Season 07

greetings traveler and welcome you’ve just landed on the Mikey and Me podcast but fear not for this is no mistake no
Fault in Stars no glitch in The Matrix I’m afraid this Sol and bl predetermined
by Powers no not to us so pull up a chair and join us as we find our way together
for you are among friends hello Matthew kid Just the Two
of Us hello Mikey and while we may be separated by time and
space I’ve never felt closer to you yeah through the amazing things Humanity has done in
technological progression it’s allowed us to feel possibly even closer you’re not
sitting canot I cannot thank Al Gore enough for his his role iner man I can’t
it all comes back to them doesn’t it hey it really comes back to Al hell yeah thank good to see you man thank you for
inventing the internet actually yeah we’ll try and get all on here actually Joe um I you know Joey stops by Joe you
saw him today again today I wasn’t there I did he was ranting about the fluoride and wanting to get out the waters that’s
the whole thing well what’s your pineal gland we me Caleb and I were talking about that today you know it’s it
calcifies your pineal gland it does you might not have dreams as much if you’re
not actually dreaming as much which I didn’t really think about it because I don’t yeah I mean you do and you you
don’t remember them all blah blah blah either way maybe you would remember there’s a good chance there’s some
effect that’s having in that whole realm yeah man yeah dude no for sure if uh you
know to be able to break through the other side you know you have to not drink water or sleep for like three or four days and you really like you know
you start to see the benefits you know some call it sleep deprivation others call it you know a way of life a healthy
way to live good week so a lot happen plenty of water get plenty of sleep um yes a lot happened it was it was a good
week um it was Valentine’s Day it was Valentine’s Day we just recently had the
day of Valentine’s um it’s you know it a lot
of exactly so that we’re both interesting positions because
as far as for me it being literally just a mass marketed thing I feel like
companies whatever and like it’s it’s yes it is what it is and but if you have
a woman in your life it’s you have to respect however they feel about it you
know what I mean and I kind of get because I have a wife so yeah all that to say did you what did did you do
anything interesting with the lady for it yeah no and before we go into that I was going to say like just to respond to
what you said it’s like it’s funny i’ actually because like to to my my girlfriend it means a lot like uh
Valentine’s Day is a big deal to her um for you know it’s like her dad when she was a kid always made a big deal about
it and made sure to always make you know to make it a special day for her and her sisters and so it’s like it’s always
meant a lot to her um and that and that’s cool and I get it and to me it’s like I’ve you know we were actually
talking about that it’s like I’ve always known it as the Hallmark holiday right people always talk about how to
commercialize holiday mostly perpetuated by the Hallmark card company to produce
sales of cards and stuff like that but and while it is I get that and I
understand everybody’s like negative opinion about it or not just negative but their just observation whether if
you want to look that is negative or not um you know a fact the fact remains um
but to me the way I see it is that it’s like okay it is a manufactured holiday
like that it’s not a bad one it’s it’s promoting it’s promoting love at least
they manufactur expressing they manufactured a one a good one that that’s like giving you something to
sometimes it’s like that’s the one thing I told her is that like it could be that Valentine’s is a could potentially have
been the biggest and best and only Icebreaker for some people there might have been so many people could have been
you know the first time they ever asked a girl out and it turned out that it’s like they’ve been together ever since
and he asked her it was like Valentine’s Day was his his reason to be able to or her reason to be able to say hey do you
want to get together you know I haven’t thought much about yeah
and starting off even when you’re a kid with the little Valentine thing like that’s your first that was like your first way of expressing like and showing
like affection I feel like as least I remember when I was a kid like you know hey I like you or like somebody telling
me that they liked me was like giving you the little be my Valentine thing the little candy so yes yes yeah yeah so all that
being said um we had it it was fun um we went out into it was actually it was a
really good time I didn’t you know everybody always wants to do something like fun or whatnot and uh that’s
interesting thing trying fig out the best thing for you and your other significant other
so yeah so we ended up like I just I’d been there there this place had been on my mind recently for quite a while and
what strip club was it Mikey I’m joking I couldn’t find I couldn’t I couldn’t find relationship
any dinner special anywhere around well I couldn’t find any dinner specials the thing you blindfold like all right honey
where are we we’re at the lodge yeah they got a great you could they have a
great uh state in uh chicken fried steak and gravy special I promise you you will
not forget this Valentine’s Day we get a free we get get a free basket of fried okra and a stay long enough we’ll get
free breakfast too yeah I know it’s great um yeah they
want you to stay here as long as you can uh so so uh so we went um you know I was
trying to think there had been this place that had been on my mind for a while and I was like uh I was like well
you know I I figured I would look I was looking something up I I wanted to see
like what even show times they had or what their what it looked like for the year and the
place pocket sandwich theater um and pocket sandwich theater I remember
seeing them off of green off of uh Mockingbird and 75 so behind Mo station
behind mocking birg station in Dallas sorry we’re just referencing some Dallas locations yes yes yeah yeah no good good
point it is H it was off of Mocking Bird and 75 and uh I remember being on like
the second story and I just always remember seeing it pocket sandwich theater pocket sandwich theater I drive past it all the time and I never went to
it and then it been on my mind lately and so I was like well let me check see what they have going on and I noticed that they moved locations and that
they’re now located in downtown in the downtown excuse me downtown Carolton
area in the little square and it’s a great location man oh D such a great location but we went and saw this right
here camp death camp death yeah it’s a melodrama and it’s it’s it’s it was so
cool man I mean everybody like the performance was great uh yeah look like
what’s tell me come what that’s like when you walk in there like what okay so yeah you walk in it’s super cool man you
walk up uh when you get up to the place like it’s almost day it’s like you have
like a glass window and all you see is a very small like uh almost Galley little
B row area to where you just you walk in a door and you take a left and you pretty
much would form a line that walks straight up to a Podium where like a hostesses and they ask you it’s like you
know do you have a reservation because you you buy your ticket online and then you make but you can walk up and
purchase it you know you could walk up and buy one but yeah you set a reservation for however many your party
is or whatnot you buy your tickets for the event and then you show up and just say hey this is my name how many I have
and so you know we walk in said that and they were like is this your first time we said you know both said yeah it’s our
first time and then they took us up uh they you know gave us the option they up on up on like the top row we either had
the option between like a booth or the bar like looking at the stage about how
big would you say the auditorium how many people just have a visual like how many okay yeah sorry sorry Sor I yeah
yeah sorry good point so after we walked from the booth from that little Podium where we uh we walked in the front door
we took a right into like through a small doorway and opened up into like pretty much to where we were walking up
from the if the left hand side of the stage we were walking to where we walk
in and everything all the seating is off to your right hand side okay um and they
have like three levels so you have the ground level right in front of the stage you have a level just up behind that and
then you have a level behind this that level and then there’s like one last row
up along the top wall of Booth okay and uh it’s really neat like they encourage
yeah they encourage um less than a thousand people like it’s like a very in right it’s small it’s small yeah it’s
super intimate I would say like if I had to guesstimate on how many people that place could like handle I mean there’s
like the Majestic or like kind of like that size 150 200 like 250 200 people nice
intimate setting it’s not very big it’s it’s pretty small like it could be more than that but I just I can’t think more
than 100 needs to be small I think the occupancy could be 150 maybe I just base
I don’t know I’d say about that’s cool that’s a good guess just it’s less than 500 so you really get the idea of the
size of it it’s a very intimate setting very small very intimate um but yeah know it’s really cool um and uh they
encourage they they give you one free um here let me see I think it actually says right here um mean it’s really neat so I
can kind of give you guys like an idea of what it’s like it says win a uh yeah win a basket of free popcorn and this
program they the names of five original characters from the Scooby-Doo cartoons
uh be one of the fir first Lucky 13 to find them all or to name them whatever
interactive element audience participant yep um and then it says the first basket
of popcorn per customer is free refills may be obtained from the popcorn
professional at intermission for the modest price of 50 cents per basket so
so popcorn sounds like a important thing they want people to have for a reason and it’s not yeah well so and
it’s not um it’s not salted and It’s Not Butter um it’s like generic vanilla
popcorn yes it is just it there’s no salt no butter because the whole thought behind it in the encouragement is to
throw the popcorn at the performers um they want you to interact
whenever the villain when the villain comes out or the when the bad guy whoever the you know or when something
bad in the play happens if somebody say a guy like in the play like kind of disses a girl and like you know says
something oh you don’t look good in that like Boo and they’ll grab popcorn and throw popcorn at
him simple way to yeah that the audience had get involved dude to sh really cool
and simple beautiful yeah and they and they break the fourth wall a lot where they uh and it’s really well done where
there was an instance like where the the line worked in perfect where the guy was like kind of going off about little kids
like or kids or you know because these kids kept coming to Camp uh sparkling River and they kept getting killed and
it’s almost like a play on Jason it’s like a parody of Jason is what camp death was is a a guy Joey Manchester
Joey Manchester is the bad guy so here’s Joey Manchester and it’s a great idea he’s we like this like jumpsuit and he
has this like it’s like a paper bag on his head and he has this machete and you know it’s really they they made the
whole time they made all these tongue-and-cheek jokes about different um different movies like The Quiet you
being a horror guy there’s probably bunch of jokes hilarious that you benefited from that might have been lost
on people subtle things subtle things I kept I kept yes okay so for instance the part you would love is that at one point
they bring out she brings out this uh this box to Joey Manchester the bad guy
she brings his box out sorry to ruin it spoiler alert to anybody the this one is ended so they might they’re not going to
be it’s done helping us by letting experience it this one might not yeah this one is probably not going to be
back until next year I would imagine um as far as I know from now is is from
what they can see from what I can see it’s not on the the docket anywhere else on the back I can give some list of
dates anywhere else but it one part it was funny this girl the girl walked up on the stage and she had a box and the
box was the Hellraiser box like it it had all the little Pandora’s Box that
they have in there yes yes and it was painted like Hellraiser box and she’s holding it right and she comes out and
she sets it down in front of Joey Manchester she sets it down in front of the bad guy Joey Manchester and they
exchange words or whatever and then she says something about it and Joey Manchester like points at it and she he
was like what’s in the box and he was like what’s in the box and he like does
the whole like seven Brad Pit thing and so it was just like great like they
played the on that I mean it was like it was great like they you know they were very it was
very self-aware um and again the way they interacted with the crowd like there was a guy that kind of kept
getting let down or whatever it’s like he was kind of the punchline of every joke and then finally there came a part
where you know it you should feel sorry for him it was like a oh moment and
everybody went like oh and he kind of looked up at the crowd and was like oh now you care um so it’s like it’s funny
like and and they encourage they tell you at the beginning they kind of give you the cues and they tell you in the very beginning they’re like how you
should react and they say like you know good things happen you should react like this bad things and and it’s really neat
like they it’s fun um an interesting thought just just saying that yeah it
makes sense it’s just a perfect reason why in traditional like live things they have
Applause or laughter it’s it helps the people know with you know so that’s
exactly that so that’s cool and it’s cool because he walks you through again he says in the way they do it in I don’t
know what the guy’s name was the main guy who was he played but maybe I could
be wrong yeah he played one of the main uh he he was the guy who came out and did the the what would it be the
prologue or the monologue the beginning yes yes um and he came out that guy that
was on stage in the very beginning was phenomenal and he and he pretty much laid the groundwork and said you know
what was etiquette what wasn’t and he was saying throwing popcorn is encouraged you know throwing the popcorn
is encouraged um and things like that um you know and again just like the way he
to gave you the idea of like how to engage and at what points you say what and he you know kind of also was cool
was a lot of people in the crowd that were repeat customers and so they kind of helped you along in that sense where
they he kind of gave he would give a qu yes and he he would like gave a queue
and the crowd reacted in a certain way and he’s like okay some of y’all have been here before you know it’s like so it’s it’s really neat but it’s it’s also
too it is like a Studio Movie Grill so if you’re hungry go with an appetite
it’s it’s a it’s dinner because you could yeah and there’s two did you did you get any food there at all to ate
prior we ate prer since it was Valentine’s Day it’s kind of one of those things where you can do Val assess
phenomenal the food so we did we did have the dessert and and that’s the thing so my uh my date didn’t know she
didn’t know where we were going and uh she didn’t know where we’re going after dinner and so she was like looking at
dessert you might want to wait I was like you might want to wait and she was like stanie is gonna be like you see
what Mikey did so I took her here and they ended up having like really good desserts and it
it was like some uh kind of like cookie cake with s’mores and CH and like vanilla ice cream and then like a goody
of chocolate on it it was really good it was like a valentine special thing but it is good and the service was great
you’re a romantic guy this you get to flex romantic muzzle don’t you maybe
maybe but is beautiful it’s cool it’s like a studio movie girl but a live one
and for me whether or not I think they did they did such a great job of to where if you’re one of these people
where it’s like the way I look at it is that if you like TV shows if you like
mov if you like if you like comedy if you like to
laugh it’s like if you like art and creativity
um if you like people you’re gonna like this that’s the way if you like form of entertainment at all you like you’re G
it’s worth going to it it’s hilarious man it’s great and again it’s it was so
friendly like there I mean there was people there that you know they brought their they brought their kids you know so they and it like moments as a
audience that you’re a participant did you like what’s the most engaging thing you did
when you were there uh you know just cheered probably
or through popcorn cheered for like a guy like one of the times they killed a guy did you really get into the popcorn
throwing oh yeah well the guy next to us really did he he had a bunch of popcorn and he was just hurling it the whole
time you could probably get good at targeting that stuff oh yeah we get good spray but the guy I was just I was
enjoying it it was my first time like fun but I I threw popcorn when it was
necessary when the bad guy came up and that you know and uh so that was the most of my participation but there was
some funny points where like where kids reacted in the crowd genuinely like so it’s kidfriendly like they encourage
families and stuff yeah yeah yeah absolutely I mean the worst you’re GNA hear the worst uh as far as curse words
went um was like [ __ ] that right there you’re hear like a pg-3 movie maybe yes
exactly like PG PG to PG-13 okay I mean you know the
stuff that they can say on TV like ass you know I believe you can say ass on TV
oh yeah not to be not to be vloger but I believe so it was but I mean other than that super uh but either way but to wrap
it up um I I guess I can go ahead and say what their next lineup is and then
you can show here so I’m kind of scrolling down here it’s showing uh upcoming at the end of
February there’s something called laughter on the 23rd floor I think yeah this sounds interesting okay yeah so
this is the next one read a little bit Yeah so left on the 23rd floor by Neil
slimon uh left on 23rd floor takes place in the busting offices of the max Prince
show a television variety program located on the 23rd floor of a building
on 57th Street between Fifth and 6th Avenues drawing inspiration from
playright Neil Simon’s early days is a staff writer for S Caesar’s your show of
shows the play captures a chaot chaotic and hilarious antics of the overworked
writing team they raced to outdo each other with sharp wooded gags and zingers
all the while vying for the approval of the eccentric and unpredictable star Max
Prince and then it’s says PG-13 here so it gives you an idea of what you know
awesome dude that sounds fun dude and I’m and um I I definitely I’m definitely
gonna go see this one and how long and it runs from February 21st through March
29th yes February yep perfect from from hisor downtown Carolton which is where
you said it was yeah and man and so just so youall know in case you’re and anybody that’s listening and in the area
whatever if you’re in the Dallas uh not not to go on too much but if you’re interested in this it is great like if
you don’t want to I recommend eating there and doing their thing but also too they have there’s a bab like chicken
right there and then right next to babes there’s theab there’s a small so in in I
in the uh in the um Spirit of supporting the whole kind of square and everything
that they have going on there um you could you could you could go eat dinner at babes you could grab uh you could
grab ice cream at the uh at the ice cream shop right next to babes yeah that
that historic Square I’ve been there within the last few months and I didn’t realize what they’ve done there so it’s
beautiful thanks a lot of options right around there’s also a Conor Rosa there’s a Conor Rosa Italian restaurant like
pizza dude yes they have Italian food and then there’s but like I said there’s also the creary like an an ice cream
shop so like you could get bab’s chicken the ice cream shop Conor Rosa or if you wanted to get Allin one just go get your
dinner a show and dessert and everything right there at at pocket sandwich theater man I I again I can’t wait to go
back I’m gonna go back for on the 23rd floor allly allly wants to go dude I
mean we should probably we gotta go we’re gonna the four of us a group thing at least us but it’s it sounds worth
going to every new thing they have like check out every new production they do honestly dude yeah so right now I’ll go
through them just because I have the little play bill right here on on the back of the play bill they gave us it has them all so the next one again we’ll
say is laughter on the 23rd floor by Neil Simon February 21st through March
29th and then there’s Romeo and Juliet the melodrama by Isabelle
Moon um April 4th through May 17th and again the this one was melodrama and so
don’t let that um make you think any like it’s going to be slow or boring or anything this was I don’t know for
whatever reason I kind of was like I didn’t know what to think when it said melodrama and and it was hilarious the
whole time through it was just engaging and there was there was no seems to be like a baseline element of everything
they do which just great yeah at no point did I feel like this was ever gonna get boring after like they did it
was just hilarious man I can’t there was a lot of times I got goosebumps oh yeah before sorry before I get too far ahead
of myself they actually did a they do singal sing along with us and they said
the first song is Hit Me With Your Best Shot Hit Me With Your Best Shot so they encourage everybody to like sing along
they do the Hit Me With Your Best Shot song um Never Going To Give You Up they rickrolled the crowd and they had
everybody sing the Rick Roll song so they did this when you were there yes
when I was there when we started they were like Hey we’re gonna start with a song get everybody in the mood and then they said Hit Me With Your Best Shot and
all the cast came out and they danced and and the whole and they were as they were singing the song Hit Me With Your
Best Shot they were walking around the crowd throwing all the cast was throwing like popcorn on the crowd genius priming
the crowd for the experience emotionally and getting engaged it’s just so smart it gave me it like kind of gave me
chills at one point it was so cool like it was just like this is cool man like this is really neat like you could go
there be like I don’t even want to get into it but that sucks you in dude oh man I don’t you canot get into it I feel
like I mean it was just so cool they all they all just walk around there just throwing popcorn on you I didn’t notice it but
one of the guys allly started laughing because one of the guys as he walked behind me just dumped a bunch of popcorn
on my hat and just kind of sat there and then like she was cracking up or whatever like and it all d off later but
like gosh that’s so smart and amazing so yeah either way I just wanted to add that and then uh so yeah so they have
Romeo and Juliet the melodrama and that’s on April 4th through May 17th and then they have Tom Dick and Harry uh by
Ray Cooney and Michael Cooney U May 3rd through June 21st that one sounds funny
to me Tom Tom Dick and Harry um and then this one might be something you might like Matt this sounds up your alley
Starship uh star trip A Tale of Two captains all right by Jason Cox and Joe
Porter July 5th through August 23d and then definitely for that yeah if I had
to pick one for sure I’m I’m there yeah again star trip Taylor 2 captains and
then the the the 39 steps adapted by uh
yeah adapted by Patrick Barlo from the novel by John bacham okay I probably mispronounced
that August 29th through September 27th and then Phantom of the I want to go see this one Phantom of the Opera by Joe
Dickinson from the novel Gaston larus L again man my you know whichever when we
go we should reach out try and talk to the Creator and see if they’d be that’d be great oh that’d be awesome and then
to end the year man this is a great one to end off the year ebener Scrooge
November 28th through December 23rd so they’ve got the year plan we got a whole year that we could schedule out and it’s
chunked out it’s right there amazingly it’s right there for you I’m glad you went there because I’m excited to
actually go there I’ve known about like you even though my dad went there whenever was young he talked about it
being a fun time I was like in high school I’m like oh cool sounds cool it was next two Video St I used to go to
all the time like yeah I heard about it looks really cool never went and so I’m it’s it’s it’s really cool it even makes
me think about the old not the effect but everyone places people drive by
their whole life and they know a lot about but they actually never go to just like where we went on Saturday for your
significant others birthday gathering a little place little good good friend right there yeah in Dallas which I’d
known about even knew someone that worked there years ago and like I heard it’s co there since 2011 it’s like oh my
gosh like why didn’t I actually come here because it the experience was
amazing oh yeah no absolutely man it’s like uh it’s funny and it you know I feel like you come around to things at
the perfect time you know um and and I think they’re in a great location they’re in a great location man so I
would say definitely no matter I don’t I don’t care what the occasion is if you’re just say somebody comes in from
out of town and you’re looking for something to do this is I mean it’s like 30 bucks singone and you want something
to do by yourself it sounds worth checking out oh dude yeah man it’s just fun man it’s a great so definitely yall
go check out yeah so and two just so people know like I don’t know if there was a delivery method other than pickup
at will call I didn’t notice that I didn’t I didn’t select anything when I bought my ticket it just said uh I was
like kind of freaking out because I ended up going and checking my email for the confirmation and it didn’t have my
ticket and I’m like what’s going on and then it said delivery method pick up at will call so I’m like okay like so they
do you know and I I was kind of like all right I didn’t know till I got up to the door if they had it you’re a little
anxious being like is this about to back fire Valentine’s yeah as put your name
down you just put who you are and then how many in your party and it’s super simple man they’re just they’re really
cool and I can’t I cannot recommend it enough man cannot so you you
legitimately sold me on it I wish Yeah man so well what let’s go man what what
else we let’s move on yes uh so I mean I took step we had a baby and it was it
was nice her her mom took her on for the evening and went to a movie and and had dinner it was really nice was just you
married and you have a kid you know it’s they just have having those couple evenings to actually devote to each
other you know it’s uh we we took advantage and it was really nice so we had a great time we had a great time
going to the birthday gathering a Saturday and yeah that get that gets us through our our weeks and now we can get
down to the stuff that we’re here to talk about let’s go politics in
religion yes here’s my hard stance all right okay and and I was actually so
we’ll get to the film and I I didn’t tell you this but I’m thinking this for
now we’ll call it film class um film 101 I was thinking 101 but I don’t want to
be like think it in trajectory but it’s just it’s a f it’s a film class and so our film class assignment for the week
was uh the Year 1961 to just it was see
you know watch and just you know films from that no specific movies to get into
just re Google it be like what came out what do I want to check out I know about seems enticing yeah because and uh so
and would you like to start or I can go off kind of with my my journey you go first because mine will start yeah yeah
and and for those of you who are listening and maybe this is your first time listening which I hope it is and if
it is thank you thank you for being here and sticking with us for so long um and
I would like to say you know if you’re thinking hey how would I you know I’d like to participate but you know what how do I find you know watching these
movies from these different eras whatever I don’t have a streaming service 2B is free hist you can if he checked the
Super Bowl about that actually I didn’t even know that the Super Bowl was streaming on tub during the Super Bowl
did you know that I I didn’t after the fact how do you think I watched it
this is the thing I waited for everybody else to get I was with you is that what we were
watching it on but yes but you missed it when you got there before you I made
sure everybody knew I said hey like we’re now we will be watching the Super Bowl and I and and they I went to tuby
and clicked on it and everybody saw tuby was was rolling it so it was rolling through tuby man we’re giving them the
numbers um but so if you’re if you’re wondering how you’ve been the head of the game on
on Tob in their trajectory man you know it’s some some
people are born with things you know some people are born with the ability to
you got the eye to pick up winners this like this site’s going places and so
tell me and so so with that being said a movie on tub that I watch that I feel
like you’re going to be surprised with because I know I was surprised with and I’d love for you to pull up a trailer um
that I won’t be able to hear um but I’d love for you to trailer five minutes to
1961 five minutes to Live trailer yes let’s see what comes up here
give this to the people so I think it this one at the top here if you can see
there’s a yeah it has to be I can’t see it’s a black and whight
you should be able to see if hold on let me stop I see the pocket sandwich at top I can see the pocket sandwich I know
what to do just give me one second which again shout out pocket sandwich theater
man thank you my girlfriend loved it I love it so can you see what I’m sh
sharing there now um it should just be a screen list so I
think it’s one at the top see more than likely I would have to presume detective I would presume all right so
I’m just G to click on it 53 seconds you should be able to hear the audio cck it cut the k cut the yellow
wild it’s stinky it could be your street your
house your life you wouldn’t want to make the front pages looking like that
would you what front pages what are you talking about you finish the job and hurry up cuz I ain’t got it all day and
you you ain’t got hardly no time at all Johny dor Maniac that is starring Johnny
Cash famous country and western music singer in a dramatic suspense
shocker K Forester whose peaceful world was shattered at the Ring of a doorbell
with Pamela Mason Donald Woods Ronnie Howard of the Andy Griffith TV show how
much how much real dare the screen show go on kill me kill me kill me see Johnny
Cash and K Forest at Golden limit in door too
Maniac first first thing that was such a good way to do a
trailer they should literally follow that template for modern day trailers it was not bad right that was that’s
honestly that’s a really good that’s a good observation right just Johnny Kev and I know that Johnny was even in that
he was in a movie yeah back in the day and then I saw that and I’m like wait I
I just all I did again I went on tuby and typed in 1961 yeah that popped up and so how was
the film how how was it it it was good Johnny Johnny did a great job man Johnny
Johnny did a really good job man I I I can’t I was honestly you know be
different but you’re able to get I mean overall I really was you know they they
put the they put the the suppressor on the the revolver at one point which I
love I love it when they do that because people a lot of people you know it’s like hey that’s not technically that’s
not real you can’t do that there’s only there’s one revolver that you can put a suppressor on and it’s a mo it’s a Mosen
neant revolver or it’s just a neant revolver it’s a Russian revolver and it’s because the cylinder moves forward
makes a flat seal um but the one thing that I will say when he put the suppressor on it and shot it it it
really didn’t make any noise difference so yeah it’s one of those things that it comes down to
yep you know it’s modern day you can be more critical about but the point there wanted to have the effect of suppressor
whether it was realistic or not they wanted to make sure that it was understood that it was supposed to function like a suppressor so it’s kind
of like if if you’re a person watching it you know outside of maybe modern
movies you could be more critical both ones be like oh that’s funny I know that’s not how it work but it’s not
something to actually hold against it no yes but but I did think it was funny that it didn’t work that the suppressor
and that it’s like it still made the normal done it it made the normal report that it unsuppressed gun would make
because that’s what would happen when you suppress a revolver it doesn’t it’s still just like wow so I did think it
was funny that it was like Hey That’s not realistic and then he shoots and it’s like hey that’s realistic it’s like
it didn’t work so they put one on there but the noise was still a normal shot so
that’s what was kind of funny T story funny and a cool observation yeah exactly exactly so I noticed that I was
like wait you can’t do that and then it was like poow and I’m like well because that’s what would happen
happen yeah man all right what do you got what’s your movie and then we’ll come back I got one more at least all
right well cool yeah I mean you can go this because the the main one I watch
actually there’s also TR one that I didn’t watch that I wanted to okay see so you go ahead I got I got another one
after that go ahead and and this is a movie people have heard and it’s more just like I want to show trailer for a
Timeless movie that there’s even a song about Breakfast at Tiffany’s which is oh
yes yeah man that’s like the most that’s the like one of the most iconic pictures too Audrey Audrey with her in with the
with like the cigarette and front of the window or whatever not the cigarette but the yes so as far as yeah so as far as
the important cinematic history and whatnot yeah this is a landmark film
that you need yeah yod we’re so trade for this one even that song the ble deep
blue something there’s a Dallas band some breakfast TI Tiffy i’ buy some furniture and give the cat a name
Tiffany you mean the jewelry store [Music]
don’t you just love it love what
tiies I do believe love is found Andy Hardy I’d marry you for your money in a
minute you marry me for my money in a minute
Drifters all to see the world there’s such a lot
of to see people don’t belong to
people I’m not going to let anyone put me in a cage I don’t want to put you in a cage I want to love
you hi hi what you doing
[Music] in the trail you can just see how many
movies have literally been made with this template and and just Loosely done
but this is the one that set that template is that pretty cool no it’s yeah it really is cool man
step it’s 61 the shots the cinematography all all the things you take for granted like this is 1961 so it
was really doing a phenomenal package of all those Dynamic elements that you just
take for granted like this doing the best they yeah they were really doing the best you really could
have done with the capability the things they had at their disposal and everything you know to I mean to
accomplish everything they did I mean it was like and too it’s playing again like on our interview with Alec I mean it’s playing again I feel like a lot on those
those basic uh you know they were hitting a lot of those Basics just perfectly with lighting um settings and
stuff like that the shots um but uh I was GNA say something interesting yeah and I was gonna say
something interesting it’s like it brought up when I was watching it it’s like I was I noticed how the guys you know how the guy was dressed and how you
know the girl was dressed or whatever and I noticed the dude’s coat and I’m like I was like yeah man it’d be cool if
like that I always thought it’d be cool if the those like the the kind of the tan almost detective dusters came back
right wouldn’t that be neat and I love it I do I saw something I I saw
something not long ago that and this is the reason I bring this up and it’s not that like I’m a uh I’m like a fashion
person necessarily like I’m not like oh I’m up on fashion I really like I’m a connoisseur never though I like the way
you dress and it’s Unique I appreciate that I’m just saying you have a style in a sense do I and I think it’s cool I
appreciate that and I do feel as though I have found my own little style and I like it whether anybody does it not and
uh yeah but I was gonna say one thing one thing I noticed is uh it was a video
I saw and as soon as he said it because that’s the thing I’ve always I’ve looked at the way people I’ve looked at like
the way it’s like you try and mimic how people dressed back then now and the
reason it’s so hard to do is because not not just because the clothes are made from different materials they’re made
differently in like Dimension wise so for instance on like modern jeans and
this isn’t the guy showed like side bys side comparisons and I wish I could have his his page to drop it but he showed
the side by sides of like uh men’s jeans Now versus back in the day and the
pockets on the jeans were higher the on the back versus lower so it didn’t it
made it to where like it made the you know it made the guys you know your body look better and more proportioned you
know more evenly and two it was like the waist on all the pants were high higher and the shirts the uh the waistline on
the shirts were weren’t as low they were higher as well so you had a higher pants line where that was more like natural
that higher pants line and it it made a guy and it made you look it made
everybody look even like Hefty guys even guys that were bigger more husky they looked more put together and better and
it was like they you know they could be bigger it didn’t matter but it they still look just as put together and slim
and like yeah fitted and and that was one of the things I realized that’s why like
classic inv vintage denim is a big thing is because of that right there the pockets like the pockets on old Levis
and Wranglers were much higher and you know it’s like they kind of ruined it I’m my guy who had girl you know and I
was still would but there’s I would wear like girl jeans and some of them because
they would have you know designed differ the way they fit me the pockets be different places and do different [ __ ]
to where it’s kind of like the same kind of way of thinking but then it really makes me think and it’s something you
have to generally be affluent enough to even have this and I’m not but I it
would be something that I would really like to do is actually having your
wardrobe custom tailored and it cost my anything you get because I feel like I
knew someone that was into Tailoring and you can get it cheap but even outfits you get that there’s a whole indust you
know bespoke whatever industry it’s where you get like even shirts like they
make shirts they want to be Universal for the most point but they can get your shirt and they actually tailor they measure you and they actually make it
fit your body and to where Custom Tailoring and then if there’s a fundamental design you’re talking about
but if you’re wealthy enough you could even be like actually I just want you to make my jeans do what you’re describing
it’s yeah it’s cool no absolutely yeah yeah no for sure yeah you can and too A
lot of that stuff a lot of those clothes are still out there and there’s even there’s even other companies now that
make uh that make kind of those old school type of pants if you’re into that kind of thing
if you’ve noticed what I’m talking about like there are companies out there that will that do make the the old school
style of like uh dress pants that are wool or whatnot um you know for suit and tie kind of occasion or whatnot my my
spinning I have to make because AI could help us do all these things but let’s move on move on to the next movie uh the
Hustler that’s my next recommendation yes the Hustler man Paul Newman it was
the it was the first it was the movie what would you call it the what’s the one what comes before Movie in movie
terms what do you call the first one the I mean the Genesis or the original the
the origin the uh that’s not what I’m looking for
whatever it was the uh the movie that came after this either way so it’s the
first there’s a sequel that comes out to this yeah this is yeah there’s the first
in a series of films whether it’s a two or
three but yeah so the Hustler let’s see yeah the color of money is the movie
that most everybody knows of Tom Cruz but this is 20 years later fast dead
yeah I talking the crane briefly like whenever they have a sequel that’s
like decades later well this is they did it in 1960 and 1980 and it’s really cool
cuz you can see what film looked like then and they make a sequel where film like you know has SS
made such leaps and actually be connected to this it’s really cool it’s a rare example of that might be I can
think [Music]
of look I um I could always buy a bottle fifth of
scotch what do you want me to do just step out in the alley is that it Big
John do you think this boy is a
hustler sausage rack them up [Music]
GE skot he was patting and patting from last week oh [ __ ]
hey look I’ve got troubles and I think maybe you’ve got
troubles maybe it’d be better if we just leave each other [Music]
alone I got my things over at the hotel I’ll bring them over later come
here PA man I don’t
know I feel like he had he had like classic he
hadic hang your and and you’re wck on a
railro back in the day and you get to see live an aister from then well you
can you tell you boys like kill me B they better go all the way with me cuz
if they just bust me up put all those pieces back together again and then so help me so help me
godbird I want to come back here and I’m going to kill
you you know who Paul Newman somewhat reminds me of in fairies in only shots
from like the side and stuff like that Tom okay yeah I can see he Bears the
resemblance like young Tom baringer not Tom baringer and sniper with the scar
admir the trailer game okay yeah again this is a year where
they might have some so far the trailers they’re doing something
right pretty cool heck yeah good
shot all right well I guess we’ll get into so this if there’s another one you
going show just CU next one I’m in other ones I’m I’m going do a little deeper dive on it so if there’s
any other one you wanted to show before then let me know I think you
froze he’ll be back it’s a funny freeze you can’t hear me now Look at that talk about a time to
freeze oh he’s G to love this I can’t wait till he comes
back you all that oh if you only listening this is a
reason to actually check out our YouTube to see it cuz he got
disconnected and it freezed on him just
look Mikey can you hear me
okay I was just like no so I can’t wait to watch this right because it froze on
you like looking interested in just kind of looking at there and it took me a second like okay it froze he’s about to
we disconnected but I’m like I was telling people it’s a reason to check out the video because the timing of the freeze
and everything you’re like I know it was I was gonna say I saw
like I was like did I freeze like that let me are we are we going live still or
is it yeah yeah you’re good just keep going well hang let me all right I’m gonna get a drink we take a quick break
we’ll be right back roll in this okay take a quick break let me and we’re back yeah we it was fun he
hasn’t had a chance to see how perfect the disconnect was I can’t wait I can’t I can only imagine because I can only
imagine because I was like from my end it seemed hilarious and I was like wait did it just freeze right there am I
Frozen like that so I I can imagine I can’t wait so great so it’s great so we’re coming so the last movie we’ll
talk about here is we’ll get we get into a bit more I got I got one more after
like I have another like you said one of those that even though I didn’t watch it but it’s one I want watch let’s do that
okay all right sorry Mad Dog call okay Mad Dog call cool
L Mad Dog c l l Mad Dog call it’s a
movie M cool call Mad yeah Mad Dog c o l should make
it he was like a he was a gangster and it’s got the uh dude uh what’s his name
Jerry orbo the dude from uh the guy from Law and
Order oh here Lenny or whatever yeah
trailer game dude this is interesting this is interesting trailer
is this real every one of them is the trailer game of 1961 so far
they’re they had they’re doing something right and I love
it this is just picture shot by shot exactly yeah they’re just taking stills
from it cuz they could have a trail but they
or the the creative mind said let’s do it this
way it’s interesting genius [Music]
dude I just found in inspiration to just be like that’s a way to do [ __ ] like I
it’s to like here and there like look at
that pi out SC you just intelligently picking out the scenes of Stills that
are capturing oh my gosh he just did it
again and this space is even [Music] better God thank you for these gifts
that you’re giving us cuz if you’re watching this if you’re watching
this the face did it disconnect Mikey got disconnected on you couldn’t plan
this better they’re getting progressively better this is I don’t even know what to
think this is like thank you Heavenly Father for such amazing ridiculous
content oh my gosh oh my God
Mikey Mikey can you hear me
can you hear me am I back am I two two am I for two dude hold on am I two for
two this one it’s like okay first one is funny I was they saying thank you God
thank you for this amazing timing dude you’re like
this like it caught you laughing and froze it I’m dude I can’t it’s literally
thank you it’s a you couldn’t time you couldn’t intentionally do it that well well
because I feel like I feel like I noticed it freeze and I was like did it just freeze and then I started laughing
and I wonder if that’s when it froze is when it was on me laughing rather than like me realizing when it froze it was
like I froze here I like froze here you froze to me when you’re laughing and then I just started laughing like this I
was like oh my God it just froze again and then that’s hilarious so it froze later oh my God that’s awesome all right
so do you think it’s do you think is it your connection or do you think it’ll be good you need to do to it’s a gamble I
don’t think I can do it it’s going to be a gamble I I hope it won’t happen again I mean I’m on the iPad I’m on the patio
nobody’s downloading people my mom and dad think if there’s if anything there being close if the proximity to the
router if even just like a few half might make a difference I’m close I’m
very close I can’t get any closer yeah we’ll just roll it so um yeah great
trailer dude and great trailer game and that’s a whole another thing that we can talk about but we’re going rank the
trailers and so far this the Year 1961 every trailer is done a good job
and been unique so fantastic here we go so now we’re about getting to to to the film
class class class but way I just said so this this is the year a film a Japanese
film by Akira kerawa came out that’s Japanese okay yeah it’s quite seminal
and important as far as the the film and I’m trying to think
of this movies is Yojimbo and it’s I’m sure it’s been referenced in different
movies but it as far as like action films and things it did we’ll talk more
about us so trailer for it first let me see it yeah yo Jimbo I won’t show that yet yo
Jimbo yo J
stop interesting delay there that oh it’s because I’m presenting so there’s a
slight delay yo Jimbo
trailer so yeah I mean this is like one those CR cran films it’s uh it’s it’s
important blah blah blah okay yeah yeah good summary I’ll
get more to it no you’re good you’re good I like that that’s honestly the best that’s all
that people need to know sometimes it’s important yada yada yada [Music]
R I’m into this already I don’t know how why I haven’t [Music]
this no dude you love this
man only this thing you can see subtitles in the trailer you’re wel
check out [Music]
fore fore
foree fore
fore that’s some
[ __ ]
for that developed with his own little he’s not the main guy that got the gun
like he was his own develop bro the way he the way he freaking the way he pulled that damn sword away from him while he’s
already got a pistol on him like you know he’s bad then look at
the characters created here like this is awesome oh wait I feel like I know this
is like a meme came from this or a GI probably dude this
is time the cinema
insanity this makes me think of something I I I I actually think I might
watch that tonight um actually so so I’m gonna y Jimbo right yeah yo Jimbo so I’m
I’m going to just go through a couple of reasons about the historical importance
of of I mean why in film important so please so yo Zimbo genre innov
Innovation and subversion right so the film presents a morally ambiguous Anti Hero that breaks away from traditional
Noble Samurai and you know the adaps version had a sign a significant impact
on character development in a bunch of other films it’s the idea of the antihero and a a protagonist to lacks
conventional heroic qualities so this this was like one of the first times it
was done in I’m sure it’s exists in form but that this is like okay the antihero
a true anti-hero kind of character being done on on film like this and so it it
had genre blending okay so it combines Samurai elements with the narrative structure that
inspired Spaghetti Westerns also right so films Like A Fistful of Dollars that’s an example of a film that was
directly influenced by Jimbo’s narrative style so the genre blending it merges
different genres to create something new so this is a film that kind of started that then there’s the cinematography and
framing so the director Kira kirawa used a lot of dynamic wide shots you can even
see in the trailer in in careful composition that created a des that in corrupt a world so framing which is the
arrangement of the visual elements within a shot so it’s the use of Framing
and how he used all that to build this whole world and the tension that he has
and it brings us to a quick te so misanin it’s might be something I
mentioned before that’s a terminology um so it’s kind of the the
way the elements within the framing come together and have for the Mison scene so
the the film The gritty sets and the costumes they’re metic meticulously
arranged emphasize the overall theme of societal Decay and moral ambiguity so
the Mison scene it refers to the visual Arrangements of a scene they create the
powerful atmosphere so the Mison steene so that if we use that in future that’s
that’s kind of just the visual Arrangements of his scene all the like Mikey everything he’s doing with kraton
is there Vis
AR placement all the elements to create that environment that’s the Mison scene
and then his editing techniques right I like that I like that it’s it sounds cool to say so it’s one of those terms
is like framing seem like Mison pretty cool m i s n s c NE believe it’s and if
you throw that out if you I feel like if sorry to interrupt your flow but I feel like if you throw that out like if you
actually throw that out in the right time around people then the [ __ ]
like you’re going to come off educated as [ __ ] so take take notes and know when to throw that add that to your to your
Lexicon yes your quiver of terminology editing techniques okay so
Kiros Sola he uses match Cuts in Cross cutting all right so match Cuts they
link two scenes with similar visual elements for seamless Transitions and CR
cutting in weaves multiple story lines to heighten suspense and draw parallels
so it’s all these elements as a viewer you just you see them and it’s cool but
it it makes sense to jump and just have the story it things that are just second
nature in modern film making but 1961 you know this is kind of like
groundbreaking you know inspiration that led to that being a thing it it it it it
it set the M scene for everything there we go another so sound design and
musical score right so you Jimbo it employed a minimalistic soundscape and a
sparse score that really Amplified the tension in the mood so and this sound
design in movies involves manipulating audio elements that the whole point is
to support the visual story and then societal commentary right so the film
itself it reflects on postwar um disillusionment in Japan so it’s it’s it
makes more sense for that element if you’re Japanese but it’s a global thing you can relate to for every nation
really to an extent critiquing institutional corruption and the erosion of Traditional Values and so kind of
underneath it’s trying to prompt the audience to to question authority or cultural norms that’s that’s kind of
like a underneath whole message of it all and then the character archetypes right so
an archetype uh it’s a universal symbol that’s recurring throughout literature and film so the protagonist embodies the
lone wander archetype so lone wander is an archetype so influencing character
development in eastern western storytelling that whole lone wander it made me think of that that quote I think
um Chris here once I said almost every story or a movie anything literally work
can be broken down Comes To Town or Stranger Comes To Town man goes on a
journey A Stranger Comes To Town Journey yeah so it’s a perfect example it made
me just think of that so man goes lone Wanderer right a man goes on a journey
right or or shows up sound pretty interesting and a couple more points that the narrative structure okay so
Yojimbo had an episodic and Loosely structured storytelling uh framework
that are this you know this B film structure that it really encouraged
other filmmakers to experiment with nonlinear narratives so L nonlinear
narratives you know it it presents uh events out of chronological order so
it’s again something in modern TV films and things are are done out of order for
as far in relation to time which again it’s it’s just something modern times
that they use but again this is this is like one of the first times that was really done in a catic way like this and
then the final point is just the the global cultural impact okay so the themes of power betrayal moral ambiguity
it it all it resonated internationally that’s why I’m it’s a Japanese film right but so this film bridged eastern
and western cinematic Traditions right and it influenced all the Aesthetics and
narratives techniques that were used on a on a global scale so it’s that’s
you know whether you like you could watch him back it it one for me but as far as understanding why
people know these are elements exactly if it’s if you learn about it if you
happen to be going to film school or something the these are points that they’re bring up as to why this movie is
important and oh that’s really cool and there’s this final like 20 5 Second
little the final fight scene right it’s funny CU if you just go to YouTube and Google y Jimbo when the first few things
will come up will be y Jimbo fight scene so that you just know some people search
because you know this is a the the Timeless fight scene and again this is
1961 so obviously you don’t just have that mind but then you
just think about it all bit I’m about to play it’s a quick little 24 second fight scene the final fight scene spoiler Al
I can’t see I see the old yo Jimbo I just see the three uh Japanese characters on the
screen you’re thinking a lot hear that my phone was responding to me because I
thought I was talking to that’s crazy that was Gemini I was gonna say I don’t see I see anything on the screen not my
favorite AI but Gemini is good uh interesting hold on so I’m going to stop
sharing and reshare because Mikey has to be able to see this is does the
world present now
yes can you see this Sir Michael me one second cool
it’s funny even doing this sort of thing I don’t know if you watch Joe Rogan’s podcast much they do the same C uh have Jamie
pull up stuff someone sitting there and they talking through like n oh yeah yeah fumbling through getting [ __ ] working so
I’m like okay I mean I’m cool doing it but they’re doing well so it shouldn’t hurt us
yeah so you can see that oh let’s see if he freezes out
again oh my God this is great wait are you still
there look at this this
thing when he’s enable to be here we get the beautiful just environment is is the
world in the otherw world creates right but this I guess this is the uh the the
tradeoff right that uh you have to navigate some of this uh the connectivity issues with with his
current uh bandwidth setup which you know everyone’s everyone has limitations
based on all that but so he’ll be right back I’m GNA take a little break and we’re back and we’re about to
sorry about don’t apologize sorry about that oh okay if you want to you can
apologize no I’d like to apologize to the people now I’d like to take a minute and and apologize I should uh I should
have known that whenever I unplugged my my charger from from my power
source H that whenever I went to plug it back in that it would cause Interruption that and I figured out that’s that’s
what’s caused interrup I just told you that it’s a learning experience we’re learning and hopefully you’re Hing others possibly learn from that so I’m
I’m you know the likelihood of that debatable yeah debatable
it’s it’s the information if they’re hearing it’s in their mind so maybe want to learn those who want to
learn they’ll be here and the mind your mind may your mind be like a
sponge okay and that alone means they might learn even when they don’t want to what was that [ __ ] you said earlier
about the movies the misu was that M rash M Mis misen yeah m so think M how do you
how do you how do you spell it so I just phonetically M like m e s think it that way on like on something then scene just
like a movie scene me on scene M on scene me on scene perfect me on scen
yep uh that you’re already thinking about how to sound like a badass throwing that out
casually no you know it’s just gonna be real casual it’s GNA be real casual exactly if you’re at a bar happened to
be R talking somebody like I don’t know into that film but the Mison scene they really they really nailed it on there
like what that’s like there was one time I asked there was a customer of mine that went on vacation and he went to uh
he went to Japan and he came back and I was like hey man how you doing you know
we’re talking to him and I’m you know I’m shooting the breeze with him whatever and uh he he told me he just
got back from Japan and I was like oh that’s awesome like I’ve always I’ve always thought it you know I’ve always wanted to go to Japan thought it’d be
awesome to go to Japan I was said I said how was it and uh he said it was and he
paused and he sat there for a second he looked around he goes it was very
Superfluous and I was like wow I’m flattered that he thought that I
knew what Superfluous meant you know what I mean in that moment I was like wow so I looked it up and I was like oh
okay that’s interesting man what’s what super I don’t know I figured out at the
time it’s more or less like uh you know superflous
exactly it’s like a cornucopia of Love yeah um super so you know has something
to do with extra thinking overly of something so
Superfluous I guess an an over an exaggeration perhaps of sorts
who knows but so maybe expect that’s great great I don’t know if you’re familiar where you’re there did you
appreciate your Jimbo and just think about the Mis on scene and how well it was done wow the me on scene okay I see
see I noticed I should be looking at you like this too so this way I should be like this to where I’m like actually no
I I I flipped my [ __ ] to where you can be looking the other way I I adjusted to
the fact that so which way but on my screen I’m looking at you like this exactly for you it’s backwards but I
made the adjustment earlier I noticed that and I flipped mine so so I’m looking at you right now yes you are oh
I adjusted to the Natural flow of things um either way I did my best to
accomodate final fight scene of your Jimbo about to show this here let’s see this yes let’s see this 24 seconds there
we go hey it’s l that’s a lot longer than a lot of people last
goly dude okay time out so what are your initial thought right there my initial
thoughts real zero hit markers guy was just like there was no like have you
seen there’s those uh those uh new footage of like different video games or whatnot firstperson Shooters
where it’s like World War I World War II combat and they’re shooting people and there’s no um there’s no hit markers
like the the characters are just dropping like there’s Beauty swords
right so and that’s what and that’s kind of the way that came off is like in most of almost all even sword fighting movies
you feel like that it’s like it uh it’s like a lot of times like that like
I don’t know it just felt so like uh indifferent and real like I think that’s
what was cool about it in in a lot of the movies they make every single like um engagement or in in a big fight scene
like in Kill Bills like each kill that they do is like very you know it’s its
own thing rather than like it rather yes rather than just moving through and doing it and being very indifferent and
not personal it’s very you know it’s very it was very the final fight 24
seconds it speaks to that whole thing but but also going going back to
Something in modern TV Cinema the one man
versus you know a large this isn’t the only time he he’s like one man fighting a lot of people and it’s been done a lot
of things but just the one single badass who’s able to be in a room and then just
take everybody out you know this 1961 and this is a cool thing about uh and
you can even see from the tra mov action films right action movies the I feel like the
Japanese they I feel like they set this the tone or standard for Action films
