ambiguity Jeff Jeff’s quiet I can’t hear him with yeah sorry ambiguity there he went sorry yeah it’s I’m I guess I’m trying to find the balance between uh sounds and sounds but um ambiguity which the use of ambiguity can be annoying but at the same time
using it just right is where you just you you fill in the blank for yourself but you know being selective with ambiguity is a tough thing like very tough but I feel like he doesn’t it’s like you’re laying out the line people color it in yeah but you can’t do that all the time because that be annoying but if you do it in just the subtle moments to be like dang it I I’m 90% sure that’s what happened but I’m not sure you yeah you may lay out the overall tone of the you know of the movie but yeah leaving certain parts up
for interpretation yep but that that be me 10 brother yeah so I was going to say I’ve and I’m good because this really does cover cuz I don’t have I have a couple in here neither one of y’all named but but I also have some that y’all did name so this is good when they cross over I I see it as being a big plus because again that just means hey man you got three people that have a a cornucopia of a plethora that’s a wrong a plethora cornicopia would be a fun more descriptive like we have a quiver like a quiver of
children quiver of arrows our Consciousness creates a cornicopia of content smorgas board wow look at this look at Jeff gazing out the window thinking of the future wow dude out here he just soaked it in where you’re at by the way it’s like 1:30 in the morning where Jeff is okay that makes perfect sense looks super light he’s in Louisana tell them where you’re at what he’s on Tas that looks like a you’re saying so Louisana daylight in your room oh yeah Louisiana currently Louisiana Louisana SW I will not
disclose my exact location I know it and I will share it later in the description when we share the video we’re going to share Jeff’s location if you want to stop in and say hi if you’re if you’re a hot chick and you’re single go say what’s up to and you’re of age go say what’s up to Jeff we’ll give his location all right so he’s got E’s restroom I’m I’m gonna go through my list and this is unfortunate Matthew’s leaving for my list um it’s okay no I’m not stalling
cut Mark Mikey make a cut Mark a cut Mark what do you mean you want me to pause this yeah just pause now he said let the show go on Let It Go Jeff I gotta I can’t I I’m gonna go because I’m just gonna name movies right now that he already mentioned that’ll make it easy so hopefully he gets back in time where everything’s about Matthew guys remember that um I Al the Revenant again Leonardo DiCaprio guy gets mauled by a bear and crawled like I don’t know like some like 300 200 miles I thought it was like I
don’t know guy crawled some crazy amount of distance I don’t know um the other movie the other movie that I’m going to mention is again it’s Jeff’s number one I didn’t I didn’t really rank any of these maybe I’ll give one at the end a number one ranking that might be it but one that Jeff mentioned it was his number one movie and he’s not wrong Mad Max Fury Road great one to check out that’s going to be that’s going to be another recommendation of mine again another recommendation of mine that was
also I believe I know Jeff said I don’t know about Matt but the big short got to check out The Big Short about the how about the collapse in like 2013 or what was it something like that it was no that was uh 200 06 to 07 yeah 06 that says right here I just looked 06 to7 so sorry about that um and then let’s see if I had any more that they mention or if it’s all on to just my mentions uh yeah we’re on to just my mentions now all right so what I would recommend from this year um oh and Matt made it back from my
mentions so I just went through the ones that uh the ones that y’all already mentioned I double down and now you’re not missing anything so now these are my actual these are the mentions that y’all didn’t mention and that would be the Spectra mov movie James Bond I would say that was a good one oh yeah that’s a good one Spectra yeah you should definitely check that out that was for James Bond movies that’s a good one you should check out I think the Daniel Craig I think the Daniel Craig movies
are going to go down as some of like the best James Bond movies absolutely and all he didn’t miss on any of them every time he was in them regardless of the storyline I liked it so another he always played another one of my recommend would be uh black hat directed by Michael Man black hat um and that had uh that had Chris hemor black hat oh yeah you remember that about the hacker whatever because black hat hacker white hat yeah fur convict uh furo convict and Hiser I’m a white hat you se you know what I’m
talking about okay even though you have a black um another movie I would recommend you guys check out is Tom Hardy starring Tom Hardy in Legend where he plays twin brothers oh yeah the that was also based on a on real people in in in England and they’re like they’re like a gang their te like they’re pretty much they like you know G that’s a good that’s a good one so Legend I would say yall should check Legend Mike there are some pretty great scenes Pub scene where he goes in that Pub scene is great I love that and the
other movie I’d recommend this is honestly it t it’s it’s really cool because it’s based on a true story and also it’s like super I know it super informative in a way and it’s like whoa um I don’t know if you do but the Stanford Prison Experiment I that one was good I haven’t seen it though Stanford Prison Experiment is a good movie check it out um it has like a very it involves like pretty much like uh them doing research on being able to figure out you know kind of like inside how how guards treat
prisoners stuff like that they almost make two sets of you know class of people within their own group it’s like a study group and they’re like okay half of us are guards half of us are prisoners wait so two sex different from the existing sex sect s sect I make two sex tonight I’ll make two sex tonight hey I hope you do make two sex he’s he wants one sex ma’am I’ll take two like change their sex so they took they they split the group in half and made half of them guards and half of them prisoners are just great for
experiments I’d tell you that they ended up they really are Psy experiments like you’re at the mercy of State you’re not a citizen anymore basically have you have you ever looked into the Stanford experiments they are like it sounds like some very forward thinking so it was an interesting it was a really crazy movie this um great great movie and then uh like sociology like human interaction sounds awesome you saw it on display with the a couple years ago yeah yeah where that’s cool people like imposing their
you know it’s like hey look I have to I have a family like the the movie that you that was up for an Oscar or whatever not long ago where the guy that was the warden and it’s like would you just do your do your job at Asha Woods oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s like would you just do Jonathan Glazer film uh the the Z zone of Interest with their own classmates where they would separating like that world that world because the this the whole prison world it’s literally it’s a whole new world and
whole new economy and a whole new social system and that alone is so fascinating mayor of Kingstown so worth checking out oh yeah with with the prison stuff yeah oh yeah it says in 1971 12 uh says in 1971 24 male students are selected to take on randomly assigned roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison situated in the basement of Stanford psychology building so they didn’t use actual prisoners they what I said it was students at Stanford that’s why it’s called the Stanford Prison exper were
implemented into the prison system they no they did so yeah Matt hold on so they had they had they had 24 people okay that were students of a college and they said all 24 of you get in this room and then they said half of you are going to be prisoners half of you are going to be guards they knew what they were doing they understood the experiment [ __ ] like that and then they experimented that they monitored from there the interactions between the prisoners and the guards and the psychologically the one person that feels like they have
power over another person that’s what they’re trying to monitor is that power trip and all of that go take so that they were all free men particip in college participating in an experiment that’s what I’m saying they didn’t do this actual experiment with actual prison no or was all done with actual active students at the college as far as I understand that’s the only where if if they weren students they were volunteers actually being prisoners I don’t know how well they could get theel in the
mindset of what it’s like to be a prisoner but the point is thing though like they’re locked in they can’t do they’re treated just like prisoners and after a while the guards start getting into that mindset of like they’re better than them so even in assuming these roles they act power over them and be unchecked for it like it’s kind of an experiment on like human beings up to our own now I’m just curious to watch it comp AR it’s more so a study of like what Jeff said when you give somebody
unchecked power and it makes it crazier because it’s like you and I are in class together we may go drink on the weekend and stuff yeah we may party together but we’re in this class and you end up and even in that madeup scenario like okay okay no I’m very intrigued yeah no it’s definitely like I said it’s one you got to check out man it’s thought-provoking it’s interesting on true story it’s it’s good from and again it all took place in 1971 I knew about the experiment never
knew I got a couple honorable mentions too Mike all right cool so then the next movie I got would be uh I don’t know n none of y’all mention this it’s not necessarily like a it’s not a earth shattering groundbreaking but it was a cool it was an interesting movie because it gives you yeah and it gives you it gives you a glimpse into like what it would be what this lifestyle might be like but Mississippi grind okay see that that’s on my list dude okay and it’s got uh Ryan Reynolds in it and who’s the
other guy is it Ryan Fleck is that the other dude or Ben menol Ben Mendon yeah benon actor yeah he’s on he’s on a lot of great Series yeah so he’s in that movie and it’s almost like a degenerate Gambler oh yeah type of movie The more successful kind of degenerate but he’s still like a so Mississippi grind and then this is the one I would really say you could show with uh trailer for if you unless you wanted to look at TR you can select out of any of those if you want to watch trailers go ahead the one I would say
that this is probably I’ll say it’s my number one and I know because and it’s kind of like a documentary um but it is a documentary but the movie Steve McQueen the man lemons okay so it’s about it’s about Steve McQueen and whenever he filmed the movie not that black director that did uh 12 is a slave just so people know Steve that’s a real thing yes yeah it’s a real director did St Fe a slave he’s a black British dude named Stephen Queen okay I thought you were okay I thought
you were really shoeing one in there and I was about to be like you got to be [ __ ] no but you got to make that joke when you get it okay when that joke gets teed up you got to make so what what’s it uh Steve McQueen the man and lemons it’s about him shooting the movie lemons which was him trying to shoot and nobody’s ever done it he was trying to do what somebody’s never done which was shoot a movie like film from the perspective of a race car driver at the M like to give the people that experience because he was into race car
driving so he wanted to share that with people okay this is a great piig mik show I Come From The Gutter and I’m not a compromiser the male World film favorite Steve MCC groovy thanks he loved cars liquor and he was cool [ __ ] yep he wanted to leave scratch marks on the history of film making I’m a driver I’m an actor Tom Cruz is trying to be Steven McQueen yeah he [ __ ] we would have to put this RAC what was happening when we were shooting this movie should happen to no man you’ve got to believe in what you’re doing I
believe even what I do he was quasi directing he made his own rules he didn’t have to answer to anybody get all these idiots away from you betrayed me you stabbed me in the back I’ll never talk to you again everything was pushed to the extreme now we’re going 220 M hour it’s death the reason want to shoot a motor racing picture because always been something close to my heart my dad had something that he started and he wanted to finish it makes me think of it’s just like like foring like even the physical limitations of
like what a person can do in a film like like an endurance like an endurance I had like this shit’s like giv me yeah man that looks yeah I want to watch this I’m like dude I’m telling you like so the reason this movie is so [ __ ] cool look at this [ __ ] look at that the reason this movie is so cool it PS might the reason this movie is so cool I’m not even kidding is because it’s like this literally the reason you see car chases movie SC like anything you see in movies is because of this but
he was like one of the first to attach a camera to the car way he did he literally had like dudes died filming this like he had actual race car drivers driving their balls off for this and it was like like I mean it just changed everything it really did very Howard hugheses yeah and it really did like affect movies and how they were shot and again from the perspective of driving he he changed stuff and so it was like and his obsession with this it’s like and it was so like you just got to watch it because they talk about just how long it
was and how much filming they took but I mean you see the product endurance I’m tell it makes me think of this Warner Herzog film like the 70s called Fitz galdo which just it was like filmed in the Amazon jungle where like based on this true story of like them trying to pull this ship over like Through the Jungle to get to like some the Amazon River some part of it that had been accessible but like them actually doing that and the making of it and how taxing and almost just making the movie itself was a test of endurance and feet that
was pushing every part of the cast to levels that is almost like this what the hell but like it’s it makes me think of that no like guess yeah that’s that sounds good I want you have to tell me to he did gri what’s the volcano one he did recently that one was really good oh Joe and the volcano with Tom Hanks yeah Tom that’s the one the and we’ve had uh we’ve had two Howard Hughes references tonight yeah just now and then when Matthew talked about fingernails earlier that’s true that’s true um I had a
couple mentions Mikey brought up a couple of them but uh did you guys see Everest in 2015 no not no it sounds horrifying it’s it’s based on a true story our boy Brolin’s in it um Jake Gyllenhaal is in it it’s a good movie uh definitely worth watching he had to work twice as hard to get to the top [Music] um black MK with Johnny Depp yeah Mikey almost yes that was a great um this is also the year that Ant-Man came out like we talked last time Ant-Man dude Ant-Man is yeah that was on my potentialist it’s a heist movie dude
it’s it’s so great because it’s it’s like a heist hero Heist movie that involves like superheroes that’s yeah dude it’s a standout for the MCU and then one that no like we didn’t mention but um uh room have you guys seen that one oh yeah Brie Larson w a award for yeah exactly you got to mention that one yeah it’s just it’s a it’s it’s a very emotional film but it’s yeah room room room yeah definitely LaRon who ends up in the MCU is actually in there so confused with
the room which is arguably the worst movie The Room yeah oh yeah we could do a top 10 it would probably win yeah I guess my some honorable mentions he said that one chappie I like Neil Blom comp I like it it’s and I like short circuit I honestly feel like from the 80s short I feel like it just make made you think short circuit like with and also um de onward that that uh crazy ass South African band that I like I’ve seen them live like which man’s the answer in South Africa one that grew on me when I
first when I first yeah Y vesser and uh what’s his name uh like ninjas ninja yeah these personas they straight up personas that they took on cuz they were like a part of some so but um this movie creative control that was I think maybe in one of I don’t know if it was produced by Amazon but if it was it’s like one of their first ones it’s it’s shot in black and white it’s it’s Unique um I was I was surprised by it but it’s called creative control it’s pretty uh it’s pretty nutty and and
Krampus was a fun I like Krampus I love Adam Scott uh it’s like a horror comedy like about like a evil Santa type thing okay it’s like it’s funny but it’s but and uh just because we didn’t really mention many comedies vacation was I thought it was pretty funny for a movie that saw I didn’t expect it to be and it’s so frust it it makes fun of the fact of it being like a a reboot whatever and not like it I it was funnier than I expected yeah self referal yeah that and Daddy’s home I I
left one I literally had it I [ __ ] realized when when you said comedies I had it left out and I I pictured it in when you said that I was like you said that and I’m like oh dude that’s right I left one out Daddy’s home pretty freaking funny Daddy’s home mark wallberg markberg andell and like he’s got a kid with his wife but she’s moved on is with Will frell Mark Wahlberg’s like all hardcore will frell’s all you know just like the from the other guys basically yeah that’s what I was
thinking maybe the sequels where I feel like I do remember it we just yeah Daddy cuz I was literally that was one of my picks cuz I realized I’m like dude I think I had nine I’m like I had another one and I and I realized the reason I like got confused is because it’s also screenshotted with Mad Max Fury Road and I forgot I’m like dude Daddy’s home Mad Max dude so good you just forgot about shut up Daddy’s home is funny and you can watch it it’s pretty family safe oh no Daddy’s home is very family safe dude
that was a l jokes did they make and that might go over kids heads the well and when the other guys came out I I remember seeing the preview and thinking like come on oh my God that looks so stupid but like the way he hyped it yeah cuz I didn’t good and I saw it and I was like and I think Adam MC directed it I think that was an Adam McCay film so and yeah it was like it was because dirty John and the boys he was dirty John that was like the D came Dirty Mike Dirty Mike in the boys mik dirty dead baby mouse we will have sex
in that car again we’re to [ __ ] in that car again we will what they call it they call it a soup kitchen he’s like what happened he’s like did Scarface sneeze on your car he [ __ ] drove through the [ __ ] you have another little riverband cop he’s like I always have little riverband on D he has a stable hores he gets hit with a wooden gun oh yeah man yeah dude but uh yeah I think think I think there’s should leave The Listener with some decent selections that is some great selections I don’t really have a lot of
crossover which shows you should definitely check those out but then Mikey I was impressed with some of your selections what was everybody’s so what was everybody’s number one one last time madx Fury Road number sario Mad Max Fury Road sakario Steve McQueen the man lons and mine would probably be the same as Matthew sario sario yeah dude I watch it I can I can just watch that over and over any movie you can see movie that has real somebody getting waterboarded anytime water boarding is in a movie and they’re like no but that
open water boarding simulated drowning no no but the way he steps up and puts his crotch in his face he’s like showing like that prison level dominance like like I’mma shove my [ __ ] in your face and that I own you that scene I was going to say that scene they come at you quick it’s like I was like that really looks like somebody actually getting waterboard I I me you just heard it though you just heard it in the other you didn’t see it though oh yeah yeah yeah you just hear it yeah yeah but it
was like it was still like you knew it was going on it’s more disturbing for you to imagine it than actually see it that’s what I’m saying and it’s like but you knew like that whole scene like when that was taking place it’s like that was having a bad [ __ ] day yeah cuz then they didn’t they show like five gallon water Jud he brought him in he was carrying him in yeah that’s what yeah brought they’re using five gallons like you could last a gallon easy you can last a gallon of water you can do that
you can eat a gallon but dude five gallons of water and just the [ __ ] the [ __ ] at wars in the Border bring like that that’s how it has been or was down there like Wars dude and and I just really love anything that’s as far as I know an accurate representation of the way these tier one operators work in these situations I just love I just love how just the expertise of a tier one like special former spec ops operator who’s doing like contract work I don’t know it’s maybe it’s because of Chris
that I like really into that [ __ ] but I just love seeing the mechanical this perfect execution of these military Special Operation tactics that just whenever you see interspersed casually you know yeah yeah but no dude that that that that’s a fantastic movie I’m glad you did y’all have anything else yall want to add before we take a break or whatever anything you want to add about any movies or TV shows you’ve seen lately that you want to that you want to put open that can of worms I mean no but
I mean I know not necessarily can of worms maybe you had some in your mind there quick him I mean he finished it but I’ve only watched the first two or three episodes of the bear New Seasons came out which is elevated television like which is better than they somehow like set a high bar and then I’m thinking if they maintain this bar great but so far and he’s seen it all I don’t know it’s like they’re still elevating this bar yeah for sure they they do it and it’s just no yeah and that’s what I
was curious It’s mesmerizing is I’m watching art unfold in this storytelling like okay Jeff said cast a charact ensemble cast is spot on perly casted perfectly casted yeah dude it’s just so the bear y’all would recommend and it what is it on Hulu oh it’s onx dude Hulu FX I guess okay so if if you have you have like if you have the ability to watch FX if have B what night does it come on if they released them all at once one of those just dropped all the episodes one of the rare raions where they could would it
come on like on FX then if you did I don’t know I just I watch on Hulu you might see it on yeah I know Hulu Hulu a brand now I think that they work together but I think it’s just on I I don’t I don’t have cable or any TV subscription anymore and I remember the days you gave that up when for instance you could watch uh American Horror Story on FX the night it came out on like Thursday night getting I yeah so cuz and be in your TV Guide there pal yeah dud you know what I remember the days of the TV Guide when
you could just go in my grandma my grandmother had she would when that morning paper came my grandmother would have the the TV Guide snatched out of that paper before she hit the door she would grab that paper and V you know what VCR plus is yes where on the TV Guide there’ be little number codes associated with them to where you can set your VCR plus to record those times that was ear I a kid was looking and doing that [ __ ] man D so my grandmother I’ll never forget that I’d be in there I’d ask her questions but when does this
come on she’d be in there I’d mention something she’s like well I don’t think that come on tonight should be out there busting that thing out so yeah he said it’s not going to be on your TV I remember when TV Guide Readers Digest um dude speaking to TV Guide though my grandpa used to collect of me had a bunch and one time he gave me the uh Stone Cold Steve Austin one that’s awesome think you might like this that’s oh you think Grandpa you think dude yeah Stone Cold that that guy’s got a special
place in my hard forever yeah no doubt cuz your brother that your brother’s influence on me at that age oh I imagine so powerful I would have never given a [ __ ] about wrestling but Chris like let’s stone gold stunner let’s stone gold stunner oh hell yeah yeah dude that’s oh it got that was heat that’s what in the business they call that heat yeah dude and me and Jeff are thinking about pretty soon bringing some heat to the business we might be a tag team Duo the business has been out of heat for a
while that could be fun no no the goal is for you and Caleb to be tag team oh yeah well you’re going to be like our Paul hayon yeah I’m RIP just got put through a table recently yeah poor Paul Heyman too old for that [ __ ] Paul rip Paul Heyman they killed him ony but hey Here Comes The Comeback of Roman Reigns that’s what I’m hearing on the streets from an in Intel guy that’s setting it up Nikki 6 shout out Nikki 6 he said that he thinks he’s just setting him up for Roman Reign 100% dude I gotta get on
gota get he says that he he thinks that they’re setting up that’s just what they call him his name’s Nick but they call him Nikki 6 okay but he’s setting him up for the the Roman Reigns The Return of Roman he thinks not only that it’s going to be these two bloodline splits so Roman Reigns would be one leader and then you would have maybe the rock being the ultimate or the final boss the other you think that now might be if somebody’s listening and maybe they used to be but they’re not if they used to be
in wrestling but they’re not you think maybe now would be a good time to start watching again because there might be some go watch the last WrestleMania the rock is there what else I think the rock is pivoting a little bit because he hasn’t been doing so well at the box office he’s like you know what I’m going to go backer stri put some people over is to do him and John Cen were back for a long extended period because they had nothing to do they’re like what’s going on let’s go beat each
other up but not only that it gives you a good Showcase of the guys who are doing the work now and like like these guys are good but um to your point of like the Rock and the Roman Reigns it this is all got to what they wanted to do last year was put on The Rock versus Roman because it’s a big name thing right but it was too soon it was rush it was Cody rhod’s time so like Roman Reigns doesn’t need a belt anymore to have a big top tier match so this is all leading up to Roman Reigns versus the Rock at WrestleMania I see
okay now it’s coming also I don’t know if you guys know this but Survivor series is based in a war games match which is the two c the two rings inside of a cage from like back in the 90s they brought that [ __ ] back series I think he they start building this building off this huge dynasty of all these people that live that uh are related to The Rock like raki um like the the wild Samoans uh freaking Yoko Zuma like that’s awesome there’s just this huge lineage of people who’ve been in their family and held
