hello and welcome to the Mikey Me podcast thank you for joining us in our little corner of the universe we hope
that uh this podcast finds you well and with a mind that is ready that is open
and ready to be fertilized with fruitful thoughts Amen
brother thoughts Amen brother amen well I blacked out what happened yeah it’s uh
Sunday again we’re here to it is here to try and edify you bring lift you up
hopefully not put you down like the Mavericks put us down yeah the Mavericks they hurt our feelings they they’re down
two games God to how many two games Zero To None So the first to four wins and I
I still have faith still have faith but uh you know it’s being Sunday
and I was I’ll lay down for I often take short breaks to relax and reflect on topics like sci-fi, paranormal phenomena, and philosophical ideas, which helps me stay mindful and focused.get a
Mindful and a body rest even though it’s not total sleep but
today I fell asleep for like an hour and a half which is on I put I might I might
successfully nap during the day like actually fall asleep once every other year like I literally don’t fall like
it’s like I I I can’t but today I did and I heard that a similar condition might have
occurred in the Smith household where and you think you have you think you know might have caused it I have a theory dude I know I think I have a good
idea what caused it um and actually well and actually uh I kind of made a of
possible things but at at the top I think uh we need to talk about the power
of the Pug part two cuz power of the Pug cuz I don’t this make sure you get a
good shot of that one there uh yeah she’s she’s you can barely see her so this is this is not the pug that you
normally see you’ve heard it whenever Mikey wanted people to know we didn’t have a chicken in here earlier on
because she would make some some quite interesting sounds but this here’s Lily pug potato’s sister who
has sadly been caged most of her life because she’s so energetic and we have
the baby and we had had a chance to pugnacious yeah we hadn’t had a chance to really condition her for you know
being free roaming and Mikey and Chris they’re they’re like Brothers to me
Mikey is a man who is if you’re a listener you know we learned not long
ago just like I lost Master Chief my cat he he tragically lost Harley and I saw I
just Stephanie actually my wife was her idea but was talking about I know Chris
loves loves this dog too but I was like man Mikey needs a dog in in his life and
and Stephanie is kind of I don’t know how serious to but she floated the idea of of you know you know seeing if he
might want to adopt or take on whatever you wanted to say Lily and I was like oh
my gosh that’s like the perfect idea like because like the way you got Harley he he happened to you you didn’t
get him intentionally it just things worked out and he’s basically like he was just meant to be your dog yeah and
this isn’t quite as random as that no was but still this was a scenario where you weren’t looking for one no and this
this this poor little pug needs a home that can give him love give her love
give her love cuz she’s just and locked in a cage all the time and just to be able to just her sitting in
his lap like this is maret a market improvement from she would just be so
crazy all over the place cuz she was trapped all the time but her ability to actually just sit here in your lap and
chill oh yeah it is it’s like a huge drastic improvement she’s
gotar see potato has learned how to sit behind me but gets annoying because I have to yeah can’t lean back she might
like to sit behind you but you’d have to adjust your your posture no yeah man she’s a she’s a blessing but yeah so
that that all that to say you there’s a be another pug even
though this pug has been here the whole time she has she’s been uh sto stowed away but now now Mikey uh Mikey’s
Mikey’s new daddy me and me and Chris ties into your theory of what happened
Chris and I are uh were dual parents yes yeah I figured Chris and on because
Chris talked about it so much I was like almost like M offer to Chris but I’m like eh I mean Chris will basically be
like his dog in the same way Harley was exactly and that and I know you’re really into taking when you take Harley
out and be active and do stuff with him and with Chris’s schedule I just didn’t think that he would probably like be
able to do that sort of thing as much you know yeah yeah or want to I don’t know but like you like you would just
probably cruise on with Harley sometimes yeah yeah oh yeah no he would usually go with go out with me in the morning stuff
like that but then that was the thing too is that it’s like Harley also had the night shift cuz then Chris would get home and Harley would leave me night and
I’d be like where’d he go and he’s out there eating Water Burger with Chris at 4 in the morning little yeah and then
Chris would well then Chris would go to the gas station and Harley ride with him he be out there riding with him at the gas station late at night so yeah no
it’s very like you said it was very much both hard dog um I think a dog’s love is
something your heart needs in a way Chris just doesn’t yeah maybe cuz I remember
remember when Chris got a dog a long time ago and he was sold a a fake bill of goods oh that no but he loved that
dog no I’m actually he didn’t love it but I don’t think that dog was what it was told it would be it’s a puppy it
looked like it could be I and I just one of the most disgusting dog feces scenarios I’ve ever
encountered involved this dog coming over to an apartment I had with my girlfriend at the
time and it was in a cage but but the moment you took him out he had the little tile like entryway right when you
walk in MH if literally liquid shite just imagining how that might look
that’s exactly what happened and he just shot out liquid shite oh god oh much of
it like I don’t know how it didn’t come out when on the tri trip like there was
so much of it it was like throw up that was like of a full stomach came out the
ass and it liquid [ __ ] dude that’s literally all I could think and it from
then I mean that taint I mean obvious that was the like first impression I got from this dog his dog they was supposed
to be big right bones my dog the dog was always in a cage didn’t get big out just figure baby’s like a fish it’s like I
think it only grew to the size of it uh of it envir environment oh uh but yeah
no about uh rip yeah he was a good boy bones is a good boy regardless of his
breed or size he’s a good boy um but but no yeah what happened well I think the
reason what happened when I fell asleep was this pug I think it was it released some type of neurotoxin gas and Chris Chris luckily
wasn’t in the room so he wasn’t affected he wasn’t all right but it put me out
pretty good he saw the he saw the aftermath I was out dude so was the Pug ain’t no joke yeah you get you sit down
and CH and that pug curls up next to you you’re like oh you taking nap I I I don’t want to leave I don’t want you to
nap alone out dude I was zonked out and I woke up and I’m like hey I’m like going to be like over an hour late to
Matts that’s awesome oh and you called me and basically woke me up whenever I messaged you earlier like oh he was also
be 6:30 and which means I was hoping you be here by seven you want more pizza
Chris uh I mean you each have your own you know oh well we’re just splitting this one until we finish it and then
we’ll finish that look at see that’s is that just like an unspoken way Brothers do things no I don’t know I just seem
like thing to do we both had we can just split do you like Ranch Mikey yeah I like Ranch do you want it with your
pizza I might but I might have to put this pug now dude she is getting like she wants to in it but she’s she’s not
demanding like potato no you’re she’s not demanding she’s just trying to take it she’s not demanding anything she just
seems like she wants to take it yeah she does and she might want some hot sauce yeah let’s
give her hot sauce yeah so the power the power of the Pug power powerful you haven’t even had a 24
yet so what’s yeah we had a whole Adventure took her took her and got coffee no but how did yesterday let’s
how did it start off I heard something cool happened early on so you came over so yeah so I I came over last night
after I got off work it’s like I came over um hung out with uh Matthew and them in
the Pug for a while and kind of you know we all enjoyed uh the pugs company with the other with potato pug and uh we hung
out and then I ended up leaving I took the Pug home they did the farewell they gave a little collar and a leash and
Matthew and Stephanie held sat there and had their arms around each other and watched me like I was their kid going
off to school yeah I was just you know it was sad he all growing up this Bittersweet and uh we rode off into the
uh into the Moonlight cuz the sun had already set yeah and uh yeah she she
kept jumping in my lap the whole time and then got her got to the house and
went back to the room and uh Chris and I were hanging out and I was sitting over
there by Chris’s bed and I picked her up and put her on I was like yeah here check this out like cuz I want to get comfortable I wanted her to get
comfortable with hanging out on Chris’s bed like you know hey you sleep up here and she knew chis fairly well from all his visits and you know had a more of an
affection for this dog than potato yeah yo absolutely this is this is Chris’s dog but she
uh she like sat there on his bed like for a minute and I’m looking at Chris and she’s just circling and I just hear
Chris say she’s [ __ ] and I look over so what she doing oh yeah he’s like what she what’s she doing I look over and she
was just like man she was she was arched up on that bed she was yeah and she and
she was just squat down and uh she was dropping one she was dropped up but the good thing about it it was a hot it was
solid it was like a little it was it was about a Kachi size was ni Sol a piece of sh like a like like a kach is a nice
piece of [ __ ] yeah I mean it’s how you want the dog it to be no we appreciate you fed her solid
food I’m glad that uh I’m glad didn’t have a bones experience I’m glad that she wasn’t pissing you know that would
have been that would have been real bad nasty as poop is you definitely want an enemy you can
see that versus one that the one that just immediately penetrates your defense
what you’re capable of Defending against yeah I mean you definitely don’t want a girl that does that like happened once
oh Johnny Depp oh yeah in Denton oh yeah I’d stopped dating her whenever this
happened but I forgot that you were D this person passed out on the couch
during a party you know got pretty wasted and I dat her before but like
yeah this as many he did and I’m like s honestly I could I couldn’t even remember her name if I told you but um I
know I I couldn’t I didn’t she remember she got up and left with the N sense of urgency when she did
wake up and we came to find out there’s a reason for that urgency as this this
person who had passed on her couch soiled themselves sheated upon the couch
and it was it was it was very wet a fair amount very wet fair amount of did instant damage controls we could get in
salt and water and dude it was like that like y like constant fighting off an enti man I feel bad I feel bad for how
embarrassed you had to be CU at a party to to get so junky pissed
someone’s couch that’s pretty bad was a lot of tinkle y it was pretty bad man it
was a a like a considerable amount so bad I think if that happened to me
somewhere I would all of a sudden I’d get called in to work people would be like Mike what do you mean be like I’m
on I’d be like I’m on call they’re like you cut grass it’s 30 my grandpa’s um my
my my uncle blew [Laughter] up oh I’m I apologize I didn’t I forgot
is we’ll just move on from there tell Gina not to listen to this
one yeah I’m gonna yeah or tell her to wait a year you might would she might maybe just that
small part knowing me how would she take that joke I don’t know I don’t not it might be what she needs more than
anything I don’t know not right now I don’t think right now right now like trust me trust me Matt um
um yeah so the the Pug blew up that bed she did yeah it was a healthy it was a