being and a lot of stuff at action in cinema yes I don’t I combat hand toand
combat and stuff done in dramatic fashion it wouldn’t even have thought like to do in American stuff because but
Samurai you know just the nature of it all and then them to present a
choreographic scene for one man to navigate and take out a group of guys it
it just wasn’t even a thing that they would do in Western Cinema you know and now it’s just you know something that’s
implemented you see John Wick or something a guy takes down a room of guys that 1961 you’re not seeing a
movies where a guy is a badass taking out rooms guy good this was the movie that did that
and this is an example the final fight scene of one single badass you know
quickly 24 seconds taking out a handful of guys and that and that just shows you
how head of its time and how influential this was yeah I know for sure and I want
to say like in that very last like that that in just that little 24 second clip like I love the me on scene in that in
that clip it was perfect 24 seconds I was I do it one more time just we those
things people can just uh have a just think about or not think about but we
put the thoughts give us 48 seconds of it I got to go
back can you still see this oh
yeah oh yeah got it so one guy’s a gun he throws the thing disables the gun
everyone knows a sword oh that one right there
oh like that’s what I’m saying all that seems real like you hear a little bit of noise it sounds like a h it’s like that
sounds real that seems real just um if that were happening which how quickly
you you just do so cool it’s uh can I get you can I get you to pull up I I I
don’t know if I’ve maybe had you pull it up before but this is just really you kick John Cen Spider-Man’s ass fine here
we go thank you I hadn’t I don’t know if the internet seen it hadn’t got a lot of
views and I’m like yo did y’all not see me beat up John Cena and Spider-Man at the same time uh no um if you don’t if
you don’t mind this is just giving me I feel like the reason I want to bring it up is because I feel like this is almost
it has to have a huge inspiration on like a lot of the shots or whatever in the movie I don’t know if you’ve ever
seen it but you really should I think I may or may not have mentioned it but The Good the Bad and the weird
weird is it am i p a trailer is there scene it’s a trailer it’s a trailer just show the trailer and it’s like because
there I I can’t like off the top it’s like there is a there is one scene
um I just have to look for a second and I’m like I don’t want to waste everybody’s time or whatever but we can
just show the yeah just look at the trailer
no it’s a great movie dude I love this movie
wait all the stuff that I said you might have learned about
Jimbo you can literally just see this movie inspired Spaghetti Westerns B
Samurai this is a movie that’s kind of doing a western thing right
yeah and it’s like it’s like mad M Western [Music]
sure needs to wack need
[Music] something I’ll be watching the snip I
don’t when I say that okay but no I I I do want to watch
this you’ll love it Steph would love it too step would like this I don’t watch Step watch I feel about
it dude yeah this is sick dude you’re going to love it dude
it’s such a it’s it’s great man I love it it’s like a love it’s it’s like a it’s like a love letter The Good The Bad
spaghetti bad and the weird yeah the good the bad the weird man it’s like love for spaghetti westerns which
Spaghetti Westerns were a thing that were easily influenced by your Jimbo yes and that’s what I and that’s
what I was saying it’s like this is like it’s just great because it’s a crossover it’s like this samurai Japanese Cowboy
spaghetti western Indiana Jones it’s just great man it’s like all of it like it’s just it’s such a great movie and
you bringing your Jimbo up made me think of this movie I’m like the shots I was seeing and the whole vibe of it just
gave me the same like it made me realize like oh [ __ ] this is this is like more
or less where they got their blueprint or Foundation oh yeah and so before we close it out um we’ll quickly do next
year’s draw uh for film class uh you can’t see
it but it’s just so I’m I’m about to do it here
uh5 and during this week I’m GNA actually create a spreadsheet logging the years we’ve
done and notable information for me movies whatever blah blah blah but uh so
this year’s film class assignment
is it might be the most important year think what that is why would I say
that personally the most important year for me to me it’s probably
or because of me it’s an important year not the most important we’re only we’re going up to 99 yeah or no no but forget
forget movies uh it’s a year that’s important because of my existence and
it’s directly related to my existence my existence 80
80 four three the year I was born 84 84
1984 okay was born so that’s I was like I was like that’s what I was kind of thinking it initially I was like that’s
1984 we gotta let Jeff know the year’s 1984 because he’s he’s definitely going to be in on this this is going to be
more of his Alle yeah territory Jeff been he’s been you
know he’s been upset about and I don’t disagree because I have been I’ve been toughing it out with the 60s and the 70s
but like it’s nice to hear 84 I’m GNA tell you that fil class it’s not always easy I’m
trying to push you guys I’m trying to push everybody you’re pushing you’re pushing us for sure man I’ve been laboring I’ve been laboring because 1961
we get to learn about something that came out movie that and we get to learn
about the influence and the origin of something that’s influenced movies we love so I know Jeff it’s funny it’s like
it’s like the kid in I gu like oh my gosh really it’s is fine it’s great I
love it I love it no I love it man it’s great so we’re putting the books on the
this this week’s film class and then yeah I’ll let you go from here before
andless you want me to go from here and take it I know that did we touch on the
Stu you want to touch on I want to make sure I I I think I think so um because I
mean yeah because forgive me I don’t want to steam roll you cuz I got no no no no what are you you hold on actually
we need to check the topic box real quick top I was gonna say like I feel like there’s that and
then let me
see I had a funny like uh I just had a funny hypothetical
thought are we still recording did you say you’re topic yeah so they we do topic box real quick and then we can get to that okay cool cool cool are we can
what’s your hypothetical no on our way on our way to topic box I just had the thought one day like I was playing with
the dog and I was like wouldn’t it wouldn’t it be funny it’s like or what
if you played with kids the same way you like played with your dog like you know you grab a you grab a toy and you’re
like oh you want it [ __ ] you throw it or whatever and figur it’s like it’s
like you imagine that it’s like playing with a kid like that God it’d be terrible poor kid
that’ll be terrible I’m just you know you’re to see what but just I’m I’m about to read it but uh just gonna let
you know I’m not recording that yeah no I’m just saying like I can’t see anything is that is that funny is that
what you find funny is that what no it’s not that I find it funny it was just I’m joking kidding me I think that’s the way
dogs is hilarious I think is my point is that it’s like we grab a toy and instead it’s like obviously the dog wants the
toy so instead of like letting the dog have the toy we grab it and we’re like oh you want want it and we [ __ ] throw
it and it’s like you imagine playing with a kid like that like grabbing its toy and being like Oh and then [ __ ]
throwing it like it just kind of like uh my stain rou my birthday there’s there’s
a whole segment very similar yeah yeah talk about having the cages and
different things about the similarities between the raising the child and the dog yes yes yes I just had that thought
and I’m like man okay so here we go so and I really have no idea and this is from art Nord
kimy art which is great it’s been a while since we have art Nord art Nord
it’s been a while because Bird’s been send a lot of stuff but art art Nord it’s been a while so here we go um if
you could swap lives with any fictional character for a day who would who would it be and what Mischief would you get
into I’ll let you go first
all right we can make L uh any fictional character for a
day I don’t want to be obvious I want to think about so superheroes are the first thing
right I don’t want to go superhero route I want to go no I was say Enoch Wallace okay who’s who’s that he’s from
the from the book Way Station which I believe will be made into a Netflix TV
show at some point I’m holding out I would say that’s in development
Purgatory if not hell if not like some version of those things you go go first
and say your next thing and then and then I’ll go en Wallace was go ahead go ahead any fictional character any
fictional character that’s my pick because he was like a he had a lot of
power he could do a lot of things the the kid from six cents that could see dead people oh [ __ ] what would you do
what Mischief would you get into this is good okay yeah I did a shitty you know okay and so I can see dead people but
I’m I’ve already learned that right so I would ask them to help me do
pranks and so I’m trying to think but they’d be knowledgeable so I’d try and find important people maybe if there’s
any way I could somehow you know orchestrate on my abilities to get a
ation with the president and then just somehow prank him really hard based on some dead people knowledge some someone
his life someone that he knows has died and just prank prank the president back
I hey I see your dead dad I knew that some I I’m gonna piggyback you and I’m
gonna and and as a better one and I’m gonna say I would like to be uh I’d like
to be to be Mel Gibson from what women want okay I’d like
and I’d like I’d like I’d like to be able to go and Gaslight
women since I know what they want I could just gas well so the the thing is
you can only Gaslight them but actually be the best gaslighter of women that you could ever oh it gasl them perfect we
just lost a lot of listeners we just loost however many I think we just lost a lot I I
don’t think think I think any I think would laugh at that my girlfriend laugh
I could tell you I could say how to achieve that dream without having that
power it’s like you know that did you know that the term I think
we may have talked about it before but the term gaslighting came from uh from a
movie it came from a movie okay tell us yeah I think I think it I don’t I can’t
remember but either way like well no I I don’t know what the name of the movie was but you can look up and it’ll say
where the term came from in the movie and it was like more or less where a guy was was doing just that like a lady he
was it’s like convincing a lady that like what she was hearing or thinking like these noises or something was like
not real or whatever and it was and he knew they were and it was like you know the origin is from a movie that’s where
yeah the origin the oven the gas referring to it a light on an oven or something and intentionally like having
being off I was like I think I think it’s messing up almost like if they hear like if an alarm or something going off
and you know it is be like it’s not going off but intentionally you’re like having it go off and on to you’re driving them insane is is the thing so
you’re slowly driving him insane and you’re just [ __ ] with them but it’s okay so bring that up makes it a natural
segue but I’ll let you keep going goe what it will go ahead what’s your natural segue the natural segue from the
a list of things that whether I get to them or not but this dictates that I’m going to get to this because this is something I wanted to
talk about briefly episodes ago but we never get to because it was important you know I have
listed it but it just um commonly Miss it’s not commonly news
but in the same real commonly misused phrases and sayings right okay it just
made me think gaslighting it’s not misused but it’s something okay people people use it they don’t necessarily
even know what it means or where what where the origin of it and it just made
me think about because there’s one that drives me insane and it’s and it’s one
that’s been misused for so long that it’s accepted the misused version of it
is accepted as being something else that it’s actually not
so the the the the top dog and I and then I’ll read through some ones that are just fun known but begging the the
question it’s some people there like oh that begs the question but so people say that and like if you if you were to hear
him say it like what what do you think we’re sitting here talking blah blah blah and like oh yeah but that that begs
the question like what naturally what I mean because means like is like brings up the
question like so that’s what you think and that’s I was going to say that’s what that’s exactly I was just about to
say that’s like I feel like what that’s why most people say it way they do is because it’s like you feel
like that’s what it means is brings up the question right but is it more or less
like I I’m not so begging yeah so begging the question right so ah so let
me get I save all these notes and I’ll just do it this
way because it’s so it’s um if if you hear it in my mind it’s just because I’m
a’t on think it’s like oh these should just be like it brings up the question or raises the question raises the
question would be like for like what people are thinking what it means but
yes but it comes up with the whole concept of if you’re in the legal profession or anything logical fallacies
you know there’s like strong that’s a whole another thing we get into that I want about begging the question because begging the question is considered it’s
one of the logical fallacies right so but okay the meaning actual meaning of begging the question
is so begging the question fallacy occurs when an argument assumes the truth of its conclusion within its
premises essentially using the point you’re trying to prove as evidence for
itself creating a circular reasoning Loop where nothing is actually proving
so it uh so so I’ll put simple example so simple example of that what that
actually is would be a simple example begging the question would be ghosts are
real because there’s evidence of Paranormal Activity so it assumes the
existence of ghosts to prove the existence of paranormal activity which is essentially circular reasoning where
the premise relies on the conclusion already being true so it’s a it’s assuming the Paranormal Activity is true
right so it’s almost saying like well ghost through because Paranormal Activity is real if we’re thinking but
no where’s the evidence of Paranormal Activity being real this example to where it’s you’re you’re making a point
that’s well that’s real because that’s true because that’s true but yeah the other true thing is something that they
need to prove too but they haven’t so it’s like circulars so that’s the actual meaning of begging the question we
didn’t even make sense at least and I even with this even with this new information I still believe in Moth
Man as as you should as he absolutely should believe in him no that’s thing so
that’s great for so long it’s been so Mis used to where it’s it’s like whenever words allowed to have multiple
definitions to where begging the question it’s it’s just now accepted to
also mean raises the question raises the question exactly and it’s so accepted it’s fine and it’s just
me being anal every time I hear like no but I mean
dialog it it’s one it’ be nice to it’d be nice to be able to you acclimate
yourself and understand like understand exactly what it means so that you can you know again just and that to call
people out because You’ be like the [ __ ] like okay you know all this [ __ ] it’s like i’ never call people but
it’s just like it’s just it’s just knowing and it’s just like a personal annoying pet peeve but so a
list of other one now I won’t go in the depth of the other ones but common commonly Miss Ed sayings would be like U
the people say for and I might be wrong but so they’ll say for all intensive
purposes instead of for all intense and purposes yeah so they say all intensive
purposes yeah but it’s all intense and another one one one in the same they’ll
say oh that’s one in the same but it’s actually supposed to be one and the same
yeah uh biting my time uh what I don’t think to say biting my time instead of
biting my biting biting yeah but yeah it’s not as annoying uh nip it in the butt is what they say nip in the butt
nip it in the bud you know yeah it’s like plain like when you’re pruning something and one that you
know uh I I could care less it’s like no it’s I couldn’t care less couldn’t care
less because if you think about it I could care less it’s not making the point it’s like you want to be at the
bottom you be the extreme it’s like I could kill us it’s like no I I could not
care less I care there’s I have no more less I have no more care to to give yeah
and that’s one that it’s probably might be the most common of all these no that is that probably is the most hunger
pains is one like I got hunger pains but it’s actually hunger PS p n gs pangs
yeah that’s weird that one is peace of mind and peace of mind it’s it’s more
the word they do p i e c like a piece of it instead of of like serenity
uh or you’ve got another thing coming versus you’ve got another wait hold
on I I’m reading this it’s saying you’ve got another thing coming is incorrect
but I I haven’t read this s but I’m like hold on it says the correct phrase is
you’ve got another think coming I’m I don’t know did it
hallucinate I’m about just wait I I but I’m like wait I need to know what that
even means got another thing coming it you’re going to have another thought
it’s like you’re gonna think again don’t worry about it it’s gonna come back you’re gonna have another thing you’re gonna have another thing
coming that way
huh is it correct to say you have another think coming you may have noticed some people say you’ve got another think coming while other say you
got another thing both expressions are used to a person they’re I don’t know that’s I guess I’m learning whatever
that’s worth yeah I’m we can just send on that one well think anymore I don’t
even know what to think uh I was gonna say could you could you do me a favor if you have your if you have your best AI
search engine pulled up because I’ve gotten one result and I’d like you to pull up your best AI search engine and
you said this a weird thing like there’s g i in Chad DPT they haven’t done it yet I don’t
know if they ever going to but I think like just like uh Gro Gro is Twitter’s
or X’s right Gemini’s Googles Claw is another one that’s popular they have
names and I think that’s actually over time in decades the them being named
entities because I think there could be thought of almost as living knowing
entities right that Chad GPT and and I was I even made a TW
twiter post being like I I imagine that Sam Alman and people internally have a name for it that’s not just Chad and
I’ve heard him called chat like on videos but they have a video uh text a
video thing they called sora so honestly I think Chad tbt’s name for me is Sora
but that’s a whole different thing so I’m going to use Sora which is Chad TBT for me who knows [ __ ] it but so what do
you want me to look up ask it will the will the book PlayStation be made into a
Netflix series or Netflix TV show will the book so you just want to know if the
like searching if it’s actually in production at all I just want you to search it through your I got you will
the way station be turned in it just me I don’t
need to be more I’ll ask the question let’s see
it’s reasoning because I’m using a reasoning model it it had better reason correctly because I could change to one
that’s not a thinking model oh we want it to think yeah we want this one okay
th say so there’s been some movement on adapting Clifford DMX classic novel into
a visual format but not in the way many fans might hope in recent years the rights were acquired by Matt Reeves
production company for film adaptation that’s being developed for Netflix while many readers have long wish for TV
series version the current project is planned as a movie but there haven’t been any confirmed plans turn into show
so let’s see when is the movie come out so because it’s it’s this
what when’s the movie coming out let’s see what it says you’re [ __ ] this shit’s
gaslighting me right now it’s in development he where it’s
unless there’s new [ __ ] coming out as of now there’s an official release date or anything like that the project was
announced back in 2019 and there’s been no update since then like I said so it’s
as of now why why do you not want this to happen Matt why do you why do you not
want this I want it to happen you just don’t want to hear that that there’s nothing happening I
wanted to we could talk about it more if we talk about it more it might help speak into
existence really should it’s a cool raising awareness the way station most
definitely it’s it’s gone far enough to actually have Netflix the quads Matt Reeves directed The Batman and other
Kingsmen stuff so serious people have wanted to do something with it they’ve
even spent money on it it but it hadn’t happened yet so I just feel like it’s hopefully just a matter of time I just
know like three body problem was something that they thought could never be made because it’s so complex and
crazy but over time at some point it did however so I think it’s just a matter of
time it’s just a matter of time so I I’d like to I’ve been wanting to do a deep
dive into into this book and like to tell people she haven’t even read have you read it no I have I have and and in
and I’ll give a quick synopsis and it’s like pretty much there there’s a guy Enoch Wallace who who was uh more or
less like Civil War era and at some point um you know it’s like his whole life had always
wondered about what was out there in the Stars beyond the stars and all that and uh he he he at some point eventually got
approached by this you know person that ended up being an an entity of being from another planet um and they asked
him to be the like the leader or the uh or the keeper of a Way Station um an
Intergalactic stop stopping point between um galaxies um for you know different so
that’s what’s so cool about it yeah that’s what’s so cool about it is that it’s like and one of the things that’s interesting is it’s like in the uh area
so like it kind of starts off with uh like there’s this like uh FBI agent that
ends up like uh stumbling across his uh across this like Cemetery area that he’s
um I can’t remember exactly how he got there but then he stumbles across this uh gravestone that said like it was like
his family plot or whatever and it was his gravestone and it had his date of birth but then his uh death it had the
infinity symbol yeah um and so like pretty much implied from there on that
it was like he was year did the book come out again roughly 80s I think 80s I think it was
in the 80s um 70s ‘ 80s but uh pretty much what it was is that he never age
when he as long as he was inside the way station he didn’t age and the way station was his house which was his old
like it was just this old ass house that he grew up in and they they more or less converted these the aliens or whatever
converted it to where the outside remained the same but the inside was totally changed and it’s like again as
long as he was ins he never aged perfect thing to be made indis the only time he
aged was when he walked outside in the morning to get his mail and go on his morning walk so he’d only age like an
hour or two a day and then he’d be in the Way Station the rest of the day like helping you know these these alens or
beings get between planets and stuff and he talks about his his and his uh his encounters with these different beings
and stuff and like his experiences um and it’s it’s so cool and it’s not a long book at all at all it’s
like 100 who do you envision as the if you could pick an actor to pay the main character who who’s the first person who
comes to mind he’s got to be he’s got to be a uh a bit of a
uh [ __ ] Randy or uh what’s his name uh Dennis
Quaid you know who came to mind for me
who the biggest man the big oh Brolin Brolin would be a
great one honestly Brolin would be amazing would pH I think Joshy would do a good job with this broling would do
phenomenal I just pictured Enoch as being bigger that’s the only reason I say Dennis yeah Enoch to me was like
seemed like a bigger dude but it could be it could be broling be perfect but I mean dude it’s like it’s such a bigger
dude like I the biggest man in Hollywood he is the biggest man in Hollywood you’re not wrong with Josh broland it’s
a role it’s it’s it’s it’s a role made for broland man we get touch with his people did you Chris Chris showed me a
thing not to get too far off on a rabbit hole but Chris showed me recently a we’re living
inab of Josh Brolin in a interview and uh he was talking about Javier bardam uh
in No Country for Old Men yeah and he was saying how uh he was like man he was
like because they were asking about him the guy in the podcast was asking about how was he or whatever he’s like man he’s like he’s the sweetest human being
like you’ll ever meet he’s like really he’s like man he’s so nice he was like just one of the best guys like such a
sweet person he was like but man he was like he was so depressed on that movie he was like on the set like of that
movie and filming it and the guy was like really and he
said yeah he’s like why and then Josh broland said he would just like he said Josh broland was like he looked at him
and was like look at my [ __ ] hair so depressed about his hair because
he had that [ __ ] the most ugly Sil Chili Bowl he was like look at my
[ __ ] hair what like the Coen brothers in their genius in adapting
the all great his [ __ ] Chili Bowl had his ass depressed so
ugly depressed because he had that [ __ ] Chili Bowl but dude I mean and that’s what like that’s what think about
it though he can pay a lot money but he had to just be about his life with that
cat for the whole filming of that movie that’s what he said he was like look at my [ __ ] ass
even if you’re an actor he’s one that’s known but not everyone is going to know
him because he’s you know for all that to where if he’s going out going to the bank going to the grocery store doing
something this a serious ass man they probably were like don’t wear a
hat hob you’re camera footage of him doing normal life [ __ ] with that haircut oh
man that [ __ ] [ __ ] is crazy that was that’s such a great movie but yeah he was saying and uh yeah he was saying
that he was just super depressed and uh um but yeah it was interesting cuz he was just talking about how it’s like
cool that like that’s inside of him that that can come out of him like that makes that’s what makes him like a true artist
is that like he’s such a you know sweet humble like nice nice guy and you know
he’s able to play like such a dark absolute dark like insane like that’s it
it’s hands down my favorite movies it’s like a top top 10 movie for me that
movie think of the counselor man which is like I need to give do a whole thing
deeper on it because it’s it was [ __ ] on when it came out and it was it was I feel like so
breathed over but the thing is it’s still so the fman was a book cor MC
McCarthy wrote yeah the counselor is the only actual intentional screenplay wrote
so it was a cornack McCarthy screenplay he didn’t write a book he actually went about writing a screenplay for a movie
and so the this and he cast and and so har be dims in that in that movie as
well and it’s in redley Scott direct it and it was people shadowing it but it
for me they didn’t get I feel and I feel like for this like a thing cor McCarthy
is like that that was a fun exercise but the the world it it it creates for me it
was a phenomenal piece piece of art that it’s just not digestible for the masses
because the the dialogue and this the you can tell the dialogue is so literary
and just so powerful just the dialogue to where it’s not natural conversation but it again you’re it’s an
art form where you took a masterful author with his own style created a
screenplay and and so I think that it’s like people they have you know that’s
why you won’t get it because it’s not supposed to be just like watching a great movie it’s supposed it’s like not
like Dave Lynch but you watching something there’s artists behind it and there’s a lot more to exactly why it’s
that way but yeah yes no man so yeah no it’s it’s like I
said man that just uh No Country For Old Man definitely top man and Javier bardam
such a good such a good actor man something of movies like that just like those bar skap all those shots they got
like in that desert and just like is just such a depressing so like that
blood Mar Corman C these Works they’re beautiful but they are depressing they really are they are man they have blood
m in the road you know but they’re amazing yeah yeah but yeah oh speaking
of which uh before we close out you know what I was which I need to finish yeah we’re not about to close out you ask
this because there’s there’s a thing I kind talk about briefly but you what you going to say I was going to say I
started watching had never seen it and I put it on last night um but and and this
is something I want to say that like I’ll stand by it like people can hate on it if they want whatever I I think it’s
I think it’s honestly one of the most probably hated on but in my
opinion one of the most underrated movies in a sense and shyamalan’s a
village Alli had never seen that movie and I do respect it I do she she had
never seen it and it’s like she still technically really hasn’t seen it she watched some little of it and was like
so um but to me man it was like uh I don’t know man like it’s just it’s one
of those movies that so many people hate on it and I I get it like I know there
is some level of nostalgia for me because I remember going to see that that was one of the first like one of
the first horror movies I had seen in the theater when I was young but aside
from that even going back and watching it like just the subtleties of like he
has little things that like to me it’s like you can interpret in a lot of different ways when you know the overall
no spoiler alert like I don’t want to spoil anything for people that maybe haven’t seen it but it’s like to me going back and watching it there was a
couple of things I saw early on that I was like oh [ __ ] that’s probably why
they were having them do that and like there was different things that I was realizing and stuff like that um and not
only that but like I said just the overall like um the understanding that
like uh the how powerful the controlling of information is is really like one of
the craziest things that’s why because it presents a very important idea and
concept that’s it’s it’s just people get don’t get that’s fine but for
me that’s I was a kid and job I it presented that to me realizing that like
oh [ __ ] like these people’s all their whole reality was like shaped by a
handful of people and they didn’t even realize that like it’s like they they had a false reality because these people
built it and you know it just blew my [ __ ] mind like yeah and I was a kid
and so for me it’s like I get I get you know I get some people’s ha but even going back and watching it do you
realize like how many like people were in that movie that were just like turned out to be A-list actors the whole way
through their [ __ ] career yeah that is that the one Ron Howard’s kid Bryce
Dallas Howard I think in it right and Adrien Brody’s in it um uh what’s what’s
her name uh definitely uh I need to go back and
watch it but I try remember the mom the mom from uh oh what’s the movie uh um observing
report she’s like a hilarious like uh yes no it’s funny because she was just I
know exactly I know her name my wife’s hold on want SEC right here CA
Weston yes all right is everything
okay yeah are you there call yeah I’m here no you’re good uh Jesse
Eisenberg did you realize Jesse Eisenberg was in that movie oh I guess you’re right Jesse
Eisenberg I saw him I saw him in like the very beginning he’s sitting in like on the end of a picnic table and I’m
like I paused it I’m like wait a minute she’s like what I’m I’m not a big fan of his but that is crazy that he’s in that
that is true he’s in that it’s 2004 so it’s like Walken Phoenix Bryce Dallas Howard Adrien Brody uh William hurt
which is he’s a big he’s a big what’s it called oh yeah yeah William Hurt Jesse
Eisenberg Sigourney Weaver um and then uh like I said there
was that one lady uh Celia Weston uh Brandon this was after after six sense
did so well yes I don’t remember if this was a followup but he’s still like he was able to command getting some some of
were know just be he was able to get really good actors on top of his cool unknown ones that there’s a launching
pad for but yeah it’s pretty cool no yeah so he had but either way it was just like it’s one of those that I I
felt like I again I think it I think it deserves a a little bit of a deeper dive
I think beol yeah yeah and I think I think it’d be cool to do kind of a deep
dive or like a somewhat of a uh you know a review of it in some kind of way use
your little buddy to helps out in some way we can do down you you want me to
you want to do that I think it’d be cool you break that down at some point send it over break it down but uh but yeah I
mean because to me again I feel like just the overall message of what it put forward and and power you know the way
it did it um and I think a lot of the filming of it was really cool I think it built suspense it was one of the best
like suspense building movies in my opinion and whether you want to be let down by how it worked out
or whatever like I think it built suspense phenomenally I remember I’ll never forget like watching it in the
theater oh yeah well that’s cool it just kind of made me briefly think how my dad
like my dad comes every Thursday watch stuff and it’s I’m so happy because we’re getting we got through the recent
Dune movies and now we’re on to the Dune prophecy show which is we’re almost
through but uh I I’ve been going out of my way and I think this is a good exercise like you’re talking about watch
fality like
if actually do your best to create a movie theater experience when you want
to watch something right even if it’s a show so well with my dad and he’s here to watch with me I don’t is this your
recommendation no because it’s not got yeah I do have a thing I want to ask but
it’s not a recommendation but it’s just something because like when my dad’s over I go like okay ijust the lighting I
I I turn up the TV l than I normally ever would because you know and I and
yeah for him I’ll leave the subtitles on but ideally you don’t want subtitles
because you want your eyes to not have to be distracted if you’re a subtitle person so I turn lighting down I
literally just try and create the movie theater experience to where it’s even like be it’s something that’s been lost
I feel like um it might be some homes where it is to where it’s like if people
are sitting there and watching a movie to where it’s like you don’t just walk up and start talking to him you don’t just walk up and and and ask him
something you respect it so literally just be like hey it’s and I’m I’m have
my daughter like as we get older it’s not be old time it’s like okay it’s movie night or it’s it’s movie time or it’s show time but to where to where
it’s like even it’s like let’s put phones over here you know um people like if it’s emergency it’s like okay it
could be like okay you can see if it’s emergency but don’t don’t be looking up you know even if you want to learn about
the show wait till after but actually just create an environment to where
you you’re your the the mind that we have it’s been fostered to be so add
just by it’s it’s just been that way to where literally give your mind nothing to grab on to but the show or the movie
literally just be like you don’t think to where it’s so have the volume up have the lights down give your mind only that
to focus on just to make it easy and let yourself actually get into it just like Ali to like you want to what but and the
thing is we turn the favor and and and do it with something she likes that you don’t care about but you watch it and do
the same thing you know what I mean and so that that’s something people should do to actually get the experience out
and it’s therapeutic it’s F like oh I don’t care about it’s like we as humans
actually need to learn how to just pay it even if it’s a movie Something Stupid
we need to learn how to actually pay attention to something for 30 minutes or an hour two hours literally this that
it’s it’s so sad that the way people have lost the ability to do that and it’s not their fault but so we need it’s
a perfect exercise to actually try and get the muscle back to just pay attention to something for like an hour
yeah I’m sorry I’ll stop ranting no no no no no no no because you got me you got me thinking now that you’re not
ranting you just you got me you got me on something now because it’s like what you were saying kind of like it it
sparked something and I’m G to try and get back to to what it more or less was and so sorry sorry to the Future
apologize to the Future listeners if they if you feel like I’m like if you’re like spit it out Mikey I me I keep talking about it if you want but I
think you were uh you were saying that about um about creating creating that
environment and it’s like I think it I think it comes down to it’s it’s almost like it’s I think it made me think of
something like similar to cooking and similar to enjoying a meal and whatnot and it’s like ver eating it’s like
eating for the nutrition of it nutritional value versus eating just for
like the uh you know the experience and the and it’s like a lot of times love you’re saying this right now like we eat
just to eat a lot of times like I’m hungry and so you just go [ __ ] you throw throw something together you snack on it you go on down the road but you
don’t you don’t you don’t enjoy the experience you don’t sit there and say you know what I’m gonna experience I’m
gonna I’m gonna take my time I’m gonna cook I’m let the I’m going to hear the sounds of the food sizzling whatever I’m
going to make dinner I’m going to pull out a candle like I’m going to dud go step
candle I [ __ ] you not like uh think and I didn’t PL any of this [ __ ] like we went me and Stephanie saw a movie can’t
we picked up to go food and we sat down the table and she took it on her own to get out a couple candles that we had and
just set the candles up our eaten and it just really the simple little things
just made the experience and did it not make you feel and did it might not make you feel like why don’t we do this more
sorry to cut you off no yeah yeah it’s I didn’t have that thought but I I agree with it though because I in the moment I
was just really just like man this this is nice it’s a magical thing you know it
don’t have to be candles every time but it’s so easy to have a [ __ ] candle and that’s thing that’s what I mean is
that it’s like it shouldn’t be that every time right like why why do we not do that why is it that we don’t what the
f like what is it I’m not saying that we have to I’m not saying that we have to make a a thing of it and be like oh this
is such a romantic thing but but dude it comes down to like family dinners like people sit at a table and eat together
you know and and just even that to like yes I feel like those little things
though like to go back to what you said those little things are what helps your ability to be able to enjoy it that much
more versus like it’s like eating on the run it’s like a lot of times we treat [ __ ] like that’s why people only watch
like oh I can’t I can’t sit down I can’t watch a movie it’s two and a half hours long but like you said they’ll watch a
nine season show that’s nine and a half 10 11 hours of [ __ ] TV that they’re watching versus like oh watching out
show and it’s like it’s not um so what
you’re saying is like almost more or less like creating that it’s like not not eating that hot
pocket that sandwich on the go it’s like sit down and enjoy light your candles oh man make it you know because then that
way it’s like you savor it you enjoy it and then you’re like why don’t I do this more why do I not because that’s like something I had done not long ago we
have all these little LED candle like battery operated candle things and it’s like I I set them out the other day and
turned them all on and like put them out and it was like and I put on my black light and everything and I’m like why am
I not doing this all the time it’s like it’s you know so so easy it is but
you’re right absolutely right you’re absolutely right like for the movie situation like doing
the best you can to like just create that movie theater experience and that’s what I was going to say about cooking
it’s the same as cooking where it’s like you can create just as good of food if
not better than you get going out if you take the time and do it at your house like all like the chips you made and
brought over to the house and left here dude those chips you made are far better
than any of the [ __ ] chips I buy at the store any of the chips I buy at the store like we compared them I had like
family compare them and it’s like dude those are the best chips yes and those are the best chips you can better than
wouldn’t you know how easy it was for me to do it it’s not like I have some thing I have a deep fire iut the Tor and do it
myself the the main thing is finding the best the tortillas to do it with that’s it they’re so and the oils he PE with
well thank dude I was sitting there in all my reac
but it’s it’s it’s something so simple and you don’t think of much but it’s like it’s so good and it’s cheaper but
thank you so much for that and it dude synchronously just uh the the flow
of everything we do and talking the the one ridiculous thing I wanted to bring
up before before we end directly can
segue from the point you wanted to talk about go ahead go ahead go ahead but not directly but it’s it’s connected though
but the has to do with eating like which is interesting right go ahead yeah okay
okay and it’s um it’s it’s it’s kind of random and
it’s I say um somebody ask you so it has to do with health and health and eating
right and
so and it’s it’s a and this is a personal thought on it right and so
obviously people like oh my gosh blah blah but and so earlier I was just trying to think of I was trying to think
of analogies to so okay I’ll ask you this now and I could be wrong it could be
shat on or dissected whatever but so okay let’s say let’s say uh you have a
vehicle um that it has it has a a gasoline tank that can hold the it can
hold 30 gallons right but it runs most efficiently when it only has 20 gallons
in it right so runs most efficiently when you have
20 gallons in there uh and so let’s say you know n’s perfect sometimes you might
put some extra in there and then that’s fine and it might keep getting getting
more overfilled and so if you could come up with come up
with the three off the top Solutions if I have if just have too much gas in the
tank uh and I want to get it down to the optimal 20 gallons what are two off the
top of your head ways to get it down if you have in your car you’re
you’re not talking metaphor you’re saying yeah there hypothetical don’t don’t think about the car I’m just giving any vehicle you have you have too
much gas what would be the what are two ways to get it down to 20 gallons where
it’s efficient like think of the obious a physical car
and I can tell you but just example so like I was gonna say siphoning okay so you siphon a couple gallons out
right that would be the first thing if you can’t siphon would be the second thing you do if you can’t
siphon um the second thing you would do uh because you could run the engine
right so that’s the thing you can do that would yeah so you could burn the gas down to it you could just burn that
excess gas down you could could that would be the easiest the easiest like without like the least amount of effort
least amount of effort well no but effort but you’re running the engine more to do it so siphoning it would for
me it would be the easiest you wouldn’t be burn you wouldn’t be putting more work on the engine you wouldn’t be taxing the engine more you’d just be
removing the excess gas yeah right okay so that was the analogy I was
trying to think of and them I’m sure people could sit there and dissected
so I think the best and maybe over time cure not cure but solution for
society and health is learning how to just throw up extra food when they’ve
eaten it and be okay with just literally going to the bathroom and throwing it up I’m I’m [ __ ] you not it I’m being
dead serious I’m being dead serious do you have Thanksgiving because people sit on it right and they’ll be like okay
okay the issue is of course over time it’s like because and they be like oh Bic there’s
like psychological things I think the whole I think even the fundamental
psychological assessment of all that is not the best way to look at it because
honestly at the end of the day even people are Bic right it’s like that’s bad right but at the end of the day what
is worse to let yourself get obese and and
get those health problem they’re both bad right they’re both bad being doing that or getting unhealthy overweight and
slowly killing yourself that way but so it’s almost like okay pick your poison
uh so they’re both not good but what if there’s a middle ground to I’m not just going to throw up unhealthily you know
but of course it be the thing go you could get addicted and you throw up too much but at the same time would it be it
people would be it probably be better than eating to overeating to where it’s not the ideal
but it’s so I feel like if you’re going to say any form of doing that is uh some
psychological disorder or an eating disorder I think eating excessively needs to be a categorical eating
disorder in itself eating obsessively you said
excessively if we’re gonna say like going and and eaten and you throw up some afterwards if you that that’s going
to be stigma oh my gosh this bulimic I think it’s equally as bad to sit there and ere too much I think
oving is an eating disorder I think it’s a disorder it’s bad for you and what’s
worse for you to sit there and eat too much or to at least expel the excess
because the other solution is I’m going to get healthy and work out and how many people are actually do that and even
then you’re going to tax your body more my thing is about the the whole what
you’re saying about the throw it sounds absurd but that’s say because it is it
is but I see your point and I and I do think it is somewhat observed to disagree with you like I can’t fully
agree because it’s like I see your point like because you’re thinking of like you know obesity and the strain that puts on
your heart and being all that but like also too the way I see the other side of it is it it’s like if you get in the
habit of that or somebody were to you know the thing about it is that like then you’re just going to overeat and
you’re just going to always you’re G to that’s going to be your solution it’s like uh it’s like going out better than
it’sing me hang on it’s sinning all week and then going to church on Sunday and asking for forgiveness is the way I see
it that’s the way I for me people are just sitting all week they are not going to church at least you have a church to
go to yeah and you can but to me it’s like I think that over time it’s going
to be it obviously I think it’s worse on your body like number one is eat healthy
and don’t do that right that’s number one know I was gonna say I was gonna say like we’re talking about it’s like we’re
we’re pretty much like almost giving a choice between it seems like a choice between two extremes almost like we
between this or that like and yeah it’s like if I had to pick one it’s like I I mean yeah I guess I’m gonna pick I guess
throwing up rather than overeating right I I don’t know um but I’m thinking over
time it’s cuz people sit there and they’ll take they’ll take all these I don’t know what the newest fat loss pill
is zic yeah whatever so I’m just saying let’s compare this I’m going to ingest
chemicals that do all kinds of shits in my body to try and offset this where literally the problem is I put too much
food in my body and the little simplest solution is to get the excess food out
that is like the simplest Sol do you want to know in my opinion the I think one of the
best I I think and this is simp don’t need too much to begin with no no no no
this is just a different you just got me on the topic of Health right and because it’s a huge thing and people are you know it’s a huge in America and
especially with all the issues we have and and dietary issues and things like that and habits or whatever um is and
and you know maybe it’s controversial people might be like oh whatever but um but I just said it’s controversial no
well no absolutely yeah it’s very controversial um but you it’s like what you know people might find him
controversial but Jordan Peterson it’s like what he said you have you have to uh you have to risk being offensive um
like in order like to think and question like you have to risk being offensive um but uh no it’s I I think
one of the biggest things and I can give you my reason why but like is just is stress and managing
stress I think you can be bigger and I’m not saying that it’s like of course
obviously it’s more healthy to be within a the ranges of reasonable weight for
your height and size like your height or whatever for your biological makeup
there’s an ideal everyone has a it’s not movie but your biological makeup has an ideal for me for me for instance I don’t
when I take my shirt off I’m not like [ __ ] six-pack abs I got like a little belly and that’s fine and to be that sh
is not normal that’s not the way to actually healthily be no I’m in my right weight I feel good I’m strong I feel
healthy like I’m good and it’s like and I’m not like that’s what I love when I see like wrestlers and athletes do you
look at them and they’re not shredded but they’re like conditioned as hell it’s because yeah they’re at a they’re carrying a healthy weight and that’s
yeah a healthy person doesn’t look like glamour [ __ ] no and and there’s and and
I think that’s why so much the reason is is that it’s like I think the main thing is your stress is managing your stress
and because like one of the things and my reason for this is is that it’s like there’s a uh a couple of two guys I
can’t God what was the one I can find the interview and you can plug it later if you want it or something but uh he
was a uh maybe I’ll share it on our Instagram when I find it but he was some old like movie Hollywood
director or whatever something and he was on he was on like the Johnny Carson show and he lit up a big old fat stogy
and started smoking the cigar and somebody said something to him like Carson said something to him but I’m
smoking the cigar you know like you know shouldn’t you not be doing that or whatever and he said yeah he’s like all my he was like didn’t your doctor tell
you to not smoke cigars or something he’s like yeah he told me he like my doctor told me to not smoke him or whatever and he’s like he died you know
he died 20 years ago you know and it’s like this guy some old dude still smoking cigars and there was an article
I read about uh like one of the at the time he was like the oldest living like World War II veteran I think um but he
was the old black guy that lived in uh Austin Texas and he would sit on his front porch and he would drink every day
he’d sit out there and smoke a cigar and he’d drink like Jim Beam and Dr Pepper
Coke and he just sit out there and drink Jim Beam Dr Pepper or whatever and and have a cigar and and he lived to be
like8 104 is like ridiculous and so I think that and what work at a country
club supports that because I saw old guys every day that were retired it I’m
not saying you should drink like this but they would drink and smoke play golf and they live fine no exactly my point
is is that I think that what that does is my reason for that is that it’s not to say that I think exactly stress is
that it’s like what does smoking cigars or like normally it’s a stress reliever
it’s like it’s a relax your body is suffering more from the stress you’re carrying to where if smoking helps you
the stress that tradeoff it’s bad but it’s not as bad as the stress that you have you’re going to the
stress oh [ __ ] we lo I lost you again [ __ ] no I’m I can hear
you oh [ __ ] that’s a good one I let take a quick break and then
we’ll come back and end it and we’re back and yeah sorry about that again
we’re just I don’t know what’s going on right now with my little I’m having connection issues but yeah so the point was is that it’s like again not
condoning not condoning smoking not necessarily condoning drinking but I think that what I’ve noticed from some
of these from some of these you can call it anecdotal but a lot of these like cases I’ve seen these are just a handful
that I’ve mentioned already but there’s you know there’s all these different times and people I’ve heard talk about
it where it’s like oh I knew somebody it’s like they smoked all the way till they were like [ __ ] 90 and they died of whatever it’s like you know even if
they died of something bad at that age they’re [ __ ] 90s like they they lived and saw an amazing like they lived a
long of course smoking can get there’s a definitely increases you’re getting
cancer but if you happen to not get it you know then yeah yes yeah and all I
was GNA say is that like back all of the the culmination of what I was saying came down to what you said there at the
end is that like the the what you’re what you’re offsetting with that with
that smoking or that you know that drinking you have at the end of the day or that like cigar you have once a week
or whatever at the end of the day something like those you know that can that could potentially be helping to
offset that you know rather than just comes down to me telling my wife she should she never drinks it’d be good for
mental health to get tipsy or a little drunk at least once a month it’s like rather than just Thug to get rid some
that the thing yeah get rid of realize like because you kind of laugh at yourself sometimes and two it’s just
like again like you don’t I think we underestimate that we underestimate the
the the power and the [ __ ] in the the the monster that stress is Stress and
Anxiety they’re the same they go hand in hand they’re like tag team they’re Tag Team Champions and so it’s like and
that’s killing you they are and I think that like you look at that’s my thing is
because that’s a lot of people are like oh you know you got to do this you gotta do that but I mean look at a lot of people in history and stuff and all time
it’s like that people have lived long lives and they’ve had habits that are technically not healthy it’s like but I
think that some of those unhealthy habits have helped offset some of their you know some [ __ ] to where it’s like
maybe what they’re that smoking to where again it’s like it becomes the point where it’s negligible at some point like
I’m not saying it’s of course SM a carton of [ __ ] cigarettes a day so much depth to what you’re saying that’s
get into with my personal life I haven’t thought about in that way
but but it really does answer at least for me experientially a lot of questions on
just how I’ve felt like with a job situation how I
yeah outside of certain things I I feel better and happier and I’ve even
Stephanie and our relationship has improved and I’m like have you noticed how all these different things relationship have been better since I’m
not don’t working for that place anymore yeah you don’t have that CU that that ongoing stress of that’s just an example
the stress happens always but that’s just an example of like a huge stress one yeah yeah you comes to yeah so
interesting but so yeah no that was the thought that was the thought that I had had I had had not long ago and again
crazy that even came up it’s crazy that that even came up because I was NE I I hadn’t even considered even talking
about that like soon but but no man it’s like a
you know like I said some of it’s somewhat anecdotal like you could say but like a handful of those like I said
those old guys I had seen it’s like smoking cigars a cigar a day two cigars
A Day Drinking you know a handful of day and doing again
like yeah and it’s like I think that that limiting that it’s like while these things aren’t good it’s like you can’t
you can’t let them run your life you can’t smoke like me I run I I exercise
is obviously but we know Society to be hardit finding a way to offset
that I think that I think that really the main the main Big Bad Boy of it all is stress and and that’s because I think
that that comes from I think that that is the reason that people are overeating too that’s the reason you eat too much
is because too you’re trying to feel like yes and you’re trying to feel a and
eating too much like OV eating and stuff has like I’m pretty sure psychologically the dopamine effect pleasure of eating
is and it’s trying to fill a like a hole that can it’s trying to fill a a hole
that can only be filled through like um more or less like mental like uh
edification what do you want to call it like something it’s always something that you can fulfill like spiritually in a sense like and that’s the weird thing
about it I don’t know that might not make any sense to somebody but to some people but to me that it really is what
it is it’s like you overeat or you overindulge and it’s like you’re trying to quench something that like it can’t
be it can’t be quenched like through those means it needs to be done like it’s like you have to dig within yourself or seek within yourself or take
that time to just you know but that’s why I think a lot of people overeat it’s like you’re you know a lot of is coming
from stress and like you know [ __ ] that you’re not addressing and
stuff like that but we’re all CH but we’re all chasing a symptom like I think that’s
the problem is we’re all chasing a symptom rather than the problem it’s like oh my neck hurts it’s like oh your
neck’s hurting because you’re [ __ ] you know your hip are out they’re like oh my neck hurts give me something to
alleviate the symptom instead of what’s the root cause yeah exactly and I think that it’s like the reason you know again
and even the re I smoke too much you’re [ __ ] too stressed I eat too much you’re too stressed I can’t sleep you
got too much stress like it’s like I feel like so much of it just comes back to like more you can just manage that
stress and understand too like you know just take it easy on yourself man nobody’s you’re the you’re you’re your
biggest [ __ ] critic and you’re the only one being hard on yourself nobody look up at the stars and realize nobody
gives [ __ ] I’m one of billions of humans have existed I I do matter but I don’t
matter you do yeah you matter you matter to the people around you totally matter but the it’s okay that it’s the world’s
not going to end if you know and quite literally the entire world uh depends
and like is with your existence too so like that’s something that’s cool to think about too that like you’re not
you’re not tiny and you know um unimportant it’s like this whole world
would exist without you and that’s what’s kind of interesting to think about like yeah you could you and you
really can’t say that I’m wrong because you sit there and think about it long enough you’re like [ __ ] that is a good point like if without me you can’t tell
me that I have not somehow manufactured that you’re doing everything you’re doing because I’m
manufactured somehow and orchestrated you to be doing it well you gota write that book I need you to write that book Matthew P’s recommendation of the week
we got recommendation of the week is write yourself a
book it could be one sentence long but I like that be creative exercise the
creative missile write a write a one no I’ll make it easy write a one sentence
book a one sentence book there you go and drop it and put it drop it to us if
if do it for yourself if you want put it away don’t share with us but if you’d like to share with us if you don’t want us to share with other people we won’t
we love to if you listening to this share it and it could be in a comment the comment be like this is my book in
the comment boom and and if you don’t want to go to our however you can share
it what Instagram on the comment that was oneide I wanted to like write a book that’s one like one sentence long but
every page is just one of those words so you’re still flipping each page for the word the power of each word
is is damn near I have a lot of poetry books that are like that you go g be
like poetry for you g yeah man yeah B happy birthday G well there’s yeah we
don’t have any of his song James this week but we’ll have his jams we’ll get him to double down on four tracks next week yeah yeah no no no jams this week
but I’ll say Happy Birthday to You G if you’re listening if you’re out there which I know you are happy birthday and
uh happy birthday brother and also um rest in peace to your to your
grandfather man I know your family lost one so I wanted to say that uh you know
hope hope hope everybody in the cordoza family’s doing just fine Brother y um you got you got you got another one up
there on your team looking out for you um but yeah know recommendation of the week for me I would say
is um
perfect the Mison scene in your life your own world perfect your own Mison
scene perfect it your your bedroom your living room your your your whole life
that your Mis on scene perfect that figure that out and make it to where it’s something to
where you know your place you know your home it’s something that you want to
come home to whether Morning Noon night you want to be it’s a place take that
time make it make it something you you pay rent where you’re at for for a reason don’t just you know for [ __ ]
sakes you know do it up make it nice make it yours um and you know take that
take that little bit of time and think about stuff you like buy some pictures hang them on the wall do something you
know Vibe your [ __ ] up perfect your mijon scene boom brother well I guess
it’s set time it’s that time uh I’ll be seeing you