titles and stuff like that so I mean you’re going to have one faction of it going against the other faction if you’re watching the product right now I mean so it’s pretty obvious so my buddy so the guy said Nikki 6 he thinks that he’s either that Roman will come back um come back his face he said the rumors he’ll come back his he’ll come back his shield he’ll come back he said his shield or he’ll come back with Usos no shield with the Usos blood blood but he predicts Nikki 6 is predicting
SummerSlam that’s when it’s going down 100% so hey you heard it here first at the Mikey and Me podcast tell them Jeff what they hear first bro Roman uh Roman Reigns SummerSlam it’s happening it’ll probably be Roman Reigns versus who solo seoa who is the youngest of the Uso brothers and the leader of the new uh faction versus who’s they gonna lay the beat down on here’s what’ll happen Cody rhods versus solo seoa at SummerSlam okay you’ll have Randy Orton and Kevin Owens who are Cody’s buddies come in and
to help but the blood Line’s going to overpower all of them until Roman Reigns comes out and helps Cody either retain the title or they call the match because [ __ ] got too [ __ ] wild tune in see if he’s right see if see if Jeff I think he’s right possibly the final boss The Rock coming in I mean it’s SummerSlam so it’s a two night thing this is the first time you just said The Rock’s been lacking on his movie career I mean he hasn’t been performing as it makes it would come back that he is that
R strike you’re right also Black Adam owns the people who own the UFC and the WWE TKO the rock is a very big stakeholder in that so it makes sense so it makes sense for him to bring heat adding value put in the yeah that’s pretty cool dude all right well you heard it here first that’s our and we need more of that we need the wrestling input we need the predictions brother yeah and Jeff Jeff’s Den on that so we’re going to have we’re going to have some episodes Maybe but yeah so I need to hit the little I
need to go to the restroom but we’ll take a little break see what we want to talk about wrap up and then yeah yeah we’ll go from there all right that sounds good welcome back um I hope you guys enjoyed that revamped Redux of the of the movie list I enjoyed it and I if I’m being honest I like the way we each gave the persons said persons their ground and their time to speak and be able to be heard on each movie I think that’s a good thing that was good I like how Jeff ranks his and me and you just you know
we’re off the cuff but J Jeff is he’s organized you know he’s a man who knows what he wants and I think that his ranking system brings something to the table and if we each had ranking systems it would be too many too many cooks in the kitchen created there’s a site called ranker that that I’ve used and I started trying to do are you trying to tell me stinks no but I’m just saying like where you can see people’s ranks but then you can make an account make your own make your own like ranking make
any rank whatever but so like I’ve I started one for TV for my top 100 and it’s so difficult like you know you know but I’m just saying you seem like you’re about the rank game so you could easily go to that site and I can send you a link but make like a rank L I definitely pay attention to ranker I mean I’ve looked at some stuff before yeah I’m saying you can make an account to use it for making them cuz then like people other people’s links like if he has some crazy ranks you know dude he’s
that’s a good point and that that is why Matt Matt what just so the audience knows what just happen right now that’s Matt and this has happened to me many times just just just like as many as many Christmases as I’ve experienced many times has Matt recommended something to me that you’re like this is no ordinary recommendation what he’s doing is maximizing your existence trying to and that shouldn’t be overlooked it’s up to you he can lead the horse to water but it’s on you to
drink it yeah like that between that and track that site track that I use to create lists for things that I watch of every nature TR a KT and then you can see other people’s list but I have like list for like so many random shows and things where I don’t use that for ranking I use that just for like list like record keeping it’s like my record keeping of things watched and you can rate them and have all that stuff the letter boxed is another one that’s more artsy but I I like track but uh track T
R A KT TR a KT yeah you need to come out have you ever thought about coming out with the Matthew app where like you help people maximize life you help people maximize I think you could do it I’m not even joking I know that’s a I mean I think you could help people maximize their life and existence on how to manage time pizza boxes as plates whenever how how to not be lazy you have a very you have a thing against laziness and it scares yeah but I don’t know how I don’t know how to not to be lazy SC I don’t
know but I mean I’m saying you can come up with an app it’s fair we got to figure this half out that’s a fair uh crystal meth maybe whoa okay but then you’re going to be coming from my copper and my AC unit and then my catalytic inverter so we’re going to lay off of that um but yeah so well that was the movies I hope you guys enjoyed it I enjoyed it Jeff you going to be sticking around for a little bit more uh further yeah you want hang you got time for more talk or you got to get out of here I
think that’s going to be it for me manward you know yeah no that was great work I got like another week this job and then I’ll be doing the drywall at the new McDonald’s hell yeah a deep cut if you know you know and that’s all we’re going to say hell yeah hope hopefully hopefully uh you know you should be able to do this this time around this time or yeah yeah so so later so the people want to know I’ve been getting hit on I’ve been getting hit on the Instagram with messages soci
are blowing up he’s been getting hit on emails and comments on are you going to be coming back about you guys the it’s not a one time pass he checks it he’s checking his email all the time he is on the Mikey and me email yeah I need to check that more often like stink on sasparilla I’ve given you access to it so the way if we we might have been contacted by somebody and okay I didn’t even see it did Cut Copy respond no I mean that was sending out I keep sending out emails to RL Stein he is not replying what dude RL
Stein let me reach out to him I need I’m try dude let me reach out to him I’ll tell him who Street he should I’m going for big fish I’m just gonna start shooting mass emails every day there you have nothing to lose I I’m gonna hit him up and say look here’s whose Street you should fear buddy mine I want to get Jared Fogle from prison wow okay maybe not that not that I made a Jared Fogle joke a couple weeks you really did didn’t you yes wow it’s syn bold move to play the Gerald
frogo you know what’s crazy um like back to wrestling I went to a wrestling show and I was like front row like up there and they did a segment and for some reason Jared Fogle the subway guy was there and he was literally like a couple seats over from me sh they went down yeah and I was like about lat you probably saw him whenever the night before he was possibly diddling somebody a little yeah he said yeah that’s heam that’s [ __ ] nuts they no my boy Jeff has been on camera with Bret Hart and who
else who else I was right right next to Roman Reigns when he came down Roman Reigns oh [ __ ] so yeah like kind like Tim and Eric like whenever like Tim and did a show and I was on I was able to do audience par ation bit with like Tim and Eric and whenever doc Steve Bru was with like John Cy with Steve Bru you were on stage Tim and Eric and John ctive skit where they pulled AI so we need to look in from here what would be interesting is to look into the Seven Degrees of Separation Theory okay included that with your but connected to
relationship to John C riy I mean that wouldn’t be too hard well I mean I don’t know what okay fine [ __ ] it let’s not do it you know what let’s do I want to see how he relates to dud across the street over there give me 7° to like your neighbor Three Doors Down that’d be wild okay and I could do it okay like that I could do it complete stranger walk up to seven degrees of how do we let’s find a connection s De it could be somebody they knew that knew some family member that went to high school with somebody and boom we’ll
like count it there yeah I’m going to surprise I’m going to knock the sock I’m going to realize I know everyone in the world in the most heterosexual way dude I’m going to be like man I know everybody dude we’re all we’re all related through Jesus Christ no Adam Eve hey we’re all related through Adam Eve Matt’s yeah there only two humans started it all well there we go well that’s the perfect thing for Jeff Jeff to bid us a do on yeah we love Jeff and we thank him and we hope we all things
together if everybody if everybody would would hit our patreon if we can hit our patreon you guys can make sure Jeff is here every week for just $50 a day he’s not cheap for $55 a day what we’re bringing here for free is not is not cheap for $60 a day you can get Jeff make sure Jeff stays on the Mikey and Me podcast for six for for a small payment of $65 a day yeah installments daily daily inst some by daily daily investment and when you step back think about it that’s true cuz it’s an investment in the
future quality of life and when you think about it $70 a day is not much $80 is not l75 to $100 a day look $200 for a good day you guys 00 to go to steep thing now is a good day yeah 20 sign me up y’all need to seriously take this offer up before it it’s going up as we speak we’re guaranteeing got to lock Jeff a life worth living lock Jeff in now at this rate or else yeah so you won’t feel suicidal after this yeah you know you won’t uhuh yeah and know we love him and and we appreciate all the time he’s
given us but seriously guys hit that patreon with just only like 300 bucks a day man and that’ll be enough to keep Jeff around it’ll buy him cigarettes your kids will apprciate don’t smoke don’t smoke kids no I’m just kidding he doesn’t smoke cigarettes he smokes movies he’s a movie smoke cigar smoke fools come on smokes fools blip all right well thank you for joining us brother thank you good until next week yeah we’ll be seeing you traveler be seeing you see you later fellow Travelers yes be seeing
you look at that God who is that guy that’s your friend you know him he’s becoming my friend how do we meet him I don’t know I don’t know man it’s it’s a wonder to me he’s becoming my friend I’m about to look right now on the Xbox app I have a feeling he’s not getting I think he’s play he’s going to play video games yeah no he’s playing he’s probably about he’s like he’s living the life both of us want down yeah no but instead we’re just staring at each other yeah so
um there’s a lot we could talk about there’s all we couldn’t talk about you know it’s uh okay oh yeah and that it’s we’re good but I’m glad you’re mind you having a watchful eye yeah yeah watchful eye on making sure we got good audio friend the uh and this kid is coming the re of the week but it’s it’s simple but uh on the I like how to not I don’t give a f or how to not give an f something podcast Mark Mason has he talks about some pretty interesting stuff all over
the place kind of with this human daily psychology understanding yourself better and self growth and and different all these different things but like one one point he was talking about and he’ll reference a lot of the information he comes with but it’s it’s I feel like it’s a simple life system that can greatly if it if you can do it improve just your o just how if if life is overwhelming at the end of the day no matter what your problems you’re going through if you solve all your big problems right now
they will be replaced by other problems you feel the same way about and and you’re and if you have 100 problems and some are bigger than others obviously and or and you have some that you’re ins like just intensively pick the problem you want to try and solve it like choose your problems this is what it comes down to the concept choosing your problems this where knowing you’re going to have problems you can’t solve them all and and just knowing that okay I know I got this but I’m choosing the problems to
focus on that I think carry the most value or more important for whatever reason and it seems like you would assume you just do that naturally which I’m sure a lot of people do because but instead of just like knowing you have problems that overwhelm you just like choose the ones that are you matter like really you know it can be tough because how do I make it not matter to me so I’m kind of talking it out but that was the general idea of choosing your problems okay and um like it’s saying talking about it seems like yeah
we all do but I think it just has more to do with your approach to managing him you know it’s for me it made me think of like I’m going to pick the pick the Hilla die on in an argument or if I want to bring up something with Steph I’m like okay I’m not going to put energy into winning her over on this because it’s just going to be a b a fight not worth living or if she wants me to stop doing like incense you know it’s this is not a hill I’m going to die on you know I’m if I’m going to die on the hill I’m
going to choose those Hills you know what I mean so that’s it kind of made me connect to that realm of thinking but yeah I don’t know that’s thought was interesting no that’s really no I like You’ heard that before like I’m not I’m not going to choose this hill to die it’s not going to be the hill that I’m going choose to die on you know so it’s like applying I guess choosing your problems and choosing your battles to you know choosing what what what’s worth expending your energy and time on you
know and knowing that you could like I said and it comes back to this blue dot effect thing that I mentioned before which I can give a simple example of uh didn’t I talk to you about the blue dot effect I think yes I believe I talked to my wife about it I think I either in an audio message you can quickly say it though yeah so no blue do effect it comes down to just uh little bit of a preface here yeah doing this for a high level summary because actually I bet chat TBT would say it better what is the blue dot effect what
is the blue dot effect it refers to a psychological phenomenon where the presence of rare or uncommon events can lead individuals to perceive those events as being more frequent or widespread than they actually are it can manifest in various con various contexts such as decision- making perception and judgment it participates from a study where participants were asked to identify the presence of blue dots among a series of dots of different colors per was purple was the other really the other color in varing shades of purple
when the number of blue dots is gradually reduced participant said to perceive the purple dots as more frequent than actually were so the purple dots started looking blue some of them because they took away blue dots this shift occurs because the brain adapts to the scarcity of blue dots by lowering its threshold for what it considered a blue dot so they started taking blue dots away but had the same number of dots it’s like your brain was set for there to be 50 blue dots so these shades of purple I’m going to
start think they look blue to me now okay so that’s and it can so taken that in a broader effect it illustrates how people adjust their criteria based on the frequency of certain events of stimuli for example like a workplace where negative feedback is rare employees might start thinking that neutral or even mildly positive feedback is negative right and I just think in for me that could still sound confusing I think of societally in in just me saying it and like what racism is I think what true racism is is
people act offended by things that aren’t racist at all like like if I were to say oh I just saw this uh this black dude and this Asian dude they might be like whoa African-American and Asian-American like or just you know what I mean you could still say that sort of thing I don’t I don’t know quite I’m not not saying you’re wrong but I’m trying to pick up there’s like certain like I feel like there’s stuff that you can like just look at at Movies 20 years ago if they made fun of like they made
jokes about things a certain race did like even white people they make fun of white people and way they act to make fun of like a race and how they act it’s not hateful it’s just making like jokes there’s hateful true racism which comes from a place of hate and like using slurs and stuff but there’s you know what I mean perfect example is a buddy of mine who’s a who’s Hispanic he’s Mexican he made a joke about me like about we’re talking about foods and culture and stuff like that and he was
like like yeah man he’s he like talking about like what they eat cuz we were talking about leftovers and stuff that people have at their house and what do y’all usually have what’s something in your fridge that y’all have all the time that’s there so we started talking and P said something my boy said something about like you know the stuff they got in the fridge like find some beans this and that blah blah blah all this he’s like started listing all these different things off about that you might find in
the fridge and then he was like man that’s how you eat good bro he like that’s why we’re all big it was like if you want some [ __ ] turkey and ham and cheese sandwiches bro go to a white person’s house and I started laughing my ass off because I no I started laughing my ass off because I had turkey and cheese in my [ __ ] crisper so I’m like he’s he’s right so that’s Mak stereotype isn’t hateful no because he wasn’t he while he did say if you want some turkey and cheese and sand like turkey cheese
sandwiches go to a white person’s house why could do that about any other race huh but why couldn’t you do that about any other race because you they’re not that’s not something in their wheelhouse like it’s I know but I’m just saying every race would have specific food in the fridge High odds so if I were to say whatever a common black food is like oh man know if you want Fried Chicken and watermelon go to their fridge and even if you took like and I’m not or just pick something realistic if you’re
African-American you know that’s but if it’s like that’s actually common you just yeah it’s the same thing it’s not hate centered you know I would say one thing would be oxtail a lot of oxtail a fairly common something you’re not going to find in like C races and C find like that you’d find lingua Mano you could find that like that is not racism that’s not hateful it’s not trying to it’s just it’s just like making fun of what we or something and I feel like just for maybe
perhaps let me let’s just back up a little slow down for anybody who perhaps heard any of this and was like whoa I think the thing that’s important to keep in mind when it comes to talking about stuff that’s racist and things like that is the story that we all know of the boy that cried wolf and it was a boy crying that there was a wolf but there was never actually a wolf there one day there’s a wolf and he cries for it nobody takes him serious because he’s been crying for the wolf right yeah he
cries they come and the wolf’s not there yes and then finally one day he cries and the Wolf is there and so the point is is that it’s like and nobody shows up because they been like playing us so I think the thing that’s important to keep about what Matt’s saying and keep in mind like one of the important I think takeaways personally is that if you’re lowering the bar for things that you’re quote calling racist or whatever or things like that then when actual things happen and actual
offenses and lines are crossed people aren’t going to take those as serious as they should yeah because you’re over here trying to say that the fact that somebody skipped you in line was because you’re white yeah and it’s like no they probably didn’t see you yeah and I’m just saying the is that is because of this effect yes and so you can but and exactly and I and I wanted to preface again just say all that just to say that what this is is is understanding that it’s like it’s
not saying that those things aren’t there they’re not real it’s like it’s making sure that those things are acknowledged correctly and we’re not flipping the radar with this [ __ ] that’s like trauma trauma is another thing people’s trauma they trauma has lost its value traumatic events people’s like that’s my trauma it’s like no that’s what I’m trying to say is that your point is my point is is that like you didn’t get cut off in traffic because that guy didn’t cut you off
because you’re white this didn’t happen because you’re white this happened a lot of times it’s chocked up to other things yeah it just happened and incompetence things happen so yeah and that’s what I think it’s important to remember here is that it’s like it’s not saying that these things aren’t there but you know we want to make sure you’re specific and and because there’s a lot of real things that happen and people don’t believe and also too there people that won’t say it
because they’re afraid of that they’re some people are afraid of like no they’re not going to believe me it’s like they’re just going to think it whatever you know they’re like I’m crying or because I I personally know somebody that something’s happened to and he didn’t want to make a big deal about it because he was like I don’t know I just didn’t want it to seem like I was just tripping over something that wasn’t a deal but it was a fuing problem it was a [ __ ] problem but he
personally didn’t want to pursue it because he was like I don’t want to be seen as this and it’s like you [ __ ] should yeah and that’s almost a different thing altogether honestly sorry but no no that’s a good point though but here here fun sight with some other examples because the effect isn’t that’s it can be anything so in the pre- Uber days you know pre- Rite sharing people were willing to wait 30 minutes for texi to come home right that was cool well today we they’ll complain if
there’s a five minute delay so just the standard of living in adjust I see the goalpost keeps moving right Wi-Fi speed was a fraction of what we have today right yeah we’re complain a page is low like I remember when it would a minute to to it would it take you how long just to turn your computer on and it makes sense just because to me it’s just it’s almost like okay that’s obvious it’s like what normal has changed what’s the standard has changed so at the same time like some of the the blue dot effect I
mean I don’t I don’t even necessar think that’s a great example right because we were waiting to wait for things to take like snail mail before email we were wait willing to wait standard once technology and Society Advance if the standard moves see I don’t even like these examples because I feel like it pertains it pertains more to like okay one of the studies is they would have they would list like a bunch of like like offenses you know like were terrible and then they would just like start listing or or faces they would
have a really mean face and like a smiley face and then gradually they would the the mean face would get more neutral to where like people were interpreting a neutral face is a mean face okay you know to where like the mean face still exists but with it’s it’s it’s it’s so rare it’s so rare or that that now a face that isn’t mean people look at mean because the true mean face is society it can be a good indicator for things but it’s it does just because the mean face is rare does
it mean a neutral face should be taken as me should be taken as mean I see EXA you mean that’s probably the best way I could say no that’s it’s descriptive it’s perfect it’s understanding exactly you’re not it’s what it almost comes down to is not misinterpreting emotions in a it applies to anything yeah and so to that also in in my opinion also comes into a whole area of like understanding number one your perception how you perceive something yeah you know like how how something by yourself is being
perceived and also too perception is unique yes and how many things that it’s like also that are you know how much of people’s intent are actually left out of certain things and you’re only sometimes you’re just you’re creating [ __ ] in your mind perfect example whenever you assign tone to a text message that has yes yeah I’ve I’ve I’ve sent text messages some I’m good and they’re like I’m good but you’re just saying like no I’m good no you’re like no I’m I meant like no
everything’s cool like serad people can talk crap about emojis and stuff but that is where the value of memes and emojis come inog because we have ways to display Emoji emotion through little images yes so that’s why I could say the sentence and put this face in there em yeah so it’s honestly it’s it’s an it’s the evolution of text language to me I don’t think it’s a bad thing I think I don’t think people should forget how to write have a written language something that can accentuate and help
it can assist the reason emojis can be good is because the whole texting has brought up that issue what you just said texting before texting you talked to you a letter when people were a lot better with pen and understanding of how words and things and sentences were structured where they communicate that way regularly like I didn’t regularly but I’m saying written word with people no but I’m saying people so time out not you specifically but people as a whole used to write letters and things like
that I’m saying but that’s not even comparable text message text message is a real-time conversation so that’s basically it’s that unique because people generally people can have gaps that letter was a letter was written with knowing this is not going to be seen for weeks whatever the text is in intended as instant communication and I was trying to say that you wouldn’t have you wouldn’t have the whole Emoji you wouldn’t have the need for emojis without textt is what I was kind of
trying to say it’s like texting brought about the need for the Emoji in way cor that’s the only point I was trying to make is because people back when you were just writing if people the re I think people further back had a better understanding of the English language and sentence structure things like that better than I to where people could write something out and not interpret it corre incorrectly but it’s like the Emojis are the whole things that from texting and that whole Beast that that creation of technology in my opinion has
brought forth the need orations CU in a letter I’m good they would been like I’m very well for these reasons versus I’m good you know just a letter you know what it was in the intent in the thought that go you’re sitting there writing a text can you can it’s like a tweet can be like dang I wish I didn’t do that I was kind of drunk you’re not going to drunk write many letters and get to the mailbox and mail them no you know what I mean no uhuh so that’s the evolution of language
but again that’s a and it’s kids shouldn’t learn forget written language cuz at the end of the day we don’t want to be totally relying on technology no and it’s a great Outlet you have to re yeah but like imagine if a world exists where technology and everything was destroyed and reset like if people literally we got to a point where we lost the build the skill set to like have written communication that would be a stragic place to be but it’s just like kid you know there’s it’s happening one