healthy other than that other than that pretty solid experience like she’s
never even like she sleep she been sleeping in a cage pretty much her whole life actually slept with you protection
yeah she slept uh slept last night slept in the bed and then today she napped yep um she’s your alarm clock now she’s yeah
apparently like I woke up and she saw as soon as she saw life for me she’s like Hey we’re up let’s do stuff yeah like I
said potato was that way we had to she had to learn that and they might go back to sleep and then she would learn to
accept it but yeah early on as soon as her a wakes she’d be up like okay I’m ready to go ready eat bathroom or
something but not potato sleep all day went out and had had some fun she met some people went to the food store pet
food store I got a new caller yeah she got a little Spike you talked about literally like getting for pugs from day
one I know and I knew like she’s going to make it happen right away yeah and I got her a little spike collar that was
like on your list of like immediate things to do yeah felt like it fit her she needed her own little
collar dude it’s some some sick gear so we’re going to get do the to drip this
little pug out uh but yeah no man it’s been great thank you she’s she’s uh
she’s very much appreciated it’s it’s an act of love and kindness in a way that
makes me feel good like in a way hardly anything does that’s awesome which I know that’s weird but just like I say as
much for her just because I feel a pug shouldn’t be in a cage all day and like no they’re so adventurous and just happy
yeah and potato so spoiled just like to know that she’s going to to y’all and
it’ be such a great situation it yeah know I just I don’t know why
he’s not crying he’s never cried before the doctor said that there’s something with his tear ducts or something they
can’t cry it’s funny talking about crying well about see this involves my wife but she doesn’t listen so right I
could I just talking about like there been there have been times where just
looking at my daughter and thinking about the having her and stuff has made me so happy like to I’ve teared up you
know when like I don’t cow about things but like there was just like and and Stephanie was saying how oddly enough
like I don’t think like she’s like I know what you’re saying and I’ve like cried from happiness but other than when
she was like born like the like Elation of joy and not just like the pain ending but the happy there that she doesn’t
think she’s like been moved to tears just by like looking at her thinking of her I’m like well so you don’t really love our daughter women are cold dark I
was like I was like it’s cuz she’s a girl she’s a little boy they’re cold dark soulless practically just voidless
of they have just enough soul to make them human and is voidless an oxy outside of probably that’s not the point
avoid this would be like to be full like void to be void L would mean you have
don’t have void so be like so you guys get what I’m trying to say though
they’re um no that kind of like the other day you misused a word I no that’s cool just make this about me
like is the one who brought it up no that’s fine y’all brought it up and brought me down I was just trying to make a point uh really it was supposed
to joke it was supposed to be a joke about women just being cold oh so you
wanted to be sex except for my mom my mom’s nice and my mom and your mom and
and my wife when she yeah your wife she’s not my sister your uh your your your mom’s mom your wife my sister not
the same person she could have been she could have
been um you know everybody’s mother except outside of everybody’s mother
would so close to Chris and maybe like she existed outside of being y
sister I’m just kidding I mean women aren’t heartless I well they’re pretty terrible they’re capable things in was a
joke in a unique way just as men are just as men are yeah that’s good so oh
yeah and I know a lot of girly men man I know more girly men men men girly men
men men so yeah kind of this talk um I needed to do another fatherhood recap I
definitely think I’m falling behind how is it going they’re getting e do you still like it you want to try and rehome the baby like you did the Pug maybe re
home the Bab could you bring me one of those big old double silver bullets and old Double B I
don’t think you hurt me no he did he just is like I can’t this mothering the fatherhood man it’s again
I think it’s kind of that she hasn’t really said she’s she’s made sounds that are getting closer to sounding like
something like d Mama or something or hi but again I think that’s just kind of
like an excitement sound uh but no yeah it’s just
again this is learning the subtle ways to adjust the managing of her like we’re trying to get her on a better nap during
the day time schedule but it’s I’m guessing a good a fair amount of
babies like they don’t want to sleep but they do but it’s weird because you know they do and and some do but she she’ll
fights sleep at night and there’s a whole process I’ll go through I used to fight sleep at night and then my mom you
want know what she used to do with me she would shake me or she would hold me she would hold me upside down pat your
booty until the blood rushed to my head she’d watch and see when my when I was turning color and then it’s like when she flip
me back when she flipped me back I’d get lightheaded and my head would Bobble I
could see that being something my head would I would do like this but she didn’t do this but then she would right
where my head would Bobble when she flipped me back that she’ into a sway and I would just she Do’s no way she did
this but I like it was just so so I’m like this yeah and I was right whenever
and then and then she would put me up and then the blood would come back and i’ get dizzy and I would like get in that in between like you stand up too
fast and then she’d shake me and it would go into this Little Rock and within
seconds how much of that’s true see that’s the thing I’m not sure
because I mean the oxygen deprivation so that’s right it could have been there’s a risk it could be fact or fiction I
don’t know so I’ve got I’ve gotten I’m the one who puts her down at night normally now I’ve got like music routine
I’ve sent people a bunch of videos where I basically programmed her to like tool
and there’s this 11 minute Tool song that normally by the end of it I get get her to fall asleep by the end of it
anybody’s asleep yeah but even then like she’s gotten to where like she’ll fall asleep and I’ll put her down and she
wake up in the transition but there’s sleep progression and all so just kind of don’t the subtle things like that
trying to get her sleep better but she have still big old girl she’s she I it’s
um yeah I can’t wait till she can talk and be your guest dude you know what I was telling Chris is that I think that
it would be awesome and I could totally see the day where you are driving you Steph the Pug the baby and and her old
Grandpa’s pickup truck down to Kell’s having I hope I hope I’ve never put a vehicle in that old truck you said a
vehicle in that old truck or never put her a baby in that truck really yeah that older freaking thing that’s I don’t
trust to make it 10 miles really mhm dude we’ll fix it yeah I got a turkey
baster some rubber bands paper some gum I’d feel comfortable going to the grocery store down the street but that’s
about it D not going put a baby in there who think I’m trying to kill my child dude I think you’re
underestimating Chevrolet okay you I think I’m accurately estimating I don’t know I
don’t think so about to estimate a lot of so your fatherhood found not ton
different you see her every week so you kind of see you know she’s she’s she’s a baby she’s on track to continue to be a
baby and probably to to grow man well I think she’s still technically an infant
I don’t know if it goes infant baby toddler um I was an INF [ __ ] a long time yeah you’re an infant to just
recently right are you still an infant no so legally you’re not an infant anymore uh-uh this is a soft thing you
kind of sensitive about this subject uh now I feel like you were for a while
well it gave me depended on how you approached it that you it depended on how people approached it most people
were pry what we talking about can you share this yeah you don’t have to it’s very personal well I don’t want to
because I don’t want to break the fourth wall I don’t want people I don’t want to be too easy to find do you feel like it makes your parents look bad no I don’t
care about that no BBE that’s the first thing no because it doesn’t make him look bad at all in my opinion because
well if you take into account the location where I was born the year yeah what planet the the planet the dimension
all of it no yeah where were you born in in park at a public hospital so it was
very it you know it was very public yeah it wasn’t women all stand in a birthing
room screaming just snatches it was just on the street actually I she gave birth to me at the bus stop that’s dude like
your mom’s tough tough just like your sister I bet she
would but yeah so what so for those reasons you when you don’t when you
aren’t given a assigned a name at Birth what what’s the protocol that they yeah
so what do they put on the birth certificate they put infant or baby boy or baby girl um but yeah that you just
got to you got to go so diet driver’s license said your name was infant infant
yeah and it was actually at one point I read an article that was saying something about how like one of the most
popular names in like Dallas County Schools or something was schools or like
Dallas County it was like infant or something all The Unwanted because I guess it happened a lot it did happen
quite a bit or maybe that some of them were named Inon and they just didn’t in
so but you so you legally had to go through the process of changing your I had to I had to go how much that cost it
was like 280 that’s 230 to 280 I change my name to anything you could change your name
to anything you can only do it so many times and such a Xbox gamertag they limit how many times you can change I
wonder if I could report your name as offensive to dang and you have to get it
changed like how Caleb and them used to change their they get their homeboy to I
do want to get personalized license Pate that says PPL mchn PPL M machine yeah that’d be pretty
cool that yeah just but people people machine is definitely the one that’s the one that’s
stuck and I I I’m proud of that one St cuz I was able to find just think of two
words yeah I was like Hey should name people machine and you were like dude that’s a good idea I was like we should
do a podcast later in life and you were like yeah yeah cuz know you know a lot people have other characters or numbers
that are meant to be letters because everything’s been taken but I was just
trying to think what are two words that s cold together that no one’s thought to
combine about 12 years ago wow and I’m more proud of that than I am my Master’s
Degree you’ve been maximizing existence for a while I know I can see on my uh it’ll it tells me how long actually I
mean no dude it’s longer because 12 years ago was 2012 bro people machine
longer than that I don’t I don’t know 2012 is the year of the world hey dude
all I know is believe that or do you all believe didn’t we talk about this before no CERN about the particle I mean what
about that whole thinging saying actually ended in 2012
when they fired it up and everything’s been a simulation since I mean that’s that’s the sil
because if how would CERN make everything a civilization no dude I’m saying I didn’t come up with the theory
but that’s a theory we could look at I mean I feel like we I could come up with a better one than that can Google it in
a minute and then you come up with the the I’m let you doing the Google night but I’ll Google it just give me the keyboard
Warrior when where does it say on your profile how long you’ve been on
here I used to say homeboy got the Bulls Gass over here Caleb got the Bulls gas
right now dude over here got his hands on his knees breathing heavy are you actually
Toronto or those just your jerseys he’s just he’s Toronto Co a
number almost like a badge that would show like Toronto back in the day whenever Vince Carter