wait wait greetings traveler youve just landed on the Mikey In Me podcast but

fear not for this is no mistake no fault in the stars no glitch in The Matrix no

I’m afraid this has all been planned predetermined by Powers known not to us

so pull up a chair and join us as we find our way together for you are among

friends what’s up friends hey there hello there hello hey there there hello

hey there we have who is that is that another traveler The Traveler is back

the we on the screen I think we have a royal rumbler yes let’s not let’s not let’s no

we’re getting let’s let’s not let’s we’re going to get right into what happened last night so we’re we’re

coming we’re recording a uh on a day and

last night last night was a very special night Jeff you want to tell us what was what last night was last night was the

Royal Rumble mik and what happened what wasn’t it a big night for WWF and WWE

fans in the future the future of it got tossed over the Rope Mike one one winner

that’s what happened but who was this winner it was almost John Cena the

greatest wrestler of all time no but last okay so last last night what happened for the new generation was

similar to what happened I forgot it was similar in wrestling happened last night they

gave the rub to the young guy who deserves it who the fans love and not the old Sideshow act coming back into

town to get the fans riled up which you know John Cena is more than that but I

mean he’s the marine and I’ll say that to this but to this

like to kids in Peacemaker to kids growing up to The Peacemaker to kids

growing up today watching that last night I feel like was probably the same for kids that saw Andre getting slammed

by Hulk you really think so by Hogan yeah for some kids yeah it’s it’s it’s

their version of it because yeah Absol watching it with me when that guy came out I said now this is the most over guy

in the business right now and that’s why I was shocked oh like when it came down John Cena and

J the guy um he’s part of the bloodline um the Samoan Dynasty oh you’ve talked

about these guys yeah exactly but he’s kind of like he’s a twin and he’s uh

he’s like known as one of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time but is broken free tell Matthew who his dad is

yes I was gonna say who are they Rishi raki son of raki yeah I would recognize

him he was the big fat dude okay with the G he put people in corner

yes he rub his ass in her face yes that information was useful like Yuna you remember him from back in the day

remember Yokozuna yeah yeah because part of that dynasty [ __ ] body slammed him

if you remember the wild Samoans uh AFA and seiku they’re part of

it um that the G new kind of cookie did you say Maga Umaga there’s just a whole

bunch of the rock is part of it Japanese okay but last night was a it was a big night for

wrestling fans and I I’m going to be honest I haven’t I haven’t watched any wrestling and I don’t know how how long

I think actually no it’s funny that I say that because I I realized last night when I was watching it with Jeff one of

around the time where I really was like getting out of it I was like okay I’m this is like it’s just dumb at this

point was whenever they were trying to put the Miz over so I kind of dropped off for a while I feel like it I feel

like it went through a I didn’t stick with it but last night I never sto

watching last watching it was cool because it was like there I I feel like

they were they’re getting back to you know they’re doing a cool thing with trip with Triple H in charge well they

have some they have on Netflix now right yeah yeah so I guess I’ll get back into it it is the most I watch whatever they

put on since the since the 90s since the Attitude Era and they’ve got a lot of good personalities right now like we

were all kind of shocked like it came down to like the final guys and we were all kind of shocked because like I didn’t see J still winning that they had

you know maybe that they’re pushing what’s up they had Matt it it was really kind of

cool it’s just interesting in a way the crossover that happens between social

media no social media and things like that and influencers in the WWE and

whatnot because last night they had Jake Paul or Logan Paul was the last uh entry

into the rumble and then ISO speed like I show speed the the streamer do you

think we could get popular Enough by next Ro Rumble for us to be I would love that Jeff’s gonna show

with his spaceship yeah do you have triple Tech teams or quadruple uh they

do an aw okay how about fourman yeah the the thre man belt if not we’ll started a

fourman league the fourman we would do like two people gets like get the tag teams two people would be the tag team

one person would get like the minor belt like the Intercontinental Belt and the other person I don’t even need a belt I’m there for the love for there you go

dude you’re the yeah there for the love it like Jesus shuttles For the Love of the Game all

right guys well uh we should probably get going on but last year in the world

of actually I don’t want to forget I was thinking about this earlier real quick

with all this tariffs that Trump’s imposing I thought it might be a good idea if we imposed a listener tariff or

or like a reverse listener tariff so if you don’t live in the DFW metroplex

there’s a good chance you’re going to owe us money and that’s it but uh so

2024 so Jeff Jeff you now owe us money for being

oh no he has an exemption thank you [ __ ] I signed you I got your back I got your he voted for me

get he gets one of those last minute pardon he’s one of my constituents son of a [ __ ] that’s right he’s on the ticket buddy but uh yeah 2024 movies

came out and the year’s over and Mikey was like wait uh we can do a new year

now and I was like Mikey you’re correct and then we were like

Jeff what do you think about the movie that came out in the year of

2024 imagine you have a ranking tell all about it so I will let you do your thing

uh you let me know what trailer would pull up if you don’t say anything I I’ll just let you keep

going oh I get to go first I was kind of hoping to go last oh you want to go last I shoot I can go first go first all I I

was kind of I kind of want to see what you guys here we go well I didn’t do ranking of course hey what is

so let’s see there’s could be some obvious ones right so she

got where’s my list SOA no so late in the year this movie

called conclave came out oh right off the top

beautiful it was about a pope dying and the whole process of what happens and

how all the the papacy or whatever responds and it

was it was pretty leg I thought it was amazing honestly and it was a PG movie

but it was still as adult like themed as it could be right weren’t you kind of on

the edge of your seat for this dude it I totally was and it was just talk about a

slow just fascinating burn movie and I didn’t even know it was

PG that’s news to me right I because you think about it yeah so conclave that’s is legit uh this

little movie that would call a psychological Thriller called strange

darling uh I was quite impressed maybe I should sear trailer for this yeah I’d

like to see trailers more trave would have been a good trailer let’s just do a trailer for

everything even if we repeat it that’s true strange trailer no whoops show show

the same trailer over

strange share the eyes oh

yeah you laughing about other people’s Misfortune no just the like picture that

was up or whatever like preview for YouTube it was the same from strange

Wilderness where he colored the eyes on his eyelids unpin that

that look Chris she took a page out of what you were telling her potatoes book

yeah calm down oh

right all the fangling you got to

do you’ll be fine like that strange Darlings

oh you’re not going play it’s [Music] good do you have any idea that kind of

risks a woman like me takes every time she agrees to have a little fun never thought about it that way of course you

haven’t you’re not a woman you seem like a nice

guy but the real issue is safety that’s life are

[Music] tough so I’m going to have to ask you a question

oh are you a serial killer what did you just

say one of those movies is ony kitty Kitty hey chill you kitty kitty


Chief here kitty kitty

[Music] kidding I’m in control

no maybe I lied you know you asked for this

right defies expectations a bit does it mean it’s above

[Music] that okay potato now did I get

so lucky [Music]

tonight yeah that looks good I know what I’m watching tonight oh yes add that to your nightly lie

list strange darling let’s see alien Romulus came out

I feel like that got enough exposure but I feel like it truly held up to the kind of movie

people expect when they think of the original yeah I heard people giving it a

negative like review and I’m like who from what I don’t know just some random [ __ ] people what’s not that I’m I

don’t you don’t even know how to read I just heard that people were giving it a negative review and I was just like

everything I saw it looked pretty cool did you see that [ __ ] you know that that tall ass alien thing in there that

was a real that was a real person was a real yeah that was me no did you know that I’m being for real the big like no

I didn’t no he was he’s a basketball player that’s a real dude they put in that like suit like that

giant but I enjoyed it I thought it did thought it did well and fetty Alvarez he did the remake of evil dead so he’s got

a horror background and so it was it was good I’m I was happy with it next movie

and this is kind of for Mikey and I thought it was good I feel like I did

odity didn’t you watch odity it’s technically a horror it’s a it’s like

takes place in England Ireland or somewhere it’s a yeah I don’t think I heard this one well that’s that’s how I

know to show a trailer yeah yeah this is a good one for for that let’s do that it

was an odd one it was a bit of an odity M stop I know Mikey when did you

get so freaking funny the audience might be driving okay I know yeah half of our

audience is listening at all times and

driving could you open the door what do you want is that Max

sherzer that was Mikey on my door this afternoon I am telling you that there is

someone in there with

you that would SC this me oh goofy ey dude

yeah why do you want it he took my sister’s

life I want to see what was going through his

mind never heard of that you said I should visit on Danny’s anniversary


door here would you allow them in of course not my sister would never allow a

strange man into her home in the middle of the night she’s saying some weird things to

me dad she’s clearly not well do you mind staying out here alone at night yeah it’s

[ __ ] I’m just telling you what I saw that ghost my dead wife is not haunting

this house so wouldn’t that I don’t like the way they look men look

in a lot of these movies a lot more killers and such you know weirdos put them

back this is not real it’s

odd looks very odd odd titties there’s nothing that can’t be

[Music] explained odd didy we can all agree to that oh yeah how timely like to make

very timely jokes all right that a see

the movie trap came out uh I definitely haven’t cared for shamam along a lot for

a long time but I found myself pretty engaged when I watched this movie it was a good it was actually pretty

actually so I enjoyed it cabin one as well oh cabin man Deadpool in Wolverine

that’s almost man that goes with that goes without saying but we have to we have to let people know that for me oh

yeah it’s for itself yeah yeah it’s probably the greatest comic book movie that will

ever exist for me so we’ll see

Chang say that again you like that better than the first pool dude it

raises every bar I could pretend to imagine first one you watched the first

Deadpool like a million times like yeah it was on repeat which is rare like he

doesn’t watch anything like that and he would watch it like he’s like dude I’m watch I’m watching it like every day it

made me laugh seriously next little movie I had you guys watch one time I forced it on

your eyes kinds of kindness oh man yeah you got Show preview yeah I one

with the Challenger yeah yes and then let’s watch a

movie Yes Jessie plens yeah that’s why it’s

like Jessie came up knew it was like he hits him out of the park this is what it’s going on here it’s one of those

things that it’s this movie came out and like I don’t know if got any promotion

or what like he’s already got another mve coming out

I think this for me is absolute funniest movies or the darkest weirdest just

insane kind of for me comedy

honestly so much [Music] more this is his follow to four things

yes isn’t love it’s a it’s a trip three different movies the same you know cast

in each that are each like their own little

story The TR is say it hey du


Miss we didn’t obviously [ __ ] [Music]

I think I’ll like to see this I think I think you would enjoy it so what do we have it was good or was it just bizarre

oh it was good for me I think that’s his F my my favorite I

liked it more than Lobster I liked it more than oh really yeah it was different pretty wild but it it for me

it was like fascinating the whole way through and even whatever commentary

meaning you want to look into stuff yeah I I was yeah I definitely liked it more

than poor things but’s see also 2024 furiosa came out get to mention it deserves

respect uh let’s see I don’t need to list all these

uh this movie called The Beast which I’ll show for I’ll show CH for the weird

ones right that nobody’s probably heard of I see which I don’t necessarily even

know how to describe this the Beast starring Kelsey Kelsey G

I know [Laughter] yes or the young version uh what’s his

name he’s in N fru oh

yeah Nicholas this is the first time I’ve done this How does it


go could be very dangerous to bring someone back to who they were a few years

before second movie with fake eyeballs I had a bit of a fake eyeball

fetish in24 there was a

patter if you don’t know French then I want to learn it and then you you would listen to this

part what is stronger your fear or your love for me

because you think I love you very handsome fellow there must be

[Music] a and I’m not even sure exactly what was going on when I watched this and I have

an idea but I don’t even remember what it

was seems like it’s really over right and movies technically it’s science

fiction but it might as well not be you

know so yeah add that cheer list Mikey yeah no it’s on there

so we had that g to watch it tonight Humane I won’t show a trailer but I’ll

just put that out there in the universe how Humane of you is that kenberg David

kenberg movie about being Humane there’s late night with the devil

yes sir I won’t show trailer but one of you might would you show that might be

just a little bit of a teaser that might be the Mikey and me official movie of

year okay I’m excited it could things could change because Mikey that that knowledge might change things for him I