way or the other um so let’s kill let’s kill everyone yeah so I guess the next thing do you want to talk about what we mentioned out back or do we want to I mean no oh raw dog about the whole the whole raw dogging Trend men that because I justock I was so shocked when I said it that you already knew what I meant and that there’s a movie being made by it about and that there and how what is that serendipitous ironic whatever that we’re doing movies on our podcast all the time and now they’re going to be
doing that so what could we explain what raw dogging is in the terms of what we’re speaking of not what people might know it as there probably uh be a good time to pull up internets this is as of June 8th the Google AI the latest Trend catching attention among Travelers around the world is a practice known as raw dogging during flights it entails passengers intentionally opting for complete mental Detachment throughout the flight abstaining from any form of entertainment or stimulation so honestly it’s and some of them aren’t even get
EMP bathroom and stuff stupid it’s a digital detox yeah it’s what it is it’s like everyone’s a herin addict to their phone it’s literally uh detoxifying but I’m glad I’m cool I’m glad that this is a thing because people this is a good for people no absolutely the people the fact that people are willing to do this and like like is good no it’s a good step in the human like cons the evolution of like human consciousness I exercising will and like the ability that I don’t
need to be constantly entertained and being yeah and getting back and understanding and getting back value hey that’s great that is a positive trend that is a very positive trend it’ be like oh like uh get helping bums out or donating to charity oh this new trend’s catching on like this is like a mild form good for people well it’s like the there was one there was one I remember a while back daily daily daily mile run I’m going do this yeah losers to eat with a group of friends there was
like the one where it was like you go out to eat with a group of friends and everybody puts their phone face down on the table and the first one to check it ends up having to pay the bill or whatever that’s cool stuff like that where it’s like yeah you know parties where like they make people drop the phone off at the front like like a no phone dinner party and I I I do my best to try to like do that [ __ ] I fall short oh yeah quite a lot but it’s it’s uh so it’s cool it’s a it’s a a type of trend
but it’s actually good for good for humans yeah no absolutely and it’s funny that it’s like I saw it pop up and I’m like wait a minute so and that it just brought up and made me think about when I’m fortunate enough and I really do say fortunate because I it I feel fortunate to have grown up in the world without cell phones and the constant contact and the access to the internet that I grew up in a time where it was kind of unusual like not everybody had internet not anybody had internet access
not everybody had that it’s like so some people some people that had internet it was like holy [ __ ] remember I remember the day I got 56k bro it’s like yeah remember I remember 911 like when that happened and having to call on a landline to Pops house yeah cuz I didn’t have a cell phone until I graduated high school nobody answered like I called three or four times that day and then finally like that evening pops answered and was like they went out to mom’s like yeah but yeah you just didn’t know you didn’t have access yeah
I mean to as as much as he could be well I think he knew that there’s a chance might be while so emotionally people are getting as emotionally stretched out over that getting a text in two hours as they were that hearing a phone call for a day or two they’re literally getting emo that and again that’s the blue dot effect what the what should stress you out and shouldn’t stress you out people are getting stressed out by stuff that shouldn’t stress them out because it’s like it used to not be it was never it’s
like why it doesn’t so what that it takes you five minutes longer to get some food it’s like back in the day it would have taken you 45 minutes allog together yeah but now you’re getting like it’s been that long to where you want to complain and get angry but it’s like that’s not the right emotional response to your situation get mad about these things yeah no absolutely like I was tell it’s the blue dot effect which yeah there’s like been studies about just how Society if the reduction of
like so what was the yeah yeah it’s um I guess it be like in in over time the Mad happy face yeah yeah like the absence of like uh say bad things so like the simplest thing is B if you show they would show people pictures of like a a blatantly drawn mean face and a happy face in like in Rapid frequency and then like over time they’d reduce the number of mean faces and it would get like less than this mean to then it would just be a straight face but people would say which one’s mean face and they would
look at that and it would be the mean face so the normal face was they literally reacted to it like it was a mean face so that’s how women get RBF yeah Blue Dot study that that is it it’s yeah it’s just like if they’re sitting there and they look MK altered all these women yeah yeah but so it’s basically the mean face still exists but people are reacting to a neutral face in the same way the mean face was okay yeah and just because there’s less and less of the mean face so that’s like Society
getet get better there’s like less true racism in less true racist acts things that aren’t really that bad people are acting like no now you’re at micro we were talking about all that earlier yeah so that’s everything and you can you can see that Trend in every everything that humans touch yeah absolutely everything’s human Blue Dot effect you look pretty crazy so that’s what it is look into it but yeah so there’s a double dose go back that was good quick little another way to trying
but uh no that was you know and raw dogging me something else too which is it does but we have to be specific about what we’re we got to be specific about the raw dog you pick the word raw dogging because literally it’s a reference to sex like having sex without protection yeah that’s exactly what it is it’s a raw so that so in if in this I guess analogy of metaphor the the phone is their emotional protection yeah the phone is their protection from being unentertained everybody else nobody’s
going from not being entertained no it’s your protection your protection from Ab of entertainment because if you’re looking at your phone the average person going to no because think outside interference as much as like what am I going to do I need stimulation but also too it’s like if you’re sitting there looking at your phone the person that’s next to you that was maybe going to ask you a question or maybe going to talk to you it’s like I can think of times I’ve been working around people that I don’t
want to [ __ ] talk to yeah and it’s like I see him coming and I’m like well that’s where actual conversation and body cues and that’s but a lot people don’t know anymore understand that because they’re in their [ __ ] [ __ ] all the time and so it’s like I can be as physically [ __ ] standoffish as I am capable of being and a [ __ ] will still come I can give you short answers and I can make I can make it obvious I’m not interested in this and they’ll keep talking up my phone and
like do like this they respect that defense that’s the protection that’s the that’s the Raw so that’s that’s it that’s the the phone is the prop that’s the that’s the that’s the best that’s as good as a thing I could think but I just and it’s great because it’s literally just digital detox if they called it that less people would probably be doing it no yeah absolutely yeah no if they yeah if they if they actually labeled it the productive thing it is but they just
took a vulgar set not even vulgar but vulgar description to an extent yeah you know huh unsafe sex unsafe people on Tik Tok the new ratings on unsafe flying like it doesn’t quite have the same ring so we’re flying bow and 737s yeah unsafe flying no they just call it raw dogging that’s funny that’s funny yeah know so that was interesting I think it’s funny that you you had also known about that and and the thing I was just going to mention about it again is that it’s like you know I think that
it’s it’s start what I think is cool and positive about it again is we’ve already metioned some of it but the fact that I think eventually what’s going to happen is that people are going to start off doing it as like H whatever this is funny but then they’re going to realize like a benefit from it how much yeah exactly they’re going to realize a benefit from something to where eventually it’s like the same way maybe people wouldn’t answer their phones because they’re like sorry I was in a
sauna or I was at the gym it’s like sorry I was raw dog in life like where I was just not touching my phone and out just living life going to the store with no phone whatever it’s like so I could see it eventually where it just became a became something to where it culturally it’s almost like a slang thing or something if that makes sense I dog going to the movies Ive a rod dog going shopping today yeah I do strive to be that type of person that can just leave my phone at home but in the back of our
minds we think there’s the one call that you’re going to miss that a fear that shouldn’t exist that’s that’s mine it is no that’s everyone’s that’s everyone thing but I feel like but I feel like the times that I have there was like I can think of times recently and I can’t think of like exactly what it was but it was like I missed that call and then it turned out to be something it was like oh my God I wasn’t so this phone is some Supernatural protection by keeping it on
you is keeping the bad things from happening yeah that’s I mean that’s yeah it must be oh not keeping it but maybe just statistically every time you happen not to happens to be those times well and yeah it’s like it’s just one of those things where it’s like what if you what if you catch that call that like you know seconds count you know yeah and it’s I’m just saying like I don’t think I’ve had one of those in my life yet well you’re thinking about the bell curve life at the bell curve like think
of it like how many times are you going to have that call so where it’s going be that rare that it’s worth having that on you all the time our dad don’t give a [ __ ] he’ll he’ll drop his [ __ ] phone and and go for a Four Mile Walk like all I’ll say is I don’t disagree with you you but if you’re a person in that spot where something does happen and you don’t have your phone you’re going to blame the [ __ ] out of yourself and you’re going to going to live reget the
day die so that so you’re not so I don’t disagree with what you’re saying but if that event did happen where you say I’m leaving it and I’m not doing it and you could have helped in a situation or heard your parents speak to you for the last time before they die yes then you then you’re going to you’re going to blame yourself the rest of your life so I totally agree and I wish that because we live in a world we have that option to where now there’s a whole situation that would have never existed where
people back in the 40s or whatever 50s 60s that plashed on a plashed that crashed on a plane that that crashed on a plane or something they had no people on the ground knew they had no chance to talking to him again but people now it’s like you have that option where it’s like somebody in a situation could call you hey I might not make it I love you but so yeah so that’s funny how with certain things how they go along things that never even would have existed been an option are now like I don’t disagree
though and I wish we could no and that’s we need to go back to P I feel like embracing however it happens is how it was meant to happen is for that is also for me that’s the best way to do it like if I if I if that’s the time I left it that I wasn’t meant to hear I I’m not I don’t disagree but I having been in a situation having been in a situation like CU it make it’s so easy to argue the other way yeah and having been in a situation where I kind of had regrets and stuff like that and with that type
of stuff it’s like I don’t disagree but it is there are those things that can still pop up and it’s like I think it’s like was a maybe it’s fatalism like just accepting that like every event is the absolute like out that’s exactly how it’s going to play and it’s meant to play out that way like that’s also too understanding that not everything that you perceive to be a negative is actually that negative when you step back and look at the Grand SCH of things it’s weird because just connecting it to
the bear the the SEC like the end of the second episode like this guy in the first last season he’s working and like his mom passed away while I was working and like and he either like could have been there or like she maybe you know like but either way like in the C telling him like you know she’s like yeah we know we’re here for you needi you know like you were we know I’m sorry that I made you work late or whatever when you know whenever you could have possibly been with your mom and he’s
like no man it’s like I was where I was supposed I was where I was meant to be when that happened wow you know so it’s and it’s weird it’s like that’s taking it to deep level but it’s just like no but like he you know he could have been that’s his mom dying but he’s like I was where I was meant to be I was doing what I was doing what I was supposed to be doing you’re not wrong because I’ve i’ I’ve been there again with the passing of a relative that I had there was some
things that I kicked myself over and was like I should have recognized that I should have said this I should have done that but then at the end of the day it’s like realizing the outcomes of those things and it’s like what was better in the end is so what say I did know that something was happening with my aunt so then she goes to the hospital and she’s hooked on tubes and then she passes away in a hospital she wouldn’t have wanted that she would have rather have went in her home where she spent her days and I
know that I know her and I know how she was about stuff and it’s like I it’s so that was the one thing that initially went through my head was feeling like man I should have recognized this I should have done that I should have asked her hey let’s go here you need to get checked at something but I but later but you look at it and you’re like no everything happened the way it should have because what I wanted yeah it’s probably wasn’t down to what’s truly selfish yeah you know not with bad and selfish not with
the like you know you know vile or that the intent was intent was Insidious yeah yeah it’s like you you coming from a good place and I’ve even realizing that that’s what it is yeah you know so it’s it’s good you know people die that was funny reunion today I was L telling people was like this might be there’s a good like say hi to everyone or because this might be the last time a lot of us see each other and not because people are getting old not because just hard to get everybody together when I’m like I’m
like it’s already been over six years since we saw he like has it been that long I’m like yeah it was before cover it’s like really it’s like yeah like you can easy be pushing to 60 like yeah absolutely depending on who it is not to say like oh man it’s a bad thing like no it’s just how life is yeah you know it’s just the way is yeah for sure you got to you have to be aware of those things and there probably be a couple that die from a disease yeah like we had like 40 50 people there could easily be a car wreck
in there anything you know and those are just like the extremes everyone could live to be perfectly and happy lives and still not get together like that again yeah you know I think at Granddaddy’s funeral I I heard one of the like guys that was about Daddy’s age or whatever and I’m I’m not even sure who he was but said something something about that like about like when you get to a certain age it’s like really the only time to see your friends is at a funeral yeah you know yeah and like and he really he
wasn’t you know he was being like morbid he was just kind of like not even ons just how it light of it and it’s like just he’s like man it’s crazy like the perspective you get on life at a certain point you realize that like you really only see all your friends at a funeral or you know somebody gets married C Point stop married and so you know yeah it’s like unless you actually take the time to maintain those friendships then like yeah it’s like and it’s nothing malicious like people just have their
own lives have [ __ ] going on yeah that problem I’m trying not even saying it’s a problem no you know no it’s just it’s the way it is the natural progression of things the third law of thermodynamics as it were is thermoman but should I get into some of this before we get get on there before we roll all right yeah so before we before we go I’ve got I’ve got some announcement yeah and I and I thought about I thought about just saying you know what and not saying anything and just putting it out there
when it happened and saying I told you uh that’s not way to do it but it’s not it’s not cuz that’s not what it’s about but I did feel I felt a moment of vindication what it call I don’t know what you want to call it cuz it’s not that anybody didn’t believe in me but I was just super like wow I spoke that into existence it happened like you proved something to yourself yes and it wasn’t exactly and it was great and what I proved is that last episode if you tuned in which I
hope you did and if you didn’t it’s okay go watch it um see Like It smash that like button smash it um but last episode I had mentioned apparently I have an Instagram addiction um I just thought I was mentioning a hobby but apparently my friend Jeff who was here and Ashley story about Ashley yeah and story and everybody has stories about Mike and Instagram except for Matt because you know why cuz he’s not on Instagram so but now that I heard it I’m in on the and you’ll catch up you’ll see that I’ve
sent you weeks of reals that you haven’t watched dude I’m that person to send videos to it’s okay and I know that but the reason at this point that I continuously send you videos is because I know how it’s like almost like nails on a chalkboard or rubbing I don’t even check my I don’t get badges I don’t get nothing no notifications no that’s great I hope I’m just hearing about this no I have you not check when was the last time you checked your email cuz I’ve been yeah I’ve been I’ve been having you spam
emailed for a while now [ __ ] I got I just assume I get oh I have you dude you need to check you probably got over I’m not going to okay cuz we’re making [ __ ] up now no we’re not making anything up Matt there’s nothing made up okay well but getting back to what you’re saying it’s no point it’s not the point this is made up so what’s made all right so last week I brought up the author the man himself uh Michael Swan um otherwise on Instagram known as softmax plus the one and only the uh soft Max the
friendly little clown boy who’s just trying to sell books and speaking of books last week I told you I bought his books right they are he has four of them and there’s two of them and I can only get these so close to this little camera yeah but he’s actually holding them we’re not digitally imposing them it’s okay we’re holding them I’m holding them up he bought these books but it’s uh win in doubt left kits mystery and pizza Powerhouse uh Pizza boy’s dream it’s about a this one is about a pizza themed
gang that corrupts the lives of three teenagers and this is part one uh this one is a depraved detective who solves Mysteries with his dick while Lusty hotties Collide in Paradise so I’m as of right now as of right now I’m reading um when in doubt the leits mystery about the detective who solves Mysteries with his dick and I’m six chapters in which I feel like is almost about half the halfway mark of this book and I if I’m being honest I knew if you go look at this dude on Instagram and you’re checking him out
you’re going to initially have a reaction and you’re going to kind of think you know what you’re in for if you bought a book from a guy that’s I think of him as a performance artist or like a Persona that he’s embraced okay but yes no doubt but if you’ve if you’re buying a book from a man in a suit from a perhaps it was his uncles’s or from a thrift store and he’s wearing clown makeup you’re going to expect that the book is going to be of course zany wacky creative slightly absurd right yeah and
that’s while all of that exists all of that exists in this book when in doubt um but what also exists in this book that I was not ready for and I’m also hats off to the guy surprised is the amount of like romance in this book that’s not to like full [ __ ] literally two different books in there like it’s two different books and also styles of writing it sounds like it’s literally like this part of the story is romantic and it’s the whole style of writing is you take on that theme and this other
one’s absurdist detective whatever personal private investigator it’s going to be its own different sty of writing within the same book whenever you’re reading in each chapter it’s like it alternates so you’re going from left GS to Misty and pony Island to left and Misty and pony Island star book to completely another star book and so when you’re de with left kits you can expect to is it always on the left Page uh oh that’s a good point it might be left kits that’s I’ll have to check that out
but leits is always like anytime you’re dealing with him you know that you’re going to run into some depraved funny [ __ ] yeah whenever you’re dealing with Misty it’s like there’s not really much of that every now and then I’ve only like think a few times he’s added something in that was like kind of like you know okay a little a little edgy but most of it I’m like dude holy [ __ ] and then two aside from the fact that it’s like he’s actually capturing something that I feel like could be some little
Netflix story yeah like aside from that the mystery aspect in the in the the Detective theme of this book from leits like this is some good detective Noir [ __ ] yeah and I can only imagine where where and how the stories intersect and if the styles of they they have to I feel like they would otherwise it just be two different books I know but and I but but isn’t that with like did nii do Twilight of the idols in uh nii had a book that was like two books in one essentially I feel like they were different though huh I
I’m not sure it like the death it like the birth of the Antichrist and Twilight of the idols I think were both in one book huh so I don’t know if that’s the case here but either way so far but I am I’m actually really really really Blown Away by the uh the range that he has because he he satisfied surpassed expectations tremendously well and he satisfied all of what I was looking for he satisfied all the humor the comedy the absurdity all of that has been like what I expected in better yeah and I I
kid you not I’ve actually I don’t want to give too much away but I’ve laughed my ass off at this that’s good and so all of that to say that in the meantime of me reading these books and mentioning him you made a statement that something was going to happen and I made a statement that I will get him on the podcast and he will be on here and join us and uh before and I think he just said before the end of the year maybe I just said that I’m going to mark my words I’m going to get him on here you
didn’t you didn’t even give us a timeline I didn’t I just said mark my words I’m going to have him on and lo and behold you know what’s coming Michael Swan will be joining us it could have even been tonight he he agreed to do it tonight he was like unless this Sunday he said unless this Sunday is too soon and it’s not that it was tooo soon it’s that I want it was too soon in the sense that I didn’t have a chance to read these books I got were better for I got them a day and a half
late and so it was like I wanted to be able to get through these books and understand them and be able to ask because I and I told them I want to actually do do you justice and give a real interview and be able to kind of see me for questions addressing specific points and I and I have a decent amount of questions already lined up and and again they all want them to be kind of centered around his Inspirations for things such as that and things but either way this is the the announcement that Michael Swan otherwise known as
softmax Plus on Instagram will be joining us he’s also on Tik Tok um he’s got a website I mentioned it before we can ping it again in the description if Matt doesn’t mind things like that umad but he’ll uh yeah man he I’m I’m looking forward to it I am dude I’m dude man this is pretty nuts he’s really looking forward to it as well um quite engaged yeah and it was really it was really cool the fact that he was he’s as um responsive as he is and he’s also it seems like he really wants to do it as
well so that was nice man I mean his texts seem to have genuine enthusiasm yeah somehow but I think it’s being I think that is what he’s commun no and I mean I’m glad that he I’m glad that he uh he saw the genuine um interest and that he understood that it’s like hey man I’m really not trying to like I understand we trying to do his thing just like we’re trying to do our thing exactly and it’s just like I think it’d be so cool to be able to just kind of you know be able to just interview the
guy that’s it I just think it’d be cool to talk to the guy and see what he’s doing and just figure out like we do with Billy I think it’s great when you talk to Super Creative people that are doing their own thing and being the process ask them about what in their childhood when did they eventually even want to start writing did they know that these things were something they wanted to do and H also what I’m really I don’t want to give this is a question I’m going to give it away maybe this maybe
this is a teaser to keep you guys engaged but one of my questions is going to be how is it that he balances doing his his social media and his online um presence while also writing books and doing what it is that gives him his kind of notoriety in his bread and butter because I’m interested in that I know he probably he has help with recording but it is interesting to me where is that balance you know he’s written about four books and so it’s like where does that balance find itself so that’s going to
be a question because I’m interested I’ll have a couple too so you know but yeah man well that’s that’s good that’s about as good as a time as any to bring us to our our closing closing SE sey yep so and that was my recommendation of the week that was it pick you up a Michael Swan book all right right there again we Tagg him synchronicity Serendipity I don’t know whatever it is things printed freaking within our Metroplex dude again yes I’m glad you brought that up I wanted to tell him about it on the show
but that’s what’s even crazier I’m flipping through this book and I’m looking and on on the very back the last page on the back of the last page it says maid in USA in Ohio c yeah Cincinnati Ohio and it says maid in USA Cel Texas 23rd of June 2024 yeah not even an hour away from where we live dude 15 minutes from my house from from 15 minutes yeah Belt Line in 635 is 15 minutes if if you known that you would have just gone there and picked it up dude I could have I could have been like maybe I’ll tell them homie I I’ll go