gold V well they updated this stupid Xbox app
maybe it’s on the oh yeah they always move it around they they like moving stuff around on there they are literally ruining my
life I just don’t want to go on
anymore trying to figure out how long I’ve have my gamertag what what do we want to talk about I’ve been working on how to communicate with the
heinens with who the heinens aren’t those the people in Dune the big bad
people oh The Harens Baron Harkin yeah [Music]
yeah like those tribal people that play that weird
instrument they’re like actually able to seeing two notes at the same time which is like that’s what I’m working on so
that whenever their ships come down I’m just going be like and then all of our pugs and us are
going to ascend on the will’ll be good that makes me think of something
completely unrelated but Chris brought up last time that the term nonbinary actually I think I re learned
why that functions is an accurate description because I guess
traditionally nonbinary is referring to like uh in computer information like
everything zeros and ones bits and bites it’s binary code well in Quantum Computing like the whole shinger cat
thing basically a a cubit of data can
literally potentially be anything and that just a one zero but I guess in
describing like things that aren’t that could be one or zero they would call it non-binary as a way to describe that it
could be one or the other so I think that’s probably what
where they got it from to apply to gender stuff could be either either or yeah that makes sense still don’t make
sense yeah because instead of I’m just saying like I think as far as just thinking oh non-binary what that at
least it has like that has to be the source of for you know applying it to gender I’m
[Music] a yeah I guess yeah that makes sense there you go that’s good that’s a good
point Matt this is good to know so someone tries to say something you can throw that back at him and just be like hey I don’t know maybe could be could be
could be not you know could be could be not could be balls could be not
balls man I was just you had me thinking about Precision collisions this week you couldn’t stop thinking about
Precision collisions thinking about Precision collisions dude and I get I told you I came up with the name for the whole concept was oh yeah what was it
again substitution Theory substitution the idea of substituting any event that
would occur generally and have you’re trying to eliminate some fact some damaging Factor whether it be the humans
or something but being able to create B orchestrate and manufacture these events
to occur in a way that reduces whatever metric or damage that you’re trying to
eliminate that would would be occurring had it occurred naturally and so we’re substituting the that would have been
the real event with an orchestrated one but that’s still was able to in theory
statistically you know be the take the place of the other event that would have
occurred so theoretically it could be like saving like creating accidents without humans in them with cars and
yeah dude get AI gangs like to where it builds out to literally like there’ll be like a
AI I can hear the slogan now like creating accidents and saving lives since creating yeah creating life saving
accidents oh since 2041 sub substitution Theory buddy who
substitution I’m gonna I think how where do you submit for the Nobel prizes I think down the hall mail that in down
the hall to the left Joe would know Joe man Joe would know speaking of witch man
I dude we talking guy man God he’s always interestingly enough after
our last episode we actually gotten we’ve been in two Xbox parties together
yeah no he’s yeah know he’s popping up left and right which we made all talk about yeah that it might be the first
one of the first times I’ve ever been in a party with you yeah I mean we’re Xbox partying it
up yeah we’re just sitting there and talking not talking Stephanie was sitting there not giving me privacy I
couldn’t jack off but you know it was good yeah dude we were Xbox partying Up Normally we
haven’t we don’t cross that you used to be a hardcore destiny you know you were always oh yeah I know
yep you had he had to hang up he had to hang up his phaser I still play I just can’t play
like like I like I used to I ain’t what I was I ain’t what I used to you’re like
what’s his name right now and a Blazing Saddles uh [ __ ] Jean Wilder he was
like look at that he was like steady as a rock like yeah but I shoot with this
hand that’s like the best that’s the best line like William money and uh was
it thank you Unforgiven I don’t think I’ve actually seen Unforgiven what don’t
say it don’t say it Unforgiven you’ve never seen correct oh man say it again Chris
you’ve never seen it’s really good we put him to sleep oh
man I haven’t seen every movie Mikey I might have strong opinions on them but
but there was the dark period like whenever I went to college I know you told me this yeah but Unforgiven was
like I really didn’t see movies in this I was really interested like he wasn’t into Western and [ __ ] like that anyway
you had to Like Clockwork Orange your eyes back to watch movies during that period of time no Bird Box Bird Box Bird
Box Bird Box how about dressing up as that guy for Halloween where you just tape your eyes back yeah have Clark War
just like brainwashing treatment you know okay was thinking
casually maybe cuz I was watching tin Tay A Soldier Spy and other spy stuff
about and something else where somebody was they would just go out and like make
up an identity just you know if they’re at a bar just like make up a whole different life story to tell people just
for fun but then thinking okay of doing that but then how hard it would actually
be not to slip up you know and just accidentally you prefer say you or just
any number of ways slip up so I was like man so it almost like want a constant reminder I was thinking maybe if under
my eyelids you just get tattooed whatever your name is you every time you close your eyes you can just
see be a reminder like your name is John John dius it wouldn’t be it wouldn’t be
hard to see at all no and it’d be and probably be I don’t know it’d be a lot
easier than just reciting it to yourself and reminding no you’ll forget dude I’m telling you man I us to go to bars and
act like I was Irish I would act like I was austr obviously joke well can you do a good AUST accent yeah well do a pretty
good Australian accent not bad is that New Zealand or Australian [ __ ] I don’t know fck you make it up I don’t
know [ __ ] New Zealand Australia call it kind the same kiwi or the other one kiwi and call the other one the
insults what like the no Australians new zealands like they have like DG to
nickname when’s kiwi and I don’t know if Australians call them M kiwi and that
think are you going to get us banned in Australia and New Zealand these words [ __ ] Australians [ __ ] with us heavy
dude see yeah the term kiwi is common nickname used by new zealanders to refer to themselves in the
country there you go if you didn’t know that I knew about kiwi okay and I
thought there was one for Australian no if you call like if you call Australians
call them offended call R six they’re from did you know that if you say beer
can with a British accent it sounds like you’re saying bacon with a Jamaican
accent well I guess there’s like those ways of doing accents so they say hey just say this word or phonetically just
think of it this way and like learning but I wouldn’t say that I’m a man who does Accents well I think I think you
it’s not my thing do it right now go all right that was a good one what about
your Bob Dylan’s good do your Bob
Dylan Knocking on Heaven’s [Music] Door I just love it because you don’t
say anything just like sound like you got a kazoo in your
mouth or what is it the little thing kazoo do you think there
could be a kazoo bam you think you could like you could prob be I’m sure there one I’m sure it’s
terrible no but like a good one though they come playing kids
parties is that a thing I wonder how profitable is that bands kids party yeah
a band like a be like a I mean depends on yeah a DJ a DJ would be more viable
thing really oh look at this potato yeah yeah she wants that attention whole
jealous game now she was like yeah she’s like this is you know L’s looking at her like the nerve on you putties you you’re
not my not my pug no more oh what it about Matthew I think she just it’s cuz I gave her a bit of crust so Matt’s like
hey man I’m going to need you to give me my dog she cool she chilling I can G get Lily
yeah so yeah um well that’s good we’ that’s Wonder it’s all wonderful things
should we get to some some of the important stuff let’s get in some into these let’s get into some of these movies
moving moonwalk take a quick break hotline yeah take a quick break make sure that we’re prepared and we’ll go we
do our movie moonwalk 2012 edition be seeing
you and we’re back back we got pugs in full effect y we got we’re pugged up
Yeah we actually have the potato officer Michael and his Lily pug is with me yeah
she betrayed me because ly they’re just embracing their time with you know the
their their person that they see less yes they’re like I like this guy you like that guy
let’s oh little Spike color so movie moonwalk
2012 here we are the year that yeah year hey real quick year the world ended um
yep the mind’s predicted and you Chris said something’s been happening since then oh there was just a whole theory
about uh [Music]
we’re back there was a there was a whole Theory or something people talked about how CERN made the particle collider and
that it on that day they used it and they did their operation or their
experiment and that people are claiming that it opened up a wormhole and time is
like it opened up some type of we’re in some other dimension it’s not that uh
it’s you can look up the theory if you’d like later we can check it out and chat about it if you like but that was that’s
that whole Theory again it’s not a theory I’ve come up with I’m not I’m not Savvy enough to come up with
stuff like that mine would be something about like they don’t it’s what the largest
particle accelerator hron collider I guess where the yeah to where some movie PL you know
we were going to rip a hole in SpaceTime this this would be this would be what happens yeah looks pretty cool though
I’d like to go there take a loop around it would be pretty nice check it out go ahead and kick the tires on the place
yep CERN C RN so yeah that’s wonderful
so what do we got this year let’s you want to the best of the best
so uh I’m why don’t you lead us away take us down all right uh so these are
in no particular order of qual quality but at the at the end I will I’ll pick a
couple that I’ll I’ll be like these you need to see but it’s going to be tough this year actually cuz some some pretty
solid ones came out so uh Cloud Atlas that was one it was a technically an
independent film but very expensive took many years to make had you know there’s a lot heart in it
but you can you can tell this an independent film kind of long but it’s just just has a lot of ideas as
it puts out there and it does it keeps it kept me interested but
I feel like it’s like a 7 out of 10 like it’s pretty cool and ambitious but it did wasn’t as moving to me as it’s I
think they intended for it to be okay and what Tom tker directed I think L run
L run oh no see those because it took multiple years actually a couple the
wowski did but then Tom Tom tick was the main one Ty
YK w r so yeah Cloud Atlas I won’t worry
about showing a trailer for D Jango and Chain man so this is another solid Quinton Tarantino movie honestly I mean
I don’t know who didn’t see that movie but if you didn’t uh I don’t know where you’ve been but you need to go check it
out yeah it’s it’s I mean it’s a just a fun violent
and you know you’re rooting for the the slave this a specimen I’m Keen to choir
when I hear Trump what’s your name jeno then you’re exactly the
hey calm down I’m simply a customer trying to this proba one of my favorite characters in movie Pants very well or
kist yeah dude character do you know what a bount
[Music] is you kill people and they give you a
reward B they are Bigg of the reward I need your help I’m looking for the brittle Brothers however I don’t know