I I say you play a trailer it doesn’t matter that I’m you know we’re both going to recommend okay we should play

it each for each of us this is the first showing so we’re going to play it three times a triple feature in a row a triple

feature play the first teaser and then see if there’s a second teaser that’s

actually a good idea that’s a great idea idea Jeff that’s a fantastic idea are we

paying you anything this is a teaser trailer not at all okay good we’re just getting your services

for free don’t hey let’s don’t forget to think about paying this guy yeah as soon

as we start getting some money we should share some of it with him I think we should share some money

with not TV event that shocked the nation thank you Chris what happened was

real what you about to see so Mikey you said that looks like this guy what went to

guy I know looks like this guy yeah like a handsome version he’s

handsome that guy’s handsome

Darren ladies

gentl this was one of those true a surprising pleasure that I was like

Wow it looked interesting but I I was smiling while I was scared

the devil there’s a tease right there teaser that’s a

teaser so that’s a fantastic movie Matthew I’m glad that that made your

list I’m glad the devils in all of our lists the devils in the details so

H I feel like we the S need to be quiet and get ready for these it’s an obvious

one little little Dune part two r and i the timing is great because my

dad we just I just watched these with him his weekly visit we just watched this finished watching the second one

last week is he not sayen him no so I was able to tell him why it’s amazing so

he had no choice spit to like it did you let him borrow your encyclopedia no he stopped reading a

while ago my dad not my child yeah no so no Dune too U I’ve talked about Dune a

lot I don’t want to waste too much time because my love for Dune is really I feel like you should take some time okay

yeah I agree when when else should you right take the time okay you’re right take the time hang on first didn’t have

anything prepared hey first of all start from David Lynch I was kind of disappo

that it just led to another movie wait what what are you saying I was a little

disappointed that it just led to another movie back on so

75% part one led to part two no that part two kind of led to like another

movie it will be okay so it’s going to be based on the trilogy the the first two get through basic think the first

kind of book because it goes Dune Doom Messiah Children of Dune so it’s kind of doing part of Dune M and Children of

Dune is where three comes in but uh yeah I just I love the books before I’ve said

and I just feel like as far as seeing an adaptation of something you love like a

like a novel and it the adaptation of anything to film nor normally people going to have

more a fair bit of complaints or else they have haven’t read the book you know but I feel like

at least for me Den Vin NOA Nails it’s just like how he nailed B

2049 where and I was thinking earlier where sequels that are at least as good

as original and might actually be better I don’t think anyone was ever going to say it’s better than the original but I

do actually if okay cuz it if you think about it I think everyone actually probably thinks it actually is and

that’s like what that Godfather 2 how many movies I’ve done maybe not even r two but Terminator a

Terminator to yeah a when Nature Calls I do like that yeah but it’s tough

so but so he did aru it is an arguable thing but I just feel like taking Source

material and even I’m sitting there getting my dad to watch it and it’s one of those things where I’m like I’m surprised that societ like people got

into this as much as they did because they weren’t originally going to have a part two like they’re how well the first

one did and the first one did well enough to it’s like well [ __ ] so I’m just it’s one of things done they’re

done very well for sure yeah where the execution of such serious Source

Material Science Fiction on the on the big screen or in a film for me I don’t expect it to be

surpassed as far as like loving a book and seeing it executed like that and

then when with the show prophecy that came out I’ve I’ll have to do that’ll be a whole another thing but I feel like

Dune for me is nailing it on like every medium so hopefully they’ll have like a

really good new video game that comes out but yeah Dune

2 does it possibly so good so does it possibly have this one of the scariest

like big old monsters on out of any wiggly wiggly worm does it have

possibly one of the scariest moners out of any movie that are like most terrifying to Shai halud as a monster

the maker you refer too shy um it’s a big old worm Mikey I’m just saying like let’s think

of think of uh you know other movies like I think it’s proba I mean it could

eat it could eat pretty much it small an entire set of the movies that contain

some of the scariest monsters you could think of it could eat the entire movie

Set it literally just runs around or whatever word I think it might be one of

the only things that could defeat Michael Myers but would fall short of

defeating and then you no Spider-Man I’d [ __ ] Spider-Man up so it would [ __ ]

Spider-Man up it’ eat me who that worm wouldn’t beat Marcus [ __ ] Phoenix

Gears of War that’s true statement that’s true kill that worm from the inside yeah he’s used to figh on there

Chaw Lancer doe too guys can we talk about David Lynch’s adaptation of

Dune detract that much I yeah I detract I mean I’m just saying I think it was cool oh I mean because I know we spent

some time on his uh memorium segment be seeing you I just anyone when you cried

yeah that was It was a what’s your next movie

and uh Society of snow was good love IED bleeding I put on there I don’t even

know I don’t like it that much but it did something not lesbian it was

provocative enough so I had to put on there for how provocative and weird it was to I appreciate it’s like staying

you know I appreciate him I hear he’s making music I haven’t heard any of it but I appreciate he’s making it haven’t heard any of it

to uh I oh I am going to S this tra for last one

CU other than Dune this is has to be my favorite of

the year and I almost don’t want to try and like have them compared because it’s so

different and honestly this is like one of my top 10 movies of all time now uh

oh and this came out last year yep I think I know what it is what is it

Jeff I don’t know a different man oh a24 they hit it they don’t miss

hey man Bernie S I know you what’s your name Edward do you work

for Facebook no but I get this a lot oh hey neighbor yeah he’s a real guy people

can be cruel I imagine he B all unhappiness in life not accepting

what is like it’s very heavy handed in the commentary and just the symbol like

it’s it’s pretty direct with it seems but it’s has a sense of humor about it all

about part it is and then it also

is the guy who actually looks like that and has that condition uh he’ll say his name cuz he’s

the main act too can I believe my eyes who don’t remember me that’s the real

guy I hi yeah that guy is amazing it’s about

his mind as it get I was Adam Pearson that’s the guy with the who has I went

down rap on him he’s got a twin brother has got the same condition it manifests totally different and his twin identical

twin brother looks like a normal guy so he knows exactly what he would look like

except it affects his twin brother where he has no shorts in memory he’s literally

some crazy neological disease a different

man like I I made my dad watch this I I was thought it was so

fascinating my dad said son I don’t think he should watch movies

anymore so yeah oh and I’ll show my worst movie of the year that yes aggro

drift oh my gosh

here here we go DK har many CR buddy the old world is

no more it’s practically unwatchable literally like it looks like they messed

up the film but that’s the style he’s going for all I know and

it’s yeah it’s it’s not pleasing to the [Music]

eyes that looks

terrible it’s like heuse playing with effects or filters it’s said hold on

let’s do a home movie like [Music] this

yeah it’s the whole movie is like this

go is good so yeah don’t avoid that it’s also

kind of on you for watching that too they purposely made it that’s true statement C what did it say it’s on me

for watching it I knew what I was getting into it’s one of those yeah when you’re a professional film critic you

have to watch maybe the ACT film is normal all right no match just doing his

professional Duty I’m just doing what I don’t get paid for guys come on well that’s why we’re doing it is so that we

can get paid for it and we can eventually share some of that money we’re getting with je sh like this isn’t

going to help yeah we’ll let Jeff off the exemption people don’t have to

Jeff’s got to make a quick adjustment to his list that’s it for me SC who wants to go next okay well I guess it is my

turn is it I guess I’ll go Jeff wanted to go last I’ll go quick the sharing the

trailer I’ll be we should just Breeze over yours Mikey you’re an important part of

this um monkey man did you actually watch this yes good I think monkey man

was a good one this is a really good movie you should uh people should watch monkey man um it was uh was it what’s

his [ __ ] name is it it was it Dev Patel yes we go

thank directing debut I believe Jord proded he did but good for Dev you want

to show the preview I feel like yeah Chris I don’t think Chris saw it seen it

feel like I remember the preview it’s like a Bollywood yeah I mean it’s an action it’s a hardcore action but it’s a

lot of people are in Bollywood movies look like they might have been in this movie soon

Dev pastel

Patel used to be a Slum Dog but now he’s a monkey man and find do a lot of things

with a million dollars you get yourself out of a doooo hole when I was a boy go

from a Slum Dog to a monkey my mother used to tell me a story of a demon king and his

army they brought fire and Dera to the land

it was interesting that his Dorial debut been in hardcore action movies

really I can think of so guess he wanted to become badass he put himself for his

a bad that’s I’m going to do well he’s probably not getting casted is that you know that’s a good point you got to you

got to create and cast yourself that’s true maybe he’ll be the rich don’t see

us as people give me the job no one wants to do you the doo wiping anyone

for he just produced reason we saw those

advertisements that happen to turn me away from when see it yeah for those who

don’t know this is like monkey man or whatever is like kind of based like prot

and the what’s that Hindu culture hu was the monkey man in Hindu culture



head’s I thought the action was good too

yeah yes like I had a sens humor about it you know

the way it was shot was really good you need to fight for your mother for all of

us the world have

[Applause] lot don’t call me

[Music] son it’s time to remember shout out to

pinkies he walks down the street holding P remember can burn down

everything ladies and gentlemen are you ready

for ni sh y yep

[Music] two thumbs up for sure yeah I don’t care

what people say Indian music goes hard can for sure it goes hard bro bro our

gas station around the corner 24/7 it’s like an Indian club yes dude banging oh

for real and I [ __ ] with them dudes hard up there that that’s my people um think we all do next

movie uh might as well show a trailer for her because I don’t know if either one of you have seen it and it is a tuby

original baby a tuby original baby I’m a tuby man

[ __ ] for soon enough I’m going to reach out to this free streaming like

high pain for this he’s like I don’t I I someone gave it to me I’m hoping they don’t build me I’m hoping they don’t

figure it out um but soon enough this free streaming service will be paying us

um the thicket should be the official podcast of tub it’s a 2B it’s a 2B original the

thicket Thicket Peter Dinklage you you didn’t have a choice but to watch this

I’m going go and say that what do you mean he didn’t have a choice you could

watch whatever [ __ ] they we know that I’m joking I bet it’s great you have to

tell the audience if you’re paid to watch this I’m not I am not paid to

watch tuby I know who you are I wish I [Music] was who H

are Cutthroat

Bill browsing on Tu my brother’s going to come looking for me I can’t save you

I was like Julia Lewis she got in a movie yeah for real we dark Your Grave

this her passion project finally got off the

ground after Bill stole my

sister that fell told me you’d help there’s a bounty on her $10,000 you work for kid size American

Prim I say what I say when this is one of those Peter movies where

we pretend he’s not hey you know what you’re a Christian

he’s got the biggest presence in Hollywood he’d walk in here Barefoot make you

feel are you going to kill me when we get there you’re lucky I saved

you if you do B her it’s probably not the sister you remember what if she

don’t want to come with us she might have

forgot I was starting to like you is that answer Schultz yeah no SC it is oh

my it’s a 2B original PA it he’s

done Andrew Soul Peter D is a bounty

hunter you would never see him coming man is true you’re the ug half Dead

Redemption oh my God half Dead Redemption like they couldn’t find

nectar they could P full price for y’all are [ __ ] sorry Mikey hey

man original Mikey explain to me how how he’s carrying the the three sh

shed no he had a hel he’s got a hand

he’s got a Hired Hand and not only that but like let’s think you know how they built the pyramids they use leverage FS

he’s a smart man Peter dingl can get a don’t worry about it man the sand get

Gand off to come help him from from the sh as as the heel why why can’t we be

happy for Andrew Schulz in a movie Saw be happy for

um two more movies that I that have already been talked about that were on my list late night with the devil kinds

of kindness that was a Matthew recommendation that was a beautiful movie um next movie that I recommend you

see that I’m sure a lot of people that are listening to this probably already did see

Beetlejuice I think that was a fantastic movie I was forced to see that with a couple other couples yes uh I think it

was a fantastic movie Michael Keaton did not mail it in and the thing I like

about it is that you could tell that you could tell that to me it’s like to me

Beetlejuice didn’t age Michael Keaton has aged but Beetlejuice was I think

that’s what was cool for his the distance between the two movies and for

his Beetle juu character to have the exact same amount of hutzpah it’s in I think it was really

cool like he did a really good [ __ ] job I think more makeup on him and the second one

they put more makeup but I’m saying his I’m not talking about the way it looks I’m talking about his attitude he wasn’t

juice level his juice he had yeah he had mad arm like Bishop his Beetle Juice

was as it was yeah dude like y’all know what the [ __ ] I’m trying to say right

now trying to undermind me it was an entertaining movie entertaining okay it

was good it was good I’m glad I can entertain you it was no it’s cool a great film no it’s cool um animals of

Cinema I I’ve got two more left the top movie well before I get to my top I

guess we can play a trailer for this one y 2K oh shout out Jeff Jeff for the

recommending and putting this in my life thank you Jeff thank you for this you

were right to bring it up you were right when you told me to to watch it to

theone 824 any lucky lady going to get the midnight kiss just talk to her dude

up Laura we’re actually going to this New Year’s thing it’s going to be a total ship show oh see

you it’s 1999 and we get in

Dr in a few hours you have an excuse to kiss the girl of your

dreams open up take us away

so [Applause]

smooth y 2K is [Applause]

real interesting that they name drop that this dumb ass not really I used we

broke so many movies You’ve Got Mail oh

my barity I didn’t notic

that oh [ __ ] at tamagachi just drilled through a chick’s head come on we got to

go we are experiencing major problems as a result of the watch

breakdown Bye by human race we’re talking Global computer apocalypse sorry guys I

guess Fu they made a video on everything that’s

crazy you don’t know how this [ __ ] Works grab a bitee grab a board grab whatever

you can this has been the shittiest night of

my life [ __ ] this but it’s cool that we got to hang

out for once

about to transcend [Music]

homie get up again yeah spoiler the Fred scene the

Fred this is probably onist right here I was going to say this was a good movie it was not anymore um so my last

movie um movie of the year potentially

potentially yes yeah so [ __ ] preview for this this was

fantastic I think William defo put up an MVP here in the year

2024 I’m not even kidding I think he had an MVP season you put some good numbers

sh secret any Soul you’ve had the hav’t

seen tell me what you can from the

beginning it is like a dream a

wet my B to be scared Mikey yes I’ll C for you there’s a mustach man coming

for the stench of their bodies was don’t fear his War

hor standing before me

was death but I never me so

happy my dear hor this creature is a force more powerful than evil

its desire is to consume all life on

Earth Only You def dude can redeem

us he is

coming there is a in this world and I have met him but you can never please me as he


good I’m ready I should learned the

part so it’s a it’s a it’s a monster that [ __ ] right yes he’s trying he’s

looking to yeah he’s looking to [ __ ] if I got to be honest though probably one

of the best it’s got to be like the best vampire movie and to sum it up to sum it

up I would say yes better than blade it’s different but like for actual

vampire you know the lore we do sh the vampire believeable vampire sters yes

bomb yes the best of those in the in the vampire genre and I think it’s

beautifully haunting it’s like it mixes it’s just amazing man it’s like

cuz all the other uh ways they portray vampires and like you know all

the different movies pretty mean normally they kill people but here he’s just trying to marry a chick well in the

other yes and no but in the other other ones um everything’s very opulent and

nice and it’s like not with NS Fatu like homie’s just in a cold castle and it’s

[ __ ] scary and it’s like this is what I imagine Vlad it’s like a very it’s

reality I think he’s real real this is believable presentation

yes about I think he’s real and I think that he could beat the Doom worm the dun

worm damn dude should we haveed tournament one of these nights what if he turn the Dune

worm into a vampire oh Chris [ __ ] I’m never going to sleep

again so then the Dune worm would do what people wanted the Dune bucket to do

Mikey oh my God all right Jeff what movies do you have for us that’s my I don’t have any you guys did at all so

Jeff has movies okay um you guys did take a lot of M so I’m going to ask to

start off with something interesting this was a movie that I didn’t get to see yet but I was curious to see and I

kind of wanted to show a preview for could you bring up the trailer for better man and I want I want to take on

it yeah Eddie better is he the guy from Van Halen yeah

it’s not Eddie vet Pearl Jam is Eddie vet

this one here sure the greatest showman takes you on

the demanded Wild Ride okay yep that’s it I’m Robbie Williams Robbie Williams

I’m one of the biggest pop stars in the world remember his video is like ripping all his skin off this is my story but

I’m not going to tell it in an ordinary way because I don’t see myself how others see

me in the next 2 hours your ass is mine to be honest I’ve always has been a

little less evolved I don’t want to so let’s take it from the top shall

we I told you another monkey my dad was well enamored by the stars of the day

you can’t learn it you’re either born with it oh you’re a

nobody don’t want to be a nobody from you’re enough you’re just a

monkey my boy wait this didn’t come out in 2024 budy

oh damn okay it’s it’s perfect then seeing it’s a you saw the Traer in 2024

It’s A Conversation Piece it wasn’t on my list F I haven’t seen it so yeah he

did say he hadn’t seen really throwing a monkey wrench into this whole thing oh they gave him a busting busting for real

for real a haircut years we’re all going music

biography like film but he’s be rich was a monkey though time and nobody’s

like do I a pop star to you I will your hair on

[Music] your I want to prove I can make it on my

own prove to who everyone it’s

metaphorical like already as valuable if they cost you something the only way you get this scen is you’re porking out most

of it from your own pocket he got good I don’t give a [ __ ] what they think you

give a [ __ ] he give a [ __ ] what you think dude that’s fine that’s seem right actually I don’t think he has

rights remember I believe in you I’ll watch it though maybe I’ll be uh it’s

one of those things if it’s done well it works if just crazy is the talking human

monkey feels as though he has to do all of this like bro you’re a

talking you don’t have to go sing a pop song doing way too much do is not rip people apart it came

out Select theaters guys in December 25th Christmas then you snuck it in okay

this is one that I just wanted to also mention because my kids loved it Transformers one was like the origin

story of uh Optimus Prime okaying awesome it was great um

also uh a what I thought was going to be a straight to Red Box um sequel

Gladiator 2 was really well it was like um Really Scott directed a straight to

Red Box actions uh sequel yeah I heard a lot of it was it was Gladiator it was

solid or not like it’s hard to it wasn’t a lot of

people can’t get over himself Denzel was good in it so let’s just put it at that um it was good it was good enough

uh Zoe Kravitz’s directoral debut with her with her current with her boyfriend

at the time channy Tatum blinked twice really good uh fascinating was pretty

good um this guy’s got two movies on this list uh [ __ ] I can’t think of his name

Twisters did you guys see that I thought it was a pretty good um what what is it I did not this Hitman what’s his name

from Top Gun yeah Tom Cruz no yeah they what it’s

uh Tom gosh TW Twisters was a sequel

that really I don’t know it was good it was interesting it was fun I thought it was I thought it was good uh the next

one’s the movie I thought you would have brought up maybe it’s not a 2024 maybe it was 2023 the bike riders

oh man I’m glad you brought this up cu no you’re right it was 2024 I Remember

scanny by I’m like damn I thought about adding it but you want to show a trailer cuz cuz I think they would like yeah

this one yeah this is the one I wanted to show Mike Nichols I

think know Austin uh whatever’s he’s winning me over movie by

movie Austin Butler I love it yeah he’s awesome Sol

versatility I’m thinking it’s starting a riding club

why all those clubs do is sit around talking about motorcycles that’s what we do

hour Norman re

likeing I’m where the

r I’m I like you

guys boyfriend get trouble that actress was really great

yeah thinking back that not that I saw you scoring off of them guys what I need to think

for yeah you and me

kid Johnny always loved Benny this is our family

forever hey told you to take that jacket off you’d have to kill me to get this

jacket off

oh yeah I don’t want any trouble here then I’ll let you leader what about the bar bur it

down we got to go n we don’t they’re scared of

us these young guys we ain’t going to follow nobody except somebody you going

to hold down on the club is changed running drugs gambling is that

who we are now you can’t have a

m if he keeps R him she’s going to die one way or another

yeah yeah I need

you yeah

some people would rather crash then slow

down I used to be in a club like that but Stephanie made me quit same I didn’t

see that movie I just want to say I love Tom Hardy but I don’t know what like why he he

talk like this he just he sound every time he does an American role he sounds

like somebody that has never existed in America he takes on a voice where it’s

like where did you hear that voice we do it normal you

know look it’s no like him and him and Capone oh my God he sounds like he used

the same voice way there anyway I just I love him okay

next let talk [ __ ] that’s

true guy with Ryan Gosling and the Beautiful Emily Blunt a movie that pays

homage to the you rather kiss Brian Gosling um the stunt a movie

that pays homage to the stunt guys oh didn’t we watch that over here or something no not here I watched I still

need to watch it actually Mikey watched it Mikey wasn’t too thrilled about it I really like it

Mikey didn’t approve huh I didn’t see a moth man anywhere have I influenced you or have

you just stopped liking did you never like something like that uh it didn’t have enough depth for him I don’t think

that Matthew fully grasps the depth of my movie taste he overlooks it a lot of time for instance I could the Fall Guy

for instance the thicket fell short of expectation I think it was all our

expectations Mike it didn’t quite measure up to anybody’s you guys happen to see Civil War this year I

did yes I did I just saw it the other night my girlfriend made me watch it

actually I was not I don’t like Nick Offerman anymore so shut the [ __ ]

itative I was cool with them going after him they thought it I feel like everyone went to see it thinking it was going to

have more social commentary but it did but not the way people expected yeah

would you think of the uh the twist at the end with the girl like setting up Kirsten dun just to get that shot I’ve

never liked Kirsten Dunst either I guess maybe if I was in the theater i’ would

been more moved by it but yeah the way I see it though but I thought it was worth

mentioning um I know it was it was very it is it’s a movie that everyone would have a

different thing to say about it probably very different afterwards so it’s pretty interesting for that um was heretic 2024

yes that was the one I forgot to mention that was the one that was I forgot let’s start show a trailer show a trailer did

you see this one Matt yeah I did okay I’m glad brought up I totally for this

this was the first role he’s done like this that’s what was cool he showed his range this is that anti- more movie

before American primeval came out to hate on Mormons yeah this was

Ed in learning about our Jesus [Music]

Christ hi good afternoon are you Studio that brought youing Hill and say

anything heretic Matt this might be one of those directors that does symmetrical

shots are you interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ come on we can’t come inside unless

another woman is present my wife is home does that come great you like that chick was in

comp I can tell that you are a very spiritually curious person I think it is

good to be religious to find your faith in a Doctrine you actually believe well our work here is done I I will go and

check on the [Music]

pie companion so far blueberry pie guys I very surprised

by that there’s no [ __ ] pie yeah there wasn’t any

pie byby

mberry can you fit through this you’re

crazy we just need to go home I won’t keep you if you wish to leave but I want

you to choose which door to go through based on your family yeah he really was what does this have to do with us

leaving everything like see him more creepy

stuff yeah I think they were’re being [Music]

studied it will make your hearts be FAS it may a guy who pay

sex oh wait son of a

you will witness a

miracle that

[Music] a such a good movie yeah I watched that

just the other day with Ally again couple we keep bringing up your

up your girlfriend anyway okay so you watched that more than once

together watched that twice together no he was saying that’s like they watch the second movie uh the other movie we

brought up earlier man I cannot think of this handsome Fell’s name Greg

palth thank you Hitman though I really loved Hitman I thought it was great it was a fun fun

R yes thank you uh and yeah that’s the second time he’s used him by by the way

the other time was the everybody want baseball movie yeah um that one uh you

guys brought up Deadpool Wolverine late night with the devil was one of my favorite movies of all time to be honest

but we’re gonna gooss through with that uh two movies I would like up no dud

it’s with the devil yeah talk about a little bit then I thought it was great but that’s that’s that’s huge statement

from that genre for that genre for horror movies just the the Slow Burn of it all yeah you know

you don’t really know where it’s going there’s like a lot of De like have you seen it like once did you get to see it

the second time I’ve seen it at least twice at least twice probably watch a

lot of like Nuance stuff that you you pick up on that they’re talking about I don’t know I think what’s cool about it

is that it overall it’s a mind [ __ ] and you know that it’s leading you to one

but then they have they have like a mind fu within it like that you that kind of

and the the skeptic guy that I didn’t know that he was based on he showed me that yes Tom pretty cool hang on what’s

it I could see it being top five top 10 like horror movies for sure it

definitely was yeah it was fascinating I I love it used well switching from like

whenever it was the show like looking like the 70s or whatever style and then whenever it was like be back you know

back stage whatever it looking more like modern film a little bit like the style

but it’s almost like Tech or whatever I’m glad you liked it the much because I I would away here’s a movie that was

lower on my list that I forgot to talk about but wanted to show a trailer for it’s called Leroy Texas you want to

bring that up looy Texas how do you la is that a x in there l a r o y

you guys likey Texas you guys like Steve on I do yes I do like

him keep on going can’t be too careful that thing you do be worried up some

sort of D Maniac I don’t know if I maybe someone me up AEK Or Without a

Paddle Without a Paddle yes he very versatile let’s say that

he’s also I think the you guys are appreciate

the text I’m a private detective now dude that gu been getting work I saw something that you might find

interesting he’s in the where you going the ageny show do you know when you be back just eat your

pizza I’d like to buy a gun yeah he’s on the show The Agency

with Michael F I don’t care how you do it it’s just got to be done done tomorrow

I do you know a James Barlo no he was found run over and shot in the head run

over and shot in the head he like I only did one of those

things need a professional but I I don’t think I need any help yes you do police

would love to know what I know you’re not even a real Detective

who killed James Barlo it’s important that I find

him can I take my break now yeah Chad that’s

fine this guy’s a

maniac it’s important to finish things once we start

[Applause] them wait

that looks I know something I can see it in his eyes you can’t just go around

drowning people well that was one guy I changed my mind I’m watching this

tonight it’s like a movie that was inspired by ENC brother when we think about establishing a character and then

the last movie on my list was Saturday night boom bam Saturday night and this

has been 2024 movies you want me to P Traer or is that just when tell dude

let’s do it let’s let’s go out with the trailer let’s go with the trailer I’ve watched it three times I don’t know why

I’m a huge SNL guy though I really like that’s what I’ve

heard was comedy show defin was time 20 tickets left guys well this is the the

movie is the very first night you’ll see

so big night I like how they deaged on the Cru

Saturday night the whole night yeah the whole night Chevy Chase Gilda rner Dan I

how the [ __ ] do you pronounce this really yeah you know I was thinking why

don’t we punt we should run the dress rehearsal and Claw back a win next Saturday we can’t dick it’s a live

show we’re just not ready doesn’t matter that we’re ready it matters that it’s 11:30 that’s when we go on

Lauren all I’m trying to do is give you advice it’s in everyone’s best interest mainly yours sorry was that a threat

around Lauren lck the script your crew is rebellion was a

great [ __ ] you the writers on the 17th FL around Big Bird’s neck and hung him

from my dressing room door tell me how you fit into this

Ensemble oh is this an ensemble hour NBC makes more money playing ruins of The Tonight Show NBC is

lucky to have something as relevant as show they don’t even want it that’s logical dick that’s why they’re paying us all the be here I mean lur 90 minutes

of live television by a group of 20-year-olds who have never made anything did you ever stop and wonder why they said yes a counterculture show

starring total unknowns with zero narrative and even less

structure they want you to fail

we just have to make it to air am I still in the

show Jesus Christ sorry tripped over my

penis he was a great Chevy yeah I do need to watch that I do

need to watch that oh it was good nice what’s is been a great 2024 movies

movies of to an automated voice messaging system yeah man I think I think so Jeff

hang up on us it is it is uh nice that we can now put a bow for

2024 on the 2000 genre until for a few

more months there you go 10 more months roughly 11 you knew exactly what I was

going to say it’s like the first you knew we’ve gone through one month so we

got 11 more so then you knew exactly you’ve experienced this first month with

me and you know that there’s going to be 11 more of them first month is the E

week boner did you since now we’re putting a bow on this and you brought it up it

made me think of it did we ever look up I don’t know if we ever showed you the James Randy you were saying you brought

up late night with the devil and that guy had Thea was based off of that guy or inspired by definitely yeah did you

ever look up the one of him busting or have you ever seen the one of him during an episode looking up and

watching stuff of him okay yeah see look at that I forgot well yeah yeah you’re

sitting right next to me when it happened okay look hold on it meant something to me then just because I

forgot about it doesn’t mean anything but you know what people haven’t forgotten about that’s frud too the time

you [ __ ] your pants when you were younger Mikey it was okay that’s a reason right

there you learn when you’re a kid last week that the middle

brother didn’t you know totally have your we didn’t even ask Chris if what he

thought about 22 was there anything that he cared about before we rude leave leave the station Chris stand at the

station guys I got my list no the only stuff that I watched was like stuff that

I would have seen with Y so we’re going to say Chris nominates kinds of kindness there we go yeah there we go Chris only

watches Korean films do we do we need to take a break

before we move in move into the next I myself well let’s take because I have a segment that’s that we need to talk

about all right then we should be right back do the same cut man and we are back

Jeff uh got his his we had to pause for a second another ship came in and had to

fuel Jeff’s up he was running low on whatever fuel sh runs yeah what does

that thing cesa they dang so the homies came

through and filled his spaceship up him anymore UMES so real quick I had a I had

a cold little this is an interesting uh thing I found out about recently and in

case of a catastrophic failure I’m going to send this to the mike podast first

word catastrophic yes in case um so I’ve

always left the word case what can I say I’m a case guy so Jeff you can maybe you know you’re out there in this in those

neck of the woods you can see if there’s any validity to this or if you’ve heard anything about it but it says uh I still

think this is just a post like a Reddit post or something it says I still think my favorite urban legend folklore fact

is that there are certain areas in New Orleans where you cannot get a taxi at night not because it isn’t safe but

because taxi companies have have recurring problems of picking up ghosts

in those areas who are not aware that they are dead and disappearing from the

cab before reaching the destination my wife would show me and therefore

stiffing a creepy pasta the driver um on the fair losing the company

money so do you have you heard anything about that out there in New Orleans is that like a thing like we have the lady

of a lake New Orleans well yeah but I’m I’m not talking I’m talk did you see that on a social media post Mikey no

something my mom sent me like I don’t know where was from why those that are older than us are more susceptible to

[ __ ] stories like that oh I see what we’re doing okay I’m sorry well then we’ll move on next story no no um I

don’t to know if it’s true it’s not New Orleans is different i’ I believe in

stuff like them doing stuff like that yeah but companies this same companies

have they’re losing so much money I wouldn’t say necessarily they’re

they’re losing fairs to ghosts ghosting these taxi cab drivers that’s what you’re saying dude this is the same city

that used to bring two uh stage coaches to funerals to

like one with your body one with your body in it one with you’re not your body

and then they would go in separate ways so your spirit couldn’t follow you so like but was the was was somebody

getting you know shifted or whatever on a tab you know does somebody not pay the

funeral Bill a ghost there’s all kinds of somebody didn’t pay the no I’m I I

get all that but for a company that could potentially be making if it’s a didn’t populated enough area to where

they literally would running people really believe that kind of stuff in New

Orleans I do believe they believe it different I’m just talking about the business side business side I think that

you’re thinking that this is a far too a widespread occurrence thing this it says

right here it says New Orleans where you cannot this said there’s parts of new or certain areas of like to know which

areas where you cannot get a taxi not because it’s not safe but because they’ve had it like so that’s it is it

like I it’s not that you can’t get a taxi in all of New Orleans it’s just

that apparently there’s certain areas is you know it’s not true it’s a [ __ ]

stupid story might true I’m probably just being an a-hole you can get a texting most plac

in New Orleans so there we go most most places not all places they know that

substantiates the I like the I like the spookiness of it all I like cabs that didn’t disprove it yeah

I tried to disprove it and I got I’m just saying if if I was in New Orleans and you told me yeah you can’t call a

cab here they like there’s too many ghosts you would be surprised I would not be surprised sounds about

right too you got to think of the no it is interesting people like it’s a cool place Mike you need to come down we need

to do ghost tours it is a cool place even if it’s not true it is worth bringing up because Jeff was saying

there is a lot of you even Chris not voodoo but there’s a lot of cultural

belief like widespread you know that’s holding on to there must be weird that

goes on with that stuff you know because there’s the history is so rich and it still seems to have a presence like even

you kind of say Jeff I think anywhere it’s just that they’re more in tune with it down here whereas everyone else kind

of ignores it you yeah it’s like how much power you give it if everybody

around you believes in that [ __ ] and then somebody get sick and like Well everybody’s like oh man was like that

Sean Ry interview with um the African-American sniper guy but he like grew up in New Orleans and he was just

talking about stuff his grandparents had around the house and weird stuff and like all this kind of voo stuff casually

like he was just used to growing up around it I mean a lot of the Gulf Coast is like that like places like uh you

know back water like Mississippi and stuff like that too where it’s like a lot of the voodoo voodoo and hoodoo like

the Creole like lot of dream catch dude no like

wild [ __ ] and like a lot of superstitions yeah we talking about like there’s some thing where like they do

some whole kind of uh not like like s but some whole process thing or where

they make you like float up or feel like you’re floating up I know they have I feel like it’s taken the whole idea of if you ever gone up to a wall and you

push up against it and your arm lifts up except they’re talking about he was talking about like other people do how

does your arm get pushed up no you oh hey don’t no no calm down Elon he should

pull thebody your heart okay so it’s good

stuff guys no it’s good Mikey it’s good for us to know you got it’s probably right I just uh I have to play the other

side I have to I don’t have a choice otherwise we’re greeting all the time and who likes that yeah so what what’s

what you have I saw you had something pulled up oh no [ __ ] all over I’m sorry no I what else did you

have pull so I uploaded a bunch of old I’ve been going through old Seasons you know and me realizing the first two or

three I didn’t have a a service that I could easily just make clips from that

didn’t take you know you know hours doing it by myself and so I was seeing some of those earlier season clips and

we look so so young and full of life and I wonder what’s happened in the year

what’s happened to us Mikey and I know exactly what’s happened Ai Ai No but

um it aged us yeah Jeff aged because he’s in space no so haved because I’ve

in Sp oh yeah but when you get back to Earth you’re [ __ ] dude your bones are so

brittle n dude I’m working out in space I’m going to share something he’s a [ __ ] belter now they got a bowling

alley back here they’re eating that chalky ass ice cream pretty astronut that astrona cream

when you were a kid I did I went to the uh cre R ice cream hell yeah dude that

museum I went to that museuma Florida this is delicious

all right you know what dog tastes like exactly how it smells I’m just

watch natural you get enough time to pay attention for like four minutes to this video that explain and this happened a

few years ago I feel like it’s good to educate people it’s like educational thing Bill n the Science Guy

chis yeah seven it’s finally here hello world it’s SJ and I’ve been teaching a

course called move 37 for the past 10 weeks I wanted to culminate it all every

RL technique we’ve talked about with this one video I’m going to explain what

move 37 is and three reasons why it’s so significant for our future in terms of

human jobs health and lifestyle the go board game is very popular in large

parts of Asia it’s very old and some players have dedicated their entire lives to m when pulled most AI

researchers believed it would take several decades for computers to reach the standard of a human expert player

it’s a very challenging game with more potential board positions than there are atoms in the universe a player has to

learn how to recognize abstract patterns in hundreds of pieces placed across the

board and even experts have a hard time explaining why a particular move is

either beneficial or problematic so when Deep Mind AI program called alpago zero

beat the world champion at go much earlier than expected history was made

starting with the training set of recorded games that contained over 30 million moves made by expert go players

the alphao zero algorithm used a model proven to be able to learn from image

data directly called the convolutional neural network it was fed a series of game States as input meaning the

positions on the board the network learned how to predict the next move and learn to predict the outcome from

different Arrangements on the board since go has so many potential moves a

Brute Force search would take way too long even longer than it’ll take apple to release an augmented reality device

so instead the convolutional network was deployed in the context of a search

algorithm called a Monte Carlo tree search this tree search was used to

initially explore many possible moves on the board then focused that exploration

over time as certain moves were found to be more likely to lead to wins than

others Alpha go used the neural network to both predict moves to help guide

which branches of the game tree to search and it use it to evaluate the

positions it encountered during its search this allowed it to intelligently search upcoming moves and ultimately

beat the world champion at the game but even more important than Alpha goes win

was one moment during the game the moment that caused Lee sadle to leave

the room Alpha Go played this move which I want to hear more about in a second but uh Lee has left the

room left the room after that move it was a move that seemed terrible to

everyone who saw it but it turned out that move 37 was an incredible move to

play and it was instrumental in helping alphago win the game somehow a a

computer program knew something about the game that we didn’t somehow its

intuition was both different and better than human intuition one of the players

fan said it’s not a human move I’ve never seen a human play this move so beautiful beautiful beautiful I just

kind of stop there because that PR idea wait what was the move yeah think

beautiful it so was the 37th move they could show you the I don’t I I know if the game go never learned how to play it

so and I’ve read the details it’s unless you’re familiar with go I

don’t know there’s much value and KN exactly other than what that guy was saying was

that more there’s more possibilities in go than there are chess there’s more

moves like so but this move that

IDE it never it it’s kind of like like they said

it’s there’s books and all kinds have a huge crazy ranking system for go the

move was so unprecedented and it it didn’t look right it it was foreign to

master like players knowing that like a human mind didn’t think of that it’s it’s like a Str seeing a brand new war

strategy that’s implemented that no one’s ever noone’s ever used and and not even being remotely similar to something

that’s been used but it actually ending you know leading to victory yeah and so

I just well so saying it was well and that it was to that it was like it wasn’t just searching all of the

possible outcomes through like Brute Force where it’s just sending out a wide

net it’s like give me all the answers it’s like what are the likeliest

outcomes of this next move ranking them least likely to less likely picking the

most likely and then like rather than taking the entire game taking just that

move and scouring for just that and then yeah that’s like it’s and I just kind of

share it just because it’s it happened [ __ ] almost eight years ago now and and

that was a groundbreaking moment on this technology and machine learning and Alpha go Alpha fold uh is the same group

that’s doing all the medical like the protein like foldings all the disease

curing that you know whenever it happens it’s going to this is like a landmark moveie years ago and I just thought it

was interesting it’s move 37 to where I just I expect to see a movie about it

once they can figure out a way to do it interesting because at the end you’re playing a computer and the computer wins

and so how do you make a computer compelling character uh there’s a guy who played it and this also made me

think that the movie I went to see with my wife companion there’s it it’s really a movie about like

artificial intelligence in like humans like at the end of it all and there’s been movies like there’ve been movies

like that for decades but at the same time I was almost like it was I’m expecting to see more and more

humanizing of AI just because it it makes makes sense but I just thought it

was interesting natural Stu for people that you know it’s like once you start going

down that it’s an unexplored people have already made so many movies about certain things So eventually it’s

like this is a big unknown Cutting Edge thing for us so yeah there’ll definitely be more than likely more movies we’re

just closing closer to realizing all the crap that they’ve been making movies it’s it’s like seeing science fiction

movies all the stuff in them from last 30 years actually seeing it in real life

yeah like as before like movies were more abstract as like to you know they

knew there would be robots and [ __ ] like that and so they you know it’s like they

would have them they would there were other parts that were like known to science that were much more like