pick up books and drop them at Barnes & Noble for you got a delivery here dress up like a clown and everything for you guy that’d be pretty cool actually but no man I mean dude I can’t wait so all this to just say this is our our prehype for Michael Salon um I mean every so many people are going to watch it um eventually so many people will see it I’m excited I’m really excited man so I’m going to after I leave here tonight I’m going to go home keep reading and keep adding notes of questions ask this
yeah ask this young man I’m I’m a little like over halfway about I think through that book and I’m going to start cracking on this one as soon as I’m done so you know I’m saying um in approach to to reading which a lot of times people going to see books however long and feel uh you know overwhelmed by it by it is like a feat or Endeavor but uh I don’t know just be like I’m going to read 30 pages a day yeah I’m going to read 50 pages a day just to where like I’m not worried about getting through it I’m
just going to do 25 Pages a day like 25 Pages a day 200 Page book four days well that’s like that or not four days eight days but you do 50 pages you know 4 days it’s like you can really read a lot more it’s just well before I let you borrow that Delta Force book where it was like I haven’t read it in probably 12 years 13 years and so I wanted to refresh it too and I read three qus of it in about a day yeah because I was like I want to read it’s just like Ben watching a show PES yeah hit a page bar it’s literally
just going to read to that page or even like 30 minutes let set a timer 30 minutes you know and he’s not wrong because one of the things I was almost just like setting as a goal for myself was like the weekend was busy and I would I would I wanted to do more reading than I did on the other book but I was only able to I didn’t read it all on Saturday because I was getting ready for my boy’s party a boy of ours shout out Nick crane yeah shout out to boy crane 33 shout out shout out Brad bill at my reunion today yeah Brad my cousin
H he said he checked out her podcast much love Brad yeah Brad here’s one to you brother thanks for looking at us man I’m going to go get one in a second but I got you yeah but yeah no I mean thanks for checking us out and uh yeah I’m excited I was just going to say um I kind of forgot it down the road and I know that’s yeah I was goingon to say that and then uh another reason y’all should go check y’all should just go buy some of these books is they’re all first edition so if you are you know if you
end up he turns out to be somebody you really like you’ll be glad you’ll be glad that you had a first edition of their book I mean imagine having a first edition Hunter S Thompson stuff like that mail it to to sign it I I I’m and you know what ask him that whenever he’s on no what I’m actually hoping for is I’d Lov it so I saw again if he wants to move in with you if he wouldn’t mind if I could move in with him all the way clean so because because as far as I understand clowns have
trunks I think they generally do and and clowns are wacky right so there’s no way that trunk is a normalized trunk it’s got to be like the Targus Doctor Who where you go in there it’s like a massive ins you see what I’m saying so I don’t think he’ll mind no but what I was actually going to say is that like I’m I’m hoping at some point our paths cross and I’m either in Cincinnati or he’s in Dallas and I’m going to give how we just say that they will it speaking into the universe it’s the secret bro I
know I’m just this this arm was trying to block my arm but we power through look at that no that’s going toen the arm the arm of the machine no it’s going to happen no but he will sign he’s going to sign my books and I I’m just excited like I said man I mean again can’t promote him enough and even after he’s on I’m still going to keep doing it um because you know it’s something I’m interested in so yeah I love it man I love man thanks brain working I love I love to see
you you’re you’re capable of a lot buddy thank you and thanks for putting up with it and hearing hearing me talk about it hype it up I love it I love it thank you so thank you guys we hope you all stay safe yeah let me give them a my wreck oh what’s it give me easy I already said it you did I thought okay choose your problems choose your problem you’re always going to have them and once you once you solve whatever big problems you have they’ll be replaced by things you feel equally as big just know that that
and just choose just choose them and and just know that you’re always going to have problems and you’ve always got another one you can pick from if you think that you got a big problem say no no no I think a bigger one’s around the corner and wait to because bigger’s always better there we go wait for the big problem so wait and pick that one yeah and then you have no problems that’s like free crabs tomorrow at Joe’s Crab Shack ex exactly man bigger problems tomorrow yeah just like we came
from the past to be with them right now right here in this pres this is big it’s big you know can you feel this you feel that I’m I’m feel like I’m about to vibrate through this table you feel this right now yeah dude I feel yeah I feel like I can just go through the wall like my C are just expanding to the universe and just yeah into matter okay all right well yep signing off and who knows maybe we’ll be seeing you be seeing you
hello and welcome to the Mikey and Me podcast thank you for joining us in our little corner of the universe we hope you’re uh hope you’re doing well and uh we hope we hope you’re in one piece we hope you found us in one piece some people they don’t find us in one piece and uh but they’re not fans of the anime well maybe somebody’s like working um in the garage with a a piece so power equipment and they lose a fing are you talking about one piece or are you talking about a single piece cuz one
piece there’s that that anime that’s that’s not we’re talking about oh I didn’t know that I was about to make that reference oh y’all are Mak that was like a joke that wasn’t a joke and they made a liveaction version um I’m sure my nephew knows all about it uh one piecee a it’s a thing so there’s that I know no no I just mean that I hope you’re whole and well and you’re you’re here we’re glad you’re here um if anybody’s listening maybe yeah so you
said this is Mikey and me that’s this is my I’m Mikey that’s me yeah that’s that’s Mikey this is me I’m Mikey that’s me we’re pointing if you’re watching if you’re watching this is Chris yep Chris and there’s C I think we should make we should make this is he’s not he’s not a he’s not guest he’s he’s regular yeah regular Chris would say semi semi permanent fixture H you know so he his recording but he he might not which is fine if he doesn’t but expect to see
him so he about to change so yeah he doesn’t know this could be he’s going to be starting they’re changing locations at work so he might not be available on Sundays so we’re having a a for real that’s like a big I might might go really big change like I might go from work yeah we Ain got to talk about it on here I might go from working Monday through Friday to Sunday through Thursday okay well gosh yeah well have take this offline and uh pray about it it would go from having off uh Saturday
and Sundays which I’ve had for the last like 18 years so Fridays and Saturdays to yeah Fridays okay well we can we can either way adapt yeah we’ll talk about that later and and it might destroy a friendship but we everything else has been good up until now but that’s probably just going to be too much that’s shock that’s shocking my world and it really doesn’t have any reason to nothing to do outside of outside of when you find out your best friend was taking Photography in wow yeah that
you know what you want to bring up painful stuff like that enti [ __ ] world some people like to take pictures man but this is a new season it’s a new one and I just learned that it’s season 4 for a second there it sounded as though you thought it was season 3 mhm so in your mind you the Reas you think we’ve done about 20 episodes Mikey we’ve been doing this for over half a year we’ve been doing this for dude this is crazy it’s going to be a year before we know it yeah because New Year’s everybody was over here for
New Year’s I don’t think we had started doing it then it was like October like after the baby was Bor I think I feel like it almost coincides with my daughter being born that it’s very close yeah it was very close you’re actually right so it would have been like October last year so you are up pretty close to a year it’s it’s it’s great so what point are we do we like get a a plaque in the mail from anybody as soon as we uh go to a website and pay to have one made and then sent to us shout out
Windon we like Windon Shout Out YouTube Windon uh if tell him that y’all heard about Sean Ryan shout out Omnibus I’m a fan of guys we’ve been out here grinding just like y’all we walk past you in the hallways we always try and talk to you you can’t ignore us we see you just start putting hashtags I know we share we share studio with these guys and Joe yeah Joe Joe he does he he does come out of time he really does but at first he was a lot more friendly now he’s kind of acting like I think he’s feels a little
threatened by us I’m like Joe dude nobody knows who we are but but he looked at me ey and said they’re all going to know you and I said Joe what are you talking about he’s like just dude I see you guys and I see what I’ve been trying to pull off my whole life and I’m like Joe dude I think you’re great you know you’ve been stand up comic you’ve been doing other stuff I hear you’ve got a house but we’ve got this buddy yeah he you have a house yeah he probably has a couple great so season 4 man season 4
it’s great I went to I want start off this season this is incredible honestly I mean this is cool how many I mean how many episodes is will we do 10 episodes of season so that means this is episode 41 no 31 yeah 31 I’m like I was like yeah I have to to the four so it’s the three I I got the 30 71 so maybe I could do what you do I live spreadsheets okay I don’t I might able to do your job now I stopped doing math myself I’ve depended on computer I don’t know if you could cut yards though because you got to know
like what height to set the mower on one two three and it sounds like you’re struggling with numbers it s I think in the yard world the world of yarding you whatever height you you happen to choose is is the height it’s supposed to be you the person who hires you they might be like oh I like it close to ground like do you want me to do the job or not he said in the yard I love it yeah whenever the homeowner says I’d like it to be around this side back sir you’re hiring me to take care of this
let me do my fing job yeah get inside pal if you if you want it that high mow it yourself yeah from the comfort your own let professional make a yard look good cuz yeah cuz what I do that’s what he does that’s what I do and speaking of that not that I’m like really curious so much what how your last week you know what you did or anything but uh think of this as a little therapy not therapy that I’m going to help you out but I just like just more or less like yeah the last week like Goodwill Hunting
where he just talks to Robin Williams for a long time therapists in I mean of course they they give feedback and I’m not even to say advice I believe their goal is just to try and help you understand and interpret and identify this your basically elements of yourself and psychology all that to say is in I’ve literally you know talked to therapists before different times I’m like they’re paid they’re just paid to listen to people yeah and of course provide feedback but at the end of the the day just people having someone to
tell all this BS that no one else can like they’re just someone that hey I know for a fact you’re listening to me CU I’m paying you to do it yeah that’s actually it’s only thing I and so you’re not paying me but I’m just curious so tell me this this last week I’ve well what what was uh the most you know the highest stressful scenario or was there anything happen or is anything talk about those difficult that you encountered this week well it trying having to so this week would have more or less
been a a um it’s like a piling up of Prior weeks and so this last week was almost more or less the reason it the reason this last week was so stressful was because of things that had taken place the week or so prior that’s why that’s what kind of made anything else dealing with stress outside the normal what you considered your normal stress level like levels yeah yeah for sure just because it was like it was more or less like dealing with uh you know within the past month it’s like I’ve l i two people that
is like you know that I’m close to I’ve lost okay that’s um one was a relative and then it was like there’s also been you know inclement weather that I’ve been dealing with and in my directly affects your livelihood yeah and it yeah exactly so it’s like you can feed the kids the kid the Pug um which by the way yeah I know Happy Father’s Day thank you oh yeah I’m a dad right does that make you mad um okay no but uh yeah so this week you know it’s like more or less I think what I identified
about it this hard is having to do having to take all these other things andu manage your just normal every daytoday life and work life because I have in the middle of having management element to a lot of the stress here out so you have the emotional component you know but that’s just kind of like in the back right that’s just kind of like a a sadness that you’re just kind of still carrying but then what’s hard what’s hard to do with all that is like I felt like it was hard to be able to somewhat you know
whether I like it or not my brain is doing things or thinking and it’s like so they say it’s like so there’s certain things that might just randomly pop up anxieties whatever and it’s like you know I’m having to deal with all of those normal things like with again because whenever you lose somebody in your life it is kind of weird that there’s there’s just random things that’ll happen where you’re like oh yeah I can’t show that person this I can’t tell tell that person you know what I
mean like yeah something comes to mind that reminds you of them and you’re still it’s like wait that person doesn’t exist anymore yes and so you’re but and there’s a part of your brain that just can’t really compute that and it’s coming to terms with that so it’s like going through that at the same time with having to deal with being like a week and a half behind on work having to really the main issue came in with just having to manage the relationships with my customers okay I had one of them that I
actually ended up losing oh dang I’m sorry for like n years n years I had him a conflict yall had no I was being very I was communicating with them and telling them hey like you know this is what’s going on the you peeing in the art again it’s like no the rain had the rain had been put back you know put me back x amount of time behind on my schedule right and and for it’s worth we have that that week or so it was like all storms like all week I had no power for two days some people didn’t have for
a week people had trees land I had a neighbor who had a tree Liv that might be one of or the most rain stormy weeks that we ever experienced that was crazy I mean yeah that might be the longest you ever will ever go out without power like it was pretty crazy um look eyes through a bell curve yeah but either way it’s like uh you know dealing with all of that at the same time trying to manage people is what was stressful because to two I had it’s like I don’t know people get very it’s interesting how when you get old or you
get I guess you maybe the more you get other things squared away in your life other things stand out and it’s like I don’t know okay so some things become second nature and automatic to where the other things stand out more is kind of what you’re saying yeah maybe and also too like well how did you lose the custo I me if you don’t mind me saying I mean it because you didn’t weren’t able to get to them in time well because I wasn’t able to get not that it wasn’t in time it wasn’t to their liking because
again you have keep in mind you have to no it wasn’t no it w I didn’t get to them fast enough for their liking is my point after n years and they weren’t understanding with the weather that they themselves in the message between me and the said person even stated I know you’re behind on the weather this and that and was like thank you know we’re gonna end up going with another company thanks for all this you know your help over the years blah blah blah and so for me it put me in like my whole mindset
for that kind of hurts my feelings because it’s like in my head it sucks because it’s like this is really the nature of what I do that no matter what nine years of service to somebody helping somebody whatever and at the end of the day if I can’t if I can’t show up or provide for you within what you SE seem to think to be a reasonable amount of time then I’m boom gone and so it’s just kind of crazy it almost makes me feel like maybe they were looking to make a switch but they they could they they felt bad and
then they saw this as an opportunity to justify either way if you’re looking to make a switch why wouldn’t you if you were happy with the person you liked him you have a good relationship which we had their daughter would always like look out the window say my name like they knew me and at the end of the day it’s like it you know if you do that maybe give somebody maybe she grew from no no no no no no she grew she like I literally like watched this kid grow up and she would pretty much pointed me out
the wor about being a bad man no I’m either way I’m sorry to hear that so it was like I knew this family closely and everything and so it’s just very you know so dealing with certain things like that yeah well damn dude I’m sorry that there’s so there’s a lot to unpack in that you know it’s not just losing that you know that check you know it’s that 9 years relationship that I I would think you know carries some some kind of weight to where they would you know be lenient and want you but well
like I said it’s like at the end of the day if you you know you would at least like the opportunity to for you would at least like the opportunity for somebody to just say hey you know I’m not happy with this or could we do this or what do you think about that rather than just rather than just it’s like breaking up with somebody and not telling them anything other than oh you didn’t show up for a date it’s over it’s like wait that’s literally it there’s got to be more to it right so yeah it’s like
dealing with that was that was an isolated incident and so it was like that happened and then it’s just other things on top of that to where now I’m still in the process of you know it’s like during that time of getting caught up I’m texting everybody reminding every hey you’re on my list I’m coming I’m getting there but I’m to get to the people that were missed first I can’t if I get rained out on a mon so I got rained out Monday Tuesday Wednesday so you liter icked so I picked back up Thursday
Friday Saturday so some of these people look at it like Monday Tuesday wday Wednesday well that sucks for you it’s Thursday and it’s not raining you’re cutting my yard where for me it’s like no that’s aough one Monday happened I have to go cut Monday because by the time I get to Monday day it’s going to be a [ __ ] nightmare you know what and it’s like by the time I get to you you’re not going to be necessarely as bad in a perfect world that would be a scenario where maybe you you have what
they would have like a temporary contract worker like him be like hey I got a couple days I need to play catchup you know for sure yeah but like in the business World a lot of things come up where they just need contract for like a week a project that’s going on for a couple weeks or just even a two-day thing but uh to where you have someone on call that they would have to like you know follow you around to learn stuff but yeah that’s weird I get I get the perspective of the the people who okay it’s Friday it’s my day everything’s
working I you know I expect it right but then yeah you just think to ignore the fact that it’s like hey other people pay this guy to do their yard too and he has an obligation everyone else pretty cool other than that most everybody but the thing that’s been an issue you know is is some people you know um just like almost like bombarding you for no reason in a way and you’re like hey like you know nothing’s changed I’ll I’ll be there it’s like we had one week of bad rain and it put me back and it’s like but
outside of that we’re good yeah and it’s like we’re back now so it’s like they have shell shock of being like are you gonna be here this Friday and it’s like I don’t know if there’s a tornado on Thursday maybe not yeah like and so it’s just kind of that was getting frustrating to deal with when I had like all of these people on Friday being like hope you’re coming today and up front you let them know right like you’re messaging them hey obviously I’m this week weather has literally made it
impossible so it’s not like they were waiting on you you let them know beforehand right yes yes customer service man it’s a painful World well that’s what I’m saying it’s like I’m trying to like manage just like a relationship and you might for to Tex but it’s like hey like what do you what do you want do you want somebody you feel safe with showing up to your house and having the code to your gate and all of that stuff and you know damn so that’s so at the end of the so I guess in my mind and at
the end of it all from every con type of conflict or you know issue or problem that we have in life pains there’s growth or development that can happen from it so obviously this might be one of the most intense weeks of just the customer service aspect of your job that you had to do you know which normally it’s just oh I just show do it but to actually have back and forth Communications with all these different people into like out of nowhere to where all this weight was thrown on you it’s like oh you know trying to deal with all
these different conversations like a waiter for the first time at a real busy restaurant no what did what did you learn from it what can you take what do you take away from it that might help you in the future or something like that could happen cuz if not I mean I got I mean so do you have like do you have a system for like like a I’m I’m sure you have a a system but as far as how you track your customers like a log or communic my phone I use I have a log in my phone for every miles in miles out who I’m doing that day for what date so
I can just search in my dates and everything and customers I’m just I’m just imagining like making you a spreadsheet or something you know to where I’m I’m since doesn’t your system doesn’t work well but like you said even just like making sure that you you remember you message the right person or something just like to where you could refine so so much of what I’m trying to say in a way of like what’s happening is it’s just like it’s almost like senseless like nitpicky like bombarding
where it’s like look I’ll get to you a lot faster if I didn’t have to sit here and answer a text message cuz some people will be like are you coming today for instance Friday I would have rather died than have than told a customer I’m not cutting their yard till Saturday I literally would have rather just [ __ ] died then have to text one of my customers and be like I’ll see you tomorrow knew resp because I knew that they would I’m having company I so really lot of dramatic yes and so it
gets to the point where it’s like look I I don’t I’m not trying to demean myself on what I’m doing it’s like but I’m cutting your [ __ ] grass like I’m mowing your lawn if it it’s with cuz it’s one of the craziest things in the world to me cuz it’s like I’m going to cut it in in [ __ ] 3 days it it you’re not going to be able to see what you just paid for right like so it’s for for somebody to be so like on with it for something that’s going to disck even
last week that are like don’t well it’s either how it’s it’s not only because it just Housewives it’s people that either work from home or their identity as their yard doing stuff out which is fine if that and I’m it’s my living it’s I do I enjoy it but also who retired they get worked up about things that are so inconsequential well they have nothing and also too not don’t exactly and don’t understand that it’s like hey you have to consider literally Sometimes some of
my customers are neighbors with other it’s like so you have to consider your neighbor like yeah if I mow them it’s like generally when I have people next to each other I mow them all on the same day yeah cuz exactly cuz of course you don’t want to them you have to think saw him going there he didn’t get to me oh no never do that absolutely not man so this is I’m glad I brought this up this is a t the takeaway for me has almost been um how how how can you grow and improve and learn to make I don’t know
if I can keep doing this at the rate that I’m doing it with myself I don’t know so what so you have okay you mean doing it like you have more clients than you can manage or you just what’s that mean I I don’t know you know it’s not it’s I have a lot of people but then it’s also that it’s just like they’re going to [ __ ] kill me yeah the headache the headache they’re going to [ __ ] kill me doing this [ __ ] just like the physical demand of it being like 106 customer service agent
you get like somebody talk for you deal all that be like an assistant but here’s the thing though deal with it to what extent they I don’t because it’s R they’re still going to they’re still going to drop that’s the thing it’s like even if they’re talking to somebody they’re hearing it unless they’re hearing your mower out front that’s not what they’re trying to hear they’re not trying to hear me saying I’ll be there tomorrow I can show up tomorrow I can no
they want and if it’s anything short of my mower or blower out front they’re not trying to hear it and you’re fired and that’s what I’m saying is that it’s like I’m almost it’s the point of realization in a sense where it’s like you know [ __ ] man what do I you know so it’s like Saturday the other last Friday it’s it’s so [ __ ] hot like did you expect this the recent prise from some from some of these people I didn’t expect for them to be the way they were when I was like hey
it’s like also too I’m by myself I’m not working with other people right now I didn’t have any help and so I’m working my way through it trying to get to everybody and it’s so hot and it’s at that point where it’s like man like I’m I’m [ __ ] exhausted my can only go so far and then I try and tell them I’ll show up tomorrow and then it’s like a huge [ __ ] problem it’s it’s like it’s almost like if he just didn’t say anything and you just showed up