what they look like but you do you compelling magnetic AC oh dude
they caught my wife they sold her but I don’t know who too that means we visit every Plantation
until once your final burle brother lies dead in the dust I agree to give you
your freedom and I’ll take you to rescue your wife where are we
going probably my favorite for one of my favorite actors all around
oh yeah I was going to say what I love about you had my curiosity but now you have my
[Music] attention what what you well what I love about this this movie and the plot of it
is just it’s like it all started because he’s a German and the girl’s name is BR
and he fall you know he pretty much more or less wants to go do this because he like fell in love with this guy’s story
which is what’s cool it’s like yeah he’s like hey I’ll help you find this chick because he’s there’s a way of him like
doing it for himself and you know yeah and it was just kind of cool the whole idea that it’s like hey he’s really
doing this cuz more or less like he’s interested in this guy’s story and the girl and it’s like you know yeah out of the goodness of his heart much I just
love the the Applause but and just the the gore in there is so ridiculous I
love it never seen a to shake your hand it was just so great to seeing
Western with so much blood in it oh yeah it was just like what it was like this is fun that’s a good time it is a great
movie know it’s a fanto that’s that’s a must but also out dread dread this was
surprised me when this one came out it was judge judge because obviously
there’s the judge of joest Stalone that was one of the biggest flops like those huge uh historical movie
flops but dread came out 2012 had good old uh Carl Urban if you familiar with
the boys like I haven’t seen it but yes I so I love Carl Orban he also played the
doctor on the Star Trek movies but dread yeah so this and it it really took
the Die Hard formula which is fine a lot of movies have but it kind of trapped in aild building by trying to work your way
navigate through it in multiple levels but I got to pull shair for this one cuz
this one was being honest I don’t think I saw this dude you need to see this it was like one of those like oh makes the
brain feel as if time is passing one% normal [Music]
speed mean the heavy if we play this right we could take the whole city it like you need to go home and
watch this
800 million people living in the ruin of the old
world only one thing fighting for order in the
chaos the men and women of the Hall of Justice peace trees is the manufacturing
base for all the slow-mo in mega City 1 you know how often we get a judge up in peace trees
well you got one now she has control of
everything levels 1 to 200 this is Mama someone in this block
or two judges that’s not good I want him dead yeah I [Music]
know the you ready fine yeah
yeah dude hopefully You’ watch
the probably haven’t I like dude I I never realized
how similar his mask is to helmet
that’s have you seen have you seen the raid it’s called the Raid Redemption
I’ll be over before John
Wick like hand to hand combat like a Gunplay gun F whatever this movie The
Raid Redemption and it’s Indonesian I believe okay notheast as it it Ed it it
was like doing the closest like the way for me I you should just show a you know what I should dude like it’s this is not
the year that we’re on no this this just a beautiful side track it came out last year so oh 2023
is when the rain came out man that’s year the reviewed in instant classic
that’s crazy that like the movie came out last year but it was so good it feels like it came out it’s the brain
work is crazy the way it works that way this actually came out last year so with this came out this
year and this n 11 no 11 and in the fighting style I got Rel
just like called pinat Sal lot something it’s almost like a form of CRA mix I
guess maybe with [Music] more the whole like anything is a weapon
put you know anything between you and the other person to like yeah seot
I seot guy
a lot of leg and foot trips and
[Applause] [Music]
stuff you need to watch [Music]
this yeah you
like the court is so cool like it’s l like a boss like battle where they fight
that one little dude who’s crazy and K both off dude they hand
it and this the part where
like out it hits like the glass at the end yeah just
sh just really innovative
oh dude right oh right there
talking that’s awesome dud no it’s [ __ ] the director he did the show gangs of London
which yeah yeah know gangs of London which I I touted a post made posts about
it that there’s a show I’m sure a lot of people didn’t see well the director of that did it so it’s got like some really
cool fighting hand toand combat action yeah dread L us to the r okay a hit and
run um you want to talk about this oh it’s it was a good movie it was one that
I would like ended up being like wow that was better than I thought it would be it had Dax Sher and Bradley believe he directed
it yeah uh and it was I just thought it was a good movie I don’t know how if it’s worth really talking about a lotov
movie uh this one oh the one right below it was really I haven’t seen this oh
yeah came out it was really good life of pie no Jack Reacher yeah that was good
it was way better than I expected Jack creater the one Tom Cruz movie Tom Cruz yeah yeah it was one of those I was
surpris you know was like like often Tom Cruz puts up
Mikey yeah life Killing Them Softly was
good I feel like we talked about this one yeah yeah feel like a mid walk in the room without shoes on we might have
talked about Jack Reacher but I don’t know I mean not we talked about it at turn there Academy Award Dev Patel there
angly film those was pretty moving you know inspiring and all that this I actually haven’t seen but I
I know that the great Daniel de Lewis which one Lincoln I I don’t think I have
either where he plays President Lincoln yeah I think you won another final
Academy Award no I didn’t see that one I saw the one after that though Lincoln vampire
Hunter yep yep ler Lincoln yeah so I believe Ron Howard
directed it or there was a Jewish fellow yes so I know it’s good it just
look uh stay in it look moreor I just I got to be in this right state in mind to want to watch that oh yeah and that
moves us on to Looper yes quite quite good action sci-fi FM very good I’m
going have to pull each other for this one the director will be Ryan Johnson is the one who
did the the newest Star Wars Trilogy the second one that a lot of people were
upset by cuz it like Undead a lot of stuff but it was honestly the most
unique and like interesting with the story throwing kind of curve balls but a lot of
people so but I thought it was better than JJs formul I we just literally making the first one A New Hope again
almost it’s like is this how’s this original so looper looper great movie I
really liked it I like the concept of it with time travel cuz I cuz I just bought a loot pedal wow and now we got Looper
popping up [Music]
uh to an extend [ __ ] no I still have one it’s syst
broke not the l oh the Pod I was thinking the do4 yeah that’s early days
guitar it was an amp modeler right so I didn’t realize the difference between amp
modeler and just like an effect switch where like it would literally emulate the sound of like all
these different kinds of amps but so there was a foot pedal so every or whenever I switch it it wouldn’t an
immediate change it’ be like a half a second it takes to switch to mode over so like in a live setting I was pay I
couldn’t just like switch immediately to clean Distortion whatever I’d have to like time it for this Gap I’m like oh CU
I didn’t realize it was more for Studio scenarios so that’s that that wraps us
up for movies um no it doesn’t okay
um Looper you get
down see me in 30 years hard staring into your eyes it’s
too strange your face looks backwards do you know what’s going to happen you done all this already as me I don’t want to
talk about time travel we both know how this has to go down so why don’t you do what old men do
and die why don’t you just take your little gun out between your legs and do it boy ask him if he thinks that Bruce will
rob William way out of life I think too many future time travel
outlawed used only in secret by the largest criminal organizations
not and they want to erase any trace of the target ever existing they used specialized assassin like me called
Loopers [Music]
you’re a Looper you know what we do and the Only Rule is never let your target
Escape even if you’re Target it’s you it’s
you ow this is not a good thing my boss will
be searching for me till he finds me sweep the streets get on it I’m going to fix this I’m going to
fight him I’m going to kill him hunt them down now every second that
passes is bad what’s he going to do I’m going to save your life my life life I
know you’re not lying when you say you’re going to kill this guy this is like
a I need to watch
this watch this F I’m sorry fantasm good to go back and
watch oh this is a season 3 finale by the
way so then that means I have officially joined the 520 Mile Club
oh is it it’s tonight that was your estimation that tonight it would happen
well technically I’ve been over here more times but if you’re going off 20 episodes the distance of a to B back and
forth when I drive home tonight it will be after 20
episodes 520 miles of
driving much appreciate it Mikey appreciate moving on to things
that uh Moon Moonrise Kingdom is good does feel good movie Wes Anderson yeah
don’t need to say tra mud I feel like this was a a huge play in matth mcc’s
transition to act actual valid non romantic comedy BS roles like mud was a
big step yeah I believe your brother makes me think of your brother yet again I know you like that movie yeah that was
everything he told us was a lie yeah that’s what he always like to say got crosses or Hills bent in shape of
crosses and this next one is a comedy and I didn’t see it too many years after it come out but I I show trailer just
because it which one Project X so it’s a found footage an ENT in the found
footage genre but of like an epic house party for high schoolers
which it it’s pretty freaking entertaining she’s big jealous she wants to
come ah yeah some crazy stuff happen [Music] she wants to come see you she jealous oh
There She Goes Chris and that oh Chris just stepped on I just be careful okay you’re good
there’s yeah I’ve got a network cable underneath there that
yeah like it’s a hardcore comedy in the way like if it makes sense it’s just
like I don’t know the trailer might kind of make sense Mom Dad it’s me Thomas um where do
I start this is supposed to be small get together I wanted to be cool for one
night you know I wanted girls to notice me like a horror movie then things got a
little out of control tonight’s about the girls we
never had a shot at tonight’s about changing the
game everything sh a’t always going to be
be [Applause] [Music]
again just big enough to be cool game
[Applause] changer yeah
that can’t
[Applause] yeah hello Thomas Dad hey well we just
wanted to call One Last Time make [Music]
sure do the fo sty yep all
good there’s another found footage movie on on here that that was pretty well done Prometheus I definitely had to pick
this one because my love for aliens and even people who might have had issues
with it I still think it was pretty pretty amazing as far as the building the world
and universe of the which the existed how they how they came about you know in
this the whole Engineers yeah the con yeah and I believe they’re NE neomorph before
there’s xenomorph but uh when you say aliens yeah xenomorph yeah from like Alien
aliens yes correct [Music] no for The Listener yeah yeah so it
um it was there was a lot more it’s a lot head headier in this action than
probably a lot of people wanted but I really I I quite enjoyed it um moving on
to one for you Mickey which one are we on I can’t see seven something paths yeah oh Seven
Psychopaths love this I absolutely love this has uh let’s see Colin frell
Christopher Walkin and I cannot remember the other main guy’s name you know him though um Joe monia no that guy right
there oh Joe Montana I thought I said Joe [Music]
Mont yes Sam Rockell I can never remember back love dude this is probably