Technical and on point but when it got to like the Androids it’s like what are they what they this and then this and

that kind of you know whereas like now we’re so much further down that road that you know it’s like what are they

going to be extra explaining in the abstract later on cuz now we can explain

the AI technology a little bit more as far as like sci-fi goes yeah it’s no

longer abstract it’s no longer like the like you know theoretical yeah where

it’s like we have the iPhone where it’s like the movies in the good they have the I’m glad you bring that because

Mikey the move the show is talking about whenever he asked me the Sci-Fi question is Raised by Wolves oh yeah yeah what

Chris is saying is a beautiful way of explaining why I find it so compelling because it presented

very abstract ideas but that they felt you could see that they did make sense

in this world but he didn’t know how they made sense like Chris is saying like so like we’re so knowledgeable

enough of things to that’s a good way of putting it it didn’t take a lot in the 70s to think that like we’re going to

have some kind of screen in our hand that we can do everything with but like

how does that work they don’t necessarily explain that in the movie cuz they don’t really how it works so

it’s just like we have this thing just like you know the cybernetic organisms

in The Terminator movies and stuff and it’s like they knew that eventually it could get smart enough to become

self-aware and that that would be a problem but they didn’t know how they didn’t know what that would look like now at least now we do we see a path for

how the next you know what’s the next sci-fi thing that they’re going to be

yeah but that leaves me next so I’m ask you each a question so Jeff I’ll ask you

first if let’s say the world’s going to end you know just in general definition

within the next few years as we know it yeah or just like catastrophic like the

world’s going to end like through like almost extinction level event like pick

what event at the top of your mind think what that would be you know from nuclear war asteroid Bruce Willis

Armageddon so as or meteor whatever asteroids meteor okay same question

Chris what like yeah catastrophic level event what do you think most likely War

like asteroid flooding climate stuff a you know

anything [ __ ] actually uh

famine okay yeah it’s like I I could see something like that like doing away I

mean there’s there’s already food shortages and [ __ ] like that all around the all around the world so yeah it’s

like yeah famine but there still they’ll still leave I guess an elite group

around still theoretically yeah because about everybody I would say for all

tents and purposes in the world everybody I would say solar flare

meteor like yeah like I would yeah I would say nuclear nuclear so you think

it’ be like a war type SC I don’t know that it would be war or it would be

fashion Skynet launches them I was going to say no in some fashion of because

Allan Watts again the reason I say that is because Alan Watts had said something at one point about you know they talked

about the Big Bang or whatever and he was saying that it’s like what if the whole big bang was it’s like a

civilization that it Advanced to a point discovered nuclear technology and pretty

much you know at some point or another Advanced to a point whatever War happen something and either way blew themselves

up after having discovered this or this was which the means they discovered or

they destroyed themselves with nuclear power and then it the whole big bang was the beginning of the end was the

beginning again like kind so I can see I I like

like all at least I’m just saying for personal V I like all your answers I don’t know if it’s a generation or if it

just depends on you ask that it’s not PE none of you said it that you thought it

was going to be a war with another country not that it it couldn’t be that but it’s not you know cuz if I’m sure

you’ve all heard the term like mutually assured destruction Theory basically the reason yeah we have we make the bomb cuz

they make the bomb we can’t use it because they’ll use it and we’d all die so it’s almost like to where where but I

feel like for the longest that me at least as far as theories how the world would end it’ be

there’d be some antagonistic reason you know antagonistic being like you know conflict of some kind and so I was I

think a grid collapse could get us closer there than anything collapse a grid collapse I think if our grid went

out no power no internet no phone people it wouldn’t take very long I

don’t think for people to just go total [ __ ] totally [ __ ] nuts and so so so I

was just trying to look up if there’s like a main theory for something the the concept of because that’s why I’m at

something like I’m think if I had to pick I think it’s going to be mankind by its own progression and Technology what

he’s creating you know from AI to Z Zone grids to nuclear power thinking of it

like a nu nucle like Fukushima or something where oh someone just messed up but they messed up and we’ve gotten

so far that that little mess up destroyed yeah t to where we get powerful we’re talking about Mavericks

already so we’re talk talking about Nico Harrison already cuz at one point we

were like you know just dealing with like a stick of dynamite and now we’re dealing with like yeah I am become God

where there’s AEP it that could CA cities bigger and bigger to where I was

just looking up you know if there’s a theory and I couldn’t find like one that

was it so I made one up called The Stumbling giant Theory where it’s just it’s just thinking of man and

progression as a giant we’re giant because of far getting but you know one stumble falling over and being enough to

do catastrophic level disaster big tree fall hard yeah yeah and so it just twich

the you know the idea of this through in AI you said grid that could be type

thing AI would be one oh we’re just making it we’re just kind of rushing out there oh if it goes wrong we’re not

creating the safeguards and Alignment which is a huge thing so it’s I don’t

know for me it’s just a f just fascinating to think about not like depressing thing about it but just more

in terms of just Mankind and human progression and technology and because

the further long we get at least and I could be wrong but I’d like to think outside of a a dirty bomb but even then

like the further along we get it seems like that a conflict based ending seems less and less likely but who knows I

think a lot of that is just like the internet and the peripher of like

information where yeah you know but that Tey existing for that to be possible is

like question Cub Missile Crisis [ __ ] like that it was like we only knew what

we were being told by the two three major news stations and newspapers and

stuff like that to where it’s like now people have so much more information

that it’s like you know you’re looking at it and you’re it’s like who’s really going to push that button you know yep

exactly it’s because we’ve come far enough technologically in society for that to be that way yeah but yeah but we

don’t need to talk about too much cuz Chris brought up something that I think is more important Mikey well hang on

can you can you walk us you came up with this Theory yeah but it’s basically I’ve

read some of it from what you sent me the other day but it is quite fast can you do a quick yeah uh saying is

basically summarizes it but let me see I got fact that you came up with a whole theory of The Stumbling giant because

when I readed it it really was compelling and made a lot of sense yeah so here’s here’s a summary so it

proposes Advanced societies due to their increasing interconnect edness you know and technological sophistication

becoming more vulnerable to catastrophic failures it just posits that these societies function like giants whose

complexi is both a source of power and a point of fragility focus on non antagonistic threats you know meaning

that even well-intentioned Innovations and actions can inadvertedly lead to civilization level crisis uh a key

concept being you know P Doom which represents Pro the probability of a civilization ending event occurring and

it can be influenced you know one of the big things be AI misalignment which uh

misalignment so that’s about AI evolving and then possibly having different goals

or misinterpreting goals even when they’re designed for beneficial purposes that lead to cating failures having a

hallucina hallucination and filling in something just dude I’m glad you just

mentioned hallucination so yeah but so this goes on from there the theory it’s

also like social technical complexity just how things and benign Innovations

can basically how you can just blow yourself up on accident if you summarize it like you just you come up really cool

stuff and oh you you trip over the wrong wire right and so I guess the the

potential you know way to try and Safeguard more from it would be having

more quote unquote circuit breakers which would be just you know if there’s a grid have have C elements of a grid

more modular to where and I’m sure they are to an extent or with with

AI there’s a whole AI Leviathan paper that’s about having AIS that are literally designed with specific

functions that they’re able to do instead of being so all knowing instead

of just being you know talking TB knows everything they could be like you’re really good at science you’re really

good at this where they more they would have to work together to have a piece of

of the puzzle they nobody has the whole picturea but of course no one’s that’s

not how they’re doing it at all they’re just rushing it out out the door so yeah it’s kind of just the theory about us

thinking at least personally that if if we uh things go poorly in in that kind

of way that it’s probably just because we were going too fast with technology but but you miss alization

just funny because I’ll post stuff on Twitter and Randall I I love that we had him on because yeah he’ll he’ll talk

he’s really into AI stuff like me and I’ll post just random thoughts and and

whatnot and he’ll respond and whole AI hallucinations I’ve got this feeling

that and I’m sure that someone documents and tries catalog them but that if they’re not there’s probably

going to be schools of study around them and because I think maybe they’re like

the closest thing to a peak inside what the heck is actually going on in there

like the the slip-ups the closest thing to I have an idea what how to understand

what’s going on in the black like if somebody [ __ ] up and it’s like you didn’t necessarily do the wrong thing it

was like yeah that wouldn’t have worked in this situation but it might have worked in this take me through your

thought process yeah so it’s like it’s us getting a glimpse maybe into its thought process by like it’s a window or

something because it tried to do something it didn’t do it right and it did this totally weird thing so it felt

the need to like give you something it’s like I can’t come back with nothing I have to fill in something and it has to

sound convincing in that my know what just that little Glimpse that little crack what would sound convincing just

throw some mumbo jumbo in here it goes along with the rest of the seriously tone of the yeah or images oh that

dude’s got three arms oh I was making arms there’s you know did I Rush that one out have you heard about the top

that you like scroll up go ahead Mikey I was gonna read the on here and here oh

yeah right uh where you were talking about due to the increasing interconnectedness and technological

sophistication yeah where it’s like they talk about like how compartmentalized

and everything is and how sophisticated everything is now where it’s like they

talk about the pencil and how it would be like impossible to just like make a

[ __ ] pencil because every part of the process is like the rubber for the you

know backing is processed in Malaysia through you know rubber trees and the lead is a compound between this and this

that’s made over here simp so it’s like and something as simple as a pencil is

like if if it ceased to exist we couldn’t just make a [ __ ] pencil yeah

and pencils existed before pens right like that was like the way to record things well no pens were first I think

yeah the quill the quill not signing anything without a [ __ ] quill um without a [ __ ] quill you’re big the

fastest substitute though for people that are like how would you write you could make a fire and use the charcoal

that’s how you could write that’d be one that’d be the fastest I’m this guy’s

plan yeah you could just make a fire and use that cuz that’s how they would like do [ __ ] back in the day they like Break

It Up Add Water use that to paint and that’s Co you say charcoal because how Trump was talking

about you know that whole project Stargate that they have going on with the build the best AI where they like

and each of them have their own power plant and then if for backup energy them have coal because it actually Burns real

clean and that’s what China uses to where something is basic or people just like use it you know all stuff but a

backup energy source coal it’s like it’s still legit way to do it you know what’s funny is that it’s like we made a lot of

advances in that too to where it’s like through the scrubbers and everything like that they put in it to where it’s

like the [ __ ] that’s coming out is like damn near 100% clean yeah yeah there was

something just interesting because you were talking about Cole and it’s it just made me think he listens regularly it

made me think of uh you know it’s just like you know you were saying about how it burns cleaner or whatever in a sense

and it’s like I think it’s fun funny how sometimes there are older things or

older methods of doing something where it’s like we nailed it yeah it was right

then we over engineered something or we changed it because we thought the means

of which that we were deriving this whatever was going to be more of a you

know come at more of a cost than it would you know outweigh its benefit yeah

make cold anymore need to find something else and I sent you a video on our Instagram if you want to pull it up it’s

stupid in a sense but it is kind of interesting this guy ran an old ass

refrigerator outside in the summer all summer long with no door on it and he

measured like he had like a machine hooked up to it to measure the BTUs or whatever it is that it puts out the amps

and watts and so at the end of the summer he was able to measure much money

it cost him to run this fridge you might not be able to hear this Jeff but you should yeah you don’t

need to hear it it’s more or less I’ve already I’ve already seen it oh have you okay cool yeah it’s just in the messages

there and again it’s something that you don’t need to necessarily hear but cuz

yeah he just says in music yeah you can but yeah it’s just a time lapse you can see the ice at the top will like get

more you know thicker and thicker and then it’ll melt so he and you can see at the bottom like he has a time stamp to

show how many months like he does this over um but then there at the here at

the end it’ll show how much it costs him and this is a probably a for those

that aren’t watching this refrigerator is probably roughly from like late 50s early

60s 168 hours of continuous run time yeah didn’t turn it off or unplug it

door on it yeah no door see look how the insulation is just around like the

outside of it and stuff they don’t make them like they used to well it’s planned obsolescence piggybacked it oh he’s

piggybacking we live I bet this cost a fortune I bet it costs

$7 so it’s like just still running 72y old unit G

345 a week at 14 cents kilowatt hour running 24/7 with the door

off over a quar of it was from the light bulb itself so three significantly cheaper

than you would just think based on the way people talk about mod high efficiency yeah

[ __ ] and this guy’s got the and he even says at the end like or like in the caption something about wonder what it

would do with the door on like or we’ll test it with the door on guy says he’s going to do it with the door on so $340

something cents a week well I’m just thinking do I want my stuff from there to be cold or do I want it not to be as

cold I want the door on it for that reason there you go yeah I’m thinking the same thing yeah the door on it for

sure but he’s showing he’s proving that I’m putting this refrigerator in the

most ridiculous strenuous condition possible for it to operate under I’m

making it to where it would have the highest load on it to operate door so

and yeah he needs to close the door well no like doing Furniture movement and one

of those things where like I didn’t really know about it until I started

doing furniture moving but like people that will put fridges outside especially

in Texas they talk about how like they’ll burn up real quick because

they’re having to work so hard especially in the summer yeah keep it cold you know it’s like in like newer

refrigerator stuff like that that should be but they just they burn up from trying to keep up and this one doesn’t

even have a [ __ ] 72 years old no door pumping gold $3 a week when you worked

for that place when they when you move the Furnitures did they have doors on them they did most of the time we’d have

to pull the [ __ ] doors off the fridge honestly get them in the front door depending on

how sometimes you could butterfly them see [ __ ] open the doors and you Stephan ever tell you about that fridge

they ruined oh the butterfly effect tell with the chicken house that I ruined I didn’t

know about yeah the chicken yes I think I’ve heard with the moved this fridge whenever I lived

in that tiny little house with her and I guess at some point I moved it

outside and there was like chicken left in the in the freezer and we didn’t have

it plugged in and you know chicken uh there he is you ever seen I’m sure you’ve seen thousands

of chicken magnets inside of a fridge before of course but so yeah so he try

washed figured I could wash him out with the hose unplugged you know chck but

apparently the fridge want to turn back on but so just be careful chicken speaking of ruining things so yeah that

I’m done so tell us about ruining stuff speaking of ruining things recently some

guy named Nico ruin the Dallas Mavericks which brings us to our next topic Luca

donic is no longer a Dallas Maverick have you talked to little Caleb

yet has anybody talked to Mark Cuban we have not we tried I tried him I tried

hitting him up been dodging me yeah I tried contacting I tried to contact him

through his uh Yahoo email yeah and uh he just wasn’t there um um he’s got no

comment at this time uh on I’ll just say this I have not been an active NBA

Watcher for quite some time um I was a big fan of the Mavericks up until the

point when it was like you know obviously I watched our last championship supported Dirk and all that

through that that was amazing 2011 but yep 2011 I remember like I was super

dieh hard up until there was the Steve Nash days ended and I was just kind of

like for whatever reason I don’t know it’s wasn’t my thing but right when I found myself kind of thinking I like

basketball I kind of want to get back into it my team is good I want to support my team Luca seems to be like

the future we’ve kind of got like a dirk 2.0 it looks like and that the city

feels good and they trade him and it’s seems to be on Saturday to midnight and

it seems to be Lakers and it seems to be just in such a way that is just like God

I don’t feel like it sits right with anybody who heard about the

trade it really got to be the weirdest out of nowhere you’re just wondering

what else is going on the only what else is going on behind the scenes what’s the age what’s the age difference like were

you guys 32 I think were you guys have to he be 32 about were the Dallas Mavericks

about to have to pay him a bunch of money or something yeah he would have been up for a super max at the end of

this year so they dodged I guess number one reason would be dodging the superx

well and him he’s no longer eligible for a supermax so he won’t get a supermax at

the Lakers exactly he’s getting not getting option at all anymore because

what’s Anthony Davis’s contract about five billion yeah how many years does he

have left 31 years old bad kns I’m guess I don’t even know if it’s a couple like I don’t know if

they’re one or two years thing is one draft pick if you guys weren’t going to

if you guys weren’t G to sign the super max anyway they were and you get and you’re getting apparently not I mean well I

think this is how they found a way not to I think this was the way not to you might as well get 30 points a night for

one to two years if you’re still competing like the Mavericks are that doesn’t make sense Davis that is the

thing it’s just like the the Angels would have been mad if they would have traded shoh but they should have traded sh it does make sense but so that that

means what did they what they get when they traded sh they weren’t going to at all if that they didn’t trade they they

let him go that’s my point okay so that’s that’s kind of what I was telling Mikey earlier like this is like trading

[ __ ] for Max sherzer yeah they didn’t get anything you’re not yeah is sherzer

a good pitcher yeah he’s a a good pitcher like can he go out there and get you some wins yeah is he going to compete yeah he’s [ __ ] he’s a

Frontline [ __ ] player whatever but he ain’t [ __ ] show he’s not the future’s not he’s not going to last for he’s a

you like yeah the amount of time you feel like I think I think too it’s easy

to gu argue stats and all that and semantics of money and everything I think the the way I’m seeing it the

biggest impact is what it’s doing to your your [ __ ] fans and your players

any other player that’s going to ever come play here in the future that’s not even near the ability of donic that’s

got to be in the back of their mind that like they dealt this dude on a Saturday at midnight what like I think that I

think that with sports and like winning and stuff like there have you have to have a level of loyalty or security or

something I feel like before like in order to be able to go achieve those championships that’s just me personally

and I feel like just what they’re doing in all the sports right now is almost like it just dis it disheartens it’s

very disheartening because like even with what they’re doing in baseball with the Dodgers they’re buying all these

players on deferred contracts it’s all deferred money yeah and it’s like it’s

ruining the game it’s like who like I I don’t know look up um because I I can’t

remember the exact details of it but when the Baltimore Colts left left and

went to Indie that’s like the closest thing in sports that I can like correlate what happened last

night too where just like Matthew said at midnight on a [ __ ]

Saturday deal 25-year-old future of your

franchise you don’t tell anybody he didn’t know pull up pull up the video of

I haven’t seen the video of AD oh yeah hang on in the post game I’ll find it

Matt and I can maybe send it or like nobody knew ad was sitting there and

what that they like asked him something about his postgame

interview hang on no I mean it’s pretty normal it’s pretty

normal for the players not to be in on the deals like that though no I get that but it’s like but but Luca it

it’s like sh sh is not going to know anything if if you w going to pay him

the money I’m just saying shop him bro if you you tell anybody in the NBA what

are the Hang gonna give you here’s here’s something that’s interesting too we were listening to somebody last night

Nico the dude that’s with the the Mavericks right he signed Anthony Davis

to his Nike contract right back in back in wherever like got relationship with

like a lot of players like that right they’ve got they’ve got like some history or whatnot um I still I just

sent it to you Matt on I think on our podcast it should should have come up sorry the video of AD learning from the

press that oh [ __ ] I got traded um it’ll

probably be a link to YouTube or something after yeah after it comes up I’ll

okay yeah here it is smell F does it make you think about what

you’re accomplishing here or maybe what you could accomplish uh with what’s left of your L your

tenure you said that like I’m about to no I mean what I mean the last guy check your pH make you

think about what you’re accomplishing here or maybe what you could accomplish uh with what’s left of your l or

tenure you said that like I’m about to no I mean what’s I mean yeah like you

see his face when he’s like guy’s asking him he like what are you like huh he’s like you’re saying that like I’m dumb

and apparently too like wasn’t I don’t even think LeBron was happy about it either was he well I don’t oh yeah he’s

so miserable over it Los no but like I know that’s his boy he

probably doesn’t want to that’s what I mean that’s probably why they had needs Davis of play now you have two Lucas

also the problem with the NBA is the players have too much control so I’m actually happy that none of the players

[ __ ] knew about anything and they got dealt like the [ __ ] to much that is I I mean I agree

but like I don’t know okay so for me I think I think Dallas fans have a right

to be mad if the the problem is they weren’t gonna pay Luca but if they W

gonna pay if they and I’m saying it would be a nonissue in reality here’s my thing though it doesn’t sound like they

talked to Luca and got her number so we don’t know they given up on that’s come

on guys they definitely they’re professional as far as we know like traed their sty old star the middle

of the night they don’t think he’s going to realize the potential that he would appears to have that basketball no guys

hold on basketball is like is is not like the NFL or the the MLB it’s a Max

contract it’s the most you can pay someone they don’t want to have one of those on their [ __ ] team that’s they

already got do already making Max they just that’s what I’m saying

they don’t want that dude yeah I get that you don’t want that in away but it’s

like investment I don’t think he’s worth it you have right to be mad yeah you

might not think he’s worth it but how here’s my thing yeah no and they think

it it’s like how often does auka come along is my thing why did you buy you got this guy

what you got that’s the thing you were right Mikey you’re right to be mad man

like why when did you go get him when he was a teenager he was 19 no yeah that’s in Serbia or something don’t go well I

want to hear what Mark cubin has to say about all this where’s he at he’s not as involved anymore I know that he sold the

chunk of the owners I’m just St still to that other group I don’t know how much he made the comment though he made the

comment in 2020 saying he would divorce his wife or some [ __ ] if if they traded

Luca away because you don’t trade that kind of guy away that’s what’s making me think that whatever ownership he has left I wonder if he’s going to divest it

like I feel like there’s got to be other crazy you he you know too like I I was seeing comments on the like on the

Dallas Texas TV post and stuff on Instagram and whatnot and people were saying in there it’s like you know that

the Mavericks remember it like Cuban doesn’t have as much poll as he used to and that now it’s pretty much owned by this Rich lady from Vegas and Chris was

hearing stuff too about like even a theory about them like you know because

for years people nobody nobody wanted to come to d and a theory about yeah that I

was that I was how many [ __ ] like as a

Maverick’s fan this is this is the thing about the Nico like who the [ __ ] is Nico

Harrison like I honestly he was worked for Nike like he worked for Nike and did

a lot of [ __ ] so he had a lot of play relationship with a lot of players but he wasn’t like in the game he know [ __ ]

all so he’s like a person manager and talent manager about Dallas and what like what we’ve gone through here

since who is that by the way something

likea but like everything that we’ve gone through with this team for all these years when they blew it up with

Nash and Durk and everybody else I just know it’s business whatever it is no and I get I get that it’s business but for

all these [ __ ] years as a Mavericks fan every offseason they’re oh man we’re

in we’ve got the money we’re going to try to get Darren Williams here we’re going to get try to get Dwight Howard here we’re going to try to get LeBron

here we’re going to get every they have all the money in the world and nobody ever wants to [ __ ] come play with

them you finally get a talent that’s yours that people want to come [ __ ]

play with yeah why did Kyrie come here why did Kyrie why did Klay Thompson come here yeah why are these people you

finally somebody Dallas that people want to come [ __ ] play with MH and now

what do you do you’ve already got this reputation as nobody wants to come play for your [ __ ] team people finally

want to come play with your [ __ ] team and you turn around and you stab your 25y old star player in the [ __ ] back

in the M good as he’s been is part of the reason too nobody’s coming to Dallas

ever I think Kyrie has exceeded expectations probably and they’ve think

that they he as badass as he is that they got enough of a distributor a guy that can

run the court that they’re better off with a bigger guy like Anthony Davis and I’m not happy about it at all and I’m

just curious to see if we actually manage to like make it to the finals again in the next couple years or do

something crazy how it I’m it’s it’s I’m just curious to see how all plays out

but it does hurt like I I know people that you got you lost fans you lost a

lot of fans Anthony Davis still gives you the the ability to compete in the playoffs the thing does he’s a big he

does he’s a big does for how long for how the future what’s the future what do

you build on what do you build on I agree but they’re looking at lca’s injuries and and how his conditioning

and the Mak the AR once again I’m not making the argument that he’s better than Luca I’m saying if you weren’t

gonna pay Luca you got a star player and you’re not going to have to pay if you’re not going to pay Luka then again

that’s what I go back to why don’t you [ __ ] shop him yeah you trade I

think they must have been shopping here’s the don’t think they saw this deal that wouldn’t exist this puppy

would existed down the road or something time out how they got what how long ago did Rudy Gober get

traded uh you could pull it up but he they got four first round picks for him four four first round picks and then the

other guy I can’t remember what his name was which well you got other stuff too other players no we got you also got you

also got a first round on we in 2029 and we just traded the L you got last year’s

first round pick from the Lakers who’s that the guy who came I

don’t know his name I don’t know it’s like yeah I know well in their their

first round pick and their first round pick in 2029 four years after Luca goes

there probably because all the out at 28 like what’s where’s that first and I get it I get it that a lot

of how deep they they go with their their draft picks

too someone else they’ll probably trade this trade away in a year in some other deal probably yeah and I just think get

nothing I think it’s but I totally agree with you guys it’s a bad trade you you were in the championship last year it’d

be different different it’s because of him yeah 100% you were in the [ __ ] finals last year and you were in the

conference Championship what two years ago that that’s someone saying though that’s someone saying we got all the way

there but couldn’t do it with Luca so we have to trade him he’s not worth the money that’s what someone’s saying I

think that it’s it can it can make as much sense as somebody wants it to make on paper and it can be business and it

can be the smart business thing to do right but I just feel as though the

business is ruining the [ __ ] sport the business part of it is ruining it

because it’s like they literally brought a a coffin outside of Victory plaza

today at American Airlines they had a coffin sitting out there with Don jersey

in the mood in the city anyway especially like especially in the shadow people were already out of theow in the

shadow of what the [ __ ] Cowboys just did people have all so like everybody

here is already sick and [ __ ] tired of you know the the sports ownership

[ __ ] in the city after all these [ __ ] years like nobody nobody wants to [ __ ] hear it anymore and then like

like to where people are done and then you go and do this like and the Mavs fans are like one of the most I feel

like die hard yeah fan Bas like they just and it’s like to get those like

Brandon his son he’s done Brandon Nam his son his firstborn son after donic

and he’s like 30 years was a good run not a Ms fan anymore yeah what did he say he was like I yeah oh yeah he said

something he said something about like yeah pretty much the only way I’m ever going to root for the Mavericks again or

Dallas again would be if they move the team we get an my Bo for him one day we

get an expansion team that’s not affiliated with the Mavericks like yeah it hurts man and again like I said it

can make all the sense and I don’t see it I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes it can make all the sense in

the world but I feel like there’s just those there’s there’s things you can’t

put a finger on in sports and you can’t put a price tag on and you can’t and

it’s what makes the game the game and it’s what makes a team operate and it what it’s what makes bring the magic to

a [ __ ] City that helps Propel a team to a championship and when you start sitting there and you say well 10 years

down the road how much money we going to have [ __ ] that that’s what that’s what ruins the sport because I don’t want to

tune in and watch a team that’s stacked with the [ __ ] best players of the league I want to see each team with a

really good player and a bunch of other good players stacked around them and see which team comes out on top which guy

can take their squad to the top not like let’s stack all these [ __ ] dudes on

one team it’s like oh but it made for right’s going back to the PS

too much player even being able to do yeah with Miami that’s what you saw with the players having so that’s why I agree

with the players having too much pull you then you have those teams like the Miami Heat back in what whatever year

that was with Bosch Dade Dwayne Wade and I said Dade Dwayne Wade and uh Lebron

and luuka freaking deserves a supermax and he’s really not get one when when else are you that’s my thing is that

it’s like how many how many years are going to go by before you find another Luca I feel like you can go find

don’t think ever again I feel like you will find another Anthony Davis you

could go bring another Anthony Davis up you can go bring another whatever the [ __ ] dude they traded for

up I don’t dudes like Luca Don’t Come Around Much and here’s my now not come

around much but to actually land on your team yeah we’re talking about a guy who comes how often and actually end up on

your team well and he wanted to be here he came in right behind Durk who was the

euro like Jesus and it’s like I get to play right behind this guy who pioneered

the game look we we just where do you find these good white players Serb

Donnie Donnie Nelson yeah it’s just sad again I feel like it it it makes me I’m

not even that big of a m I’m a casual it’s getting been like called that somebody died and you’re like wait what

hold on thought it was a joke it makes me sad just because it’s like I feel like Tex me like wait what the the most

beautiful things about our sports are dying and that’s the most it’s just all

of it is just being pimped out for some commercial [ __ ] honest that comes back to what we were talking about

earlier about Mike and meall we’re trying to bring a real sport back out

there you know we saw basball done well n to Five Guys we think Mikey and meall

has a chance N9 to5 guys putting their heart on their line after drinking half

a 12 pack in the par it’s a pregame

man I’m being honest like y want to see something impressive go watch some men’s

recreational softball okay hang on you there’s all these guys train in MLB they

play 100 I play 162 games a see I don’t care buddy you seen these guys go drink

a six-pack and hold Third Base down why don’t you go do that you know what I mean dude makes in high school these

guys work 40 hours a week there’d be like 40 like older Church guys but they would

go there and play basketball and some of these old dudes would be going harder nonstop than anyone else like is that

not impressive and that dude think of how many hours it worked that guy put in

there and then went out there and gave it everything on B his ass off and the Mavericks just traded Luca for that guy

right for real no but for real man it’s just I think that the damage that was

dealt to your fan B you now have to create a new fan base right when I was I

was I when I say this I was this [ __ ] close to buying a Luca Jersey I was this

close too bad you didn’t no Now’s the Time to do it yeah we better hurry up they’re going to be like $30 have to do

that Bol trash is coming up you probably go pick them off [ __ ] piles cuz people are [ __ ] burning them it’s not

his fault like no I know no but they’re mad that’s what sucks they’re done being fans they’re mad DS people are just you

know they’re saying they’re worthless they’re just done being fans and so they’re done with their merch what is

there to it’s sad oh funny humans my best friends gone I just know if we

someh pull a championship over ass in two or three years it’s all going to be like oh that sucked but we got a

championship oh we’ll see I don’t expect to I’m just saying winning winning shuts

people up quick you might if they happen to start winning because of it more

might but you’re going to be winning those championships in front of mostly

opposing fans you’re not going to have your [ __ ] crew in the house supporting you yeah you’re not going to

have a packed out you’re going to do it on your [ __ ] own that’s the thing they can go win a championship and all

the business guys can go jerk each other and be like we made the right call but

you’re not going to have anybody there cuz you [ __ ] imploded your fan base especially the fan base that like stood

behind dirt all those years like the this is literally the fan base that cuz

I was thinking about that earlier too like started the [ __ ] hash freed Durk

yeah towards the end of his career when Cuban and all those [ __ ] were sitting there trying you know oh project

keep our powder dry we’re going to be all in next offseason you waste the end of [ __ ] Dirk’s career like these fans

were so loyal to Dirk that they were like [ __ ] trade him and give him a chance to go win somewhere else it’s

like Dallas fans are loyal to a fault with this [ __ ] team and for them to stab them in the back like that I mean

that’s it’s just like dude it hurts nothing Pleasant about it no and I

honestly again I feel bad for the dudes like Brandon Die Hard mths fans I’m really not I’m a ranger dude I’ve been

out on the NBA years yeah they hold a soft spot in my heart I grew up watching

Finley and them like I love the Mavericks Sean Bradley Finley and all that team Back In The Day The Reunion

Arena but [ __ ] that Chandler and and Terry and [ __ ] Durk and all you know

Deshaun Stevenson and [ __ ] like at least can remember those times we can at least we do have memories to look back on

yeah it’s something unpredictable but

there you go why couldn’t y’all have kept him didn’t he come in the league with y’all why’ y’all give him to Lakers in the first place yeah CU of LeBron

[ __ ] he wanted him we traded so many people for him look hang on time out this is a good point where right now

Jeff went through this yeah I don’t really care it won’t it’s basketball

yeah it’s true yeah he did that to us he did that too y’all rip rip to the Dallas Mavericks be

seeing you be seeing you do we do we have any

recommendations of the week yes don’t watch the Mavericks by

the way they lost by 43 if you haven’t gone and played a little basketball with

your friends go go play game of horse there you go go play a game of Luca go

play a game of horse play game of horse maybe the Mavericks maybe the Mavericks will TR Kyrie Pro tip you can make it

any word you want you could make oh you could you can you don’t have to use

horse you could use a shorter word or you could use a longer word you could use a word like Trump you could say

we’re going to go play Trump tariff Trump tariff we’re going to I’m going to put tariffs I’m going to drop tariffs on

heads pay your tariffs come on we need it help Jeff recommendation uh

uh oh let’s see whatever G sent I couldn’t open that on my open his

messages no I can my phone might die but I can open it go ahead Jeff I recommend you guys shut the [ __ ] up so look that

up look those songs up I recommend you guys you guys treat

yourself do little something nice for yourself you know buy yourself a little action figure to put on your desk no

just one little thing nice little thing for yourself [ __ ] movie poster or

something on Amazon that’s been on your wish list for a little while everybody’s been watching Twin Peaks but me

apparently I’ve been I’ve been watching Twin Peaks yourself a gift every day every day once a day don’t plan it just

do it just do it okay so here’s G song because my phone might die real quick

okay you can just read them off that’s what I’m saying uh pass that [ __ ] Jam

Kevin the dude uh Dobie ashtray that’s his okay so that’s his hey that’s a great song pass

that [ __ ] Jam that’s what he’s saying that’s the genre that’s okay so his song for the past that [ __ ] Jam Dobie ass

try somebody had the nerve to take the herb out of my doobie ass

treay why do they do me that Jack sleep when I’m dead feels Jam f e e l z Okay

so don’t listen to Jack K’s sleep when I’m dead if you’re not trying to

feels a feels Jam he’s saying that’s a feel Jam he said Sunny windows down Jam

Eddie Zuko freaks freakies Eddie [ __ ] Zuko yeah he said oh and he has a caption

with all these I haven’t read them because I’m afraid my phone’s gonna die okay yeah just read through it no sorry