tomorrow and and acted like oh it’s like even talking oh it would have been just as it’s all just as bad yeah I’m sorry man I’m sorry that’s rough well so there’s our saying like if there’s a con if you have need a contract worker no for sure yeah no and I thought about I’ve thought about that but you know it would be sporadic no abely I mean there’s situations where just having cuz I’m sure your dad has done that but he was out of town right yeah exactly he’s normally my help but he’s out of town
and that’s what I mean about like trying to communicate to people so when at the end of the day it’s just kind of you know so communication man CU then that’s the other thing say I hire more people cuz then that so that’s the other thing so then there’s that’s where I’m stuck too so they’re like people will be like okay well hire people so that you can make sure you get to all your customers so for me to hire people for to get to all my customers for them to make a living for me to make a living for them
to for this to be something that they’re going to [ __ ] show up to every day I’m going to increase my rate they’re going to [ __ ] drop me yeah and I and it’s like what do you want it’s like do you want me to show up it’s like then not only that but then they’ll be like they scalped my yard over here they didn’t eat that they didn’t it’s like they haven’t been doing this for 9 years they haven’t been cutting your yard for this long they don’t know be well trained and it and it still
just be like a one-off thing the main issue I’m seeing is is the rates people financially people want to pay people want to pay [ __ ] $35 for a yard cut and it’s it’s honestly it’s crazy to me so what and there’s still so many people charge in your mind what should it like what’s the reasonable price I was cutting grass with a buddy of mine when I was like [ __ ] 13 14 15 years old I’m 32 and we were charging $30 $35 when I was [ __ ] 13 14 and so we’re talking and people are still 17
years of inflation in that and people still think that it’s like 35 [ __ ] I pay $65 to get my haircut deep Elum wait so that mean but the the market has to be determining this so that means there’s other people out there willing to do it that cheap yes and so they pull up well it’s because they pull up with a [ __ ] a whole crew they take 14 minutes on your yard they don’t give a [ __ ] if they run over sprinkler heads they don’t like they don’t care if they leave tracks through a muddy yard it’s like if
your yard cut on Tuesday and it rained yesterday it doesn’t matter if your yard needs to get modow or not your yard gets mowed every Tuesday so we show up on Tuesday we cut these competitors have to have tons of customers to be able to charge that Che they got a knock out but they want they want big they want big like people and whenever I’m telling they want Walmart pricing with like like oneon-one customer exactly with that touch of me and my dad I and and that’s that’s the thing that I have over people
is they see they’re like I love the fact that I look out my window and I see you you and your dad cutting my yard every Saturday or every Friday so many people that love in my neighborhood that and and that’s a justifiable reason to charge more be because that is a value that they won’t get with the other ones so that is worth something but you I don’t know like but being experiment that’s what I’m saying like expectation have you ever gone like have you thought about going up like five or 10 bucks
have ever oh I’ve gone up a bunch on most people I I’m now quoting I quote higher than I ever used to but that’s what I’m saying I’m not always Landing customers because they expect that they’re like you’re charge you’re trying to say you’re going to charge me 50 to cut this or 65 or or 45 when I oh my God that’s crazy and it’s like I’ve been charging so you think that my pay rate on your yard should stay the same for 17 years whenever how much his [ __ ] eggs
bread gone up how much is gas gone up how much is it’s like I’m still paying the same price at the [ __ ] pump that you pay I’m still my rent went up like your rent went up y my phone bill went up like your phone bill went up but I’m expected to make a dollar out of a [ __ ] dime yeah you I mean you know so obviously and what’s crazy is some of these people a lot of these people let me tell you a lot of them are the really rich people but it’s the whole thing you people are rich because
of how cheap they are yeah because we drink mccormic Vodka that’s why we have so much money drink mccomic oh man well I’m I’m I’m glad that I you know asked about doing a weekly therapy but at the same time you know that that’s a lot no I mean it’s it’s a it’s a lot you know of because that the emotional component of you managing all this stress and then the directly the financial component obviously and then just yeah the just looking up and seeing where is this going to take
me I’ve been doing this for x amount of time and if I’m getting this is what I’m getting back and this is what people are given and you know but like you do have and the thing is of course you know you in your personal touch you’re basically like a what they call you like a be like a bespoke spoke lawn man right it’s like you offer them a personal one-on-one thing that they won’t get if they hire a crew of you know just that goes on and does 100 houses then that’s different might be different people every time
they don’t know but it I guess it’s almost like branding because like I know they talked about doing like a your QR code or an advertisement but really branding or you know you to where that per that value was a scen toward where it’s not what this guy’s just charging to much it’s more like I I don’t even know how that works if they just call you whatever but like you you come up front with like you know hey I want to come over meet you talk to you about your yard get a feel for you you know show them that’s like oh it’s
almost like I’m getting my own interior designer that’s like pretty much what I do I mean I do that with everybody everybody I go to is always I personally show up and then they’ll be like asking like hey when did your crew come by and I’m like no it’s me me and my dad and they’re like well he tells them what they need too it’s like hey my yard’s yellow over here it’s like oh that’s because you know you got com off this tree you’re not you know it’s already this and that and so
it’s like he really does take his time so that’s a value to where I’d almost be like it’s like I’m taking my time with each customer and then I’m getting hounded by other customers that are like where you at and it’s like I’m doing the same thing I do for you for everybody else that AR they want that Artis service for that Walmart price yeah I know and and also on that like on demand time go up on the rates and then say what you think is fair you know justify and then are going to pay it are going
to pay it and that the ones that not not but then and then I believe that you could find new customers you know directly you’re directly targeting them with like and I’m sure like you already doing it but like really this the really Personal Touch quality over qu he really thought about like like talking to him right you talked about that about charging a lot and get hand let 25 people pay my bills like yeah but you know but just you know just going really high end and dedicate yeah to you know performance be like you know I it’s
you’re like a personal lawn you know designer you know to tr meet and like okay he cost this much SPS like obv Main is I like Turf I like to mess with I like to know grass and understand Turf and because that’s the most important there’s a lot of people that can do pretty much everything and I can do everything I can do all the planting of shrubs and you know color flow you know rotating color shirt or logo yeah and so it’s like I can do all of these things but at the same time it’s like I prefer
to make my Niche being knowing grass and being like cuz what is it that people see it’s like I’m if I’m cutting your yard it makes sense for me need to know how to make your yard look good it’s like if I’m cutting your hair it doesn’t make much sense for me to like be subpar at cutting hair but better at trimming your mustache like I would call you a lawn artist almost almost like really like I want to know be able to be like hey oh I know who cuts that yard look how green it is but what about you
what’s your man so sorry I got you in a pack a lot but I’m I’m glad you did I did you know a lot you go off line or obviously I mean it’s not you know what you do but I I love trying to give advice that might be useless but who cares so my week uh what was stressful nothing no just the normal you know normal bait the US yeah the usual management of time in between managing uh raising a child in the stress that puts on this the our the wife and I our communication at times can be not you know not like fight or
anything but it can just it can be better at certain times and just the ex some sometimes the exhaustion obviously that comes it was it was a time every month that there’s a Cadence in my job to where like there’s a a week that like is a a a a ton of work like I you know three three weeks out of the month it’ll like you know steady moderate but then like when a accounting close type stuff it’ll be like I’ve got like ridiculous hard deadlines on like a like 150 page PowerPoint presentation that I got like
turn around and that that for whatever reason some superiors are that you know they’re very they they’ll be very meticulous about certain elements that that’s fine you know I’m getting paid to do what I do but it’ll just almost be like why this this the shape of this is a little too small could you go through like each thing and and like just adjust this tiny thing that’ll take forever it’s not not that exactly but so and I’m just whining about job be way so there was that time you know of um of
the month and Stephanie had also taken on I guess what you came over last Saturday right uh not not yesterday but Saturday before like all this kind of built into that week whenever you got Lily I don’t know either way like it Stephanie tried to give me more just I guess free time during the weekend last weekend but but so she just take the baby and go to Grandma and do different things so she was really pushing herself and so there were so we were both exhausted and different ways and it was it was you know I feel like it was we
had some pretty rough just high tension High just high levels of this Stress and Anxiety you know just in the air between the both of us to where it was you know and that’s you know it’s just part of life certain times are are rougher than others but uh so yeah I mean just kind of learning how to manage that then I’m I’m blind I’m clearly I work from home and this I guess we kind of connect to this maybe the other thing but it kind of directly relates to it is I work I work from home I don’t have to interact with people
much I like I’ll have calls and meetings you know throughout the week but they normally won’t be too long but I could easily go a couple days without having to speak to somebody in my job like and there were emails and such but so of course like I’m in a room by myself all the time like every day which if anyone knows me it’s like yeah that’s how he likes it you know he’s in heaven right so Mom even asked today before we left she was like does Matthew work from home I was like yeah I think pretty if he
ever has to go in the office it’s minimal yeah like I don’t even no I work for I don’t even have an office like our headquarters is in North Carolina I’m like literally on an island like I don’t have anywhere to go into the office yeah like so and of course what you know that that’s going to whatever affect being in isolation and not having to interact with people regularly might have I’m kind of like I’m sure that there are some psychological effects but I don’t really care and it’s doesn’t matter to
me I I don’t mind it at all but then the more I think about it is some of my some of my stresses and anxieties that I’ll get I I think it’s it’s like because I’m just in my I am in my head alone so much and I didn’t i’ I’ve lost I didn’t I kind of lost the value or didn’t I didn’t see the value when I used to have to go into work of just literally being around people and just the distract just them bringing you into the moment just oh talking to the cube person next to me hey what’s up
good morning blah blah blah or have this actual human interactions as even as mundane as saying hi to the security guard or you know having small talk you know in the SN break room that it at work might be like oh I don’t want to do it was like oh someone so’s in there I don’t I’m trying to avoid him because they’re annoying or just all these little things that for whatever it’s worth they bring you into the moment they bring you into life you could still be kind of distracted but they suck you into the
the the real shared World enough to where your mind is free of itself to an extent and I didn’t I never thought about it that deeply so I was talking to you and I was just thinking okay because I can easy you know leave live my head and let whatever build up to whatever I might stress or not stress out about and that’s going to carry over because into my home life because I work at home right so whatever weird State of Mind mind or motivational funk I might have been in it just carries over and I haven’t had something to pull me out of
it like something as simple as a gas station or a drive home you know something the physical act of like walk getting in my car building and being like yeah just literally yeah something as simple that as that to pull me out of it yeah and just now I’m just more thinking about man just no and it is crazy I’ve never really yeah I’ve never really thought about it like that but there really is was like cuz I think about that even my job where it’s like my job’s a manual labor like physical job
and you know honestly like I would prefer it that way I I like the manual labor like physical stuff because like the [ __ ] you do sounds [ __ ] exhausting like that’s what like what people no and yeah it is weird mental exhaus like you you you probably look at what I do you’re like I would never do that sounds [ __ ] exhausting it’s just literally it’s the same thing what kind of tired like mental and physical but they both it’s just strange but I almost like the physical tired more because like
when I run like I’m addicted to running I put mine down when I leave there and that’s what they say is they just like you talk about like the world to day and you know especially like somebody like you where it’s like home life and work life you’re never you never you never take vacation even if you take vacation I feel like if if if something serious happens like yeah you’re probably going to get a a work email that’s like hey this is I’ve got my email on my phone my work email I’ll get notification like
we’re more available to everybody like than we used to be and that’s kind of like going to what Mikey was talking about where his customers like hitting him up constantly being like hey are you going to get to me the beauty of my job is that it’s like but then like when I leave out it’s like nobody’s going to hit me there’s complete delineation between work life and personal life throw that box that show Severance is pretty you know we talk about that but it they literally it’s like well and it’s one of about
like work life home life and yeah it sever so have talk about that later it’s sounds interesting it sounds like it’s we talking about but yeah so yeah it is it you know it’s like just one of those things where was like certain people are built for certain things but it’s like I you know like while you get to work from home and [ __ ] like that there’s nothing about like what you do that I envy like like when I’m like you know where I’m like oh Matthew Matthew works from home all day
like that’s [ __ ] awesome and it’s like no because I bet if I sat right the [ __ ] where Mikey’s sitting and watched what the [ __ ] you did all day I I would have an anxiety like 40 minutes in and I’d be like dude like give me some give me some trite [ __ ] to do like I’m going to pick a box like I said it’s it only be like that for like one maybe like one week out of the month cuz there is like a lot of like I’m in a role to where you know I have certain things are expected that I have to do you know and I get
those things done you know and outside of that there’s like a lot of what we do is do analysis and try and even like come up with ways to help present or communicate information to business unit leaders that’ll help them in making decisions you know related to their business and spending to where it’s not even necess like so it’s it’s interesting so I mean there’s outside of like my real you know hell week you know there’s I have a lot of free you know freedom to an extent so I can manage my
time how I want like I don’t have to clock in I don’t I have days I don’t talk to my boss at all there’s not a lot of deadlines you’re up against yeah I’ll have a dead we got to get this deal done but so there’s a lot of times where I’m like you know just in my head and then just like like I said it’s uh just really seeing just like there just even if having a drive to even if I had to drive to work even if I had to do this and I guess just the uh the effect of all that just carrying over in the work
life and home life just kind of blending together so if I have you know been whatever in my head all day and haven’t had some stupid other human interaction to just kind of put me in the reset that’s why I try and take power naaps is just my like ver it’s like trying to do that and and running that’s what I’m saying so it’s like running pushing myself exhaust getting exhausted physically is like an escape from myself in my head your hard reset yeah hard reset so it’s just kind of you know give
at least acknowledging and recognizing that I guess it’s something this week towards been like okay you know it’s things that yeah I know I’m my head but I don’t sit there and dive deeper into cuz like I’m like whatever but then I was starting to do that and I’m like man you know it’s yeah not having a ComEd is great being home is awesome and all these things but there’s obviously these other human interactions and that I’m that were normal that I’m not having and I and I’m at least starting to be able to
recognize the the detrimental effects that might be having yeah but so it’s where that I can okay I I’m identifying that so I have to find ways to offset that so I’ve got to make myself talk to people like I’ve got to make myself get out and you know just walk around I don’t know get make myself have meaningless small human interactions or just you know I I’ll run outside so I’ll get I’ll go to the gym but just but I need to do it more like throughout the day even or just that’s like just
forcing yourself to go or even call you guys or the gas station or just call someone the phone for 5 minutes like you know just these little ways to help upet just for my own mental and emotional health so yeah I mean it was just kind of realizing some of that [ __ ] that fcking no we both we both I think went off further on our therapy session we thought I mean just kind of this unloading stuff is beneficial obviously just like and I’m just trying to think because I feel like there’s oh and I’m
getting a divorce um but that’s about it I wish but that’s I’m joking I love you honey I love you I she doesn’t listen come on you know she I know she does I love saying that who are we kidding here and oh man yeah I’m just going leave that I’m just but no man I mean you know so was a good so we both had a stressful we both had stressful weeks and some saying when he asked about coming over do we do it tomorrow like I I need this you’re I [ __ ] need this like and I and I’m just now starting to really just accept
and embrace that fact you know like I’m embracing this pug that you bestowed upon me that you bless my mental and emotional health need needs needs this and the thing is I needed it even before I had a kid and before covid even whenever I was because I had my gaming friends online and stuff and that was great but I should have been hanging out with y’all more you know like I should have hung out with IRL friends more than I did you know and and I’m just realizing that you know I need these things more than I was
was willing to admit to myself yeah for sure and I love you guys and I appreciate yall for this and so absolutely that’s been some uplifting talk uh yeah ways to start season 4 with the stresses of life for you know it’s uh it’s it’s a wonderful thing what do you think potato yeah so I’m gonna use the little boy room take a bathroom break would do um and let’s grab some hot wings yeah would you like me to leave it on for you boys or would you like to take a little breather real quick take potato was just okay we’ll be
right back this tree that’s the technical welcome back to giant tree talk to the Mike and Me podcast where we’re talking about massive trees sound the Devil’s Tower father Bob was there at the Devil’s Tower he got to it that’s exciting Mikey it really is you know I’m excited I think uh we need to go ahead and talk about some movies movies for we got we we got to get let’s get through them there’s a shitload of them and we’re already taking long yeah so and this is a movie I don’t know what hear me say the word
unpack a lot because that’s I’m just what about Piggy could you unpack that what about piggyback did you hear about piggyback piggy back you might not be piggybacking as much as Aaron Rogers did okay okay but I think we’ll be we might be unpack unpacking more this season before we we started off with the good unpack both of us piggy backing but now we’re going to get off the piggy back and unack we had piggy back we piggybacked a lot of things to this point now it’s now we’re unpacking so
we’re about to unpack 2013 right here piggy backed yeah let’s let’s unpack 2013 and I’d like to say that the first movie on this list is a [ __ ] Banger I didn’t even see that that that was on the list I was looking at what list was that I was on IMDb but this is a more inclusive list I’m imagining uh this is IMDb but obviously it is a a person created it but so is there a movie here that you didn’t see that no this one just wasn’t listed in this order I I guess it could have been lower I don’t
know never saw I love it 12:00 boys yeah so 12:00 boys is actually about like kids in Baltimore that just ride dirt bikes through the city and do wheelies and the city and the cops the way they police it it’s a huge problem like sometimes kids running is a problem yes and that well the reason it becomes a problem is because it’s like you know they chase them down of course they’re not obeying traffic laws the bikes aren’t registered there’s no lights on them turn signals blah blah blah they’re
not street legal who gives a [ __ ] but the kids are riding around yeah they ride wheelies the whole time and so the point is is that it’s like at the end of the day the way a lot of people in Baltimore in the city that they’re riding in most the people that feel about it are just kind of like the wire they’re like why not just let them you know do it it’s like they’re not [ __ ] other well they’re not hurting each other and it’s like at the end of the day they’re most likely going to
hurt themselves riding these bikes it’s like they’re not really going to hurt other people and so this was a documentary you know yeah but it was a great documentary it was a really cool documentary because it gives you a glimpse into kind of like counterculture it’s a counterculture type of thing it’s interesting and it follows this main little kid that’s right here like and you know just kind of gives you a glimpse of what it’s like to grow up and be that age in Baltimore that means she
wants to go to the bathroom you know the other dogs out there yeah I think so no they’re both put up they let that potato out are the other dogs up no they’re not yeah okay then never mind potato you can hold it okay so 12:00 boys yep and I’m just going to pug just unplug my head slowly go down and I’m not going to say something and this I went to so two guns was a good movie Denzel Washington Mark warberg okay it wasn’t bad I thought it was a decent movie 42 oh that was about the the number
after 41 was pretty good 47 Ronin good day die hard that should shouldn’t have been made perfect man Mikey they made a movie about you I know and still I’m just single well I take that I have a pug dude you had the Pug last episode right yeah so the world is aware of yeah the world’s aware I now have a pug that you stole my dog Afternoon Delight that is a joke of the this dog literally texted me you steal one do or what no we we’ll have to do a whole talk about the magic of of this whole scenario but let’s keep on going
American Hustle that was an entertaining flick it was David O Russell film and yeah it’s worth checking out oh Anchor Man 2 uh yep I loved it you know of course the first one had the magic of being unique yeah but honestly I feel for laugh laugh per minute I think aner Man 2 held up for me just about the same a lot of lpms lpms oh Anna that came out this year bye is that the baby girl going to hey baby girl little baby girl is going say hi on Father’s Day to me dude hey there good night CA break that’s hilarious dude she’s so
excited yeah I think she’s getting Delirious you think so when she gets to a certain level of tired she kind of Acts insane she’s smiling yeah yeah she gets hysterical that’s what I’m talking about is she getting hysterical tired a little bit yeah yeah yeah there’s my baby girl she’s like Happy Father’s Day well thank you thank you for that all right we’re moving on uh oh bad words came out there that was funny that was the one with Jason baitman where he enters like the spelling be like he does like spelling
bees and there’s bad words it’s funny okay are moving on big Blackfish oh oh yeah that’s about that killer well right remember the fish the black one yep Blue Ruin that was an interesting movie okay was that no was that good it wasn’t it was interesting all right so so far 12:00 Boys in American Hustle are the only movies we’re seeing this year yeah and like I said I mentioned two guns it’s got Denzel and Mark wal no you mentioned it you’re telling people chis is one was like was C okay well y’all need well no
I mean it it is a fun movie it’s no we’ve we’ve already mve just neither neither of best yeah no and just let you know you know and it yeah it’s is it worth seeing yeah yeah it’s a it’s just a fun movie Anor man he said I dis continues so that is definitely worth see Anna is it so we were at Black Nativity I don’t know about that don’t know about that movie Blue Ruin you said that wasir didn’t that come out that was about yeah the a DC sniper the DC snipers so yall like movies about
snipers okay blue Capri but that was but do you remember that I do now I do it’s one of those things I haven’t thought about since isn’t that crazy how you memor whole [ __ ] like that yeah it’s like it’s like oh that relevant to me just but oh crap that was wild that was back in the days remember the Dallas shooting at the whatever yeah but well the DC one was back before the internet was really going hard too so it was like everything you were saying was you know on the news and it was all so random and
you know it’s like now it’s real time things happen in real time it’s crazy to think back to like that world you know like yeah no to to try and think of the world before the internet and social media and everything it’s so weird I remember trying to call you on the house phone the house what the kids saying what’s a house phone trying to trying to call on 911 we were down in Waco and trying to call the house phone and nobody was there cuz pop sent you to mom’s place and yeah he [ __ ] off cuz