my favorite Sam Rockwell movie hi is this your dog oh my God I
toay thank you so much serious remember yeah are you pretending to remember
how’s everything in the dog kidnapping pist it’s getting you dog why were you walking him Sharice I
always love Bonnie like he was my own child one I do not want that image in my
head two could you go get my dog back hey what the hell happened some
punks jumped us who are you said they were looking for little [ __ ] suits then
some other Punk killed those punks it’s their blood it’s his puke you want to go
to the bathroom clean some of the blood in the puke off
you almost got killed today cuz you kidnapped the wrong dog are you man serious
wow what are we going to do we could take on all the B guys maybe in the desert and what do you think we should
do in real life not how you doing what’s your name shut up
we’ll get you back to your daddy in a day or two don’t be sad p p no PA that’s
okay too I got to pull myself together I know my dog’s going to end up killed you’re
not pulling yourself together are you you’ve got to give it back give it
back you just get back and kidnap dog it Fe the entire object of the kidnapp me
put your hands up no but I’ve got a gun I don’t care doesn’t make any sense too
bad I’m going to work are you pissed at me for something baby why would I be pissed at you Madie because you’re a
kly you waiting for somebody old guy no okay you seem normal yeah come on in we
got to get this dog off the street kidnapped romaniac Dandy [Music]
I like it it’s got layers yeah ey for an ey leaves the whole
world’s blind no it doesn’t there’ll be one guy left with one eye how’s the last
blind guy going to take out the eye of the last guy left
funny looks like an entertaining one no it’s a great my favorite part is whenever they’re in the desert and
Christopher Walkin walks up to walks up to him and he’s like where’s the pay OD he just wants to payot off the
guy like can do take a trip in the desert oh man it’s the um Skyfall was a
solid entry in James B movies but yeah it was I think I like spect and mov mov
it’s funny get to a comedy comedy think we can agree on this one
yeah is this one called Tim Ted Ted starring Mark they turned this into a TV
show did you know that I did yeah that was just kind of recent right
yeah yeah no I know I did know about
thats Chris it has been said that magic
vanished from our world a long time ago but if there’s one thing you can be
sure of I wish you could really talk to me it’s that nothing is more powerful
than a young boy’s wish you’re my best friend
John but eventually everyone grows
[Music] up I’m taking Laur to dinner you don’t think she’s going to be expecting
something big do you it’s been 4 years Johnny you and me have been together for 27 years where’s my ring huh where’s my
ring put all my come on knock it off I’m just
saying man that’s my bad I was sending a tweet John hi Thomas how are you can
I baby please ask Ted to move out so we can move on with our lives I’m not that pych did just like kick him
out a lorry hey you’re home early who are these girls oh my where are my man
is lri this is Angelique Heavenly Shireen and San Blanc I swear to God her
name is San Blanc show your Chevron card Ted we got to move out I’ll help
you get on your feet out there I promise bring it in you bastard come on I love you sorry that’s the the thing the thing
yeah yeah yeah yeah right I met a girl nice she’s a cashier you know what I like to do to her something I call a
dirty fuzzy how you like How You Like Me
Now down here not looking up your towel swear to God not looking at your funny business sometimes I think back to that
Christmas morning when I was 8 years old I wish I’d just gotten a Teddy Rock
spin why are you crying my J get squished by the TV
I look stupid no you don’t you look daer John I look like something you give to your kid when you tell him Grandma
Di oh t look happy now but eventually everyone grows
up the Avengers the first one came out I was going to say there was one we skipped over that I wanted to mention
that was actually a good movie it was after Skyfall which was Sinister and it’s in the movie genre it had eth a
minister it had Ethan Hawk in it and it’s kind of cool because he’s more or less like an author he’s like a horror
murder mystery author and he moves into a house where murders took place of like
a family and it was all this weird stuff and like it was a pretty creepy like plot of why so he moved into this house
to write the book but I don’t think his wife knew is that like rear window the wife the wife I don’t think knew the
house that they moved into she had no idea that it was like based on the next novel that he was writing and so she had
she had no idea but yeah and then there’s like weird [ __ ] that starts to happen and it invokes like a pretty
interesting theory about it so if you’re a horror movie fan and you’ve never seen Sinister it’s the first one I mean they
ended up doing like one or two more after that but I would just say it’s a decent one to maybe check out but it’s
not I’m not saying it’s anything to really write home about but it is I thought it was pretty across you know it
not four Horrors that came out this year you know yeah and it wasn’t like a Gore porn movie so that’s why I say it worked
on like susp psychological suspense oh cool I could watch that it’s awesome
yeah the Avengers came out huge huge huge in the in Marvel Cinematic Universe
and just uh this just kind of really I like the beginning it’ be a
huge Behemoth that MCU was up until the end of I guess whatever phase where
basically eding game part two and then I feel like after that they kind of became super woke and I don’t know if that’s
what heard them or they’re just there’s just too many stories they’re trying to tell that people just don’t care enough
about but this was whenever they’re nailing it this is actually watching
this after B de on my own downloading like downloading it and just being like
okay dang I get and this was during my dark period where like I didn’t even want to go see this in theaters but like
I watched it and I was like okay I get dang okay this is a legit x movie and I
really like the way they did the characters The Avengers cuz I didn’t like I didn’t even care to see it when
it came out the but I got turned on to and then I became obsessed with the MCU
up through the end end end M so that moving on We Got U one of the born movies came out I’m sure it was all
right uh the campaign yeah good movie G will it was a good
movie SE yeah see for me it’s one of the ones that looked like it could be really
funny but sadly oh yeah I think he did no you’re
right Chris is right dude this is a great movie need to watch it again look Chris
she fell down [ __ ] yeah he shows that how’s my hair strong so strong my hair
could lift a car off a baby if it had to absolutely what I like to
hear education is our future farmers are this nation’s backbone Bankers veterans
Filipino T to worldl operators are this nation’s backbone
Sal cam Brady will win his fifth term in Congress simply by signing the registration ballot that’s one of the
perks of running unopposed let’s get this this bad boy
sign don’t know if that’s supposed to be push or pull hey who is that nice
sweater this has been my dream running for office you’re challenging our four-term Congressman how do you expect
to do that did I say that
again now that I’m running for congress we’re going to be under a lot of scrutiny anybody have anything that they
want to share with us I said the lord’s name in vain it’s school is that he it I went to the petting zoo and I I let the
goat Li my wiener that little guy’s a weirdo I’m going to smoke that clown we’ve got some
work to do right how you doing hate to break it to your friend but your balloons get ready to pop and that balloon’s full of your own butt TOS you
trying to trash talk me your mama’s like a vacuum cleaner she sucks she blows and gets laid in the closet that’s what nuts
feel like Washington DC is a mess how do you
say it’s mess in Hebrew Donkey Kong you want a holy war little
man let me hear a cam radio 12 oh shove a throwing star up a Chinese
monkey to get I refuse to lose and I will
win this dog has a lot of fight in him you hear about that Z what you got there is that a crossbow
I cancel but there gentlemen they got some babies
kiss that’s my baby justed
baby anyone asking my Handi after punching that iron like Jaw that
baby but they haven’t really had any like big huge hit songs and they have so
they they didn’t the ticket Sal were so bad that they’re like redoing the like
had to cancel that to her and so redoing it to do like
okay okay so they have to book smaller venu yeah he bumped into him going to
the restroom that’s cool so you like that song Gold on the Ceiling I like it I was
like I like I I guess I never really kid for any of their stuff it reminds me of crazy nights I had with women I met in
yeah I mean it’s catchy blues rock and I can appreciate it for being unique like it being yeah mainstream like blues rock
but I guess like a lot of Blues really doesn’t it’s fun to play but honestly I
don’t care to listen to it s I never really s them out that hurts me but was
like but when they came on I wasn’t like oh man fuing Chang
[Music] yeah yeah yeah this is a bit off off
subject but I found it funny so Ste Stephanie and Chris were talking last time he was
here whenever there’s something about yourself that you forgot completely that
you did and it was like a huge habit so you’re telling her about like my music how I I was I couldn’t stand listening
to something too much to where I would like rotate through albums and it’
be couldn’t I you know listen the same song every like every the day let alone
even within a week I just like had and that’s part of my ination while I still
continue search for new music I guess like I’ve told you how to do the playlist but I apparently like I would
even get on like Chris I’m going put this on i’ be like no I haven’t listen i’ be like no I listen to that like four days ago Dude put on something
else I didn’t want to hear it at all if I heard it recently to where I don’t it
didn’t matter it was like yeah it could be an amazing song and now with the baby it it’s I’ve played Numa by Tool
probably a thousand times one of those like it wasn’t you know like wasn’t as
though he wasn’t going back listening to [ __ ] like you know it was all like old
[ __ ] mostly I mean there was like new [ __ ] there too but it was like yeah I S wanted to listen to
everything I had I don’t want to listen to I listen to G a week
ago right but now it’s like wait I love this song I can listen to this every day
and oh yeah so I’ve definitely changed and the baby is part of that but it’s
just funny I forgot that I was that way but now I remember and it’s just so weird to be like
[Music] where like anybody want play some music
and Chris is like no I’m good no I just be pick pick for one of
these that I haven’t listened to in a few weeks that’s fun all right so what was that movie we just left uh that was
called riding with Matthew in high school riding with Matthew in high school uh now we’re on
to the comedy which I don’t think you saw this I don’t think this is a Tim H
time head hieker starring film and it it’s funny because the billion dollar
movie came out this year but this is not that and it’s arguably not even a comedy
oh is this the trial no no no that’s that’s a com like that’s something this
is I guess you call it dark comedy black comedy but yeah I just don’t even know let’s
see what
[Music] is is that is that the wrong WR way to do [Music]
it is my [Music]
[Music] dying like
out 99 people out 100 laugh at
this but I love s ER yeah that K where you from I’m in
Williamsburg You Know M so represent
represent what what I’m representing Williamsburg bro you got to respect where I come from cuz I respect where
you come from come on you know where we come from bro we come from the
hood yeah you are in the Demon’s house I had a great day I went to the
shopping [Music] mall I feel so good about hanging out with my best friends
today deserve that
[Music] people it is it is unique Hitler had you
didn’t just say Hitler had Hitler had horrible indigestion
old man be dead by now he won’t he won’t shine too too kindly on our