G uh I tried opening up and I forgot to mention earlier that because I don’t have apple it wouldn’t last week let me

open but this time it wouldn’t even let me open because it’s like dud the notes that’s what I recognize um so from the

top now the doie ashtray this song takes me back a little to my small circle and Lil Bro hot boox in a four-door Explorer

our usual uh get high alley with the ritual breaking down hell yeah uh

aurillo sacred blunt the songs uh this song reeks in Stoner Nostalgia with the

40 ounces to squinch your thirst or to quench thirst uh you guys have to go uh

Blaze and fire I’ll add these in post okay yeah all right first we got Devon

the dude in the track Dobie astray [Music]

next up we got Jack K in the track sleep when I’m dead I’ve got a feeling that I’m going

to be depressed for the next couple of weeks I won’t be getting out of bed or doing anything important or anything

worthwhile if my mother calls I’ll open up a window and I’ll smile and I’ll say

I’m doing fine and I’ll crawl right back to bed where I’ll ruminate on past experiences in my head and I’ll think

about my [Music] life and lastly we got the song

Freaks by Eddie

[Music] Zuko oh [Music]

yeah y

by the way wo

[Music] someone um fair enough yeah you send him

for me before I I put out I’ll put the little Snippets in there you go that’ll

work my recommendation of the week is enjoy it all because it’s all happening for you and remember that damn dude

definitely enjoy it it’s all for you Damian you can wake up at you know 11:50

on a Saturday evening and find out is that your recommendation wake up a Saturday evening or 7:50 uh no it was

11:50 11:50 p.m. it was so you woke up to this yeah that’s so bad yeah no dude

it was like 4 minutes earlier I thought it was a [ __ ] joke and so Mikey was in the party with them on Xbox I came

out and I was like it’s like bro I think the Mavericks just [ __ ] traded Luca to the Lakers and yeah Jeff wasn’t there he was

asleep I was there he was probably working the trade he was there we talk about he was he was we talked he was

basking in his post uh Royal Rumble yeah Glory there’s a lot going on yeah my uh

do the hands Jeff there you go oh yeah oh yeah easy easy oh so two

hands is okay one is a problem no it’s we’re doing the J Uso thing we’re this

is the bloodline where me and Jeff are part of the bloodline the pure blood line the bloodline oh yeah exactly be