he was like we’re not going to be around a major city like yeah was scared no way to talk to Matthew for two or three days I know it was it was weird there no you know obviously I mean phones and text messaging existed but I I didn’t get a phone till I was 18 like kit it would kit K phones weren’t things kids had they weren’t smartphones and it yeah so yeah there was no it was like if it if you know the good old days if you will the good old days so yeah that that blue Caprice that was the DC sniper [ __ ] that
was going on okay this movie here is it’s probably my number one I mean there this this is a strong year but this is the one I have to stop down on this is a strong year this is a film called coherence tell me about it well we could you unpack it we’re we’re unpack a little bit here with this trailer and then we’re going to peeky back off it [Music] one of the best science fiction movies in years you Air’s bringing Lori to dinner Amir is a total jackass everyone else still not have service I got zero on the news you know
they’re talking about the comet com after it passed people get lost they would end up in the wrong home and they keep telling people that this can happen the chicken tastes like tuna it must be Miller’s comment the whole neighborhood is out of power uh except for a house by two blocks up what the hell was that Mike is that the door locked I’ll I’ll check it stay away from the door I can’t stand this I’m going to go see what’s going on I’m sorry but I’m going see that my God this
is bad this is really wa what’s the box that was at the other house part what did you see she see I don’t know if it’s once every million years or we don’t even belong Comet that everybody knew about he us everybody knew about this except me and we have to just get apparently this had kind of effect visitors to De like M Multiverse multiple Dimension reality to where whenever this thing flew over it’s it’s like everything it’s like an open a port a portal to the Multiverse for this group
of people where like if they left the house they were in trying to like the power went out to try and like find a neighbor they would just end up back like at their at the house they were at and but it could it there’s you know hundreds of variations of of that event happening so they would get there and it be a little different like it wouldn’t be it would be them but they’d basically be running into mold like es of themselves so they so they’re trying to figure out a way like if it’s it’s such a head [ __ ] man it it
just kind of deals with the a lot of it the whole this multiple reality show so like you know super position stuff that it’s it it’s and it was done in like a really like realistic down Earth wage now really like a soundtrack I think a lot of the a lot of the like script was not not not adli like in a comedy way but it was like it’s very naturalistic the way it’s all done like and you look at it and there’s like no famous person in it it doesn’t you know so it it’s for me it’s a it’s
that adds to it just it just really sing and it all just takes place in the house but just it it gets it gets pretty nutty man and uh all right coherence coherence yeah you’ve told me about it before like a week or two ago yesterday things been begin to happen when a group of together for dinner party on an evening when a comet is passing overhead but yeah it’s it is a it is a head trip and like a lot of people haven’t seen it and if you’re into Head trip sci-fi this is about as check you could get it’s
exactly that so coherence moving on Dallas D club that was a very very strong film Matthew mccon won that Oscar gave that famous speech about chasing himself who in 10 years is like who you want to be I want to I want to be myself in 10 years and he’s like always be chasing always be chasing he’s like did you did you do you know did you listen to this speech speech yeah I know you’re talking about I mean he’s great I love him he’s such a caricature man but uh yeah you know Jared Leto and actually
this uh this matters known but the lead singer of the band Deer Hunter is actually Jared L’s uh what a lover in that film and uh yeah he’s just a strange looking fellow that has like uh like not some weird morph something syndrome where got really weird long bones morphism yeah it’s now I’m going to have to look it up like the reverse of dwarfism Maybe is it it might be it might be aor so his name is Bradford Cox hold on I know people don’t care about this we get it tell you now other work equipment pedal board
song right okay Morphin syndrome that’s what it’s called ma m r f n morphan Morphin syndrome is it’s a genetic disorder connective tissue those with the condition tend to be tall and thin with long arms L fingers and penises toes uh they’re very bendable people and the I I imagine it’s kind of like if you watch the expanse belters that were born in out of space that were all stretched out because they had zero g where they born so their bodies are all Matthew is about to have a Game of Thrones situation going on
behind do I have two pugs behind me no but you got one down here in the valley like about to reclaim her steak uh oh so yeah let’s keep it going Dallas barers Club it good game of pugs delivery man he had a bunch of kids because he jacked off into a cup for money so that’s people should check out yeah Mike’s favorite movie huh yeah he what’s it called he was a movie about like a sperm donor and then yeah and then he what’s it called Drinking Buddies children friends o elium this was Neil Blom comp director
of District N9 I went and saw this I remember being like whoa it it was when I saw it I was but yeah later on it doesn’t hold it doesn’t hold water like but I watched it recently and I think I think it needs a reassessment because it’s going back it’s I like it more now than I did then okay it it is pretty like you more now than i’ used to you as you should it it is pretty dry in terms of like having car you know character develop and stuff but it’s people were they need to assess it differently
and I think it it’s it’s a pretty cool little sci-fi World building scenario that uh it’s fun if you like video games it’s it’s probably fun for you Enders game that was disappoint it was not bad but I think it it could have been bad better and didn’t turn into a franchise obviously like you know they hoped cuz there’s a there’s a bunch of enders books did you ever you probably read them I bet end game it’s all right you know was it anything like Fun with Dick and Jane dude they’re literally the same
story okay he let’s see moving on coming up on one of my favor from Tomorrow gosh did okay I think this is about some f fictional theme park that it’s yeah in a world of fake castles in anthropomorphic rodents an epic battle begins or an unemployed father’s sanity is challenged by a chance encounter two underage girls in holiday dude yeah this movie was actually pretty nuts you should definitely check it out all right Escape from Tomorrow I don’t know I should have told you about this one by now it’s got the little little uh movie
posters makes hard pugging up we we got somebody on pug watch let’s see oh EUR a report you was great Evil Dead I didn’t see this remake I’ve heard it’s great it wasn’t bad it was it was decent it was pretty good it was but I mean I think they lost some of the well it was very the tone was it completely different yeah it was it was very different it was more serious whereas the other one at all it was like really serious yeah absolutely so but for what it’s I mean not bad I’ve read from what
I’ve read for you know if you like horror I’ve read pretty strong reviews on it and I do know that the director fed Alvarez is actually doing the new alien movie coming out later this year Romulus no it was a terrible movie uh yeah I I feel like I need to see it just because I love the original even even but this looks like it might actually scare me and I don’t like to be scared I don’t know if it will not scared but does it look have a jump scares see that that it’s kind of like when I walk
behind my wife and she shits her pants let’s see she could be president fading gig fast fre6 oh filth oh gosh I won’t waste time well let’s see moving on Fruitville Station that’s a that’s a that’s a tough watch gracism and cops and such let see we haven’t come oh keep on going we haven’t come across one that you liked yet nope oh gravity gravity very very let me grab the guitar gravity gravity no this was this was a phenomenal phenomenal movie believe words Sandra Bullock I think she might
have W I don’t know she where George connects his [ __ ] and floats away so you don’t have to listen to her [ __ ] yeah yeah Alfonso quaron yeah direct yeah dude no this was this was like one of those cinematic Masterpiece tiles like to where it’s Vis just the scenario that they created of her you know just being trapped in that outer space and zg and just the way it was filmed and I don’t know it was pretty it was pretty powerful it makes you question is space even real yeah because of how real this looked they’re fake in
at all or if the moon have you ever seen a beta fish baby do you remember the tallest man you ever saw dude this was good if you this we need to go back and watch this soon it’s just a this is high quality film making okay maybe it is in it’s just people floating around in water it’s not easy to float at the same time looks like moving on a take on the you know would you rather be in the woods oh hell baby this was a funny movie space with Sandra hell baby was a funny movie that also would you rather be in
stranded in the desert with a strange dog oh I remember this hell baby this this has a um a a a scene of of of netti of theal uh of um as the French call of somebody and it’s so long and I think I read something about them intentionally like looking up the record for longest like like full frontal new scene for a woman or something and just going for that it’s something something goofy but you’ll want to check it out I’m joking moving on her very nice more better worse of M and Dr about about about 10 probably I mean
malland Drive amped up to 11 there we go her her came out that was Ben that was yes Ben her came out her that came out and really for what 11 years ago it oh have you heard you heard about the recent stuff with that uh Chad was it Chad GPT or whatever literally like they gave a voice to their Ai and the I don’t know if the actress was suing but literally like it they got someone that sounded like a lot like Scarlet Johansson cuz she plays the voice of the AI and her no it is Scarlet Johansson that’s like no yeah that oh that was
throwing up arms about it because they Bas it sounds yeah so there’s yeah so it’s pretty funny but uh we are closer I mean we aren’t far from this happening it might be happening right now yeah her is the one with Wen Phoenix yeah falling in love with the an aii woman yeah and no [ __ ] are already paying for that [ __ ] bro yeah that’s exciting Mikey so if you’re for lonely just talk to her the computer moving on Hala to have you seen that what Hala Moving On song hala hala a spit on your grave too Chris you talked about a
spit on your grave first one was Sam Ry one that he said it was a comedy but this one I don’t know if that’s in a world watch just play the trailer if we can don’t people keep getting up and sitting down what the f is going on I have to is K take a PE PE get the hell off me you patient gag are keep going maybe I want to do what you’re doing I’m going well then you can do it when you press play on the two that’s great can I so this is the sequel yeah so I but there was an origal I I know what
you’re talking about that we would see at the video store all the time yeah great they did in 2010 yeah this looks like it’s not comedies no no but that’s exactly how the one that like the first I Spit on Your grve was yeah was why I wasn’t interested in it and then I think this is the one here that we that’s the original but then look at the 2010 cover cuz the 2010 cover dude this isn’t comedy at all no but the 2010 one was like yeah this one with this isn’t comedy either bro I Spit on like you
just have to watch it and like I cannot think of what movie I’m getting it confused with if it’s not this one yeah cuz this is serious it’s it’s a rape and revenge horror film yeah and it’s controversial remake of the 1978 cult film that dealt with a lot of raping so I think you might be thinking of a different movie we’ll watch these all later and we’ll see if we laugh I’m down all right uh is uhuh where is it right there all you can keep keep going yeah so I’d like to talk a lot about movies because I’ve
watched a couple identity theft um that solid yeah that was that had the one chick she’s probably like my most favorite female comedian actress that is of a certain size yeah and uh let’s see Inequality For All Insidious Chapter 2 I mean the first Insidious was good and chapter 2 you don’t know I mean if you saw the first one I I think you kind of saw what they did there um Joe that was a Nicholas Cage movie and you know it wasn’t I don’t think from what I remember it wasn’t his worst
movie which is I don’t know how much that’s saying yeah uh but I’m a big fan of Nick Cage K ass to yeah Nicholas Cage movies worst movies I think that’d be a great he’s gone Bruce Willis and started just making any movie that comes across that seems like his his desk cuz I tell you what seems like you like my pug dude that’s cool glad getting jumping up to me so I don’t what to tell kids for cash I heard that they were going to be doing this instead of the cars for cash thing you know or uh no that was a bad joke I
guess um yeah that’s terrible talking about human trafficking yeah joke Killing season did you guys ever see this that said Robert dairo and uh um John Travolta did you see this Matt uh no was it good uh it was interesting pretty much like hunting each other because dairo was a former American soldier in Bosnia and there was American soldiers yeah and there was American soldiers that committed war crimes John Travolta was a former Bosnian who um was in a you know there’s the whole thing and uh he it’s a Revenge movie and the
war is over at this point they don’t there’s no reason for this they’re old men but it’s a Revenge plot the guy remember yeah old men don’t need to be fighting no more no um if you’re into chick flicks if you want to watch a flick with your chick from 2013 you’re like you know what honey let’s watch one Labor Day with uh Matthews boy Josh broling it was an interesting one big old Josh he he was a big old Josh a big old big bad Josh um excuse and so uh it’s happened that was a good little
chick flick oh dual pug he’s D pugged up double pug he’s double pugged dude um and so see what else take oh you want to take back over I was enjoying it oh keep doing it then I was feel like nah it doesn’t matter not maybe Drag Me to Hell is Drag Me to Hell My that one was could be Samy did that one no and that’s and that’s one that P but he just took an adorable picture he have to post it to Mikey me Ina I said post it to the Instagram dud she’s on top of potato potatoes like Sor I got so there’s two pugs literally
wedged behind me in my chair and they’re just living their best life they’re pugged up dude these are my girls y my girls okay we’re we’re having too much fun line of duty uh I don’t know Insanity H remember that is that literally about fre listening to somebody way over here stuff and somebody brought up Jeremy that was pretty wild little cuz there were just talking about how other people were doing what he it’s not like it you know not like it had to be basketball player like had an amazing
you know was it how many games was it even that he did really well I mean it was like kind of I say it was a shorter stretch than what we thought it wasn’t that many it wasn’t it it was just that like the first like three or four games they didn’t know how to play him he just like went ham exploited him and then you know he did still have success beyond that but it was like he just went stupid the first chance he got and people were just like yo who the [ __ ] is this kid Andy’s like this little Asian guy that’s
just like balling out for the New York Knicks yeah it’s kind of out of nowhere one of the most you know story Fran historic franchises you know they [ __ ] but you know it’s like I mean you got the you wears Jersey like every other day and Lone Survivor that was solid mark wallberg I really liked it I I trust it’s pretty accurate I it it’s accurate to what we knew at the time so what about it do we know that changes um he’s like he didn’t actually survive in like you no there’s just no
he I mean obviously he did but but details with the encounters like with the goat cuz I know they had the goat herder that was that was the the the initial thing that the mission off that was true was that they inserted it was like a low illumination night they inser inserted on Lone Survivor the top of a mountain they basically come came in contact with some goat H herders that were in the area that they did not know were going to be in the area and so they were immediately faced with the decision do we trust that they’re goat herders or
do we kill them well it wasn’t that they trust that they were goat herders the decision is do we tie them up leave them here continue on with the mission but somebody’s going to come looking for him yeah that’s right or do we shoot them bury them and somebody’s still going to come looking for him but they knew more time than the other but they knew that if they let them go they were immediately going to go into the valley they compromising and tell all of the enemy fighters in the valley that yo uh
bunch of ninjas are are on top of the mountain yeah yeah that movie was intense I was captivated by it there was a lot of what was going on was it’s like like he was did that helicopter did it get shot down that rescue chopper that was coming all of that did happen it’s like if you’re if you’re interested in looking into like the controversy of like Operation Red wi so that’s what that was is what that that was Operation Red wi was Lone Survivor um yeah do something that cuz that’s fting on
YouTube look up Brent Tucker operation Redwing he’s a former Delta Force guy um he’s the one that went after Rob O’Neal the one that supposedly had shot Obama first killed OB uh yeah L like he got unloaded on by everybody yeah it turned out yeah but yeah well yeah we’ll have to do segment about a lot of the movie was right in line with story that the book told okay and it it isn’t until the last couple of years that we found out that you know there may be some impropriety in stories but enough of it true to but yeah no if
you’ve read the book the movie does it justice like it’s and it is a it is a great [ __ ] movie yeah it is and I remember watching it with your brother Caleb whenever we lived down the hall from each other yeah cuz I read the book long before I ever even knew they were making it in that book that’s the last book that I read that made me cry oh damn and that’s one of those things cry before one that’s one of those things too to find out down the road what they’re saying that like some of it may not be what it
was that it’s like damn which you really have to apply that lens to everything you ever see or here especially does where military what is conflict scen moving on uhen Movie 4 three was funny it was good like a that was a wasn’t it that was like this sketch comedy movie but had like some pretty famous actors in it that it it was funny it wasn’t as funny as you’d hope it would be but who did who did it though it was I think I don’t know if it was multiple directors so yeah there’s multiple
directors CU it was like a bunch of basically a bunch of short films bunch of skits B like we talk about on women on the moon or Kentucky Fried Movie except with like legitimate actors in them it so it’s it’s worth seeing it’s worth seeing because yeah there’s a a skit where Hugh Jackman has testicles on his neck and just just yeah and Terence Howard giv his speech as like a like a black coach in the 50s being inspirational he just basically tells him dude they’re white guys like whenever they like has to deal
with speaking of Terrence did you interact with him at all when he was down the hall with Joe a couple weeks ago dud he just transported an on about to start coach be scared there’s 10,000 people out there that think that we ain’t good enough win or lose I am so proud of y’all you’re going to win what game are we playing basketball coach what color is that skin what y’all going to kill those Caucasians but look at the fundamentals the fundamentals y black they’re white this ain’t Hoy ask there’s something I’d like to
ask you will you on me wait what what did you say I want you to be my first they actually truth or dare dare see that blind kid over there I dare you to blow out his candles before he gets a chance to they homeschool their son it’s very important to us that Kevin has a normal and complete High School experience I need to go back and watch this it was funny come check out this kid wow why didn’t you call me wait a minute did I not C after sex you know that like a baby oh my soul’s so dark because you
saw some bats when you were little you [ __ ] surprise caught you a leprechaun o magically delicious now your Superior height the ey bab is a high fidelity music player kids are sticking B you know watch in v p the fan then mangles their you know watch M extensive testing any red flags it’s hey can I please come in Debbie Clark’s here the girl you asked out it’s going to be awkward [Music] experi she a period what do I do oh we’re just going to have to plug it up I got frozen peas in a sponge I can’t believe you had sex with
that hobo for magic beans he was Wizard oh Gerard Butler is like a [Music] [ __ ] it’s the guy that played Ray Donovan couldn’t get more offensive war war many their white saying is it’s part already he made what’s his name not Wolverine but uh saber saber to yeah dude actually dude I betray my wife and my children but that movie was pretty funny movie 43 definitely watch it I’ve never yeah I’ve never seen that oh D either we’ll watch it tonight when I get home yeah dude there’s there’s a lot of laughing to
have uh and that’s it Mikey you g to say anything I’m well you said well let me take over sorry you know you’re right this here take take take it take I don’t need that listen listen that’s I prefer that keyboard all right well see you got about more movies to get through keep it up the next movie I like uh I don’t like it you definitely skipped some old boy these movies aren’t worth Oblivion is worth seeing okay Oblivion well then say it if you see it otherwise I’m going going so fast that’s what I’m trying to
do here old boy Oculus was supposed to be creepy I thought you would have seen that Oculus it I mean yeah I mean do you want me to okay there was the one about the and stuff yeah it was kind of creepy whatever it’s not worth saying okay I mean okay yeah check it out check it out give it a shot old boy but it’s the remake by Spike Lee that no one should see but there actually that director is making a a series there’s actually like a new series made from the original director of old boy that’s in the works
so be excited Olympus Has Fallen uh only God forgives yes only God forgives a Nicholas winding rifen film dark we and confusing like you would expect and Ryan goon’s in it only God forgives see it let’s see Out of the Furnace movie number 241 this is Christian Bale Casey Affleck they’re two brothers in a movie together I’m just going to copy it so I don’t forget uh they’re it’s a good movie um okay that’s all I need to know it’s pretty much about a brother who’s uh one gets out of prison the other
one’s like been out and he’s doing like fighting like illegal boxing matches for money and uh what’s his name also in uh the guy from True Detective not MCC uh God why can’t I think of his name Vince V I’m G to karate chop you in season one his W har yes Woody Harrelson’s in it woody woody is in it Woody is also in Toy Story um and then let’s see so going right along Pacific Rim it’s definitely there you go definitely worth seeing Pain and Gain if there ain’t no pain no that’s probably Michael B’s best
movie for it to be a Michael Bay film it it’s I didn’t realize that it was based on a true story which made it even crazier yeah which well I guess we said enough to her let me just and then you watch it and then you’re like it’s like oh my God like Michael Bay actually made action movies like this he could be more respected but it’s yeah a trio of bodybuilders in Florida get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong well yeah that that is a very high level
summary of what yeah dude a lot character so ridiculous but it it it’s so much more like gray than that all throughout it’s like these are the description of it the description of it makes it sound so black and white but it’s like you realize though watching something like that how gray that like while what they did was stupid yeah it’s like you know like oh my God is that about JFK that’s actually I don’t know I never watched it fonus activity like Parkland was Parkland about the JFK I think it might have been
yeah that was the one about yeah cuz that’s the hospital they took his blown up head to yeah they just found a bullet that’s that’s whenever uh finally got it through his head that Dallas didn’t want him yep that’s correct unfortunately for us sports radio 13 ticket I feel like that’s a Matthew yeah Mike Riner would made that joke like every time JFK was as soon as you said it I was like that’s oh oh here we go here’s a big one here’s a big one here’s a big one tell us about it you tell us
about it on the count of three lots both tell him prisoners yeah oh that was good for us like we should have [ __ ] that up so this is first of all you know it’s going be good because Mr Dennis Villa who actually has two movies this year that make it on this list he he is is a masterful director you know we’ve talked about him before he did SAR he did the new Dune movies he’s he’s done all his stuff is very high quality this here is just when when Keller dover’s daughter and her friend go missing he takes matters into his own
hands as the police pursue multiple leads in the pressure mounts yep well it’s it’s one of those movies that takes place basically like in Sp area of a a block or two yeah but it is just so tense and it’s just man that’s after bew watch the prison Jake Gyllenhaal he Jackman it’s such a great movie because I mean to me it hits it hits a couple of different like it hits suspense and then it’s drama yeah parents feeling just like and it’s also a little bit of like horror in a way in some of the
situations it’s like oh man these are kind of tense Thriller isk you know I mean it’s like I don’t know it’s very broad like they’re able to kind of get a you know a whole wide variety of different you know array of emotions in different you know levels to the whole story and it’s like man this it is it’s yeah it’s it’s said it’s edge of your seat but like very uneventful as hell it’s it’s it’s like a lot in it’s yeah just the uh and you know of course being
a parent now it’s like oh I can kind of M but just seeing movies and things were just how far a parent or someone would go to try and find you know kind of like the year honor show if you just watch that at all it’s like you do anything for try and save or find your kid something happens and it’s yeah Hugh Jackman and Jake jillen all it’s no it’s a crazy movie all right uh red two that’s one I didn’t see but I I know the first one was good you said the like one was good second one it was good okay