family I’m telling you dude it’s weird though you it’s like really it’s not like a
com w [Music]
stop theop it great lot
people alternative comedy Pioneers for me mid off show oh I’ve seen them Live
Twice like I’ve actually seen them really and one of the times I got to be an audience participation and actually
go on the stage not joking Tim and Eric that’s yeah and they were there with Dr
Bru which is John C Riley has a character it was like half of it so I seriously so like at one point they had
like some like oh pick out someone who looks like this or that and they asked for someone like do baby boy well the hello yeah yeah they said and this they
like said someone get a baby boy and I just knew that compared to around me I was like small so I’m like me and and
they’re like oh okay and like because an audience member got was picked and they had to pick the audience member so I get
to be on stage and be part of this little skit dude that’s so cool yeah and it suck because the person with me
didn’t take pictures or video or anything do was it video do you know I’m pretty sure he could have and
it was at the M um Majestic downtown but I was with the the crazy
girl at the time yeah but yeah so seen a couple times dude it was uh it was Corby
on stage with them and Dr Dr legendary that’s what is that they say seven degrees of separation or something
something six okay yeah then I guess I’ve been by each of them I count as one
degree so that connects me to a lot is that how that works yeah I think so it connects you to like all kinds of
people yeah dude dude that’s that’s cool I mean we’re
down the hall from Joe yeah but I don’t think we talk about the state of this pug right now which pug your pug what’s
happening she’s she’s like Control Alt deleted her tail is fully tuck down no she’s like Cur in a sleep yeah she’s
like look her face she’s s she’s standing she’s like barely leaning against me but standing
up yeah she dude I’m so St pictures dude this she
[Music] wasle just like oh she just needed
freaking freedom and love and she started acting like a pug
that’s some insane little crackhead yeah for real I just love the way potato is
right now she’s standing on all fours but like trying to go to sleep yeah I’ll be in the car and like she’ll I’ll be
sitting up and and she’ll like take the slightest incline just the rest of her head here and like to her almost like
this like she’s like probably just laying 5% of her body weight a little
against me but she’s still standing a lot like she would put her head on my chest where like there still has to be
more effort straining to stay up whatever you could just go right on the ground she just loves you I love to all
right what else we got uh so this one next one can I just the dark knut rises I
mean I don’t think we even need to talk about that yeah we don’t need to really watch that it’s phenomenal you need to
see it yeah it’s phenomenal see all the Batman we could technically just say that’s the best and just whatever but
you need well no the dark this is the third one wasn’t it with Bane dark oh Rises yeah the yeah for sure
yeah sorry Tom Hardy did have a fun voice to
I remember as soon as he talked in that movie I was like I just like looked at my buddy I was like is that that’s like
what the [ __ ] that’s for real we’re doing that yep so that’s good uh so this
one you picked called the ickle man the ice man ice cream man yeah it’s
uh it’s the the guy he was yeah the guy’s name was Richie
kinsky and he was a hitman for it’s based on true story the mafia yeah it’s a true guy it’s based on a true charact
so he’s an Irish it can be yeah it’s contentious but it’s it’s based on I
don’t know about all that but it’s based on a real person is it not my Annabel is as golden as the light of the
mo what’s this you think I’m a spoil i’ like to be taken care of there’s nothing
wrong with that I like the way you take care of [Music]
me you’re a family man now wife kids who
are you kidding closing lab sorry but you’re out
of a job you follow orders you got everything to gain if you don’t have it
in you Now’s the Time to say it I guess any movie I
I’m good at what I do what about leaving Witnesses at a murder scene I don’t kill women or children I have loose ends
now all right kids that’s it go on home we’ll close you got a second so is it my
lucky day and my last hey was that Sam be my partner no that’s uh you take care of the details sit down
the Captain America yeah might as well look out for each other
right you’re doing hits behind my back I can imagine what you’ve been telling
them thinking their dad’s a decent guy I’m really proud of you Richie our
paths cross again I’m going to bury your whole family dad you see your same
Ro Chris Evans kind of made me same
there ain’t going to be nothing else to be afraid of I didn’t know I was supposed to be
afraid driving car God please what are you doing you
praying you think God’s going to save you you tell him to come down and stop
me I guess God’s busy don’t don’t don’t here’s your career [Music]
Iceman looks pretty cool what what I got here there we go so what’s what’s
contentious about him [Music]
well I mean this movie came out in 2012 yeah but he meant the documentary oh
okay and you’ve watched the [Music]
documentary HBO okay like an hour and a half documentary with the guy all these
stories like the actual gu oh did he actually kill 100 people H does he talk
about if he actually killed 100 people yeah he he tells all the St saying that like you know it’s like now
that like people like Sammy the and Sh like like arcast these old like guys and
[ __ ] yeah what’s the other name Michel Fran and Sh like that which is which is
cool they actually get on these platforms and tell stories well that might must mean how
good he was then right but that’s what they’re saying [Music]
ice maybe he just for largely one mobster though I mean I don’t I just
know that like for the longest time you never really heard anything about there some fogginess surrounding how much of
it okay well then I’m removing that from the list
defitely HBO
like Okay Ice to check that out I’ve been in a documentary mov lately uh so
next one and this is phenomenal which anything by Paul Thomas Anderson for me
I’m going to check out at least he just did Boogie Nights it was like his first movie did Magnolia
did obviously the the master uh he does a lot of There Will Be Blood mhm like
all those movies are pretty freaking legit he does it seems like most which is fun lot most of his movies Mo he
stays away from like being in modern time it’s like a different historical period of time often like the Phantom
thread he did which was about the some male fashion designer which the Daniel
de Lewis that was really yeah you probably like it it probably bore a lot of people but it’s pretty cool uh but
the master so Paul Thomas sers in basically his take on Ron L hubard basically but with walk he’s not
the main character dud it’s such a good have you ever seen it first the master
and Phoenix in it dude it’s such dude you got to watch it is good it’s it’s
crazy and it all lines up from what I’ve heard by the way if anybody’s interested in hearing about SCH and schmy you
should listen to the last yeah last podcast on the left they do a whole there will be people on the outside who
will not understand the condition you men have now upon your shoulders rest the responsibility of a postwar world
smile you can start a business filling stage grocery or hardware store get a
few acres of land and raise some chickens you have a break
coming if the average civilian had been through the same stresses you have been through undoubtedly they too would have
develop the same nervous condition guy around get comes back and just watch up
C how do I get down here drink too much alcohol so it’s
basically about him but he stumbles across I am a rider doctor a nuclear
physicist the medical philosopher but above all I amth just like
scentology Phoenix like Weir watch character he’s been writing you seem to inspire something in
yeah what we will do now urge you toward within a group Society
of good science by definition allows for more than one opinion otherwise you merely have the will of one man which is
the basis cult and this is where we are at to have to explain ourselves for what
the only way to defend ourselves is to attack you know you should wake up Val father speaking he might learn something
he’s making all this up as he goes along you don’t see that it’s a what’s
your name I wonder how he got here and what he’s after he’s been is it really all so easy
that just AC actually from the north Texas area that Jessie you are an everlasting spirit I don’t believe you
you make this up you just I know you’re trying to calm me down but just say something that’s true are you
thoughtless in your remarks do your past failures bother you is your life a
struggle is your behavior erratic what are you running from he’s
dangerous and he will be our undoing if we continue to have him here if we are not helping him then it
is we who have failed him perhaps he’s past help hard
[Music] insane I just love that
direct he given the budget and production companies back him because
makes some all his movies a FAS like he’s one of those he’s one of those top top Todd pict just for me moving on we
got this is it’s really good I haven’t seen it since basically it came out but you like this right it’s a great movie I
remember like place beyond the pond that’s watching it I remember the first
time I saw it I was like who this is totally I thought it was going to be something totally different and it
turned out to be way slower than I thought it was going to be I thought it was going to be a fast pace like kind of
and it was an incredibly slow burn and like all of the part the part you
thought all of the parts that you thought were going to dominate don’t and
it’s like for a moment a lot more
and the they show you a glimpse of BU these people are and then it’s just all back
story andina here very real who’s that guy very
grounded tell me very real year just took off my son and I should be around
him I wasn’t around my dad I how are you going to take care
of I can’t think of another line of work that I’d rather be in so smart you can do anything you want just don’t
understand why you’re doing this I’m a cop got a kid you want to provide for
that kid you got to do that using your skill set and your skill set
sham all right everybody wants to live put your hands in the I’m not
watching 105 I got
motorcycle like the a lot of bank robberies tell him it’s for me I’m still
his father I can give him stuff cuz it get him to like the guy officer DeLuca
we’re here to search your house we’re looking for the money that Luke glanton mayor may not have given to
you 14 Grand the lion Shar is going to our hero this is your problem this is our
problem and I’m bringing it to your attention because that’s what I should do I want to do two in one day I’m not
going to let you bring us both down there’s a way out of this you’re not going to like
it I need to the [Music]
please you know something look if you ride like Li you’re going to cry crash like
thunder is I’m trying to think the movie that probably Saturn with Cas half in it
uh Out of the Furnace no it was
one no no have you ever seen Out of the Furnace no with Christian Bale and Casey
Manchester by the sea oh okay talk about it depressing me I remember Williams
telling me about it I’m like he’s like it’s so good but dude it is so ridiculously like sad starts out Sid
it’s all sad but uh yeah that’s good uh oh Tim
Tim so another Tim Tim and Eric more official movie this is their legit comedy and I saw this in theater of
course Tim and Eric’s Billion dooll [Music]
movie dude this guy’s alternative ridiculous oh yeah
dude come on down to the grand reopening of the swallow Valley Mall I’ll be there my best friend Tim haker will be there
you’re going to like what you see o you’re going to like the fake trees you’re going to like all our new stores o you’re going to like meeting my new
son Jeffrey come on down to the grand reopening of the swallow Valley Mall my dad told me this is the coolest Mall
ever you think you know more than my dad don’t come back it’s a grand reopening of the swallow Valley Mall it’s just off Route 35 right here in historic swallow