seeing you be saying youing be saying you you

greetings traveler you’ve just landed on the Mikey and Me podcast but fear not for this is no mistake no Fault in Stars
no glitch in The Matrix no I’m afraid this has all been planned predetermined
by Powers known not to us so pull up a chair and join us as we find our way
together for you are among friends amen friends so am I I’m among
friends and family yeah we got we got friend we got our friends right here with the pugs and everything and
hopefully whoever’s check joining us in whatever realm they might in whatever
realm you are you know who knows um and it’s a cold one tonight in Dallas it’s 42 de a high of 55 and a low of 27 so be
sure to keep those faucets dripping supposed to be uh even though you’ll be
hearing this when it’s too late you will probably you know it’s going to be a day
or so later when you hear thiss um oh yeah I’ve been on that game
California is burning that’s the weather in California yeah that’s uh it is interesting you
know it’s you know it’s a good trans that’s a solid transition to something that’s relevant going on in the world that’s worth bringing up yeah it’s been
a great week we talk about the weather all over that’s a great way to be like how was your week who knows was it
wasn’t this bad whatever they’re going through is really wasn’t this bad and you know you just you got to feel for
the majority of people out there all the people at the lower part of the Hill yeah it’s uh our hearts and prayers go
out anybody day everybody’s getting it they’re up or lower part of the Hill
yeah no I know I know but I I just me and prayers go figure the people up on the top of the hill might have be better
I saw a guy that was he had low riders out back and he had a garden hose and he was like I’m not [ __ ] leaving and he
was guarding he was spraying his car off he was like I’ll come back he was like I’ll come back and dig this [ __ ]
up he was just sitting there like spraying it like all of his low riders down out back of his house in La like
I’m like dude you know what I respect that there’s one dude that saved his house with putting like sprinklers on
top of the roof or whatever like the oscillating ones and he just like left
he put them on his roof and they were going back and for and it end up stopping like kind of around his house
hell yeah dude well hearts and hearts Minds prayers that’s you got any thoughts you got any thoughts on that
any thoughts on the California fires before we move on or I mean yeah no I mean I think everyone’s it’s tragic
whatever’s going on at the end of the day there’s humans that are actually affected by it and I I know there’s
political components that are blown up which are should be with the mayor and all this stuff that you know but at the
end at the end of it all just you got to remember there’s people that are really losing their homes and yeah and just
almost if you could just turn off social media outside of just knowing that relevant information that there are people that need help yeah and
regardless you know regardless of rich and poor in situations like this no matter what even if a guy does have a
lot of money still he still put a lot of his life and work into buying those houses that house or whatever if that
might be his only maybe it’s his only one but uh either way it’s you know it still sucks no matter how much you know
again if just because somebody has a lot of money doesn’t mean that they didn’t work for it and Y you know it still
means just as much to them as it would mean to anybody else exactly um so those
are is good components of it all because at the end of at the end of it all you know whatever gripes are they might be
so hard to not say at the end at the end of it all not at the end of the day because this is beyond days this is
beyond that concept there are definitely probably measures or the people the communities
politically whatever actions actually they can do their best to try and man
you know influence in there’s time I don’t know in the next elections or
whatever the local governments that might people talk about water like there’s definitely mismanagement of of
[ __ ] the fires happened mismanagement is relevant almost like happens you know
and Katrina all these disasters happen and then it shows you know okay
ites otherwise you’d never see exactly so terrible Happ just an example people
so you know just hopefully it leads to some changes yeah and it just takes people actually getting out there and
voting in their local government like it’s one of those things takeaways is
the local government is actually the biggest place where you can actually go and vote and see something change in
your world you know you want to vote nation National but yeah you can actually have the most influence and
where it directly affects like your dayto day and it’s a small thing I don’t even act on it but it’s like if you
actually want to vote and potentially see a change manifest in your actual
realm of life and existence get more involved in local government yeah then
that’s it that’s Stu like that yeah and that’s a good synopsis and take on the fires
and yeah I don’t really have much to say um you know we can get into that later my segment might tie into some of that
later yeah we’ll see what happens but we uh we had a homework or the weekly
assignment uh did yet again I feel it’s fine I I did I did a bit more actually
was able to watch I watch three or four movies for6 which is pretty pretty
awesome thank you this so you know is within the last 24 hours I watched like
I most of them that’s like oh [ __ ] but actually has got into it CU it’s it’s this exercise has been really rewarding
for me cuz there are movies like Logan’s Run came out this year which is great I didn’t need to go rewatch that that came
out Taxi Driver there’s like a really some big important movies that came out that people know about um but so there’s
network is a movie that I guess I can talk about first I watched yeah let’s
see it and uh so I want to see a do do you have can we do preview oh yeah no this we’re getting into the trailer so
do that and then we’ll uh trailers what’s the what’s the iconic line from Network let me see your network yeah no
it’s like one of the most like I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore yeah no this so there’s some is
it Pino it’s actually not Pino oh it’s Walter
matau oh yeah not really oh e I’ll just do it this way we
only have one pug at the moment do it we only have one pug at the moment so bring
you he didn’t do this though network was done by syy Lum car yeah a few so
Network the reason I do this live is because every time I actually prepare stuff ahead it gets jumbled and all the
other crap that I got going on to where it’s like see old Zucker on uh ra Jo
fresh cut he’s got a fresh cut just just a regular just a regular [ __ ] bro man
just your regular every day like just regular bro man like I’m just like all
you regular human people and now the distinguished
television news commentator Mr Howard Beal ladies and gentlemen I would like at this moment to announce that I will
be retiring from this program in two weeks time because of poor ratings since
this show was the only thing I had going for me in my life I have decided to kill myself oh I’m going to blow my brains
out right on this program a week from today what the hell’s going
on prepare yourself that sounds awesome it’s so relevant went up there
last night said what going is like relevant in any
time she’s like motherucker old it’s not your show anymore Max it’s
mine I got a feeling I’m being made you are i’ got to warn you I I don’t do anything
on my first date we’ll see I want a show developed based on the activities of a
terrorist group well I’m man I want to make a TV star out of you just like Archie
Bunker the number one show in television we’re number one number one there is no America dude
there is no democracy Do’s some IBM and deant and Exxon and you
have medled with the Primal forces of nature and
you will atone that’s what that you will atone
yeah was your own television dummy ladies and gentlemen the network NewsHour with power this is really a
genius I want all of you to get up out of your chairs I want you to get up right now
and go to the window open it and stick your head out and yell I’m as mad as
hell and I’m not going to take this anymore things have got to change how many St you got to get mad you got to
say I want you to get up right now go to your windows stick your head out and yell I know what I’m watching
tonight I’m sure you will be thing Mike watching
[Music] this I’m as hell I’m not going to take
it anymore oh wait no this is the 2024 election bro wait a
minute this is this is no this is a JG Wentworth commercial that’s where they
got inspired from it’s my money and I want it now and I need cash now so great
recommendation I’m going to watch that tonight is the movie I’d heard of and you hear actually as an adult going
through and watching it a lot of Genius there’s yeah there’s intended there’s just some the sh they writing in there
just history doesn’t repeat history doesn’t repeat itself but it Rhymes yeah
but inside of all the stories but the acting in the dialogue just all of it is so razor sharp and just it’s beautiful
and just each character it’s worth it’s it’s Mass piece for many reasons so
Network should definitely watch it in another movie I watched I’d heard of
before but I I think I just I didn’t really know anything about it Marathon
Man Mar Maron um that the Chinese
version jump into this right in this
no whoever always cool getting to see some of these iconic actors when they were actually young in early roles like
when showed the last one guy
y but yeah we’re saying Dustin hman is the main guy here that guy I don’t even know his name that actor but it’s not
safe oh yeah and Roy shider is in here too is it
safe apparently I guess this scene was kind of iconic with this denst torture
thing he’s probably the wealthiest and Most Wanted Nazi Left Alive I’m positive your brother it’s all
about like when I World War II Nazis that escaped and fled type thing I don’t
know I don’t know I don’t know anything argentin well can I trust you is that uh
could yeah you’re uncontrollable jaws and whatnot to say
you offer us is valuable it’s notos you’re causing where is he no
a paranoid kind of uh political thriller added to your list of what you
should watch tonight oh I don’t know man nice nice yeah the way he defended
that William that’s the guy FBI can handle effectively and what the CIA
doesn’t want to deal with that’s where we come in what do you do exactly we provide provide what
were you s’s mistress I never even met him don’t it just drag
it like this tight run it right over
the marathon Marathon Man check it out I’m definitely check it out
I don’t know I’ll I’ll put it on a list you know yeah it didn’t strike me the
way next trailer I’m going to show is I’d heard I’ve heard this movie I’ve
seen it and know I wanted to intentionally like go out my way to find whatever comedies came out this year too
so I’m like what are really good comedies and there’s a movie that came out this year which is just I’m going to
say information I think is important this is four years before the
one of my favorite companies of all time airplane came out there’s four years before the movie Airplane came
out it’s called The Big Bus and I’ll be damned if this actually isn’t they took
the airplane took the formula that this movie it’s a it’s a parody spoof movie for that time from disaster films with a
lot of faces you’ll recognize they scary movie oh we see it happen modern times but airplane took modern version of
scary movie this came out before airplane is all I’m going to say which is fine it didn’t make airplane this funny tax taxi driver I I’m haven’t
actually pulled the trailer up it’s okay just makeing sure I appreciate that I it’s like I’m trying to get more
the Big Bus the big booty here we go look at
this and this before this I even looked up things to where a lot of people this was a movie that might have been on TV
when people were young of a certain age okay where it comes on TV and they see it and they probably thought oh this is
like an airplane ripoff but this actually came out before
airplane this is made back when you could smoke cigarettes on airplanes
infer you could actually set a building on fire
luy earthquakes and lighter than aircraft
and now 76 like I think this might be one of
the first actual Purity films making fun of other movies that was done well like
this might be that think of the first big like legit one yeah obviously it’s making fun of
remember those Old Dart buses like that oh yeah and it’s making fun of uh space
stand 2001 with that scene a space
laughing it’s the world’s first atomic power nonstop got to be SE to be
believed way to travel from New York to Denver why Denver why
[Music] not ster chaining people might recognize you’re from
Greece never don’t what anybodys he’s the same role as the main guy kind of from Air
a foot eat one lousy foot they call you cannibal before we get started Dan there’s something I I got to tell you I
got some whacky in my middle ear I can’t keep off the shoulders I got to get my confidence back I can just drive
down father why don’t we worship a steam engine because we can see a steam engine I don’t buy that but we can also see God
not as good as a steam engine
I forgot to make a wish if there should be a radiation League God
forbid body bag we never should have how long you divor give it a
chance I was the only one who had the courage to put an i in
AABB stop wasting time
there is like Ace Cross
Ride there’s a scene where it like breaks the wind barrier that’s like so
ridiculous wind barrier oh yeah showing all the windows BL out of the gas station and
stuff oh dude key though that pretty [ __ ] dope it
was hilarious that does look pretty SI there’s some actors with small roles Like Larry amman’s got a small role in I
don’t think I’m going to watch that tonight I don’t you think you think you might get to this one after Network all
right so let’s make sure so definitely people that’s wanted to check out and I think there’s at least one more that I
watched you have to pull up a trailer for The what’s it called one too the dirty hair one that came out that year
see if I can remember which one I can pull wanted to watch Marathon Man Network the Big Bus uh all the main ones
I watched uh notable things Logan’s Run we’ve talked that film a lot I should
show trator for that cuz I’ve definitely talked about how important that movie is in my life so I can pull that one where
part of it was filmed in Dallas like basically the the
premise or are you about to pull up the came out that year oh the sequel the
original Westworld that’s right someone show the slogan run trailers
cuz I think I I think I remember the premise of this one just imagine a world where you will
hold your entire future in the palm of your hand when a tiny glowing crystal will guide you through an existence in
which each day is more wonderful than the last where it will be possible for you to obtain the Fulfillment of every
fantasy the satisfaction of every vanity the absolute attainment of every wish
how dare you Mays The Saul David production of
Logan’s Run a fantastic journey through a world
Beyond [Music] imagination welcome to the 23rd
Century the perfect world of total pleasure imagine a world in which you
need never be alone you touch a switch turn a dial and the perfect lover steps
into your arms every pleasure is yours to exp talk Shane about this movie a bit
just one my conversations with everybody’s got a good when the tiny
crystal in the palm of your hand flashes its final message your time is
up Michael York is Logan policeman in a perfect world trained to track down
Runners R Lan until he is forced to run himself he’s do a lot of stuff lot
people might recognize him from Austin Powers Yeah he was like the he’s a
runner what’s his name kind of just like guy talk your friend I understand we all
go crazy once in a while but she’s a runner and it’s over overwhelming am I
not Sil an incredible being more than human more than machine diabolical
guardian of the gateway to Freedom Logan and the woman who loves
him Lan 5 l
l Terminator
[Music] MK my love of Science Fiction as a child
I all this this is part of my whole journey in loving Safi and important film so it’s it’s a good it’s a good
these were the ones he would I’ve never seen a face like that before that must be the look
of of being old H MGM takes you into a new age of
Adventure in the first motion picture that was shot on Dallas back in the that
looks like Dallas Logan run it begins where
imagination ends that’s to East yeah dude really good one so yeah man cheing out
Logan Logan Logan’s Run is is it’s a badass movie it is it first I didn’t I
couldn’t figure out why it ran now we know I feel like that movie The Island came out with the early e mcor and s
Json I felt like it was a loose kind of version of this but there’s at least one more trailer you want me to look up that
dirty hairy one did you want to see that one the enforcer I was trying to remember which one it was look up that
one if there’s any one you want look before we get out of the Year Mikey you can let me know yeah yeah you go ahead
here we go it’s the enforcer trailer I’m using this little keyboard
see how this work6 yeah look up we’ll see what happens right here look at that there you go there we
go still some fireworks going on in our neighborhood it’s an exciting thing San
Francisco sprawling picturesque Dynamic e largest Cosmopolitan city in the
United States in the dirty hair Series right yeah like
every Big City it has sh of CRI and violence let him kill
me right San Francisco this is the this is the one
what you going to do that the line is from oh the iconic line yeah Clint Eastwood is do you feel luck
do I feel lucky forer so this was the second yeah mayor of this pig city has
been taken prisoner of war by The People’s revolutionary Strike Force what do you want you what are you protecting
these people for you know how many they’ve killed har sacrifices have to be made Mister you got the wrong number boy
we don’t deal to see Clint East to it in his prime is a badass action store yeah
no I have all of these like several years back I went and bought them all you don’t give up do you sometimes and
like watched them not you [ __ ] time he’s like 97 still making movies
crazy I’m just fight scenes like that how’s got a lady partner this is a first
for him I got a lady partner a lady I want you very slowly to put down that
weapon and then on the deck and spread your legs arey you kidding me
oh you want your [ __ ]
back bazooka right there buddy hell yeah that’s how you de with that’s awesome
first there was Dirty Harry there we go then Magnum forc yeah okay so Eastwood
is back as the enforcer yeah the magnum force was the the dirtiest ter of the
mole that’s a great tigle the yeah cuz magnum force was like it was um a group
of like motorcycle cops that were going around and like killing people that was the second dirty hariry movie cool the
first one he was chasing a serial killer through like yeah okay glad I haven’t
actually watched dud they’re they’re [ __ ] great and it’s funny because like the social issues and stuff oh yeah
in there am I not coming no no you’re good you’re good yeah but like the social issues in there and stuff too is
like a lot of like what you see now was like starting back then where it’s
almost like a good history it’s crazy yeah um yeah well that’s good stuff I’m trying to think what did the town that
dreaded Sundown that’s when it that’s when it started nice it was a true you
could pull up the trailer yeah a movie Arkansas this is a movie that I hold
near and dear to me I enjoy the movie The Town that dreaded Sundown um
I was actually it’s my it was like my favorite movie poster and Ashley my
sister-in-law was kind enough to get it for me that’s that’s it down there that’s the movie poster the okay it’s a
beautiful movie yeah really it’s based on a true story it’s not a beautiful movie it’s a scary movie it scares stuff
but it’s fun it scar stuff but it’s fun so this is the this is the that’s the poster yeah that’s like what I have oh
snap dude Time Crimes was inspired by this I’ve talked about that for time yeah this is what dude that’s cool see
this journey of movies is that’s funny yeah so you have to dude beautiful dude
this is Time Crimes cover dude oh my gosh that’s blowing my mind so yeah this is this this is based on a true age 24
Linda May Jenkins age 19 brutally attacked March 3rd
1946 Howard W Turner 29 IMO cook 17
bodies discovered in a wooded area on March 24th Roy Allen 17 Peggy Lumis 15
both found dead April 14th in Spring Lake Park Floyd Reed aged 34 murdered in
his home on May 3rd Mrs Reed shot twice but survived this man’s identity is
unknown he was believed to be between 30 and 40 years old he wore a white hood
and was known only as the Phantom killer see [ __ ] out World War II had just ended
in tarena Arkansas boys had come home to their families husbands reunited with
their wives it was a happy peaceful time until the Phantom killer
struck for 4 months he held an entire city in the icy grip of Terror now
Charles B Pierce brings this incredible shocking and true story to the screen
in the town that dreaded Sundown starring Academy Award winner Ben
Johnson as Captain JD Morales of the Texas Rangers we got a cold blooded killer here a man who nobody
sees a phantom who so far hasn’t made any mistakes Andrew Prim as Deputy
Norman Ramsey of the Texar can Sheriff’s Department the only thing we really do know we got a strange it’s Jim
[Music] John Kinski is quite old yeah he’s a
time traveler I saw him going to somebody’s shed no got a suppressor nope um a
suppressed 22 pistol town that dreaded Su but a true story suppressed 22
revolver yeah it’s a good you saw that as a kid and so um yeah um no but it uh
who’s the bad it what’s it called um so it’s a true story and he’s so he’s
pretty much like the Zodiac of the South because he’s still never been caught they don’t know who did it they it was a
true all true events they killed a bunch of people and it’s not something necessarily it’s not like I’m not
praising it but it was it was a movie based on a true event again it’s it’s
very similar to the Zodiac but instead of writing [ __ ] letters he just went [ __ ] killed people he didn’t write
letters and leave notes he just went murder people yeah and he terrorized the
[ __ ] out it like but they did a remake and I’ll say the Remake they did the
Remake they did really [ __ ] good surprised me honestly surprised me we
should probably just is looking real quick sure yeah why not no I have one more you could pull up but then this one
is so the Remake came out let’s see it should probably show up if I look right there that’s it that’s the yep so right
below it that’s it 2014 wonder who directed this see Gary Cole it was onest
it was on tuby for a little while it was on tuby for a little while and it I mean
that’s what I that’s what I watch shotas on Grandma do you remember anything
about the murders your great grandpa and your great grandma lived in this house when it
happened he was the boogeyman they said can’t catch the
boogeyman can’t kill the boogeyman you know before that summer
everybody would leave their doors unlocked and after the summer you saw a
stranger you’d run the other way and now he’s
back what do you want turn around do not look
back what are you doing what are you doing
the town of has the Zodiac be both these people
potentially he chose that girl to be his messenger it’s a good
point they couldn’t catch me 66 years ago and they never will the genius our
spirit a soul consumed by Vengeance we are not hunting a ghost we are after a
FL and blood killer multiple personas to get with Killers who looking for
different entire things if not that’s that’s a cool idea he’s going to make the town pay for its sin
it’s a good trailer
man I’m going to do it again and again until you make them
remember so it was a solid it was a solid remake yeah it was a solid remake
cuz the original was going to be too like kind of slow for some people it’s going to be too kind of like
but yeah that looks legit dude it just made okay I was quick whether it’s true or not the idea of you know there’s the
Zodiac and this guy it made me think okay what if the Zodiac was actually him but who knows who knows right but then
it s just made me think of an idea for a book or a movie to where like people
always think of and this has probably been done but of serial killers as a a
single you know identity right yeah which you think of all the energy it goes to well what if there was like a
super highlevel genius stal killer and it could he could he could truly have multiple personalities that are each
incredibly genius the same level of intellect or could just be one really smart psychopath that has this idea I’m
going to do all these killings literally with this whole personality in Persona call the zodiac is an example I’m going
to come here and do all these killings I’m going to have the ACT entirely different from these killings so they
wouldn’t even think it’s the same killer and literally and but and then maybe have another one to be like I’m not just
going to have the same calling card everywhere I’m going to literally act like a completely different killer but have a whole identity and brand that’d
be a cool idea so they call that load Management in the NBA dude I’m saying
you’d have to be they would slip up at some point right it’s a creative way to extend your career and the yeah so the
Tex Arcana Moonlight murders a ter a term coined by the Contemporary press Mur was a series of four unsolved serial
murders uh and and related violent crimes committed in the in techar in the
tech arcan region of the United States in early 1946 okay so that was a little before
Zodiac Zodiac murder uh the Zodiac Killer murdered victims in San Francisco
in the San Francisco Bay area between 1968 and
1969 let me to do little exercise real quick let’s just see so 47 was Tex Arcana 46 early
1946 I’m just theoretically 30 years old in 46 could the Zodiac Killer 20 years
old in 46 What’s that cod’s name the Moonlight uh that the the the other one
doesn’t have a his it detects Arcana Moonlight murders there we go Tex Moonlight killer Moonlight
murders yeah this would be yeah whatever yeah yeah the Zodiac Killer in the Texas can
Moonlight killer could be the same person is intriguing but it’s unlikely for several reason okay Geographic and temporal to 46 so yeah Zoda killer 70s
there’s a 20-year gap between the first two sets of crimes make it less likely though not impossible the same person
comped both the killer was young during the Tex Canon murders they could theoretically still be active during the Zodiac killings so who knows yeah good
point it was a good point because then maybe because the early ones weren’t really creative he was just killing people then later he left
notes it’s Food For Thought left notes you might have just discovered something maybe somebody’s like I think I know you
think as a young person just need to kill they got older they got smart yeah they claimed recently I haven’t finished
the what’s it called on Netflix some kid smoked a cigarette they found the Zodiac on Netflix or
something it’s weird it was 23 and me like that’s crazy was it the Zodiac or
was that or no that was the other one that was the uh there was another serial killer in California it was like uh that
they ended up finding him because like somebody in his immediate family did like a
genealogy yeah and they they connected him to some old murder or something yeah
it was like years later was like I never did that and it’s like well is your dad still alive and oh snap Papa so pull up
the tenant the movie called the tenant yes it sounds so familiar to something
that I love it might be familiar to you Matthew the tenant tenant
tenant like the renter 1976 here we go here we go let’s see
what we got Roman PL Roman PL was it really mhm oh snap before he had to Fe
the country Paris on a quiet street country Young
Love in an old building illegal a dead woman’s vacant apartment is
waiting waiting for the tenant Roman palansky is the
tenant in Chinatown he exposed the Dark Side of corruption
in repulsion he explored a warped mind in Rosemary’s Baby he examined the
occult now the tenant something altogether new altogether chilling no
one does it to you like Roman poen looking back is
yeah Lieutenant a Roman palansky film from Paramount Pictures lot of depth in
all their information it’s pretty pretty fasc a bureaucrat rents a Paris apartment where he finds himself drawn
into a rabbit hole of dangerous paranoia hell yeah dude that’s legit sounds legit
for 76 see a lot of a lot of good stuff came out that year people should definitely check it out get into it we
just scratched the surface there’s Taxi Driver there’s so many films who watch those Taxi Driver yeah lot of fantastic
All the President’s Men like all of the President’s Men all of them all of them let me tell you about these men these
men are incredible they’re such handsome men they look a lot like Tom Cruise just
a little bit taller there just really no lights really I’m telling you you couldn’t see a light couldn’t see a
light on the runways really incredible why right well I’m going take a quick little I oh what do you want to say what
you going to do one more movie he was taking a break snap what did I forget a comedy that came out that year well I
put up the big bus with what just tell me what it is silent oh [ __ ] thank you
Chris thank you Chris that’s why dude there’s so many things I’m think you
that’s why I’m glad you’re here brother we got to definitely do this trailer here yeah because we were sold to bill
of goods watch movie tell the depth of our history together that where this is
so uh there a guy that used to live with
Matt a guy that went to church Brooks with that I don’t know pops took in how [ __ ]
do we describe that yeah either way yeah he was guy that from church lived bited this movie and when I was like he
suggested the movie oh he did and swore to us that like like dude we don’t want to watch a a silent movie and he’s like
no it’s not actually a silent movie it’s just called that guy did Blazing Saddles
this is one of his movies and so we’re like okay cool and we’re like how old 14
13 you know so between 12 and 15 and he’s like yeah it’s not actually
silent it’s hilarious though you should watch it never noticed I never noticed all Blazing Saddles look at his his uh
headdress it’s got [ __ ] what’s it called on itth whatever theth cury Brook silent
movie [Music]
starring Mel Brooks Marty Feldman D
[Music] deloise Sid
Caesar cuz it actually is a son movie minus the one person that talks a joke
it’ll probably show it it’s a genius joke it’s a gen
if anything the movie exists probably for that one joke yeah 100% M Brooks is a genius Paul Newman’s
and it’s like it really did have a cast yeah no Mel Brooks silent movie is
outage rior and RI Rus that’s what our podcast is Rip rior we’re RI Rus you’ll
see if the scene is in your yeah that’s what I’m wondering if it will be silent movie is the funniest comedy in 50 years
says Vernon God of UPI
UPS Newsweek calls silent movie Mel Brook’s best
film Time Magazine calls it inspired lunacy funny without Mercy
it’s M’s Madness silent movs I know what I’m
watching tonight there is one person who says something and then we we should we’re not going to say who it was but
there is a speaking at some point and the joke is who speaks it I think the movie exists for this one joke it is
pretty freaking genius so yeah is there any other any else get y’all ever seen
the TV show dark dude could maybe we should see if
there’s a trailer for it that we never knew is there a trailer for of the depth of the show the time TR trailer for dark
y’all should look up the show dark it’s and so 1976 was great yeah and 76 was a
fantastic year if I can think of it you know I mean shoot beef eater was a fantastic drink at the time it was a
popular drink beefer I know why Waits the end I’m just going to do next year’s now why do we wait so let’s quickly find
next Dr in the wheel of Destiny so last week we figured out if we just put what was it random number
generator Google had it yep I swear next week I’m going to have so much so much more info so many more betteries 10 the
year go so let’s put them in 1955 in Max 2000 because we definitely
covered everything but 2000 on no 1999 shouldn’t that be the M either way we
found a movie 1993 and I’m going to have a lot of D dude already know so I know so many I
know more than you do one of the most important movies in my life came out in this year one of the most important times of my life happened
93 Mash okay 1993 be sing it okay this been great I’m
a big fan of mash so we’ve there’s great homework assignment so let me see we’re done with the movies done with that for
now talked about that fun stuffff I’m trying to think you want to go next or do want to do topic box now we don’t
know what I’m kind of scared about whatever this one’s going to be okay so I’m going to take a quick quick break
and then uh okay yeah let’s take a and we’re back we had a little quick
back we’re we’re we’re back are we no I’m asking are we back oh we’re back oh
we’re back I knew that I was just joking this iscal comedy it is comedy everybody
loves weird wacky stuff I’m going to eat a banana with my foot we’re having a
blast no I’m not going to do that we’re going to text some email real quick though oh we’re going to check we’re
going to check a little email more do we have more have more we’ll see we’ll see what happens the top check email for
let’s see it scares me my email scares the [ __ ] out of me dude I’ve got like 7,000 so I got the folder here where
does it come to 8:47 p.m. this is today this is today guys we’re all right this
is from bird bird no this is b d not b b r d is normally what we get so this is
this is bird this is a different bird uh let’s see I’ll let you read this Sir Michael don’t make it larger you good sh
all right okay here we go top suggest have you ever heard of the conspiracy theory about cats being a aliens the
idea is that cats are actually aliens sent to Earth to observe uh and study humans here’s the
breakdown one mysterious uh mysterious Behavior cats often stare at walls or
into space which some people think is them communicating with their alien
overlords two night vision their ability to see in the dark is considered an
alien trait as if they have advanced technology in their eyes three
Independence unlike dogs cats are more independent and seem to have their own
secretive agendas which adds to the mystery I don’t know they are pretty
secretive uh let’s see let’s see what’s under that number scroll down a little number four telepathic Powers okay go
some believe that cats can read our minds or influence our thoughts with their purring which is supposedly
an alien technology okay hold on now you got me you got me here technique sorry I
alien Techni jez uh number five uh Nine Lives the myth that cats have nine lives
is sometimes linked to the to their supposed alien origin suggesting they
have Superior healing or regenerative abilities
hm it’s not I mean so it’s making a good case for itself what do you want from me
no yeah so purring thing yeah know some I’m just could think reflect I know they say that um the
vibrations in the purring there’s oh yeah I’ve heard that about I’ve literally that because I had a cat I had
Chief in footage and I I always would wonder like if I didn’t feel or just him
sitting purring laying on my chest just wondering the the vibrations that it puts out and emits are so like unique oh
yeah that the potential healing prop properties that that might have you know regardless of being aliens or not yeah I
I like I like this because it brings up things that it’s worth thinking about
cats um it’s it’s fun it’s fun I heard about apparently like them like meowing
or whatever that they don’t do that they do that for us they do that for because
they they’re mimicking a baby they’re mimicking a baby true and that they don’t actually do that with each other
yeah it’s not a natural they literally do that for our benefit it mimics a baby crying and so it’s and chief would do
some of the craziest weird baby cries sometimes if you ever heard that’s the whole Rabbit Hole of cat baby being
aliens it’s it’s a fun idea um there’s so many reasons
why they could be they they could be that’s all I say Matthew has pretty
solid evidence and then they have uh they could be the what’s the the parasite yeah I mean what’s the
parasite yeah in their PE or something technically or their it’s in their I thought it was in their PE no it’s
because uh oh what is it called yeah it’s like or uh oh what is it no it’s
a I don’t know the name I can’t think of that but yeah it’s like a a brain thing or whatever why they they say like crazy
cat ladies or or something it’s like like m mly or I can’t think of what it’s called
here we go but either way it has something to do with I think it’s their fle their pee or their poop where it has
some type of parasite and it your brain and stuff like that yeah like it makes people’s behavior more erratic and stuff
like that their behavior can be talk about like people being more prone to like taking taking risks so and stuff
like that um I can’t think of what the [ __ ] it’s called though it’s a it’s not
like a ground breing thing though like a lot of people know of it yeah so we’re talking about Loosely what is it uh some
cat it’s it’s uh parasite cat parasite that might make crazy cat
ladies makes crazy songs like you’re describing dopam mean disregulation driven Behavior which is link to R let’s
see let’s see see what this gives are you talking
about oh toxoplasmosis yeah that’s what it is toxoplasmosis
a parasite that can infect cats and link to behavioral changes in humans Toxoplasma Gandhi is commonly spread
through cat feces or undercooked meat while it doesn’t usually cause noticeable symptoms in healthy people
was fascinating research suggesting it might influence human behavior infected individuals could show increased risk
taking impulsivity or even altered emotional responses leading to theories about this role in things like crazy cat
lady syndrome some studies suggest that te gondi might affect the brain’s dopamine system which which could
explain these behavioral shifts so maybe they are aliens cuz
they’re [ __ ] I that’s powerful information at the end of the day powerful info yeah you you should be
aware of your cat’s pot and poop [ __ ] we don’t need my wife about this well that’s one that’s one of the reasons
they say not to have like uh she’s going to be worried about this have cats around like pregnant women and stuff
like that this is why not to have this is yeah one of the many possible reasons yeah interesting stuff y um so yeah so I
have a I have an interesting guy I’d like to bring up to you guys if you yeah no already is are we done with the topic
box I or is it done or is there more no there’s one I just if we’re moving on I
just think so I want to be able to say so yeah think more than one no no this
is it but um want make sure so more thoughts I heard it to answer the
question had I heard the theory no I want to just hear your quick do I think
thoughts to each each step I think the bird would probably like it if some mysterious
Behavior we can acknowledge that a night vision I think of owls and stuff uh so
what are your yeah just your thoughts on these things it’s like they’re definitely seeing something whether you know it’s like I don’t seems like
it yeah yeah they definitely they definitely could be uh you know Nine
Lives is the most fascinating one at the day that that so could be aliens that alone is the most powerful one is that
that they survive alien observers is the thing again I hope they are CU that way
Chief might not actually be dead in my freezer and moving on be sing it be sing be saying thank
you bird thank you bird for that bird that was powerful it’s quite powerful and bird with a you by the way Birds
aren’t real we’re closing the Box till next C aliens and birds aren’t real so that was a fake question from a cat all
right captain my captain take us captain my captain so I have I have a guy now
that I knew that I used to work with yeah and he actually could grow pizzas
shut your face and I have some of his studies right here no I’m just kidding
that was a lie we can keep Matt was like damn it he can’t play with pizzas grow
pizzas and my love of them it gets OB fiscated so I have I have some stuff
here on him and I can read some things but as I go I’m sure if you want to look up his picture that might be fun all
right this fun um the North Pond hermit that’s the nickname given to the
given to this man it’s amazing they got a picture of them um yeah I know right
the name the North Pond Herman is the nickname given to Christopher Knight a man who gained national attention in the
United States for living in the woods of Maine for 27 years
essentially as a Hermit without any human contact he does um has my friend
up there in Maine if she knows his story his story you go his story is one of
isolation survival and self imposed Exile born in
1965 Knight oh Knight left his home in the small town of Rome Maine at the age
of 20 in 1986 he drove into the woods parked his car and disappeared into the Forest
choosing a life of extreme Solitude so 86 to 2013 this dude got
arrested eventually um I can uh let’s see further
delaying his interaction with the outside world so this is a guy talking about got he ran out of gas and decided
to live in the woods for 20 years literally it’s the sequel It’s the sequel to uh he’s like I’m I’m just
going to stay here I think I’m good here I think sequel to falling down I made it
he was having a bad day maybe I no I think you realized that any place is as good as one place is as good as any and
I think it just clicked for him and he got there and he’s like yeah [ __ ] it why not here’s good here’s good like I just
I’d like to pretend like he had a wife and kids in some huge life that he just casually went away from but probably not
that’s funny that was the premise of the movie falling down but it was like he was stuck in traffic and then he just
like [ __ ] it he gets out of his car and walks off and so it’s like this is the sequel he’s just in a rural area gets
out walks out so it says uh let’s see let see 1986 he drove into the woods
Park when you come out of woods in 2013 KN built a camp near uh KN built a camp
near North Pond in the woods of kbec country K Kennebec
County uh where he lived alone in a tent in a small shelter relying on skills
like like foraging uh wait I this hang hang
on relying on skills relying on skills like foraging theft to survive dude forging
is one of my favorite words I always say forging for berries those two things come to mind um that is a he survived
primarily by stealing food and supplies from nearby camps homes and stores a
practice he continued for nearly three decades Knight’s existence remained a secret until 2013
when he was arrested for burglary after being caught stealing food his capture made headlines across the country and a
story became a subject of intense interest during his time living in isolation he never interacted with
anyone choosing not to speak choosing not to speak to others or seek human con
connection U he had no social interaction and his only communication with the outside world was through theft
so it’s a fig that form of communication figured out I like that they like no that was his only no that was yeah okay
yeah his only form of communication with the outside world was speak that’s that’s that was his language that’s how
he spoke um Knight’s motivations for becoming a Hermit are complex and entirely and not entirely clear um he
has started uh wait he has stated that that that he was seeking peace and
quiet yeah right just leave me alone like you said maybe he’s his wife and kids trying to escape from the pressure
of modern society and wanting to live a life free from the constraints of social
norms however he also spoke about how the isolation started as a voluntary choice but over time it became more
difficult to return to the world the stench that he probably I tried but they told me to leave after his arrest Knight
was sentenced to a brief prison term which she wasr which he was released for burglary
yeah KN was sentenced to a brief longterm uh to a brief he was arrested
for trying to communicate y’all got me [ __ ] up night was sentenced to a brief prison term after which he was released
and presumed and resumed a quiet life um they released him back to the woods like
like a captured animal guy goag him though albeit not in complete isolation
his story was later chronicled in the book quote The Stranger In the Woods by Michael fle you have to read this book
for next week’s episode f i n k lle yeah which delves
deeper into his motivations uh motivations life in the woods and what it was like to live such an extreme
solitary existence the north Pawn Hermit the North Pond hermit’s life raises
questions about Society human connection and the desire for Solitude and remains
one of the most fascinating stories of modern hermit m hermetism in
America hertis hertis no and the guy that wrote the
book was fle that fool just yeah and linhard nin was that the whole thing
about Ray finle that he disappeared and then came back as Einhorn dang we he got
to write the book hey wait a minute I’m not saying that it’s connected so yeah so with that being said with that being
said what I mean do you think guys how would you start if you were say you did run out of G like can you relate it all
to this guy yes you can relate like not at
all I me I wonder if he had a cat no but I mean you know might had Mast uh it’s
just funny [ __ ] whatever it’s called it’s like Dude said [ __ ] it man
seriously like think about that me I can I can think of it as like a fleeting want to talk to my
Budd I’d want to talk to my buddy not reality cuz i’ never wanted to leave anything I’ve well not only that but
think about it he had to steal he had to steal his food but that was in like little quests that he
had that was a daily Quest he had per every day he woke up with purpose I need to find food and find a way to live and
I don’t know if you hear if you listen to podcast enough and Joan High people they they literally use the word like
quest in like you know just with their daily like daily just lives like
Tech exactly but g g gamifying their own existence which makes sense he grip that
way this is fascinating achievement yeah um keep spe I’m done I’m do you
keep go you go brother okay well do you want to do you want to hear about another kid I look forward to what you
saying that about his little Quest or whatever go you went on a quest see yeah I know um okay so if y’all ever heard of
the Barefoot Bandit the Bad News Bears Bandit the Barefoot Bandit okay so the Barefoot Bandit is
the nickname given to Clause is the be the Barefoot banded is a nickname given to Colton Harris Moore a notorious
American fug fugitive who gained national attention for his crime spree which included a series of burglaries
car thefts airplane theft all while all while evading authorities for several years born on March 22nd 1991 shout out
um in Washington state Harris Moore Harris Moore’s criminal activities began
in his teenage years his nickname comes from from his nickname comes from his habit of committing many of his crimes
without wearing shoes this was in Arkansas uh no uh which I don’t think so
I’m just kidding oh uh which made him stand out which made him stand out uh
and lead to his iconic moniker okay then it wouldn’t have stood out if it wasn’t Arkansas yeah right been like oh they’re
like that’s normal everybody nobody wears shoes out here uh the story the story of Harris Moore’s criminal
exploits began when he was 16 years old after fleeing after fleeing a group home
he went on he went on the Run living in the wilderness of the public of the Pacific Jesus of the Pacific Northwest
wild uh over the years he commit yeah no kid no kidding over the years he committed dozens of burglaries often
targeted home often targeted homes of businesses homes business and boats he
would steal food and supplies and use and use them to survive in the forest um
there’s a whole thing there’s So eventually it gets crazier however Harris Moore’s crimes escalated and he
gained notoriety when he began stealing when he began stealing small planes
between 2008 and 2010 he managed to steal and fly several aircraft evading
evading cap evading capture each time despite authorities launching a nationwide manhunt his ability to fly
planes without any formal Flight Training captivated the public and made and made him a folk a folk hero for some
yeah uh as his audacity and resourcefulness earned him a mixed admiration and fear the police however
were determined to catch him after years of evad after years of evading them
sounds like Harr dop Harris Mo good time was finally captured that’s why I say
you saying that about like little quests like him robbing houses and [ __ ] like
stealing he stole the planes and flew them to a location G copper he was like
I’m G to fly this plane to an undisclosed location stripping for copper it was having a time of his life every day so it says Harris Harris Moore
was finally captured in the Bahamas in July 2010 after being apprehended he was
extradited to the us where he faced charges for multiple crimes including theft burglary and aircraft theft that’s
the want to know more about this aircraft theft uh in two oh just wait in 2011 Moore pled guilty to several uh to
several of the charges and was sentenced to nearly seven years in federal prison
he was released on parole in 2016 after after serving about six years after
serving about six years of the of his sentence uh since his release Harris Moore is largely
stayed out of the public eye although his story has been the subject of books documentaries the med uh has been the
subject of books and documentaries and media coverage including the 2014 book The Barefoot Bandit the true tale of
Colin Harris Moore new American Outlaw that’s another book by Bob Ferell um
which tells the story about which tells the story of his crimes and eventual
capture Harris Moore story remains one of the more bizarre and Sensational Tales of modern crime involving theft
Aviation and a young man living on the run for years let’s go a little more into the
aviation fun I want to know more about the so look up go to if you really want to if you want to share something do go
to YouTube I saw I saw a whole documentary that this dude put together on him and we can probably find
something hello honey we did talk about huh like you side when I yeah he did
he’s oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I was like you see the effect you have on people
that who is that Lily you going to get her Li get
her I’m in the proc I’m I’m doing some realtime troubleshooting is for for people it’s
magical um so what happened do we glitch yeah no just keep going just keep
talking just know that I’m working on things here let me find uh like it l
like it was let me find the video for you cuz you say you want to know more about this Aviation to like pull stuff
up is G be a bit I you say you want to know the let me find that here no I can
look it up but I’m just not gonna be sharing things on the
screen is what I’m looking up some some dude actually I I’m so stupid here see
watch I’ll turn this bad boy on let’s see what do you want to search Sir Michael Nor I mean you can look him up if you wanted to just see him at least
uh Aviation just type in Barefoot Barefoot Bandit Barefoot Bandit just type that in call I’m not typing
anything Mikey H what oh yeah he’s using voice oh the onion I was like wait a
minute little boy heroically shoots and murle no say so uh a Aviation theft by
the Barefoot Bandit yeah just Barefoot Bandit just type Barefoot Bandit oh oh I see
what I’m just Chris I’m trying to I’m trying to be smart see I just I’ll type
bearfoot Bandit Aviation theft beot oh get her little yeah cat
pug cat pug what is it that’s cat pug oh sweet
girl here we go let’s see yeah she got to sniff your face yeah and he’s known
as the bare band got me like right here and it hurts so bad she like scratched
your face I heard Barefoot Bandit until she was like trying to like I don’t think this is what we’re looking for
here is it so no this is what it is it’s actually the thing about it though is that it’s I I’ll tell you this I can
give you the link and people can go watch it it’s an hour and 17 minutes long that girl goodness gracious but no
here’s the thing it’s it’s an amazing it has 8.2 million views it’s an amazing
we’ll share this link it’s an amazing like it tells the story of him in such a way where it’s like they play like at
throughout it they have like a cartoon depiction of these different things which is pretty neat so that might be what I just pulled up here an hour and
17 minutes yeah this is it this must be that is it I think so yeah yeah go back
to the beginning yeah an hour and 17 minutes uh 8.2 million views five years
ago that’s it is it yes that’s the documentary it’s actually really [ __ ] good this is an example of people making
the badass documentary just on their own it was it was really 8.2 million views
for itself like it’s really well man seeing you we got things to do Mike yeah
put it on all right guys no I’m kidding we finish we’re finish out the episode with a quick
hour reaction to no check it out no but it really is a good it’s a good uh watch
just because it’s like you’ll you’ll honestly want it to be longer I remember watching it looking down at my phone cuz
I was just watching it on my my phone it was uh it was one of those things where I was watching a video on YouTube and
then all of the sudden like I started another video and it just rolled into another one and then I’m like kind of
got hooked on it and so then at that point I’m like well well I’m here like and then I look down and I’m like that’s
a beautiful that’s I mean capturing that magic feeling of stumbling into something and actually being so into it
you stick around for like another hour that’s it’s a fleeting rare thing when
the that’s chasing the dragon you you can’t intentionally do that you used to
happen a lot more than it does now like yeah your feed gets curated a little bit Yeah D that’s awesome dude you want to
you want to see one of the do you want to pull up one of my like alltime favorite funny videos on YouTube it’s
like three minutes long two minutes yeah let’s take a quick break so I can fix some stuff yeah you’re you need to fix
some stuff Honestly though you don’t need to fix anything because you’re perfect to me
oh and we’re back and yeah so you were just you saying that about uh isn’t it
funny like you know isn’t it cool whenever you find those magic moments where you find a thing you you know a
video You’ end up staying on and you watch the whole way through and you enjoy it whatever this is this is a
little less serious but this is a video again I I randomly stumbled upon years ago not long after it came out um
probably four years or so after it came out I found this video and it’s forever
been one of my favorite videos on the internet and it’s just this guy that like made a funny video with his camera
in 2003 on July 27th at 11:53 a.m. uh I
know that cuz it says that on the uh camera log didn’t um but yeah no so if if Matt
will roll that beautiful Bean footage beautiful bread B bread
footage that was perfect find a way to be wir do it live before it gets going
people see things or devices and wires I people I hate them more than anything he
just find a way to work with them in this wir this technology I try and base as much as I can but there’s limit let’s
go I like wires they they are don’t worry the audio is off it’s
it’s on his end be Gunsmithing Gunsmithing is my favorite hobby and as
with every hobby I do we’re gonna be drinking beer ain’t that the truth a buddy of mine dick
vany and uh he’s having a few problems with it so we’re going to make a few
minor adjustments but I want to go ahead and tell you up front the Gunsmithing is not for everybody it’s a dangerous Hobby
and it requires all the right tools of which I’ve spent many years collecting the first thing you always
want to do when your Gunsmithing the very first thing ain’t no tell him
what kind of Jackass will bring you a gun dude he could be a total [ __ ] and
most of the time somebody who know character
he’s that’s okay it’s how I make a living I’m the one doing the smithing
dude this is exactly when you get a gun the very first thing you need to do is go ahead and make sure that it is first
of all a safe weapon a safe weapon is a weapon that doesn’t have any bullets in it you like this cuz they remind you of
him there’s a lot of different ways to do it you know uh you can look down the
end of the barrel and see if it was loaded you could open the chamber
or this gun was loaded still
load it’s still loaded one thing for damn that’s the best way to tell it’s
unloaded if you shot out the bu side of it my God it’s unloaded well dick brought his rifle by
now that we got that out of the way we only have to have a talk little
dick uh this little beauty right here is a Marlin semi-automatic 22 with a custom
camouflage paint gun right here at bread smiy first thing we’re going to do to
this gun is uh he wants to pass it on down it’s such a nice piece so we’re going to oh man shorten a stock just a
oh you go such a nice piece damn
it now that you got it all shortened up
feeling pretty sweet oh my gosh we’re going to drip that side I know it’s right hatot cuz I
can feel it that takes a lot of training to know but when it’s right it’s right
right now it’s right this is you Chris this is so
you [ __ ] Warhammer bro P the war a little not you in real life but if you
were acting this character the rear blades that’s a [ __ ] war in
a manner such as this like this A rock this A rock you know you say pass me to
rock not quite it my gun B brought to you by natural
light we’re going to give her one more drift here and I think she’s going to be
good now something I generally don’t do poor [ __ ] rifle is work on a gun
without my safy gogg I got a little splatter then the
leg kick oh yeah I forgot nailed it oh perfect dude that’s
perfect this is comedy genius right there that Warhammer Spike
damn that dude just like damn was that is amazing just love that video dude
it’s one of my favorite vide that you see that scar on his neck pits yeah blow up the screen right quick and look at
that scar on his neck he like on on right there yeah just literally Go full screen you see that big scar on his neck
right there he had a 50 cal blow up on him and he ended up like it severed his
[ __ ] cor and now he plays chess he had he had to literally like stick a th
he had to relearn how to play chess and that’s is all he can do video of it’s on YouTube Kentucky ballistics it’s [ __ ]
wild I have a another fellow we could talk about let go um it’s and now now this is
going to get we’re g to take a turn here we’re gonna take this guy this guy
Mikey NE I don’t know if that’s the turn dark
and us and Adon was actually with cell phone
towers it’s so great to be here so much mat with you guys so nice I get the [ __ ] on guys stop stop microing [ __ ] you
umak bentov bentov bentov common spelling um i t z h
a k b n t oh it’s benof no it’s HW
bentov that’s how you pronounce it um some people would like to say it that way the pond hermit um yeah the pond
hermit uh you can pull them up if you’d like do you have them up already mean I’ll pull things up for you would you I
can I can do it but yeah I like I like he doing it it’s fun when he pulled up and talk from your phone I prefer that
he’s interesting he’s an interesting sit here like this Mikey when you do that see see how Carefree I am when I don’t
have to do that I feel great I don’t know if you feel great no I mean I feel great I love the I I love that you’re
just in the back seat and I’m and and I’m just driving this thing along and
you’re just along for the ride because I feel like you’re at a better you can just chill thank you um but this guy had
some interesting he had some uh had some interesting ideas he did uh he worked the CIA I believe
worked with we’re talking about Ted Bundy here right he had a strange yeah hang on let’s see I’m I’m trying to get
to let’s see all right I I’ll get to it’s I’m going to have to do a bit more work than I typically have to do on
these on the-fly like lookups cuz Wikipedia is only giving me so much and there’s something it’s not we can tag
team this though no no no no no I got it I got it and works that is how is name ITW or
is it is that his name yeah it’s h bentov okay it’s uh
born August 9th 1923 May 25th 1979 was
an Israeli American scientist inventor Mystic and author his many inventions include the
steerable cardiac catheter um helped in uh helped
Pioneer bio biomed engineering industry uh he was also an early proponent sounds
like something they can like steer into the the sun no
going into yeah like the heart Sur able to like into where it
would um yeah probably um he was also an early proponent of what comes to be
referred to as Consciousness and this is what I wanted to bring this up for Consciousness studies and authored
several books on the subject okay now we’re now we’re getting somewhere that I can see it so let’s see his occupation
again scientist inventor author bentoff was killed in a uh in the crash of
American Airlines 191 shortly after takeoff from Chicago o O’Hare Airport
1979 I can already think of which remains one of the which remains one of the worst non- terrorism related
Aviation disasters to have taken place on us soil um his early works I guess
is they took them out and they actually were willing to to sack by everyone on
the earth because whatever information or whatever this guy the power of
information who knows that’s his tinle hat some might believe uh benof was was born in uh
Czechoslovakia um in present day Slovakia is like 1923 Cold War World War
II his parents his younger brother and sister were killed by were killed in Nazi Nazi concentration camps he
narrowly escaped being sent to the camps uh moved to the British
Palestine uh let’s see what the [ __ ] I’m running out of battery here so I’m gonna
have to get to what he his book yeah no yeah I’m I’m keep going but I’m I’m yeah
I’m trying to get to his book right here get your charging cop yeah it says
right here benof was F no I don’t benof was fascinated by Consciousness in particular how related to uh
psychology yeah so you’re referring to Isaac bentov his a Pioneer ble field he
wrote the book stalking the wild pendulum on the mechanics of Consciousness yeah where he examined the
intersection of physics Consciousness and mysticism tragically lost his life in that flight we’re just talking
about yeah it says he was a very introverted person but also a person who was not the type you would normally
think would be an introvert he was a very spiritual person he did meditate
and was very softly spoken person he was interested in how the brain worked and
actually attached electrodes to the head which were connected to the function generators in which he could change the
wave shape and power and learned about how the brain interprets these different
frequencies John Abel that was his like quote on him um Benton’s invent
was a seismograph device to record the heartbeat in particular um
atis aoris reverberation yeah aort yeah at first I
was just struggling with I’m like what the [ __ ] word is that and I’m like aorta Mark sephr described the results
during quote normal breathing the reverberation is the a the aort whatever we don’t need to know about that yeah
I’m trying to get to the [ __ ] that probably got got him killed and that was his book on Consciousness he figured out
his heart it attacked him no yeah um shout out Norm let’s
see so yeah you talking about the subal oscillations of the body you believe did
connect the broader frequencies in the universe it’s the uh it’s possible it’s type of thinking challenging mainstream
science pushing the metaphysical was viewed as radical uh given Chic death
it’s intriguing to wonder how much further might I’m just trying to read what this was
saying some wild sh wild stuff you guys well he bridged the gap between Neuroscience physics and spirituality
it’s kind of a high level thing laying groundwork for future studies on biof feedback brain waves and Consciousness
expansion dang so we’re trying to wonder about
theories a potential theories on if he was actually taken out intentionally and
what those theories might be yeah I mean he he could have been but I was more or less interested in what it was saying
like his uh the one thing I don’t know where in the [ __ ] it went but uh so and here’s I just got
some possible theories for that crash if you want me to read or possible theories were a threat to established systems his
blending of science metaphysics and spirituality challenged conventional thinking let’s see military or
intelligence interest some have speculated that is understanding of vibration frequencies and mechanics of
Consciousness might have applications in fields like mind control Weaponry or Advanced
Technologies uh corporate suppression as an inventor particularly in biomedical engineering bol’s work could have posed
a threat to large corporations metaphysical or esoteric knowledge is another one bov’s metaphysical writings
such as stalking the wild pendulum hinted at knowledge that linked the different worlds I’s see why the crash
the crash is was officially attributed to mechanical failure a detached engine
due to improper maintenance however conspiracy theories arise detached
engine see that s like I mean I guess oh
damnn that a detached engine like that’s an AB okay I feel like yeah those mounts
like how do you so that’s on the official report a detached engine I’m sorry like uh some idiocracy your shit’s
all [ __ ] up I think it’s all ball bearings yo randomness of the crash
seems too convenient final thoughts while these theories remain speculative those are
fireworks oh some more sounds in the background yeah that was like six
gunshots Stephanie will be in here in a second to be like were those fireworks here I just sent you I think I I think I
found the like the CIA document on like his research maybe okay let’s see potentially
something here
say government reading room document o okay that’s it’s super tiny
no yeah but that’s if I can I don’t know if it’s here I’m just going to download it
and uh the power of everything that I do here snap okay you can keep talking just