kind of more the same yeah yeah very similar but like yeah it’s like it’s just secondary plot it’s like they’ve kind of both continued on doing what they’ve doing and all that so you got a Lily pugin let’s see a little pug wedgy pug Ric that that’s solid taking all Chronicles of Ric y pitch black character it’s it was a good movie yeah no it was a fantastic movie running from crazy I don’t know I rush I didn’t see I know it was about the race car man and Chris Hemsworth I
yeah sa Scary Movie 5 this nothing this is the worst of the scary movies probably I never I never saw it yeah I think I think three was like one and two obviously were the Way’s brothers and then three is the one your dad loves well and was honestly honestly though three three was probably the best one just because three was which one had Charlie Sheen in it three that was three and that was the one that was so much like like what we grew up on airplane and Naked Gun and the Leslie neelson like like slapstick like
slapstick like real funny like slapstick [ __ ] yeah um per yeah I heard I heard somebody the other day talking about like uh the ways were like really gross parody like this is which like they were hilarious they were funny but could you know you could watch this with people Scary Movie one and two I don’t consider the same as the rest of the scary there’s like a whole different series to me because it was like well and the scary movies started the whole genre of like where they made the [ __ ] Spartan
movie and all the different parody movies Epic movie yeah and so it was like but scary movie kind of started it well Not Another Teen Movie came I’m trying to think Not Another Teen Movie was right around the same time it was I feel like it was before Scary Movie 3 yeah because it was still that same it was still it yeah it was a hard R like there was no a there was no a on that one that was a horr Scary Movie 5 yeah I have to I have no idea what I haven’t seen it SC we’ll watch it right now here we go side effects Danny Bole
um yeah it’s a it’s a thriller it’s a psychological Thriller it’s it’s we checking out pretty well crafted Ros D Dawson uh exposes herself completely um I just like letting the world know she’s done that a lot not like not like she did in this Alexander though not like she did in this what was the name of that that was Alexander but no this side effects oh okay it’s it’s it’s good for many reasons I’m asking for a friend it’s good for many reasons Danny Bole Slum Dog Millionaire
come on train spotting director he’s he’s a good filmmaker moving on snitch is about you Mikey no [ __ ] you you talking about you’re trying to get me shot oh what you don’t snitch anymore you stopped doing that once you got out of jail sound sound City I didn’t see this but it’s supposed to be good man documentary about this the record famous recording studio like whatever it’s whatever yes whatever said that moving on you don’t like whenever you’re reading this to me earlier Mikey saw a
bunch of things they’re further down they’re not they’re not here yet we haven’t gotten to them yet I’m scared is Texas chains so that’s no that’s literally just called Texas Chain like trying to get your attention by because of the other movie okay you want here no I’m [ __ ] with you no I’m dude I I have Mouse here too we can both Mouse it up man because you can just roll that little wheel down and go that way yeah but you like doing the sound okay listen it’s okay it’s like a child that
way people can’t hear the frustration like for you to have fun i’ like for you to have fun The Conjuring didn’t you conjure yourself the oh came out this year that’s what I was see this is I said this earlier and you were off in land and I’m like Matt I’m like Dad Daddy Dad Dad I’m the counselor Dad no and you were like I’m trying to get you we I was trying to be more efficient trying to get these logged look at this dude tell us about it no I want you to tell us about I don’t remember it I just
remember the guy consulted somebody and they made a snuff film so I did I didn’t watch this till within the last year um what happened I’ll be we’ll take a quick break we’re back we never went anywhere we never went anywhere so number movie number 315 is a movie that Matt didn’t realize came out this year no son until just now and uh it’s a fantastic movie if I don’t say so myself but it’s the counselor um sorry the dogs disconnect dogs a pretty wild movie yeah what I was I think I was saying is
I actually hadn’t so when this came out I read it didn’t get reviewed very well and I R the SC so I think is someone trying to get in that door Chris I think it might have been a dog scratching oh okay because Stephanie could potentially try and CHR Chris PS is good it’s just the dogs I a get dog scratched it as well oh all this for Caleb oh sh I haven’t seen that girl sorry for we got a a special visitor my S my sister-in-law hello good to see you stranger yeah good good to see you stranger your your your niece misses you
but watch I think Stephanie just put her like I think is just putting her down so be be care just be careful okay so the counselor I put off seeing it even though on paper redley Scott directed it great right cormack M cormack McCarthy the author of You Know No Country for Old Men and the road right so he wrote those books that were turn made into great movies right yeah but so this to my knowledge so this is his is first I think or maybe only Andor only screenplay that he wrote so this is a screenplay written by cormack McCarthy
not based on a book by him I so this is a book author writing a screenplay right so and I based on what I read I told I can’t think of specifically I can’t think of I mean I don’t really know enough about B authors but I imagine that’s incredibly rare okay you know but so it’s taking somebody from one world and having them convert because of course the way you write a book and the way you screenplay completely different yeah so and I I guess that didn’t Theus did General Public it didn’t cat they didn’t it didn’t catch
them or they it didn’t work that formula but for me I think it’s ex like exactly perfectly what that should be like it’s it’s it’s cuz the the way the dialogue and the conversations everyone has I mean it’s a movie but it’s none of it is like realistic at all so kind of like in you know Juno that where everyone’s smart and quirky and like short and funny it’s it’s not like that it’s taking kind of that like nobody talks like that to like just every conversation is a crazy
philosophical like like existential like if all these little conversations are so deep and what movie is this the counselor it’s like every single conversation is incredibly deep to which is you know people like oh that’s what’s the point but I I I think it’s literally they took an amazing author and like it being the way he would do movie I and it’s so dark I mean no it’s super [ __ ] dark it is like no happy end of the tunnel and absolutely not the end oh it’s almost it’s unset
but it’s so good for me the counselor and I got to go back and watch cuz again the conversations that they have just this this just the way that they it’s a heavy movie Heavy oh yeah incredibly heavy and it’s oh man it was I just want to watch it oh the East wow I didn’t realiz that came out this year opposite of the West man this we’re seeing it has my girl on the other side uh what’s your from the OA from the OA and I also got scars guard in there your boy scar oh bill yeah it no not him uh his one of
his older brothers oh wait there’s like three of them who’s are there yeah the scars guards Nova so yeah Z Batman who’s who’s the who’s it then he’s a scar yeah he’s the younger one he’s the one who’s in John Wick four I thought that was Bill that might be this might be Alexander scars guard I was going to say I thought that was Bill Scar Guard oops Yeah that’s Alexander scars guard Oops There You Go oops oh Elliot page oh they fixed it there yeah said the wrong name Z Batman this name that I’m doing
my best to pronounce his director Z Batman Batman glge he and Britt Marling this actress in there I’ve done like they did DOA together they’ve done a lot of stuff projects together and they’re all it’s all they’re all of a pretty legit quality and offer up some pretty you know unique ideas so the East and I didn’t even find I didn’t see this till recently but yeah the the East you should definitely check that out and that’s all I’ll say about it give it a shot do I need to mute that man no yeah
no no you don’t I was just dropping truth on about all right can’t people they won’t know what to who to listen to no nobody nobody was guarantee you Mr Paige wasn’t Great Gatsby that was your favorite movie for a while yeah I love it I like dressing up Goofy and you know doing Shenanigans that’s another book I had TW in high school The Great Gatsby you read that yep had to they made you read it like Gatsby like that was like okay we’re going to power through here so we can get to the real stuff here
yeah let’s get to the real stuff and it ain’t the wanted swing whatever the [ __ ] that is the Immigrant no that was a funny movie Incredible Bert warstone I believe yeah that was was that that was the one with the what’s mag magician yeah I think I watched that with Steve Krill Steve bashim yeah no that was a funny movie Yes it had it had laughter it did have laughter I watched that I don’t know how many lpms it had per minute I watched many movies together Lone Ranger came out this year pretty
good movie not is that one where John Depp played tono Jonathan so this you actually saying this was good it was I mean it was [ __ ] for for being way this could be good I didn’t want to see it wasn’t bad it had some good like Parts in it yeah jonath F Depp playing in Indian Tonto not not mainly the other guy was good what’s his name that’s the fact that Johnny the fact that Johnny Depp is in there playing in Indian I can’t even pay attention anything else yeah well no first of all I think they call them
first peoples now First Peoples indigenous Americans we had Johnny Depp Army Hammer oh that guy’s oh yeah he was like let’s go bite some [ __ ] like hey would I have a daughter’s trying to sleep the Army Hammer talk about a weird career turn rumors of cannibalism interest and not that like dude I don’t know dude we can go down a rabbit hole Army Hammer like he lost all kind of jobs Rabbit Hole I think it’s like actual Court testimony and [ __ ] yeah Army Hammer personal life can definitely
affect your career like he was like hey can I eat just like a little piece of your leg is it weirdo brother here’s here’s one for you brother Mikey Yeah the secret life of Walter midi was pretty shitty so no you tell me you had this no I like it I mean it was a good movie I mean it’s kind of pretty much about a guy who you know is always living in his head about things he wish he could do but never does and then all of a sudden it’s like something happens in his life and he’s like [ __ ] it how
can I help you today I can’t seem to leave a for someone okay I’m looking at your profile aot of this ien anyy ortion [Music] predictable just a just a routine and then he just wakes up one day Andes I’m going to make this be God you’re noty you still there I just like zoned out for a second oh so he lifts in his head we have ahead of us the privilege of publishing the very last issue of Life magazine and for the final issue we just received negative 25 from Shan okon for the cover it’s 25 it’s not there even
better maybe it’s still on it [Music] seanen I’m Walter me it has it’s like a really oh are you coming it kind of makes me think of like another big fish in a different in a different you go into one of [Music] guy CH C the he’s like I’m not going to what’s stopping me from nothing you know stopping me I don’t have to be so Tim like I can do this I what stops me from being person I This Is Us making a [ __ ] podcast Matt you should have Goosebumps right now Matt oh my God this is us we’re making it happen yeah
dude I love mysteries there’s Parts you think can’t connect yeah so secret life of Mikey me of Mikey midi Mikey midy [Music] okay The Unknown Known The wol Wolverine The Wolf of Wall Street Wolf of Wall Street everyone should see this at least once that that movie was yeah yeah the peret what was it the perco scene or the he was talking about never he’s never done like drugs who has uh Leonardo DiCaprio talk about is in real life himself he’s never did yeah he’s talking a li well no I and and I don’t I I’m I’m inclined not to
believe it either but it is one of those things I’m sure he didn’t do quayes before cuz those been a thing forever so it’s like or that maybe maybe not that he doesn’t or that he’s never done them but that he’s never been that messed up or that no or that he had like he’ done them before and maybe stopped but either way it was like interviews I’ve heard with he was like he didn’t really strike me as like a drug guy necessarily agree but yeah he was talking about like how C
he was like but just how much he nailed that excuse me like if you could imagine cuz they stories about yeah yeah yeah how much going I don’t know 72,000 based on the story of living High Life to his fall involving crime corruption and the fedal going I cannot I’ve actually seen you know different times as Jordan Bel for spoken oh yeah dude can’t stand toal doorn straight up doorknob yeah he’s the guy you want to jerk out of his [ __ ] window and like it what he did was just basically almost like a
scheme he has no like real like expertise on the market just [ __ ] scam people that cuts you off he’s the kind of red light and then flips you off yeah he’s the fire Fest guy yeah it’s like okay dude I can promise a bunch of [ __ ] to everybody and give them nothing too yeah dude it’s like and and oh dude yeah buy this you buy it up right now I’m telling you it’s GNA Skyrocket and then they buy it up and you’re like [ __ ] that guy got his money yeah dude so good we’re seeing the movie but yeah
absolutely what’s her name [ __ ] margar Robbie oh God yes this put this put her on the map yeah this put I put specific parts of her very much high on the map yeah um nobody else watch it that’s for me to zero theorum it it was it was very interesting I wish it was better than it was but it’s worth seeing at least once had Christ as opposed to Theo zerum had Kristoff walson I think ter got Terry Gillian directed it or wrote it let me see yep Terry gilam he was a me member of Monty Python you know he
did he did Brazil and he did fisher king and he did he’s he’s he’s got really so yeah 12 Monkeys so he’s got I mean he’s got he does cool stuff that’s a guy’s butt cheeks that looks like a grown man as cheeks I need to watch that again oh I didn’t know Kevin Bacon was in this movie no it’s a just because it wasn’t what I expected doesn’t mean it’s not good that’s why I like to I need to go back and probably watch it this because you know ter Mar boner third person this is this is
Martin boner oh this is the [Music] end TR that sounds wait what oh what didn’t we we talked about this before didn’t we oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that came out this year I don’t know man I feel like gosh dang it there’s a lot of these movies that I feel like they came out four years in a row stream color the papa Sun you got to be kidding me so this this came out this came out the same year as coherence and we still haven’t gotten to my movie or we missed it Caleb Upstream Color is the
movie I made you watch with me right about that P yes amazing movie dude I I’m not even this is one of the my favorite movies of all time like this this is number one for the year I we play the trailer then if it’s number one for the year let’s see the trailer and don’t talk let me see it dude dude all right it’s and it’s not going to tell you much cuz this movie is unlike anything I want to see if I can guess the ending based off whatever movie this is I want to say yes go in there just go in there for you I
want to I haven’t slipped at all is there is there a direction that you feel dra I’m going to go wherever you go you know that you’re scaring me a little bit she’s a high autistic person or something nope won’t let anyone near them just crowd back in the corner violent never seen the parents behave so they can get very protective Pap [Music] NOP you never try and get the water before you is somehow special it is better than anything you’ve ever tasted each drink is better than the last it’s
long they e take a drink now [Music] brain parasite that Griefers a but there’s something to kind of but it’s not what it’s all about like a pig FL I’m sorry this is one of those films that you definitely don’t or probably never see anything like it and it’s almost giving me the happening Vibes where like the plants are something are admitting [ __ ] plants make you yourself I want to watch it because I do tell me about all I can say
is it’s a movie that it doesn’t like when movies have any form of exposition or anything that even remotely explains what’s going on or why something might be happening like it’s it’s like a a linear story as far as like what’s happening in these people’s lives but it doesn’t like get into the details or of explaining or really making you certain of anything whatever happens and it’s you literally just have to watch it and then come up and like almost analyze it like what what did that what was happening there
what did that mean what like why is it even called why the movie the movie’s name why it’s called that is it dude it’s sounds like so stop it’s so stop provoking like you probably want to be in the dark room with nothing else possibly to distract you probably take some mushrooms um you know it’s it’s so good sorry so Upstream colored to watch with a Pug you can take it on from here and I’ve no that’s fun Matthew check out your potato oh wait that’s not a potato um Warm Bodies uh that was a movie you
said that you loved Were The Millers it was a laugh movie pretty good yeah pretty good pretty good laugh per minute pretty good LPM guys got paid yeah um everybody’s like making out with this m let’s see White House Down that was Chris’s movie World War Z ay [Music] movie this pug going to decide just because the whole concept so wait is that all the movies yeah which one I never saw which one would you was your movie you said it missed on 3 it was actually it was actually pretty good look at this look at this I see her she’s crazy dude
she loves you but she’s like still want to have some affection for this guy start out okay you know get off your phone scan I’m serious was there something yeah so it’s like build up Auto turet sh like that what could no we 100% enemy yes enemy yeah it’s not in here uhoh what’s I mean initially that makes sense cuz really a director released two movies in the same year but it it does happen no so it me you can’t 2013 me like this the whole time so what yeah enemy is enemy was a movie that I that yeah this is one of I think
probably one of the best movies of 2013 one of um let me see if uh now it’s got me more if we missed I know movies I don’t think we saw that one in there that came out this year though is there a reason why you’re asking me this you know maybe did as well I wish I say it’s two two movies in this year but this this is another Head trip oh of such an 824 I didn’t even real be one of the movies rurn Ro like this had to be like uh good afternoon the very first probably anything we’re checking out for I’m I’m
sorry I think there’s been a Mis who is this okay I’m going to I’ll call back later who was on the phone the same guy who called before guy this a movie that we bonded over cuz we talked about you remember when you watched it and your girlfriend was like sleep and you’re just like yeah I need someone to talk to about this what I was just left being like there almost like the only person that saw a UFO yeah it’s like and nobody else see this like this is awesome I don’t know anyone else upgraded
the yeah dude that’s anyone watching you watch you watch something feel free to to post post in real time oh my gosh yeah experiencing this crazy movie I I I really don’t know what you’re talking [Music] about why you come look for me been amazing some questions for you like Hunter did you ever see that what’s wrong you’re crazy where he was like night crawler night crawler where he chases down like to get like live footage of like Rex basically like TMZ yeah like TMZ for like rexs and crime
like pop crime papazzi basically they roll around with the with the scanner they get the call they’re trying to get footage of like dead bodies which enemies not that but the night call yeah so I would say this prisoners enemy yeah yeah this one prisoners um The Counselor 12:00 boys and Were The Millers that’s five good movies were the Millers is a comedy yeah it’s good death man too delivery man is also a comedy type you know it’s a good movie it’s kind of a Feelgood movie at the end of the day um
it’s about a mail that one’s a funny one delivery man no yeah my my daddy was a mailman yeah your dad was your dad was the best mailman from what I hear he I’m like he kept some of the mail though oh no if well if you see something looks cool we figure hey I I’ve worked hard I deserve it they’ll get another one they’ll just they’ll say that it got lost give me that I’m joking of course my dad would never yeah no your father’s the sweetest most honest man special man sitting in the chairs most my nephew
Caleb has stepped up to the plate looks like he’s auditioning let’s see Tak C’s spot no he’s seen Upstream Color and so he can vouch for it’s an experience like you don’t it it’s mind-blowing and crazy like the OA I got him to watch the OA that that’s that’s you know what a great thing about nephews is when they’re young they’ll listen to you and they’ll trust and you you actually like a good friend who watches something they suggest they’ll sit there and they’ll
check it out and their Uncle tells them why it’s good and they’re like damn this is good I CU would like more if he told you it was [ __ ] no cuz I wouldn’t do that to my nephews I wouldn’t do that to I Expos them to the choicest of entertainment the only thing you’ve showed me that I haven’t been a big fan of was dark get the [ __ ] it’s funny that you that [ __ ] out of here that might be like his no that’s cool we’re ending this [ __ ] I’m getting my pug getting the [ __ ]
out of here did you man even your mom liked it is it CU you didn’t have patience for it cuz you were from Germany No I just can’t handle the subtitles oh or the D the dub over is just horrible okay so it’s almost like if you would ahead and learned German then you might like it okay well there’s a path to enjoying it that mov the greatest TV show history of world I don’t know about all that Game of Thrones exists the end just seeing [ __ ] penis all over place you just see you just it’s just [ __ ] dick the only time I
ever saw that is is like that’s the first time I saw it that’s what I see that that who’s that guy Peter dinging Cena’s Dingle you don’t see his Dingle oh well I Knowles but you don’t see his oh I don’t know I feel like I saw more of him I feel like I saw more of him than I wanted see he was does he have like a whole bunch of brothers that look like him that are like two inches taller than him or something then this is why you got to watch it I mean I want to see how much you can just make
up that I’m just saying that was in it no I I swear to God has the spaceship that shows up in season five no I didn’t see it all that smoke monster I just remember when Quan Chi threw that [ __ ] ice sword at that dragon and I got pumped and everybody in the room dud it’s got It’s got yeah Game of Thrones has it has some greatness the ending was what but they we not not here to talk about Game of Thrones yeah well look what happens go all over the place I think it’s overrated good he let spark
he let us spark Chris trash so yeah so oh incr so you said yours coherence Upstream Color movies you have to see before you die the counselor I would say as well that be ready to be completely depressed and feel hopeless about life so if you’re not in the state to to bear that then don’t but stay out the kitchen stay out gravity Lum D Bar Club oh gosh man this this might be I’m going to go and say it I’d say there’s about 80% odds that this is the strongest of all the to come i’ I don’t I can’t disag I don’t know
if there’s a bun there’s like four of these movies in here I have to go watch movie 43 I need to go watch her cuz I never I don’t know if I ever finished it oh wow yeah um I have to go watch uh what is it coherence yes Upstream Color and side effects I’m glad and and honestly there’s some that we did that I know we left off that in other years we would have had to mention because the the other years was so weak but well there you have it goodness gracious yeah so that’s the movies that
was that was wonderful that took like four and a half hours yep movie segment over done metamorphis me right now oh you don’t take a break okay we can we can do that I got to go to the bathroom oh yeah we’ll see how that goes all right welcome back so we hope you uh we hope you stuck around after that or through the movie thing cuz that was we still if y’all have recommendations on how we can streamline this thing or how you would PR job better or if you would prefer us just season 4 don’t we’re not sure that
we’re doing this in a in a compelling and captivating way yeah and we’d love to have your feedback even if it’s just like hey you suck that’s cool but just tell us let us know let us know something let us know what could we do to to hook you in you know what I mean or to or to to make it better or more edifying and pleasing to listen to if you have any constructive criticism pleas give it be open and the thing is there’s certain things that we’re going to do regardless but there’s a lot of
there’s a lot of space where we could probably have our BL be sharpened a bit we want this to appeal to people and we want it to be something that you that’s easy to listen to because we know I know Caleb listens to this and I don’t want it to be brutal for him to sit here and be like [ __ ] man that took forever I know other people listen to it as well and you know want to be do you even listen to it that’s yes no I listen Have you listened to every episode that we not every episode but I listen to it see
that’s pretty funny to me I say I say the reason I say not every episode is because I haven’t listened to like the most recent that oh that’s the so but every single other one yeah it’s okay if you haven’t no I have me I love it because fun go back and watch I might I mean I put it together so obviously I have have to watch I I have to watch so you think it’s funny though that you think I just I think I bet money there’s at least one episode you haven’t listened to uh maybe but I was there for all of them was
there when it happen so yeah no like if yall got any I don’t know it’s almost as bad and maybe this isn’t bad but it’s if if my wife had a was some if she was doing photog she used do photog if she had some Hobby and produced some kind of of art or entertainment or something or played music and she made something I would look at it I would I would probably check it out and then talk to her about it and be like that was cool I like what she did there that was interesting you know or would at least look at it or or say if she had a