[Music] Valley in 2012 I’ve been meaning to tell you this
all night but I love you man I love our friendship thank you I honor you and I honor our friendship and I honor our love two of America’s most celebrated
icons hi I’m Eric warheim and I’m Tim hicker oh yeah present emotion picture
so epic I want to eat their heart yeah yes
it will leave you in shock
what i d breathe it’s got action will be stand down it’s got
romance hi Eric warheim I love you start again hi I’m Eric warheim very in love with you and okay it’s got drama you’re
in a very bad place I Dro those pants it’s got special effects
it’s got Stars don’t death oh H nice hi hi hi chef gold
boom yeah like have open
[Applause] C sounds like shrimp
probably never
watch Laugh Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie I’ll turn every day shrimp
no shrim that’s it movie I paid a billion dollars for that piece of
[ __ ] yeah dude oh yeah man I love T see
all right we’re getting close to the end here we’ll going and do these last two
you and I’m I’m going back a couple years for one that forign I didn’t realize that it came out in know s but
don’t tell anybody but this first one came out this year and it did was pretty popular and it was about the killing of
bamas yeah Zero Dark 30 came out this year and it was a fantastic movie
um and yeah I mean I enjoyed it it was good and I didn’t even think about but it’s zero dark3 just means it’s like the
12:30 where it’s dark outside [Music]
right can I be honest with [Music] you I am bad
news but that’s not your friend Z Dark 30 not going to help you Z Dark 30 just
being 1230 at night the night time 12:30 any questions but this one was like even
the darkest Darkest Night [Music]
possible I want to make something absolutely clear I didn’t know that part that’s fig out if you thought there was
some working group coming to the
rescue and I want you to know that you’re wrong Chris Pratt was in this I think just kind of this is it get more
R there’s nobody else hidden away on some other floor there is just us R talking about I
guess we are failing still team finding it but under normal it would have been the the Rangers except they were I guess
the most the units were like already deployed on some other things you really believe this story like osin actually be
or not like you know what par convinced you the only reason it was the
steals specialize more just certain if you’re right I
don’t know they have more diverse moov skill
sets we will never find him maybe the green bra but definitely he’s one of the
disa ones do it it been some Delta or some
could come from rers
[Music] yeah no tier one definitely might have it might have been
a green beray would have been Delta cuz like cuz you have special operations and
you have I know but that’s the thing cuz they get Intel on guys all the time so like the the like the best ones were for
the job of AR like they were already out doing something else yeah that’s what saying it’s like the
only on the black side as far as like tier one is like you have Team Six and
you have like Delta yeah and so Delta was
probably like either way been a lot of
controversy oh yeah about the GU shot shot him and stuff yeah
yeah next one we’re going back we have time crime for movie it’s a very well
straightforward consequence of Time chavel movie that like takes place basically in the in the scope of this
guys like house and yard so it’s like very self-contained but it’s the riding is so
so interesting in it well executed like
that this the way the scenario plays out it’s it’s realistic
know Z have basically come back in time but there’s like a time and he still
exists in that time like you know multiple people every like a shing or like every possibility this I guess so
he like goes back in time sees himself that that’s why he was covered up space there we saw a mashed person so that he
wouldn’t he knew the H the team s and he wanted to keep covered so it’s basically like him
trying to find a way out of this loot he got stuck in which is I’ve never seen time CH
movie did that way where like he back he only went back in time you like maybe a day or 12 hours so it’s basically he’s
just trying to escape getting do those 12 hours and on the other side of it and CU
cuz the guy sees the beginning is himself so it’s almost like 10 where like he gets he’s whatever Loop of that
ex existence occurring he’s just trying to get out of it that this the first one
and it’s pretty cool dude it’s pretty cool and it’s what is it time CRI Time Crimes I feel like that’s on tub right
now might be remember yeah one forign movies I
came across I was like you had to download it way back when I was living in Denton I just remember showing my
roommates and like dude pits this is freaking awesome like a try no that was fantastic that
was a good list so uh if they got to rank any of them I would definitely say go you got to watch Seven
Psychopaths um obviously the obvious pick is going to be the uh the Batman movie but that’s you know almost some
sometimes there’s obvious movies that just kind of go without mentioning in a way yeah I feel like but you still we
always still find ourselves saying something about them um in the area of
uh hard Sinister was pretty good okay again that was a that’s one that I think
is worth mentioning sister Tian Tam right um yeah and then uh Zero Dark 30 definitely got to check that out uh
let’s see what else
um I can’t see from back here that’s fine I can was was probably St be one I I say so I put
cloud outlas just cuz it’s it’s fascinating it’s it’s it’s more it’s like it’s sort of seem the creative
effort on the scope uh dread of course
so Looper would be very high up but for me it’s very close for top top top top
top pick between Prometheus and the master so for me those are the two
absolutes yeah uh then if as far as you know absurd alternative happens be
alternative comedy but the to Tim Tim and Eric billion dollar movie for me and then the that movie The Comedy had them
in it as well was mainly Tim hieker it it’s like a like I said it’s like a black comedy that it’s not even I don’t
even know if they call it com it’s just like a almost like a study on just the
ter you know kind of semi- terrible type of human being or just just like a selfish not even terrible but
just an un interesting piece of s and it’s called The Comedy obvious
ironically it have to be uh but yeah so that was funny Ted was very very funny
he actually wanted to laugh really hard uh yeah Ted
take know oh Seven Psychopaths that was the one said that one yeah did you say
jeno no that Looper placed beyond the pine yep Looper that was definitely one of
them for sure uh yeah we never really mentioned it but Argo Argo was a good
Argo was really good it told a story that I didn’t really my generation I didn’t really know that much about the
whole Iran hostage like I didn’t know that that’s basically where beef as far
as modern times came from book is about okay like if that didn’t happened that
like our whole scenario with them just being a a defecto enemy might not exist
yeah like like it was our Embassy that cred happened and then we just like our
friend we never became friends again that’s wild to think about yeah
yeah and the the friendly term for them is Persian
Persian yeah cuz I dated one yes they this be fary so yeah good that was
good no it was good yep and let’s do say something right now I’m going to close the books on
2012 it’s closed I was just about to say some really like deep stuff about it no yeah
the Deep statement go check it out all right quick little break here and then
probably come back quick break come back see what happens
yeah oh yeah I got the double pug
up oh this thing’s getting loose we’re live and I’ve got two pugs in my lap
Mikey watch out one of them got poop on his butt or something no I think you expressed her anal f is that what it was
I don’t know but do you want to look up how to do it no can I bring it over for
you to do I no I don’t do that can you do it for her I don’t even know if the
situation when the situation calls when when did she go into heat is that what it is is she she hadn’t had a period
once yet so but when do you think that’s going to be happening man you did you just dump did you dump her on like right
before it happens I don’t know you might want to get her fixed as soon as you can though yeah that’s the one thing like
it’s not probably have to well because they have like Pro they have like programs in
my dog mad they have programs that like just threw my dog in Dallas or in the
area where you can get it for super cheap just cuz they want get animal spad or neutered except pugs there’s there’s
a higher there’s a slightly higher risk at complications from anesthesia because of the way they’re I guess it’s enic
there’s a term for their nose being the way it is and that it there’s like a slightly higher risk of them like
something going wrong when they’re under but it’s it’s I’ve it’s not that high
but it’s just enough of a little increase in liability that you’re likee no the free places or places that
do it B for almost free don’t don’t do dogs with the flat noses so you got got
to go pay full price so but we need I split it with you because I think it’s like 250 or something but we need to do
it now before we’re attached is what you’re saying do it do it before it gets period because I don’t know if you’ve
dealt with the dog on its period before I hadn’t in potato talk about this what
seemed like a a month of bleeding I’m not joking dude and we had these little diapers we put on her other
she get blood everywhere I remember coming over she little diapers on this is going on for a long
time I’m like this is this is this every month they and
they have puppy like their their pre time of of pregnancy is way shorter than
a person’s I think like it’s like ours is roughly nine months I think theirs is like three months or something crazy but
think you think that the period would be a lot shorter but it’s backwards no yeah
dog bled for way too long
dude just so many pads cuz I get the little I get the little diaper and get
human pads cuz it’s cheap and now just I have to put a different pad in a little diaper like just duck so Mass over here
changing his child’s diaper and his pugs diaper pugs diaper like every every
day and it figuring out how to get their work their tail through the hole consistently but I have a whole
system just I I had to I did it every day changing this pug bloody
diaper you said felt like a month dude I’m not joking I don’t think I’m
exaggerating how ask Stephanie maybe it was the first time it was all built up I don’t know but it was way longer than
the humans that’s all I know way more I’m
going to come over and drop her off at that time to help I feel like potato or help herem
will help her through it yeah I’m just saying like I you I let you take one of our like reusable diapers just it’ll be
good to have on hand yeah please and like I said um cuz I don’t want to lock her in the
bathroom you yeah you just happen you just put the pad by where the snaps be
rubb yeah yeah Chris watch it man she got me I don’t know what she’s leaking said
roughly she needs an oil change or something she got something on me oh now you did sit on you yeah I
don’t want to touch her now well dude she came upon me and and shat
not go and Sh no more she could have she it could have been a shark sh not she
could have farted and let something Lo and Sh I I cleansed her of her sh and told
her yes be redeemed from your life of shat what what doing he can jump up
there L come on he can jump oh she jumped up on the bed that I think she doesn’t quite know the limits of her
strength yet she got mad because she no yeah for a while she was afraid to even jump off the chair but or jump up and
like until she just did it without thinking like no she like she’s way more athletic than potato yeah and potato can
jump pretty high so honestly I bet she could jump like a few inches more easy bro she she was like cuz Mikey’s bed is
was pretty tall yeah she launched up onto it she ran like got it I was just sitting there and she flew up right yeah
and I was like whoa I was like you did a big jump girl yeah cuz it wasn’t like I mean cuz there were times where Harley