uh I’m about to help us out here if this sha Works see me a PDF link correct yeah and
that’s what just what Le like okay yeah here’s what I don’t know who these correspondents are between but like it’s
saying like it’s like approval for release 2003
910 CIA and then a bunch of [ __ ] numbers Department of the army us operational group US Army intelligence
security Maryland subject Commander to Commander
of the US Army and that doesn’t say from I think it should I think it’s supposed to be that
guy or that’s him Commander depository of don’t
know check this one might Declassified documents appears to be document agent program stud a Stargate project like the
inv topics of remote viewing or other psychic phenomena uh if you have specific questions about the content
Sean Ryan doc what to know yeah so what are doing more do you
want to know I sent you another link right there like I think it was I don’t know why it came up it just seemed like
it popped up when I was on that this is what you just had pulled up SC can you scroll down a little bit PS yeah I’m
just I show you where the meat and potatoes are I let’s see this declass say yeah it’s
going to still be dealing with
the Gateway experience in terms of mechanics and ultimate
practicality no wait scroll down scroll down let me just download it real quick Hold On Let’s
see paradoxically we do know even we looking
okay so no so now this is actually so what you the first couple of pages were just the cover sheet like I’m basically
this guy this is what we’re talking about whatever if you if you scroll down yeah there it is right there number two
yeah Chris is right it’s like it mentions his name according to the theory psychologist Ronald Stone and the
biome and the biomed engineering models of iso of isok bentov hypnosis is
basically a technique which permits acquisition of direct access to the
sensory motor cortex and pleasure centers what is that what did it say
it’s hard for me to [ __ ] read it I I can read it if you pull it’s page three
of oh he’s inputting are you inputting it into AI well I’m just putting notebook into notebook so it’s I mean so
I can get there if you want yeah let’s you read through it but yeah if we so
is this basically hypnosis is basically a
technique which permits Acquisitions of direct access to the sensory motor cortex and pleasure centers and lower
cerebral emotional portion and Associated pleasure centers of the right side of the human brain following
successful disengagement of the stimulus screening function of the
hemisphere of the brain so they’re basically they’re
shutting down is that what it it looks like left side of the brain yeah it says
right side of the brain following the yeah seey got right side of the brain is
screened it’s for its portions are excessed the left hemisphere of the brain which is considered self cognitive
and linear as bypass stimuli introduced into the right hemisphere where they accepted and acted upon directly results
of this process can include emotional reactions originating in the lower cerebral region the person experiencing
hypnosis can have a feeling of numbness happiness or well-being hypnosis can be used to enhance concentration access
information storage capacity and accelerate progress in the Gateway process it’s a technique used used in
conjunction with the Gateway experience so yeah be do work yeah the different
hemispheres so what this Gateway so I think the Gateway proc that’s what I sent you that’s what we’re reading
that’s the Gateway process like that’s the component of all this that’s what I that’s like and shutting down the other
side so that that was like his research was into Consciousness the first like three paragraphs of
the summarize the Gateway process so I can see if there’s a convenient
summarization for us here we go let’s see
where Gateway process training system designed to enhance strength focus and
coherence and brain wave output between the left and right hemispheres to alter Consciousness aims to overcome
restrictions of time and space and provide the user with access to intuitive knowledge the Gateway process
process utilizes various techniques including hypnosis F biof feedback and
Transcendental Meditation here’s a breakdown comp your boy David aspects
seriously brain hemisphere synchronization hemisync apparently the Gateway process
uses hemis Inc a technique defined as a state of consciousness in which the EEG
patterns of both hemispheres are equal in amplitude and frequency it’s achieve
through the use of audio techniques and its use used to focus brain energy and to create coherence between the left and
right hemispheres of the brain the goal is to promote production of higher amplitude and frequency brain wave
output this synchronization is key to altering Consciousness and transcending
the limitations of time and space then there’s a bench on hypnosis uh
Transcendental Meditation biof feedback is used to access the air is used to
access areas of the right brain uh res Gateway process uses sound frequencies
to create a state of deep Transcendental Meditation the body’s natural resonant
frequency is targeted and used to entrain the brain to a specific frequency this resonance is thought to
allow the brain to function more more coherently and access Altered States Of
Consciousness sh uh energy entrainment out of body movement mhm Focus level it
goes it’s it yeah so he was he was kind of like it seems like he’s somebody that was super not not known really in the
sense of I I hadn’t known of him until just fairly recently and I heard about
by Design yeah remote VI is just like a component of of what he’s talking about yeah so remote viewing lar SCI behind
all of that exactly and remote viewing seems like kind of cool it’s like oh [ __ ] that’s pretty dope but then it’s
like what he was doing was is like the science to actually the fundamental
science to understand and explain it mhm so it’s pretty interesting this document
is from when and he and he passed away in scroll up it said or it had right here on mine I can probably access it
faster June 9th 1993 that’s when it was released 83 is it 93 or 83 that’s when it was like
probably Declassified no that’s that’s not when it’s Declassified it was on the cover
sheet right there scroll to the very top one more page right there you’re 83 83
so yeah the declassification dates at the very top at the top yeah yeah this
is dangerous information gentlemen no this shit’s been Declassified well I know it 22 years oh
yeah yeah of course but there’s a whole number of Declassified stuff that
General Society overlooks people front of your eyes yeah it’s because they put it in the book with like the book that
you got me a while ago beginning of our journey here together was it out of what it called out of uh leaving the body
leaving the body yeah leaving the body it’s about like a guy to you know out of body experience to me yeah which to me
it was just a way of trying to un understand the phenomena and it’s funny being so uh Stephanie sh I wonder if
she’s here now you know um Alyssa is actually running that room now oh I
don’t know that Ellie Ellie yeah yeah it’s oh man no she she she actually
works the Smokey Rose cuz what’s her name Sarah got her job there a while ago but she works there and I mean you’ve
talked to her some but like you know outside of I think she’s really cool and
I was actually last night she got off work and before she went to bed we’re actually kind of
talking casually about everything that to just out of- body experiences just
natur like something she said no let to out of body experiences and stuff and
and she she has a story yeah oh okay of
it of personal story when do you get her in here she’s a live wi and it was it
was cool cuz I I was not that question every anything that she’s saying doing but we’ve had her to question like
casual conversations here and there and I pick up things she says to where she thinks about things in like a similar
way to some of like the whole ideas that are presented in and like out of- body
stuff and and just the way she described when she did it like with her body and breathing and having like this imagining
and focusing like their energy and stuff almost to a ball like right here like
very descriptive of stuff and I I think is legit that’s crazy
yeah that’s pretty wild yeah don’t doubt that it is legit obviously there’s [ __ ] the CIA investigated it and they
figured out that [ __ ] like that’s possible and real and whatever it is oh and she said something about you know
casually which you know at the moment I kind of just thought yeah maybe it’s to maybe it’s not but maybe there’s
something to I don’t know cuz she won’t I mean she will drink water from the sink but she was talking about I was
like I don’t care I’ll drink tap water drink whatever she’s like oh it’s like you might you might not have yeah but
wasn’t about any of that she just said oh if you want have lucid dreams you can’t drink that yeah no it’s because of
the fluoride because the fluide calcifies the pineal gland yeah okay so
that’s what they say okay so that’s tied to that about but also I guess that being linked to potentially lucid
dreaming or inhibiting that which is it’s because fluide that’s one of the
conspiracies around fluoride is that fluide calcifies the pineal gland I got
look up studies on the depth of that because what nothing keep going later
I’ll tell you all later oh no yeah fine had I had a light bulb me too in a way
cuz I don’t care about Jinger fluoride but for it to persist it’s like a random
weird thing that well think about how many people talk about not really remembering their dreams or having intense dreams you ask most people do
you remember your dreams or do you have most people are like no everybody drinking [ __ ] tap water
effing with us for that long on almost everybody drinks tap water like because
like you have to okay so I I have to do an experiment to get distilled or water
I know that is has no FL like distilled water I think is they stop smoking marijuana yeah
their dreams those dreams will get yeah like really you know like really Vivid
and stuff like that yeah um but it’s like so I don’t know how much
of it would be that you know I mean they could get Bob so if you want to have out of- body experiences that’re legit you
got to get that Bobby buet water GLA I’m I’m I’m going to do my
best to at least do the do an experiment of drinking water that I guess I have to
I mean that’s Bott water i’ have to distill or something I know is completely fluoride free water but it
would also be one of those things too because I can’t imagine you know where it’s like if you imagine like on your
bones and [ __ ] like that where it’s like boxers and [ __ ] like that or Fighters
will get calcium deposits like in their [ __ ] Knuckles and stuff like that so it’s not so much just that like doing
something that doesn’t have like you have to reverse it could take a long
time to undo calcification it could take months to actually series years maybe I’ve been doing it 40 years it might be
past the point of need to look into first and I don’t even know how to do it or to un calcify that be something that
whatever but it’s like at this point it’s already calcified how do you reverse that process I’m L to my initial
thoughts there’s some crazy like I or crazy drugs they call it
blood you know somebody I bet it is something like I cl to me actually we
had some crazy talks about that this is a this is a rabbit hole we could go down I stuff yes about how I is how maybe
potentially ibigan is the new like LSD you know what I mean in the sense of
how like back in the day they had the LSD but it’s s casual but the stuff with
it potentially being used I was just going to say the LSD experiments that’s all I was going to say the experiments
that’s what I was going to say is that like the LSD experience what if Iain is the new like the way we were
experimenting on people back in the day with LSD and being like what does this do your mother your mother didn’t think
it’s a way to be way potentially I think way more effective with yeah aching result access those like Sub Conscious
like parts of the brain like those like that 5o all that stuff the lizard you know the numbers Mason what do they mean
yeah mix that with you know depriva you know sensory deprivation tanks and all that together
like what they were saying I never knew that about hypnosis where it was saying like the whole point of it is like
accessing the one side of the brain or like the creative side while shutting
down the reasoning side like I didn’t you know I guess theoretically it should
it’s it’s it makes perfect sense exactly it’s one of those things you kind of known it but never really thought about
it but yeah once you see it right out it’s like you ever think about it and so it’s just a further where it’s like okay
we’ve already figured out how to isolate the left side of the brain from the right side of the brain how do we go
further than that from we’ve cut off the left side from the right side how do we
you know isolate the front third of the right we isolate them how do we get even more precise with what we do with those
isolated sections wat talks about where it was like we got a big enough microscope and we figured out that there
were fleas on the back of other fleas and I’m GL I’m glad you brought Allen up I hadn’t I hadn’t mentioned Allen wats
in a while yeah I’m gu did in and I only mention this in one sentence is I just
know all this scientific study that’s for me or I say a paragraph more
compelling to believe or at least to have like at least an personal
understanding of what kind of power are things that it there’s always kind of
like a big gray black box like oh the CIA they’re doing studies on how to do this to people and it’s like you kind of
see it and think okay I’m sure they have a way to do it but kind of getting into the fundamental science of actually what
they’re doing and seeing how and personally starting to think and see how it’s believable yeah but then now
factoring in what AI is going to be able to do to make that even that much more
precise and absolutely perfected yeah o over the next year actually programming
somebody legit like to the highest level Precision because I
bet they’ve been doing get and I think that right now they’ve they’ve they’ve done it you know it’s already been
successful to a to a large extent just in in the basic way that we you know kind of go about our everyday life is
somewhat programming whether we want to admit it or not there’s so many things that we do on a you know it’s like
Richard fan talked about like the the physicist he would like one of the thing he he was like take for anything for
instance like you know brushing her teeth I think if you want to pull pull up what are you talking about I love you bring that up pull it up like Richard
fan like talking about the universe it’s like like that he said no he did he was like talking about like how uh it’s like
we’re all just doing it he was like you know it’s like brushing your teeth is a social constu it’s you brushing your
teeth is important you don’t need to use toothpaste it’s the
takeaway I’m telling you guys yeah now now go to like YouTube bait in the go to
YouTube I knew the response that I would give you had it perfect like you had his you had the guy pulled up it’s
FY I hear you I’ll just paste this and see if we get us there there you go fan
fan and I go down um go
down he’s talking about the univer type watch the algebra one this is kind of
funny I love this guy my cousin at that time was 3 years old and was in high school and was having considerable
difficulty with algebra and had a tutor Cam and uh I was allowed to sit in the
corner while the tut would try to teach my cousin
algebra and uh so problems like 2x plus I said to my
cousin that I said what you trying to do you know I hear him talking about X he said what do you know 2x plus 7 is equal
to uh 15 he said you’re trying to find out what x is I said you mean four he
says yeah but you did it with arithmetic you have to do it by algebra and that’s why my son my cousin was never able to
do algebra because he didn’t understand what how he was supposed to do it there was no way I learned algebra fortunately
by not going to school by knowing the whole idea was to find out what x was and it didn’t make any difference how
you did it there’s no such a thing as you don’t do it by arithmetic you do it by algebra that was a false thing that
they had invented in school so that the children who have to study algebra can all pass it they had invented a set of
rules which if you followed them without thinking could produce the answer subtract seven from both sides you have
the multiplier divide both sides by the multiplier and so on a series of steps by which you could get the answer if you
didn’t understand what you were trying to do now go back and now so this can hang
on that was I think this was it hang on this is it is Viewpoint of the world take any crazy oh [ __ ] it’s too long
only 36 minutes long you end on this quick video
us to believe in witches believes in witches now and you say how could they believe in witches then you turn around you say let’s see
what witches do we believe it now what ceremonies do we do every morning we brush our teeth here it is what is the
evidence that the brushing of teeth does us any good in cavity so you start wondering are we all imagine in the the
as the Earth turns on the orbit there’s an edge between light and dark and along that edge all the people along that edge
who doing the same ritual for no good reason just like in the Middle Ages they had other rituals
and you try to Picture This Perpetual line of toothbrushers going around the earth it’s to take the world from
another point of view now it may be May well be that brushing teeth is a very good thing because it gets rid of
cavities and you’re going ask you can find out whether it does or it doesn’t by trying to find out now you’re going to ask your dentist he says of course
and you say how evidence I have not found the evidence from dentists because they just learned it in school now I’m
not trying to argue that it’s good or bad to brush teeth what I’m trying to argue for is to think about thing from a
new point of view flat you know how I heard about him Chris and that’s the one
thing I appreciate about flat earthers because is think from a new point of you know yes and you know you know who I
learned about him through I somebody I learned about Chris I learn through
about I learn from about Chris or how do I say that I heard about this guy you’re
doing bur say it shut up shut up I learned about this guy because another
guy that I was following was somebody that Chris told me about so Chris told me about a guy I followed him there it
is animal so animal shared something about him years ago and I started like
looking into him and I started watching his stuff and I’m like this guy’s a [ __ ] genius and he he well he is a
genius yeah but literally but you but no but what’s awesome about like his genius is that it’s so simp simple and easy to
grasp and that it’s like refreshing that like it’s just like he’s not somebody
who he’s not a NE de grass Tyson like AET he’s not a Neil degrass Tyson that tries to act like this is why and the
universe expands and collapse upon itself and it’s like the bell curve or not the bell curve but there’s the meme
that like I talked about before it shows you the double ends of the spectrum where it was like the really stupid
person on one side yeah you know it’s like it depicts like what you consider a
trite on the one end of the scale behi what they’re doing or something no this person that’s like God exists and then
the Highly Educated highly enlightened person on this side that’s like God exists this person knows it but can’t
explain it this person has understood it and you know is is able to you know explain it but then
in the middle of the curve you have like the midwit type person that’s like
actually you know I feel like that’s like absolute truth representation of absolute truth well they they talk about
like uh like I get what he’s saying because not master but like genius or
whatever is like being able to explain a complex concept simply yeah you know
like what he did with Parable and exactly like pares like spiritual truth spoken in Parables and so Jes in essence
he’s saying something that you know an uneducated person you know he’s turning
into a parable that’s exactly what it is saying the same thing that it’s like well I don’t I don’t think that cuz what
about this it’s like oh you idiot you haven’t accounted for x and this and that and this and that and bl blah
that’s exactly what it is think pick whatever word bit the concept of a parable that’s exactly what it’s doing
sure sure it’s it can be yeah it the concept of a parable no doubt but it’s it’s to what I was trying to say that’s
like why he was backing up that he is more or less you know the way he’s
conveying the info it’s nice and refreshing that like go watch go watch Neil degrass Tyson and try and watch him
or listen to him talk about the universe sound extremely and you’re like what the [ __ ] is he saying I I’m so and but but
he’s sitting here being like well you don’t need to do that because because why would you do that because it’s so simple and this and that and it’s they
might be R but who who are the examples that are able to do what he oh [ __ ] I don’t know they’re probably
all dead like most of them are dead I mean [ __ ] no there’s got to be there’s modern be modern of them but it’s like
but it’s one of those things where it’s like it just depends on the subject matter it just depends on like where
it’s like um I age some really good at it like
in like the political you know stuff like that somebody thinking more of like
this this I’m saying somebody like Thomas Soul where is able to take like a
really what you know like economics seems like a very comp Ecom that’s a
unique gift you know because like the Nichi quote where it was like they muddy the waters to make them seem deep yeah
and somebody like somebody like uh well somebody like Thomas soul is
able to be like look you don’t need any of this [ __ ] any of this [ __ ] they told you about this this and this was like
all you need to know is this plus this equals this so why were we here when we
used to be here and it’s so funny don’t account for any of that and so it’s like and again on the other end of that
Spectrum you have the uninformed uneducated just whatever your idea of
that is being like hey man things used to be a lot better now they’re not to me it gives one to me it gives like
validity to the whole Zen thing and the fact that it’s like
how almost Zen people can exist and like y there can be like there can be Zen
characters that can be like you know they can come in all shape sizes and you know whatever it can be like some guy
that’s a yokal but he a Zen character somebody that understands maybe it’s like they’re enlightened they’re
enlightened is my that’s least that’s but when I say enlightened I’m saying
that’s my ter just personally yeah yeah like that’s an enlightened person he just gets he just gets it you know it
it’s a it’s it’s cool it just it does make me think just the way I think in
what some of what he was saying about it was really cool with the algebra in the arithmetic and it makes sense that they
created the system to get kids to pass the test to get to the idea but the fundamental idea being not requiring all
that you know cuz you can get there it it’s in Lang in language in language and
it’s it’s fine it’s natural and it’s and I don’t and you are exhibiting an
example of it like which is fine I’m not saying something’s right or wrong but like when you’re trying to talk about
how you knew the guy that he he was saying you’re saying do somebody he knew or you’re trying to describe you’re
trying to describe the path that got to there in my mind and and it’s fine but
it’s like I know Stephanie or people when they they talk with language a lot of times they’ll they’ll
they’ll muddy the allegory yeah the muddy the sometimes but but they’ll
waste energy and you see them wasting energy like trying to get there whenever it’s it’s wasting energy it’s like
what’s the point yeah why did he knock on your door rather than like you want him to cut out Knock Knock and it’s just
like bananas and you’re like well why did he say bananas well he knocked on my door yeah and so it’s like there’s value in both of them and this just it’s just
interesting it’s interesting no yeah yeah yeah no I mean it is it is
interesting it’s all just perspective yeah absolutely no and I mean he’s I just I again I enjoy the way he you know
approaches it and what I was going to say is it affirm that what I meant about the whole Zen character type of thing
because I know that you like to call it enlightened but if you look up Zen character there’s plenty of people
throughout history that have been like quote Zen characters they called for instance they called Phil Jackson the
Zen master or whatever in basketball because of the way he conducted himself and all I was going to say is that it’s
like to me it gives more validity to that like understanding of the unknown
no matter which way you want to go about it some people go about it through a you know an a path of education and
literature and and doing this and then there’s other people who go about at a totally different [ __ ] path but end
up at the same destination and I feel like people like it gives to me it gives
the validity to it because it’s like Richard fan went this path of like you know whatever like straight A going
through school like the highest level of Education [ __ ] like worked his brain to his full capacity and achieved full
potential and then ended up at the point where like he’s still sitting here like us being like well what do you ever
question brushing your [ __ ] teeth where like some I could hear some dude catfishing on a Creek Bank hey why I got
to brush my teeth hell I Ain there’s actually some video of some dude talking about it why is brushing our teeth hell
we ain’t got to do it there’s some video of a dude saying it of some redneck dude being like but my point is with that is
that it’s like you can still arrive at some basic call it common sense I don’t
[ __ ] know but I think that some of it could be in a sense common sense and I also think that there’s a level of it
where it’s like you get to a point where you just realize you’re like a I mean [ __ ] some of these things are just the
way they are why chop it up and try and understand it you know that this is like that so why try and dissect this more
the way he’s talking about algebra why try and you know just to show that you can do it you already understand you
already understand that this is going to happen why do you want to do that just understand it like you know so it’s just
kind of interesting I feel like it gives it makes those the stories I’ve read on
different stuff like you know different Buddhas or prophets and things like that makes sense because it’s like how the
[ __ ] could this dude have known something yeah like what access to information did this guy have and you’re telling me he’s a prophet or you’re
telling me he’s he’s some type of wise man how the [ __ ] was he Wise It’s A Beautiful Thing exactly and that’s all
my point was to say that people like him almost give it’s a beautiful Pro like we
have we maybe now we go through it a different way whereas back then you had it was the old you know the old monk or
something that carried a sack over his that was one of the Buddhas he would go pick up like random trash and give it
out indiscriminately to kids like that was one of the [ __ ] you know maybe
that’s the way it manifested back then and then now it’s like in you know he took his own path to to going there and
getting this Enlightenment to understanding but either way yeah no I the whole Rabbit Trail Dog trail no I
think it’s it’s powerful and pertinent and it’s makes me think
how some people it’s it’s like if you whatever
feelings you might think you an you have as an individual on life or understanding and and and first of all
knowing that you can sit down with some people and have a conversation like we are and and people be actually receptive
it could be any real like talking about politics are you talking about your why you think a sport is great or anything
and just being having an open mind to considering these things and and
sometimes it’s it’s sad it’s a sad feeling whenever you just know it sad
feeling but it’s also like you can I feel like I can take it as it presents a unique uh opportunity for a challenge of
sorts to where it’s okay this is an effective way to try and at least help you not struggle
through life whether it’s just through your thoughts CU most people struggle through life not be not because of their
circumstances it’s because of their perspec because their thoughts the way they think about their situation where
in telling them that the way you’re thinking about it is wrong it’s it’s like the direct truth of it but that’s
99% of the time probably not effective in some cases it is so it’s like you’re talking about the guy give the giving
out trash or doing stuff that you know he might be a way he found to actually
try and be effective which people seem doing that and they 1% of the population
sees it and they wonder why is he doing that that alone could get them on the journey to hopefully maybe getting some
more more peaceful yeah and typic and that and that quote about the guy just this is kind of a cool fact I think to
know about what I said about the guy handing out trash he’s the most common Buddha you see the most Comm fat with
the big fat one smiling he almost always if you pay attention has a sack like over his shoulder okay and he and the
whole sack was filled with with trash garbage like [ __ ] he would pick up
throwing away antithesis of Santa yeah so he was picking up like [ __ ] that
people were throwing away and he would give it out as along his journey as he would walk cuz most monks and [ __ ] like
that would walk so along his journey of walking gandi had a speed carard didn’t
he uh yeah yeah no he was zipping around town no dude there was uh there was
something else um be S no I mean I’m not ready I’m not
ready I have no there’s uh what were we just talking about there was something
Gandhi we’re talking about Gandhi man guy made his own [ __ ] clothes man complex things yeah the ability to make
yeah there’s yeah I don’t want to whenever whenever you feel like you got there’s one question I wanted to ask
Chris to let him talk go ahead go go ahead but I don’t it’s going to be like it’s going to go okay yeah so hold
on hold on let me um
goats goatsy makes me think this meme coin around the goat SE truth terminal
um people po oh [ __ ] no I like watching this Dr came into my
came into my mind then it left did yall hear that you we still haven’t heard from the hawk Tua chick you heard HW
spit on that thing coin I mean hwk I went I went to 7-Eleven and to see if
they would take heard and they wouldn’t take it yeah they wouldn’t take it still ain’t heard from her no that I honestly
R sorry sorry about that sweetheart no sorry about that for real dog sorry
about that you got you got around some [ __ ] people and they and they [ __ ] that’s a life lesson hopefully people
can learn from you got around some shitty people that’s what what’s the the saying it’s like a smart man learns from
his mistake a wise man learns some mistakes [ __ ] of others and that’s why you know Matt’s behind our meme coin
ain’t nobody rug pulling [ __ ] around here Homie we in for the Long Haul [ __ ] out of here what you talking about
exactly man [ __ ] we’re trying to be the new US dollar I’m just saying dude you know we have integrity give a [ __ ] have
integrity buddy you can Hawk to a spit on this thing you better find what you’re looking for hold on no we’re not going anywhere I’ve got you I got you
for three minutes man you got three more minutes I would tinkle my pants we’re
going to sit here sometime you know there was he said cath earlier a Zen story we might need to invest in
catheters for podcasting so we don’t have to get up to use the restroom especially with all the liquid make long
ones that just go into all a mutual puddle with all the a mutual
puddle recording I was standing out there taking a piss and since I’m wearing a black jacket and a black hat I
was like right here in the corner Stephanie like walked out to come in here like after she left and like I left
she didn’t notice you at all not at all I heard the door open and I just stood still she came right in here and then I
was like and then I walked down by the shed take you go outside in the shadows Chris
might be there [ __ ] taking a I was literally standing I was literally standing four feet away cuz when you’re
in Texas look behind you cuz that’s where the Rangers going to
be you Southern Boys dude don’t act like you didn’t I’m a southern boy you [ __ ]
with Chuck Norris heavy dude you [ __ ] with I me he was in my church parking lot once all the time he was in your neighborhood a lot too [ __ ] Walker
dud you grew up in a real bad part of town man yeah rough streets real [ __ ]
part of you better hurry up cuz I’m no I want to ask a question I know but you can you hold you remember your question
oh yeah I do know I think we all do can I use the restroom while you find it I’m not recording I’m I’m I’m not going to
stop yeah keep her recording I’ll keep the people Entertain You Keep fig out whatever it is you’re looking for okay
while I well they’re going to leave me myself God this is you want to talk about freeing of
weight I’m free to the weight of these two God now now I can actually get some podcasting done all right
magnets oh yeah there we go how do magnets work yeah Chris is breaking [ __ ]
that’s of [ __ ] podcast right just breaking [ __ ] [ __ ] it up um
you know it’s it’s it’s quite incredible the [ __ ] that I find on the internet um the [ __ ] that pops
up and uh in in times like this you know this is a conversation I thought I’d have
with more people there’d be more people in here and I’m just going to kind of get into something in times like this uh
there’s all kinds of things taking place in the world um weeks ago you had you had some fella shoot another
fella uh one guy was the CEO you know of a health
care place before that there was Diddy [ __ ] going on Diddy diddling people
Diddy didd them who knows who diddled it Diddy Diddy’s parties uh Trump got shot at [ __ ] you
know let’s see what else what what else was there I had a note in here somewhere about all these different things that
had happened uh and it’s you had the New Orleans
attack CEO murder mass shooting New Jersey drones cyber truck Manifesto and
now Los Angeles is burning and all that to say that
uh there is already a sea there’s an ocean of conspiracy
theories and I think it’s important especially you know if you if
you’ve been a conspiracy theory guy for quite some time or a fan or gal you know or whatever if you’re if you’ve
been a follower of conspiracy theories for quite some time now I’ve been exposed to the theory of
conspiracies um and I’m I’ve been duped there’s been a lot of them I’ve kind of
been like oh what is that and then I look into it and it’s like uh this is total horseshit it’s a horseshit deal um
and so I’m not here to uh you know I’m not dissuading by all means I’m glad if
you look into things and you’re you have you look at them with a you put your monocle on and you say hey what’s that
you you zoom in on it but at the same time um especially if you you know just
be careful not everything that that that happens is some weird
[ __ ] sometimes like in the Forest Gump movie [ __ ]
happens so I you know with that being said is that sometimes if [ __ ] happens
then you know we just need to be we need to be wary of what we deem as a
conspiracy theory be wary of theories you know be wary of what we’re deeming
to be a theory I’m being for real I’m being serious uh I think that I I think that we need to right now everything but
LeBron James steps away from basketball and it’s a [ __ ] conspiracy and I’m not saying that
LeBron James stepping away from basketball this doesn’t have some type of like maybe he stepped away for a
weird reason I but why is that a [ __ ] conspiracy everything now
is um okay so now that my co-host has now rejoined me I’ll catch you up on
what me and the people have been talking about and my I was I was I was saying that um this is a conversation I thought
I would be broaching with you guys in the room but the the I wanted to put
forth it in such times like these um to catch you guys back up we’ve you know
we’ve had the New Orleans terror attack the CEO murder mass shooting New Jersey
drones cyber truck attack or you know Manifesto bomber guy and now you have
Los Angeles burning um and so shit’s always happening that’s true
and while [ __ ] is always happening what I was talking to the people and saying is that I was trying to put forth the
idea that be weary that not every theory is a conspiracy
theory talk about them we just I love a good conspiracy i’ I’ve [ __ ] with conspiracy theories heavy since I was
like 15 loose change one of the first uh conspiracy theory documentaries I
watched that in Secrets Bohemian Grove I was I was heavy into that [ __ ] y i
remember watching the shout out Mel Gibson a conspiracy theory movie back in the day did you ever watch that movie
patri Stewart I I love that movie that was such a [ __ ] beautiful yeah dude
I’d catch you and drink R his apartment burn down had all copies of it it hilarious but it’s like but my thing is
is that I I just it having been a an a connoisseur and an AV uh an afficianado
of cons of conspiracy theory yes I appreciate him I love for instance my
conspiracies go as deep is enjoying the thought that perhaps Bigfoot is an
interdimensional being that’s fun I’m I’m that’s a fun one I’m pretty close with look at it go look into it it’s a
fun one right but not every [ __ ] thing that happens is a conspiracy like
I said that so when you came back in and I was saying for instance nowadays LeBron James steps away from basketball
it’s a conspiracy well Chris and I both left at the same time we were scheming why did you leave yeah because we were
talking James is on the Diddy list there you go that’s why he stepped away from
and that’s why I said I said was he I said was he affiliated with Diddy did Diddy didd people at Diddy parties I
don’t know perhaps do it with Diddy Pro maybe but my point is is that I think
that especially if you if you really actually maybe for instance you have a
podcast or you or you’re constantly posting you have your own say you have a
podcast or you’re posting on these platforms about conspiracy [ __ ] if you’re content like like ourselves just
be careful about always like if you because the whole point of conspiracies
in my opinion and putting out that like blowing the whistle on it is to try and
bring awareness to the fact that something [ __ ] going on and bring awareness to that like hey these things
are happening they said this is going on but in fact it was this and and and
making people aware that hey this [ __ ] is what they do when they say this and that but when you just again you muddy
the waters and make it seem deep you don’t need to go convincing people they shot a [ __ ] president in front of
everybody ex yeah Kennedy Kennedy got shot I’m not talking about Trump Kennedy
you [ __ ] and that was and that was that was in the0 be still haven’t they
still haven’t released the they still and and they know they why haven’t they released it cuz they know that we’re the people in our government involved in
thisit and so my point is is is that it’s like you don’t need to go you know
if you want to [ __ ] make these other ones more valid just be careful like and not you know comes back to wasting your
energy and like what how much you want to be consumed with things that aren’t going to help you person just wasting
your energy but because that’s to the average person but to the you know to the I’m talking more or less to the
above average person yeah or more or less the No No I would be talking thetic
person in a sense the critical thinker you don’t want to discredit yourself in
just jumping on some whatever I think Michael Keaton actually said it best in
the other guys I am Batman no when he said uh no don’t go chasing waterfall
were you quoting TLC captain no I was quoting Michael Keaton in the other so no but that’s mad about it no but levels
to that I don’t it’s not that it’s something my whole point was saying all that it’s not the something that it’s that I fear it’s something I’m wary of
having being a believer that we have been lied to about big [ __ ] that should
be known on a grand scale I’m wary of the fact that the more people that come
out and try and point at everything and make it a [ __ ] conspiracy just because we know that we’re lied to on
some level to come out and every time they say hey this is why X happened the
drones Wen yet we know oh this is [ __ ] like yeah it’s like a perfect
example is the UFO [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying like there’s a now all of a sudden the government has come out and
been like yeah UFOs are real we’ve been seeing them for years and all of the [ __ ] UFO people are like those are
drones no all the UFO people like the real like UFO people from like the 607s
‘ 80s n you know like all these years once the government came out and were like yeah UFOs a real
all those people were like the government was behind it all damn it [ __ ] they’re lying to us about the UFOs
W because the minute the government comes out and is like yeah happened those those conspiracy people are like
if they real it like [ __ ] dude you just ruined it exactly and so it’s like you
have to like you know you got you got to draw the line somewhere and you got to know it’s like [ __ ] Absol
Absolut and like a Razer what’ you say earlier yeah the simplest explanation is
often the contrary evidence yeah the simplest explanation is often the the
actual truth or solution well and it’s like the what’s the verse in Revelation
where it was like in the end times even the very elect will be deceived yeah what’s your question I mean I don’t know
it’s not that Bor I want it come on we’re here so it’s it’s it’s quick that I get
there so I I go to the gym you know regularly I because I run and stuff so every every every time it comes on to
the New Year if you’re a person that goes to gym regular you know oh you deal with some influx of you know equipment
being used because people get their New Year’s resolutions and for a month or two there it’s busy and annoying and and
I’m just it’s annoying because it’d be it’d be awesome if it just stayed busy
but like you know humans are humans and most of them are going to drop off and it’s like and that’s kind of why I
always be like new that’s why I’m against the idea of New Year’s resolutions because when you identify
something needs to be changed don’t wait don’t don’t you know wait but and so all that all that got me just kind of to
trying to have a a short conversation about uh something that’s you know we
talk about perspective and things like that that can be applicable that people can take and maybe help them or not CU
who knows if right or not but this is something that’s scientific and good and
he’s he’s a guy that’s practiced it kind of in the light of getting healthy intermittent
fasting that’s the thing it’s a thing it’s a thing and and I want to say much
I kind of just because I know I mean I I know enough about it to kind of know but
there you know the science behind it with the ketosis there there’s something I I learned I didn’t know much about was
about um was it something about like autophagy the autoi agic response
with the sale about this house cleaning it happens after after you hit 16 hours
so so break down anything inter fasting for a newbie in what in what you’ve
practiced it and the kind of results because people about results they want to lose weight or get healthy and perhaps results may be people you’ve
turned on to have seen yeah yeah like I don’t
know like I guess my journey with it was what
209 where like I had lifted weights you know my early or like late teenage years
early 20s like Total Gym rat like lifted a lot like I built a good foundation
when I was young but totally neglected like the diet part so I was always big
like I was always bigger um and then
I don’t know it was what January 2019 I had stepped on the scale I was
like 230 PBS I felt like [ __ ] I was like [ __ ] this and
uh like the only thing I I I I knew about the concept of
intermittent fasting but I didn’t know [ __ ] about it Beyond you don’t eat for 16 hours and
then you can eat what you want for eight hours yeah and so
I basically just did that um from
January of 2019 until like April of
2019 I I mean I didn’t stop in April of 2019 between January 19 and April 19 the
reason I remember it was because one of Matt’s College roommates got married in
April of 19 that’s true and I went bought a suit for the wedding cuz I was
like I’m just going to rent a tux or something then I was like you know what [ __ ] it I’m going to go spend a lot of money on a
suit and I’m going to drop as much weight as I can before I do it because
for one if I drop weight and go spend a bunch of money on a suit I’m gonna make
damn sure that I can wear this suit more than one time you had a good motivator like a a goal there but you know like
the two qualifiers to it is that at the time like and even still all the work that I
do is extremely physical I do like manual labor type work and so it was
like you know I was working in a warehouse and then doing furniture moving on the side so I was getting plenty of physical activity on the side
but yeah for the first four months I would literally just go 16 hours without
eating and as soon as I hit that 16 hours I would eat whatever the [ __ ] I wanted I didn’t I didn’t break clean I
didn’t know about any of that and I lost Pro I went from 230 to
190 between the middle of January 19 to
the middle of April he was fat as hell that’s powerful for me and what you’re saying I lost 30 pounds and I wasn’t
even doing the fasting properly at that point yeah what happened was I was
dropping the weight at that point just because I had that much to lose yeah and
because I was operating in a caloric deficit exactly three to five days a
week and so it’s one of those things too which just quickly explain that choric
defit is EXA it say sounds like so I’m not sure like what does it say yeah I
just be like I just know the average person Burns so many calories a day how much do you intake what does the average
adult male need in calories I just know that 2,000 C is what they throw around again come back to why you brush their
teeth people just accept 2,000 calories is like what they burn that’s insane
everyone’s body Burns different calories per day and to actually live as an
individual thinking that you that that’s that’s just the thing but yeah so we can just pick that as the average you know
but the def the concept of deficit is am I burning more than I’m in taking on a daily basis that’s the basics so you’re
saying like 3 days a week you were burning more than you were intaking yeah it’s like it honestly it was like I I
tinkered with it for a while where it was like I would do it three days a week I would do it every day I would you know
and it was like in the first six to eight months I dropped the majority of
my weight I went from like 230 all the way down to
like 190 187 yeah somewhere and 192 187
even right now if I stepped on a scale I’d probably be at like right now fully
clothed I’d probably be at like 198 but like if I stepped on a scale of my boxers I’d be at [ __ ] like 187 190
yeah um so I never put the weight back on doing it was like literally you body
got to the state its ideal for to exist in its own like you know
homeostasis and you just maintain it just one of those things where it was like I just you
know like it sucks for the first couple of weeks yeah you the first you know few
times you do it but you start to get used to it yeah and you start to feel off whenever you like me and running or
whatever like I just like know my body consumes or just so much you know I feel
like if I’m eating more and I have a chloric deficit the other way it’s like I just feel my I just feel off yeah you
feel slug eat too much you know and and it’s one of those things where it’s like a lot of
people will get wrapped around the axle early on like doing this stuff where it was like I would try to explain to
people all the things that I do where it was like but I would try to explain it
to them from the point that I’m at now and then I’m like no I should just go
back to where I started what did I do at the very beginning he’s like I didn’t do [ __ ] but not eat for 16 hours and then
ate for eight eight hours and when I say that like I didn’t eat for 16 and then would eat for
eight I would not eat for 16 hours and then I would go straight the [ __ ] to waterburger and I would get a sweet and
spicy bacon burger with grilled henos a large fry and a large root beer and I
would Mash that [ __ ] that’s how I’d break my fast yeah it like obviously still effective and I lost 40 [ __ ]
pounds and that wasn’t the best way to do it and no because I just because I was
operating in a caloric deficit and because I was you know like just because
of the physical nature of my job was stacking not only that caloric deficit
that I was already in but the physical activity that I was engaging in was also
reducing you know was also burning calories and stuff and so it’s like I
don’t like there’s a whole lot of information out there now on it yeah um
saying there’s different like standard thing the 168 is the one you talked about another one five I guess five2 is
not five regular days two non-consecutive days people will do what they call Tim restricted eating and then
this 24-hour fast too so 24-hour fast it’s like I I try full disclosure I’ve
sucked at fasting for the last like six months um I still my mom will do it like
the ti to this in the spiritual stuff it makes such perfect sense it’s it’s crazy cuz I just want to
get just just talking about simple things like sisters not having Conant food access it’s like we’re designed to
go for extended periods without food and just talking about the glycogen breakdown and all this but there’s when
it gets to the whole like ketones and getting into ketosis you’re talking about no what you’re you’re noic resp
yeah I’m I’m going to get to that I’m just yeah I’m just like working my way down there is like the Ben just the
scientific benefits that you know that actually has on the brain like the ketones is like a few things but then
when it gets to autoag which is just actually getting rid of damage autophagy
yeah which it’s like your body just getting getting rid of the garbage dead
cells and this the crazy benefits for Health and Longevity and mental acuity
it’s insane they talk about like um where it’s basically like um
survival of the fittest or like the you know the evolution whatever body get rid
of the excess [ __ ] that of cell level it’s crazy but a her of w Abes where
it’s like you have the old weak slow ones that are going to die off anyway and so it’s like what what you’re doing
by fasting and and you’re not hitting that autophagy point until you get past
the 16-hour Mark yeah so it’s it’s like if you’re if you’re looking to like to
hit that you need to be in that 16 to 20 hour window because you like a 24-hour
fast is where you really get that kind of uh 20 hours 20 hours are really the good ones 24hour fast it’s like when I
was really fasting like hard it’s like I would try to do one to two 24hour fasts
a month yeah not I wouldn’t do them crazy the same thing with 48 48 hour
fasts where it was like there’s no there’s no benefit to doing those things
more than a couple of times a year yeah um and so it was like so for 48 hour fasts
it was like generally I would do one like right around the first of the year like a good cleaning house of your whole
body your whole being and then right around my birthday you know yeah which is you know
end of March this stff is cool though just like this is pretty cool too just misconceptions people think it slows
metabolism but actually increases IT muscle loss is inevitable it actually
causes you to have growth hormones Rel preserve muscle so about that part right there um so the thing about that is one
of those things that like say you’re at the end of the fast at the end of your fast or whatever um because of all the
hormones and stuff that your body is producing it’s like if you were to go and I’m not an exercise scientist want a
[ __ ] whatever but from what I understand of it if you’re in a fasted
State and you go and do a workout yes you will probably not be lifting as much
weight as you were lifting in a normal workout yeah but the result that you’re
going to get from that workout pushing less weight in that state you’re going
to get a bigger benefit from pushing your max weight that you’re
capable of in that weakened State yeah then you would fully fed up and like
okay yeah no I feel good I’m going to [ __ ] lift and it’s like no it’s like your body in that starvation fight ORF
flight mode like it’s because you get most efficient workout yeah it makes
sense too because it’s like if you take it back to like our cavemen DNA where
it’s like literally cuz they talk about how like after I’ve never done anything beyond a 48
hour fast but they talk about when you get into like 72 and 96 hour fast where
at a certain point you don’t you’re not hungry yeah anymore cuz your body’s literally like triggered over to like
preservation a lot of that has to turn on the cave lights a lot of that also has to do too with your
um oh um it’s time to go to bed you go into the fast likeing feeding up home
protein before you go into the fast being smart yeah but either way um yeah
yeah we’re it’s like talking about how it increases because if you think about it in our caveman like whatever it’s
like if I haven’t eaten in three days every system in my body better be up for
like hey dude if we don’t find some food the next 30 minutes we’re going to [ __ ] die you
know up part of your body that’s like you know hey we got fire on all it gets pretty
wild whenever he goes on those long fasts eventually comes out I come out of the bathroom he’s got a [ __ ] Spear
and a knife he’s hunting me yeah like yeah just with yeah with the new
year and stuff I just thought it’d be cool to briefly just bring that I wanted to share a way for you guys to be able
to lose weight and just be able to not be in his [ __ ] gym go go six go and I
agree with it I’m fully on board with that because they’re wasting their [ __ ]
time you can eat whatever you want takes the discipline of literally just not eating like he said you can eat whatever
you want you can have black coffee while you’re fasting no no sugar no nothing
full disclosure I [ __ ] hate coffee I don’t like coffee at all but I drink
coffee because that’s the other thing it helps you actually speed up it increases the autophagic response once you get
into like the Beyond 16 hours yeah because it’s knocking Lo [ __ ] in your system black coffeee is there you go but
either way the the important thing about it 16 hours without eating and then zero
zero calories of any kind there’s no like oh it’s a vegetable it’s like no no calorie intake whatsoever juice you
can’t have it has a calorie in it it’s going to ruin it that’s yeah anything that’s going to cause an insulin
response yeah I could have a Snickers bre except for Snickers correct when you break something like the people will do
bone broth I do like a hardboiled egg something like that yeah but it’s like
eight ounces of bone broth drink that I got bone broth something from what if you just had what
if you just had a drink bone broth wait 45 minutes to an hour we’ve been
drinking bone broth all night whatever the [ __ ] you want yeah so there you go it takes it’s a good ex aone what if you
just had a bone with a little piece of meat thing is like the exercise of being disent enough not to eat you want protein and fat you just what if you
went and had dinner house and they had a bone with a little piece of meat on it eat that little piece of meat turn into a broth you just
eat it you put it in a stew you put that in a pot you may get yourself stew so yeah there intermittent fasting it’s
worth trying out if you if if you’re trying to get trying out it’s worth like
look up Thomas Del on YouTube this [ __ ] is worth uh that’s where I got all my [ __ ] doing all the time [ __ ] George
St Pierre swore by it dude my my mom does it I did it naturally as a kid yeah
no it it’s it’s like it’s funny because once I got sometimes once I got into it it’s like it was literally I can
remember like being a teenager lifting weights and [ __ ] like that and like
Matthew would do that where he was like dude I don’t eat [ __ ] he was like I’ll eat a frozen pizza blah blah blah and it’s like no dude you need more you know
calories this and that and you know it’s like no you know and cuz I I would wake
up hungry and I would push it and I could feel my body just like get into that state of getting rid of [ __ ] he
didn’t eat Matthew was not he was breaking with a Totino’s pizza or a Jack
In The Box taco with no lettuce and he looks great I’ll say that looks great it’s like but the concept was there and
it’s like it is one of those things it was natural for me man and beauty of it
like to me the beauty of it is it’s like any point that I ever wake up and I
start feeling like oh man this isn’t good you know or I’m like then you know
it’s working no no that I’m like I’m feeling like oh dude I’m starting to get fat like right now I feel like I’m
starting to get fat even though I’m not yeah it’s like but I know if I hit it hard for two weeks on intermittent
fasting just like yeah you know stick to it you know no like last night I’ve been
so bad I literally Stephanie got me all these snacks and I’ll literally just
shov all in my mouth and I I’ll literally do the worst thing I’ll be in bed and eat as I’m going to sleep
knowing that’s the worst thing but I wake up and I like won’t eat all day you know I I’ll wake up and I like I’ll wait
till the dinner to eat just because you know what I mean that’s a thing too though is that it was like a point no
because I got to a point where it was like for me the like yeah getting down to like 190
185 was like 190 to 185 was way harder
than 230 to 190 yeah because I had that 40 lbs to lose rest of it was like it’s
like when those super beast people they lose a couple hundred pounds and it’s like easy right the lowest that I the
lowest I ever got was I weighed 178 on the morning of my 40th birthday he’s
just bragging now he’s just being we as him we as because I needed to it was
something like in the back of my I teach everybody humility bro that’s Mike
you’re you’re the captain’s the captain C’s P yeah he teach humility teaching
humility he’s top top three hum most humble people he’s he knows he’s yeah
Tau humility that it humble te humil have some humble tea have a cup of hum
te bro if y’all ever seen that that thing murder County or something like humble midmer murders murder murder
Mountain on Netflix it was murder Mountain it was called that was actually a crazy thing it was interesting I should go look at that uh something I
was going to say recommend of the week yeah all right we’re there my recommendation of the week and this is
going to take a minute sit down matt Matt’s standing up sit
down Matt’s got a [ __ ] flare gun for those of y’all who can’t see Matt has a flare gun it’s right out of camera he’s
ready to shut this podcast down he’s about to send SOS to get [ __ ] rescued he’s gonna send help me SOS sends for
sending out Stephanie Stephanie is going to come pick him
up send out Stephanie experiment went well SOS send out it did what an
experiment we’ll call this operation Life Changing Life changer operation
Matthew has something to smile about every day other than his daughter and his wife uh
operation smell freedom the smell of Freedom the smell
of Freedom wasn’t that that movie that wasn’t that that movie one that that movie that just came out in the theaters
about children child trafficking oh gosh oh Godel the sound of Freedom was like the
smell of Freedom it’s the so what’s your recommendation of the we ell Island uh
this is this is going to take me a minute and apologize I apologize if I get choked
up start a podcast I recommend you should start a
podcast and you might think that that’s like okay the [ __ ] telling everybody to
start a podcast but the right person who needs to hear it will hear it start you a podcast especially AC
from you if you have a friend you know you don’t have to have a lot all you got to have is a friend maybe you don’t have
to have anyone he was like sometimes you might just say it next to a friend and they’ll start the podcast for yeah I was
going to say you all you got I have is something you like to talk about Matthew and I for
instance uh we like movies Matthew’s perhaps his movies are a bit more you
know refined better cinematography maybe perhaps we have different tastes we you
know look don’t talk over me God like [ __ ] um I I was going to say though
start a podcast because it’s it’s you know it’s made me a better person it’s
made me a better person I’ve you think so I do I do I do think so because because it’s like you know i’ I’ve had
to put away being offended childish things there’s been plenty of times I wanted to storm out I’ve wanted to flip
I’ve wanted to flip your desk yo I know I was one night I was like I wanted to
flip Matt’s desk and I’m like this is his office I can’t flip his desk works I
can’t I can’t do that that’s not going to go well so I didn’t flip his desk um he’s like I broke his stratas you know
what I mean but I was like though like man [ __ ] stop cutting me off
dude uh but no I mean it’s one of those things that will show you that if you if you set out on doing a podcast in
Earnest and you know we’ve been at it for over a year now I’m not I’m not speaking from any position of success
it’s a position of consistency and what I feel like I have
gained from it is just you know it is it is beautiful all three of us technically
have here and Jeff as well it’s like the ability to do what we’re doing cuz not everybody can some people are like well
[ __ ] that I can’t you know you can’t talk with people or mesh and bond with
people and so the reason I say start a podcast is because it’ll help your
character it’ll you’ll you’ll kind of weed out some of this [ __ ] you don’t need about you know okay so so the [ __ ]
what Matt cut me off and I didn’t get to say something about moth man’s [ __ ] deep red eyes being you know [ __ ]
beautiful yeah exactly like [ __ ] drawing me in W to kiss him and it’s like so what so what Matt cut me off
I’ll talk about him [ __ ] later but I had to realize that Matt cut me off because he was also [ __ ] something
tantalized him about the mothed man and he had to talk and so he cut me the [ __ ] off so all that to say that this shit’s
made me grow dude I’m a flower I feel like I started off on this as a caterpillar and now I’m a [ __ ]
moth that’s not how any of this works I want to flip this [ __ ] desk
right now with our little mics on way better to flip yeah we can flip this one GL you said cat M because people don’t
think they always think butterfly they go both ways yeah they go both ways oh yeah moth is I prefer the mo
Transformers yeah a moth is [ __ ] disrespects his surrounding moths are metal moths are metal dude they eat
clothes think about that moths are pretty metal and they’re eating your clothes
and [ __ ] that’s what they sound like they’re making your clothes look metal that’s for sure that’s true exactly they’re in their [ __ ] distressing why
don’t [ __ ] influencer people do that just have like a room full of moss and you just buy new clothes and you just
stuff them you just buy new [ __ ] and stuff walking in covering mall like no
dude this is I to pay for this like Kanye is about to send us a de and
assist for like dude you got malls all over you you know you know how much I paid for these
derik darite my ball I imagine K Mooney whatever just like character’ be like
you know yeah do you like my malls that’s great oh man yeah I could see that I could see moths being used
cuz that’s an authentic you can’t recreate moth holes in your clothes MTH balls though man God what a smell tiny
teeth all right uh
recommendation yeah top that [ __ ] top my recommendation I know you almost cried Matt was holding back
tears my recommendation is don’t feel the need to compete or that life is a
competition to top to top anything no know that what you’re do you’re you’re
just fine and you don’t need I don’t need to top there’s no topping there’s
no topping I recommend there’s no there’s no topping [ __ ] your
recommendation my recommendation is recognize the lack of topping Chris you want a piggy back
there no actually I was going to come with my own original thought is get some
moths quite original cultivate a moth yeah that is original get a moth Farm
get a really expensive clothes yes and a closet and you two can start a clo clo
like Balenciaga here we go you know you’d be like Kanye maaga before we
go I got to pull up something sent me earlier yep I was gonna B saying it no
no B Matthew this scat films
[ __ ] I’ll send it no no I know I got to many in instaham instaham instaham will
get the messages and on the way out we’re just going to share a little something reminiscent of
the the guy with the gunsmith video you know made you feel I just sent it it’s newest
one we got a little video of this guy man after my own heart we’re just going to share
this enterprising individual solution to the energy crisis Mr Bernie Mr Bernie
yes ma’am what is this device this is an electrical generator see these wires here each of these wires is
connected to a moral fiber in my body by listening through these headphones to the uh words of the Holy Ghost I get
inspiration the electricity flows through my body into these wires and into the four batteries that are in that box there I don’t waste energy man my
power my heater my air conditioner everything in my house why do you do it out here instead of uh doing it at home oh to give all the slovenly people out
here some inspiration they sit out here all day they get no exercise they waste energy they don’t do anything for themselves little inspiration will help
them and I’m wasting time here myself ma’am I have to power my house excuse me tonight we’ll be taking a look at one
enterprising individual solution to the energy Cris moral be seeing be see be
seeing you