podcast I would listen to it because it’s my wife you know and she doesn’t do that you know and I don’t hold it against her I guess you know cuz like she hasn’t listened to a single episode all the way what you do look at her and you’re just like huh I just like huh that’s I know you love me I’m pretty sure I just it’s it’s was something I put time and effort into and I just I don’t know be maybe you could watch one of them yeah check out one maybe I know she’s caught some segments so yeah and I
can say this because like I always say she’s not going to hear so um but yeah so that’s that maybe that was my therapy that I needed to to that was that was a good therapy for you to always get that out nice and I before we get to that that word this is I’ve a history of this occurring at least in another I was in another relationship where I was in a band and you know put in a lot of work like writing songs and putting the band together and just playing a couple shows not much you know but it was obviously
like a passion and put a lot of time into it and you think your your girlfriend would want to show up to that sort of thing if you had one right you know or really you know go out of the way to try and be there or take off work or something you know uh the band I was in with Jason and Billy no um um but yeah she didn’t you know we only play maybe four or five six times she didn’t she didn’t she didn’t make it she she just couldn’t make it to a single one but hey not any of them not any of them damn so that I guess that
conditioned me to be ready for people that to for it to be normal for people that say they love you to to not take any interest whatsoever things you’re passionate about hes and stuff like you know what that’s okay that’s normal um but yeah I’m just here crying it out while Mikey tells us about metamorphosis yeah no so this was something that like you would you had mentioned it at one point and then just just the word or the concept of you know the what all takes place and how it’s still so much of it is somewhat unknown
in a way um or some things about it and so yeah with us looking for more things to talk about this was something that we thought could have been more thought-provoking just because of like how of course the whole thing is more or less applied to you know insects and bugs and how they can evolve from lar and things like that to Pupa to like something else and so I mean yeah they literally turn from one type of creature with very unique specific traits and characteristics into like a something completely different mhm it’s it’s like
they go into a little bubble and then it’s like I went went into a room and I come out uh a dog yeah like it’s that strikingly different no for sure I mean it’s like wait this used to be that and we don’t really know exactly what or how that transformation took place yeah so you want to give the little not that everybody yeah just so just a quick Wikipedia just so metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops including birth transformation or hatching involving a
conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animals body structure through cell growth and differentiation so that right there that conspicuous and relatively abrupt change that is the mystery that I mean that’s how they describe it so some insects jellyfish amphibians and a bunch of other types anal that tunicates undergo metamorphosis which is often accompanied by a change of nutrition Source or behavior so turn that turns into something else and it turns something else that it’s body and like biological needs are even
strikingly different from whatever used to be animals can be divided into species that undergo complete metamorphosis which is I guess the modern day uh uh snip snip in into the uh or incomplete metamorphosis which is a lot of today too people kind of uh then non been um or no metamorphosis which I think that’s what we fall under I think we are no metamorphosis gen generally organisms with a larval stage undergo metamorphosis and during metamorphosis the organism loses larval characteristics how etymology that is just to the the origin
of the word itself the word metamorphosis derives from ancient Greek transformation forming there you go yeah so I thought one of the most interesting things I pretty much read about it and one of the things I was reading on a site was talking about the friends friends kofka book uh metamorphosis uh he wrote a whole book where he pretty much guy like woke up in his bed and discovered himself to be a beetle like bug guy man thing um oh and movie Naked Lunch don’t forget does movie Naked Lunch that I think might about that or kind of be
what’s it’s David crumber yeah okay all right but keep going I’ll write that down for you but uh yeah I just thought there was like some interesting uh the this one part I thought was pretty interesting so the book came this is an old book right yes it was 1915 I think oh yeah okay yeah that’s very is it yeah no you’re correct yeah I was just reading about it earlier so what what you saying something caught to about it yeah it’s saying it’s clear that these animals transformations of
fascinating life cycles but why do they feel the need to change it all fossil records for insects metamorphosis date back 280 to 3 million years and it suggested that complete metamorphosis evolved from incomplete metamorphosis over time the predominant Theory the predominant Theory as to why these Transformations occurred in the first place was due to the need to Resource uh the need to reduce competition sorry I got ahead of myself um it has been proposed that the creatures uh that the creatures that could have that could
change form did so to ensure their survival when competing for resources a tadpole or a dragonfly larae will will take its food from the water whereas the future selves get their food from the above surface having offspring that lived in a different environment or demand different resources eliminates the the competition between juveniles and adults thus extending the chances of survival for both it’s nuts yeah I mean I like the wording decide to change yeah because there’s the’re they’re not
deciding anything it’s just occurring but still yeah yeah I mean as far as to try and theorize EV if you if you ascribe to the theory of evolution which I’m a creationist so I don’t but even so like it’s to them it’s it’s be like well didn’t Darwin even oh Darwin turned away from yeah I believe he he detracted from from The Stance of evolution yeah yeah because I mean things adapt and like evolve in that way but they don’t change from one species into another chicken doesn’t become a dinosaur something like
that but even so like in theory Revolution they even it’s like Miss like they just have to come up with these ideas that well I guess maybe these were able to do it in it you know the resource based because it interesting how it says you know once they’re the different form yeah like they the food nutrient requirements can’t change I thought that was fascinating and it makes a lot of sense cuz it’s like hey I mean if you know if they’re all eating the same thing it’s going to be much harder for
them to you know provide for the needs of them and so it’s just crazy to think it’s like and now think of how some of that can be applied to somewhat of our like Society in a way I feel like smart enough to recognize all the different ways of you know it’s like the way society’s broken up like and how people earn their livings and in how people like are in competition like I’m not necessarily in competition with people that are in higher tax brackets in a sense you know what I mean yeah like
we’re not drinking from the same pool like we’re not not getting our resources in the same place I get trickle down and away from these yeah do that makes you know what I’m saying yeah I mean we’re I guess we’re kind of Bottom Feeders but not like not like the welfare like living off the system way more cuz that’s I guess a whole another type yeah absolutely I mean earlier was talking about it you know kind of just the book more just as far as what you talking the book metamorphosis that was so those
came out actually a book I had to read in high school so it was it’s one of those literary works that’s very renowned and considered important in educational Realms yeah and everybody has like a different interpretation of it but yeah it’s pretty much like you read the when you talk about the average person like being a you know like you said like bottom feeder or like whatever um where it’s like it’s one of those things where it’s like do you know what like like even a net taxpayer is where it’s like the type of people
that are like keeping like the country afloat where it’s like even though like not necessarily like you said somebody that’s leeching off the system not necessarily somebody that’s leeching off of the system you know that that is taking welfare or something you know somebody like you or I but that like through all of you know the different programs and stuff like that like we enjoy more benefit than we pay in and it’s like and you have to be making something like 70 or $80,000 a year mhm to even be to even be like a
net like taxpayer yeah you know one of those type things where it’s like where you think you know I’m doing okay I’m not you know I’m not you know but it’s like you don’t even understand all the ways that like you know you’re still getting assistance on the back end and stuff like that for sure again looking at the whole idea of an interconnected system and applying it to anything you know it’s just yeah you know it’s like the planet is a system every element of it and then even in E economically and you
know soci the way yeah things are it’s a unique ecosystem yeah and one of the ways to get us back onto how we kind of got onto this or brought this up is that we were you having voice audio messages back and forth and Matt was you know kind of saying saying to me how some of these you know just like being isolated working at your house and always kind of being you know in the same environment how that you know isn’t necessarily as good for your mental health as like being in the work environment whereas
all those little annoyances and stuff like that that kind of how those things whenever you’re away from them you realize that those are actually beneficial to your overall mental well-being with it makes your downtime much more enjoyable or your yeah or me it just like pulls you into the moment I get that’s for me personally that’s the best way of thinking it it it forces me out of my head and into this engagement with an outside Factor that it’s unpredictable outside of you know oh they’re always going to talk about the
same either way like I’m having to get out of my head yeah you know and living in the moment the whole simple thing we’ve mentioned people talk about it’s Seas you know living in the present being in the now yeah just being present when you’re by yourself it’s very easy to not be in the now no yeah absolutely and and yeah just no because even when you try to be yeah that you end up like being there because start thinking about something else where it’s like I’m just going to think
it’s like I remember you telling me about when you first discovered your nap theory about like that was back when you were living at pops where you were like I don’t even necessarily take a nap and like go the [ __ ] to sleep I just lay down I close my eyes and I try not to think of anything right which I guess you could almost call meditation yeah for the I guess really but ever since then ever since you first said that because it was like at that point I was taking naps too yeah but I hadn’t really thought about
it like that and then it was like one of those things that like once I thought about it it’s like oh man yeah no he is on to something but like how difficult it is even when you’re just alone by yourself chilling yeah to where it’s like your head should just be clear like your whatever but how easy it is to just be sitting there and being like Oh yeah I need to go yeah like out of nowhere your mind you just find that you’re on a a train of thought in a track you’re like wait I was trying not
to you really were like on that like I’m just going to sit here and be in the moment and breathe or whatever it for me that’s where really the breathing exercises do you remember that time when I was like 15 that that guy and you’re like from you and it’s like what the [ __ ] work against itself it’s like oh it’s distract them where’s this random memory that doesn’t matter and then you don’t you don’t even necessarily realize you’re doing it the the thing that made
me realize it was like when people would talk about counting to 10 when you breathe and they it wasn’t like you know it was literally breathe in one breathe out two get to 10 and then when you get to 10 start over and it’s like if you do like that it’s like you Realize Real Fast how how [ __ ] much your brain wanders because there’ll be a lot of times where I’ll just lay there in bed and try to focus on just breathe in through my nose breathe out through my nose and count it off and then I’ll be
like 26 what the [ __ ] how’ I get to 26 I was supposed to stop it too but that’s the thing too as soon as you catch yourself don’t go to 27 go back to one yeah and and just see just that even accom where it’s like you really do like your brain wanders so much that you don’t realize that’s why really embrace the whole idea and power of mantras mhm yeah this which because sometimes I just do breathing exercises I count but then I end I can’t help but count based on my heart rhythm yeah where I want to be
able to count based on a consistent time interval yeah you know but at the same time it can be a way to control your heart but still I want to be able to just so I almost need like a a a second watch CU otherwise that’s probably a better way to do it honestly because you’re keeping time with your own [ __ ] body it yeah and it probably is but for whatever reason it’s I want I want to be able to separate the two and that’s difficult but so then I just came up like with a mantra like my own Mantra
which is just like either words whatever but and it’s literally just a word that runs in to another word to where it’s like I can be saying one things so it’s like so it’s peaceful of Peace So it’s peaceful of peaceful of Peace full of peace and that’s like my monster I made up forever reason just to like try and Inter and Center myself yeah so to just have that that’s your body’s that’s your body’s True North that’s what you revert back to yeah to where that that’s where
my zoning out I’m going to give my mind a simple Target and then I’m going to kind of breathe around that that’s where your brain then something you told me I think I think you said you might do but I actually started implementing this too is as I’m doing that just you you’re whatever you’re looking at when your eyes are closed just looking like at like making like a dark like yeah like here just like I was talking about that for like when I try to sleep I noticed that like when I try to sleep if I focus
imagine like a dark circle in the middle of my forehead and that my eyes are looking at that like that pineal gland that but I notic like immediately it’s funny because I caught myself it’s funny you bring that up because like two days ago I thought about our conversation about that last time and I was laying in bed I was taking a nap and I was like and I looked up and like it’s funny because like maybe it’s just a placebo thing but I feel like I feel it I feel like I feel a change almost immediately when I look
at when I look up like that where it’s like are closed you mean yeah that I’m not I’m not forcing keeping my eyes closed at that point or I’m not like do you ever get that thought where it feels like you’re thinking about the effort of closing your eyes closed have to keep your eyes closed yeah to where sometimes like I wear like a MK thing that’s like okay I know I’m not putting forth do that anyway and you know it’s which is such a weird feeling when you think about exerting an effort to close your
eyes yeah and well because I work night shift it’s like like you’ve got the thing that you’ve just recently started wearing it’s like for years I’ve just Tak like well not even yeah I’ve taken like a neck Gator and just doubled it over to where it just goes around my face like a blindfold and potato in and put blue out uh where’s Lily is she out there they’re both out there okay you can let them both in but uh but yeah I’ve gotten to where it’s like you know because I
because I work night shift it’s like I wear neet Gator around my eyes just to like keep the light out when I’m sleeping and stuff and also to help just so you know you’re it’s keeping your eyes closed you’re not well and then exerting anything but then two where it’s like when I do that I notice that like if on top of that I do like what I was saying like looking up and trying to like you know consciously like if there were something like it’s like something one in behind my skull like right here
in the center of my forehead if I could make my eyes look at that that’s pretty much it’s weird it’s like Focus it’s like giving you something to focus on that’s not focusing on anything your eyes immediately feel like it’s like mine at least it feels like I immediately relax at a different point yeah cuz even when your eyes are closed it’s like they can wander yeah like your thoughts wander your eyes can wander which is sozy when I do like that like when I try to like roll them up like to
focus on that you know one point or whatever yeah um yeah it’s like like you something feels different maybe that’s just for me no like you told me about it and I started doing it and yeah like whatever it is there’s I find I find a benefit different I find a benefit in it in my in the whole goal of just clearing my mind zoning out and just being like literally just ex existing with as little thought as possible yeah that’s uh no and that’s just that’s the that’s the thing like bio what they call it mushan Mikey no
mind U musan is no mind right it’s moonin or mushin yeah something something like it but it’s like that’s like what mhi and you know a lot of like the Zen and all of that is like no mind you just you know you know it’s like what uh Yoda talked about you know you do or do not there is no trial yeah it was like you’re not yeah simply just like kind of more or less reacting you’re not you know well there is an anoesis which which is a fun word to say but it’s almost like which is being like it’s a state of
just pure sensation without any cognitive thought so it’s almost it sounds similar to that except I don’t know if anois has like sounds like what is it sator I always get it wrong is it Satori Satori is what it’s like Enlightenment yeah Enlightenment where he say it’s like of mind that perceive sensation stimuli most signals without understanding or cognitive content so yes anoesis is kind of like almost another what is it anasis it’s a state of mind that perceives Sensations stimuli and emotional signals without
understanding or cognitive content so I would say based on things I’ve read uh ketamine kind of have this effect from things I’ve read it’s like you just don’t it’s like you you can feel things and you know you but you there’s zero cognitive thought there’s zero going on and it’s without without trying in some cases you know what I’m saying but yeah I mean metamorphosis like it see that like it it’s the whole idea of of changing and and why and the environmental factors might being
considered and bringing that back to for me just psychologically recognizing the environmental factors that I take for granted that have a significant impact on Just My overall mental and emotional health no for sure but this is this man’s yawning so we I dude I just I just started like a second ago and I can’t stop I’m like I’m like sitting here thinking like I just need one more good yawn and that’ll and that’ll do it you know y are hadit forming and Y are you know that they are visually uh where
they talk about like it’s almost like a but it’s like a compassion test too where they talk about like people that are are capable of psychopath psychopath psychopath test yeah well cuz I’ve yawned a bunch and he just stares at me with yeah I’m actually immune even though they’re visually contagious I’m IM St at me with Hollow eyes no yeah that’s what but that is something I think he’s real you should look it up where it talks about studies about y like why people yawn they yawn yeah yaw or funny why
it’s contagious because it’s it’s an empathetic thing is the reason that it’s contagious so it’s the whole mimicking of the person try and conly it’s not a it’s not a it’s not a conscious thing that people do but it’s like it’s almost a it’s almost like a test you can run on somebody where it’s like if you yawn around them and they yawn or if they don’t you know yawning yes say because I see my little baby girl yawn right so it’s just interesting to see a baby everything
they do is interesting but like what triggers it you know so it’s like I think yawning sometime is oxygen like you’re not getting you’re not getting enough thought pugs I’m like no pugs oh no pugs definitely do they’re funny they do it to diffuse they do it to diffuse a situation what bombs yeah bringing the bomb squad like we learned that when Jason and them had him was because [ __ ] no it’s one of those things emo release they’re well they’re not an aggressive dog or like a [ __ ] whatever no
they’re just if they’re if they’re feeling like threatened and [ __ ] like that almost a sign of submission where like they’ll just yawn and like and so yeah but it’s a way that like yeah if you like pay attention to it next time you’re like you know potato does something and you like have to jump on her and stuff see the cont or if you’re just staring her or just stare her in the eyes for a little bit and you it can trigger yawn it she yawn because that’s what that’s what pugs do like
naturally to diffuse that tension or anxiety that they’re feeling yeah and so they will like yeah they that’s like a thing they do specifically that breed other dogs may do it as well but it’s like it’s actually a thing pugs oh liily pug that’s what’s hilarious I didn’t realize that you started yawning in the womb you just that’s what this is saying it begins as early as the 11th week of pregnancy I think that’s what the see doctors were saying that was special about me is in the nth week I I was
yawning in the I was actually yawning in the third week shut the no you weren’t you [ __ ] weren’t dude yeah see look that’s how I heard I heard that the my mom could my my mom could feel me yawning the night of conception that was actually how she knew that’s legendary yeah was yawning she she said before I die there’s some things about you want to no you were reading as an infant and I could feel you yawning the papa yawning the night you were made yeah dude I saw the greatest meme I saw
was one the other day and it was like a it showed a it showed like a sonogram of a baby and it was like me in 1991 [ __ ] around instead of buying a house this I was like that’s legit dude oh that is funny like me wasting time [ __ ] around instead of buying a house me me um me being a lazy ass yeah dude it’s like cuz the housing prices now are so ridiculous and [ __ ] it’s like oh that’s funny man there’s a yeah y yawning is it can be contagious or spontanous see I don’t know and it’s not
necessarily an indicator of being tired no no and that’s I think it sometimes you’re just getting off on it I’m not but that’s what I mean you are that was part of what I was saying though too is that it’s if you’re not tired and somebody that is tired yawns where it’s like an empath type tell or whatever yeah where it’s like you see somebody yawn and you yawn because they it’s like oh yeah I know what that’s like yeah it’s like I don’t want them feeling alone in whatever state so I’m going
to at least show that I I can be a little bit of both where it’s like there’s times I can see people yawn and not [ __ ] and then other times where I’m like do you fight do you consciously fight thetion if you see someone do it and you think I I’ve before I’ve been like I’m not going to yawn I just tell myself I know I might be tempted to but I’m not going to let myself and then I feel like I’m suffocating I’ll do it I’ll do it when I’m when I’m talking to when I’m talking to delay in the morning
like when she first wakes up um she gets she gets a yawn out of you I Sun my Yanni when I first wake up I’ll do it because usually like I’m still awake you know like I’m still like up up you know and she’s know what he means she’s just now oh you’re looking up Yanni sun and now um uh I’s make sure that I didn’t get a didn’t put that up on the screen oh Yan no Yanni live at the acrop would be one of those things where it’s like when she first wakes up in the morning you know it’s like 4:30 in the morning
she just woke up I’m still wide the [ __ ] awake yeah but when she wakes up she’ll start yawning and yeah and you and you and you show her empathy by yeah well there’ll be times where it’s like I’m on the phone with her and I’m not even tired but she’ll yawn and then I’ll start yawning and then you say hey quit the yawning no I’ll flat out tell her I’m like I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yawn cuz I’m not not trying to feed into your [ __ ] like no and I’ll I’ll tell her
that she’s like it’s okay and so I mean honestly I feel like it’s it’s almost like a a just a tick that everybody has no yeah it it and it really is and it’s like but it just depends on like who it is yeah you know well I’m not going to yawn this year anymore this my go this my goal stop I’m not going yawn for anyone or anything oh maybe he’s like here go go he’s like [ __ ] this a really hard one to fight can you half yawn he’s like he’s going to start farting I just did
it I just did it I started and I was like no you cut yourself off mid ywn yeah that suck I’m crying you’re you’re like that was the most painful thing I’ve ever it’s not it’s like it’s like trying to stifle a sneeze yeah I hear you can you can trigger a stroke if you only halfy on yeah it’ll happen all right well we’re going to head off to Waffle House yeah the what the oh yep yep yeah recommendations of the week well mine’s easy cuz it was could be something I wanted to unpack a bit more but okay
unpack we can no I I’m un I’m untying I’m unwrapping the package and we’re going to see what what’s the boxes you know we’re wrapping the present so we’re going to un pack it that much but we’re not going to open the box all the way okay and hopefully we’ll find the box next time and remember to open it but it could get thrown out with the trash damn so recomendations there is a new documentary out called the grab the grab the grab what’s it about it’s about something you should watch so
and for me a lot of takeaways are not even the point that the doc the documentary is trying to make should be concerned that because yeah it’s two minute trailer but it’s yeah what the fun pants about that I should be watching my back I’m just going to close the door here we’re talking thousands and thousands this project has kept me up at night more than all of my other investigative reports projects combined every century is characterized by a key commodity and food is a very obvious and Central way to wield
power this pot I came across this classified cable telling companies to go overseas and buy up food and water resour