would jump on it and he would just like half ass yeah and like barely get up there wait for you to pick him up but
she like like yeah she made it all the way there man tell D all that intense training with pepper she got she strong
yeah big strong pug but so we’ve been back um we’ve been back since you’ve
been back long we should probably probably just going and do some wck we start I wanted
to top talk some about international trade and exchange rates in the trade
deficit [ __ ] but that’ll that’ll uh buy some silver that’s what I say nothing at
all to do with what I’m talking about but it’s good no not at all yeah if anything it be the misconception of
international trade and what and that what the actual benefits of a weak dollar are on a global scale
International Trade I mean it’s argu I mean we import majority of our products
right true yes yeah you know so we and we want in any country if you in a given
I guess period of time or year you have a trade surplus if you export more than import or trade deficit if you import
more than the export and a lot of traditional dollar just like kind of look at a deficit as the worse scenario
than a surplus but that’s it’s ALS really just there’s so many factors it’s not NE it really isn’t necessarily cuz
like okay so it’s if we’re importing more that means theoretically there
could be Industries in our home country that are being outsourced right but then what that does is it gets cheaper
products into consumer hands who then have more disposable income and theoretically it creates other
Industries within or you know jobs yes that might not you know on the on the
individual scale yeah it can be like oh that’s hurting me but on like an aggregate global scale in the health of
just Nations it’s it’s like a necessity to have international trade so those benefits to a dollar being weak versus
strong or you know exp or importing too much like to where you always want to be
able to have alternative sources CU like with the Ukraine situation a lot of
countries imported grains in certain you know from them so but they’ve been able
to Alternatives but it’s that’s a downside so like China exports so much and they
actually were are said to have understated their their trade balance
because because that Trump made a point that he wanted to like get more balance between
us El and and them they manipulate the [ __ ] out of their Curren but and that’s the thing even if even if yeah they to
keep it lower value against a dollar intentionally cuz a lot of their Investments are in dollar rest of like
the G7 or G20 countries like play by like fair trade or the only Curren the
international banking system that’s not like required holding to anyone yeah
they manipulate the [ __ ] like no no other country can use it right so like the Y the Yen or whatever like it has to
be recognized by the International Bank system but no they don’t have to like
it’s not something that you get it’s not subject to the same regulations weird yeah and it’s they got some crazy well
and everything with China was like doing business with them in any way and the thing is even if like any business you
do with China like is immediately like
has to be be Holden to like government oversight in China because it’s any
corporation like the government is so embedded with the corporations that it’s oh yeah I mean it’s if you’re
dictatorship operated right is actually like a very good economy if it’s done right because everything’s in service of
the state of like you know a dictatorship like a good dictator
capitalist could be better than you know a democracy if it’s like a good an
actual good dictator did we our democracy did we mention that in the dictator movie this year no that was the
oh was was that yeah it was oh was Sasha bar con yeah it wouldn’t as funny as I hoped it would be but they not a great
mie the dictor yeah you should trade him so i’
like to say I’d like to acknowledge the fact that Caleb’s just been over here dropping buckets all night he do play
the game a lot he’s just he’s dropping buckets and he’s I mean he’s trying to computer once he’s trying to he’s trying
to come up crazy the way he plays this like it take no it just take me a while to get used because I’m also used to the
other View the when we played basketball games it wasn’t like the behind the back
yeah like the fullv brast like NBA James yeah like Allan Iverson dunan from the
three-point line exactly oh that was a that was legit dude they need to bring
back NBA Street there’s so many games that was not supposed to happen on the game there’s no I I know what you’re
talking about no I know what you mean from the video I recorded when I was a kid yes no I know yeah me that did it it
was live or something yeah it was one we were playing it but I like I went back and recorded it through VCR to make like
a tape of it no yeah because we paused it and just kep [ __ ] it over now I got that uploaded yeah he has it I saw
it I saw it recently but yeah he was like you couldn’t do that in the game that wasn’t
but they do need to have street again D I was going to say they need to bring back they need to bring back NBA Street
and they need to bring back they need to bring back uh the bigs for baseball big
in theot Blitz Blitz The Bigs well what was the one that Blitz the console one
that basically was like the conss extreme it was extreme okay yeah that
was the one that was by like the game day yeah yeah yeah because Blitz was uh
Blitz was EA right I think um maybe Nintendo Blitz was I just that was one
that I think you know what mid Midway that way more arcades in it might
have only n is what you’re thinking I’m thinking about Blitz like the one that we play at CC’s which I feel like that
you play I think they I think they released it on the console but it was a game that wasn’t as fun like that
something about the arcade experience we and that was so much fun and the noise
the [ __ ] like all everything about the arcade like the announcers makes me
think of CC’s that cruising USA and Area 51 you know what else though needs to be
replayed um fight for New York oh God jamam I remember y’all playing the heck
out of it you played the [ __ ] out I didn’t yes you did y were there in pits you had I’m sure I created a character
but like I didn’t like play that I don’t think I did yes you did you were the first [ __ ] that rented it you
the yeah I rented it but I really feel like I remember like you guys playing it all the time oh yeah no we played it I
don’t think beat like who was the boss um Buster rymes no I’m kidding no it was
uh I remember having a fight I’m pretty sure I didn’t play like I I’m sure I created character but y’all y’all did
show I remember cuz I didn’t care but like I on the weekend and y’all be y’ll be playing hell sh yeah cuz you game fed
it yeah yeah you game it so yeah chill dude chill Caleb’s just over here
pulling up dropping buckets on these guys dude getting and one oh yeah but so
re of the week all right recommendation of the week I had this earlier it’s just so fitting I’d love it if you guys
piggybacked it be awesome pop on pgy on my back all of us but take a nap it’s my
recommendation week take a nap yeah there’s so many studies that show that naps are good for you so just take one
okay there’s lots of studies they they’ve been known to cure all sorts of ailments like tiredness y it’s the
number one solution for tiredness the number one remedy the number one side effect of naps is lack of tiredness yep
that is it you take naps and you’re just no longer tired is what happens you might catch wakefulness so yes you want
to look out for that yeah watch out for catch energy sense of wellbe and you could
spread the wakefulness to others that are asleep if you have a significant other that prefers that when
you don’t talk do you ever risk of talking more when you’re awake that’s true so nap that’s good one take a nap
man yeah it’s good man take a nap it’s good I can’t remember if I don’t take a lot of naps I used to take naps but I
don’t yeah I’ll take I’ll take power naps that I’ve told you like I’ll just I
don’t actually fall asleep normally but I’ll just Zone you know get into a meditative Zen State and relax my body
but oh my wck have I done this something about learning an
instrument I think you said I think you said something about that you maybe said
learn an instrument one yeah you did okay so now then I’m going Tob myself C
started playing the skin flu yeah that’s right he PA it for it’s pretty impressive no if if you for those that
do play an instrument or have and that have kind of set it aside and and be
used to be something you did regularly you know least every couple days or a few days get it back out and spend some
time with it pick it back up prioritize it you know cuz I want this you know the break I had to take from gaming when I
had my daughter really helped me appreciate things that I kind of replaced with a gaming addiction so like
I let my guitars get all out of condition and stuff but I’ve recently gone through and cleaned them up and set
them up myself and rest string them and it feels good yeah it feels good to get the hands on the old stringers I bet
yeah now they all look nice they feel nice too so yeah if if you’ve played something you’ve you neglected it over
time and anything it could be a sports it could be you know softballs softballs could be mo
hard balls hard balls you know it could be anything and and if you have a f and if you have
a friend that you know that’s kind of done that thing give him an encouraging word be like hey man when next time you
play guitar you should you should you should pick it up or when’s the last time you know help give people when the last time you hit your ex up give her a
call yeah dude you’re right I should no not you I meant like maybe that’s what I’ll tell my friend be hey buddy yeah
hurt them too yeah be like just call them that’ be crazy you just call them
you’re like no I’m married and I’m doing great I just wondered how you were doing no okay all right yeah uh so yeah I
guess I could do that with my very first one but that’d be fun I’m just messing with you no but I mean it’s in the just
in reality like lately she I’m still on good terms with her
I from in a minute but you got any recommendation
um get a pug get a pug F get a pug so
that’ll be the third time cuz I already did twice [ __ ] it’s my first time oh that’s true now you get to do it
once don’t give up on the Mavs yeah don’t give up on the M amen yeah don’t
give up on us we’re still in this what Midas it is great though so dude so you
didn’t use get a pug yet so you still have that in your back pocket I have it I can use it later okay I’ll use g a pug
later I’m going to use my get out of get out of jail free pug c yeah dud I love this Spike crawler a you like it doesn’t
it fit her nice D it fits her perfectly it’s her personality yeah that’s what I’m saying like cute on potato but it
didn’t fit her personality her walking outside like with this thing on and barking the neighbors just like how dark
your face is just almost like he’s just like wearing black like is she dirty like yeah are you dirty girl
youa junk this
weapons keep her for getting attacked by bigger dogs when her potato were playing oh yeah was trying to like bite her and
like would go to grab her by the neck cuz that was the whole point of like spike collars in the first place was for
like fight stff hell yeah dude we should fight these pugs they fight each
other but all right well it’s been a pleasure it has been next week will be a better episode this was hey this this
was our season finale yes episode 20 yeah I might have Michael VI Michael Phelps Michael Jetson episode 20 I’ve
driven 520 miles to do these episodes so y’all hit us up on that
patreon account that Matt’s opening Matt’s opening a patreon if y’all want to put in for gas money for me and pug
food pug we’ll put up all kinds of expenses cuz some people they don’t want to pay for
things like gas but they do want to pay for things like porn pug or B gambling
pug expenses gambling pug food pug food or dog yes dogs
foods and uh those other things too maybe people would pay for yeah chicken
chicken all that we end with be seeing be seeing you